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Doubt & Disbelief: Spiritual Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Doubt and disbelief are very normal human states of mind when we don't know about certain topics or we lack certain experiences. Due to lack of knowledge of a topic, or the fact that everyone is born inside a background without any spiritual knowledge, it is very logical that them in mind might doubt a lot of things one might read in regard Occultism.

Occultism in general is also rife with misinformation so a lot of people come here very disappointed or misinformed. Mainstream "religion" is rife with lies, which if one does not doubt, they will never end up being a Spiritual Satanist in the first place. Doubt and defiance of falsehood is a good trait that can lead one to the Truth, to some extent.

Spiritual Satanism is the True Path and in Spiritual Satanism, like with any real system, doubt and disbelief is very much accepted. One can doubt especially in the earlier stages where one has not yet acquired the sufficient education, knowledge or experiences associated with this path.

Now, regardless of what anyone tells anyone else, in Spiritual Satanism there is a gateway, and this gateway is the Initiation. One can do a lot of research, or even attempt a prayer to the Gods to look for an omen of their existence.

Yet, if one is not truly open and just uses doubt as a shield to deny any information, no amount of knowledge will save someone from lack of experience or lack of bravery - this bravery is very much necessary to embark on a spiritual journey or to attain higher levels of understanding.

All these billions of cowards you see outside in this world, who are afraid of "Going to Hell" or who fear their own mommy might beat their ass with a belt for questioning Jesus or Mohammed, they are not fit for enlightenment and will never receive anything but comfortable lies.

The Gods are not looking for gullible slaves they are looking for people who have a heart and mind that is of a different nature than that.

The same case is the case in anything meaningful one tries to do in their lives. One might want to open a business, but they make serious doubts about it. In some cases, doubt is there to show you that you must learn more about a subject. In other cases doubt is there to merely make you question yourself and never develop. Doubt like all things does need a balance to itself.

Doubt and Disbelief are cured when one takes certain steps to solve these states of mind. They are cured by correct information, accumulating experience, and experimentation that brings conclusions out that experience. These conclusions might also improve as time goes and one learns more.

One might entirely doubt meditation, but one has to do this and see if it yields some results. This has to be done on certain guidelines, for example, one might need to meditate for a while to see results.

On a personal level I am only here because of extensive knowledge, extensive experience, full on beyond doubt manifestations of the Gods, and have earned this process all the way from the first time I was around.

When I first found the Joy of Satan site, although it immediately registered to me as "YES, THIS IS IT", I was highly doubtful and I therefore, albeit having read everything, did a standard Ritual to the Gods to verify for myself what is going on. I experienced this very directly, and I knew they existed, this is how I eventually dedicated.

I also knew for a full on and very carefully verified fact, that the programs of the enemy were only to mindwash, built on lies, emotional coercion, and the most major level of hypocrisy possible under the sun. I had seen for MYSELF.

I had a very careful approach to dedication and did not do it like a dumb Muslim or a little terrified Xian that is too afraid to go to "Hell" and therefore goes to "Jesus for salvation". These people are cowardly and they can never attain any higher understanding.

To reach a state of progression, it takes time, effort, trial and error and self overcoming and the path reveals itself step by step. In the beginning, there can only be a misty path in front of you, no matter who or what told you anything.

Even regular things in life like going to the gym, necessitate that you stick to a project, and after one training session in the gym you will not become a full scale bodybuilder. After your first gym session you will probably go home and think you did nothing, minus feeling tired or challenged. Spiritual progression works in a similar way.

But like bodybuilders who have been through all these states of doubt and self overcoming, they have won against their doubts by exercising knowledge to attain certain purposes, and they no longer doubt anything or experience disbelief.

Therefore, doubt or disbelief has different contents when it comes to these levels:

1. Before initiation / searching phase
2. After initiation / new initiation phase
3. Accustomed SS / way into the path, proof and verification has definitely shown itself, but one might need more
4. Advanced SS / very developed in the path, where in this case doubt has either vanished or has to do with other topics that are not basic topics

It's natural for a student that is learning the alphabet to show up in a university and consider that the teachers are either delusional or know nothing, such as in physics class. When one sees these equations they will tell themselves that these don't make any sense or constitute superstition. But when these equations are used for example on the application of an atom bomb, they produce that result. Then anyone can understand that this is factually true, despite of any opinions.

There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.

I ask therefore all new SS or those interested to just keep an open mind, keep studying and of course, don't be afraid to make a few experiments and either pray to the Gods or try something from the JoS. Just be aware that there are MANY things one does not know yet, and mistakes or other things can happen. Make sure to gain a full "around" knowledge and don't take yourself only as the full measurement for actuality, because there are many things to learn.

Also, older and higher members must remember that EVERYONE has existed in that state before. Politeness, patience, understanding and maybe repetitive lessons and responses might be needed in order to instruct newcomers, helping them to stay in the path and proceed with their own learning. Do not punish people for doubts. We must be stern with ourselves to be able to address these doubts or lead people better to discover their own answers.

The Gods specialize in this process and we have to support the same path. Have PATIENCE with the newer members, show them love and consideration. They are trying to discover the Truth. Help them, do not ever demean them or ridicule them for you have been in their shoes in their current state of development beforehand. Teaching others takes time, patience, understanding and care. A very few might not learn, but the striking majority will appreciate this and understand how important what you do for them is.

If the Gods started ridiculing humans for our ignorance, where would we be? We would never learn.

Newcomers must also understand that the striking majority here is extremely convinced and certain of our system. That has to be understood and accepted, it's because people have earned this understanding and life change after a long arduous effort with themselves and application of knowledge. So some things might look like elementary to them. Still, the real Spiritual Satanists will treat you with kindness.

Yet since not everyone is a teacher oriented personality (and that is acceptable) not everyone might be willing to put in the effort of teaching you everything from A to Z. You can consult others but you will have to learn also on your own, like in school.

Spiritual Satanism is not against doubts or disbelief, or any form of question. Our only rule is that we want politeness and an awareness when it comes to issuing these questions, but also respect for our beliefs which are common here because as a community we are all in this path and have experienced the path for what it is.

Further we do accept questions or doubting, but we will not accept proselytizing, same as an illiterate man cannot draw out the scientists I mentioned on the above example in the woods, when one doesn't know how to light a fire. That's why when one becomes a Spiritual Satanist, not even 1% of people ever does return back to the programs of control to the enemy.

We have long left these programs after discovering them to be outright lies, inconsistent with the human spirit or our personal spirit, or due to major lies and inconsistencies, no religious or spiritual "experience" was granted from these fraud programs of the enemy and we left them for very valid reasons. Dobut and bravery to discover something else lead to higher understanding in that case.

I have found also that every Spiritual Satanist has left the enemy for very valid reasons, in contrast to the enemy cults where one just enters in randomly or by force through birth. In these systems, "doubt" is considered the "grave sin". That's because if these systems are questioned even at 1%, they instantly collapse.

In our approach to existence, doubt is only a grave sin if it's done stupidly or in a wrongful manner.

Doubt and Disbelief is acceptable in Spiritual Satanism. There is no special place of torment, hellfire, or Jihad to be done against the "disbeliever" just because they doubted or question things about us. That is the job of the enemy.

As far as we are concerned we will are aware about the fact of what awaits those who don't apply this knowledge, only due to the result of what lack of development brings based on natural consequences of the universe. Our Gods don't punish, kill or jihad a mere disbeliever just because they doubted or they don't want to join them. That is not the work of God.

That's the work of slave colonies, which the Gods are not a slave colony, they are a house of free men.

Our Gods are not going to cast you into any "Eternal Hellfire" for doubting, nor any Spiritual Satanist will be around to forcibly prosyletize to you with a machette like a Muslim because you did not "Join us". The Truth costs you by default for not choosing it, that cannot be enforced. We understand this and we are happy about what we follow, but will guard our rights to keep doing that. We are free to do so.

Any form of retaliation that might come from us is only because we have been attacked and had our freedom violated, which is unacceptable on natural standards, if our rights to evolve and advance are attacked because YOU are intolerant of that. That is all there is to it.

Doubt and disbelief, to a non threatening and polite extent, is something we will always tolerate in our community. One can doubt many things as well not necessarily the path, but themselves and other parts of their life. That's acceptable as well. Conviction in order to be strong can arise only after a long and considerable view of reality has been established.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Doubt and disbelief are very normal human states of mind when we don't know about certain topics or we lack certain experiences. Due to lack of knowledge of a topic, or the fact that everyone is born inside a background without any spiritual knowledge, it is very logical that them in mind might doubt a lot of things one might read in regard Occultism.

Occultism in general is also rife with misinformation so a lot of people come here very disappointed or misinformed. Mainstream "religion" is rife with lies, which if one does not doubt, they will never end up being a Spiritual Satanist in the first place. Doubt and defiance of falsehood is a good trait that can lead one to the Truth, to some extent.

Spiritual Satanism is the True Path and in Spiritual Satanism, like with any real system, doubt and disbelief is very much accepted. One can doubt especially in the earlier stages where one has not yet acquired the sufficient education, knowledge or experiences associated with this path.

Now, regardless of what anyone tells anyone else, in Spiritual Satanism there is a gateway, and this gateway is the Initiation. One can do a lot of research, or even attempt a prayer to the Gods to look for an omen of their existence.

Yet, if one is not truly open and just uses doubt as a shield to deny any information, no amount of knowledge will save someone from lack of experience or lack of bravery - this bravery is very much necessary to embark on a spiritual journey or to attain higher levels of understanding.

All these billions of cowards you see outside in this world, who are afraid of "Going to Hell" or who fear their own mommy might beat their ass with a belt for questioning Jesus or Mohammed, they are not fit for enlightenment and will never receive anything but comfortable lies.

The Gods are not looking for gullible slaves they are looking for people who have a heart and mind that is of a different nature than that.

The same case is the case in anything meaningful one tries to do in their lives. One might want to open a business, but they make serious doubts about it. In some cases, doubt is there to show you that you must learn more about a subject. In other cases doubt is there to merely make you question yourself and never develop. Doubt like all things does need a balance to itself.

Doubt and Disbelief are cured when one takes certain steps to solve these states of mind. They are cured by correct information, accumulating experience, and experimentation that brings conclusions out that experience. These conclusions might also improve as time goes and one learns more.

One might entirely doubt meditation, but one has to do this and see if it yields some results. This has to be done on certain guidelines, for example, one might need to meditate for a while to see results.

On a personal level I am only here because of extensive knowledge, extensive experience, full on beyond doubt manifestations of the Gods, and have earned this process all the way from the first time I was around.

When I first found the Joy of Satan site, although it immediately registered to me as "YES, THIS IS IT", I was highly doubtful and I therefore, albeit having read everything, did a standard Ritual to the Gods to verify for myself what is going on. I experienced this very directly, and I knew they existed, this is how I eventually dedicated.

I also knew for a full on and very carefully verified fact, that the programs of the enemy were only to mindwash, built on lies, emotional coercion, and the most major level of hypocrisy possible under the sun. I had seen for MYSELF.

I had a very careful approach to dedication and did not do it like a dumb Muslim or a little terrified Xian that is too afraid to go to "Hell" and therefore goes to "Jesus for salvation". These people are cowardly and they can never attain any higher understanding.

To reach a state of progression, it takes time, effort, trial and error and self overcoming and the path reveals itself step by step. In the beginning, there can only be a misty path in front of you, no matter who or what told you anything.

