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Hollow earth, why the Gods left?

Nov 27, 2019
" Some 10,000 years ago, the Gods left us. This article is not to go into the details as to how or why. This will be covered in a separate article." - HPS Maxine, origins of Satanism Part 1

Does anyone know why the Gods left us? To my knowledge she has never revealed this information. I will sound crazy for this but I have been honestly researching the hollow earth theory, Agartha and such. There is a very interesting argument for it, and as we know Hitler lead expeditions into Antarctica and had bases there in New Swabia. My theory (crazy as it may sound): what if Hitler fled into the earth at the end of the war (Maxine has stated he IS PHYSICALLY with our Gods, not astrally) and is currently residing there with Satan. He completed the Magnum Opus down there also. Just bouncing around theories here, wondering if anyone has any interesting input or has likewise researched into this topic.
unnamed satanist said:
" Some 10,000 years ago, the Gods left us. This article is not to go into the details as to how or why. This will be covered in a separate article." - HPS Maxine, origins of Satanism Part 1

Does anyone know why the Gods left us? To my knowledge she has never revealed this information. I will sound crazy for this but I have been honestly researching the hollow earth theory, Agartha and such. There is a very interesting argument for it, and as we know Hitler lead expeditions into Antarctica and had bases there in New Swabia. My theory (crazy as it may sound): what if Hitler fled into the earth at the end of the war (Maxine has stated he IS PHYSICALLY with our Gods, not astrally) and is currently residing there with Satan. He completed the Magnum Opus down there also. Just bouncing around theories here, wondering if anyone has any interesting input or has likewise researched into this topic.

The earth is not hollow. Do not buy this none-sense. The earth isn‘t flat either.
As that part you quoted says, it's covered in a separate article. Here's that article:


unnamed satanist said:
" Some 10,000 years ago, the Gods left us. This article is not to go into the details as to how or why. This will be covered in a separate article." - HPS Maxine, origins of Satanism Part 1

Does anyone know why the Gods left us? To my knowledge she has never revealed this information. I will sound crazy for this but I have been honestly researching the hollow earth theory, Agartha and such. There is a very interesting argument for it, and as we know Hitler lead expeditions into Antarctica and had bases there in New Swabia. My theory (crazy as it may sound): what if Hitler fled into the earth at the end of the war (Maxine has stated he IS PHYSICALLY with our Gods, not astrally) and is currently residing there with Satan. He completed the Magnum Opus down there also. Just bouncing around theories here, wondering if anyone has any interesting input or has likewise researched into this topic.
Except Satan isn't underneath the surface of the earth. He is in his home planet. You can get a hint of where that is in Satan's page:

He is the Top Leader of the Nordic Gods of the Empire of Orion.


If he was down there it would be very easy for the Gods to come back and they would be here as soon as they were freed in 2003.

unnamed satanist said:
what if Hitler fled into the earth at the end of the war (Maxine has stated he IS PHYSICALLY with our Gods, not astrally) and is currently residing there with Satan.
unnamed satanist said:
" Some 10,000 years ago, the Gods left us. This article is not to go into the details as to how or why. This will be covered in a separate article." - HPS Maxine, origins of Satanism Part 1

Does anyone know why the Gods left us? To my knowledge she has never revealed this information. I will sound crazy for this but I have been honestly researching the hollow earth theory, Agartha and such. There is a very interesting argument for it, and as we know Hitler lead expeditions into Antarctica and had bases there in New Swabia. My theory (crazy as it may sound): what if Hitler fled into the earth at the end of the war (Maxine has stated he IS PHYSICALLY with our Gods, not astrally) and is currently residing there with Satan. He completed the Magnum Opus down there also. Just bouncing around theories here, wondering if anyone has any interesting input or has likewise researched into this topic.
This planet is not a Kinder, it is a normal planet. With heavy elements, water, atmosphere etc. You can build bases anywhere, underground, under water, in space ... Some astronauts once reported that there are alien bases on the moon. This is an intergalactic war. They blew up Phaeton and roasted Mars, they're advanced enemies. And you are right, I too would appreciate more information.
How is it you don't know? seriously how do you not know why the Gods left.

We got attacked.

