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For All Female SS Athletes

One Wire Phenomenon said:
Shadowcat said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Hey thats rude you doen't know anything about Lydia. She is not a feminist i saw her standing up for men in another post. The post was called "I hate being a woman" go check it out. Lydia is wonderful here and i love her speaking for women.

I agree it is rude. Typical with the post count. Just waltzing in here thinking they can call the shots. This is the same dude that thinks weed isn't bad for you. I know Cobra said we should be nice to new people. But Lydia is the last person that deserves this disrespect. Troll? Or just being a dick. Logan fuck off you dont know any of us here or seem to know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to certain things. Go meditate and study JOS and then come back. And don't give us the "muh 5 years as an SS just never post here crap cus I will call bs"

I love your pfp. Is that a kikes head on a spear and a jewish flag burning?
If it is wow i freaking love it!!

It is :twisted: ty :3
Jack said:
Lydia said:
Jack said:
... On the flip side when trained, women tend to advance faster and get more powerful very quickly because of their attributes.


Logan said:
We have a severe lack of Egoism in men and they aren't able to force their opinions anymore. Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead. We need more men like Donald Trump who will be unwaveringly stubborn about their beliefs and absolutely sure of themselves.

Leadership arises in one of the many configurations of natal charts, and is not "Gender exclusive". Many men don't want to lead and are not leaders. Macho posting nor testosterone shots and reading "how to get pussy books pls try to be Alpha male" is going to change this. These are inner qualities that manifest in some people destined for this, while with others, it is not the case.

All men can understand responsibility and rank, but not everyone is cut to lead.

The belief that every retard that is "self convinced" should lead, despite of being a retard, or simply because they are a man, is the same shit disaster that women preach of all women being "princesses", and of equal or worse solipsism, since you mentioned solipsism.
Logan said:
luis said:
Logan said:
This is nonsense. Spirituality has nothing to do with gender. Being a male has its own characteristics and being a female has its own characteristics.

Most of the people who have preached here are female and have feminist views.

If we look at history, the people who wrote history were men Even the father satan is.

Being a male has the benefits of not being a female.
And the insight that the benefits of being a woman lead to faster spiritual progress And The Magnum Opus is faster. It is an illusion.
But it must be said that there are some women who have good spirituality and spiritual power.
What are you talking about? Being a men does not make you superior to every women. There are diffrences between the two genders and in general between people but that is it. Maxine is a women and she created these sites, we would not be here if it was not for her, we would probabily be enslaved by the enemy, this pandemic would have been way worse.
Are you ignorant?‌ Read my post again

This is nonsense. Spirituality has nothing to do with gender. Being a male has its own characteristics and being a female has its own characteristics.

Logan all you write is inaccurate and trolling things, because you appear to not have a girlfriend. Who told you any woman here, all she does is chant?

You are on a delusional or attention seeking or trolling trip. If a woman never made a meal for you, I reassure you, Spiritual Satanism nor the forums are the problem, you weren't married to a High Priestress or something and clearly your views reflect those of the average hoodrat girl that hurt your feelings, which are of no concern here.

If you act like a wimp, they generally won't choose to do these things for you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
Lydia said:
We have a severe lack of Egoism in men and they aren't able to force their opinions anymore. Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead. We need more men like Donald Trump who will be unwaveringly stubborn about their beliefs and absolutely sure of themselves.

Leadership arises in one of the many configurations of natal charts, and is not "Gender exclusive". Many men don't want to lead and are not leaders. Macho posting nor testosterone shots and reading "how to get pussy books pls try to be Alpha male" is going to change this. These are inner qualities that manifest in some people destined for this, while with others, it is not the case.

All men can understand responsibility and rank, but not everyone is cut to lead.

The belief that every retard that is "self convinced" should lead, despite of being a retard, or simply because they are a man, is the same shit disaster that women preach of all women being "princesses", and of equal or worse solipsism, since you mentioned solipsism.
Leadership is Gender Exclusive, particularly to men. There's a reason why in our hundreds of thousands of history across all cultures, women leaders are extremely few and far in between while when you say a leader, you immediately think of a man. Both men and women dislike women leaders. And it's also basic Biology that women are I'll equipped to lead anything to fruition, especially a political movement. The women leaders behind the marxist sexual revolution and feminism had Jewish men behind them controlling everything.

Even if you cannot lead a whole lot of people ,men must still be leaders atleast in their own lives over their wives and children to impart correct teaching that society does not give them. A huge percentage of single mother children turn out to be delinquents or have issues, another reason why a woman should never be the leader of a household.

Theodore Adorno wrote in his book , "The Authoritarian Personality " that Communism had failed in the western world because of Male Leadership in the household. There were stubborn men who were protecting their wives and children from being subjected to an ideology. He theorized that without Male Leadership inside the household, society would collapse and everyone would then accept Communism because everyone needs a leader.

It has happened exactly as he predicted with media, academia and the culture destroying male children in teenage years ,alienating the fathers and them unable to be equipped to lead their own children in later years, creating a perpetual cycle of total doom. The reason why these men are wimps are because they did not have a strong male role model. There's a reason why the Red Pill has gained such prominence in these years due to a negative knee jerk reaction from fatherless men using an improper ideology to fight against Feminism that is attacking them. We would have neither Feminism, nor the Rep Pill if society was cohesive and strong enough with strong male leaders in the household.