Even regular things in life like going to the gym, necessitate that you stick to a project, and after one training session in the gym you will not become a full scale bodybuilder. After your first gym session you will probably go home and think you did nothing, minus feeling tired or challenged. Spiritual progression works in a similar way.

But like bodybuilders who have been through all these states of doubt and self overcoming, they have won against their doubts by exercising knowledge to attain certain purposes, and they no longer doubt anything or experience disbelief.

Therefore, doubt or disbelief has different contents when it comes to these levels:

1. Before initiation / searching phase
2. After initiation / new initiation phase
3. Accustomed SS / way into the path, proof and verification has definitely shown itself, but one might need more
4. Advanced SS / very developed in the path, where in this case doubt has either vanished or has to do with other topics that are not basic topics

It's natural for a student that is learning the alphabet to show up in a university and consider that the teachers are either delusional or know nothing, such as in physics class. When one sees these equations they will tell themselves that these don't make any sense or constitute superstition. But when these equations are used for example on the application of an atom bomb, they produce that result. Then anyone can understand that this is factually true, despite of any opinions.

There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.

I ask therefore all new SS or those interested to just keep an open mind, keep studying and of course, don't be afraid to make a few experiments and either pray to the Gods or try something from the JoS. Just be aware that there are MANY things one does not know yet, and mistakes or other things can happen. Make sure to gain a full "around" knowledge and don't take yourself only as the full measurement for actuality, because there are many things to learn.

Also, older and higher members must remember that EVERYONE has existed in that state before. Politeness, patience, understanding and maybe repetitive lessons and responses might be needed in order to instruct newcomers, helping them to stay in the path and proceed with their own learning. Do not punish people for doubts. We must be stern with ourselves to be able to address these doubts or lead people better to discover their own answers.

The Gods specialize in this process and we have to support the same path. Have PATIENCE with the newer members, show them love and consideration. They are trying to discover the Truth. Help them, do not ever demean them or ridicule them for you have been in their shoes in their current state of development beforehand. Teaching others takes time, patience, understanding and care. A very few might not learn, but the striking majority will appreciate this and understand how important what you do for them is.

If the Gods started ridiculing humans for our ignorance, where would we be? We would never learn.

Newcomers must also understand that the striking majority here is extremely convinced and certain of our system. That has to be understood and accepted, it's because people have earned this understanding and life change after a long arduous effort with themselves and application of knowledge. So some things might look like elementary to them. Still, the real Spiritual Satanists will treat you with kindness.

Yet since not everyone is a teacher oriented personality (and that is acceptable) not everyone might be willing to put in the effort of teaching you everything from A to Z. You can consult others but you will have to learn also on your own, like in school.

Spiritual Satanism is not against doubts or disbelief, or any form of question. Our only rule is that we want politeness and an awareness when it comes to issuing these questions, but also respect for our beliefs which are common here because as a community we are all in this path and have experienced the path for what it is.

Further we do accept questions or doubting, but we will not accept proselytizing, same as an illiterate man cannot draw out the scientists I mentioned on the above example in the woods, when one doesn't know how to light a fire. That's why when one becomes a Spiritual Satanist, not even 1% of people ever does return back to the programs of control to the enemy.

We have long left these programs after discovering them to be outright lies, inconsistent with the human spirit or our personal spirit, or due to major lies and inconsistencies, no religious or spiritual "experience" was granted from these fraud programs of the enemy and we left them for very valid reasons. Dobut and bravery to discover something else lead to higher understanding in that case.

I have found also that every Spiritual Satanist has left the enemy for very valid reasons, in contrast to the enemy cults where one just enters in randomly or by force through birth. In these systems, "doubt" is considered the "grave sin". That's because if these systems are questioned even at 1%, they instantly collapse.

In our approach to existence, doubt is only a grave sin if it's done stupidly or in a wrongful manner.

Doubt and Disbelief is acceptable in Spiritual Satanism. There is no special place of torment, hellfire, or Jihad to be done against the "disbeliever" just because they doubted or question things about us. That is the job of the enemy.

As far as we are concerned we will are aware about the fact of what awaits those who don't apply this knowledge, only due to the result of what lack of development brings based on natural consequences of the universe. Our Gods don't punish, kill or jihad a mere disbeliever just because they doubted or they don't want to join them. That is not the work of God.

That's the work of slave colonies, which the Gods are not a slave colony, they are a house of free men.

Our Gods are not going to cast you into any "Eternal Hellfire" for doubting, nor any Spiritual Satanist will be around to forcibly prosyletize to you with a machette like a Muslim because you did not "Join us". The Truth costs you by default for not choosing it, that cannot be enforced. We understand this and we are happy about what we follow, but will guard our rights to keep doing that. We are free to do so.

Any form of retaliation that might come from us is only because we have been attacked and had our freedom violated, which is unacceptable on natural standards, if our rights to evolve and advance are attacked because YOU are intolerant of that. That is all there is to it.

Doubt and disbelief, to a non threatening and polite extent, is something we will always tolerate in our community. One can doubt many things as well not necessarily the path, but themselves and other parts of their life. That's acceptable as well. Conviction in order to be strong can arise only after a long and considerable view of reality has been established.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Superb Sermon, excellent for anyone starting or finding their footing on any level :)
Superb Sermon, excellent for anyone starting or finding their footing on any level :)
We all have our reasons to question ourselves. And ths is freewill. And there is nothing wrong with that. Thank you for sharing this article Brother HP ❤🙂
I remember when I had first recently discovered the Joy of Satan website, I eventually made my way to the page regarding hand chakras. I then tried putting my hand beneath a desk, where it was dim and against a dark background, and I saw surrounding my hands an outer veil, purple, protruding about a centimeter. And at that time, I knew everything was real, and any doubts quickly began to fade.
Doubt and disbelief are very normal human states of mind when we don't know about certain topics or we lack certain experiences. Due to lack of knowledge of a topic, or the fact that everyone is born inside a background without any spiritual knowledge, it is very logical that them in mind might doubt a lot of things one might read in regard Occultism.

Occultism in general is also rife with misinformation so a lot of people come here very disappointed or misinformed. Mainstream "religion" is rife with lies, which if one does not doubt, they will never end up being a Spiritual Satanist in the first place. Doubt and defiance of falsehood is a good trait that can lead one to the Truth, to some extent.

Spiritual Satanism is the True Path and in Spiritual Satanism, like with any real system, doubt and disbelief is very much accepted. One can doubt especially in the earlier stages where one has not yet acquired the sufficient education, knowledge or experiences associated with this path.

Now, regardless of what anyone tells anyone else, in Spiritual Satanism there is a gateway, and this gateway is the Initiation. One can do a lot of research, or even attempt a prayer to the Gods to look for an omen of their existence.

Yet, if one is not truly open and just uses doubt as a shield to deny any information, no amount of knowledge will save someone from lack of experience or lack of bravery - this bravery is very much necessary to embark on a spiritual journey or to attain higher levels of understanding.

All these billions of cowards you see outside in this world, who are afraid of "Going to Hell" or who fear their own mommy might beat their ass with a belt for questioning Jesus or Mohammed, they are not fit for enlightenment and will never receive anything but comfortable lies.

The Gods are not looking for gullible slaves they are looking for people who have a heart and mind that is of a different nature than that.

The same case is the case in anything meaningful one tries to do in their lives. One might want to open a business, but they make serious doubts about it. In some cases, doubt is there to show you that you must learn more about a subject. In other cases doubt is there to merely make you question yourself and never develop. Doubt like all things does need a balance to itself.

Doubt and Disbelief are cured when one takes certain steps to solve these states of mind. They are cured by correct information, accumulating experience, and experimentation that brings conclusions out that experience. These conclusions might also improve as time goes and one learns more.

One might entirely doubt meditation, but one has to do this and see if it yields some results. This has to be done on certain guidelines, for example, one might need to meditate for a while to see results.

On a personal level I am only here because of extensive knowledge, extensive experience, full on beyond doubt manifestations of the Gods, and have earned this process all the way from the first time I was around.

When I first found the Joy of Satan site, although it immediately registered to me as "YES, THIS IS IT", I was highly doubtful and I therefore, albeit having read everything, did a standard Ritual to the Gods to verify for myself what is going on. I experienced this very directly, and I knew they existed, this is how I eventually dedicated.

I also knew for a full on and very carefully verified fact, that the programs of the enemy were only to mindwash, built on lies, emotional coercion, and the most major level of hypocrisy possible under the sun. I had seen for MYSELF.

I had a very careful approach to dedication and did not do it like a dumb Muslim or a little terrified Xian that is too afraid to go to "Hell" and therefore goes to "Jesus for salvation". These people are cowardly and they can never attain any higher understanding.

To reach a state of progression, it takes time, effort, trial and error and self overcoming and the path reveals itself step by step. In the beginning, there can only be a misty path in front of you, no matter who or what told you anything.

Even regular things in life like going to the gym, necessitate that you stick to a project, and after one training session in the gym you will not become a full scale bodybuilder. After your first gym session you will probably go home and think you did nothing, minus feeling tired or challenged. Spiritual progression works in a similar way.

But like bodybuilders who have been through all these states of doubt and self overcoming, they have won against their doubts by exercising knowledge to attain certain purposes, and they no longer doubt anything or experience disbelief.

Therefore, doubt or disbelief has different contents when it comes to these levels:

1. Before initiation / searching phase
2. After initiation / new initiation phase
3. Accustomed SS / way into the path, proof and verification has definitely shown itself, but one might need more
4. Advanced SS / very developed in the path, where in this case doubt has either vanished or has to do with other topics that are not basic topics

It's natural for a student that is learning the alphabet to show up in a university and consider that the teachers are either delusional or know nothing, such as in physics class. When one sees these equations they will tell themselves that these don't make any sense or constitute superstition. But when these equations are used for example on the application of an atom bomb, they produce that result. Then anyone can understand that this is factually true, despite of any opinions.

There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.

I ask therefore all new SS or those interested to just keep an open mind, keep studying and of course, don't be afraid to make a few experiments and either pray to the Gods or try something from the JoS. Just be aware that there are MANY things one does not know yet, and mistakes or other things can happen. Make sure to gain a full "around" knowledge and don't take yourself only as the full measurement for actuality, because there are many things to learn.

Also, older and higher members must remember that EVERYONE has existed in that state before. Politeness, patience, understanding and maybe repetitive lessons and responses might be needed in order to instruct newcomers, helping them to stay in the path and proceed with their own learning. Do not punish people for doubts. We must be stern with ourselves to be able to address these doubts or lead people better to discover their own answers.

The Gods specialize in this process and we have to support the same path. Have PATIENCE with the newer members, show them love and consideration. They are trying to discover the Truth. Help them, do not ever demean them or ridicule them for you have been in their shoes in their current state of development beforehand. Teaching others takes time, patience, understanding and care. A very few might not learn, but the striking majority will appreciate this and understand how important what you do for them is.

If the Gods started ridiculing humans for our ignorance, where would we be? We would never learn.

Newcomers must also understand that the striking majority here is extremely convinced and certain of our system. That has to be understood and accepted, it's because people have earned this understanding and life change after a long arduous effort with themselves and application of knowledge. So some things might look like elementary to them. Still, the real Spiritual Satanists will treat you with kindness.

Yet since not everyone is a teacher oriented personality (and that is acceptable) not everyone might be willing to put in the effort of teaching you everything from A to Z. You can consult others but you will have to learn also on your own, like in school.

Spiritual Satanism is not against doubts or disbelief, or any form of question. Our only rule is that we want politeness and an awareness when it comes to issuing these questions, but also respect for our beliefs which are common here because as a community we are all in this path and have experienced the path for what it is.

