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Ethics And Ignorance

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Ethics is quite the subject, and it's not always a subject related to the law or even the morals of a society. Frequently, the notion of morality is conflated with Ethics, but Ethics, as Aristotle explains, have to do with the highest virtues of life.

Using a few points from his teachings, I will further unfold it and explain it clearly. However, without mentioning integral parts of the understanding of the grand Aristotle, the mastermind of his at this topic, it wouldn't be necessary to illustrate the subject as it should be illustrated.

In order to understand how to better be ethical, one has to be first able to be ethical. By able, we mean that one is not constrained by the need and forced necessity of engaging in other decisions other than ethical ones. In Ancient Greek this force of compulsive pressure and necessity is called "Anage" [Ανάγκη] and it means the force of necessity. Where this force is concerned, anyone can succumb.

Let me mention a few hypothetical examples. Under no circumstance I would kill a person that has done nothing to me, because that is of course not only morally wrong, but also unethical. However, if I would theoretically find myself assaulted one day in my own home, the chances are very high if I was forced by the attack of someone who wanted to take my life, it would be either their life or mine, forcing me to kill them, to maintain my own existence. In this case, the action of killing, albeit unethical, is also a case that was enforced to someone by compulsive necessity.

Another situation is that a man, who has been military drafted, would of course not want to kill people in another Nation under regular circumstances, nor in his town, city or state. Yet, when war breaks out, as higher powers have decided they must fight it out for the living interests (or Klaus Schwab type of stranger interests to feed us all bugs, or whatever), the same man that would never kill as much as a fly, has to go out there and kill everyone they can from the opposite faction so that a war is won. In these examples, the higher force of necessity is at work.

A doctor, not carrying out an emergency procedure properly, can by accident, kill another human being. Everything has to be taken in consideration in this situation, and the doctor cannot be called just a killer without all the underlying information being reviewed. While one is technically a killer [and even in the eyes of the law, ie, going to jail], in the eyes of the Gods, they know all information pertinent to the incident, and what led to the death and all the information. The law might or might not do their best to understand the situation, but the law cannot always see all of the information present in making a decision.

So one's soul is judged by the whole of this, but one's physical existence will be judged by the laws and the legal structures present and information visible to humans. There are cases where these overlap, and cases where these realities do not overlap. As to not derail the thread, I will however keep how the Gods see the subject for another parts of this knowledge.

Ethics overall cannot be easily or at all applied when one finds themselves in the most weak and cornered situation. Aristotle defines one of the first and primary causes of lack of ethics: Poverty [Πενία].

This word has many undertones; lack of internal power, lack of financial power, lack of education, deficiencies and other forms of weakness. The only consequential path to stop being unethical, is to develop strength and power.

In order to be ethical, one has to have power. This power has to be first internal and then also external, in the environment of their life. Internal power to have ethics is what we call integrity and strength of character. Externally it means a level of self determination to be able to make decisions between ethical or unethical courses of action.

That's why for example, I have explained before, the importance of donations to keeping a place clean and alive such as this wonderful organization here which is a gift from the Gods.

Lack of power, in all ways, be it spiritual or in external means, is a sure-proof way to generate both individually, socially or in existence, monsters. Lack of power also contains misuse of power. In regards to how these connect, read on and it will become clear by the end of the post.

An organization, a human being, or any organism in life, cannot exist only on ethics or integrity. Means, tools and provisions for existence, are another. The less the second exist, the more the ethical level will devolve for anyone and anything in this universe, and then this anyone will be combated by life itself and surrounding evil, until eventually they collapse.

To have the ability to have ethics and morals, one must have the following:

1. Internal Ethics and Integrity, Personality wise
2. Knowledge, not Ignorance, Knowledge Wise
3. Power, Spiritual and Material, Physical means to remain that way

Without the above, any semblance of "Ethics" is just imagined jargon that most people like to tell themselves. The equal subject here is one having no genitals, and no ability to have sex with anyone, while simultaneously they preach loudly about their excellent sexual chastity. This might fool the mortal men, but it cannot fool the Gods, which know very well the reasons that such a being is in this state, which is not due to true ethics.

As unethical it would be for someone to say that this baby can live solely on the "imagined" love of it's father, so it's immoral for anyone to say that great organizations like this should not have massive power in human resource, wealth and capacity, to promote good ideals to humanity, especially when confronted in a war against all those who have all the means to crush such a thing.

Power, in the above example, is also shown, same as action, to be important when it comes to maintaining any form of ethics. Then, the use of this power and it's motives decide the degree of ethics one has or does not have. When no power is present at all, one's ethics can only be judged up in small extents, or none at all.

Between a thief that literally stole for the survival of their family, and a thief that stole merely to enjoy the loot, it's clear that the second aspect is the more unethically oriented. To not be a thief, one must be above the level of even needing any of this; either internally, or materially. That's the state where one can be ethical. That's why it's important to be able internally and externally, to stay outside of the forces that will enforce immorality and unethical behavior.

The closer one is to the notion of forced necessity, the less freedom they have to act in ethical manners, with the bottom line of this being close to none. The bottom of powerlessness and ignorance, is also the bottom where one can no longer embark in any ethical decision. One is just existing ultimately passively, and anyone else can do as they see fit with their existence.

The closer one is also in ignorance, lack of knowledge, or lack of understanding, it's far easier to engage in unethical activity, also including unethical activity which is related to existence or even one's own existence.

In the three hypothetical examples above; the doctor, might have killed the patient due to present day medical knowledge ignorance, or his own. The thief that tried to invade the house and died, of ignorance about how they could make ends meet in another way. The person that died in the twilight of war, due to ignorant state leadership or ignorance of humanity as a whole, for example, on how to generate another resource that was lacking that created the war in the first place, or how to modulate human greed.

For example, if one does not know how to make a better living, and then force is exacted upon them, they are far more likely to become a criminal than an educated person who knows how to make money in other ways. A person lacking the ability to control their emotions, is far easier to flip out and severely damage another human being because of experiencing certain emotions. The higher the ignorance, the higher this chance.

Resolving the above issues with True Knowledge, is how better decisions and outcomes could arrive in the future. By banishing true knowledge, humanity naturally will keep resorting or being around a barbaric state.

That will also highlight why in Spiritual Satanism I go on and on about ignorance and fixing this, both in ourselves, spiritually and socially. The same reason is why we preach Spiritual Knowledge and not empty moral talk all day long. Most people think "religion" is just this empty worthless moral talk. They are used to the programs of the enemy, which preach nothing fundamental or of use spiritually or otherwise.

That's because ignorance has a very direct correlation not only to all forms of evil, but also, unethical and damaging behaviors.

Spiritual Satanism is not a place for empty "holier than thou" morality that is based on ignorance, that constantly procures further destruction. Spiritual Satanism is the only way humanity is going to have a truly ethical society, based on knowledge and understanding.

We preach 3 things in Spiritual Satanism as highest virtues: Knowledge, Wisdom and Power. These are fundamentals that must exist in order we can hope for any form of ethical progression.

The above notions what will make humanity truly ethical and moral beings, bring out the goodness from inside them, that will be consistent with Sanatana Dharma to the best of their ability.

Of the three states, Wisdom is the place where our society is majorly lacking right now, with the two other forces going forward without control; that's why currently humanity is falling and falling. When one lacks in either of the three, unavoidably, evil will occur.

We can reverse the fall and instate proper ethics in ourselves and other beings, through only re-instating the power of Wisdom which comes from the Gods and internal knowledge of humanity. Those who are against one of the above [the enemy is against all of them], shall only generate a monstrous reality. It's a miracle human society still exists with the programs of the enemy on top of it; it's proof that human beings are actually good beings inherently, not evil as the enemy states. If they were, with these false teachings on top of it, all of society would have collapsed.

