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I observe: Western common people resistance to invasion is weakening. What then?

Nov 5, 2021
For some reasons including job, I travel in different countries from time to time. Still with low budget, so I delve into "common places" like bus, stations, streets, etc. And I observe, as per my nature, foreign/local habits. I am also a bit alone recently so I am opening this thread to vent out some thoughts and seek for opinions on what is happening in EU.

Immigration and invasion with violence is raised in the last years, we all know this from the news and direct experience.
I noticed a boost of this in German language areas that, to my knowledge, have a sort of high mental resistance to immigration and integration. But, worst, I notices a high drop in common people resistance levels, they are starting to make easier the integration of foreigners.
A recent example is, on bus, those invaders are used to board without a ticket. In most places the driver is not allowing them to board without paying. They start then to complain and shout at the driver, claiming they have no money they have right to travel they even call the police (!), until some xianized idiot takes a few coins from the pocket and pays the ticket for them. I have been staying for a few weeks in a German language area with very strong resistance to external immigration (even from other Whites), and I have seen with my eyes the very same people who, 5-10 years ago, would have asked the driver to close the doors and go, now they are the same paying the ticket for the "poor victim invader". Racial resistance is dropping! People who resist, are every year more cracked and fewer in number. I see heavy signs of lac of willpower, compared to a few years ago.

So, I have no knowledge of the Gods' plans and I can only observe what happens. May it be the Gods let the White race free to react (as it seems happening with some governments or recent UK riots, some time ago in France with yellow jackets, etc) observing if we are able to clean that mess ourselves?
In case yes, it does seem happening with extreme difficulties, so I truly hope there is a plan BM (for sure there is) with a higher use of force.
We need a strong action. Military patrols in the street, law enforcing, surveillance and repression of the criminal actions. I know this sounds like communist control but... under Hitler there was a strict control, censorship, but for the good. The surveillance machine the jews are building, I truly hope will turn against their own plans. I would be amazed at seeing paypal blocking the accounts of jews, instead of JoS, because they are "socially undesirable" together with "allah akbar" and "dindo nuffing" filth people.
I would like to see this facial recognizion network be programmed to fine and localize the jewish noses, instead of other traits.
This can happen only under a big power. Like Hitler was.

This lead me to think: we need a very strong leader. More than ever. Like Hitler was. A radical, intense, unforecasted, injection of energies and pride to the Europeans, Americans, and other infested areas locals, otherwise it seems to me we are starting to be doomed from the inside. It isn't anymore an external threat, it is a mind cancer affecting the hosts now.

I have often spent energies in trying to inspire better thoughts in people, like evidencing social problems, calling authorities to fix, claiming, doing what is needed to shed light on problems. Seems not working so I ask to myself, why not to invest all energies in the calling for a new Hitler instead of investing (wasted) time on local problems?
It may be part of my change of mind and attitude anyway. I also think that, due to my limited "earthly" power, I am starting to feel impotent and diverting my desires to a stronger man, capable to enact what is needed. What do you think?
This lead me to think: we need a very strong leader.
Leaders, plural. It's a mistake to think like an xian needing only one "savior". It wasn't even like this in Hitler's time, there were more.

We can't await one person and let him do all the work. It isn't about one person saving everyone. It's about more and more people of all ranks and levels rising up and becoming leaders of their own. Leaders of their families, their social groups (this one is especially true for young men and women, teens), their communities; also within cultural areas (the subraces have our own differences and we need leaders who are of our own blood in our own nations).

All while being aware of the laws. It's so bizarre how someone can go to jail simply for helping others become aware of certain problems in the world, or by simply saying "no refugees" on social media.
It may be part of my change of mind and attitude anyway. I also think that, due to my limited "earthly" power, I am starting to feel impotent and diverting my desires to a stronger man, capable to enact what is needed. What do you think?
That is the point. You must increase spiritually your power, with the JoS knowledge you become stronger, do not feel impotent, because you are with Satan and the Gods..
There is conservative movement that is pointless anyway and smaller white nationalist movement.

