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Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

furious flame said:
MrIntrepid said:
furious flame said:
Why do you trolls always baby talk? When did the ADL start hiring toddlers? And why does anyone take you seriously?

It depends.
Ask yourself, the moment you discovered JoS, how you took it, Like a Troll?
If so then what are you doing here now.
If not then why didn't you took the craft as Troll..! Like you took my post.

Please explain the lemon and the anti-clockwise rotation.
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As if this whole thing isn’t strange enough, it really blows my mind to come on here and see you call me a liar and further discredit me when I already seem crazy enough telling people publicly these real experiences. I don’t understand why you say that? I can screenshot and post the emails, with your permission? I don’t want to be further discredited and really don’t understand why you would say that. It’s really weird. Cause you did say the things I said you said. I’m very confused.

Maybe you don’t remember that’s why you’re calling me out, but it’s not like I’m putting you in bad light or saying you said something crazy or bad so I dont see the big deal? The grey theory you said about a year in a half ago when I first brought this to your attention while I was seeking advice. I would then go on to reach out to you again around a year later. The grey theory was not brought up in further conversations, so I can only assume you don’t remember saying it? Or idk. But you did. But it’s just a theory anyway so it’s not a big deal. Doesn’t mean it’s correct. I just really don’t want to be further discredited and called a liar when I already have been dreadfully worried about being dismissed as is. I’m not worried so much about being called crazy. Cause that doesn’t really matter. If I’m crazy or not still doesn’t explain certain aspects of this. And there still is a problem that needs to be resolved. Crazy or not. I wish you could see what actually happens to me and then you’d see why ‘ignoring’ it isn’t so much possible.

Nobody called you a liar or said about you specifically. You are not called a liar in my reply. As I told you I never believed this to be lie, it is how you experience it.

I mentioned about another person, re-read the associated reply. In an above reply demons are discredited as not giving help, which is false. They always help if the matter is truly astrally oriented.

I stand by what was said, and also, claiming "The Demons didn't help" is false. Because as stated the associated issue seems to stem not in real astral interactions, but other issues. Orobas can drive away enemies, but not wave his wand to cure an illness.

A lot of people have issues they don't want to accept and they always say it's entities doing this. It could be a neurological issue, that you think is a spirit. Entities can be driven away by Demons fairly easily, if they are that problematic.

If you want me to be absolutely straight up, IMO, this is mental illness, and nothing spiritual. This is not to insult you. But saying "The Demons Don't Help" is a flat out lie because you insist that this is something "Astral", when apparently, it doesn't appear to be.

Rocking out of one's chair, foam from the mouth, going into uncontrollable spasms, feeling like something else takes you over completely, or whatever, is nothing "Spiritual" in most cases. It can be perceived as such, but it may be mental illness, brain damage, multiple personality disorder, and other things.

The very same situation was happening to another person who constantly blamed this on Demons without ever having an actual self evaluation done. Their replies were the same "do you call me a liar", "this is truly happening" etc.

You just don't want to accept any input and therefore my reply to you is that the issue is nothing I can do. But I want to prevent people having ingested false ideas that "If you summon Orobas he may not help or not be able to" because these are unreal.

There are neurological disorders that can do all this and more, and people keep insisting these are "spiritual issues". These are not. If someone has a nervous disorder, rocking, jumping out of the bed, and all sorts of stuff like sitting down to meditate and going into spasms uncontrollably can happen. These are illnesses that have to be approached in another way and not spiritual.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If a neurological or mental problem is developing or any related pineal deficiencies, The Gods definitely and absolutely help. Such as orientation to a good doctor, to good treatment, good practices and sustenance in difficult situations, if the problems are truly threatening. If you are of valor, and you still don't understand what to do, there are situations when you are obliged to save yourself by different happenings.
And if in the last resort you still manage to take wrong decisions, it is to be expected to help yourself down the road.

I had a potential deadly thing going on, from this sphere. Full blown out destruction in my life. Guess what, the Gods made sure I get to mature up, get help, heal. Besides this extreme help on the financial side, and beside this a new job. Never in my life felt so strong and without subtleties the manifestation of Gods in my life, as I alone I would've failed. Help was received and succes was aquired. Did I had moments when I was completely cut of from the Gods and truly black times under pressure and enemy attacks? Yes, those moments mature you. They pass and make you stronger. The opposite is to interpret as those moments of distress as an answer or something deserved. Or that no one is helping you.


Also I want to publicly thank with extreme humbleness and love towards our HP. Cobra. He was there and helped me extremely. A saving hand and presence in critical personal times. For that I thank you, eternally grateful.
May I say something here as well?

One time when I neglected the AoP and cleaning, despite working for Satan, I went insane for 2 weeks, those weeks felt like months. It was horrible.
Stopped meditating, stopped being alone, kept an occupied mind 24/7 and went only at 5am to bed so I don’t lay alone there with my thoughts. I was afraid of them, as I hated them.

When I reached the breaking point, I couldn’t ignore the issue any more, it was way out of hand now, I was literally insane. I approached Satan, in full honesty, I just explained the situation and that it is nnot me, it is against my nature, I am so sorry, don’t protect me anymore... I am not worth it in the slightest.. after I explained everything my room filled with light, I felt strong loving energy from Satan within my self, felt pure joy (from feeling like total shit, to being happy) and the thoughts vanished. Along with a feeling that I am never alone, all I have to do is to be honest to Satan no matter what, there is no reason not to be whatsoever. (All of this happened in 1 second).

And well I was healed. So Satan will never let you alone, it is just that Satan also expects you to do something or to behave or cope with the situation in a certain way.

We are also all individuals. I did not ask for help, and I did not expected help at all, I just wanted to come clear, as I couldn’t take it anymore.

(Same attack happened a couple of months later, and I saw a grey in my mind. I was not able to get rid of it, insulted and fought it. Felt regret as I triggered this ugly grey and was afraid that I might go insane again, when I thought „I need to approach Father Satan now again, I don’t want this to escalate again... I shouldn’t have done that and attacked it like this..“
I heard Father Satan saying „No! You did everything right, when someone attacks you, retaliate with everything you‘ve got.“ and the grey was gone at the same time. He smashed this grey into pieces, as all influence was gone completely.)

So never stop believing in Satan, our Goddesses and Gods!

Hail Satan! Forever!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Okay, I can accept there’s elements of mental illness here. But it’s not the whole thing. Remember, when I told you about the succubus situation? Where I had a relationship with an entity I thought was a demon who was going to help me with all of this and it turned out to be an enemy who deceived me all long. Taking advantage of my desperation? I mean those were real experiences. Anyone who has had sex on the astral knows it’s real. It’s not mental illness. The energy and physical sensation of it is undeniable. I have had genuine interactions with entities. Many on this path have obviously. It’s not all mental illness to interact with entities. Maybe elements of it. I can see that as being true.

But here’s the thing with that succubus. When I found out she was the enemy. I tried to tune her out and she would harass me ever night. I called on the demons on multiple occasion to get rid of her. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn’t. That’s what always confused the hell out of me. Why sometimes did it work and sometimes not? She comes back everyday. Every single day. I can’t call on the demons every night. There’s got to be some block happening or something. Otherwise I can’t understand this.

If there’s mental illness, it’s scattered amongst real spiritual experiences and real interactions with enemies too. I do empower myself and advance and do rtrs and have for years. Anyone who does that will have real experiences on this path am I wrong on that? So this can’t be entirely dismissed as insanity.