Further we do accept questions or doubting, but we will not accept proselytizing, same as an illiterate man cannot draw out the scientists I mentioned on the above example in the woods, when one doesn't know how to light a fire. That's why when one becomes a Spiritual Satanist, not even 1% of people ever does return back to the programs of control to the enemy.

We have long left these programs after discovering them to be outright lies, inconsistent with the human spirit or our personal spirit, or due to major lies and inconsistencies, no religious or spiritual "experience" was granted from these fraud programs of the enemy and we left them for very valid reasons. Dobut and bravery to discover something else lead to higher understanding in that case.

I have found also that every Spiritual Satanist has left the enemy for very valid reasons, in contrast to the enemy cults where one just enters in randomly or by force through birth. In these systems, "doubt" is considered the "grave sin". That's because if these systems are questioned even at 1%, they instantly collapse.

In our approach to existence, doubt is only a grave sin if it's done stupidly or in a wrongful manner.

Doubt and Disbelief is acceptable in Spiritual Satanism. There is no special place of torment, hellfire, or Jihad to be done against the "disbeliever" just because they doubted or question things about us. That is the job of the enemy.

As far as we are concerned we will are aware about the fact of what awaits those who don't apply this knowledge, only due to the result of what lack of development brings based on natural consequences of the universe. Our Gods don't punish, kill or jihad a mere disbeliever just because they doubted or they don't want to join them. That is not the work of God.

That's the work of slave colonies, which the Gods are not a slave colony, they are a house of free men.

Our Gods are not going to cast you into any "Eternal Hellfire" for doubting, nor any Spiritual Satanist will be around to forcibly prosyletize to you with a machette like a Muslim because you did not "Join us". The Truth costs you by default for not choosing it, that cannot be enforced. We understand this and we are happy about what we follow, but will guard our rights to keep doing that. We are free to do so.

Any form of retaliation that might come from us is only because we have been attacked and had our freedom violated, which is unacceptable on natural standards, if our rights to evolve and advance are attacked because YOU are intolerant of that. That is all there is to it.

Doubt and disbelief, to a non threatening and polite extent, is something we will always tolerate in our community. One can doubt many things as well not necessarily the path, but themselves and other parts of their life. That's acceptable as well. Conviction in order to be strong can arise only after a long and considerable view of reality has been established.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The very good sermon (y)
I see doubts among newcomers who ask me questions, but providing answers in an accessible and understandable form dispels doubts and cultivates a grain of confidence🌱 😎
When I started, I wasn't entirely sure whether what I was doing had meaning and purpose, I questioned a lot of things. There was a lot of confusion at the beginning too. But then gradually over time I started to feel energy, opened and felt my chakras, then feeling the presence of the Demon and hearing His voice for the first time. That was the moment I realized how true it all was.
Everything happened gradually and my Guardian guided me. It took time, but it was worth it.
My main weakness has been not being good at communicating with people. I used to be extremely shy and afraid to talk to people when I was young, then I went to being confident enough to talk to anybody, but still not always knowing what to say. I'm good at saying what I think is the truth, but not as good with saying things in a way that people are happy to hear.

This is something I have gotten a lot better with from a lot of practice of trying to help people here. But it is still not always perfect.

I know that my intentions are good, because all of my intentions are love for our people. Nearly all of my soul is love, and my love for our people gives me an extremely high drive to help, and guide, and educate, and assist humanity as much as I possibly can. And helping as many people as possible as much as possible. Then I'm trying to help, but the weakness comes up again of saying things in a way that people don't like to hear. Because I want to go directly to the Truth, but this doesn't always sound nice.
I remember when I had first recently discovered the Joy of Satan website, I eventually made my way to the page regarding hand chakras. I then tried putting my hand beneath a desk, where it was dim and against a dark background, and I saw surrounding my hands an outer veil, purple, protruding about a centimeter. And at that time, I knew everything was real, and any doubts quickly began to fade.
I’ve seen things like this before. There was this one time I was picking up a full pizza box and almost dropped it and I literally saw a small fuzzy arm appear and steady it. It felt like someone else was holding the box, and this has been merely moments after I had been talking about how much I love Dwarf Demons and how I can always count on their help and support.
You can consult others but you will have to learn also on your own, like in school.
Amazing Sermon,
totally convinced that self-education and searching with integrity is the best way to set steady foundation to what you believe.
also when you do it with enough Honesty the Gods are always there to help and guide you, save your time from a lot of misleading methods.
when i first started learning about astrology (which is very fishy area full of misinformation and scammers everywhere)
i remember looking to public and historical figures charts and compare
comparing their actions, fields and the events in their life or how they ended up!
after verification of some patterns i knew what i may count on.
Doubt and disbelief are very normal human states of mind when we don't know about certain topics or we lack certain experiences. Due to lack of knowledge of a topic, or the fact that everyone is born inside a background without any spiritual knowledge, it is very logical that them in mind might doubt a lot of things one might read in regard Occultism.

Occultism in general is also rife with misinformation so a lot of people come here very disappointed or misinformed. Mainstream "religion" is rife with lies, which if one does not doubt, they will never end up being a Spiritual Satanist in the first place. Doubt and defiance of falsehood is a good trait that can lead one to the Truth, to some extent.

Spiritual Satanism is the True Path and in Spiritual Satanism, like with any real system, doubt and disbelief is very much accepted. One can doubt especially in the earlier stages where one has not yet acquired the sufficient education, knowledge or experiences associated with this path.

Now, regardless of what anyone tells anyone else, in Spiritual Satanism there is a gateway, and this gateway is the Initiation. One can do a lot of research, or even attempt a prayer to the Gods to look for an omen of their existence.

Yet, if one is not truly open and just uses doubt as a shield to deny any information, no amount of knowledge will save someone from lack of experience or lack of bravery - this bravery is very much necessary to embark on a spiritual journey or to attain higher levels of understanding.

All these billions of cowards you see outside in this world, who are afraid of "Going to Hell" or who fear their own mommy might beat their ass with a belt for questioning Jesus or Mohammed, they are not fit for enlightenment and will never receive anything but comfortable lies.

The Gods are not looking for gullible slaves they are looking for people who have a heart and mind that is of a different nature than that.

The same case is the case in anything meaningful one tries to do in their lives. One might want to open a business, but they make serious doubts about it. In some cases, doubt is there to show you that you must learn more about a subject. In other cases doubt is there to merely make you question yourself and never develop. Doubt like all things does need a balance to itself.

Doubt and Disbelief are cured when one takes certain steps to solve these states of mind. They are cured by correct information, accumulating experience, and experimentation that brings conclusions out that experience. These conclusions might also improve as time goes and one learns more.

One might entirely doubt meditation, but one has to do this and see if it yields some results. This has to be done on certain guidelines, for example, one might need to meditate for a while to see results.

On a personal level I am only here because of extensive knowledge, extensive experience, full on beyond doubt manifestations of the Gods, and have earned this process all the way from the first time I was around.

When I first found the Joy of Satan site, although it immediately registered to me as "YES, THIS IS IT", I was highly doubtful and I therefore, albeit having read everything, did a standard Ritual to the Gods to verify for myself what is going on. I experienced this very directly, and I knew they existed, this is how I eventually dedicated.

I also knew for a full on and very carefully verified fact, that the programs of the enemy were only to mindwash, built on lies, emotional coercion, and the most major level of hypocrisy possible under the sun. I had seen for MYSELF.

I had a very careful approach to dedication and did not do it like a dumb Muslim or a little terrified Xian that is too afraid to go to "Hell" and therefore goes to "Jesus for salvation". These people are cowardly and they can never attain any higher understanding.

To reach a state of progression, it takes time, effort, trial and error and self overcoming and the path reveals itself step by step. In the beginning, there can only be a misty path in front of you, no matter who or what told you anything.

Even regular things in life like going to the gym, necessitate that you stick to a project, and after one training session in the gym you will not become a full scale bodybuilder. After your first gym session you will probably go home and think you did nothing, minus feeling tired or challenged. Spiritual progression works in a similar way.

But like bodybuilders who have been through all these states of doubt and self overcoming, they have won against their doubts by exercising knowledge to attain certain purposes, and they no longer doubt anything or experience disbelief.

Therefore, doubt or disbelief has different contents when it comes to these levels:

1. Before initiation / searching phase
2. After initiation / new initiation phase
3. Accustomed SS / way into the path, proof and verification has definitely shown itself, but one might need more
4. Advanced SS / very developed in the path, where in this case doubt has either vanished or has to do with other topics that are not basic topics

It's natural for a student that is learning the alphabet to show up in a university and consider that the teachers are either delusional or know nothing, such as in physics class. When one sees these equations they will tell themselves that these don't make any sense or constitute superstition. But when these equations are used for example on the application of an atom bomb, they produce that result. Then anyone can understand that this is factually true, despite of any opinions.

There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.

I ask therefore all new SS or those interested to just keep an open mind, keep studying and of course, don't be afraid to make a few experiments and either pray to the Gods or try something from the JoS. Just be aware that there are MANY things one does not know yet, and mistakes or other things can happen. Make sure to gain a full "around" knowledge and don't take yourself only as the full measurement for actuality, because there are many things to learn.

Also, older and higher members must remember that EVERYONE has existed in that state before. Politeness, patience, understanding and maybe repetitive lessons and responses might be needed in order to instruct newcomers, helping them to stay in the path and proceed with their own learning. Do not punish people for doubts. We must be stern with ourselves to be able to address these doubts or lead people better to discover their own answers.

The Gods specialize in this process and we have to support the same path. Have PATIENCE with the newer members, show them love and consideration. They are trying to discover the Truth. Help them, do not ever demean them or ridicule them for you have been in their shoes in their current state of development beforehand. Teaching others takes time, patience, understanding and care. A very few might not learn, but the striking majority will appreciate this and understand how important what you do for them is.

If the Gods started ridiculing humans for our ignorance, where would we be? We would never learn.

Newcomers must also understand that the striking majority here is extremely convinced and certain of our system. That has to be understood and accepted, it's because people have earned this understanding and life change after a long arduous effort with themselves and application of knowledge. So some things might look like elementary to them. Still, the real Spiritual Satanists will treat you with kindness.

Yet since not everyone is a teacher oriented personality (and that is acceptable) not everyone might be willing to put in the effort of teaching you everything from A to Z. You can consult others but you will have to learn also on your own, like in school.

Spiritual Satanism is not against doubts or disbelief, or any form of question. Our only rule is that we want politeness and an awareness when it comes to issuing these questions, but also respect for our beliefs which are common here because as a community we are all in this path and have experienced the path for what it is.

Further we do accept questions or doubting, but we will not accept proselytizing, same as an illiterate man cannot draw out the scientists I mentioned on the above example in the woods, when one doesn't know how to light a fire. That's why when one becomes a Spiritual Satanist, not even 1% of people ever does return back to the programs of control to the enemy.

We have long left these programs after discovering them to be outright lies, inconsistent with the human spirit or our personal spirit, or due to major lies and inconsistencies, no religious or spiritual "experience" was granted from these fraud programs of the enemy and we left them for very valid reasons. Dobut and bravery to discover something else lead to higher understanding in that case.

I have found also that every Spiritual Satanist has left the enemy for very valid reasons, in contrast to the enemy cults where one just enters in randomly or by force through birth. In these systems, "doubt" is considered the "grave sin". That's because if these systems are questioned even at 1%, they instantly collapse.