The problem is that many people who support white nationalism get demoralized because we don't have any real political power since 1945. and big part society is programmed to hate us. It is easy to get into legal trouble for saying wrong thing. White nationalism is so hated by mainstream society that you can be openly LGBT communist but if you want to be NatSoc or Fascist you must be anonymous if you don't want to make social suicide...
Also, I think that male loneliness epidemic is big problem that keep our race back. Many young men don't care about politics, nationalism and race because they feel socially rejected and depressed.
This problem is largely brought on themselves, by spending too much time playing videogames, porn, and spending too much time on internet forums. Look at all the men who have an active social circle, they never even heard of a "male loneliness epidemic".

Your world is what you shape it to be.
Leaders, plural. It's a mistake to think like an xian needing only one "savior". It wasn't even like this in Hitler's time, there were more.

We can't await one person and let him do all the work. It isn't about one person saving everyone.
Thanks HPs for this, I was indeed too much delving into "single leader" - probably because I perceive myself as weak and I project this on a possibly stronger man?
That is the point. You must increase spiritually your power, with the JoS knowledge you become stronger, do not feel impotent, because you are with Satan and the Gods..
Good point. But somehow, I have spiritual power. I have been able to trigger events with magick of a relevant purpouse, also. But when it all comes to physical stuff, I feel at loss, seems like the average NPC may accomplish more than me on the material plan. I think this is due to the fact I am always opposite to mainstream? I try to refuse mainstream ideas so I probably weaken my 3rd chakra too much? Like people buy blue trousers as it's fashion now, I want to buy always a different trousers. Never with the mass-mind!

Also, I think that male loneliness epidemic is big problem that keep our race back. Many young men don't care about politics, nationalism and race because they feel socially rejected and depressed.
Good point! They are easily subdued by the muslim invaders. How to solve this if not with a strong leaders (ok leaderS :)) motivating them?
The reason why I feel at loss is, for example: I have a co-worker that supports the idea immigration is wrong, "dindu nuffing" should be jailed or expelled. he seems aware of social problems at a good extent. Also against israel, probably for latent leftism. He is a confused person listening to both heavy metal music with Satanic themes, or also left wing music. A mess of a person! That is a perfect example of the average NPC.
What makes me sick is, this person (and many more) refuse immigrant invaders, but when it comes to helping them like giving a tip to the waiter or a favor, it's first in line. Unconscious clashes with logical mind. So any effort to make similar people "think" is vanished.
I gave up trying to "convince" NPCs on direct basis long time ago, this is why I evoke leader(s) able to correct their sunconscious.
Its not a big deal, sure white people are a minority, but we have faced bottleneck events before and we survived, we will survive this, if nations like Sweden or even my own England don't make it, then it is what it is we just need to make sure us and ours are safe.

And hey on the brightside these "New Europeans" utterly despite israel and zionism, and their views on the matter are having a huge influence on the younger generations, I dont think in England there is a single under 18 who is pro israel at this point, I think so long as we keep doing what we are told as Satanists it will all work out more or less beneficially to our cause one way or another.
For some reasons including job, I travel in different countries from time to time. Still with low budget, so I delve into "common places" like bus, stations, streets, etc. And I observe, as per my nature, foreign/local habits. I am also a bit alone recently so I am opening this thread to vent out some thoughts and seek for opinions on what is happening in EU...
The reason is that we can't do anything. They know they can get away with it because at this point if you say/do anything you will either get stabbed or beaten, or in the case it doesn't happen, it is an instance of social suicide as you said, an episode that can be used against you later on. Would you risk you career and possibly your life to tell a thug he can't get in? Sounds cowardly, but I wouldn't. I value my life too much, and so do most people. The problem has arrived at a point where we're no longer free in our own countries and inmigrants just get to dictate what we do because we have to bend to their needs at every turn. It is grim, that is all.

This problem is largely brought on themselves, by spending too much time playing videogames, porn, and spending too much time on internet forums. Look at all the men who have an active social circle, they never even heard of a "male loneliness epidemic".