Spiritual Satanism can solve these matters and we must get it out there to the people. That's the only way to transform humanity into higher beings.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Spiritual power is the only origin of freedom;
the freedom to be according to our nature human nature can only manifest itself in its most natural direction, that of the Gods.

Ethics is the way of the Gods.
At the back ground of teachings of JoS is ethics what rules our power.

I love to read these articles about ethics exceptionally, because I feel the very essence of striving of living.
"Highest Virtues" is a little bit controversial sentence. Because at beginning highest should be that ones, which you lack the most to hold yourself in tight focus.
"Power" comes mostly as a result, but not a target of a way. Treating it as target at start can definitely easier lost practicing soul in a way of searching power and that situation is a occasion for enemy or just other way say - to lost with The Devil (XV) card. Universe just judge you properly. Every next step closer to gods brings bigger consequences when you just do something "too much" and lost control of yourself.
"Knowledge" sure that is.
"Wisdom" are result of knowledge and soul self-improvement.
Justice is a one of virtues, that brings you power due time, because if you want to be aware justificar you must be strong enough. Knowledge is also part of justice, but that's not all. Sometimes it's just a way how to feel, to be and coexist with others in pain and in joy.
I'm proud that people try to save each other, but know that not all of them are repairable. The best way is trying to find somebody who listen and you can show them "first steps into". Remember to not fall into "All will be blessed" sentence in every piece of yourself, because it's not possible. Cover yourself and your family, but in that verb I mean who's who are closest to you and in many cases Blood related humans are far away from us.
Keep yourself in good health!
Spiritual power and human nature is a way of life and our true way of life. Also as Spiritual diversity. One who expresses the true identity and divinity of one's self in godhood. Years of gain ✨️ in love of knowledge.
Killing/destruction is part of the five main acts of Siva/Atma , so there's nothing wrong. Most Yogins won't kill but it seems we are in era were the world can't go without killing. It reminds me of the dictate Satan made to JOS some years back ,it was found mainly on the PDF for Spiritual Mediation training ,I think. Where a part of it says there's always another way of doing things but you not yet in that era yet. So if a I tell to destroy ,destroy with all your heart and delight in what your destroy and if I tell you to create ,create with all your heart and delight with what you create. There was more to it,but it was along those lines. If a lion or tiger go into a village ,it attacks,then it can be killed. But if followed in their natural habitat ,were there not harming any human and killed. That would be wrong. Self defense is good ,a robber comes in your house you manage to disarm them ,call or take them to the police. Fine. It would be wrong to then go to the robber's house for example and get his goods or burn down his house or something. Then you have over stepped. There's no intrinsic evil,the soul's nature is pure Atma. So ignorance, unethical is when one is influenced by the animal nature of the physical body over the Solar Nature of their soul body. This often happens with immature souls. As a soul matures this reduces. The Siva Nataraja symbol ,God as Uncreated Eternal Divine Dancer is a perfect study for this.
Ethics is quite the subject, and it's not always a subject related to the law or even the morals of a society. Frequently, the notion of morality is conflated with Ethics, but Ethics, as Aristotle explains, have to do with the highest virtues of life.

Using a few points from his teachings, I will further unfold it and explain it clearly. However, without mentioning integral parts of the understanding of the grand Aristotle, the mastermind of his at this topic, it wouldn't be necessary to illustrate the subject as it should be illustrated.

In order to understand how to better be ethical, one has to be first able to be ethical. By able, we mean that one is not constrained by the need and forced necessity of engaging in other decisions other than ethical ones. In Ancient Greek this force of compulsive pressure and necessity is called "Anage" [Ανάγκη] and it means the force of necessity. Where this force is concerned, anyone can succumb.

Let me mention a few hypothetical examples. Under no circumstance I would kill a person that has done nothing to me, because that is of course not only morally wrong, but also unethical. However, if I would theoretically find myself assaulted one day in my own home, the chances are very high if I was forced by the attack of someone who wanted to take my life, it would be either their life or mine, forcing me to kill them, to maintain my own existence. In this case, the action of killing, albeit unethical, is also a case that was enforced to someone by compulsive necessity.

Another situation is that a man, who has been military drafted, would of course not want to kill people in another Nation under regular circumstances, nor in his town, city or state. Yet, when war breaks out, as higher powers have decided they must fight it out for the living interests (or Klaus Schwab type of stranger interests to feed us all bugs, or whatever), the same man that would never kill as much as a fly, has to go out there and kill everyone they can from the opposite faction so that a war is won. In these examples, the higher force of necessity is at work.

A doctor, not carrying out an emergency procedure properly, can by accident, kill another human being. Everything has to be taken in consideration in this situation, and the doctor cannot be called just a killer without all the underlying information being reviewed. While one is technically a killer [and even in the eyes of the law, ie, going to jail], in the eyes of the Gods, they know all information pertinent to the incident, and what led to the death and all the information. The law might or might not do their best to understand the situation, but the law cannot always see all of the information present in making a decision.

So one's soul is judged by the whole of this, but one's physical existence will be judged by the laws and the legal structures present and information visible to humans. There are cases where these overlap, and cases where these realities do not overlap. As to not derail the thread, I will however keep how the Gods see the subject for another parts of this knowledge.

Ethics overall cannot be easily or at all applied when one finds themselves in the most weak and cornered situation. Aristotle defines one of the first and primary causes of lack of ethics: Poverty [Πενία].

This word has many undertones; lack of internal power, lack of financial power, lack of education, deficiencies and other forms of weakness. The only consequential path to stop being unethical, is to develop strength and power.

In order to be ethical, one has to have power. This power has to be first internal and then also external, in the environment of their life. Internal power to have ethics is what we call integrity and strength of character. Externally it means a level of self determination to be able to make decisions between ethical or unethical courses of action.

That's why for example, I have explained before, the importance of donations to keeping a place clean and alive such as this wonderful organization here which is a gift from the Gods.

Lack of power, in all ways, be it spiritual or in external means, is a sure-proof way to generate both individually, socially or in existence, monsters. Lack of power also contains misuse of power. In regards to how these connect, read on and it will become clear by the end of the post.

An organization, a human being, or any organism in life, cannot exist only on ethics or integrity. Means, tools and provisions for existence, are another. The less the second exist, the more the ethical level will devolve for anyone and anything in this universe, and then this anyone will be combated by life itself and surrounding evil, until eventually they collapse.

To have the ability to have ethics and morals, one must have the following:

1. Internal Ethics and Integrity, Personality wise
2. Knowledge, not Ignorance, Knowledge Wise
3. Power, Spiritual and Material, Physical means to remain that way

Without the above, any semblance of "Ethics" is just imagined jargon that most people like to tell themselves. The equal subject here is one having no genitals, and no ability to have sex with anyone, while simultaneously they preach loudly about their excellent sexual chastity. This might fool the mortal men, but it cannot fool the Gods, which know very well the reasons that such a being is in this state, which is not due to true ethics.

As unethical it would be for someone to say that this baby can live solely on the "imagined" love of it's father, so it's immoral for anyone to say that great organizations like this should not have massive power in human resource, wealth and capacity, to promote good ideals to humanity, especially when confronted in a war against all those who have all the means to crush such a thing.

Power, in the above example, is also shown, same as action, to be important when it comes to maintaining any form of ethics. Then, the use of this power and it's motives decide the degree of ethics one has or does not have. When no power is present at all, one's ethics can only be judged up in small extents, or none at all.