12,000-15,000 years ago the enemy set up a spiritual attack everyone even the Gods and Higher ranking humans could not stop it. So the Gods spent their time removing things from this World to prevent the death, destruction, and capture of stuff.

For example Plato states Atlantis is in the Atlantic ocean which is wrong Atlantis is a section of Heladiva(Sri Lanka) and Indonesia i.e. Indonesia is the outcroppings of Atlantis region. But he does state something correct, the explosion at Atlantis most likely caused by enemy extraterrestrial magick and not by crazy humans doing experiments and trying to destroy the World "Oy gevalt humans are crazy" like mainstream kosher supervision new agers state. According to Plato occurred sometime around 12,500 years ago or around 9600BCE. He was right about the date but wrong about the location.

Non the less Atlantis was probably a targeted city by the enemy magickally and probably through enough of civilization magick they blasted Atlantis. After all Atlantis is probably one of the birthing points of humanity as originally Sri Lanka or Garden of Edin was the location of the first humans. Albeit despite the fact we believe there is evidence that the black race came first, then Asians, then Whites. In my personal opinion I believe Whites were first constructed in a small batch and raised by the Gods to see what kind of potential humans have. After all Adapa is probably one of Satan's eldest son and so fucking advanced in all ways like his father who raised him plus including Lilith. Albeit we don't exactly know who the mother progenitor of the White human race is, it COULD be Lilith. Despite the fact Sitchin lies and creates a whole retarded story about the Gods, the fact he states Nirhursag is also another potential mother or mothers. It's a possibility Satan might have had many female "mothers" give birth to various lines of descended humans.

With that said like Lucifuge Rofocal's people they numbered about 50 people when Satan discovered them some 10,000 years ago. That is perfect to eliminate or reduce genetic depression or genetic issues of inbreeding. 500 people is needed to avoid elimination of the species due to some not reproducing. But because the Gods don't raise humans to be losers everyone reproduces at some point or is allowed to reproduce at an appropriate point. So in essence for species 50/500 reproduction is needed but not for species capable of elevation to Godliness due to the Gods teaching humans and raising humans appropriately that eventually everyone can have an offspring and if they don't want to reproduce they can always do it later on a more appropriate astrological chart level.

So basically 12,000-15,000 years ago magickal reptillian/grey assault came in and then 10,000 years ago the imposition of their attack with Phaeton's destruction using a planet buster, nuclear strikes on various moons, planets like Mars and our Moon, various nuclear strikes across the Earth even to this day still radioactively poisoned like the apartment in India which caused mutations and rad sickness to people i.e. cancer. As well as plasma thermal lances and other destructive weapons. On top of that spiritual assault i.e. coming in astral projected reptards and greytards threatening people and as well as physical assault and physical killing of spiritually advanced people.

With that said the enemy for some specific reason retreated and left a skeleton crew on the Solar System. My best guess is the Gods attacked physically and spiritually and could some how leverage their advancement to prevent the enemy. Another possibility the enemy knew it was a long shot they failed and thus said just maintain the status quo and keep the Gods busy to waste their time and effort on these lower civilizations. My best guess is the jews or kosher supervision species i.e. trick species is just a time waster for the Gods i.e. prevent humanity from advancing and kicking back. Basically mental, physical, spiritual, and technological time wasters and evolution stoppers.
Powerofjustice said:
HP's have confirmed the earth is hollow, however neither Satan nor Hitler reside anywhere on earth.
There are many advanced beings that reside in the interior waiting to for the right time to come so they can join the fight when our gods come back to earth.

I actually have a question about the hollow earth myself. If a satanist actively sought a way in to the interior of the earth to find and study under one of these advanced beings, would it be considered abandoning the satanic fight, as in essence you would only be working towards your own advancement, even if you perform say the rtr or any other ritual, you wouldn't be able to make websites or spread the word otherwise.

What do you think?

Hi there could you please point me to the location of where exactly the HP's have confirmed this? I can't find anything on Satan's library

Also you most likely could never enter the earth so long as the jews are in power. The only entrances to my knowledge are Antarctica and the great pyramid of Giza which are highly secure locations.
Shrekelstein said:
Except Satan isn't underneath the surface of the earth. He is in his home planet. You can get a hint of where that is in Satan's page:

He is the Top Leader of the Nordic Gods of the Empire of Orion.