Your world is what you shape it to be.
I disagree, this is a bad take. Women are supported in almost anything they do, unlike men. There are educational programs for them in every decent institutions, there are mental health centers for them even in small towns in EU, and if you believe they can't just falsely accuse someone of rape, Amber Heard case should be a reminder, just that not every man is as rich and charismatic as Depp, nor every woman as bad at lying as Heard. Men end up on the streets more frequently and become addicted to drugs more readily, and this is not because we inherently suck (or maybe we do, as you say). Friendships between men outside of any shared activities are impossible. After university, most of us will just go to work because that is the role we have to fulfill, and the time one has to find friends and do anything else gets dramatically smaller. Most of the time we play video games precisely because we have no other place to go. 9 to 5 is more like 7 to 6 because you can't magically teleport to work. Moreover, statistically speaking, the work will be pretty soul draining, and once home at 6 in the afternoon, you get like 6 hours left to do anything with the little energy that you have left. You can go to the gym, but you won't make friends there, everyone is minding their business. Take up a hobby, but your network will grow online again, since going out again after a soul crushing day of work is terrible. So we're tired and alone at the end of the day, there is no semblance of happiness outside of either working silently on a hobby or playing a video game, and neither help too much with loneliness. You could meditate, but only few people know about these things. And the meditations might work or they might not. Not trying to defend those men who really don't try and go full hikikomori and becone shut ins, but a blanket statement like "men are responsible for being alone" is word by word what a modern feminist would say and it comes from a place of not having lived a day in the body of a man. You get attention for existing, we have to work for the chance to live properly and that is a fact of life. We try our best, but the system is against us. Try having a girlfriend when your salary can barely feed you and pay the rent. No woman looks at us given that, you included (you want the best for yourself, don't you?). Buying a home is nigh impossible with an average salary, and so is buying almost everything else. The enemy has completely destroyed economics. "Just do money workings" yeah right, by the time they kick in most will have left. This is just the reality of it all. Life is not rainbows and roses, nor is it completely black, but it's closer to black than it is to rainbows. I had assumed that an HP/HPS would have a more balanced opinion, but I guess we do RTRs as cope, and not to undo the shit that the enemy has brough upon this planet, so that maybe we men can stop abusing video games and being alone. My bad, it's our fault, "largely".
2016 and onward was such a great time and opportunity to do a lot, but grifters and betrayers used up all people's goodwill.

Don't think people have gave up, they have just been betrayed and disappointed and are now more wary about who are they going to trust and put their hopes into.
And hey on the brightside these "New Europeans" utterly despite israel and zionism, and their views on the matter are having a huge influence on the younger generations, I dont think in England there is a single under 18 who is pro israel at this point, I think so long as we keep doing what we are told as Satanists it will all work out more or less beneficially to our cause one way or another.
I noticed this. But it seems only the leftist and "new europeans" are against israel. I suspect this is from the enemy trying to magickally divert hate where they have more control ??
If the right wing nationalist parties start hating israel, this is no good at all for them. It seems this manifest with left-wing people who will not have a big influence? Just my 2 cents.
I noticed this. But it seems only the leftist and "new europeans" are against israel. I suspect this is from the enemy trying to magickally divert hate where they have more control ??
If the right wing nationalist parties start hating israel, this is no good at all for them. It seems this manifest with left-wing people who will not have a big influence? Just my 2 cents.
Yeah its unfortunate, it seems the jews have used peoples dislike for the muslims as an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation to convince right wingers to support israel, but those people who fall for that are simply retarded and would have fallen for somebody jingling keys in front of them, they were always morons, the fact the left and centre is turning is a massive win for us.
Yeah its unfortunate, it seems the jews have used peoples dislike for the muslims as an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation to convince right wingers to support israel, but those people who fall for that are simply retarded and would have fallen for somebody jingling keys in front of them, they were always morons, the fact the left and centre is turning is a massive win for us.

The way it should go is, the native Europeans and the invasive muslims should begin to realize how the jews are the cause behind all this strife and these problems, and should instead realize they are best off being friends here, because the jews are the enemies of us all. However, unfortunately that is difficult to achieve here, because of the attitude of these invaders being entirely uncooperative and not giving a damn, and wanting to waltz over Europe, making it their own land, etc.