A child learns good values first from their parents. If they see ,a strong role model imparting correct ideological instructions ,and their mother being non combative and supportive of everything that the man says then the child will have a strong foundation to build upon.

Men need to be leaders. Atleast in their own lives to their girlfriends, wives and children, if not to other people.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
Lydia said:
We have a severe lack of Egoism in men and they aren't able to force their opinions anymore. Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead. We need more men like Donald Trump who will be unwaveringly stubborn about their beliefs and absolutely sure of themselves.

Leadership arises in one of the many configurations of natal charts, and is not "Gender exclusive". Many men don't want to lead and are not leaders. Macho posting nor testosterone shots and reading "how to get pussy books pls try to be Alpha male" is going to change this. These are inner qualities that manifest in some people destined for this, while with others, it is not the case.

All men can understand responsibility and rank, but not everyone is cut to lead.

The belief that every retard that is "self convinced" should lead, despite of being a retard, or simply because they are a man, is the same shit disaster that women preach of all women being "princesses", and of equal or worse solipsism, since you mentioned solipsism.
Women are overrepresanted in the numbers of good rulers in our history.
Jack said:
Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead.

This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead.

This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.
Many of us have a national socialist mindset
So we have a third Reich based on satanic thinking
And later Jack never said that men should rule for women
And then leading is different from ruling
Based on your thinking

We never said that women are low
Rather, I said that being a worthy person is more of an effort to get better
Whether male or female
So many of the women here are real Satanists
It is easy to say that they are superior to all men xians, Muslims, , etc.
And also men who are Satanists are superior to all women xian, Muslims,

This is the reality
Therefore, merit has nothing to do with gender
And then the fact that women should not be separated theyself nature and character
And they should not be called "masculine"
Rather, women are good with the characteristics of being feminine
If we look at the third Reich
We will see that this fact was observed in Germany at national socialist time
The men were busy for Themselves works
And women were doing their own thing, and women were not involved in "masculinity" issues
And in politics and ... men went for masculine works, jobs, business.

However, women were not forcibly sent to fight the Communist Soviets and the Jews

And when it comes to politics and leadership, it is generally masculine work for men who deserve to lead, and
And for women, this will make them more masculine
If women want to do things that are suitable for men
Imagine what would happen if a country had just female generals in a war, for example?

I hope this post of mine is finally approved lol !
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead.

This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.

Actually the feminine guides and leads the masculine.
The masculine has to make space and room, discipline and control to seek the feminine. Once the feminine mind is awakened, the lead and total knowledge comes from the female mind.

Pure masculinity, is lack of perspective, it is just a fire without aim and purpose. Same with the feminine, without the ground and discipline gathered from the masculine it is the "sleeping beauty", forever in a comatose state.

Imagine life without feminine guidance, no motivation and goals would've been achieve. Just existence and survival. Same without the masculine, the feminine wouldn't have a place to sit and exist.

The refirement of these two forces in a human is becoming one potentiated manifestation, such as HP Maxine which gave birth and guided motherly the JoS, and how HP. Cobra, fatherly taking care and expanding the JoS.

No need to straight cut these subjects as it is counterproductive and senseless, but everything in life that makes life blissful is of the female kind and control and expansion of reality masculine. There's no ultimate prevalence over the other, just repeating turns in aims of advancement.

On the normie level these subjects are not even a discussion as it is irrelevant for them.

For example, you do a year of in-depth meditation and labor of advancement, aiming to acquire a level. Once acquired, from the masculine vectors we come to the feminine, which prevails when gathering the fruits of own work, that validates, motivates and guides further the masculine for the next year and workings to be made.
NakedPluto said:
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead.

This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.

Actually the feminine guides and leads the masculine.
The masculine has to make space and room, discipline and control to seek the feminine. Once the feminine mind is awakened, the lead and total knowledge comes from the female mind.

Pure masculinity, is lack of perspective, it is just a fire without aim and purpose. Same with the feminine, without the ground and discipline gathered from the masculine it is the "sleeping beauty", forever in a comatose state.

Imagine life without feminine guidance, no motivation and goals would've been achieve. Just existence and survival. Same without the masculine, the feminine wouldn't have a place to sit and exist.

The refirement of these two forces in a human is becoming one potentiated manifestation, such as HP Maxine which gave birth and guided motherly the JoS, and how HP. Cobra, fatherly taking care and expanding the JoS.

No need to straight cut these subjects as it is counterproductive and senseless, but everything in life that makes life blissful is of the female kind and control and expansion of reality masculine. There's no ultimate prevalence over the other, just repeating turns in aims of advancement.

On the normie level these subjects are not even a discussion as it is irrelevant for them.

For example, you do a year of in-depth meditation and labor of advancement, aiming to acquire a level. Once acquired, from the masculine vectors we come to the feminine, which prevails when gathering the fruits of own work, that validates, motivates and guides further the masculine for the next year and workings to be made.

In the beginning i thought Hp Cobra and HPS Maxine were married. Now i know why i thought that. Haha thank you
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead.