Between a thief that literally stole for the survival of their family, and a thief that stole merely to enjoy the loot, it's clear that the second aspect is the more unethically oriented. To not be a thief, one must be above the level of even needing any of this; either internally, or materially. That's the state where one can be ethical. That's why it's important to be able internally and externally, to stay outside of the forces that will enforce immorality and unethical behavior.

The closer one is to the notion of forced necessity, the less freedom they have to act in ethical manners, with the bottom line of this being close to none. The bottom of powerlessness and ignorance, is also the bottom where one can no longer embark in any ethical decision. One is just existing ultimately passively, and anyone else can do as they see fit with their existence.

The closer one is also in ignorance, lack of knowledge, or lack of understanding, it's far easier to engage in unethical activity, also including unethical activity which is related to existence or even one's own existence.

In the three hypothetical examples above; the doctor, might have killed the patient due to present day medical knowledge ignorance, or his own. The thief that tried to invade the house and died, of ignorance about how they could make ends meet in another way. The person that died in the twilight of war, due to ignorant state leadership or ignorance of humanity as a whole, for example, on how to generate another resource that was lacking that created the war in the first place, or how to modulate human greed.

For example, if one does not know how to make a better living, and then force is exacted upon them, they are far more likely to become a criminal than an educated person who knows how to make money in other ways. A person lacking the ability to control their emotions, is far easier to flip out and severely damage another human being because of experiencing certain emotions. The higher the ignorance, the higher this chance.

Resolving the above issues with True Knowledge, is how better decisions and outcomes could arrive in the future. By banishing true knowledge, humanity naturally will keep resorting or being around a barbaric state.

That will also highlight why in Spiritual Satanism I go on and on about ignorance and fixing this, both in ourselves, spiritually and socially. The same reason is why we preach Spiritual Knowledge and not empty moral talk all day long. Most people think "religion" is just this empty worthless moral talk. They are used to the programs of the enemy, which preach nothing fundamental or of use spiritually or otherwise.

That's because ignorance has a very direct correlation not only to all forms of evil, but also, unethical and damaging behaviors.

Spiritual Satanism is not a place for empty "holier than thou" morality that is based on ignorance, that constantly procures further destruction. Spiritual Satanism is the only way humanity is going to have a truly ethical society, based on knowledge and understanding.

We preach 3 things in Spiritual Satanism as highest virtues: Knowledge, Wisdom and Power. These are fundamentals that must exist in order we can hope for any form of ethical progression.

The above notions what will make humanity truly ethical and moral beings, bring out the goodness from inside them, that will be consistent with Sanatana Dharma to the best of their ability.

Of the three states, Wisdom is the place where our society is majorly lacking right now, with the two other forces going forward without control; that's why currently humanity is falling and falling. When one lacks in either of the three, unavoidably, evil will occur.

We can reverse the fall and instate proper ethics in ourselves and other beings, through only re-instating the power of Wisdom which comes from the Gods and internal knowledge of humanity. Those who are against one of the above [the enemy is against all of them], shall only generate a monstrous reality. It's a miracle human society still exists with the programs of the enemy on top of it; it's proof that human beings are actually good beings inherently, not evil as the enemy states. If they were, with these false teachings on top of it, all of society would have collapsed.

Spiritual Satanism can solve these matters and we must get it out there to the people. That's the only way to transform humanity into higher beings.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very important topic, I agree with everything written.
I often think about the concepts of ethics and how it can vary from situation to situation.

I found the speeches of Marcus Aurelius very interesting, stating that man must live according to nature in order to live as best as possible.
According to nature means following reason, the ethical virtues and keeping pure the divine demon that resides within us, respecting the gods and the universe.
Ethics is quite the subject, and it's not always a subject related to the law or even the morals of a society. Frequently, the notion of morality is conflated with Ethics, but Ethics, as Aristotle explains, have to do with the highest virtues of life.

Using a few points from his teachings, I will further unfold it and explain it clearly. However, without mentioning integral parts of the understanding of the grand Aristotle, the mastermind of his at this topic, it wouldn't be necessary to illustrate the subject as it should be illustrated.

In order to understand how to better be ethical, one has to be first able to be ethical. By able, we mean that one is not constrained by the need and forced necessity of engaging in other decisions other than ethical ones. In Ancient Greek this force of compulsive pressure and necessity is called "Anage" [Ανάγκη] and it means the force of necessity. Where this force is concerned, anyone can succumb.

Let me mention a few hypothetical examples. Under no circumstance I would kill a person that has done nothing to me, because that is of course not only morally wrong, but also unethical. However, if I would theoretically find myself assaulted one day in my own home, the chances are very high if I was forced by the attack of someone who wanted to take my life, it would be either their life or mine, forcing me to kill them, to maintain my own existence. In this case, the action of killing, albeit unethical, is also a case that was enforced to someone by compulsive necessity.

Another situation is that a man, who has been military drafted, would of course not want to kill people in another Nation under regular circumstances, nor in his town, city or state. Yet, when war breaks out, as higher powers have decided they must fight it out for the living interests (or Klaus Schwab type of stranger interests to feed us all bugs, or whatever), the same man that would never kill as much as a fly, has to go out there and kill everyone they can from the opposite faction so that a war is won. In these examples, the higher force of necessity is at work.

A doctor, not carrying out an emergency procedure properly, can by accident, kill another human being. Everything has to be taken in consideration in this situation, and the doctor cannot be called just a killer without all the underlying information being reviewed. While one is technically a killer [and even in the eyes of the law, ie, going to jail], in the eyes of the Gods, they know all information pertinent to the incident, and what led to the death and all the information. The law might or might not do their best to understand the situation, but the law cannot always see all of the information present in making a decision.

So one's soul is judged by the whole of this, but one's physical existence will be judged by the laws and the legal structures present and information visible to humans. There are cases where these overlap, and cases where these realities do not overlap. As to not derail the thread, I will however keep how the Gods see the subject for another parts of this knowledge.

Ethics overall cannot be easily or at all applied when one finds themselves in the most weak and cornered situation. Aristotle defines one of the first and primary causes of lack of ethics: Poverty [Πενία].

This word has many undertones; lack of internal power, lack of financial power, lack of education, deficiencies and other forms of weakness. The only consequential path to stop being unethical, is to develop strength and power.

In order to be ethical, one has to have power. This power has to be first internal and then also external, in the environment of their life. Internal power to have ethics is what we call integrity and strength of character. Externally it means a level of self determination to be able to make decisions between ethical or unethical courses of action.

That's why for example, I have explained before, the importance of donations to keeping a place clean and alive such as this wonderful organization here which is a gift from the Gods.

Lack of power, in all ways, be it spiritual or in external means, is a sure-proof way to generate both individually, socially or in existence, monsters. Lack of power also contains misuse of power. In regards to how these connect, read on and it will become clear by the end of the post.

An organization, a human being, or any organism in life, cannot exist only on ethics or integrity. Means, tools and provisions for existence, are another. The less the second exist, the more the ethical level will devolve for anyone and anything in this universe, and then this anyone will be combated by life itself and surrounding evil, until eventually they collapse.

To have the ability to have ethics and morals, one must have the following:

1. Internal Ethics and Integrity, Personality wise
2. Knowledge, not Ignorance, Knowledge Wise
3. Power, Spiritual and Material, Physical means to remain that way

Without the above, any semblance of "Ethics" is just imagined jargon that most people like to tell themselves. The equal subject here is one having no genitals, and no ability to have sex with anyone, while simultaneously they preach loudly about their excellent sexual chastity. This might fool the mortal men, but it cannot fool the Gods, which know very well the reasons that such a being is in this state, which is not due to true ethics.

As unethical it would be for someone to say that this baby can live solely on the "imagined" love of it's father, so it's immoral for anyone to say that great organizations like this should not have massive power in human resource, wealth and capacity, to promote good ideals to humanity, especially when confronted in a war against all those who have all the means to crush such a thing.