In our approach to existence, doubt is only a grave sin if it's done stupidly or in a wrongful manner.

Doubt and Disbelief is acceptable in Spiritual Satanism. There is no special place of torment, hellfire, or Jihad to be done against the "disbeliever" just because they doubted or question things about us. That is the job of the enemy.

As far as we are concerned we will are aware about the fact of what awaits those who don't apply this knowledge, only due to the result of what lack of development brings based on natural consequences of the universe. Our Gods don't punish, kill or jihad a mere disbeliever just because they doubted or they don't want to join them. That is not the work of God.

That's the work of slave colonies, which the Gods are not a slave colony, they are a house of free men.

Our Gods are not going to cast you into any "Eternal Hellfire" for doubting, nor any Spiritual Satanist will be around to forcibly prosyletize to you with a machette like a Muslim because you did not "Join us". The Truth costs you by default for not choosing it, that cannot be enforced. We understand this and we are happy about what we follow, but will guard our rights to keep doing that. We are free to do so.

Any form of retaliation that might come from us is only because we have been attacked and had our freedom violated, which is unacceptable on natural standards, if our rights to evolve and advance are attacked because YOU are intolerant of that. That is all there is to it.

Doubt and disbelief, to a non threatening and polite extent, is something we will always tolerate in our community. One can doubt many things as well not necessarily the path, but themselves and other parts of their life. That's acceptable as well. Conviction in order to be strong can arise only after a long and considerable view of reality has been established.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I sometimes doubt myself and question some things
About my self but when I think I can't do some things
I feel a inspiration to do it anyway and when I'm scared
I talk to Satan/Lucifer
And I feel better when I'm done!!!!
From an average person's perspective, Spiritual Satanism can be extreme and bizarre. It's pretty normal to doubt, but when it comes to spirituality, it may not be possible to clear doubts without progress and experience.

There is a big difference between the person who can see the Gods with his own eyes and the person who cannot. It's normal for the one who cannot see to doubt. Best way to get rid of this is to gain experience.
I have found also that every Spiritual Satanist has left the enemy for very valid reasons
For me, I never really WAS into pisslam. I just believed some pseudo-spiritual aspects of it ( the one God etc.), but mainly, ever since I was a child I have always had a fascination and love for the occult, for magick, for demons and jinn especially, so much so that I was scolded badly by my family as a kid, which brought a small distance between me and the craft. But I never strayed far from it. The desert religion of drinking camel piss, also known as pisslam, provides no power, no independence, no freedom. Only punishment, shame, humiliation, and extreme levels of depravity are present in that disgusting cult.
While I was doing the ritual for lord Anubis, I constantly felt heavy amounts of doubt. So much so that I was thinking of completely leaving everything and learning on my own. I dont know what to do anymore. Regardless, I made a promise so even if I don't believe in anything 100%, I'll still have to do warfare and the rituals, and I'll still have to meditate.

It's exactly like a long, dense fog on a linear path that you don't know where it leads... because I haven't had that many explicit experiences, I can't help but doubt everything. I feel like I need some absolutely crazy shit to happen for me to revive my faith again. I don't know.

I'm still going to continue the spiritual regimen. Not because I feel like it works, but because I feel like I have responsibility...
To be honest, when I first came into contact with Jos, I was skeptical about Satan, but time and truth proved everything.
According to the supernatural phenomena and experiences that followed, I realized that Satan is a real existence.
Unlike the lies and insults of the Jews, Satan is very gentle and caring to humans.
In the past two years on the road of Satan, I have made a lot of progress.
Thank you Lucifer.
While I was doing the ritual for lord Anubis, I constantly felt heavy amounts of doubt. So much so that I was thinking of completely leaving everything and learning on my own. I dont know what to do anymore. Regardless, I made a promise so even if I don't believe in anything 100%, I'll still have to do warfare and the rituals, and I'll still have to meditate.

It's exactly like a long, dense fog on a linear path that you don't know where it leads... because I haven't had that many explicit experiences, I can't help but doubt everything. I feel like I need some absolutely crazy shit to happen for me to revive my faith again. I don't know.

I'm still going to continue the spiritual regimen. Not because I feel like it works, but because I feel like I have responsibility...
I’ve had those feelings before and I can tell you for certain those aren’t your feelings, it’s the enemy trying to mess with you. They always try to make people turn away from Satan and if they know that they can’t then they’ll just try to make it suck for you, which they can’t succeed in doing either as long as you make the decision to stay positive about Satan and our Gods. Don’t forget that childhood fascination with Djinn and Demons because they truly do love you. Satan never leaves his own, and it ain’t gonna suck forever.

“Problems are temporary. The Glory of Satan and his Legions is forever.” - Marchosias
I’ve had those feelings before and I can tell you for certain those aren’t your feelings, it’s the enemy trying to mess with you. They always try to make people turn away from Satan and if they know that they can’t then they’ll just try to make it suck for you, which they can’t succeed in doing either as long as you make the decision to stay positive about Satan and our Gods. Don’t forget that childhood fascination with Djinn and Demons because they truly do love you. Satan never leaves his own, and it ain’t gonna suck forever.

“Problems are temporary. The Glory of Satan and his Legions is forever.” - Marchosias
Thank you so much for you kind words, brother. I hope what you say is true, that Demons have been with me since past lives. That would make me really happy.

I guess one thing I have to do for now, is an empirical approach towards the metaphysical. I need to "bring down the heavens to the earth" per se ( basically I mean I should study more scientifically about magick). You can only go so far on pure faith alone.
There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.
I can definitely relate to this. For an amount of years, when signs from the Gods were shown to me, I kept trying to think of a "rational explanation" for it, or that it was just a scientifically-explainable coincidence. It was only after some undeniably clear, miraculously improbable occurrences that any doubt was eradicated completely.

There is a certain amount of doubt that can help direct one towards seeking the truth behind something. But some people are at a level of skepticism that even if a bunch of crows in the air spelled out "SATAN" for them, they would still call it a coincidence. Perhaps different people simply require different things to feel convinced about something, and that can take time.
One thing even mainstream academia admits that, in known history, there was not a single "holy war" over spirituality prior to the birthing of the Abrahamic swindles. There was no Spanish Inquisition, nobody being tortured and gored for lackings of faith or assumptions thereof. In the Middle East, I've heard that people have had violence done upon them simply for not adding "peace be upon him" after invoking Muhammad's name. Our Gods are actually understanding of us as growing creatures that need tending, guiding and protection. To the Hebrew God, you're just a battery to dispense prayers into the Kaaba. A lack of faith is gruesomely punished because you're meant to be absolutely blindly funnelling everything you have into it. I remember a very particular Xian maxim, which is "let no wise man among us."

The Gods cherish those with intelligence. If you look over at even modern day Hinduism, one of the holiest, most sacred ethical directives is to question everything. Me myself, I was raised agnostically, though aware of spirituality through deep personal experiences. Faith, as such, wasn't exactly something that came easily to me. I needed a large burden of proof, as I am generally not an easy person to convince.

Point is, even someone such as I, after enough time performing meditation and rituals, has enough of this proof. I have entire documents detailing my experiences over the span of a decade.

As some advice, to those starting out, and looking for omens of the Gods, these can and will come in stages, reflective of your own personal development. Yes, spiritual growth is a long process. I can only imagine how many thousands, millions of people out there discovered Chakras through some new-age system, chanted Aum a bunch, didn't really feel anything, and then stopped. During those initial stages, anyone here will say, it's going to take time.

After your dedication, and these early weeks/months of growth, if you open your eyes and begin to look, you may encounter "signs". That is, curious fateful coincidences in the things you see and feel. If you see these in mundane places, don't feel like an idiot for noticing them. You might hear the name of a particular God multiple times in one day, for instance, be it online, on TV, or any such thing.

Dreams of spiritual significance, I found, are something that have stayed throughout my development, both during my early days and continuing into the now. As your senses open, you will likely feel dreams with psychic energy, that is, stimulation of your sixth sense. This is hard to describe in words, but to those who have felt it, you'll be sure to understand. Dreams are deeply personal things, as is the nature of your own immediate astral reality. Potentially, dreams will even be the locus in which your Guardian may interact with you, and this was certainly the case for me. As an added tip, keep a dream journal. The mere act of remembering your dreams and writing down everything you can improves your ability to remember dreams and experience vivid ones.

Further, there are Siddhis, or spiritual gifts. Not everyone has these, obviously (and that's not to be considered a mark against yourself). These can be from past lifetimes, or inheritances through your ancestry. This is not something I'd speak on at length here, as it would require multiple books and is genuinely a sensitive subject, but these can come in many forms. Propensity towards astral projection experiences in dreams, precognitive foresight, empathic abilities, etc. Your Guardian will be innately aware of this, and for some, this may be a means in which they interact with you with. Lots of people who have been called here have gifts, even minor ones, or ones yet to be fully understood. Have no fear in such things and learn to trust your intuition.

Lastly, on the topic of doubts, enemy attacks have been mentioned already. It goes without saying, our enemy does not wish us to grow. Great lengths have been gone to, to ensure that our spirituality remains hamstrung. Growth will be met with resistance, this is what Auras of Protection are for. Again, your Guardian will be there for the battles you absolutely cannot fight yourself, but you will need to learn how to defend yourself. All the same, during these periods of attack, your doubts will be stoked. When the period passes, you will feel these anxieties lessen. Do not feel shame for them in the aftermath. Once more, the Gods know far, far better than we do who is experiencing these things and to what extent. There have been many members who have had issues of faith due to these stretches. Eventually, these pass. Take my word for it, I've had stretches of bad energy so long I thought I'd never be out of them.

A reassuring thing to note is this. If you're being attacked, this is a credit to your strength and capability. By sheer virtue of having to experience these things and fight on, you are already proving yourself stronger than those around you. Issues manifest and well up from the surface as you grow. Old issues from previous lifetimes and manifestations of karma and Saturn's lessons. Part of spiritual growth is actually working through these things, instead of them remaining dormant and stagnating. To use colloquial terminology, this is part and parcel of the burden of being a "player character" and not an "NPC".

Alternatively, consider yourself The Fool of the Tarot. Eventually, in your journey, you will face the Tower, its upheaval and promise of disaster. But afterwards, beyond the smouldering smoke and ruin, you will look up and see the Stars, the Moon and the Sun. Afterwards comes the self-reflection of Judgment as you finally come to terms with your higher self. Lastly is the fulfilment and harmony of the World. The Gods do not reject Fools, as this is a self-acknowledgment that growth must take place. Nor, do they admonish for the inevitably rising crisis upon your horizons that may shake your pride and faith. More than any other entity, they know this is all part of the journey. There is no Hero's Journey without the battle in the third act.

Thank you to HP, for choosing to reflect the patience and compassion of the Gods.
One "disadvantageous" aspect of this path is that you can never go back and see the things the "normal" way again,
or be "normal" and live a "normal" life again like the rest.
Too much knowledge can feel like a burden sometimes.

Remembering my years before searching for Truth, there was this simplicity to it.
Or maybe it's just an aspect of growing up, like losing your virginity.
Sometimes you miss this virginal innocent feeling and experience.
Doubt and disbelief are very normal human states of mind when we don't know about certain topics or we lack certain experiences. Due to lack of knowledge of a topic, or the fact that everyone is born inside a background without any spiritual knowledge, it is very logical that them in mind might doubt a lot of things one might read in regard Occultism.