This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.
In a healthy society every man is atleast the leader of their households, and over their wives and children. And because they accept this ,they accept a hierarchy of society.

Men have been displaced from the leadership roles in the family and the women are unhappier than ever by being independent and liberated.

Since the Sexual revolution and the liberation of women becoming independent, they have been suffering the most.


50% of all marriages end up in divorce. 80% of all divorces are initiated by women. To prevent financial harm ,men are opting to not have marriage at all.

Do I even have to address this ? Everything that Rodger F Devlin theorized has come true as Western Society has imploded after the Sexual Revolution and Feminism.

You should know with years of "advancement " that Jews wrote about this in 1930s that they going to do this.

Huxley then admitted just before his death in "Brave New World Revisited " that everything he theorized in Brave New World was successful and they had reached their goal of destroying western civilization by demonizing men and using feminism to put women against male authority.

In Theodore Adornos book "The Authoritarian Personality " he laid bare the Jewish intention of destroying the male leader in the family which would cause women to be without a lead and dependent upon the state for direction. They would then enforce their rule upon society and the men would follow the women to get sexual access. This he theorized ,would destroy western civilization and create true egalitarian Communism. This would ensure that National Socialism could never be resurrected and the jews would always be in power.

In the last century men were men and at least the Patriarchy was afloat which is why even in the nations that suffered massively from Communism are still very opposed to non white immigration. Because they aren't yet tainted by Feminism and Liberalism.

Women are not just I'll equipped to lead but the entire strategy of the jews to cause civilization collapse was to make women independent and not dependent upon men. This has caused society to collapse where the whites aren't able to compete with the foreigners who still have their family units intact somewhat and are able to have a lot of children.

This has just completely imploded now and the fact that we're even having a discussion about what caused this is nauseating. Every Nationalist or Right Winger already knows all this. Even little girls and boys are aware of the situation they are being raised in due to the flow of information being so mainstream.

The Jews destroyed male leadership which in turn destroyed western countries through liberation of women and sexual revolution. And the women are now depressed and unhappy because of this,

The percentage of single working women in 2018 was 41 percent, the study found. In general, the population of single-women in the U.S. will grow by an annual rate of 1.2 percent through 2030 to 77.5 million, compared to an 0.8 percent growth for the overall U.S. population, the study published August 22 showed.

By 2030, the percentage of single women over the age of 15 will rise to 52 percent and outpace that of married women, the study titled “Rise of the SHEconomy” showed.

Women are waiting longer to get married, if they do so at all, and having fewer children on average, the study said. The total fertility rate has dropped from two births per woman in 2009 to 1.73 in 2018, it said.

Let me rephrase what I said. In a sane Society, men should lead and women should follow. Hierarchy in society doesn't change that.
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead.

This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.

I think it is nice to find a woman who you can walk with in live. Nobody leads and follows, each put their strengths together and overcome everything together. Who cares about leading? Everybody is in certain areas better and in others weaker. Partners should rather complement each other.

Tbh I don’t care about gender when it comes to looking up to someone, I look up to HPS Maxine, to you, Sundara and other strong SS who are female.
I also look up to HPhoodedcobra, VoiceOfEnki, NakedPluto, Jack... and many more.

I‘d rather find a partner who is stronger than someone who is weaker. I don’t know why many men have complexes that they need to better than their partner, earn more etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Logan said:
luis said:
What are you talking about? Being a men does not make you superior to every women. There are diffrences between the two genders and in general between people but that is it. Maxine is a women and she created these sites, we would not be here if it was not for her, we would probabily be enslaved by the enemy, this pandemic would have been way worse.
Are you ignorant?‌ Read my post again

This is nonsense. Spirituality has nothing to do with gender. Being a male has its own characteristics and being a female has its own characteristics.

Logan all you write is inaccurate and trolling things, because you appear to not have a girlfriend. Who told you any woman here, all she does is chant?

You are on a delusional or attention seeking or trolling trip. If a woman never made a meal for you, I reassure you, Spiritual Satanism nor the forums are the problem, you weren't married to a High Priestress or something and clearly your views reflect those of the average hoodrat girl that hurt your feelings, which are of no concern here.

If you act like a wimp, they generally won't choose to do these things for you.
Hello HP
Did I say something bad Except that Men are not inferior to women ? I said this and I was accused of being a troll, attracting attention and so on
Later, there were people like shadow pussy and Lunar Dance 666 who had only very inappropriate words
But you did not censor them or people like One Wire Phenomenon and ... only had false fantasies but did not censor them
You allowed them to insult me, but you did not approve of everything I wrote
Satan and the gods agree with freedom
Did you not act against their wishes?
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:

Leadership arises in one of the many configurations of natal charts, and is not "Gender exclusive". Many men don't want to lead and are not leaders. Macho posting nor testosterone shots and reading "how to get pussy books pls try to be Alpha male" is going to change this. These are inner qualities that manifest in some people destined for this, while with others, it is not the case.

All men can understand responsibility and rank, but not everyone is cut to lead.

The belief that every retard that is "self convinced" should lead, despite of being a retard, or simply because they are a man, is the same shit disaster that women preach of all women being "princesses", and of equal or worse solipsism, since you mentioned solipsism.