These muslim invaders simply want to riot and ruin Europe, and they are merely using this gaza situation as an excuse to go crazy and riot everywhere, don't be fooled for a moment that these muslims actually are upset about the things happening to Gaza, they merely want an excuse to be militant and go apeshit on the European Whites. Which in turn makes the right wing Europeans hate them more, and in their infinite stupidity and andrapodic retardation they conclude, since we have issues with these muslims and hate them, and jews also are at war with them, the jews must be our friends.

It is a situation of great confusion and total chaos.
Also, I think that male loneliness epidemic is big problem that keep our race back. Many young men don't care about politics, nationalism and race because they feel socially rejected and depressed.
I would disagree with that. Typically militant men are those without children and families. In the East there is polygamy where all of the rich men have multiple wives leaving the poor men with nothing, this is why you have jihadist groups.

The global peace index finds that men being unmarried from ages 30-40 largely coincides with war in an area.

Having several dissatisfied people around who have nothing to lose is a good foundation for change. What is needed is a vanguard of individuals to put out new ideas and push them into the mainstream. I view those men as being ripe individuals to be indoctrinated
The way it should go is, the native Europeans and the invasive muslims should begin to realize how the jews are the cause behind all this strife and these problems, and should instead realize they are best off being friends here, because the jews are the enemies of us all. However, unfortunately that is difficult to achieve here, because of the attitude of these invaders being entirely uncooperative and not giving a damn, and wanting to waltz over Europe, making it their own land, etc.

These muslim invaders simply want to riot and ruin Europe, and they are merely using this gaza situation as an excuse to go crazy and riot everywhere, don't be fooled for a moment that these muslims actually are upset about the things happening to Gaza, they merely want an excuse to be militant and go apeshit on the European Whites. Which in turn makes the right wing Europeans hate them more, and in their infinite stupidity and andrapodic retardation they conclude, since we have issues with these muslims and hate them, and jews also are at war with them, the jews must be our friends.

It is a situation of great confusion and total chaos.
Yeah the situation is bad, but such is the nature of how these events will unfurl, the enemies evil will grow and that is what will cause the opposition to their evil to grow, either way Satan's dedicated will be safe and secure I have no doubt, even if this world falls so long as we do our duty, advance and maintain our faith we and our spiritual family will be fine.

israel will fall one way or another, the Gods have forseen it, the only question is what will be left standing? But thats where faith comes into play, faith that we or at least our best will endure what is to come and then once we stand unopposed on the spiritual realm changing humanities course should be fairly simple.

It is nice to see that people have woken up about the jews though its just unfortunate that they then somehow think judaism=bad so then islam=good, baffling; but they arent called andropoda because of their stunning intellect.

Its why theres no use trying to prevent the israel iran war, its a mistake that israel is making, even if it hurts the gentile peoples tremendously it will only hurt israel worse, they cannot make winning moves when Satan and Zeus stand opposed to them, no matter how chaotic things may seem to our Gods its as simple as reading a book and they have already read how it ends.

Its scary for Europe right now, but not all of Europe was retarded we have solid hold outs such as Poland and Norway, our race has a future no matter what.
The reason is that we can't do anything. They know they can get away with it because at this point if you say/do anything you will either get stabbed or beaten, or in the case it doesn't happen, it is an instance of social suicide as you said, an episode that can be used against you later on. Would you risk you career and possibly your life to tell a thug he can't get in? Sounds cowardly, but I wouldn't. I value my life too much, and so do most people. The problem has arrived at a point where we're no longer free in our own countries and inmigrants just get to dictate what we do because we have to bend to their needs at every turn. It is grim, that is all.