Occultism in general is also rife with misinformation so a lot of people come here very disappointed or misinformed. Mainstream "religion" is rife with lies, which if one does not doubt, they will never end up being a Spiritual Satanist in the first place. Doubt and defiance of falsehood is a good trait that can lead one to the Truth, to some extent.

Spiritual Satanism is the True Path and in Spiritual Satanism, like with any real system, doubt and disbelief is very much accepted. One can doubt especially in the earlier stages where one has not yet acquired the sufficient education, knowledge or experiences associated with this path.

Now, regardless of what anyone tells anyone else, in Spiritual Satanism there is a gateway, and this gateway is the Initiation. One can do a lot of research, or even attempt a prayer to the Gods to look for an omen of their existence.

Yet, if one is not truly open and just uses doubt as a shield to deny any information, no amount of knowledge will save someone from lack of experience or lack of bravery - this bravery is very much necessary to embark on a spiritual journey or to attain higher levels of understanding.

All these billions of cowards you see outside in this world, who are afraid of "Going to Hell" or who fear their own mommy might beat their ass with a belt for questioning Jesus or Mohammed, they are not fit for enlightenment and will never receive anything but comfortable lies.

The Gods are not looking for gullible slaves they are looking for people who have a heart and mind that is of a different nature than that.

The same case is the case in anything meaningful one tries to do in their lives. One might want to open a business, but they make serious doubts about it. In some cases, doubt is there to show you that you must learn more about a subject. In other cases doubt is there to merely make you question yourself and never develop. Doubt like all things does need a balance to itself.

Doubt and Disbelief are cured when one takes certain steps to solve these states of mind. They are cured by correct information, accumulating experience, and experimentation that brings conclusions out that experience. These conclusions might also improve as time goes and one learns more.

One might entirely doubt meditation, but one has to do this and see if it yields some results. This has to be done on certain guidelines, for example, one might need to meditate for a while to see results.

On a personal level I am only here because of extensive knowledge, extensive experience, full on beyond doubt manifestations of the Gods, and have earned this process all the way from the first time I was around.

When I first found the Joy of Satan site, although it immediately registered to me as "YES, THIS IS IT", I was highly doubtful and I therefore, albeit having read everything, did a standard Ritual to the Gods to verify for myself what is going on. I experienced this very directly, and I knew they existed, this is how I eventually dedicated.

I also knew for a full on and very carefully verified fact, that the programs of the enemy were only to mindwash, built on lies, emotional coercion, and the most major level of hypocrisy possible under the sun. I had seen for MYSELF.

I had a very careful approach to dedication and did not do it like a dumb Muslim or a little terrified Xian that is too afraid to go to "Hell" and therefore goes to "Jesus for salvation". These people are cowardly and they can never attain any higher understanding.

To reach a state of progression, it takes time, effort, trial and error and self overcoming and the path reveals itself step by step. In the beginning, there can only be a misty path in front of you, no matter who or what told you anything.

Even regular things in life like going to the gym, necessitate that you stick to a project, and after one training session in the gym you will not become a full scale bodybuilder. After your first gym session you will probably go home and think you did nothing, minus feeling tired or challenged. Spiritual progression works in a similar way.

But like bodybuilders who have been through all these states of doubt and self overcoming, they have won against their doubts by exercising knowledge to attain certain purposes, and they no longer doubt anything or experience disbelief.

Therefore, doubt or disbelief has different contents when it comes to these levels:

1. Before initiation / searching phase
2. After initiation / new initiation phase
3. Accustomed SS / way into the path, proof and verification has definitely shown itself, but one might need more
4. Advanced SS / very developed in the path, where in this case doubt has either vanished or has to do with other topics that are not basic topics

It's natural for a student that is learning the alphabet to show up in a university and consider that the teachers are either delusional or know nothing, such as in physics class. When one sees these equations they will tell themselves that these don't make any sense or constitute superstition. But when these equations are used for example on the application of an atom bomb, they produce that result. Then anyone can understand that this is factually true, despite of any opinions.

There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.

I ask therefore all new SS or those interested to just keep an open mind, keep studying and of course, don't be afraid to make a few experiments and either pray to the Gods or try something from the JoS. Just be aware that there are MANY things one does not know yet, and mistakes or other things can happen. Make sure to gain a full "around" knowledge and don't take yourself only as the full measurement for actuality, because there are many things to learn.

Also, older and higher members must remember that EVERYONE has existed in that state before. Politeness, patience, understanding and maybe repetitive lessons and responses might be needed in order to instruct newcomers, helping them to stay in the path and proceed with their own learning. Do not punish people for doubts. We must be stern with ourselves to be able to address these doubts or lead people better to discover their own answers.

The Gods specialize in this process and we have to support the same path. Have PATIENCE with the newer members, show them love and consideration. They are trying to discover the Truth. Help them, do not ever demean them or ridicule them for you have been in their shoes in their current state of development beforehand. Teaching others takes time, patience, understanding and care. A very few might not learn, but the striking majority will appreciate this and understand how important what you do for them is.

If the Gods started ridiculing humans for our ignorance, where would we be? We would never learn.

Newcomers must also understand that the striking majority here is extremely convinced and certain of our system. That has to be understood and accepted, it's because people have earned this understanding and life change after a long arduous effort with themselves and application of knowledge. So some things might look like elementary to them. Still, the real Spiritual Satanists will treat you with kindness.

Yet since not everyone is a teacher oriented personality (and that is acceptable) not everyone might be willing to put in the effort of teaching you everything from A to Z. You can consult others but you will have to learn also on your own, like in school.

Spiritual Satanism is not against doubts or disbelief, or any form of question. Our only rule is that we want politeness and an awareness when it comes to issuing these questions, but also respect for our beliefs which are common here because as a community we are all in this path and have experienced the path for what it is.

Further we do accept questions or doubting, but we will not accept proselytizing, same as an illiterate man cannot draw out the scientists I mentioned on the above example in the woods, when one doesn't know how to light a fire. That's why when one becomes a Spiritual Satanist, not even 1% of people ever does return back to the programs of control to the enemy.

We have long left these programs after discovering them to be outright lies, inconsistent with the human spirit or our personal spirit, or due to major lies and inconsistencies, no religious or spiritual "experience" was granted from these fraud programs of the enemy and we left them for very valid reasons. Dobut and bravery to discover something else lead to higher understanding in that case.

I have found also that every Spiritual Satanist has left the enemy for very valid reasons, in contrast to the enemy cults where one just enters in randomly or by force through birth. In these systems, "doubt" is considered the "grave sin". That's because if these systems are questioned even at 1%, they instantly collapse.

In our approach to existence, doubt is only a grave sin if it's done stupidly or in a wrongful manner.

Doubt and Disbelief is acceptable in Spiritual Satanism. There is no special place of torment, hellfire, or Jihad to be done against the "disbeliever" just because they doubted or question things about us. That is the job of the enemy.

As far as we are concerned we will are aware about the fact of what awaits those who don't apply this knowledge, only due to the result of what lack of development brings based on natural consequences of the universe. Our Gods don't punish, kill or jihad a mere disbeliever just because they doubted or they don't want to join them. That is not the work of God.

That's the work of slave colonies, which the Gods are not a slave colony, they are a house of free men.

Our Gods are not going to cast you into any "Eternal Hellfire" for doubting, nor any Spiritual Satanist will be around to forcibly prosyletize to you with a machette like a Muslim because you did not "Join us". The Truth costs you by default for not choosing it, that cannot be enforced. We understand this and we are happy about what we follow, but will guard our rights to keep doing that. We are free to do so.

Any form of retaliation that might come from us is only because we have been attacked and had our freedom violated, which is unacceptable on natural standards, if our rights to evolve and advance are attacked because YOU are intolerant of that. That is all there is to it.

Doubt and disbelief, to a non threatening and polite extent, is something we will always tolerate in our community. One can doubt many things as well not necessarily the path, but themselves and other parts of their life. That's acceptable as well. Conviction in order to be strong can arise only after a long and considerable view of reality has been established.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

To add to this, and as described by the exercise analogy given by HPHC, we build ourselves up over time, but also by purposefully starting small, as otherwise this can destroy motivation. The beginner meditation exercises are designed to help new people receive feedback and validation with their spiritual skills, hence why it is prescribed to do Azazel's directing energy, rather than immediately trying to create a large material outcome that cannot be easily sensed.

This is the same reason that math starts at 1+1 rather than Calculus, because even if you understand one of the statements of Calculus in an isolated form, you wouldn't have the full depth of skill and knowledge to apply it in a meaningful way, like in an engineering position. On the contrary, the student may wrongly judge what was told to them, like how HPHC described, unless they had some sort of feasible connection for clarity to exist [E.g.: a sensitivity to energy, despite being Christian]

Similarly, the Gods can "show you" the most advanced meditation or mantra on the planet, but it would be lost on you. We can see that even now, as parts of the Magnum Opus are listed on the meditation page, yet these are effectively useless to most people.

If I give a tribal person the schematics to an iPhone when the extent of his engineering involves forging iron tools, how can we demand for him to feel in anyway competent, comfortable, or knowledgeable with that? That doesn't mean we cannot accelerate his progress through creative ways of bridging our worlds, but he would never learn as fast as a native student who grew up with an iPhone since they were in a stroller.
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Doubt and disbelief are very normal human states of mind when we don't know about certain topics or we lack certain experiences. Due to lack of knowledge of a topic, or the fact that everyone is born inside a background without any spiritual knowledge, it is very logical that them in mind might doubt a lot of things one might read in regard Occultism.

Occultism in general is also rife with misinformation so a lot of people come here very disappointed or misinformed. Mainstream "religion" is rife with lies, which if one does not doubt, they will never end up being a Spiritual Satanist in the first place. Doubt and defiance of falsehood is a good trait that can lead one to the Truth, to some extent.

Spiritual Satanism is the True Path and in Spiritual Satanism, like with any real system, doubt and disbelief is very much accepted. One can doubt especially in the earlier stages where one has not yet acquired the sufficient education, knowledge or experiences associated with this path.

Now, regardless of what anyone tells anyone else, in Spiritual Satanism there is a gateway, and this gateway is the Initiation. One can do a lot of research, or even attempt a prayer to the Gods to look for an omen of their existence.

Yet, if one is not truly open and just uses doubt as a shield to deny any information, no amount of knowledge will save someone from lack of experience or lack of bravery - this bravery is very much necessary to embark on a spiritual journey or to attain higher levels of understanding.

All these billions of cowards you see outside in this world, who are afraid of "Going to Hell" or who fear their own mommy might beat their ass with a belt for questioning Jesus or Mohammed, they are not fit for enlightenment and will never receive anything but comfortable lies.

The Gods are not looking for gullible slaves they are looking for people who have a heart and mind that is of a different nature than that.

The same case is the case in anything meaningful one tries to do in their lives. One might want to open a business, but they make serious doubts about it. In some cases, doubt is there to show you that you must learn more about a subject. In other cases doubt is there to merely make you question yourself and never develop. Doubt like all things does need a balance to itself.

Doubt and Disbelief are cured when one takes certain steps to solve these states of mind. They are cured by correct information, accumulating experience, and experimentation that brings conclusions out that experience. These conclusions might also improve as time goes and one learns more.

One might entirely doubt meditation, but one has to do this and see if it yields some results. This has to be done on certain guidelines, for example, one might need to meditate for a while to see results.

On a personal level I am only here because of extensive knowledge, extensive experience, full on beyond doubt manifestations of the Gods, and have earned this process all the way from the first time I was around.