If he was down there it would be very easy for the Gods to come back and they would be here as soon as they were freed in 2003.

unnamed satanist said:
what if Hitler fled into the earth at the end of the war (Maxine has stated he IS PHYSICALLY with our Gods, not astrally) and is currently residing there with Satan.
You might be misunderstanding something. They aren't freed as in the sense that there was something restricting their movement. What the jews did was create an interference in the astral with their magick that was making it extremely hard to communicate with our Gods.

A couple of jews or anyone for that matter cant possibly restrict beyond comprehension extremely powerful immortal beings from doing what they want to do. These are physical being just like you and me somewhere in the universe. We can communicate with them in the astral. And it's not that they can't come back or there is something physically blocking them from coming back whenever they want.

People don't realize that this universe is extremely vast with hundreds of thousands of habitable planets and different alien species. The Gods are part of an Galactic Empire which has a lot of offshoots in a lot of Solar Systems. Till recently there was a brutal Galactic war going on in many of these solar systems with the situation completely out of control for many of these worlds where our brothers are fighting for their lives. We aren't the only ones with the alien infestation problem. There are a lot of things that are going on outside that we are not aware of. This mess is being cleaned up and fixed up progressively and the Gods have their own plan. Do not forget that they are immortal meaning they are not bound by our anxiety for loss of time. The things that need fixing will be fixed in time. Most probably we'll be able to have a final solution to our problems even before the Gods come physically to our planet. And even if there's a mass extinction event like a nuclear Holocaust on the scale of death of the great Flood (which is extremely unlikely), even then a couple thousand humans will be able to resurrect this world in the image of our Lord. No one can conquer this world ,certainly not a couple of rat faced kikes with money.

Even though we don't know our history because it's not in the records,humanity is hundreds of thousands of years old. This rat infestation problem doesn't even cover 5% of our time here on this earth. We've been through a lot of shit and we're not going down now. These pathetic enemies of ours have their days numbered. When all fun and games are over its time for them to be judged before the altar of our Lord.
Jack said:
A couple of jews or anyone for that matter cant possibly restrict beyond comprehension extremely powerful immortal beings from doing what they want to do. These are physical being just like you and me somewhere in the universe. We can communicate with them in the astral. And it's not that they can't come back or there is something physically blocking them from coming back whenever they want.

Actually I remember reading on the "Spiritual Satanism" page on JoS that the Gods will return "When the great bear[ursula major] hangs low in the sky" This is because certain planetary placements facilitate space travel. This means that they are probably unable to reach our planet

In the Simon version of the Necronomicon [this book is based upon Mesopotamian/Sumerian mythology, even though classified as a work of fiction], the phrase: "When the Great Bear hangs low in the sky" refers to the constellation Ursa Major, part of the Big Dipper. When the planets align a certain way, it opens up a travel line for space travelers. People are always looking to the sky for when the Gods will return.
Powerofjustice said:
I actually have a question about the hollow earth myself. If a satanist actively sought a way in to the interior of the earth to find and study under one of these advanced beings, would it be considered abandoning the satanic fight, as in essence you would only be working towards your own advancement, even if you perform say the rtr or any other ritual, you wouldn't be able to make websites or spread the word otherwise.

What do you think?
I heard there is a way to get somewhere inside earth by one of the poles or both of them, I don't remember exactly. Former general army who had access to such senzitive information once said that UFO's could be seen descending and entering these open spaces in the poles. Anyway nobody by no means would be able to get there because nobody knows where are these open „gates” in the first place. These places are most likely surveilled and prohibited for outside access since they have been explored before by armies.
unnamed satanist said:
" Some 10,000 years ago, the Gods left us. This article is not to go into the details as to how or why. This will be covered in a separate article." - HPS Maxine, origins of Satanism Part 1