Also I don’t think I’m experiencing this cause I’m mentally ill. I think I’m mentally ill because I’ve been experiencing this for so long. It’s like you’re completely ignoring my stories on the genesis of this whole situation, where I said it all started with my first attempts at summoning a god those years ago. How do you explain that? That it’s just a coincidence that I went crazy when I tried to summon my gd for the first time? There’s more going on here. I have no reason to lie. I’m just looking for guidance.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I need to emphasize this to clear something up. Are you telling me that after years and years of consistent meditation and empowerment, ect that all that work as yielded me zero results and all of my spiritual experiences and interactions are delusions and insanity in my head? Cause that’s what it sounds like. And if that’s true than that’s equally as bizarre. That all of you are able to do meditations on the jos and have real experiences but when I do them I’m insane. When you all have interactions with entities it’s real but for some reason when I do, I’m schizophrenic? It doesn’t add up. Whether there’s insanity here or not there are GENUINE interactions as well. Particularly with the enemy succubus. I mean the power of those experiences is undeniable. You know these are real phenomena. We can have these relationships with entities on the astral. Which is a huge source of confusion. Because I have done numerous midnight cries to the gods to get her away from me and nothing happened. On other occasions, only more recently as well I should point out, she would scream at me “Why are you doing this?? Why are telling them to take me away??” And then all of the sudden she would be gone and I would have peace. But the next night she’d be back. It doesn’t end.
When a person does the final rtr and does the meditations on the jos on a consistent basis there’s a 100% chance they will have results. These are real power meditations revealed by the gods. They absolutely DO work. There are genuine entities of the enemy who will attack and harass us. We’ve all experienced that. My experience can’t be dismissed solely as schizophrenia. I meditate and fight. That means I, along with all of you have real spiritual experiences, attacks and advancement. We can all relate. It’s very real. Not made up in the head.

If my experiences are 100% delusions, then as I said, that’s equally bizarre. No matter which way you cut it, this is an odd and out of the ordinary situation going on, insanity or not. I can’t stress that enough.
Eric13 said:
When a person does the final rtr and does the meditations on the jos on a consistent basis there’s a 100% chance they will have results. These are real power meditations revealed by the gods. They absolutely DO work. There are genuine entities of the enemy who will attack and harass us. We’ve all experienced that. My experience can’t be dismissed solely as schizophrenia. I meditate and fight. That means I, along with all of you have real spiritual experiences, attacks and advancement. We can all relate. It’s very real. Not made up in the head.

If my experiences are 100% delusions, then as I said, that’s equally bizarre. No matter which way you cut it, this is an odd and out of the ordinary situation going on, insanity or not. I can’t stress that enough.

Brother you can have both at the same time. The one doesn't exclude the other one but make you incapable of of judgement of reality. There's a fine line between psychic ability and insanity. Once broke the fine line, it is a mess.

I remember Maxine, if I'm not mistaking saying that power and insanity stems from the same source and it is a two-faced coin, relating to the pineal gland.

I will soon write something about this. But you need to understand that there are some things that show real spirituality vs spirituality with extreme sensory imagination.

Our brains run on electricity, once unbalanced, the receptors on the physical plane will have you feel the same, perfectly same things that normally under normal exaltation of this electricity in brain and harmony would bring said powers. In one case the electricity does input internal beliefs and hallucinations and sensory perception of illusions and subconscious tendencies and in the other case the brain starts to perceive information more correctly.

It is one to hallucinate and really feel an astral projection or sexual action vs actual astral projection and sexual interaction in spiritual. The difference between the two is that in real spirituality you can prove yourself that is the case, and certainly there's not even the need to do so.

Example when I was in a bad situation, I had a mess of bio electricity and exaltation. This bought out a lot of bullshit visions and experiences while only a handful were real. How I know they were real? Because I cross verified with external people the information I saw in the vision and actual reality. Did this made me conclude that all of what I experienced was real? No. I understood the difference.

This is nothing apocalyptic. You can heal. And certainty there's no shame in this. It is certain that no one will go and decide today that they want to be deluded, at least consciously.

This is a problem, please contemplate on it. Be sincere and reflective of your experiences. How many of them were proven real vs imagination and sensory exaltation. It definitely feels real to you, doesn't meant it really is. The brain is complex.
NakedPluto said:
Brother you can have both at the same time. The one doesn't exclude the other one but make you incapable of of judgement of reality. There's a fine line between psychic ability and insanity. Once broke the fine line, it is a mess...
Yeah, I mean, that was the exact point I was making.

You know what’s even stranger, but in a good way, is every since I begun this conversation on this thread, I’ve been noticing improvements in this situation like nothing before. It’s getting very much better. Still slow and steady, but Blitzkreig was right, I need to play the long game. Whatever this thing is, must be very powerful and I crave the day to understand what it fully is. It isn’t totally in my mind and imagination. There’s reality to it.

I have a close SS friend and he said to me something I needed to hear. He said, you’ve tried so many things and just because they didn’t work instantly, you assumed it wasn’t working, but it is. You have to keep going. The main point is all the things I’m doing are working. I just have to keep going.

Thank you everyone who gave thoughtful advice. I appreciate it and not just simply saying I was crazy. It’s been three years dealing with it. Who knows how much longer it’ll be, but I feel confident I’ll over come it. Both the mental and real aspects of this. I’m glad I finally broke down and discussed this on here, even though, of course I was ready for the onslaught of your a schizophrenic theories, which are kind of ignorant theories. Just because this situation is beyond the scope of most people’s experiences doesn’t nullify it.
MrIntrepid said:
furious flame said:
MrIntrepid said:
It depends.
Ask yourself, the moment you discovered JoS, how you took it, Like a Troll?
If so then what are you doing here now.
If not then why didn't you took the craft as Troll..! Like you took my post.

Please explain the lemon and the anti-clockwise rotation.

Lemon absorbs negative energies the moment you to rotate it anti-clockwise it unbinds the attached entity and starts absorbing it.
After doing this if you cut that lemon the entity will took revenge from you & if you throw it in sea or river it will be released after few days and will find a new target, kind of banishing ritual.
You can also use lemon to know if you have been cursed or not or if there is any negative energy attached to you or not & so on. But i have noticed it works best for weak entities i.e., ghosts. For stronger ones some different approach is required.
Eric13 said:
......... and it starts throwing me around. Literally knocking multiple feet? This isn’t just energy moving around. Trying to go sleep, I literally had part of my body lifted, my torso up off of my bed and slammed back on over repeatedly as Im trying to go to sleep.

Few questions here:
Body lift? @ It only happens to same bed only ?
I know its true that it pulls and lifts the torso.

I had faced this as well and i have fixed this to a great extent.

This entity attached to you after relocated to this new house ?
This entity attached to you after the succubus ritual ?

What method you used for summoning succubus ?

How do you found that the succubus was from enemy side ?

Are you getting bite marks like vampire marks on your body ? Neck , front or back of torse , legs or any where on the body?

Energy drain ? Sleepy all day ? Body Pain ?

Are you loosing intetest in human ladies ? Money ? Job ?

Are you still connected to your family , friends , gf ?

Are you able to see this entity ? Your 3 eye is active ?

How this entity appears to you ?

This type of entity plays hard game here.
Eric13 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Eric13 said:
And yes I am decently advanced and can communicate on the astral. Just not with our gods. Only enemies. The gods won’t communicate with me. Anyway, I’m gonna make a thread on it and describe more so that maybe I can more guidance.
So in other words, you are not advanced at all, you have no ability to comminicate astrally, and you are basically at the level of a beginner. Do not try to blame this on the Gods. You may be beyond beginner level with some things, but not with communication.

I am convinced that all of this with you is self-created. Your own imagination, your own doubts, and your own thoughts are stuck in a positive feedback loop. You have a feeling which is coming from your own imagination, you react to it and think it is real, you empower it, then you feel it again from your own mind. And every time this cycle happens, it gets stronger. That's what I mean by positive feedback loop.

I bet the gods want to help you, but your psychic senses are shut down and you refuse to listen, or you are just unable to listen. Maybe they act through me and influence me to write this to you, to ensure you get the message of what this is and what to do about it.

I strongly doubt that any kind of banishing ritual or any use of Vinasa would do anything to fix your problem. Has it helped at all? None of these could possibly help you if there is no "entity" involved with any of this. You cannot do a banishing ritual against your own imagination.