Power, in the above example, is also shown, same as action, to be important when it comes to maintaining any form of ethics. Then, the use of this power and it's motives decide the degree of ethics one has or does not have. When no power is present at all, one's ethics can only be judged up in small extents, or none at all.

Between a thief that literally stole for the survival of their family, and a thief that stole merely to enjoy the loot, it's clear that the second aspect is the more unethically oriented. To not be a thief, one must be above the level of even needing any of this; either internally, or materially. That's the state where one can be ethical. That's why it's important to be able internally and externally, to stay outside of the forces that will enforce immorality and unethical behavior.

The closer one is to the notion of forced necessity, the less freedom they have to act in ethical manners, with the bottom line of this being close to none. The bottom of powerlessness and ignorance, is also the bottom where one can no longer embark in any ethical decision. One is just existing ultimately passively, and anyone else can do as they see fit with their existence.

The closer one is also in ignorance, lack of knowledge, or lack of understanding, it's far easier to engage in unethical activity, also including unethical activity which is related to existence or even one's own existence.

In the three hypothetical examples above; the doctor, might have killed the patient due to present day medical knowledge ignorance, or his own. The thief that tried to invade the house and died, of ignorance about how they could make ends meet in another way. The person that died in the twilight of war, due to ignorant state leadership or ignorance of humanity as a whole, for example, on how to generate another resource that was lacking that created the war in the first place, or how to modulate human greed.

For example, if one does not know how to make a better living, and then force is exacted upon them, they are far more likely to become a criminal than an educated person who knows how to make money in other ways. A person lacking the ability to control their emotions, is far easier to flip out and severely damage another human being because of experiencing certain emotions. The higher the ignorance, the higher this chance.

Resolving the above issues with True Knowledge, is how better decisions and outcomes could arrive in the future. By banishing true knowledge, humanity naturally will keep resorting or being around a barbaric state.

That will also highlight why in Spiritual Satanism I go on and on about ignorance and fixing this, both in ourselves, spiritually and socially. The same reason is why we preach Spiritual Knowledge and not empty moral talk all day long. Most people think "religion" is just this empty worthless moral talk. They are used to the programs of the enemy, which preach nothing fundamental or of use spiritually or otherwise.

That's because ignorance has a very direct correlation not only to all forms of evil, but also, unethical and damaging behaviors.

Spiritual Satanism is not a place for empty "holier than thou" morality that is based on ignorance, that constantly procures further destruction. Spiritual Satanism is the only way humanity is going to have a truly ethical society, based on knowledge and understanding.

We preach 3 things in Spiritual Satanism as highest virtues: Knowledge, Wisdom and Power. These are fundamentals that must exist in order we can hope for any form of ethical progression.

The above notions what will make humanity truly ethical and moral beings, bring out the goodness from inside them, that will be consistent with Sanatana Dharma to the best of their ability.

Of the three states, Wisdom is the place where our society is majorly lacking right now, with the two other forces going forward without control; that's why currently humanity is falling and falling. When one lacks in either of the three, unavoidably, evil will occur.

We can reverse the fall and instate proper ethics in ourselves and other beings, through only re-instating the power of Wisdom which comes from the Gods and internal knowledge of humanity. Those who are against one of the above [the enemy is against all of them], shall only generate a monstrous reality. It's a miracle human society still exists with the programs of the enemy on top of it; it's proof that human beings are actually good beings inherently, not evil as the enemy states. If they were, with these false teachings on top of it, all of society would have collapsed.

Spiritual Satanism can solve these matters and we must get it out there to the people. That's the only way to transform humanity into higher beings.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A good sermon.

I would really like to understand the strong difference between ethics and restrictions, because so much rests on what can be done (ethically) and what cannot be done (unethically).

In addition, a very important part of spiritual development is getting rid of limitations and the desire to know oneself (one's nature), one's soul, in order to act in accordance with one's will, but even here it is necessary to be ethical.

I really want to see all these facets.

For example, the thought comes to me about slavery in ancient Rome, was sexual slavery ethical?
If so for those times, then what is the problem with reviving an analogue in the modern era, while remaining ethical and not infringing on the rights of other people in accordance with their will?

I know the laws on slavery in Ancient Rome and the history (when slavery changed seriously after the suppression of the Spartacus uprising), so I can talk about this issue.

I would really like to understand the subject of this question (etics and restrictions) and so that I understand what I can do from what is considered evil, but is not actually evil, because it is ethical, and what should not be done by a Spiritual Satanist?

For example, if you are building a career at work, you are dealing with fierce competition, therefore, in order to reach heights, you need to fight, but the methods of this struggle are different, sometimes you have to go over the heads of other people, even those who are too stupid for them to understand that they stand in your way, but if their do not remove it, you may not reach the heights that your soul wants to reach in the material sphere, otherwise you will fail, and someone else will achieve the heights.
Great post Hp. I didn't expect the power part to be necessary for ethics, but now that you illuminated its requirement, it makes perfect sense.

This could be linked to the ethics and virtue page!
That's because ignorance has a very direct correlation not only to all forms of evil, but also, unethical and damaging behaviors.
My favourite excerpt from this sermon.
it's proof that human beings are actually good beings inherently, not evil as the enemy states

This especially is so relatable to the current material I learn in class. So we were learning about 'The tragedy of man' by Madách Imre, and is basically a nihilistic shit.
The whole thing is about that "every single system in the history failed" and it presents all these systems all the way from Egypt to liberalism.
The final conclusion is that "Every system could have worked out, but it was applied by humans and it made it morbid/fail. Humans are not capable of applying any system correctly, because Muh humans=bad."

Honestly we had a bullshit conclusion on every single scene, I'm so fed up how fucked up art is.
Maybe this is also a part of how I commonly have headaches. I need to listen to enemy programing every other day if I'm lucky. Anyways, gone a bit off topic, oops.
So one's soul is judged by the whole of this, but one's physical existence will be judged by the laws and the legal structures present and information visible to humans. There are cases where these overlap, and cases where these realities do not overlap. As to not derail the thread, I will however keep how the Gods see the subject for another parts of this knowledge.

Could the death of Aristotle be an example of how this two realities do not overlap?
This especially is so relatable to the current material I learn in class. So we were learning about 'The tragedy of man' by Madách Imre, and is basically a nihilistic shit.
The whole thing is about that "every single system in the history failed" and it presents all these systems all the way from Egypt to liberalism.
The final conclusion is that "Every system could have worked out, but it was applied by humans and it made it morbid/fail. Humans are not capable of applying any system correctly, because Muh humans=bad."

Honestly we had a bullshit conclusion on every single scene, I'm so fed up how fucked up art is.
Maybe this is also a part of how I commonly have headaches. I need to listen to enemy programing every other day if I'm lucky. Anyways, gone a bit off topic, oops.

Civilizations can die out because of major issues of mismanagement, not because people are evil only. It has been the case some have went down because of evil, but not all of them.

Blaming humanity for being evil while giving no ways out of this is what the enemy does all the time. "Original sin", humanity's inherent evil from Thomas Hobbes, and so on.

When you listen to it just listen to things we need to avoid in the future, that's all that matters. It's very common for people to think that way in the outside world. Humanity is also doing so much evil and therefore there are always reasons to say humans are evil. But that's not inherently the case. Humans would do better if they had other choices than these.

Could the death of Aristotle be an example of how this two realities do not overlap?

The fact all the best men have to almost always face tragedies like this [such as NPC monkeys rising against them] is because they cannot handle the state of these people past a point. Aristotle fled persecution from the idiots of his time, and according to sources of history, died a natural death elsewhere. These beings however never truly "die".
Very important topic, I agree with everything written.
I often think about the concepts of ethics and how it can vary from situation to situation.