I disagree, this is a bad take. Women are supported in almost anything they do, unlike men. There are educational programs for them in every decent institutions, there are mental health centers for them even in small towns in EU, and if you believe they can't just falsely accuse someone of rape, Amber Heard case should be a reminder, just that not every man is as rich and charismatic as Depp, nor every woman as bad at lying as Heard. Men end up on the streets more frequently and become addicted to drugs more readily, and this is not because we inherently suck (or maybe we do, as you say). Friendships between men outside of any shared activities are impossible. After university, most of us will just go to work because that is the role we have to fulfill, and the time one has to find friends and do anything else gets dramatically smaller. Most of the time we play video games precisely because we have no other place to go. 9 to 5 is more like 7 to 6 because you can't magically teleport to work. Moreover, statistically speaking, the work will be pretty soul draining, and once home at 6 in the afternoon, you get like 6 hours left to do anything with the little energy that you have left. You can go to the gym, but you won't make friends there, everyone is minding their business. Take up a hobby, but your network will grow online again, since going out again after a soul crushing day of work is terrible. So we're tired and alone at the end of the day, there is no semblance of happiness outside of either working silently on a hobby or playing a video game, and neither help too much with loneliness. You could meditate, but only few people know about these things. And the meditations might work or they might not. Not trying to defend those men who really don't try and go full hikikomori and becone shut ins, but a blanket statement like "men are responsible for being alone" is word by word what a modern feminist would say and it comes from a place of not having lived a day in the body of a man. You get attention for existing, we have to work for the chance to live properly and that is a fact of life. We try our best, but the system is against us. Try having a girlfriend when your salary can barely feed you and pay the rent. No woman looks at us given that, you included (you want the best for yourself, don't you?). Buying a home is nigh impossible with an average salary, and so is buying almost everything else. The enemy has completely destroyed economics. "Just do money workings" yeah right, by the time they kick in most will have left. This is just the reality of it all. Life is not rainbows and roses, nor is it completely black, but it's closer to black than it is to rainbows. I had assumed that an HP/HPS would have a more balanced opinion, but I guess we do RTRs as cope, and not to undo the shit that the enemy has brough upon this planet, so that maybe we men can stop abusing video games and being alone. My bad, it's our fault, "largely".
All the men I'm related to, including my cousins who are in their early 20's, are social, work hard, have wives/girlfriends. That's why I see other viewpoints. I don't believe in the one-sided viewpoint of how all men are lonely. Reality says otherwise.

There are many ways of life, not just one.
Having several dissatisfied people around who have nothing to lose is a good foundation for change. What is needed is a vanguard of individuals to put out new ideas and push them into the mainstream. I view those men as being ripe individuals to be indoctrinated
You bring up a good point, but it can also be a double edged sword. A lot of these individuals will end up being jihadists, but instead of killing themselves in the sand, they will hurt others. Or they will simply disconnect from society altogether. Reaching the mainstream is a dream, as soon as a message reaches a decent number of people, they'll have to deal with being labeled as nazis and other things that have become associated to being scum of the earth. It's a bit tough, but it's probably the best bet.

It is nice to see that people have woken up about the jews though its just unfortunate that they then somehow think judaism=bad so then islam=good, baffling; but they arent called andropoda because of their stunning intellect.
It's impressive how you guys manage to believe people are joining this movement while simultaneously calling them retarded at every opportunity you find. You've made it a form of art.

All the men I'm related to, including my cousins who are in their early 20's, are social, work hard, have wives/girlfriends. That's why I see other viewpoints. I don't believe in the one-sided viewpoint of how all men are lonely. Reality says otherwise.

There are many ways of life, not just one.
"All the men I'm related to", well duh. I know that what you posted was an opinion. My experience has been vastly different. I just criticized you because people here tend to take your opinion and that of HPHC and the JGs as gospel. Just because the men in your life are doing well doesn't mean all are. Thinking that everyone can just go out and make it as easily as they can go out to buy bread is disingenuous. For some men, the bakery is next door, but for others the bakery is in the neighboring town 10km away and separated by a minefield. When you said "look at all the men who are social, they don't know about a male loneliness epidemic" well, it's as if I say "look at all the men who have limbs, they don't know what not having limbs is like" it's just common sense. And "the world is what you shape it up to be" is very blurry or ambiguous when it comes to confidence or delusion. If that were true, everyone would be giga happy, with a great job, great partners, great friends and no obstacles to grow spiritually. It's easy to believe you can just make it. But chances are, you just can't.
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since we have issues with these muslims and hate them, and jews also are at war with them, the jews must be our friends.