Leadership is Gender Exclusive, particularly to men.


You are confusing taking responsibility with leadership for the average person.

Taking responsibility about your household and so on, is part of duty and nature, rather than leadership, at least in a large scale perspective.
Logan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Logan said:
Are you ignorant?‌ Read my post again

This is nonsense. Spirituality has nothing to do with gender. Being a male has its own characteristics and being a female has its own characteristics.

Logan all you write is inaccurate and trolling things, because you appear to not have a girlfriend. Who told you any woman here, all she does is chant?

You are on a delusional or attention seeking or trolling trip. If a woman never made a meal for you, I reassure you, Spiritual Satanism nor the forums are the problem, you weren't married to a High Priestress or something and clearly your views reflect those of the average hoodrat girl that hurt your feelings, which are of no concern here.

If you act like a wimp, they generally won't choose to do these things for you.
Hello HP
Did I say something bad Except that Men are not inferior to women ? I said this and I was accused of being a troll, attracting attention and so on
Later, there were people like shadow pussy and Lunar Dance 666 who had only very inappropriate words
But you did not censor them or people like One Wire Phenomenon and ... only had false fantasies but did not censor them
You allowed them to insult me, but you did not approve of everything I wrote
Satan and the gods agree with freedom
Did you not act against their wishes?

All you do is troll and post incoherence, and just write nonsensical insults to women here. We understand this can be a deliberate agenda of leading women away from the JoS, or making women feel bad for no particular reason other than personal bitterness.

You were posting images of crying women for ridicule and so on, and this is not posting.

And of course now more of the same bullshit. "All I said was this", but no, this was only the pretext of trolling. We know men aren't inferior to women, we didn't need to be reminded on a trolling post based on a topic that never existed.
Men and women share a 50/50 responsibility of this, while the alt-right only blames women, and subconscious feminists only blame men.

Neither side wants to accept this reality, and this also manifests in the forums, where blame shifting and shit is constantly done covertly to prove that women this and women that, or men this and men that.

The apple pie here is of equal slice. The alt-right and so on pretends women hold exclusive responsibility because of their innate traits, which is just a lie. They also praise the jews in the form of Jesus, and if women do the same with Trans Yaniv or a feminist writer, the two are not that far.

This avoids responsibility and is quite contrary to an understanding of being a "man".

Regardless these conversations remain fruitless as they always end up in "jews did this" and everyone tries to argue what jews did, which is like trying to explain if the plague is the reason of the plagued or the other way around.

Jack said:
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead.

This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.
In a healthy society every man is atleast the leader of their households, and over their wives and children. And because they accept this ,they accept a hierarchy of society.

Men have been displaced from the leadership roles in the family and the women are unhappier than ever by being independent and liberated.

Since the Sexual revolution and the liberation of women becoming independent, they have been suffering the most.


50% of all marriages end up in divorce. 80% of all divorces are initiated by women. To prevent financial harm ,men are opting to not have marriage at all.

Do I even have to address this ? Everything that Rodger F Devlin theorized has come true as Western Society has imploded after the Sexual Revolution and Feminism.

You should know with years of "advancement " that Jews wrote about this in 1930s that they going to do this.

Huxley then admitted just before his death in "Brave New World Revisited " that everything he theorized in Brave New World was successful and they had reached their goal of destroying western civilization by demonizing men and using feminism to put women against male authority.

In Theodore Adornos book "The Authoritarian Personality " he laid bare the Jewish intention of destroying the male leader in the family which would cause women to be without a lead and dependent upon the state for direction. They would then enforce their rule upon society and the men would follow the women to get sexual access. This he theorized ,would destroy western civilization and create true egalitarian Communism. This would ensure that National Socialism could never be resurrected and the jews would always be in power.

In the last century men were men and at least the Patriarchy was afloat which is why even in the nations that suffered massively from Communism are still very opposed to non white immigration. Because they aren't yet tainted by Feminism and Liberalism.

Women are not just I'll equipped to lead but the entire strategy of the jews to cause civilization collapse was to make women independent and not dependent upon men. This has caused society to collapse where the whites aren't able to compete with the foreigners who still have their family units intact somewhat and are able to have a lot of children.

This has just completely imploded now and the fact that we're even having a discussion about what caused this is nauseating. Every Nationalist or Right Winger already knows all this. Even little girls and boys are aware of the situation they are being raised in due to the flow of information being so mainstream.

The Jews destroyed male leadership which in turn destroyed western countries through liberation of women and sexual revolution. And the women are now depressed and unhappy because of this,

The percentage of single working women in 2018 was 41 percent, the study found. In general, the population of single-women in the U.S. will grow by an annual rate of 1.2 percent through 2030 to 77.5 million, compared to an 0.8 percent growth for the overall U.S. population, the study published August 22 showed.

By 2030, the percentage of single women over the age of 15 will rise to 52 percent and outpace that of married women, the study titled “Rise of the SHEconomy” showed.

Women are waiting longer to get married, if they do so at all, and having fewer children on average, the study said. The total fertility rate has dropped from two births per woman in 2009 to 1.73 in 2018, it said.