You must do a serious amount of Void meditation, and remove these thoughts whenever they come up. If you have had this problem for years, then it could be very difficult to change your habits and remove these thoughts, but it must be done.
Well when I’m laying in bed trying to go to sleep and I get repeatedly thrown from my bed that’s not my imagination. Honestly it’s been so intense lately I don’t have any energy right now to talk about it. I’ll try. That’s why I haven’t made the thread. I don’t even know where to start when it comes to explaining everything. It’s so convoluted.

Basically it started when I was trying to open my astral senses and open communication three years ago. I tried to summon a god for some personal reason and it was my first real attempt doing that. During this summoning a demon did not come, but rather an enemy. I didn't know that at the time as I was new to astral communication. I invoked the entity. I did the summoning the exact way it’s described on the jos. I went through Satan. This entity then attached. I didn’t really think of it as that big of a deal at the time. It would make threats to me and stuff. I didn’t believe any of it and just ignored it. I thought after some banishing it would just go away. However, this did not work and I was quite confused. And then the threats it made came true and that’s when I was really freaked out and tried reaching out to the gods some more with no success.

There most certainly is an entity absolutely. And it gets more complicated. There was another entity I was in communication with for a bit. That I really thought was a god. They repeatedly told me that. They were of Satan, etc. and they actually did help me with certain things for a while. Gave me a lot of really wise advice for things and were super encouraging to me and helpful with meditations. But it was all done to get my trust. And my relationship with this enemy probably made my situation worse I was tying further into that energy and strengthen unwanted links and connections.

It is a real entity. It physically effects me. As with invocations where the entity speaks through you. This is what happens. But it’s mostly repetitive nonsense. It’s a thoughtform likely, but very powerfu. Cobra once told me, when I spoke to him privately about it that it could possibly be an advanced Grey attached. As their hive mind existence is similar to a thoughtform but way more powerful. Specifically it’s the worse when I’m laying down to go to bed. So I’m literally just trying to fall asleep, not thinking about anything when it’ll start writhing around and throwing me around. Sometimes it can be very violent and I’ll have bruises and soreness from being thrown around. It’s like I’m sharing my body with something is what it’s like. Actually not what it’s like. That’s what it is. And it’s weird cause when I attack it, it actually effects me like if I try to astral stab it or attack it all of the sudden I’ll physically be effected. Like I imagined my self cutting its head off with an astral sword once and when I did it, at the exact moment I had no control and I just fell to the ground. This happens often. These things suck, but really sucks is the constant threats that almost always come true. And I know you would think it’s cause I’m believing it and putting energy there but you gotta keep in mind in the beginning I never believed the threats at all. I only believed once they came true. I would literally wake up in the morning and clean my aura and do protections workings from when I woke up until I went to bed. Only taking breaks for short meals and water. I did that when I was out of work during the beginning of the pandemic for a very long time and none of it worked. This entity is real. It’s very powerful. Beyond what I can control. And as I said, I’ve done summoning a to help me and they e never worked.

Oh yeah and you asked about vinasa? Yes I use it and yes it has an effect and the entity starts screaming (through me btw, so it’s as if I am screaming, this isn’t in my imagination) and writhing. But it only helps for short bursts. I can do it for weeks, months, even though it appears to hurt it. It still doesn’t destroy it. It feels like it just instantly regenerates after I attack it. Like all the things I do have an effect but then it instantly heals and it’s all pointless. But I still do it anyway cause I don’t know what else to do and I get so angry I just attack the shit out of it. But nonetheless I’m still here dealing with it.

It’s much more complicated than this, but this is to make a long story short.

One last thing, I know this isn’t 100% proof cause there are frauds out there, but on two separate occasions I visited two different local psychics, just cause even though I was being physically effected I still thought well, maybe I’m crazy. Both of these psychics freaked out when I entered the building and before I could tell them my problem, they were like “you have some really negative and powerful entity attached to you” sent shivers down my spine cause I didn’t even tell her. I had just walked in. I know there are frauds but this happened with two different psychics. I’m not making it up. And I don’t know what to do. As I said as recent as last night I tried another summoning. No luck..
well when i asked about it, i got the response "its a mental hangup . its basically a powerful negative thoughtform that keeps getting fed energy." you basically have to cut that "feedback loop" of energy away from that throughtform that keeps getting fed with your thought energy. apparently if you want to break free from that cycle you have to master void meditation and cleanse your soul properly.
Eric13 said:
NakedPluto said:
Brother you can have both at the same time. The one doesn't exclude the other one but make you incapable of of judgement of reality. There's a fine line between psychic ability and insanity. Once broke the fine line, it is a mess...
Yeah, I mean, that was the exact point I was making.

You know what’s even stranger, but in a good way, is every since I begun this conversation on this thread, I’ve been noticing improvements in this situation like nothing before. It’s getting very much better. Still slow and steady, but Blitzkreig was right, I need to play the long game. Whatever this thing is, must be very powerful and I crave the day to understand what it fully is. It isn’t totally in my mind and imagination. There’s reality to it.

I have a close SS friend and he said to me something I needed to hear. He said, you’ve tried so many things and just because they didn’t work instantly, you assumed it wasn’t working, but it is. You have to keep going. The main point is all the things I’m doing are working. I just have to keep going.

Thank you everyone who gave thoughtful advice. I appreciate it and not just simply saying I was crazy. It’s been three years dealing with it. Who knows how much longer it’ll be, but I feel confident I’ll over come it. Both the mental and real aspects of this. I’m glad I finally broke down and discussed this on here, even though, of course I was ready for the onslaught of your a schizophrenic theories, which are kind of ignorant theories. Just because this situation is beyond the scope of most people’s experiences doesn’t nullify it.

I think the one big clue we have here is that this entity, whether it is foreign or self-created, has been attacking you for 3 years despite calls for help from the Gods. Even further, you did receive help from the Gods, which shows that they are aware of the problem and put effort to solve it.

This leads me to believe that the problem is more self-created. Remember that it is entirely possible for self-created entities, both good and bad, to feel fully real. The big clue here is that if this was a separate entity, the Gods would simply smash it into a million pieces. Actually, the fact that the entity is so powerful would be more of a reason for them to smash it, because it might be too hard for you to do it alone.

But, how do you help someone who has unwittingly recreated their attacker? You have to wait until they can realize it on their own. When you begged for relief, the Gods likely slowed or delayed the problem, but it was just a matter of time before it was created again and the attacks restarted.

My evidence for this is when GITM suffered psychic attacks, it turned out they were self-created. That doesn't meant he was a lunatic or crazy or whatever, it just meant he had to regulate himself to stop this from happening. The Gods couldn't help him because he was doing it to himself.

The attacks that both you and GITM experience were real because you created it yourself. It is based on your own power. This also explains why banishing and protections did nothing, for both you and him. Just because the attack is real does not mean it must come from a foreign source.

GITM: The reason why the gods could not help me or get rid of the nightmares, the malevolent energies, the 'psychic attacks', the reason why so much horrible shit would spiral out of control for me, why I had struggled so severely to see clarity, why so much 'noise' on the astral and in my head was going on all the time, it was all my own doing. My heart chakra (which rules over all connections) tied so strongly to my own imagination and thoughts in living in my head from those habits feeding such a strong connective tie, that it was like a doorway in my own head letting through bad influences from the heart chakra and fears to which I would then unwittingly manifest and give power with my own mind. It blind sided me in creating false interactions, false communications and false beliefs...

Bottom of this thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=45837&p=211887#p211887


I am not saying you suffer from the exact issue with the heart chakra, but I just want you to see the example and patterns here.

Suffering from this sort of thing does not mean you are retarded or crazy or anything. HPHC described it as a mental issue, because that is what it is. It is overall an issue with how your psychic energy is regulated. It does not mean you are a babbling, raving hobo on the street.