It is a situation of great confusion and total chaos.
I understand White = israel friend so allah akhbar even more?
And the leftist hate even more the middle-highe class because they support israel.

I see this is indeed a total confusion. But hate for the jews is somehow manifesting!
It's impressive how you guys manage to believe people are joining this movement while simultaneously calling them retarded at every opportunity you find. You've made it a form of art.
What movement? Do you think the average leftist opposing israel is a Satanist? How about the average christian nationalist? Yeah they are retarded, them figuring out one that one group of people have been ruining their lives is kind of the bare minimum and half of them still find a way to blame Satan when israel does something evil.

They havent joined our movement, their part of their own, it opposing israel is a good thing in the same way all opposition to israel is a good thing but im not going to praise hamas just because they recognize israel is evil and yeah I do think they are completely retarded and I do not count them in any movement I am a part of.
What movement? Do you think the average leftist opposing israel is a Satanist? How about the average christian nationalist? Yeah they are retarded, them figuring out one that one group of people have been ruining their lives is kind of the bare minimum and half of them still find a way to blame Satan when israel does something evil.

They havent joined our movement, their part of their own, it opposing israel is a good thing in the same way all opposition to israel is a good thing but im not going to praise hamas just because they recognize israel is evil and yeah I do think they are completely retarded and I do not count them in any movement I am a part of.
Lmao I'll give you merit for doubling down on it xD. In alm fairness, no one else sees the gods like the JoS/SS do so it's understandable that they wouldn't care. But I am worried about the logistics of people joining us if we're ever going to make it outside of remote corners of the internet. That's why I usually disagree with calling them names even if we believe it. When we classify people by calling them andrapods and other things we are no better than xians when they classify people they deem bad as infidels or sinners. Part of the reason a lof of people are nor into religion anymore is because a lot of the mainstream ones degrade into a pedantic classification. If I went into a room where everyone assumed I was a piece of shit I wouldn't feel, let's say, welcomed. You can feel about them however you like, I also have groups of people I think are completely retarded, but my comment came from another angle. Hope this clarifies something xD.
"All the men I'm related to", well duh. I know that what you posted was an opinion. My experience has been vastly different. I just criticized you because people here tend to take your opinion and that of HPHC and the JGs as gospel. Just because the men in your life are doing well doesn't mean all are. Thinking that everyone can just go out and make it as easily as they can go out to buy bread is disingenuous. For some men, the bakery is next door, but for others the bakery is in the neighboring town 10km away and separated by a minefield. When you said "look at all the men who are social, they don't know about a male loneliness epidemic" well, it's as if I say "look at all the men who have limbs, they don't know what not having limbs is like" it's just common sense. And "the world is what you shape it up to be" is very blurry or ambiguous when it comes to confidence or delusion. If that were true, everyone would be giga happy, with a great job, great partners, great friends and no obstacles to grow spiritually. It's easy to believe you can just make it. But chances are, you just can't.

I do not see people taking these opinions as gospel at all. I see people understanding and agreeing with the opinions shared, because it turns out after scrutiny and examination, the words of HPHC and HPS Lydia, and I say the JG's as well, is very accurate and True. Of course, people can criticize anything we say, within reason and with respect, then things could be discussed and perhaps everyone can learn something from it.

You are putting a lot of words and assumptions into HPS Lydia's mouth here, for example, you assume because HPS Lydia mentions that the men she is related to do not have these issues, and the majority of men she knows do not have these issues in life, that she thinks all men are doing well in life or something. Obviously this is not true, nor does HPS Lydia think this way, which should be obvious, but because you are stuck in a certain viewpoint, you fail to look beyond your own viewpoint and thus assume all kinds of things that are never said nor implied.

HPS Lydia never said people can just go out and get whatever they want as easy as buying bread. All of these things are strange assumptions you are making here, and quite in the unreasonable manner at that.