Let me rephrase what I said. In a sane Society, men should lead and women should follow. Hierarchy in society doesn't change that.
Logan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Logan said:
Are you ignorant?‌ Read my post again

This is nonsense. Spirituality has nothing to do with gender. Being a male has its own characteristics and being a female has its own characteristics.

Logan all you write is inaccurate and trolling things, because you appear to not have a girlfriend. Who told you any woman here, all she does is chant?

You are on a delusional or attention seeking or trolling trip. If a woman never made a meal for you, I reassure you, Spiritual Satanism nor the forums are the problem, you weren't married to a High Priestress or something and clearly your views reflect those of the average hoodrat girl that hurt your feelings, which are of no concern here.

If you act like a wimp, they generally won't choose to do these things for you.
Hello HP
Did I say something bad Except that Men are not inferior to women ? I said this and I was accused of being a troll, attracting attention and so on
Later, there were people like shadow pussy and Lunar Dance 666 who had only very inappropriate words
But you did not censor them or people like One Wire Phenomenon and ... only had false fantasies but did not censor them
You allowed them to insult me, but you did not approve of everything I wrote
Satan and the gods agree with freedom
Did you not act against their wishes?

At least i have some respect for the SS women here,you doent! you insulted Lydia first and guess what you deserved all the "inappropriate words"

Yes i admit my fantasies do get the better of me sometimes and im working on it.

"You allowed them to insult me" hahahahaha you are so hard done by shame
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Men and women share a 50/50 responsibility of this, while the alt-right only blames women, and subconscious feminists only blame men.

Neither side wants to accept this reality, and this also manifests in the forums, where blame shifting and shit is constantly done covertly to prove that women this and women that, or men this and men that.

The apple pie here is of equal slice. The alt-right and so on pretends women hold exclusive responsibility because of their innate traits, which is just a lie. They also praise the jews in the form of Jesus, and if women do the same with Trans Yaniv or a feminist writer, the two are not that far.

This avoids responsibility and is quite contrary to an understanding of being a "man".

Regardless these conversations remain fruitless as they always end up in "jews did this" and everyone tries to argue what jews did, which is like trying to explain if the plague is the reason of the plagued or the other way around.

Jack said:
Lydia said:
This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.
In a healthy society every man is atleast the leader of their households, and over their wives and children. And because they accept this ,they accept a hierarchy of society.

Men have been displaced from the leadership roles in the family and the women are unhappier than ever by being independent and liberated.

Since the Sexual revolution and the liberation of women becoming independent, they have been suffering the most.


50% of all marriages end up in divorce. 80% of all divorces are initiated by women. To prevent financial harm ,men are opting to not have marriage at all.

Do I even have to address this ? Everything that Rodger F Devlin theorized has come true as Western Society has imploded after the Sexual Revolution and Feminism.

You should know with years of "advancement " that Jews wrote about this in 1930s that they going to do this.

Huxley then admitted just before his death in "Brave New World Revisited " that everything he theorized in Brave New World was successful and they had reached their goal of destroying western civilization by demonizing men and using feminism to put women against male authority.

In Theodore Adornos book "The Authoritarian Personality " he laid bare the Jewish intention of destroying the male leader in the family which would cause women to be without a lead and dependent upon the state for direction. They would then enforce their rule upon society and the men would follow the women to get sexual access. This he theorized ,would destroy western civilization and create true egalitarian Communism. This would ensure that National Socialism could never be resurrected and the jews would always be in power.

In the last century men were men and at least the Patriarchy was afloat which is why even in the nations that suffered massively from Communism are still very opposed to non white immigration. Because they aren't yet tainted by Feminism and Liberalism.

Women are not just I'll equipped to lead but the entire strategy of the jews to cause civilization collapse was to make women independent and not dependent upon men. This has caused society to collapse where the whites aren't able to compete with the foreigners who still have their family units intact somewhat and are able to have a lot of children.

This has just completely imploded now and the fact that we're even having a discussion about what caused this is nauseating. Every Nationalist or Right Winger already knows all this. Even little girls and boys are aware of the situation they are being raised in due to the flow of information being so mainstream.

The Jews destroyed male leadership which in turn destroyed western countries through liberation of women and sexual revolution. And the women are now depressed and unhappy because of this,

The percentage of single working women in 2018 was 41 percent, the study found. In general, the population of single-women in the U.S. will grow by an annual rate of 1.2 percent through 2030 to 77.5 million, compared to an 0.8 percent growth for the overall U.S. population, the study published August 22 showed.

By 2030, the percentage of single women over the age of 15 will rise to 52 percent and outpace that of married women, the study titled “Rise of the SHEconomy” showed.

Women are waiting longer to get married, if they do so at all, and having fewer children on average, the study said. The total fertility rate has dropped from two births per woman in 2009 to 1.73 in 2018, it said.

Let me rephrase what I said. In a sane Society, men should lead and women should follow. Hierarchy in society doesn't change that.
R.I.P Alt Right
Jack said:
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Men lead and women follow ,which is how it should be but most men nowadays are too self absorbed or weak to lead.