Rather, it is a testament to your own strength and power that you were able to deal with those for so long. So don't think people think less of you or are trying to push you away or anything. HPHC and others were trying to point out the issue so you could fix it; they weren't trying to make you feel bad or rejected.


I know reading this might upset you in some way, but it would not do you any good if I just held my words. I think you might have some reservations about this being self-created reflecting negatively on you. You have to realize that this is not an admission of failure or should make you feel like worse of a person. It is similar to being humble, not that you are bragging, but if the problem is self-created you have to accept this to fix it.

I just think the biggest clue you have is that the Gods did not "stop" the entity. If it has been going on for 3 years, surely they would've "come around" to help such a serious problem, right? I think you felt similarly where you mention how it seems nobody else is dealing with this. This is correct because the Gods would not leave someone dealing with an actual foreign entity like this. However, you are also not the only person to have self-attacked themselves.

Like HPHC said, you will end up going through the whole checklist of banishing rituals, protection, and whatever else is used for dealing with foreign threats, until you realize nothing working. This is because it is not truly a foreign threat.

Nobody says that someone like GITM is not strong or helpful or good to have around just because he suffered from something like this. In the same way, nobody will think less of you for this. You will always be part of JOS.


Another way of thinking about this, is that you did try everything you could, for as long as possible (3 years!). Surely it is time to try another strategy. If the 1st option, which was attacking the entity, did not yield fruit, then you must try another option. In this case, it is checking your own energy flow and connections to make sure you are not inadvertently fueling the entity.

You mentioned that you felt certain chakras being affected, so it would make sense to look at these chakras and follow the energy flow. Make sure they are balanced, stable, without any blockages or inadvertent linkages. It might not be immediately evident. You should make a checklist and try to meditate on all parts of yourself to see where the problem might lie.

As for self-healing workings, what affirmations were you using in the past? Change it specifically so that the energy is fixing anything about you that would result in self-created attacks. This could be a problem with grounding and the base chakra, it could be a problem with perception. It could be a problem with the neural connections of the brain. Whatever it may be, you should program this energy to target that and resolve it.

It might also make sense to look at the thread that GITM was writing in, as well as his part threads where he talks about the problem. This might give some insight into how to deal with this yourself.

Also check your natal chart and see if you have any earth imbalances, or anything else that may relate.


Good luck and stay strong!
Blitzkreig said:
Eric13 said:
NakedPluto said:
Brother you

can have both at the same time. The one doesn't exclude the other one but make you incapable of of judgement of reality. There's a fine line between psychic ability and insanity. Once broke the fine line, it is a mess...
Yeah, I mean, that was the exact point I was making.

You know what’s even stranger, but in a good way, is every since I begun this conversation on this thread, I’ve been noticing improvements in this situation like nothing before. It’s getting very much better. Still slow and steady, but Blitzkreig was right, I need to play the long game. Whatever this thing is, must be very powerful and I crave the day to understand what it fully is. It isn’t totally in my mind and imagination. There’s reality to it.

I have a close SS friend and he said to me something I needed to hear. He said, you’ve tried so many things and just because they didn’t work instantly, you assumed it wasn’t working, but it is. You have to keep going. The main point is all the things I’m doing are working. I just have to keep going.

Thank you everyone who gave thoughtful advice. I appreciate it and not just simply saying I was crazy. It’s been three years dealing with it. Who knows how much longer it’ll be, but I feel confident I’ll over come it. Both the mental and real aspects of this. I’m glad I finally broke down and discussed this on here, even though, of course I was ready for the onslaught of your a schizophrenic theories, which are kind of ignorant theories. Just because this situation is beyond the scope of most people’s experiences doesn’t nullify it.

I think the one big clue we have here is that this entity, whether it is foreign or self-created, has been attacking you for 3 years despite calls for help from the Gods. Even further, you did receive help from the Gods, which shows that they are aware of the problem and put effort to solve it.

This leads me to believe that the problem is more self-created. Remember that it is entirely possible for self-created entities, both good and bad, to feel fully real. The big clue here is that if this was a separate entity, the Gods would simply smash it into a million pieces. Actually, the fact that the entity is so powerful would be more of a reason for them to smash it, because it might be too hard for you to do it alone.

But, how do you help someone who has unwittingly recreated their attacker? You have to wait until they can realize it on their own. When you begged for relief, the Gods likely slowed or delayed the problem, but it was just a matter of time before it was created again and the attacks restarted.

My evidence for this is when GITM suffered psychic attacks, it turned out they were self-created. That doesn't meant he was a lunatic or crazy or whatever, it just meant he had to regulate himself to stop this from happening. The Gods couldn't help him because he was doing it to himself.

The attacks that both you and GITM experience were real because you created it yourself. It is based on your own power. This also explains why banishing and protections did nothing, for both you and him. Just because the attack is real does not mean it must come from a foreign source.

GITM: The reason why the gods could not help me or get rid of the nightmares, the malevolent energies, the 'psychic attacks', the reason why so much horrible shit would spiral out of control for me, why I had struggled so severely to see clarity, why so much 'noise' on the astral and in my head was going on all the time, it was all my own doing. My heart chakra (which rules over all connections) tied so strongly to my own imagination and thoughts in living in my head from those habits feeding such a strong connective tie, that it was like a doorway in my own head letting through bad influences from the heart chakra and fears to which I would then unwittingly manifest and give power with my own mind. It blind sided me in creating false interactions, false communications and false beliefs...

Bottom of this thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=45837&p=211887#p211887


I am not saying you suffer from the exact issue with the heart chakra, but I just want you to see the example and patterns here.

Suffering from this sort of thing does not mean you are retarded or crazy or anything. HPHC described it as a mental issue, because that is what it is. It is overall an issue with how your psychic energy is regulated. It does not mean you are a babbling, raving hobo on the street.

Rather, it is a testament to your own strength and power that you were able to deal with those for so long. So don't think people think less of you or are trying to push you away or anything. HPHC and others were trying to point out the issue so you could fix it; they weren't trying to make you feel bad or rejected.


I know reading this might upset you in some way, but it would not do you any good if I just held my words. I think you might have some reservations about this being self-created reflecting negatively on you. You have to realize that this is not an admission of failure or should make you feel like worse of a person. It is similar to being humble, not that you are bragging, but if the problem is self-created you have to accept this to fix it.

I just think the biggest clue you have is that the Gods did not "stop" the entity. If it has been going on for 3 years, surely they would've "come around" to help such a serious problem, right? I think you felt similarly where you mention how it seems nobody else is dealing with this. This is correct because the Gods would not leave someone dealing with an actual foreign entity like this. However, you are also not the only person to have self-attacked themselves.

Like HPHC said, you will end up going through the whole checklist of banishing rituals, protection, and whatever else is used for dealing with foreign threats, until you realize nothing working. This is because it is not truly a foreign threat.

Nobody says that someone like GITM is not strong or helpful or good to have around just because he suffered from something like this. In the same way, nobody will think less of you for this. You will always be part of JOS.


Another way of thinking about this, is that you did try everything you could, for as long as possible (3 years!). Surely it is time to try another strategy. If the 1st option, which was attacking the entity, did not yield fruit, then you must try another option. In this case, it is checking your own energy flow and connections to make sure you are not inadvertently fueling the entity.

You mentioned that you felt certain chakras being affected, so it would make sense to look at these chakras and follow the energy flow. Make sure they are balanced, stable, without any blockages or inadvertent linkages. It might not be immediately evident. You should make a checklist and try to meditate on all parts of yourself to see where the problem might lie.

As for self-healing workings, what affirmations were you using in the past? Change it specifically so that the energy is fixing anything about you that would result in self-created attacks. This could be a problem with grounding and the base chakra, it could be a problem with perception. It could be a problem with the neural connections of the brain. Whatever it may be, you should program this energy to target that and resolve it.