Does anyone know why the Gods left us? To my knowledge she has never revealed this information. I will sound crazy for this but I have been honestly researching the hollow earth theory, Agartha and such. There is a very interesting argument for it, and as we know Hitler lead expeditions into Antarctica and had bases there in New Swabia. My theory (crazy as it may sound): what if Hitler fled into the earth at the end of the war (Maxine has stated he IS PHYSICALLY with our Gods, not astrally) and is currently residing there with Satan. He completed the Magnum Opus down there also. Just bouncing around theories here, wondering if anyone has any interesting input or has likewise researched into this topic.
NinRick said:
The earth is not hollow. Do not buy this none-sense. The earth isn‘t flat either.
Powerofjustice said:
HP's have confirmed the earth is hollow, however neither Satan nor Hitler reside anywhere on earth.
This JoS sermon by HP Jake Carlson explains how the Hollow Earth is real and how there are immortal humans living there: https://archive.is/VPFph

HP Jake Carlson’s website is currently down but it was archived in this link: http://archive.is/Ya9KF
unnamed satanist said:
Jack said:
A couple of jews or anyone for that matter cant possibly restrict beyond comprehension extremely powerful immortal beings from doing what they want to do. These are physical being just like you and me somewhere in the universe. We can communicate with them in the astral. And it's not that they can't come back or there is something physically blocking them from coming back whenever they want.

Actually I remember reading on the "Spiritual Satanism" page on JoS that the Gods will return "When the great bear[ursula major] hangs low in the sky" This is because certain planetary placements facilitate space travel. This means that they are probably unable to reach our planet

In the Simon version of the Necronomicon [this book is based upon Mesopotamian/Sumerian mythology, even though classified as a work of fiction], the phrase: "When the Great Bear hangs low in the sky" refers to the constellation Ursa Major, part of the Big Dipper. When the planets align a certain way, it opens up a travel line for space travelers. People are always looking to the sky for when the Gods will return.
Will this constellation be in the next 40 years ?
Jack said:
unnamed satanist said:
Jack said:
A couple of jews or anyone for that matter cant possibly restrict beyond comprehension extremely powerful immortal beings from doing what they want to do. These are physical being just like you and me somewhere in the universe. We can communicate with them in the astral. And it's not that they can't come back or there is something physically blocking them from coming back whenever they want.

Actually I remember reading on the "Spiritual Satanism" page on JoS that the Gods will return "When the great bear[ursula major] hangs low in the sky" This is because certain planetary placements facilitate space travel. This means that they are probably unable to reach our planet

In the Simon version of the Necronomicon [this book is based upon Mesopotamian/Sumerian mythology, even though classified as a work of fiction], the phrase: "When the Great Bear hangs low in the sky" refers to the constellation Ursa Major, part of the Big Dipper. When the planets align a certain way, it opens up a travel line for space travelers. People are always looking to the sky for when the Gods will return.
Will this constellation be in the next 40 years ?

I mean it's taken out of the Necronomicon and its pretty vague. Ursula Major hangs low every November so I'm guessing it will be more so than usual but I can't find any information online
Whitecloud said:
If you are talking of admiral birds,he was only allowed in by Nordic beings to convey a message to the earth,if you want to enter any of these places you would need permission and some of them work directly with the us army.
He was a Romanian general. He used to have a TV show where he was speaking about a lot of extremely interesting things like this subject. For some reason he doesn't host that TV show anymore.
The Alchemist7 said:
Whitecloud said:
If you are talking of admiral birds,he was only allowed in by Nordic beings to convey a message to the earth,if you want to enter any of these places you would need permission and some of them work directly with the us army.
He was a Romanian general. He used to have a TV show where he was speaking about a lot of extremely interesting things like this subject. For some reason he doesn't host that TV show anymore.

What? No.

His name is Byrd not Birds and he's not Romanian either, nor did he have a TV show, even if he did, doubt most people on this forum would have seen it since he died in 1957
Powerofjustice said:
What? No.

His name is Byrd not Birds and he's not Romanian either, nor did he have a TV show, even if he did, doubt most people on this forum would have seen it since he died in 1957
Yea we speak about two different generals. I read somehwere long time ago about general Byrd but I don't remember anything. The general I am reffering to has been to both poles and probably had access to this information, then he shared it in his TV show.
Mars underwent a natural castrastof that people had predicted years earlier. I heard this from a girl who had a dream where she claimed that some "chosen" would be sent to the "blue" planet (Earth) to save them from destruction.
No, HP Maxine said before that they lost a battle and they were bound ad the soul level. It was in the Yahoo groups which are gone now. They were bound in an astral way. People still communicated with them. It wasn't done by the jews, but the enemy aliens against whom they fought. In the JoS site it's mentioned that they were freed using sex magick, by connecting their chakras with the Gods' and shooting their energy and after the freeing they bolted wings.