When I first found the Joy of Satan site, although it immediately registered to me as "YES, THIS IS IT", I was highly doubtful and I therefore, albeit having read everything, did a standard Ritual to the Gods to verify for myself what is going on. I experienced this very directly, and I knew they existed, this is how I eventually dedicated.

I also knew for a full on and very carefully verified fact, that the programs of the enemy were only to mindwash, built on lies, emotional coercion, and the most major level of hypocrisy possible under the sun. I had seen for MYSELF.

I had a very careful approach to dedication and did not do it like a dumb Muslim or a little terrified Xian that is too afraid to go to "Hell" and therefore goes to "Jesus for salvation". These people are cowardly and they can never attain any higher understanding.

To reach a state of progression, it takes time, effort, trial and error and self overcoming and the path reveals itself step by step. In the beginning, there can only be a misty path in front of you, no matter who or what told you anything.

Even regular things in life like going to the gym, necessitate that you stick to a project, and after one training session in the gym you will not become a full scale bodybuilder. After your first gym session you will probably go home and think you did nothing, minus feeling tired or challenged. Spiritual progression works in a similar way.

But like bodybuilders who have been through all these states of doubt and self overcoming, they have won against their doubts by exercising knowledge to attain certain purposes, and they no longer doubt anything or experience disbelief.

Therefore, doubt or disbelief has different contents when it comes to these levels:

1. Before initiation / searching phase
2. After initiation / new initiation phase
3. Accustomed SS / way into the path, proof and verification has definitely shown itself, but one might need more
4. Advanced SS / very developed in the path, where in this case doubt has either vanished or has to do with other topics that are not basic topics

It's natural for a student that is learning the alphabet to show up in a university and consider that the teachers are either delusional or know nothing, such as in physics class. When one sees these equations they will tell themselves that these don't make any sense or constitute superstition. But when these equations are used for example on the application of an atom bomb, they produce that result. Then anyone can understand that this is factually true, despite of any opinions.

There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.

I ask therefore all new SS or those interested to just keep an open mind, keep studying and of course, don't be afraid to make a few experiments and either pray to the Gods or try something from the JoS. Just be aware that there are MANY things one does not know yet, and mistakes or other things can happen. Make sure to gain a full "around" knowledge and don't take yourself only as the full measurement for actuality, because there are many things to learn.

Inoltre, i membri più anziani e di livello superiore devono ricordare che TUTTI sono già esistiti in quello stato. Potrebbero essere necessarie gentilezza, pazienza, comprensione e forse lezioni e risposte ripetitive per istruire i nuovi arrivati, aiutandoli a rimanere sul percorso e procedere con il proprio apprendimento. Non punire le persone per i dubbi. Dobbiamo essere severi con noi stessi per poter affrontare questi dubbi o guidare meglio le persone a scoprire le proprie risposte.

Gli Dei sono specializzati in questo processo e noi dobbiamo sostenere lo stesso percorso. Abbi PAZIENZA con i nuovi membri, mostra loro amore e considerazione. Stanno cercando di scoprire la Verità. Aiutateli, non sminuirli o ridicolizzarli mai perché prima siete stati nei loro panni nel loro attuale stato di sviluppo. Insegnare agli altri richiede tempo, pazienza, comprensione e cura. Pochissimi potrebbero non imparare, ma la stragrande maggioranza lo apprezzerà e capirà quanto sia importante ciò che fai per loro.

Se gli Dei iniziassero a ridicolizzare gli esseri umani per la nostra ignoranza, dove saremmo? Non impareremmo mai.

I nuovi arrivati devono anche capire che la stragrande maggioranza qui è estremamente convinta e sicura del nostro sistema. Questo deve essere compreso e accettato, perché le persone hanno guadagnato questa comprensione e questo cambiamento di vita dopo un lungo e arduo sforzo con se stessi e l'applicazione della conoscenza. Quindi alcune cose potrebbero sembrare elementari per loro. Tuttavia, i veri Satanisti Spirituali ti tratteranno con gentilezza.

Tuttavia, poiché non tutti hanno una personalità orientata all'insegnante (e questo è accettabile), non tutti potrebbero essere disposti a impegnarsi per insegnarti tutto dalla A alla Z. Puoi consultare gli altri ma dovrai imparare anche da solo, come a scuola.

Il Satanismo Spirituale non è contro i dubbi o l’incredulità, o qualsiasi forma di domanda. La nostra unica regola è che vogliamo gentilezza e consapevolezza quando si tratta di porre queste domande, ma anche rispetto per le nostre convinzioni che sono comuni qui perché come comunità siamo tutti su questa strada e abbiamo sperimentato la strada per quello che è.

Inoltre accettiamo domande o dubbi, ma non accetteremo il proselitismo, così come un analfabeta non può attirare gli scienziati che ho citato nell'esempio sopra nel bosco, quando non si sa accendere un fuoco. Ecco perché quando si diventa un Satanista Spirituale, nemmeno l'1% delle persone ritorna ai programmi di controllo del nemico.

Abbiamo abbandonato da tempo questi programmi dopo aver scoperto che erano vere e proprie bugie, incoerenti con lo spirito umano o il nostro spirito personale, o a causa di gravi bugie e incoerenze, nessuna "esperienza" religiosa o spirituale è stata concessa da questi programmi fraudolenti del nemico e noi li ha lasciati per ragioni molto valide. In questo caso, il dubbio e il coraggio di scoprire qualcos'altro portano a una comprensione più elevata.

Ho scoperto anche che ogni Satanista Spirituale ha lasciato il nemico per ragioni molto valide, in contrasto con i culti nemici in cui si entra in modo casuale o con la forza attraverso la nascita. In questi sistemi il “dubbio” è considerato il “peccato grave”. Questo perché se questi sistemi vengono messi in discussione anche solo all’1%, crollano all’istante.

Nel nostro approccio all'esistenza, il dubbio è un peccato grave solo se è fatto stupidamente o in modo sbagliato.

Il dubbio e l’incredulità sono accettabili nel Satanismo Spirituale. Non esiste un luogo speciale di tormento, fuoco infernale o Jihad da fare contro i "miscredenti" solo perché hanno dubitato o hanno messo in discussione alcune cose su di noi. Questo è il compito del nemico.

Ciò che attende coloro che non applicano questa conoscenza, per quanto ci riguarda, lo sapremo solo grazie a ciò che comporta il mancato sviluppo in base alle conseguenze naturali dell'universo. I nostri Dei non puniscono, uccidono o praticano il jihad un semplice miscredente solo perché dubitava o non voleva unirsi a loro. Questa non è l’opera di Dio.

Questo è il lavoro delle colonie di schiavi, che gli Dei non sono una colonia di schiavi, sono una casa di uomini liberi.

I nostri Dei non ti getteranno in nessun "Fuoco Eterno" per aver dubitato, né alcun Satanista Spirituale sarà nei paraggi per farti prosiletizzare con la forza con una machette come un Musulmano perché non ti sei "Unito a noi". La Verità ti costa per impostazione predefinita per non averla scelta, cosa che non può essere applicata. Lo comprendiamo e siamo contenti di ciò che seguiamo, ma tuteleremo i nostri diritti nel continuare a farlo. Siamo liberi di farlo.

Qualsiasi forma di ritorsione che potrebbe provenire da noi è solo perché siamo stati attaccati e la nostra libertà è stata violata, il che è inaccettabile secondo gli standard naturali, se i nostri diritti di evolversi e avanzare vengono attaccati perché TU ne sei intollerante. Questo è tutto.

Doubt and disbelief, to a non threatening and polite extent, is something we will always tolerate in our community. One can doubt many things as well not necessarily the path, but themselves and other parts of their life. That's acceptable as well. Conviction in order to be strong can arise only after a long and considerable view of reality has been established.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Knowledge and wisdom cannot be bought. They are achieved with consistency and patience.
Always very clear Supreme HPHC, your words are like rain of wisdom.
Doubt and disbelief are very normal human states of mind when we don't know about certain topics or we lack certain experiences. Due to lack of knowledge of a topic, or the fact that everyone is born inside a background without any spiritual knowledge, it is very logical that them in mind might doubt a lot of things one might read in regard Occultism.

Occultism in general is also rife with misinformation so a lot of people come here very disappointed or misinformed. Mainstream "religion" is rife with lies, which if one does not doubt, they will never end up being a Spiritual Satanist in the first place. Doubt and defiance of falsehood is a good trait that can lead one to the Truth, to some extent.

Spiritual Satanism is the True Path and in Spiritual Satanism, like with any real system, doubt and disbelief is very much accepted. One can doubt especially in the earlier stages where one has not yet acquired the sufficient education, knowledge or experiences associated with this path.

Now, regardless of what anyone tells anyone else, in Spiritual Satanism there is a gateway, and this gateway is the Initiation. One can do a lot of research, or even attempt a prayer to the Gods to look for an omen of their existence.

Yet, if one is not truly open and just uses doubt as a shield to deny any information, no amount of knowledge will save someone from lack of experience or lack of bravery - this bravery is very much necessary to embark on a spiritual journey or to attain higher levels of understanding.

All these billions of cowards you see outside in this world, who are afraid of "Going to Hell" or who fear their own mommy might beat their ass with a belt for questioning Jesus or Mohammed, they are not fit for enlightenment and will never receive anything but comfortable lies.

The Gods are not looking for gullible slaves they are looking for people who have a heart and mind that is of a different nature than that.

The same case is the case in anything meaningful one tries to do in their lives. One might want to open a business, but they make serious doubts about it. In some cases, doubt is there to show you that you must learn more about a subject. In other cases doubt is there to merely make you question yourself and never develop. Doubt like all things does need a balance to itself.

Doubt and Disbelief are cured when one takes certain steps to solve these states of mind. They are cured by correct information, accumulating experience, and experimentation that brings conclusions out that experience. These conclusions might also improve as time goes and one learns more.

One might entirely doubt meditation, but one has to do this and see if it yields some results. This has to be done on certain guidelines, for example, one might need to meditate for a while to see results.

On a personal level I am only here because of extensive knowledge, extensive experience, full on beyond doubt manifestations of the Gods, and have earned this process all the way from the first time I was around.

When I first found the Joy of Satan site, although it immediately registered to me as "YES, THIS IS IT", I was highly doubtful and I therefore, albeit having read everything, did a standard Ritual to the Gods to verify for myself what is going on. I experienced this very directly, and I knew they existed, this is how I eventually dedicated.

I also knew for a full on and very carefully verified fact, that the programs of the enemy were only to mindwash, built on lies, emotional coercion, and the most major level of hypocrisy possible under the sun. I had seen for MYSELF.

I had a very careful approach to dedication and did not do it like a dumb Muslim or a little terrified Xian that is too afraid to go to "Hell" and therefore goes to "Jesus for salvation". These people are cowardly and they can never attain any higher understanding.

To reach a state of progression, it takes time, effort, trial and error and self overcoming and the path reveals itself step by step. In the beginning, there can only be a misty path in front of you, no matter who or what told you anything.

Even regular things in life like going to the gym, necessitate that you stick to a project, and after one training session in the gym you will not become a full scale bodybuilder. After your first gym session you will probably go home and think you did nothing, minus feeling tired or challenged. Spiritual progression works in a similar way.

But like bodybuilders who have been through all these states of doubt and self overcoming, they have won against their doubts by exercising knowledge to attain certain purposes, and they no longer doubt anything or experience disbelief.