The world is what you shape it up to be. This in fact is entirely true. Nothing ambiguous about it. However, people really don't put in a lot of effort to shape the world up in ways that get them closer to their goals, and the idea that you have about what shaping up the world to better your life is completely nonsensical. You do not simply "Believe" you can make it. You take action to make improvements and take steps to move towards goals in your life, that is what shaping up your life means. Not dreaming and wishing, or believing, or thinking. It is knowing and acting upon the knowledge.

People would indeed be giga happy and have basically 0 problems in any of the aforementioned parts of life discussed in this topic, if everyone did in fact shape up the world through the principle of Knowing and Acting. People are ignorant, double ignorant in fact, this is a fact observed everywhere. People are Andrapoda. Nothing disrespectful or wrong regarding this. It is an observation, it is how reality is.

People have problems because they are on this lower state, and because they live like crabs in a bucket, because they do not seek knowledge, and they do not act on what is really best for them, they are driven by simple desires, impulses and drives of the lower consciousness, stuck in senseless emotions and because they never take even a moment of their day to in any way advance spiritually or consciously advance their consciousness. They are on the lower state of being, both in what they are, and in how they exist.

They do not have the knowledge, nor the ability to properly shape the world up for themselves, instead they are at the mercy of how the world is shaped up by others with power over them, or by the whims of their impulses and lower consciousness and that of others.

Spiritual Satanism turns this on its head, as through the Knowledge you obtain here, and the Actions you learn to take and do take through practicing the Path of Satanas, you become able to actively shape up the world for yourself, and this statement is indeed entirely True where the world quite literally is what you shape it up to be.

An Andrapoda shapes their world to be Andapodic in nature. A Human shapes the world to be of Human qualities and nature. A Hero shapes a Heroic world of exalted qualities, etc.
It really isn't very complicated.
Your view point is a bit rough @Ayssid and in fact limited... to be polite.

Personally, I don't take sermons as gospel words, but having taken charge of translating them, so I read them all and must admit they are well balanced, talking about what it's need to talk at the good time, point.
At least, ours HP and the JG are at the helm, I can't do it, but I can help them in a my small way.

If I like their stuff, I say them with a sympathetic word, and if doesn't make me cold or hot or feel concerned, I return to my corner.
Sermons are not written specifically for me, XD as you say.

Now, about the "andrapoda" thematic, it's an objective observation, not a contemptuous criticism.
We understand that xtian/far right/leftists/muslims... sections of andrapodas are victims of the jewish subversions and how it works.
The average user here, serious SS or not pledges never to fall in spiritual impotence and to be strong enough to support them... eventually educate and tame them, quietly by his inner force.

So, as explained between paragraphes above, we must become able to shape correctly our societies by influencing andrapodas.
And to become so well-balanced, apart from following the meditations and advices passed on by our HP but also the JG, I can't see how to get there.
I thank them in passing.

For sure, taking so-and-so to task for what he or she as said without having really tried to understand the background - as you do above - like an andrapoda will never bring anything, it disunites people more than anything else, to the benefit of the invaders instead of the group, to return to the theme of the thread. There is other social networks for that, XD
You are putting a lot of words and assumptions into HPS Lydia's mouth here, for example, you assume because HPS Lydia mentions that the men she is related to do not have these issues, and the majority of men she knows do not have these issues in life, that she thinks all men are doing well in life or something. Obviously this is not true, nor does HPS Lydia think this way, which should be obvious, but because you are stuck in a certain viewpoint, you fail to look beyond your own viewpoint and thus assume all kinds of things that are never said nor implied.

HPS Lydia never said people can just go out and get whatever they want as easy as buying bread. All of these things are strange assumptions you are making here, and quite in the unreasonable manner at that.
Fine, it's true that I put in a lot in her message, but it is what I understood. My viewpoint is that whenever a woman disregards issues such as male loneliness, they do so from their own viewpoint and from a bad place. Maybe HPS Lydia has better intentions, but it didn't seem to me that way when I read it. So when she used the men in her life as an example, I took it as another instance of good ol' relativism. In any case, if her intentions were not bad, I apologize for being rude.