I found the speeches of Marcus Aurelius very interesting, stating that man must live according to nature in order to live as best as possible.
According to nature means following reason, the ethical virtues and keeping pure the divine demon that resides within us, respecting the gods and the universe.

Marcus Aurelius has always been a legend and a very good compass for anyone who wants to understand reality.
I'm proud that people try to save each other, but know that not all of them are repairable. The best way is trying to find somebody who listen and you can show them "first steps into". Remember to not fall into "All will be blessed" sentence in every piece of yourself, because it's not possible. Cover yourself and your family, but in that verb I mean who's who are closest to you and in many cases Blood related humans are far away from us.
Keep yourself in good health!

Absolutely. There is a solid percent of humans that are beyond repair. But this should not concern the rest of humans which is approximately 97% that can evolve, repair, and become better human beings. Just bear in mind in all people's there is a 2.5% that cannot be fixed under no circumstances, at least with the means that are present in the world right now.

Great post Hp. I didn't expect the power part to be necessary for ethics, but now that you illuminated its requirement, it makes perfect sense.

This could be linked to the ethics and virtue page!

There are many topics already written for this section, thank you for this.
Killing/destruction is part of the five main acts of Siva/Atma , so there's nothing wrong. Most Yogins won't kill but it seems we are in era were the world can't go without killing. It reminds me of the dictate Satan made to JOS some years back ,it was found mainly on the PDF for Spiritual Mediation training ,I think. Where a part of it says there's always another way of doing things but you not yet in that era yet. So if a I tell to destroy ,destroy with all your heart and delight in what your destroy and if I tell you to create ,create with all your heart and delight with what you create.

When the Gods confound a better society based on spiritual knowledge, killing and other gross aspects of life will be way less the case than they are today. But because the Gods know how it goes, and they want us to live during this era and until that time, they cannot lie to us that these things are not part of the kingdom of the earth right now. We will be there collectively in the future. But it's certainly not now and not for quite the time.

There are cases where the Gods have smitten dead a lot of negative beings that would not fix themselves for violating majorly humanity and the statuses of the Gods. However in their case these reflect decisions of perfect judgement, and in our cases, they represent most of the time lesser reasons or no reasoning at all.
Justice, currently weakened, gives rise to the concept of injustice. If justice fails to align with natural principles, what remains but an encounter with the void? Man becomes vulnerable to the trespasses of law invaders, succumbing to victimhood in the face of injustice.

In the absence of ethics, what defines one's essence? The outcome mirrors the nature of our enemy, akin to a parasitic existence. The law, like a blade, retains its edge only through the framework of natural ethics that transcends illusions.

The evaporation of natural consequences persists until the awakening of a civilization – a golden condensation brought forth by the unsealing of existential ethics. This manifests as a beautiful rain upon the people, elevating the primitive to realms beyond.

Because people have forsaken the truthful philosophical Gods, injustice has taken place into society, and therefore our mission is to resolve this. If people don't see how Gods live, then we retain our civilization at a lower level.

A genuine civilization emerges when individuals perceive beyond the physical, delving into the spiritual realm where true joy resides.
Very nice sermon that clarifies the meaning of real morality versus the false morality used by the enemy programs. You often see Christians and followers of other Abrahamic false religions outwardly engage in actions that appear to be right and moral, misleading first of all themselves and then those around them, but they can never be considered truly moral because they do not follow the truth and lack the inner understanding, knowledge and spiritual power, so all their actions are hypocritical and false and have no impact. How can one who serves the enemy be moral? Example you see the so called missionaries going to Africa and feeding people but in return for what? By brainwashing them with Judeo-Christian crap and fanning them. I have heard many Christian propagandists say look how much we are helping the poor people in Africa and giving them bread to eat, overlooking the fact that they will be brainwashed and in the future they will become fanatical and maybe even become bombers.
There are cases where the Gods have smitten dead a lot of negative beings that would not fix themselves for violating majorly humanity and the statuses of the Gods. However in their case these reflect decisions of perfect judgement, and in our cases, they represent most of the time lesser reasons or no reasoning at all.
Do the Gods punish people?

I thought the punishment/smitten dead of people was from God/Gods are a Christian concept and pagan Gods do not punish anyone from humans, only the enemy/humanoids (Jews).

Don't the Gods accept both the light and dark sides of humanity?

Are there any examples of those people, civilizations, whom the Gods punished/smitten dead ?

What exactly are the Gods punishing/smitten dead for?

Should Spiritual Satanists worry about this?

I have not received answers to other questions under this post, but I am asking these.
I do not understand what happens to feedback, sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not, and what is the principle of providing feedback if I do not receive it, i.e. is the reason for HP workload, or is it in me (I was guilty of something) ?
Do the Gods punish people?

I thought the punishment/smitten dead of people was from God/Gods are a Christian concept and pagan Gods do not punish anyone from humans, only the enemy/humanoids (Jews).

Don't the Gods accept both the light and dark sides of humanity?

Are there any examples of those people, civilizations, whom the Gods punished/smitten dead ?

What exactly are the Gods punishing/smitten dead for?

Should Spiritual Satanists worry about this?

I have not received answers to other questions under this post, but I am asking these.
I do not understand what happens to feedback, sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not, and what is the principle of providing feedback if I do not receive it, i.e. is the reason for HP workload, or is it in me (I was guilty of something) ?

In the Ancient World there are stories of this punishment taking place, in particular on extreme cases [99.99% of people don't get this] where evil has reached proportions of utmost sacrilege. The 0.01% which crosses into crimes that directly does offend heavenly order, can get ranging punishments. The last states of these can even incur death, that's what the texts write and that's what I also know personally.

So no, one should not worry about this. Spiritual Satanists are very far from this, very far.

There are some documented stories about this, but these don't involve mistakes or even evil as perceived by contemporary human moral laws or ethics, but violations towards the Gods.


1. An imposter King named Salmoneus in Ancient Greece who was pretending to be Zeus "himself", that was terrorizing the whole kingdom consistently for decades, causing insanity to everyone in the kingdom through excessive spectacles. After infinite warnings to stop, they did not, and the Gods had to smite him dead. His people lived under constant terror for a very long time, and he was a major criminal in all respects, but nobody could do anything about this.

2. Human beings who do severe an unwarranted crimes such as attacks on children when these are not warranted in anyway, shape or form. Zeus is known as the protector of the children of the Gentiles. That's why you see many of those in power who think they are immune with children abuse, falling from grace and power very suddenly, based on these circumstances. Epstein is a great example here.

3. Cases where the Gods are assaulted directly, over impossibly long periods of time, like the enemy has been doing. They can punish here not because they are offended personally, but because this practice severs people from Divine origin and it's built on pure falsehood and deception. If one studies many of the souls of the enemy who kept doing this lying without any repentance, they will understand.

4. Cases where someone falsely and without reason murders their own family, brothers or sisters on completely unwarranted grounds, and nobody can help. When the Gods see these taking place, they can take a long time, but they can punish them severely, all the way to killing these people. These acts of atrocity against innocents violating laws that the Gods have set.

As one can understand, these are extreme cases, of extreme severity, which never really represent but only the most evil of human beings there are.

When this process is done, the soul is then carried by the Gods for purification, something which is doable for the striking majority of souls except of a small percent of the most wicked. Everything a person has done is carried in consideration, and for anyone to end up there, it's an extremely rare phenomenon of only the most wicked, unlike what the enemy stated later that the most minor disobedience would mean "eternal hellfire" for anyone.