This is complete ignorant bullshit. Imagine the world if every man was a leader... who would they be leading, only women? :roll: Many men are followers and this is in nature. They gather around and support the leader. Think hierarchy and rank.

As well, women need female leaders. I am not talking strictly about politics, as there is more in the world and in life than just that, but female groups (I'll even cite arts and crafts as a "traditional feminine" example) need female leaders. I can't even begin to start a list. Anyone with any sense will understand my point. And traditionally, queens were of great influence to women, and influenced so much of society. Women need other women to look up to and follow, same with men needing other men to look up to and follow.

Not to mention.... HPS Maxine. Imagine where we would be if she never bothered to be a leader and start the JoS. We would all be nowhere, because absolutely nobody else on earth was qualified to do what she did.

I think perhaps you should take some time to advance yourself, before coming here to present yourself as any sort of expert. You make some good posts here and there, so you have potential, but you need far more life experience and wisdom.
In a healthy society every man is atleast the leader of their households, and over their wives and children. And because they accept this ,they accept a hierarchy of society.

Men have been displaced from the leadership roles in the family and the women are unhappier than ever by being independent and liberated.

Since the Sexual revolution and the liberation of women becoming independent, they have been suffering the most.


50% of all marriages end up in divorce. 80% of all divorces are initiated by women. To prevent financial harm ,men are opting to not have marriage at all.

Do I even have to address this ? Everything that Rodger F Devlin theorized has come true as Western Society has imploded after the Sexual Revolution and Feminism.

You should know with years of "advancement " that Jews wrote about this in 1930s that they going to do this.

Huxley then admitted just before his death in "Brave New World Revisited " that everything he theorized in Brave New World was successful and they had reached their goal of destroying western civilization by demonizing men and using feminism to put women against male authority.

In Theodore Adornos book "The Authoritarian Personality " he laid bare the Jewish intention of destroying the male leader in the family which would cause women to be without a lead and dependent upon the state for direction. They would then enforce their rule upon society and the men would follow the women to get sexual access. This he theorized ,would destroy western civilization and create true egalitarian Communism. This would ensure that National Socialism could never be resurrected and the jews would always be in power.

In the last century men were men and at least the Patriarchy was afloat which is why even in the nations that suffered massively from Communism are still very opposed to non white immigration. Because they aren't yet tainted by Feminism and Liberalism.

Women are not just I'll equipped to lead but the entire strategy of the jews to cause civilization collapse was to make women independent and not dependent upon men. This has caused society to collapse where the whites aren't able to compete with the foreigners who still have their family units intact somewhat and are able to have a lot of children.

This has just completely imploded now and the fact that we're even having a discussion about what caused this is nauseating. Every Nationalist or Right Winger already knows all this. Even little girls and boys are aware of the situation they are being raised in due to the flow of information being so mainstream.

The Jews destroyed male leadership which in turn destroyed western countries through liberation of women and sexual revolution. And the women are now depressed and unhappy because of this,

The percentage of single working women in 2018 was 41 percent, the study found. In general, the population of single-women in the U.S. will grow by an annual rate of 1.2 percent through 2030 to 77.5 million, compared to an 0.8 percent growth for the overall U.S. population, the study published August 22 showed.

By 2030, the percentage of single women over the age of 15 will rise to 52 percent and outpace that of married women, the study titled “Rise of the SHEconomy” showed.

Women are waiting longer to get married, if they do so at all, and having fewer children on average, the study said. The total fertility rate has dropped from two births per woman in 2009 to 1.73 in 2018, it said.

Let me rephrase what I said. In a sane Society, men should lead and women should follow. Hierarchy in society doesn't change that.

in my next relationship i will show her who is boss. :lol:

but seriously you do have a good point.
Hypothetically if only one gender was allowed to spiritually advance we would have a way better society than what we have now so no gender is to blame for the troubles in the world. It's because the jew jewdified both genders that we have these problems and small minded and short sighted individuals like many of the far right blame each other genders instead of seeing the bigger picture or the jew behind the curtain that's causing all this. It's really simple to understand.

I think Jack does post some good stuff but he does lack experience with the opposite sex as much as he tries to front otherwise but most of people here are like that not because of themselves but because it is rare to find a good example of a man or a woman who aren't SS.
Logan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Logan said:
Are you ignorant?‌ Read my post again

This is nonsense. Spirituality has nothing to do with gender. Being a male has its own characteristics and being a female has its own characteristics.

Logan all you write is inaccurate and trolling things, because you appear to not have a girlfriend. Who told you any woman here, all she does is chant?

You are on a delusional or attention seeking or trolling trip. If a woman never made a meal for you, I reassure you, Spiritual Satanism nor the forums are the problem, you weren't married to a High Priestress or something and clearly your views reflect those of the average hoodrat girl that hurt your feelings, which are of no concern here.

If you act like a wimp, they generally won't choose to do these things for you.
Hello HP
Did I say something bad Except that Men are not inferior to women ? I said this and I was accused of being a troll, attracting attention and so on
Later, there were people like shadow pussy and Lunar Dance 666 who had only very inappropriate words
But you did not censor them or people like One Wire Phenomenon and ... only had false fantasies but did not censor them
You allowed them to insult me, but you did not approve of everything I wrote
Satan and the gods agree with freedom
Did you not act against their wishes?