It might also make sense to look at the thread that GITM was writing in, as well as his part threads where he talks about the problem. This might give some insight into how to deal with this yourself.

Also check your natal chart and see if you have any earth imbalances, or anything else that may relate.


Good luck and stay strong!

GiTM is not a role model, and his "attacks", while knowing that they are self created, didn't made him realize he has a problem. I'm very disappointed and I hope Eric, you are smarter than him. You express yourself and understand better already, so that's amazing.
furious flame said:
When i start doing meditation
I start moving back & forth, left & right.
Banishing works only for few minutes. Is it entity attachment ?
I'm still fairly new myself, but from personal experience (as we are all individuals and have different experiences) I tend to rock back and forth, or from side to side when I slip into a semi-trance. This is perfectly natural. In my case I have a hard time sitting still, so the energy expresses itself this way. Pay attention to how you feel. If you feel abnormally, excessively tired or full of negative thoughts and feelings afterward then consider cleaning your aura and building up an aura of protection. Vibrating Satan's name, S-A-T-A-N-A-S, syllable by syllable also helps. It works like pesticide against enemy spirits and so on.
Blitzkreig said:
Excellent write up mate. Has to be mostly spot on. As I mentioned, since sharing my story on this thread, I’ve noticed much improvement. The thing that had me believing it’s a real externally sourced entity all this time is just based on the genesis of this whole experience. The fact it all started with my first attempt at summoning my GD. I did it as an invocation and then this all started. So that all still puzzles me. The irony of that I guess? That I summoned my GD for the first time and at the same time created this negative entity unknowingly and have been fueling it all along? And then the whole part of the initial threats it made which I 100% didn’t believe and then they came true. I feel that doesn’t entirely add up, but I’m definitely open to the idea it is true and that’s the reality all along. I also 100% believe the gods are aware of this problem and aren’t ignoring me the way I think they are and the fact that your response has been echoed by the majority here, that is revealing enough to me, that there are aspects of this I have to accept that are maybe tough to accept. But I have no choice.

It’s been hard times. I remember the start of the pandemic. I lost my job, was illegally kicked out of my home and cast to the streets. Everyday I begged the gods for help out. I never stopped rtrs. Maxine said, we’d be taken care of. I applied for jobs everyday, applied for assistance programs for a place to live everyday. Literally nothing accepted me. Finally after two months of trying daily I was accepted by these horrible Marxist loving vegans. I was desperate so went anyway. From there things went worse. The energy there was horrible. Car totaled by a hit and run as it was parked outside as well as many many other things. This lasted months. That whole thing still puzzles me too? I mean it was like the worst time of my life and there were SOOOOOO many opportunities out of it, yet none worked until I was accepted by jew lovers. That puzzles me too, and made me think it was all connected. Cause once again, reaching for the gods and no help. That particular situation can’t be dismissed spiritually I don’t think. It was a physical material thing. I was on the streets, homeless for months during the pandemic as an active fighting SS. Something I can’t see the gods would allow, yet that was what I went through. All of this is strange. But for now I’m just going to accept it’s all in my head. And try an approach to solving it from that perspective and see what happens. Hope that’s the true cause. Thanks for your input though. I take it to heart.
MrIntrepid said:

My bad for attacking you the way I did. Really need to learn how to chill.

Try moon square Or you may also wear silver ring on your ring finger. But study your chart first before doing this.
Eric13 said:
I'm sorry bro. All of that, I am 99% sure that this all sounds like a horrible astrology transit.

So there is bad news and good news. Bad news is obviously that all of that happened. But the good news is that this almost surely was the worst point in your life, which means that the rest of your life is only going to be much easier than that.

Is it getting better yet? I'm not sure by what you wrote, but it looks like it is starting to get a little better. So in the next few months, as the astrology transit moves away, your life should quickly get very much better.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Definitely getting better. This whole thing went on for so long and I was so emotionally/psychologically damaged by it that there’s much healing to do. But progress is certainly happening and I’m so relieved I told my story here and received thoughtful input from all of you. It has cleared a lot in my mind. Even if some of it was hard to swallow. Just soldiering on now. With much more confidence as well. Very hopeful.
Eric13 said:

Yeah the timing was really not working out for you. Perhaps there was enemy or astrological interference as well. I completely understand why you concluded what you did. The situation was real, but it was not of foreign origin. That was the key detail. I bet the enemy was probably screwing with you during that time anyway, confusing your ability to distinguish that as well. The main clue is just what approach the God's took.

I think the worsening of your situation was tied or hindered by the thoughtform. It was basically fueling disasters around you. The gods couldn't directly help because it was self-inflicted.

Nonetheless, it is a testament to your endurance and will. Soon now, and in the future, you will be able to look back as a trial or challenge conquered. Speaking of which, that reminds me to mention using runes like Nauthiz to help you not give attention to that thing so it continues to atrophy.


Lastly, I wanted to direct you to another GITM post where he describes his issue, but differently:


"I'll tell you what's happening because, yes, I've experienced it. You opened your clairaudience centres you said and this is where it all started. I'm gonna tell you right now how hard it is to filter outside of your own mind to hear what is actually being said to you from someone other than yourself, very hard. Unless your a damn skilled adept in controlling your own mind. Key phrase: your own mind.

Yes you can hear things on the astral but do you know what you also hear? Your own thoughts. Your own fears, your own worries and emotional turmoil's however subtle, subconscious or unintentional it may be. Even when you're not purposefully or actively doing it and no you're not usually aware you're doing it unless you know like how I do in how it works. It manifests from the subtlest of intent that activates from your 6th chakra, which is why any subconscious activity such as emotional fears or worries will cause them to manifest and yes it does sound exactly like someone else is saying it to you, but it's you saying it from these own subconscious intents of yours.

Telepathic communication follows the path of intent, it is our thoughts in what we want to say and in meaning it that directs the more specified manifestation of it, they are actually two separate things. But when our thoughts do not match up with the intent in that we aren't trying to telepathically communicate and thus we are not directing what any telepathy should say, then your intents can still relay a manifestation of your own inner emotions/fears/worries or 'background thoughts' in place of your conscious and active thoughts, and this can relay straight back to your own self for you to hear as a form of telepathy.

I had been through the same song and dance as you are in right now when I started working with my clairaudience and having psychic hearing to a degree, I can feel and see when an intent or subconscious thought of mine unintentionally rebounds back to my own hearing as I simultaneously focus on my own being and self even slightly causing for me to receive my own thoughts telepathically. It's a whole other level of 'talking to yourself' and it can only ever be an annoyance.

I was signed, shown and told time and time again that it was me doing all of that, not them. The REASON they're seemingly not giving you any signs and such to refute these thoughts and reveal how wrong and incorrect your fears and worries are is the same reason I was suggested as to why they didn't do it for me when all of that same stuff was happening on my end. Even with other matters like when I thought I was being attacked constantly by the enemy or something and was so very convinced because it mimicked so much of past attacks I had and even new attacks upon myself with even elemental weaponry and I kept asking for their help in stopping such attacks because I couldn't handle them but they wouldn't.

"Because you have to realize it's you that's doing it first".

By believing so strongly I was being attacked, I was manifesting it upon myself with my own powers and thoughts, it was my own doing. They couldn't help me, because the source was my own self, and even if they did give a temporary assist they would've had to keep on repeatedly doing it over and over again and I never would've figured out that I could do such things to myself and that I was and then realize to stop it. And yes, when I realized without a doubt that it was me and ceased the worries, beliefs and fears, the 'attacks' completely stopped instantly and never happened again.

When it comes to clairaudience furthermore then, it was uncovered to me that this is because if they give you those signs and then all of that garbage is still being 'spoken to you' from your own self and you're not aware that it is you doing it, then you're going to repeatedly do it and believe that it's Satan and the gods and it's going to repeatedly refute and make obsolete their efforts in signing you any physical or spiritual proof that it isn't them which would turn the whole mess into an unnecessary repeating cycle that ultimately goes no where.