Generally the Gods do smite first with morbid insanity, losses and other things of this nature, rarely with death. That is because they care even for trespassers to solve these issues. Severe punishments have nothing to do with the claims of Christianity or Islam, they have to do with committing the highest forms of existential sacrilege against human beings and the order of the Gods.

Christianity falsely same as Islam preaches that eternal damnation will come to anyone for stealing an apple or looking at a naked women, but these leave the Gods uninterested, they do not represent transgressions of divine laws, so they will almost never intervene in these self destructive affairs. These are up to individuals to understand to deal with these, and society.

This represents 0.01% of all the "evil" people on earth. In cases where nothing can happen to solve this issue, yes, the Gods can exact justice.

We are talking about truly and infinitely wicked people there, not just "anyone" who stole an apple or cheated or whatever. The Gods only intervene in severe cases where there the violations are beyond the human scope of justice, by too far to even explain here.


For example, if you are building a career at work, you are dealing with fierce competition, therefore, in order to reach heights, you need to fight, but the methods of this struggle are different, sometimes you have to go over the heads of other people, even those who are too stupid for them to understand that they stand in your way, but if their do not remove it, you may not reach the heights that your soul wants to reach in the material sphere, otherwise you will fail, and someone else will achieve the heights.

That means you must play by the rules of the world when it comes to these subjects. If you don;'t play by the rules and you get swarmed, then that is stupidity and negligence. That has nothing to do with the above things mentioned in the reply, as everyone partaking in these games follows these same rules.
What does it mean to be a daughter or a son of perdition? And what is perdition? Is it a Christian thing? Or does it go along with the occult world as well? People who commit crime and get away with it are usually those of Perdition are they not?
We are talking about truly and infinitely wicked people there, not just "anyone" who stole an apple or cheated or whatever. The Gods only intervene in severe cases where there the violations are beyond the human scope of justice, by too far to even explain here.
I see now why the jews like to get everyone to do their dirty work for them! Allowing negative karma to cascade down into society. It's truly insidious. I can't think of any actors that are purebood Jews as an example; they are very hidden away from the public yet we hear about them on TV all the time.

It's as you mentioned about doctors accidentally killing or maiming a person. These people often are meek and not acting out of malicious intent. The harms that they cause people however get to me sometimes, yet I do believe the Gods can help us to perform our own miracles of healing beyond what we can possibly imagine. As for how long this takes I'm a little uncertain. With my own problems I do think consistent meditation and guidance from the Gods are the best steps towards that goal; yet whether it takes a year or a decade, I'm not sure.

Churches that offer 'healing' services appear to transform people, liberating them of chronic diseases and such. Human nature often tells us to take the path of least resistance as a means for survival, hence why all people in the world focus on immediate gratification. They are too weak and feeble to face the hardest and most true realities of our world - natural law.

It's all short-term gain and long-term pain when we should instead face short-term pain and have long-term gain. It's no wonder many of these religious leaders (most notably the Pope) look like corpses as they get older, and their microexpressions at times give me chills as in recent years I somehow can see the inhumanity and evil in them along with the corrupt celebrities and politicians. Trump even gives me that vibe, although he has made several great strides. Biden however appears to me like a sad victim forced into a position of an actor and figurehead, yet his younger years probably weren't so.

Sorry to get off-topic a bit there. It is indeed a very interesting and complex world we live in; one governed by cosmic energy and powerful ET forces more than anything.
In the Ancient World there are stories of this punishment taking place, in particular on extreme cases [99.99% of people don't get this] where evil has reached proportions of utmost sacrilege. The 0.01% which crosses into crimes that directly does offend heavenly order, can get ranging punishments. The last states of these can even incur death, that's what the texts write and that's what I also know personally.

So no, one should not worry about this. Spiritual Satanists are very far from this, very far.

There are some documented stories about this, but these don't involve mistakes or even evil as perceived by contemporary human moral laws or ethics, but violations towards the Gods.


1. An imposter King named Salmoneus in Ancient Greece who was pretending to be Zeus "himself", that was terrorizing the whole kingdom consistently for decades, causing insanity to everyone in the kingdom through excessive spectacles. After infinite warnings to stop, they did not, and the Gods had to smite him dead. His people lived under constant terror for a very long time, and he was a major criminal in all respects, but nobody could do anything about this.

2. Human beings who do severe an unwarranted crimes such as attacks on children when these are not warranted in anyway, shape or form. Zeus is known as the protector of the children of the Gentiles. That's why you see many of those in power who think they are immune with children abuse, falling from grace and power very suddenly, based on these circumstances. Epstein is a great example here.

3. Cases where the Gods are assaulted directly, over impossibly long periods of time, like the enemy has been doing. They can punish here not because they are offended personally, but because this practice severs people from Divine origin and it's built on pure falsehood and deception. If one studies many of the souls of the enemy who kept doing this lying without any repentance, they will understand.

4. Cases where someone falsely and without reason murders their own family, brothers or sisters on completely unwarranted grounds, and nobody can help. When the Gods see these taking place, they can take a long time, but they can punish them severely, all the way to killing these people. These acts of atrocity against innocents violating laws that the Gods have set.

As one can understand, these are extreme cases, of extreme severity, which never really represent but only the most evil of human beings there are.

When this process is done, the soul is then carried by the Gods for purification, something which is doable for the striking majority of souls except of a small percent of the most wicked. Everything a person has done is carried in consideration, and for anyone to end up there, it's an extremely rare phenomenon of only the most wicked, unlike what the enemy stated later that the most minor disobedience would mean "eternal hellfire" for anyone.

Generally the Gods do smite first with morbid insanity, losses and other things of this nature, rarely with death. That is because they care even for trespassers to solve these issues. Severe punishments have nothing to do with the claims of Christianity or Islam, they have to do with committing the highest forms of existential sacrilege against human beings and the order of the Gods.

Christianity falsely same as Islam preaches that eternal damnation will come to anyone for stealing an apple or looking at a naked women, but these leave the Gods uninterested, they do not represent transgressions of divine laws, so they will almost never intervene in these self destructive affairs. These are up to individuals to understand to deal with these, and society.

This represents 0.01% of all the "evil" people on earth. In cases where nothing can happen to solve this issue, yes, the Gods can exact justice.

We are talking about truly and infinitely wicked people there, not just "anyone" who stole an apple or cheated or whatever. The Gods only intervene in severe cases where there the violations are beyond the human scope of justice, by too far to even explain here.

That means you must play by the rules of the world when it comes to these subjects. If you don;'t play by the rules and you get swarmed, then that is stupidity and negligence. That has nothing to do with the above things mentioned in the reply, as everyone partaking in these games follows these same rules.
Thank you very much for the clarification, now I understand 😃:love::)
I read an interesting article with some good logical conclusions relating to this topic here but sadly misguided and blind in many other ways whether intentionally or not.

If only this thread could be brought to the attention of these cliodynamicists maybe some of them would understand and recognize the element missing in their theory i.e. what the original sermon talks about and what we're discussing here. Unfortunately researchers in mainstream academia are restricted from publishing content that is not in line with the narrative of you know who.

Ethics is quite the subject, and it's not always a subject related to the law or even the morals of a society. Frequently, the notion of morality is conflated with Ethics, but Ethics, as Aristotle explains, have to do with the highest virtues of life.

Using a few points from his teachings, I will further unfold it and explain it clearly. However, without mentioning integral parts of the understanding of the grand Aristotle, the mastermind of his at this topic, it wouldn't be necessary to illustrate the subject as it should be illustrated.

In order to understand how to better be ethical, one has to be first able to be ethical. By able, we mean that one is not constrained by the need and forced necessity of engaging in other decisions other than ethical ones. In Ancient Greek this force of compulsive pressure and necessity is called "Anage" [Ανάγκη] and it means the force of necessity. Where this force is concerned, anyone can succumb.