Jack said:
You might be misunderstanding something. They aren't freed as in the sense that there was something restricting their movement. What the jews did was create an interference in the astral with their magick that was making it extremely hard to communicate with our Gods.

A couple of jews or anyone for that matter cant possibly restrict beyond comprehension extremely powerful immortal beings from doing what they want to do. These are physical being just like you and me somewhere in the universe. We can communicate with them in the astral. And it's not that they can't come back or there is something physically blocking them from coming back whenever they want.

People don't realize that this universe is extremely vast with hundreds of thousands of habitable planets and different alien species. The Gods are part of an Galactic Empire which has a lot of offshoots in a lot of Solar Systems. Till recently there was a brutal Galactic war going on in many of these solar systems with the situation completely out of control for many of these worlds where our brothers are fighting for their lives. We aren't the only ones with the alien infestation problem. There are a lot of things that are going on outside that we are not aware of. This mess is being cleaned up and fixed up progressively and the Gods have their own plan. Do not forget that they are immortal meaning they are not bound by our anxiety for loss of time. The things that need fixing will be fixed in time. Most probably we'll be able to have a final solution to our problems even before the Gods come physically to our planet. And even if there's a mass extinction event like a nuclear Holocaust on the scale of death of the great Flood (which is extremely unlikely), even then a couple thousand humans will be able to resurrect this world in the image of our Lord. No one can conquer this world ,certainly not a couple of rat faced kikes with money.

Even though we don't know our history because it's not in the records,humanity is hundreds of thousands of years old. This rat infestation problem doesn't even cover 5% of our time here on this earth. We've been through a lot of shit and we're not going down now. These pathetic enemies of ours have their days numbered. When all fun and games are over its time for them to be judged before the altar of our Lord.
From JoS:

There was a "war in heaven" meaning outer space. Satan and the Elder Gods lost a battle in this war because they were outnumbered. In more advanced worlds, warfare is spiritual and involves the use of psychic energy and the soul. Satan and the Elder Gods were cursed by the ETs who hate and want to destroy humanity.


When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.


From mid-December of 2002 through mid-April of 2003, myself and four others freed over 100 Demons. This was accomplished through sex magick. At the point of orgasm, we connected our souls to the souls of each of the Demons and transferred energy from each of our chakras to their chakras. This was a very rewarding experience. After the energy was transferred, each one bolted wings.


Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.


Jack said:
You might be misunderstanding something. They aren't freed as in the sense that there was something restricting their movement. What the jews did was create an interference in the astral with their magick that was making it extremely hard to communicate with our Gods.

A couple of jews or anyone for that matter cant possibly restrict beyond comprehension extremely powerful immortal beings from doing what they want to do. These are physical being just like you and me somewhere in the universe. We can communicate with them in the astral. And it's not that they can't come back or there is something physically blocking them from coming back whenever they want.
Shrekelstein said:
From JoS:

There was a "war in heaven" meaning outer space. Satan and the Elder Gods lost a battle in this war because they were outnumbered. In more advanced worlds, warfare is spiritual and involves the use of psychic energy and the soul. Satan and the Elder Gods were cursed by the ETs who hate and want to destroy humanity.


When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.


From mid-December of 2002 through mid-April of 2003, myself and four others freed over 100 Demons. This was accomplished through sex magick. At the point of orgasm, we connected our souls to the souls of each of the Demons and transferred energy from each of our chakras to their chakras. This was a very rewarding experience. After the energy was transferred, each one bolted wings.


Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.


Jack said:
You might be misunderstanding something. They aren't freed as in the sense that there was something restricting their movement. What the jews did was create an interference in the astral with their magick that was making it extremely hard to communicate with our Gods.