After I realized it was all me and made the efforts to recover and assert this fact and remind myself, I was able to see the signs and proof they were giving me in better clarity that they care. The most recent positive aid in this context from Satan is when I had to throw out some shirts of mine leaving me with very little to wear for even one week and then but a few days later someone came to my door wanting to donate five free brand new shirts perfectly my size to me. Look for positive conveniences like that, they are very assuredly rewards for your efforts and a show of their love and care for you.

Satan and the gods care about you, and they are immensely understanding to degrees I literally cannot fathom from my own experience and the stupid shit I've done in mistakes. They see and know deep in your true soul who you truly are and your real intentions, and they know for a fact that you are not your fears or worries, they understand what you go through and they do love you and want what's best for you like any parent/teacher/guardian would for any child.

Satan never abandons you first. You would have to be the one to abandon him first and you have to actually mean it deep in your soul 100% too before he would ever leave you, which when you're a true child of his, both now and from past lives and hold your love and devotion for him strongly, is an impossible feat. Even if you're ever afraid of abandoning him, or fearing you will somehow betray or hurt him in some way, clearly being afraid of that should be sign enough that you won't and would never mean it and he also knows himself that such are only fears you are needlessly burdening yourself with and that you need to free yourself of.
Blitzkreig said:
Thanks for taking the time to show me those posts by GITM. I can’t tell you how much I relate to everything he said. That alone has helped beyond words.
Blitzkreig said:
Eric13 said:

Yeah the timing was really not working out for you. Perhaps there was enemy or astrological interference as well. I completely understand why you concluded what you did. The situation was real, but it was not of foreign origin. That was the key detail. I bet the enemy was probably screwing with you during that time anyway, confusing your ability to distinguish that as well. The main clue is just what approach the God's took.

I think the worsening of your situation was tied or hindered by the thoughtform. It was basically fueling disasters around you. The gods couldn't directly help because it was self-inflicted.

Nonetheless, it is a testament to your endurance and will. Soon now, and in the future, you will be able to look back as a trial or challenge conquered. Speaking of which, that reminds me to mention using runes like Nauthiz to help you not give attention to that thing so it continues to atrophy.


Lastly, I wanted to direct you to another GITM post where he describes his issue, but differently:


"I'll tell you what's happening because, yes, I've experienced it. You opened your clairaudience centres you said and this is where it all started. I'm gonna tell you right now how hard it is to filter outside of your own mind to hear what is actually being said to you from someone other than yourself, very hard. Unless your a damn skilled adept in controlling your own mind. Key phrase: your own mind.

Yes you can hear things on the astral but do you know what you also hear? Your own thoughts. Your own fears, your own worries and emotional turmoil's however subtle, subconscious or unintentional it may be. Even when you're not purposefully or actively doing it and no you're not usually aware you're doing it unless you know like how I do in how it works. It manifests from the subtlest of intent that activates from your 6th chakra, which is why any subconscious activity such as emotional fears or worries will cause them to manifest and yes it does sound exactly like someone else is saying it to you, but it's you saying it from these own subconscious intents of yours.

Telepathic communication follows the path of intent, it is our thoughts in what we want to say and in meaning it that directs the more specified manifestation of it, they are actually two separate things. But when our thoughts do not match up with the intent in that we aren't trying to telepathically communicate and thus we are not directing what any telepathy should say, then your intents can still relay a manifestation of your own inner emotions/fears/worries or 'background thoughts' in place of your conscious and active thoughts, and this can relay straight back to your own self for you to hear as a form of telepathy.

I had been through the same song and dance as you are in right now when I started working with my clairaudience and having psychic hearing to a degree, I can feel and see when an intent or subconscious thought of mine unintentionally rebounds back to my own hearing as I simultaneously focus on my own being and self even slightly causing for me to receive my own thoughts telepathically. It's a whole other level of 'talking to yourself' and it can only ever be an annoyance.

I was signed, shown and told time and time again that it was me doing all of that, not them. The REASON they're seemingly not giving you any signs and such to refute these thoughts and reveal how wrong and incorrect your fears and worries are is the same reason I was suggested as to why they didn't do it for me when all of that same stuff was happening on my end. Even with other matters like when I thought I was being attacked constantly by the enemy or something and was so very convinced because it mimicked so much of past attacks I had and even new attacks upon myself with even elemental weaponry and I kept asking for their help in stopping such attacks because I couldn't handle them but they wouldn't.

"Because you have to realize it's you that's doing it first".

By believing so strongly I was being attacked, I was manifesting it upon myself with my own powers and thoughts, it was my own doing. They couldn't help me, because the source was my own self, and even if they did give a temporary assist they would've had to keep on repeatedly doing it over and over again and I never would've figured out that I could do such things to myself and that I was and then realize to stop it. And yes, when I realized without a doubt that it was me and ceased the worries, beliefs and fears, the 'attacks' completely stopped instantly and never happened again.

When it comes to clairaudience furthermore then, it was uncovered to me that this is because if they give you those signs and then all of that garbage is still being 'spoken to you' from your own self and you're not aware that it is you doing it, then you're going to repeatedly do it and believe that it's Satan and the gods and it's going to repeatedly refute and make obsolete their efforts in signing you any physical or spiritual proof that it isn't them which would turn the whole mess into an unnecessary repeating cycle that ultimately goes no where.

After I realized it was all me and made the efforts to recover and assert this fact and remind myself, I was able to see the signs and proof they were giving me in better clarity that they care. The most recent positive aid in this context from Satan is when I had to throw out some shirts of mine leaving me with very little to wear for even one week and then but a few days later someone came to my door wanting to donate five free brand new shirts perfectly my size to me. Look for positive conveniences like that, they are very assuredly rewards for your efforts and a show of their love and care for you.

Satan and the gods care about you, and they are immensely understanding to degrees I literally cannot fathom from my own experience and the stupid shit I've done in mistakes. They see and know deep in your true soul who you truly are and your real intentions, and they know for a fact that you are not your fears or worries, they understand what you go through and they do love you and want what's best for you like any parent/teacher/guardian would for any child.

Satan never abandons you first. You would have to be the one to abandon him first and you have to actually mean it deep in your soul 100% too before he would ever leave you, which when you're a true child of his, both now and from past lives and hold your love and devotion for him strongly, is an impossible feat. Even if you're ever afraid of abandoning him, or fearing you will somehow betray or hurt him in some way, clearly being afraid of that should be a sign enough that you won't and would never mean it and he also knows himself that such are only fears you are needlessly burdening yourself with and that you need to free yourself of.

Hearing self perpetual thoughts, hallucinations, extreme organ perception, delusions, connecting the material with the spiritual when it is not the case, inability to recuperate, impaired judgment while under no influence negative\positive of The Serpent, no proxied proven powers, only mentalisation, ego trips and such HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SPIRITUAL BUT MATERIAL.

Hearing people talking to you while you are of no spiritual level of such, no real reality check of own power but only self suppositions, and gullible to the self, leads to what? Insanity.

I urge anyone to test, prove to themselves their capacities in safe and provable ways. Don't be weak when you have to be though and find out the truth. Here is only the truth, don't delude yourselves people..

GiTM does not give good advice there, especially when read by a member who can be potentially hurt by that. Heart chakra does nothing, grounding does nothing, self discipline does nothing, spiritual working do nothing when the primal material is concerned in a medical condition. Yes with medical treatment you can eventually help yourself spiritually.

Reality is simpler, no need to ocultize everything and anything just for the sake of ego.

If you broke your leg and you are in terrible pain, do you chant and make up an cult and over centralized story of how your leg broke, while ignoring it and start chanting things? Or do you go to the ER and save your leg, then ease the pain and do healing workings for faster recuperation?

