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Defining Sexual Energy?

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
Sunny said:
Thank you for your reply Blitzkreig. I don't like this limited idea either. I don't know how, why and how much sexual energy is lost through ejaculation, but if this can be recovered then it's not a problem. Maybe these New Age people or whatever they are, teach this because they haven't made much spiritual progress, plus the huge corruption and limitation of the enemy of course.

I don't understand what exactly sexual energy is. What is this Mars energy? Is sexual energy the energy of the sacral and/or base chakra? Or are sexual energy and vital energy the same thing?

Sexual energy pertains first to Martian energy, which rules lust and action, but we know women are also defined by Venus and the yin element. So Thurisaz applies directly to men, whereas Kenaz shows the action of female sexuality more clearly, yet both relate to fire energy, as Kenaz is like an "oven" which receives, but has its own aspect of fire.

Notice the shape of both Thurisaz and Kenaz runes, respectively:

As Pluto is the transcendental form of Mars, it has incorporated aspects of water into it. This is why Pluto rules the sexual organs themselves, which have elements of both yin and yang, even for men. Pluto directly pertains to the Kundalini, and we know that the Kundalini is a hermaphroditic energy which moves from the base chakra (masculine) to the crown chakra (feminine).

We also see how Venus relates to sex as well, which is the desire for union, closeness, and harmony with another person. Venus wants to create love, and having sex ("lovemaking") is a good way to do this, although it is not the only way. However, the Mars energy drives the lust which creates these Venusian energies after intimacy is had.

The energetic exchange facilitated by the love of Venus is shown in the Gebo rune. We know that sex is one way for energies to exchange between couples, ultimately leading to feelings of love and the resulting actions we do for loved ones.

We can see the process of orgasm and union represented by Dagaz and the number 8. The mixing of yin and yang creates the orgasm in the sexual organs, yet also flashes of intuition in the mind. This shows a basis for creation, as we can see how productivity is a combination of energy plus discipline to make something. An easier example is also the yang energy of the man applied to the yin sexual organs of the woman, resulting in a baby.


Therefore, sexual energy can be seen as a direct mechanism for creation, whereas the Sun is more like the fuel for all of life to happen. The Sun also rules recreation, which can lead to lovemaking. It also fuels the Martian energy in the first place. The Sun works more with the moon in regards to its yin/yang cycle, which is not directly sexual like Mars/Venus.


The sacral chakra is most related to sexuality. The base chakra pertains more to survival, which can include reproduction, but not as directly.

Both Mars and the Sun pertain to the vitality seen within the body. While the Sun is the source of life, Mars provides a "pumping action", such as with the muscles, blood pressure, aiding peristalsis, etc. Mars also rules blood, and we can see the Kidneys are active in the creation of blood, in conjunction with other organs. Mars creates blood and action, Venus neutralizes and cleans blood, also working in conjunction with the Moon to develop the yin element of the body.

Therefore, sexual energy is an aspect of vitality, although it is not necessarily the source of it, like the Sun. Sexual energy directly spreads life however, and we see this through the movement of the seed from a man into a woman. The Sun handed Mars the fuel, and Mars created the seed, then drove the sequence of events which delivered it accordingly.

Sunny said:
Thank you for your reply Karnonnos. I will do an experiment, I will do sexual abstinence for one year starting today 27.02.2023 - 27.02.2024. I will see the effects on the mind and body and report back here if you like.

I will not have girlfriend soon, I have other commitments and expectations first. Also, I may not have woman and children at all because of the expectations and responsibilities involved, I will see in the future.

There is no need to do this. If you want to drive actual mental progress, you can use Munka to remove any negative karma pertaining to both sexual hangups and negative expressions of sex (porn or attraction to dangerous people).

In regards to the body, you can see this clearly within the span of one week. Going beyond this won't produce anything beyond the first week.

Physically, you will see that the Kidney Yin and Yang energy is increased as it is does not have to rebuild after ejaculation. This will reach its peak in about a few days, although it depends on the rates of exertion and other aspects of health. Those with a stronger Mars can replenish this more easily.

After a point, one may become exceedingly horny, and this is the point which you do not want to suppress yourself. This would be the natural time to express oneself, not restrict. Unlike the earlier period of abstinence, now the sexual energy has built up to a large degree. In some people, this may even result in wet dreams, as the energy wants to move.

If someone gets tired after ejaculation, then it is fine to reduce the frequency of this. However that is the extent of restriction here, and this extra energy should be spent working on one's soul, including the martian aspect of their soul which is responsible for this in the first place.

The above applies to women who may also have problems with the sexual organs, or experience weakness after their period (a loss of blood). Work on your Mars and restore yourself to a state of health.

For those who have additional insight, please share your thoughts below.
Greetings Bro Blitz,
Would you not say the (sexual) energy first comes from the base chakra (Earth/Saturn) and is then "processed" and expressed by the sacral chakra?

You said:
"The base chakra pertains more to survival, which can include reproduction, but not as directly."
A race or species ensures its survival by spreading its genes via reproduction. In this sense, this I'd say the base rules reproduction more than we thought.