Therefore, doubt or disbelief has different contents when it comes to these levels:

1. Before initiation / searching phase
2. After initiation / new initiation phase
3. Accustomed SS / way into the path, proof and verification has definitely shown itself, but one might need more
4. Advanced SS / very developed in the path, where in this case doubt has either vanished or has to do with other topics that are not basic topics

It's natural for a student that is learning the alphabet to show up in a university and consider that the teachers are either delusional or know nothing, such as in physics class. When one sees these equations they will tell themselves that these don't make any sense or constitute superstition. But when these equations are used for example on the application of an atom bomb, they produce that result. Then anyone can understand that this is factually true, despite of any opinions.

There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.

I ask therefore all new SS or those interested to just keep an open mind, keep studying and of course, don't be afraid to make a few experiments and either pray to the Gods or try something from the JoS. Just be aware that there are MANY things one does not know yet, and mistakes or other things can happen. Make sure to gain a full "around" knowledge and don't take yourself only as the full measurement for actuality, because there are many things to learn.

Also, older and higher members must remember that EVERYONE has existed in that state before. Politeness, patience, understanding and maybe repetitive lessons and responses might be needed in order to instruct newcomers, helping them to stay in the path and proceed with their own learning. Do not punish people for doubts. We must be stern with ourselves to be able to address these doubts or lead people better to discover their own answers.

The Gods specialize in this process and we have to support the same path. Have PATIENCE with the newer members, show them love and consideration. They are trying to discover the Truth. Help them, do not ever demean them or ridicule them for you have been in their shoes in their current state of development beforehand. Teaching others takes time, patience, understanding and care. A very few might not learn, but the striking majority will appreciate this and understand how important what you do for them is.

If the Gods started ridiculing humans for our ignorance, where would we be? We would never learn.

Newcomers must also understand that the striking majority here is extremely convinced and certain of our system. That has to be understood and accepted, it's because people have earned this understanding and life change after a long arduous effort with themselves and application of knowledge. So some things might look like elementary to them. Still, the real Spiritual Satanists will treat you with kindness.

Yet since not everyone is a teacher oriented personality (and that is acceptable) not everyone might be willing to put in the effort of teaching you everything from A to Z. You can consult others but you will have to learn also on your own, like in school.

Spiritual Satanism is not against doubts or disbelief, or any form of question. Our only rule is that we want politeness and an awareness when it comes to issuing these questions, but also respect for our beliefs which are common here because as a community we are all in this path and have experienced the path for what it is.

Further we do accept questions or doubting, but we will not accept proselytizing, same as an illiterate man cannot draw out the scientists I mentioned on the above example in the woods, when one doesn't know how to light a fire. That's why when one becomes a Spiritual Satanist, not even 1% of people ever does return back to the programs of control to the enemy.

We have long left these programs after discovering them to be outright lies, inconsistent with the human spirit or our personal spirit, or due to major lies and inconsistencies, no religious or spiritual "experience" was granted from these fraud programs of the enemy and we left them for very valid reasons. Dobut and bravery to discover something else lead to higher understanding in that case.

I have found also that every Spiritual Satanist has left the enemy for very valid reasons, in contrast to the enemy cults where one just enters in randomly or by force through birth. In these systems, "doubt" is considered the "grave sin". That's because if these systems are questioned even at 1%, they instantly collapse.

In our approach to existence, doubt is only a grave sin if it's done stupidly or in a wrongful manner.

Doubt and Disbelief is acceptable in Spiritual Satanism. There is no special place of torment, hellfire, or Jihad to be done against the "disbeliever" just because they doubted or question things about us. That is the job of the enemy.

As far as we are concerned we will are aware about the fact of what awaits those who don't apply this knowledge, only due to the result of what lack of development brings based on natural consequences of the universe. Our Gods don't punish, kill or jihad a mere disbeliever just because they doubted or they don't want to join them. That is not the work of God.

That's the work of slave colonies, which the Gods are not a slave colony, they are a house of free men.

Our Gods are not going to cast you into any "Eternal Hellfire" for doubting, nor any Spiritual Satanist will be around to forcibly prosyletize to you with a machette like a Muslim because you did not "Join us". The Truth costs you by default for not choosing it, that cannot be enforced. We understand this and we are happy about what we follow, but will guard our rights to keep doing that. We are free to do so.

Any form of retaliation that might come from us is only because we have been attacked and had our freedom violated, which is unacceptable on natural standards, if our rights to evolve and advance are attacked because YOU are intolerant of that. That is all there is to it.

Doubt and disbelief, to a non threatening and polite extent, is something we will always tolerate in our community. One can doubt many things as well not necessarily the path, but themselves and other parts of their life. That's acceptable as well. Conviction in order to be strong can arise only after a long and considerable view of reality has been established.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful post High Priest thank you very much, I needed to read this. The concept of making a novice feel considered and loved is very important, because then they think they are incapable or that there is something wrong with themselves, slowing down the process for those who already have their own difficulties and insecurities. I'm happy to see it written here, thanks.
Amazing HPHC sermon.
When I started on this path four years ago I had huge doubts and distrust of myself as well, which was a residue of the Judeo-Christian programming I had endured. These all slowly began to diminish with spiritual progress and contact with the Gods. I remember at the time of Corona I was at the most difficult time in my life and one step away from destruction, to the extent that I was barely doing the rituals. And yet despite the adverse conditions and while it seemed that the ship was sinking I continued to hold the wheel. Going through adverse and difficult circumstances and opening my mind and soul I moved on and overcame things that seemed insurmountable. The reward if obstacles are overcome is enormous and everyone should stay firmly on the path no matter how difficult things may seem temporarily, because every spiritual Satanist is precious and has the power to overcome all obstacles or they would not be here
In my search to find out what it really is. This is indeed the closest thing yet. My pondering is on the info that we live in a simulation. That we don't have to think that we only live in the Newtonian world where everything is 3D and measurable. But the knowledge of the Quantum universe is intriguing.

That if you look close enough at matter there is nothing there. Its potentiality. I'm talking about 'string theory'. That an atom becomes waves of energy when it's not being observed.

And in meditation we raise our frequency and go beyond space/time (Classical Newtonian Physics where everything is predictable). Into time/space. Where things are not measurable in the astral realm of the base energy of the universe. Potentiality.

What are we that we can raise our frequency in meditation and experience different spaces, different dimensions and realities. I know we must not focus on the physical body because at the core of it we are light we are spirit.

Our Gods are Spirits because they operate at higher frequencies and have more light. We are more physical because we are less advanced?

Also we believe in the ancient Gods of Egypt, Rome and Ancient Greece.

There is quite a bit to consider. That there is no time. That past present and future are all happening now. What I'm saying that Gladiator days are still happening right now. And that there are different realities on this earth.

Maybe with different peoples operating frequencies some live in a lower dimension on this word. And for others with more light and higher frequencies this world is much brighter, happier, just. So we create our environment for ourselves and others may be have worse conditions all because we're making it all up in our minds. As they say the world is how you see it.
My main weakness has been not being good at communicating with people. I used to be extremely shy and afraid to talk to people when I was young, then I went to being confident enough to talk to anybody, but still not always knowing what to say. I'm good at saying what I think is the truth, but not as good with saying things in a way that people are happy to hear.

This is something I have gotten a lot better with from a lot of practice of trying to help people here. But it is still not always perfect.

I know that my intentions are good, because all of my intentions are love for our people. Nearly all of my soul is love, and my love for our people gives me an extremely high drive to help, and guide, and educate, and assist humanity as much as I possibly can. And helping as many people as possible as much as possible. Then I'm trying to help, but the weakness comes up again of saying things in a way that people don't like to hear. Because I want to go directly to the Truth, but this doesn't always sound nice.

You are very good at writing and communication and it has improved drastically over the previous years, I am sure everyone knows this. When you respond it's a valuable response at all times. Yes there might be a problem sometimes with what you describe but that's just one thing more to work on.

You don't need to lie, you just need to consider where another might be coming from.

Everyone knows and recognizes your care and love for the community, it's a proven thing. So if sometimes you just don't describe it properly it's not a crime or anything. These things happen. Written communication can be quite difficult at any rate.

I remember at the time of Corona I was at the most difficult time in my life and one step away from destruction, to the extent that I was barely doing the rituals. And yet despite the adverse conditions and while it seemed that the ship was sinking I continued to hold the wheel. Going through adverse and difficult circumstances and opening my mind and soul I moved on and overcame things that seemed insurmountable.

A very beautiful and inspiring statement. Thank you for holding the wheel, I am sure you feel very proud about yourself now and you should be.
The problem I have always had is that I have always had trouble interpetrating the answers of the gods and I am always incredulous unless I can hear a direct clairaudience answer.
You are very good at writing and communication and it has improved drastically over the previous years, I am sure everyone knows this. When you respond it's a valuable response at all times. Yes there might be a problem sometimes with what you describe but that's just one thing more to work on.

You don't need to lie, you just need to consider where another might be coming from.

Everyone knows and recognizes your care and love for the community, it's a proven thing. So if sometimes you just don't describe it properly it's not a crime or anything. These things happen. Written communication can be quite difficult at any rate.

A very beautiful and inspiring statement. Thank you for holding the wheel, I am sure you feel very proud about yourself now and you should be.
Thank you brother, in any case I am proud because I overcame very deep problems that have plagued me all my life, but without Satan the Gods the Jos family and your inspirational sermons I would have been finished
The problem I have always had is that I have always had trouble interpetrating the answers of the gods and I am always incredulous unless I can hear a direct clairaudience answer.
Use Logr and Dagaz runes together into your 3rd eye and 6th chakra programmed to improve the strength and accuracy of your intuition. Logr, Dagaz, Sowilo would be a good set.
The problem I have always had is that I have always had trouble interpetrating the answers of the gods and I am always incredulous unless I can hear a direct clairaudience answer.

That is not something bad. You will learn this with time. The Gods will always tell you the most correct thing. Then you must take this and analyze this to clearly understand it.
My main weakness has been not being good at communicating with people. I used to be extremely shy and afraid to talk to people when I was young, then I went to being confident enough to talk to anybody, but still not always knowing what to say. I'm good at saying what I think is the truth, but not as good with saying things in a way that people are happy to hear.

This is something I have gotten a lot better with from a lot of practice of trying to help people here. But it is still not always perfect.

I know that my intentions are good, because all of my intentions are love for our people. Nearly all of my soul is love, and my love for our people gives me an extremely high drive to help, and guide, and educate, and assist humanity as much as I possibly can. And helping as many people as possible as much as possible. Then I'm trying to help, but the weakness comes up again of saying things in a way that people don't like to hear. Because I want to go directly to the Truth, but this doesn't always sound nice.
I found a book about 4 weeks ago, titled "Gespreksvoering - Basisvaardigheden en gespreksmodellen" written by Henk T. van der Molen and Frits Kluijtmans; Which is a course book about how to hold a conversation / communication skills. Chapters are:
1.Aspects of Communication
Part I Basic skills
2. Listening skills
3. Regulating skills
4. Sending skills
Part II Conversation models
5 Informationgathering conversation
6 Advice conversation
7 Bad-News conversation
8 Assessment and functioning conversation
9 Discipline conversation

I probably kinda butchered the translation of the chapters, sorry - Unfortunately I could not find the book as a translated version in English. Nor did I find an ebook copy. .. And since its copyrighted I can't copy the text and throw it through a translator either.

So maybe if you look for courses online about communicating with other people, these would be helpful for you. Definitely look around what the set-up of these courses are. I sat at a workshop once that had a wheel-set up on behavior, with opposing behavior on each side. Think about things like, if you approach someone, if you talk to someone, do you stand in front of them, or do you stand beside/next to them? Positioning is important.
These things are also found in Psychology, and is actually a studied subject here..