A couple of jews or anyone for that matter cant possibly restrict beyond comprehension extremely powerful immortal beings from doing what they want to do. These are physical being just like you and me somewhere in the universe. We can communicate with them in the astral. And it's not that they can't come back or there is something physically blocking them from coming back whenever they want.
What I don't understand is how it was only us who managed to free Them. There are other Planets with people at various levels of enslavement and freedom - apparently, a Planet has freed itself recently (When?) from jew shit there, so they would be far ahead of us; how could they be free if we are not but we managed to free the Daemons/Daemonesses but they didn't? The Daemones/Daemonesses are more powerful than we are; why couldn't They free Themselves/each other? I think the terminology of "free/freed/freeing" is confusing and misleading.
FancyMancy said:
Shrekelstein said:
From JoS:

There was a "war in heaven" meaning outer space. Satan and the Elder Gods lost a battle in this war because they were outnumbered. In more advanced worlds, warfare is spiritual and involves the use of psychic energy and the soul. Satan and the Elder Gods were cursed by the ETs who hate and want to destroy humanity.


When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.


From mid-December of 2002 through mid-April of 2003, myself and four others freed over 100 Demons. This was accomplished through sex magick. At the point of orgasm, we connected our souls to the souls of each of the Demons and transferred energy from each of our chakras to their chakras. This was a very rewarding experience. After the energy was transferred, each one bolted wings.


Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.


Jack said:
You might be misunderstanding something. They aren't freed as in the sense that there was something restricting their movement. What the jews did was create an interference in the astral with their magick that was making it extremely hard to communicate with our Gods.

A couple of jews or anyone for that matter cant possibly restrict beyond comprehension extremely powerful immortal beings from doing what they want to do. These are physical being just like you and me somewhere in the universe. We can communicate with them in the astral. And it's not that they can't come back or there is something physically blocking them from coming back whenever they want.
What I don't understand is how it was only us who managed to free Them. There are other Planets with people at various levels of enslavement and freedom - apparently, a Planet has freed itself recently (When?) from jew shit there, so they would be far ahead of us; how could they be free if we are not but we managed to free the Daemons/Daemonesses but they didn't? The Daemones/Daemonesses are more powerful than we are; why couldn't They free Themselves/each other? I think the terminology of "free/freed/freeing" is confusing and misleading.
I think the gods were not limited where they live. Just a barrier was put around Earth that stopped humans from being able to feel the gods. Humans were bound, the Earth was bound, not the gods themselves. If you cut a telephone line, that does not mean that the person on the other end is not able to speak or hear anymore, just can't use the phone.
Gear88 said:
How is it you don't know? seriously how do you not know why the Gods left.

We got attacked.

12,000-15,000 years ago the enemy set up a spiritual attack everyone even the Gods and Higher ranking humans could not stop it. So the Gods spent their time removing things from this World to prevent the death, destruction, and capture of stuff.

For example Plato states Atlantis is in the Atlantic ocean which is wrong Atlantis is a section of Heladiva(Sri Lanka) and Indonesia i.e. Indonesia is the outcroppings of Atlantis region. But he does state something correct, the explosion at Atlantis most likely caused by enemy extraterrestrial magick and not by crazy humans doing experiments and trying to destroy the World "Oy gevalt humans are crazy" like mainstream kosher supervision new agers state. According to Plato occurred sometime around 12,500 years ago or around 9600BCE. He was right about the date but wrong about the location.

Non the less Atlantis was probably a targeted city by the enemy magickally and probably through enough of civilization magick they blasted Atlantis. After all Atlantis is probably one of the birthing points of humanity as originally Sri Lanka or Garden of Edin was the location of the first humans. Albeit despite the fact we believe there is evidence that the black race came first, then Asians, then Whites. In my personal opinion I believe Whites were first constructed in a small batch and raised by the Gods to see what kind of potential humans have. After all Adapa is probably one of Satan's eldest son and so fucking advanced in all ways like his father who raised him plus including Lilith. Albeit we don't exactly know who the mother progenitor of the White human race is, it COULD be Lilith. Despite the fact Sitchin lies and creates a whole retarded story about the Gods, the fact he states Nirhursag is also another potential mother or mothers. It's a possibility Satan might have had many female "mothers" give birth to various lines of descended humans.