Aww did shadow pussy hurt your feelings? i so sorry! you are the one who insulted lydia first and the rest of us were standing up for her. if you are going to be an ass to someone then expect something back. get fucked
I really love our Hp. I love being here on the forums. In the outside world things doen't go as they go here any idiot and enemy has their say and never in my life had there been somesone to sensor them or correct them to the truth so that the right information and the truth wins at the end of the day. Thank you again for everything Hp Hooded Cobra. Its almost my payday and i will send as much as i can as token of gratitude towards Satanism.
I feel like this thread is based on false assumptions of permanence relative to the characteristics of men and women. We know that men are more yang, and women more yin, but this is just the base from which an individual grows. In a similar manner, someone who is air dominant will learn to balance themselves with earth and so forth. Arguing over which is "better" is not productive, nor is the solution going to be found by looking at how something expressed itself in Clownworld.

Part of our advancement comes from balance. In this way, both men and women will adopt the positive aspects that the other possesses, while refining their inherent strengths. What we see of both men and women today are simply corruptions of their natural states.

If one wants to truly evaluate a man, or truly evaluate a woman, they should look at Azazel and Astarte, since they represent some of the highest expressions of their gender. For an example closer to us, we should look at people like Adolf Hitler, HPHC, HPS Shannon, HPS Maxine, and so forth.

Just keep in mind that if you base your opinions of a broad, universal phenomenon on what you observed in modern-day Earth, then your opinion is altered due to large Jewish influences. One should instead go to Orion or other enemy-free population to see what being a man or woman truly means.
Academic Scholar said:
The book ROAR by Stacy Sims is a game changer and has helped me immensely, I’d recommend this for any women who exercise. Having a fit and strong body is necessary for raising the serpent.

Here’s a free PDF and synopsis of the book:

ROAR: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong, Lean Body for Life by Stacy T. Sims, PhD (2016)

Women are not small men. Stop eating and training like one.

Because most nutrition products and training plans are designed for men, it’s no wonder that so many female athletes struggle to reach their full potential. ROAR is a comprehensive, physiology-based nutrition and training guide specifically designed for active women. This book teaches you everything you need to know to adapt your nutrition, hydration, and training to your unique physiology so you can work with, rather than against, your female physiology. Exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist Stacy T. Sims, PhD, shows you how to be your own biohacker to achieve optimum athletic performance.

Complete with goal-specific meal plans and nutrient-packed recipes to optimize body composition, ROAR contains personalized nutrition advice for all stages of training and recovery. Customizable meal plans and strengthening exercises come together in a comprehensive plan to build a rock-solid fitness foundation as you build lean muscle where you need it most, strengthen bone, and boost power and endurance. Because women’s physiology changes over time, entire chapters are devoted to staying strong and active through pregnancy and menopause. No matter what your sport is—running, cycling, field sports, triathlons—this book will empower you with the nutrition and fitness knowledge you need to be in the healthiest, fittest, strongest shape of your life.

I downloaded the book. Not for a perspective of performance as an athlete, but more in general. The differences between a womans body and a mans body should be studied more.
As far as I am aware the differences are only noted when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, in midwifery books.

Also, I am wondering, have you heard about the DNA specific meal plans? I've heard those being around, being promoted on some of the fitness websites, but also on MyMuesli (is a brand).
Blitzkreig said:
I feel like this thread is based on false assumptions of permanence relative to the characteristics of men and women. We know that men are more yang, and women more yin, but this is just the base from which an individual grows. In a similar manner, someone who is air dominant will learn to balance themselves with earth and so forth. Arguing over which is "better" is not productive, nor is the solution going to be found by looking at how something expressed itself in Clownworld.

Part of our advancement comes from balance. In this way, both men and women will adopt the positive aspects that the other possesses, while refining their inherent strengths. What we see of both men and women today are simply corruptions of their natural states.

If one wants to truly evaluate a man, or truly evaluate a woman, they should look at Azazel and Astarte, since they represent some of the highest expressions of their gender. For an example closer to us, we should look at people like Adolf Hitler, HPHC, HPS Shannon, HPS Maxine, and so forth.

Just keep in mind that if you base your opinions of a broad, universal phenomenon on what you observed in modern-day Earth, then your opinion is altered due to large Jewish influences. One should instead go to Orion or other enemy-free population to see what being a man or woman truly means.
Totally agree. Well said!
hailourtruegod said:
Hypothetically if only one gender was allowed to spiritually advance we would have a way better society than what we have now so no gender is to blame for the troubles in the world. It's because the jew jewdified both genders that we have these problems and small minded and short sighted individuals like many of the far right blame each other genders instead of seeing the bigger picture or the jew behind the curtain that's causing all this. It's really simple to understand.

I think Jack does post some good stuff but he does lack experience with the opposite sex as much as he tries to front otherwise but most of people here are like that not because of themselves but because it is rare to find a good example of a man or a woman who aren't SS.
By the way, let me clear something out. I'm not blaming anyone, especially women or men. Personal experience has nothing to do with forming a view of something that is admitted to be a result of something the jews have done - created the foundation values of a society that has led to massive suffering for both women and men and has severely limited White Reproduction.