The world is what you shape it up to be. This in fact is entirely true. Nothing ambiguous about it.
But it kind of isn't? As you say afterwards, knowing and acting are the keys, but it doesn't work fully like that. Success is often times gatekept behind dumb luck or knowing the right people. No matter how hard I can work, I don't necessarily make it. Lots of people that are far smarter than me or work harder than I do have had much more miserable lives than I, and people who can't be bothered to work for a couple hours have all the luxury they can want. I've met both types. Knowing and Acting is not enough, dice rolls decide most of it, since the moment we are born. The remaining 20% we can influence is nice, but that's all, just nice.

People would indeed be giga happy and have basically 0 problems in any of the aforementioned parts of life discussed in this topic, if everyone did in fact shape up the world through the principle of Knowing and Acting. People are ignorant, double ignorant in fact, this is a fact observed everywhere. People are Andrapoda. Nothing disrespectful or wrong regarding this. It is an observation, it is how reality is.
I can't say much about this since you're right, but I still think that it doesn't help us as a group to call them andrapods, I still think they would feel uneasy about joining us. Whether it is a fact or not is kind of indifferent to me. Maybe I am an andrapod too, but I haven't met many people who are headless chickens, even if some of those headless chickens happen to be friends of mine.

Spiritual Satanism turns this on its head, as through the Knowledge you obtain here, and the Actions you learn to take and do take through practicing the Path of Satanas, you become able to actively shape up the world for yourself, and this statement is indeed entirely True where the world quite literally is what you shape it up to be.

An Andrapoda shapes their world to be Andapodic in nature. A Human shapes the world to be of Human qualities and nature. A Hero shapes a Heroic world of exalted qualities, etc.
It really isn't very complicated.
That's great but I can't really buy it even if I know the practices work. When I say they work I mean that I've had some success with them, but not significant enough to matter. And this discussion is in a thread about how white people can't stop nigs and spics from invading our countries because we're getting demoralized. If I could shape my reality literally, I would've cleansed this land a long time ago, but unfortunately I can't. Just talking about inmigration in a slightly bad way can get me cancelled. We are not alone in the world and there is resistance from people and things and the universe. Even if I control my mind and don't succumb to base desires and impulses, I still can't just do a working to bend reality to my wishes and then work towards it. If I want a 2 million dollar car I can do workings all day and then work some more but it's such a heavy bar to bend that it will take the same amount of time to bend whether I do the workings or not. You can then say "well maybe a 2 million car is too much", but that is just cope at that point. If I can "literally" shape reality to be what I want, then that implies there is no limit. But there are limits.

Thanks for taking the time to reply so thoroughly.

Your view point is a bit rough @Ayssid and in fact limited... to be polite.
Don't worry about being polite with me if you don't want to, but thanks anyway.

So, as explained between paragraphes above, we must become able to shape correctly our societies by influencing andrapodas.
And to become so well-balanced, apart from following the meditations and advices passed on by our HP but also the JG, I can't see how to get there.
I thank them in passing.
I think it will ultimately boil down to free will anyway. I know this is a debate in and of itself but I genuinely believe there is absolute free will as much as it can be within the confines of our limited brains. The stars and other things are trivial when the will is absolute. In the end, as low as they are, they must decide to be saved. Otherwise we are just sticking our hands in the fire pit and just getting burned. As for becoming balanced enough, the JGs and HP/HPS have had a mentor or they have learned these by themselves, but the people who first learned this had nobody. So there is a way, it's just that it's very hard to know it once the JoS has been established because one can't follow the path they did. Maybe HPHC studied Greek history extensively and consulted many sources and then figured this shit out, but we'll never know because we can't follow his footsteps. Once the JoS was established, the knowledge was distilled. It's a good trade off in my opinion, but not sufficient. It's now more accessible, but also less comprehensive or unified. Just a few weeks ago a thread sprung up about what Greek God Satan is equivalent to and 3 people gave 3 different answers (my bet is on Neptune but I don't know anymore).

Anyhow, thanks for replying.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