I hope this bit of info was helpful to you.
I was actually going to return this book today to where I found it.. So that others would see it and also find it helpful .. But I haven't done that yet and I guess this was why.
The problem I have always had is that I have always had trouble interpetrating the answers of the gods and I am always incredulous unless I can hear a direct clairaudience answer.
As for speaking with Gods, know that they always hear and listen. They truly know us leagues ahead of the current state.

While communicating, clear your thoughts, don't expect any result, other than the one, that it penultimately true. Yeah, sometimes one can fool oneself by projecting your own wishes as the answer. So calm and meditative state is always a better option here.

And don't doubt, consider the card drawn out to be the defenitive answer. As Gods, being who they are, will always give a correct answer. If the answer is not clear, never omit asking some additional questions, don't be shy. This kinda helps, as creates a positive loop, dragging one out of the habitual distrust of your own abbility to understand, as you are sure in the result and later inquiries will be easier for you.

I struggled with that myself, but later surpassed these mental barriers with the way above and meditation.
Also do Sun and Mars squares to empower accordant chakras and the traits you need, like will, determination and confidence.
Just a little something out of my experience, do your own research of course.
Thank you so much for you kind words, brother. I hope what you say is true, that Demons have been with me since past lives. That would make me really happy.

I guess one thing I have to do for now, is an empirical approach towards the metaphysical. I need to "bring down the heavens to the earth" per se ( basically I mean I should study more scientifically about magick). You can only go so far on pure faith alone.
Redo HPHC’s 40 day meditation program from step one again even if you’ve finished it. If you haven’t give it a try!
In the world of science, throughout history, doubt was the tool for discovery and advancement. Doubting is the first approach to reality, but as HPHC stated there's a difference between doubting and be stubborn about acknowledging and accepting things, to the point you build the entire of the cinese Great Wall against the world and its reality, above and below.
Learning recquire efforts, doubt is a mirror for fear that can be replaced by certainty and courage, but you are your own engine.
I will quote something Lord Thot wrote long time ago through our HPS Maxine: " The greatest obstacle to true spirituality is FEAR ".
In the world of science, throughout history, doubt was the tool for discovery and advancement. Doubting is the first approach to reality, but as HPHC stated there's a difference between doubting and be stubborn about acknowledging and accepting things, to the point you build the entire of the cinese Great Wall against the world and its reality, above and below.
Learning recquire efforts, doubt is a mirror for fear that can be replaced by certainty and courage, but you are your own engine.
I will quote something Lord Thot wrote long time ago through our HPS Maxine: " The greatest obstacle to true spirituality is FEAR ".
There’s an achievement in the game Army of Two called Fear is the Mind Killer. That was one of the first things I thought about when learning about Satan.
Doubt and disbelief are very normal human states of mind when we don't know about certain topics or we lack certain experiences. Due to lack of knowledge of a topic, or the fact that everyone is born inside a background without any spiritual knowledge, it is very logical that them in mind might doubt a lot of things one might read in regard Occultism.

Occultism in general is also rife with misinformation so a lot of people come here very disappointed or misinformed. Mainstream "religion" is rife with lies, which if one does not doubt, they will never end up being a Spiritual Satanist in the first place. Doubt and defiance of falsehood is a good trait that can lead one to the Truth, to some extent.

Spiritual Satanism is the True Path and in Spiritual Satanism, like with any real system, doubt and disbelief is very much accepted. One can doubt especially in the earlier stages where one has not yet acquired the sufficient education, knowledge or experiences associated with this path.

Now, regardless of what anyone tells anyone else, in Spiritual Satanism there is a gateway, and this gateway is the Initiation. One can do a lot of research, or even attempt a prayer to the Gods to look for an omen of their existence.

Yet, if one is not truly open and just uses doubt as a shield to deny any information, no amount of knowledge will save someone from lack of experience or lack of bravery - this bravery is very much necessary to embark on a spiritual journey or to attain higher levels of understanding.

All these billions of cowards you see outside in this world, who are afraid of "Going to Hell" or who fear their own mommy might beat their ass with a belt for questioning Jesus or Mohammed, they are not fit for enlightenment and will never receive anything but comfortable lies.

The Gods are not looking for gullible slaves they are looking for people who have a heart and mind that is of a different nature than that.

The same case is the case in anything meaningful one tries to do in their lives. One might want to open a business, but they make serious doubts about it. In some cases, doubt is there to show you that you must learn more about a subject. In other cases doubt is there to merely make you question yourself and never develop. Doubt like all things does need a balance to itself.

Doubt and Disbelief are cured when one takes certain steps to solve these states of mind. They are cured by correct information, accumulating experience, and experimentation that brings conclusions out that experience. These conclusions might also improve as time goes and one learns more.

One might entirely doubt meditation, but one has to do this and see if it yields some results. This has to be done on certain guidelines, for example, one might need to meditate for a while to see results.

On a personal level I am only here because of extensive knowledge, extensive experience, full on beyond doubt manifestations of the Gods, and have earned this process all the way from the first time I was around.

When I first found the Joy of Satan site, although it immediately registered to me as "YES, THIS IS IT", I was highly doubtful and I therefore, albeit having read everything, did a standard Ritual to the Gods to verify for myself what is going on. I experienced this very directly, and I knew they existed, this is how I eventually dedicated.

I also knew for a full on and very carefully verified fact, that the programs of the enemy were only to mindwash, built on lies, emotional coercion, and the most major level of hypocrisy possible under the sun. I had seen for MYSELF.

I had a very careful approach to dedication and did not do it like a dumb Muslim or a little terrified Xian that is too afraid to go to "Hell" and therefore goes to "Jesus for salvation". These people are cowardly and they can never attain any higher understanding.

To reach a state of progression, it takes time, effort, trial and error and self overcoming and the path reveals itself step by step. In the beginning, there can only be a misty path in front of you, no matter who or what told you anything.

Even regular things in life like going to the gym, necessitate that you stick to a project, and after one training session in the gym you will not become a full scale bodybuilder. After your first gym session you will probably go home and think you did nothing, minus feeling tired or challenged. Spiritual progression works in a similar way.

But like bodybuilders who have been through all these states of doubt and self overcoming, they have won against their doubts by exercising knowledge to attain certain purposes, and they no longer doubt anything or experience disbelief.

Therefore, doubt or disbelief has different contents when it comes to these levels:

1. Before initiation / searching phase
2. After initiation / new initiation phase
3. Accustomed SS / way into the path, proof and verification has definitely shown itself, but one might need more
4. Advanced SS / very developed in the path, where in this case doubt has either vanished or has to do with other topics that are not basic topics

It's natural for a student that is learning the alphabet to show up in a university and consider that the teachers are either delusional or know nothing, such as in physics class. When one sees these equations they will tell themselves that these don't make any sense or constitute superstition. But when these equations are used for example on the application of an atom bomb, they produce that result. Then anyone can understand that this is factually true, despite of any opinions.

There are also some people that even after they see the applied equations and the atom bomb going, they will still say that this is not caused by the equations or the scientific knowledge, but because of a random factor, or make up constant excuses to feed their doubts. But most people will understand that. As one evolves in the path, this can get rectified to the point one's life and existence does change in it's entirety.

I ask therefore all new SS or those interested to just keep an open mind, keep studying and of course, don't be afraid to make a few experiments and either pray to the Gods or try something from the JoS. Just be aware that there are MANY things one does not know yet, and mistakes or other things can happen. Make sure to gain a full "around" knowledge and don't take yourself only as the full measurement for actuality, because there are many things to learn.

Also, older and higher members must remember that EVERYONE has existed in that state before. Politeness, patience, understanding and maybe repetitive lessons and responses might be needed in order to instruct newcomers, helping them to stay in the path and proceed with their own learning. Do not punish people for doubts. We must be stern with ourselves to be able to address these doubts or lead people better to discover their own answers.

The Gods specialize in this process and we have to support the same path. Have PATIENCE with the newer members, show them love and consideration. They are trying to discover the Truth. Help them, do not ever demean them or ridicule them for you have been in their shoes in their current state of development beforehand. Teaching others takes time, patience, understanding and care. A very few might not learn, but the striking majority will appreciate this and understand how important what you do for them is.

If the Gods started ridiculing humans for our ignorance, where would we be? We would never learn.

Newcomers must also understand that the striking majority here is extremely convinced and certain of our system. That has to be understood and accepted, it's because people have earned this understanding and life change after a long arduous effort with themselves and application of knowledge. So some things might look like elementary to them. Still, the real Spiritual Satanists will treat you with kindness.

Yet since not everyone is a teacher oriented personality (and that is acceptable) not everyone might be willing to put in the effort of teaching you everything from A to Z. You can consult others but you will have to learn also on your own, like in school.

Spiritual Satanism is not against doubts or disbelief, or any form of question. Our only rule is that we want politeness and an awareness when it comes to issuing these questions, but also respect for our beliefs which are common here because as a community we are all in this path and have experienced the path for what it is.

Further we do accept questions or doubting, but we will not accept proselytizing, same as an illiterate man cannot draw out the scientists I mentioned on the above example in the woods, when one doesn't know how to light a fire. That's why when one becomes a Spiritual Satanist, not even 1% of people ever does return back to the programs of control to the enemy.

We have long left these programs after discovering them to be outright lies, inconsistent with the human spirit or our personal spirit, or due to major lies and inconsistencies, no religious or spiritual "experience" was granted from these fraud programs of the enemy and we left them for very valid reasons. Dobut and bravery to discover something else lead to higher understanding in that case.

I have found also that every Spiritual Satanist has left the enemy for very valid reasons, in contrast to the enemy cults where one just enters in randomly or by force through birth. In these systems, "doubt" is considered the "grave sin". That's because if these systems are questioned even at 1%, they instantly collapse.

In our approach to existence, doubt is only a grave sin if it's done stupidly or in a wrongful manner.

Doubt and Disbelief is acceptable in Spiritual Satanism. There is no special place of torment, hellfire, or Jihad to be done against the "disbeliever" just because they doubted or question things about us. That is the job of the enemy.

As far as we are concerned we will are aware about the fact of what awaits those who don't apply this knowledge, only due to the result of what lack of development brings based on natural consequences of the universe. Our Gods don't punish, kill or jihad a mere disbeliever just because they doubted or they don't want to join them. That is not the work of God.

That's the work of slave colonies, which the Gods are not a slave colony, they are a house of free men.

Our Gods are not going to cast you into any "Eternal Hellfire" for doubting, nor any Spiritual Satanist will be around to forcibly prosyletize to you with a machette like a Muslim because you did not "Join us". The Truth costs you by default for not choosing it, that cannot be enforced. We understand this and we are happy about what we follow, but will guard our rights to keep doing that. We are free to do so.

Any form of retaliation that might come from us is only because we have been attacked and had our freedom violated, which is unacceptable on natural standards, if our rights to evolve and advance are attacked because YOU are intolerant of that. That is all there is to it.

Doubt and disbelief, to a non threatening and polite extent, is something we will always tolerate in our community. One can doubt many things as well not necessarily the path, but themselves and other parts of their life. That's acceptable as well. Conviction in order to be strong can arise only after a long and considerable view of reality has been established.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Special thanks to you high priest hoodedcobra666, voiceofenki, and fancymancy. I'll forever be grateful to you all not forgetting high priestess Maxine and high priestess Lydia. Since the Yahoo group times when I was just a fresh dedicated Satanist till date

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