Well in both cases it seems people don't even know they have broken legs.
NakedPluto said:

To me, I considered grounding to include physical health. Perhaps that was conflating it inaccurately with spiritual grounding.

This is good advice. I am just concerned what steps someone who is afflicted could take for themselves.

While someone could get mental therapy for certain disorders, they are usually accompanied by drug prescription. While someone doesn't have to take this, it certainly complicates the matter.

I know that TCM can alleviate the physical problems associated with conditions like schizophrenia. For example, the heart is said to house the "shen" or spirit, and treatment along those lines has been found to reduce the magnitude of delusional hearing/voices.

Perhaps the best approach would therefore be some sort of healing working paired with lots of yoga and void control?
Blitzkreig said:
NakedPluto said:

To me, I considered grounding to include physical health. Perhaps that was conflating it inaccurately with spiritual grounding.

This is good advice. I am just concerned what steps someone who is afflicted could take for themselves.

While someone could get mental therapy for certain disorders, they are usually accompanied by drug prescription. While someone doesn't have to take this, it certainly complicates the matter.

I know that TCM can alleviate the physical problems associated with conditions like schizophrenia. For example, the heart is said to house the "shen" or spirit, and treatment along those lines has been found to reduce the magnitude of delusional hearing/voices.

Perhaps the best approach would therefore be some sort of healing working paired with lots of yoga and void control?

Yes brother, I'm sorry I'm cutting this subject so hard as I'm emotionally invested. I am against and wary to tell someone to go get hard prescriptions drugs, yet and certainly, there is need for them in cases where one cannot have the power, judgement and decisions to heal themselves from any kind of mental disorders. Mental disorders come with the package "that's my life, that's who I am" on a fundamental view of the individual, inseparable to form an opinion about it as most of the people don't know how and what "normality" is as they only experienced life in these fluctuating states.

Prescription drugs, I will tell directly, only buys you time and clarity so in the treatment period and planning you also help yourself spiritually with healing, and while combining the two - success is surely achieved. But what can you do when you deny reality or need of such, you just make your days critical and time starts working against you.

TCM is great where a little stimulant and balancer is required for disorders like these. But for actual disorders, actual hard drugs must be administered. And this time of healing is also done in the long term. Doctors know best, and also Gods can lead one to a good caring doctor. Yes things might not be very pink, but it shouldn't let it be also grey. Rationalisation and cutting off the female mind until stable conscious control of self is required. Decisions on top of decisions. Very important to self and the body.

Hatha, and void is good. A check up to the doctor explaining said things won't cuff you and force you to take pills. But a doctor can evaluate you, test and tell his professional opinion which is necessary. That's the bare minimum one should do to oneself when , even if you don't believe so, but others keep telling you something positive:"go to a check up man.". Simple as that. There are people who can help and will help, but if you do not want to be helped, what can you do.

Eric do a healing working oriented. Affirm this to yourself everytime and especially before sleep: "In a safe and positive way for me, I am becoming aware of any and all illnesses of the body and heal them permanently. My healing is easy and I find ways to recuperate fast and safe without unnecessary suffering. I am healthy, strong and with clarity. Every day I feel renewed."
Wouldn’t it help him to invoke earth?

One time a grey attached itself on my soul and made me go insane as well, it was surprisingly similar to what happened to Eric. But when Satan smashed it into pieces everything stopped. My mind was confused because it stopped so it tested it with continuing this disturbing thoughts for a couple secs, but it was me on purpose, to test it out, so to speak.

I have much earth, so it worked for me. And I could just stop with it right away.

What if something was attached on him, is now gone, but left some psychological damage, and very bad psychological issues and Habits?

Only because the thing is gone, doesn’t mean the problems stopped, as you can really easily program the mind to get stuck in bad habits.

I did not want to tell it earlier, because I as well think that nothing is attached to him right now, and that he creates the issues from within.

If something was attached to him, Satan would just smash it, when he approached him. But the damage done will still be there.

I was only for 2 weeks insane. If it is any longer, it makes sense to me that your mind has picked up those habits of the grey as it’s own. Esp after you exceed the 40 days mark, habits will be established.

Because when the grey which was attched on me was gone, my mind still continued to think like it has been thinking for 2 weeks, but I knew it was myself and it stopped after less than 20seconds and I did it Partially on purpose just to test whether or not it is controllable . If I make sense here.

My only advice is to immediately approach Father Satan if you experience problems you can not handle on your own, because it gets too late. I think Eric waited for too long with that.
Eric13 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
furious flame said:
When i start doing meditation
I start moving back & forth, left & right.
Banishing works only for few minutes. Is it entity attachment ?
Do not listen to people who try to scare you. This motion is entirely normal and natural. It is a sign that energy pathways in your body are becoming unblocked, and that the energy is starting to flow through your nadis. Every one of us who does the meditations and RTRs, we have all felt this.

So I don't understand why some people who have been here for a long time are acting like it is not normal, they have felt the same thing many times.
Hey ol argedco, I have a question, what you say is very true, however when I read this post by the OP I about near spilt the tea. Because what he said is exactly what I go through on a daily basis and I’ve never talked about it on the forums. But it’s totally different than what you described which is totally normal. Where the energy is flowing. I’ve experienced that for many years. I know what that is. For my personal experience, I’m advanced enough to know 100% sure it’s an enemy attachment and it’s exactly as the OP described. I can do a banishing but only works for a bit.

Honestly I might make a post about it. I’ve been dealing with it for almost 3 years. I’ve tried summoning demons for help, doing banishing for months, using stones, asking our Priesthood privately for advice. Three years. Nothing has helped. I’m at my wits end. I just figured it wasn’t worth bringing up here if after talking to our priesthood and doing demon summoning didn’t work. I figure what can anyone else say. But I genuinely am afraid and don’t know what to do. Maybe I will make a thread about it. What I’m really looking for are techniques for a banishing that aren’t on the jos. Cause I’ve tried everything on the jos for years and it hasn’t helped. From what I can tell I haven’t seen anyone experience anything like this
Until I read the OPs post. Even Cobra told me he had no advice for me. It’s quite worrying..

When I say I’m searching for techniques not on the jos, I don’t mean I want something from other sources. I know the jos has the best stuff. What I mean is I know our gods give info to our people that isn’t on the jos but still comes from our gods. Since this started three years ago, I can’t communicate with the gods. I’ve tried desperately. Even on Beltane when communication was supposedly ruled by our gods. I tried so much to communicate and nothing.. it really feels like I’ve tried everything that I can. Don’t know what else to do?

Obsidian stone??¿
YellowDragon11 said:
Eric13 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Thanks for taking the time to show me those posts by GITM. I can’t tell you how much I relate to everything he said. That alone has helped beyond words.

I can help you... I'm going through the same problem myself, but worse. There's steps you need to take to prevent it from getting worse, which it eventually will if you ignore these steps like I did. The entity attached to you isn't only seeking to hold you back from spiritually advancing, but it also wants to hijack your body... It plans to take away your very free will. If HoodedCobra approves this comment ((which I highly doubt he will)), than contact me... My discord is StarVision88#4406

Can you kindly please fuck off from our forums and go where you belong? You and your friends are too stupid to even use the internet, stop bothering with that. You may also consider a warning in this to back off.
NakedPluto said:
YellowDragon11 said:
Eric13 said:
Thanks for taking the time to show me those posts by GITM. I can’t tell you how much I relate to everything he said. That alone has helped beyond words.