Let me mention a few hypothetical examples. Under no circumstance I would kill a person that has done nothing to me, because that is of course not only morally wrong, but also unethical. However, if I would theoretically find myself assaulted one day in my own home, the chances are very high if I was forced by the attack of someone who wanted to take my life, it would be either their life or mine, forcing me to kill them, to maintain my own existence. In this case, the action of killing, albeit unethical, is also a case that was enforced to someone by compulsive necessity.

Another situation is that a man, who has been military drafted, would of course not want to kill people in another Nation under regular circumstances, nor in his town, city or state. Yet, when war breaks out, as higher powers have decided they must fight it out for the living interests (or Klaus Schwab type of stranger interests to feed us all bugs, or whatever), the same man that would never kill as much as a fly, has to go out there and kill everyone they can from the opposite faction so that a war is won. In these examples, the higher force of necessity is at work.

A doctor, not carrying out an emergency procedure properly, can by accident, kill another human being. Everything has to be taken in consideration in this situation, and the doctor cannot be called just a killer without all the underlying information being reviewed. While one is technically a killer [and even in the eyes of the law, ie, going to jail], in the eyes of the Gods, they know all information pertinent to the incident, and what led to the death and all the information. The law might or might not do their best to understand the situation, but the law cannot always see all of the information present in making a decision.

So one's soul is judged by the whole of this, but one's physical existence will be judged by the laws and the legal structures present and information visible to humans. There are cases where these overlap, and cases where these realities do not overlap. As to not derail the thread, I will however keep how the Gods see the subject for another parts of this knowledge.

Ethics overall cannot be easily or at all applied when one finds themselves in the most weak and cornered situation. Aristotle defines one of the first and primary causes of lack of ethics: Poverty [Πενία].

This word has many undertones; lack of internal power, lack of financial power, lack of education, deficiencies and other forms of weakness. The only consequential path to stop being unethical, is to develop strength and power.

In order to be ethical, one has to have power. This power has to be first internal and then also external, in the environment of their life. Internal power to have ethics is what we call integrity and strength of character. Externally it means a level of self determination to be able to make decisions between ethical or unethical courses of action.

That's why for example, I have explained before, the importance of donations to keeping a place clean and alive such as this wonderful organization here which is a gift from the Gods.

Lack of power, in all ways, be it spiritual or in external means, is a sure-proof way to generate both individually, socially or in existence, monsters. Lack of power also contains misuse of power. In regards to how these connect, read on and it will become clear by the end of the post.

An organization, a human being, or any organism in life, cannot exist only on ethics or integrity. Means, tools and provisions for existence, are another. The less the second exist, the more the ethical level will devolve for anyone and anything in this universe, and then this anyone will be combated by life itself and surrounding evil, until eventually they collapse.

To have the ability to have ethics and morals, one must have the following:

1. Internal Ethics and Integrity, Personality wise
2. Knowledge, not Ignorance, Knowledge Wise
3. Power, Spiritual and Material, Physical means to remain that way

Without the above, any semblance of "Ethics" is just imagined jargon that most people like to tell themselves. The equal subject here is one having no genitals, and no ability to have sex with anyone, while simultaneously they preach loudly about their excellent sexual chastity. This might fool the mortal men, but it cannot fool the Gods, which know very well the reasons that such a being is in this state, which is not due to true ethics.

As unethical it would be for someone to say that this baby can live solely on the "imagined" love of it's father, so it's immoral for anyone to say that great organizations like this should not have massive power in human resource, wealth and capacity, to promote good ideals to humanity, especially when confronted in a war against all those who have all the means to crush such a thing.

Power, in the above example, is also shown, same as action, to be important when it comes to maintaining any form of ethics. Then, the use of this power and it's motives decide the degree of ethics one has or does not have. When no power is present at all, one's ethics can only be judged up in small extents, or none at all.

Between a thief that literally stole for the survival of their family, and a thief that stole merely to enjoy the loot, it's clear that the second aspect is the more unethically oriented. To not be a thief, one must be above the level of even needing any of this; either internally, or materially. That's the state where one can be ethical. That's why it's important to be able internally and externally, to stay outside of the forces that will enforce immorality and unethical behavior.

The closer one is to the notion of forced necessity, the less freedom they have to act in ethical manners, with the bottom line of this being close to none. The bottom of powerlessness and ignorance, is also the bottom where one can no longer embark in any ethical decision. One is just existing ultimately passively, and anyone else can do as they see fit with their existence.

The closer one is also in ignorance, lack of knowledge, or lack of understanding, it's far easier to engage in unethical activity, also including unethical activity which is related to existence or even one's own existence.

In the three hypothetical examples above; the doctor, might have killed the patient due to present day medical knowledge ignorance, or his own. The thief that tried to invade the house and died, of ignorance about how they could make ends meet in another way. The person that died in the twilight of war, due to ignorant state leadership or ignorance of humanity as a whole, for example, on how to generate another resource that was lacking that created the war in the first place, or how to modulate human greed.

For example, if one does not know how to make a better living, and then force is exacted upon them, they are far more likely to become a criminal than an educated person who knows how to make money in other ways. A person lacking the ability to control their emotions, is far easier to flip out and severely damage another human being because of experiencing certain emotions. The higher the ignorance, the higher this chance.

Resolving the above issues with True Knowledge, is how better decisions and outcomes could arrive in the future. By banishing true knowledge, humanity naturally will keep resorting or being around a barbaric state.

That will also highlight why in Spiritual Satanism I go on and on about ignorance and fixing this, both in ourselves, spiritually and socially. The same reason is why we preach Spiritual Knowledge and not empty moral talk all day long. Most people think "religion" is just this empty worthless moral talk. They are used to the programs of the enemy, which preach nothing fundamental or of use spiritually or otherwise.

That's because ignorance has a very direct correlation not only to all forms of evil, but also, unethical and damaging behaviors.

Spiritual Satanism is not a place for empty "holier than thou" morality that is based on ignorance, that constantly procures further destruction. Spiritual Satanism is the only way humanity is going to have a truly ethical society, based on knowledge and understanding.

We preach 3 things in Spiritual Satanism as highest virtues: Knowledge, Wisdom and Power. These are fundamentals that must exist in order we can hope for any form of ethical progression.

The above notions what will make humanity truly ethical and moral beings, bring out the goodness from inside them, that will be consistent with Sanatana Dharma to the best of their ability.

Of the three states, Wisdom is the place where our society is majorly lacking right now, with the two other forces going forward without control; that's why currently humanity is falling and falling. When one lacks in either of the three, unavoidably, evil will occur.

We can reverse the fall and instate proper ethics in ourselves and other beings, through only re-instating the power of Wisdom which comes from the Gods and internal knowledge of humanity. Those who are against one of the above [the enemy is against all of them], shall only generate a monstrous reality. It's a miracle human society still exists with the programs of the enemy on top of it; it's proof that human beings are actually good beings inherently, not evil as the enemy states. If they were, with these false teachings on top of it, all of society would have collapsed.