Blaming someone for something that has already happened is very unproductive. Its like saying well Hitler could have done this or that and won the war. Or saying America shouldn't have toppled Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.

Human choices are influenced by our environment. If a child is taught foundational things that make them execute actions that lead to Societal Doom on a large scale when everyone is doing it ,is it the fault of the parents, the society at large ,Jews who created the foundational ideology or all of them ?

Who knows how much percentage of blame we could put on each person. If a woman is taught from childhood that she is equal to a man and that she doesn't have a particular gender role and that she should never be dependent on anyone and make her own money and achieve financial success and independence which will bring her happiness in life ,that a love relationship is a 50 50 partnership.

If these foundational beliefs make a childless 30 year old depressed woman who hates men ,then what should we do ? In the same way foundational beliefs made a 30 year old incel who blames women for all his life's problems on internet forums. All of these single people could be making children and living happily with each other. Is there a way to make this happen ?

Also am I saying that these foundational values has led to every woman being childless and unhappy ? No. There are a lot of women who have multiple kids, are independent and in a 50 50 partnership with their husband and there is no gender roles in their relationship. But ,in the same way there is a statistically significant number of women who are not making enough kids to fight the immigration invasion. If it was not about the immigration problem, then all white societies would still continue their birthrate decline like Japan has but wouldn't have the fear of being exterminated immediately because they don't have many immigrants in their countries.

I'm not concerned about what people do in their personal lives. But all these people's decisions as a whole in relation to the current situation is an issue. That is where the entire problem is. Being self absorbed and thinking the world revolves around one's emotions are a wrong way to look at things. You have to look at generalizations, foundational ideology that is affecting everyone, and statistics of the current situation.

Is there a reasonable way to bridge both the traditional and Feminist societies to create a balance ? Maybe women can be independent and happy and still contribute to their race ? Can there be a compromise ?

I can't speak to any of this. I'm not going to be stupid and say every woman should be a housewive like in the traditional time. That age is already gone since the 1950s and isn't coming back. The leaders of the new society will have to come up with these solutions.

What I am doing is telling what led to all of this. Destroying Traditional Gender roles ,The Sexual Revolution, taking the father out of the leadership role and of the house in case of single mothers , foundational feminism in the western societies.

And this Is not me saying it. This is jews writing books bragging about how they've destroyed western societies. This is a testament to how they did it ,just like Marcus Eli Ravage was bragging about how they destroyed Whites through Christianity.

To find solutions you'll atleast need to recognize that the frameworks you are working with were specifically designed to destroy White Reproduction. Maybe you could find compromises in the future and work out solutions that could be implemented on a society wide scale which would fix all of this. Maybe you shouldn't have to go back to traditional gender roles and there are other ways to fix the problems. But you won't find them if you don't examine the foundational cracks inside western countries that were put in there by Jews.
Shadowcat said:
Logan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Logan all you write is inaccurate and trolling things, because you appear to not have a girlfriend. Who told you any woman here, all she does is chant?

You are on a delusional or attention seeking or trolling trip. If a woman never made a meal for you, I reassure you, Spiritual Satanism nor the forums are the problem, you weren't married to a High Priestress or something and clearly your views reflect those of the average hoodrat girl that hurt your feelings, which are of no concern here.

If you act like a wimp, they generally won't choose to do these things for you.
Hello HP
Did I say something bad Except that Men are not inferior to women ? I said this and I was accused of being a troll, attracting attention and so on
Later, there were people like shadow pussy and Lunar Dance 666 who had only very inappropriate words
But you did not censor them or people like One Wire Phenomenon and ... only had false fantasies but did not censor them
You allowed them to insult me, but you did not approve of everything I wrote
Satan and the gods agree with freedom
Did you not act against their wishes?

Aww did shadow pussy hurt your feelings? i so sorry! you are the one who insulted lydia first and the rest of us were standing up for her. if you are going to be an ass to someone then expect something back. get fucked
Logan said:
Shadowcat said:
Logan said:
Hello HP
Did I say something bad Except that Men are not inferior to women ? I said this and I was accused of being a troll, attracting attention and so on
Later, there were people like shadow pussy and Lunar Dance 666 who had only very inappropriate words
But you did not censor them or people like One Wire Phenomenon and ... only had false fantasies but did not censor them
You allowed them to insult me, but you did not approve of everything I wrote
Satan and the gods agree with freedom
Did you not act against their wishes?

Aww did shadow pussy hurt your feelings? i so sorry! you are the one who insulted lydia first and the rest of us were standing up for her. if you are going to be an ass to someone then expect something back. get fucked

You were told 'no' and now you come whine like a little brat lol.

Not really worth my time.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I downloaded the book. Not for a perspective of performance as an athlete, but more in general. The differences between a womans body and a mans body should be studied more.
As far as I am aware the differences are only noted when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, in midwifery books.

Also, I am wondering, have you heard about the DNA specific meal plans? I've heard those being around, being promoted on some of the fitness websites, but also on MyMuesli (is a brand).
The book does a great job outlining the differences between men’s and women’s physiology.

I’ve never heard of DNA specific meal plans.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