I can help you... I'm going through the same problem myself, but worse. There's steps you need to take to prevent it from getting worse, which it eventually will if you ignore these steps like I did. The entity attached to you isn't only seeking to hold you back from spiritually advancing, but it also wants to hijack your body... It plans to take away your very free will. If HoodedCobra approves this comment ((which I highly doubt he will)), than contact me... My discord is StarVision88#4406

Can you kindly please fuck off from our forums and go where you belong? You and your friends are too stupid to even use the internet, stop bothering with that. You may also consider a warning in this to back off.
Ignore it. It is just a qlippothic new-age jew.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NakedPluto said:
YellowDragon11 said:
I can help you... I'm going through the same problem myself, but worse. There's steps you need to take to prevent it from getting worse, which it eventually will if you ignore these steps like I did. The entity attached to you isn't only seeking to hold you back from spiritually advancing, but it also wants to hijack your body... It plans to take away your very free will. If HoodedCobra approves this comment ((which I highly doubt he will)), than contact me... My discord is StarVision88#4406

Can you kindly please fuck off from our forums and go where you belong? You and your friends are too stupid to even use the internet, stop bothering with that. You may also consider a warning in this to back off.
Ignore it. It is just a qlippothic new-age jew.

When they come into contact with anyone who connects to them accidentally it results in energy drain and delirium. Their mere presence on the forum is dangerous for this reason alone.

Curses. Curses. Curses.
YellowDragon11 said:
NinRick said:
Wouldn’t it help him to invoke earth?

One time a grey attached itself on my soul and made me go insane as well, it was surprisingly similar to what happened to Eric. But when Satan smashed it into pieces everything stopped.

Yeah, Satan smashed it into pieces, because you're too weak to handle it on your own. That 'test' would of proved too much for you to handle, the reason why he doesn't do so with others that aren't as weak as you are, but show greater potential.

But then again, I don't even believe that "your" Satan even exists anyways, nor do I believe you've ever actually had one of these spiritual attachments yourself ((like the one Eric13 claims that he has)). I just think you're shilling for a system that keeps people in the dark, and one way they (those who control this "Jewtrix") do so is by keeping people dependent upon 'gods' that don't do shit for you.

You: If something was attached to him, Satan would just smash it, when he approached him. But the damage done will still be there.

Me: That's a lie, Satan doesn't do shit about these astral attachments... They're meant to be on people, due to the potential that they have... Their capability of destroying the system in it's entirety.

You: My only advice is to immediately approach Father Satan if you experience problems you can not handle on your own, because it gets too late. I think Eric waited for too long with that.

Me: What a stupid excuse. : ) I thought people had guardian demons to keep such situations from happening in the first place...? I guess not... Either Satan and his Demons are incompetent in protecting their own people, or they just don't give a fuck, or they don't exist... I'm going with the third.

Look, nobody cares about your life, about your opinion and about what you say.
So do us all a favour and fuck off, will ya?

This was my experience and I have learned quite a few things, for example that you always have to approach Father Satan with an honest heart and pure intentions. If you do that, you are never alone. You are just alone when you decide to do that, since you are „too weak“ or something to ask Satan.

Calling me weak, first off, yes I was. I wasn’t able to handle the issue alone, also, I didn’t do any cleaning and aop back then.
Secondly, I wasn’t aware of an enemy attack, it’s not like they say „hey fucker, I am gonna attack you now!!“

Father Satan and the Gods are real. Heck, Before I dedicated they even approached me. The only reason I am here right now is, because they gave me physical proof they are real and here.

Now please this words come from the bottom of my heart.
Fuck you. Piss off and never return.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NakedPluto said:
YellowDragon11 said:
I can help you... I'm going through the same problem myself, but worse. There's steps you need to take to prevent it from getting worse, which it eventually will if you ignore these steps like I did. The entity attached to you isn't only seeking to hold you back from spiritually advancing, but it also wants to hijack your body... It plans to take away your very free will. If HoodedCobra approves this comment ((which I highly doubt he will)), than contact me... My discord is StarVision88#4406

Can you kindly please fuck off from our forums and go where you belong? You and your friends are too stupid to even use the internet, stop bothering with that. You may also consider a warning in this to back off.
Ignore it. It is just a qlippothic new-age jew.

No, people who trash talk about our Goddess and Gods, are not to be ignored. Have the guts to say this when I am physically in front of you. See what happens.

They have no clue how wonderful, loving and caring our Goddesses and Gods are. They are so supportive.
Especially our Goddesses!
NinRick said:
No, people who trash talk about our Goddess and Gods, are not to be ignored. Have the guts to say this when I am physically in front of you. See what happens.

They have no clue how wonderful, loving and caring our Goddesses and Gods are. They are so supportive.
Especially our Goddesses!
I wonder, do you run into the synagogue every Saturday and spend all day arguing with the rabbi? Or would that be a waste of time? That is what you are doing in this situation.

If I was you, I would prefer to spend my time talking to an actual person instead of some robotic zionist.
YellowDragon11 said:
When I use to follow the JoS, and that I did for about ten years I was likely farrrrr more dedicated than most of these forum's avid members when it came to serving these Jewish thought forms and impostors that you call "Satan and his Demons", to where I was actually willing to throw those that are the closest to me in life underneath the bus... There was situations that those on the astral placed me in, where I was confronted with the choice of choosing... The greater good, or a family member's life... I chose the greater good, and the life that I chose it over was someone that meant the world to me. You little punk ass bitches got no idea how far I went and how far I was willing to get when it came to being a Spiritual Satanist... When I actually started getting my hands on **REAL POWER** that's when your Nordic alien asshole 'gods' turned on me... Started actually attacking me, along side the Grey aliens. :) Truth be told, these entities work together in keeping humanity stuck... This is the reason why you never see anyone walking the streets demonstrating any real psychic ability. The system always **removes** people before they ever get to that point, and the JoS is just one ((out of the likely few)) that they do it through... And HoodedCobra knows this... Along with other avid members who follow these forums. HoodedCobra is more than likely Jewish himself, and if not a Jew than an avatar that the Grey aliens work through as they likely did with Slothstein/Don Danko as well.

You're either delusional or lying in a terrible attempt to dissuade more inexperienced members from following the most pure Pagan path there is in existence today. The Gods do not ever bring ill omen to you, nor do they ever request that you make sacrifices of those close to you like the entities of the (((Abrahamic))) religions do. I'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt because as far as I'm concerned you are not a victim, you are of the enemy.

And Cobra has on more than one occasion inspired me to keep breathing, which has allowed me to now be in a much better place mentally than I was in before. That you claim the JoS is a killzone for advanced psychics is completely unrealistic because they get people to that place where they can be considered advanced themselves. If the clergy really wanted to harm people the best course of action would be to just take the website offline.

I don't expect anyone of substance to believe any of the garbage that comes out of your vapid speech hole anyway. All you are is a conduit for enemy energy whose highest form of magick is vampirism. A parasite is a parasite is a parasite.
Henu the Great said:
YellowDragon11 said:
You are a filthy kike, stop wasting our time here and disappear.

This is a mentally ill kike and a regular poster in Zolakike's forums. It also posted on mental health forums about its delusions:


What it is describing in that post is called derealization disorder, look it up.

It thinks if it posts its schizophrenic delusions about our Gods it will "convince" us somehow.

Us: "do yoga and meditate everyday with no restrictions on yourself."

you: "reeee the JoS are just restricting people from true power reeeee"

All you do is make claims with zero back up. "I'm spiritually strong and very smart."
"Trust me bro"

Y'all need to try harder in your newish style baseless smears. We here are way ahead of this drivel of yours.
"Yellow" fuck you mother fucka.
The only one who is a Jew here You are.
When Our Gods Will Come The corpses of Jews will be burned.
MrIntrepid said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NakedPluto said:
Can you kindly please fuck off from our forums and go where you belong? You and your friends are too stupid to even use the internet, stop bothering with that. You may also consider a warning in this to back off.
Ignore it. It is just a qlippothic new-age jew.

When they come into contact with anyone who connects to them accidentally it results in energy drain and delirium. Their mere presence on the forum is dangerous for this reason alone.

Curses. Curses. Curses.
It seems to be a curse
11 means destruction
Lol, the kundalini energy makes me feel like my body is turning and spinning best feeling ever!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