With that said like Lucifuge Rofocal's people they numbered about 50 people when Satan discovered them some 10,000 years ago. That is perfect to eliminate or reduce genetic depression or genetic issues of inbreeding. 500 people is needed to avoid elimination of the species due to some not reproducing. But because the Gods don't raise humans to be losers everyone reproduces at some point or is allowed to reproduce at an appropriate point. So in essence for species 50/500 reproduction is needed but not for species capable of elevation to Godliness due to the Gods teaching humans and raising humans appropriately that eventually everyone can have an offspring and if they don't want to reproduce they can always do it later on a more appropriate astrological chart level.

So basically 12,000-15,000 years ago magickal reptillian/grey assault came in and then 10,000 years ago the imposition of their attack with Phaeton's destruction using a planet buster, nuclear strikes on various moons, planets like Mars and our Moon, various nuclear strikes across the Earth even to this day still radioactively poisoned like the apartment in India which caused mutations and rad sickness to people i.e. cancer. As well as plasma thermal lances and other destructive weapons. On top of that spiritual assault i.e. coming in astral projected reptards and greytards threatening people and as well as physical assault and physical killing of spiritually advanced people.

With that said the enemy for some specific reason retreated and left a skeleton crew on the Solar System. My best guess is the Gods attacked physically and spiritually and could some how leverage their advancement to prevent the enemy. Another possibility the enemy knew it was a long shot they failed and thus said just maintain the status quo and keep the Gods busy to waste their time and effort on these lower civilizations. My best guess is the jews or kosher supervision species i.e. trick species is just a time waster for the Gods i.e. prevent humanity from advancing and kicking back. Basically mental, physical, spiritual, and technological time wasters and evolution stoppers.


Also I've been told by demons and by our beloved Father that he does have multiple wives, it's just Lilith is one of the important ones.

From what Father told me... his wives participated, that includes Lilith. I want to believe she is Ninhursag by the evidence of... well the lack of since there is only hearsay... that's that she's Lilith... but... no... I was told otherwise by our gods. Lilith isn't Ninlil. She is not Damkina or Ninhursag.
IIRC somebody asked that question before in the Yahoo groups and the HPs said it's a secret they aren't allowed to reveal.

FancyMancy said:
What I don't understand is how it was only us who managed to free Them. There are other Planets with people at various levels of enslavement and freedom - apparently, a Planet has freed itself recently (When?) from jew shit there, so they would be far ahead of us; how could they be free if we are not but we managed to free the Daemons/Daemonesses but they didn't? The Daemones/Daemonesses are more powerful than we are; why couldn't They free Themselves/each other? I think the terminology of "free/freed/freeing" is confusing and misleading.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
What I don't understand is how it was only us who managed to free Them. There are other Planets with people at various levels of enslavement and freedom - apparently, a Planet has freed itself recently (When?) from jew shit there, so they would be far ahead of us; how could they be free if we are not but we managed to free the Daemons/Daemonesses but they didn't? The Daemones/Daemonesses are more powerful than we are; why couldn't They free Themselves/each other? I think the terminology of "free/freed/freeing" is confusing and misleading.
I think the gods were not limited where they live. Just a barrier was put around Earth that stopped humans from being able to feel the gods. Humans were bound, the Earth was bound, not the gods themselves. If you cut a telephone line, that does not mean that the person on the other end is not able to speak or hear anymore, just can't use the phone.
Yeah. I do realise that. :) "Freeing the Gods/Goddesses" is rather inaccurate.

Shrekelstein said:
IIRC somebody asked that question before in the Yahoo groups and the HPs said it's a secret they aren't allowed to reveal.

FancyMancy said:
What I don't understand is how it was only us who managed to free Them. There are other Planets with people at various levels of enslavement and freedom - apparently, a Planet has freed itself recently (When?) from jew shit there, so they would be far ahead of us; how could they be free if we are not but we managed to free the Daemons/Daemonesses but they didn't? The Daemones/Daemonesses are more powerful than we are; why couldn't They free Themselves/each other? I think the terminology of "free/freed/freeing" is confusing and misleading.
Ohhh. That reminds me of the page which HPS Maxine(?) says "returned to the light" and "those of us...knows what this means".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