Spiritual Satanism can solve these matters and we must get it out there to the people. That's the only way to transform humanity into higher beings.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks HPHC, Over the years what I have learnt
concerning "Ethics" Ethics has been very important in the advancement of the society; which influences it, either negatively or positively.Ethics shaped the character of people, By embracing goodwill rather than evil deeds.
Ethics which helps us to differentiate between bad and good, Also knowing, What is right and wrong! In fact the Virtuosness and Essence of our existence.
The Joy of Satan is an epitome of virtuosness, Intergrity and wisdom.
GOD Bless US!
When this process is done, the soul is then carried by the Gods for purification, something which is doable for the striking majority of souls except of a small percent of the most wicked. Everything a person has done is carried in consideration, and for anyone to end up there, it's an extremely rare phenomenon of only the most wicked, unlike what the enemy stated later that the most minor disobedience would mean "eternal hellfire" for anyone.
When you say "Purification" are you saying the gods would take someone they might've smite or died in jail from their actions and take some of their Bad Karma away before reincarnating them?
Like Ed Gein, not to say the gods did anything with that guy, but being born with placements that are so naturally terrible in the chart making someone turn out that way, is that something the gods would "Purify" to some extent?
Ethics overall cannot be easily or at all applied when one finds themselves in the most weak and cornered situation. Aristotle defines one of the first and primary causes of lack of ethics: Poverty [Πενία].

This word has many undertones; lack of internal power, lack of financial power, lack of education, deficiencies and other forms of weakness. The only consequential path to stop being unethical, is to develop strength and power.
Just goes to show why it is in the words of jewsus "blessed are the poor in spirit". The enemy programs want weakness and filth in every state of being.

Thank you for this amazing sermon. It also shows how things are not always so "black and white" and how every situation is unique when it comes to applying judgments on certain things. This is also something I needed to hear at strangely the right timing.
Thank you very much for the clarification, now I understand 😃:love::)

If I ever don't reply, it can be because the reply needs a longer response, or I lack time. I never do this on purpose. Be well.
When you say "Purification" are you saying the gods would take someone they might've smite or died in jail from their actions and take some of their Bad Karma away before reincarnating them?
Like Ed Gein, not to say the gods did anything with that guy, but being born with placements that are so naturally terrible in the chart making someone turn out that way, is that something the gods would "Purify" to some extent?

Correct. The notion of an eternal hell does not really exist in the Ancient religions, only a majorly and hardcore purgatory, where these souls are rectified via experiencing situations of their causing. Only 0.01% of them stay there "forever". There is no eternal damnation for the overwhelming majority of people. Only lessons. The Gods don't get satisfaction from punishing anyone, on the contrary, that's what they constantly try to avoid by any means necessary.
Thanks HPHC, Over the years what I have learnt
concerning "Ethics" Ethics has been very important in the advancement of the society; which influences it, either negatively or positively.Ethics shaped the character of people, By embracing goodwill rather than evil deeds.
Ethics which helps us to differentiate between bad and good, Also knowing, What is right and wrong! In fact the Virtuosness and Essence of our existence.
The Joy of Satan is an epitome of virtuosness, Intergrity and wisdom.
GOD Bless US!

Preach it loud brother!!!
How exactly does the virtue of courage relate to those three virtues?

I know that courage is that thing that allows you to overcome the final obstacle to accomplish and manifest a work. The obstacle in question is fear, and it is something to do with the human instinct, since our current situation even if negative is something we know and therefore 'safe', while what we want to manifest or change in our life is something new and unexplored, and therefore 'insecure'.

With knowledge, I can give myself certainty that what I am about to do (move into what is unknown) is not a danger or harm.

Wisdom, on the other hand, is that thing that makes me look at my circumstances (problems, knowledge, etc.) and find a way to exploit this to achieve my goal and overcome fear.

So with knowledge I can give more potential to my wisdom, and this wisdom is a potential power.
With courage I can transform potential power into real power by putting my wisdom into practice.

Adding another thought of mine. In the absence of knowledge, and therefore certainty, as to what one's future will be like after the transformation (which is the manifestation of a work), where one knows that the result is something positive, but one does not know why; one possible solution I have thought of is to focus on manifesting Satan, on all levels. Even if I don't know the details of every detail, as is also the case with RTRs, I can still be sure that if the result is Satan, then it is a sure result. It is that aspect of trusting Satan.

I gave the example of spiritual warfare because it affects everyone's life. I only know that Satan's influence is good for every human being, but I don't know how events will be influenced, here more than knowledge is pure trust in Satan.

What do you think?
How exactly does the virtue of courage relate to those three virtues?


According to Aristotle who is most right and nowhere wrong, Bravery/Courage is the first and most fundamental virtue. Without being brave, one cannot be anything else, nor knowledgeable, nor wise, nor powerful.

If one for example is a coward and cannot dedicate to the Gods because they are scared of the website, or they approve the messages of xianity about slavery and being a cattle, the above three virtues are closed to them until they choose to be brave.

As thus it is written:

"Of all the virtues listed here, the most important virtue of all the 36 ones, is Bravery."

Since everyone has displayed this when they join the Gods, it's already seen as existing. Therefore, the Spiritual Satanist can move onwards while increasing this virtue to attain the rest of them.
One thing I think a lot of people don't understand about compassion an empathy, is the necessity of intelligence to create it. The idea of "IQ" (as it's interpreted as a number by modern academia) is flawed, obviously, but there's still helpful generalizations to be made in regards to it, in how it demonstrates trends. One such instance is the infamous period of leaded gasoline in America, where the national IQ in poorer areas dropped a considerable degree. Subsequently, this was a period of statistically many more serial killers and other psychopaths. What you'll find, among practically every single person who has ever been incarcerated for crimes of this degree is, that they all have extremely low IQs, practically what you'd define as "room temperature" level. You'll very rarely find someone of above average intelligence committing violent rape and crimes of this nature.

When people cite a lack of education as a massive issue in the developing world, with regards to how it contributes to cycles of poverty and violence, they don't only mean the ability to perform equations or other such things. Developing the mind at a young age, or frankly at any age, will open it to other forms of thinking a closed mind is innately incapable of. You'll notice all forms of radical hatred founded in nothing are always held most firmly by the people who have nothing else to think or dwell upon.

Even academia is able to admit, human empathy and compassion is directly linked to the existence of "mirror neurons" in the brain. There's a certain phrase which I'm sure everyone has heard, which is "kids are cruel". The reason this is true, is because the mind of a child is yet to develop. Social pressures, insecurity and other such things will inherently encourage negative behaviour when there is no filter that suggests one should not do these things. It's really obvious if you think about it. Empathy in and of itself requires the ability for you to imagine yourself in a situation other than your own. The ability to imagine why something may upset another when it does not upset you is an abstract concept that requires higher thinking.

In my experience, the Gods have always understood my fears, even the somewhat illogical ones that were founded in a lack of knowledge with regards to my circumstances. Ultimately, the point comes back to Aristotle. The ability to be compassionate ultimately comes back to the conquering of ignorance through spiritual betterment. Actual morality and ethics, at its absolute baseline, is not an inherently difficult thing. Sometimes the first step is simply moving beyond false puritanism, by which I mean, any glance at any Abrahamic system, people will define themselves as "ethical" or "moral" by virtue of how they adhere to pointless maxims. Don't eat pork on Wednesday, don't wear mixed fibres, don't abide by human biological function and urge. In the scheme of the universe these actions have no weight or consequence. There's nothing virtuous about doing these things. Most of what Abrahamics define as "sinful" has no meaning.

At the heart of Platonic and Neoplatonic philosophy is something referred to variously as "The Good" or "the Form of the Good". This is to say, the expression of the highest Godhead is something ineffably good. The moment you begin contemplating the hierarchy of the Divine beings, the moment you realize their ability to be compassionate and empathic beyond human comprehension only climbs and climbs.

Reassurance can and should be taken from the notion that things only get better from the standing of our reality upwards. "Evil" is not a force in and of itself. Rather, it's merely the shadow of Good, existent only in the places where Good is lesser for reasons of ignorance. Good however, is never truly absent, even in the darkest of places, as its expression is fundamental to the very fabric of creation. As said in the past, those souls who have fallen to the levels of ignorance and heaviness capable of anything definable as evil are merely temporal things with no anchoring in eternity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