This can be seen in the Nauthiz rune-- where Edred Thorsson states:
The N-rune is the self-created fire, the need-fire, created by
friction/resistance to serve the needs of man in the material as well as
spiritual realms...
....Because of the sexual elements inherent in the symbolism of this
stave, the N-rune became a powerful tool in Icelandic love magic.

From experience, working on my base chakra drastically increases my libido and the quality of arousal as opposed to working on my sacral chakra.
This may be from indirectly stimulating my kundalini in the base. But then again, it goes back to base chakra (Earth/Saturn) being the nest and fountain of sexual energy and life.

What do you think?
Thank you for your time and effort. Now I understand this better, I just have to experiment.
Thank you for posting this, most of this information is helpful for me.

I think we need more descriptions like this of the runes, planets and so on from people who know and have experience. The knowledge about them can be very broad. I want to get lost in these studies and then I get to where I feel I can't contribute anything, you are an inspiration in sticking to it.

Your adherence to teaching here truly is commendable and awesome. ⚕
Great post, JG Blitzkreig :)

Also remember to program your orgasm energy. If you are not workings towards a goal, then you can program it to replenish your energy and rejuvenate you. Women can give half of their orgasm energy to the man, as women can have far more orgasms during sex.
Nice post, JG. It is very helpful :)
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=427327 time=1677460315 user_id=21286]

Outstanding post Blitz!

You always post such informative and insightful information relating to the runes, can you please tell me where you get it all?
I think for a lot of people this is an issue because they want to redirect their energy. I desperately wish I could do this, as my sex drive is a large source of angst for me and I would much rather exchange it for a more general energy source that could be used for different purposes. I'm never going to pursue a relationship and am tired of my own hand, what I really want to do is protect our People, my desire to do that is far stronger than my desire to have sex.

It could be a goldmine of energy if I could convert it, stop spending time and focus on something that is largely a source of pain and frustration and start spending it on my true Dharma. I really, really hope this is not impossible. Even if I could get a gf I would be willing to sacrifice that for maximum focus on my duty. But especially with my situation, I want to redirect my drive.

Personally I think a lot of men are just fated to be sexually undesirable, but perhaps by changing their focus they can be seen as an industrious class of builders and protectors rather than incel creeps, devoting their time to taking care of broader society while regular people focus on raising and taking care of their families. Imagine if society was that way. Celibate men wouldn't have to feel worthless, and women wouldn't feel guilty about only choosing desirable partners. Families and men without them could work for the same goals, just in different ways.
HailVictory88 said:
It could be a goldmine of energy if I could convert it, stop spending time and focus on something that is largely a source of pain and frustration and start spending it on my true Dharma. I really, really hope this is not impossible. Even if I could get a gf I would be willing to sacrifice that for maximum focus on my duty. But especially with my situation, I want to redirect my drive.

It the energy in the lower triangle of chakras is not balanced and allowed to transform to higher energy frequencies, man is totally a slave to his hunger, thirst, and sexuality. He follows the whim of the body and has great difficulty with any form of discipline. The sexual potency of that person will be sporadic. This set stimulates the energy of the lower triangle: rectum, sex organs, navel point, and transforms their energy into the higher brain structures: pituitary, pineal, memory gland. The rest between exercises is short and all breathing should be done with enthusiasm.
Syt said:
Greetings Bro Blitz,
Would you not say the (sexual) energy first comes from the base chakra (Earth/Saturn) and is then "processed" and expressed by the sacral chakra?

You said:
"The base chakra pertains more to survival, which can include reproduction, but not as directly."
A race or species ensures its survival by spreading its genes via reproduction. In this sense, this I'd say the base rules reproduction more than we thought.

This can be seen in the Nauthiz rune-- where Edred Thorsson states:
The N-rune is the self-created fire, the need-fire, created by
friction/resistance to serve the needs of man in the material as well as
spiritual realms...
....Because of the sexual elements inherent in the symbolism of this
stave, the N-rune became a powerful tool in Icelandic love magic.

From experience, working on my base chakra drastically increases my libido and the quality of arousal as opposed to working on my sacral chakra.
This may be from indirectly stimulating my kundalini in the base. But then again, it goes back to base chakra (Earth/Saturn) being the nest and fountain of sexual energy and life.

What do you think?

Hi Syt. Do you have experience with sexual abstinence?
Thank you Blitzkreig. This is helpful to me.
Hi Sunny,
Not voluntary sexual abstinence lol.
Did you have a question?


Sunny said:
Syt said:
Greetings Bro Blitz,
Would you not say the (sexual) energy first comes from the base chakra (Earth/Saturn) and is then "processed" and expressed by the sacral chakra?

You said:
"The base chakra pertains more to survival, which can include reproduction, but not as directly."
A race or species ensures its survival by spreading its genes via reproduction. In this sense, this I'd say the base rules reproduction more than we thought.

This can be seen in the Nauthiz rune-- where Edred Thorsson states:
The N-rune is the self-created fire, the need-fire, created by
friction/resistance to serve the needs of man in the material as well as
spiritual realms...
....Because of the sexual elements inherent in the symbolism of this
stave, the N-rune became a powerful tool in Icelandic love magic.

From experience, working on my base chakra drastically increases my libido and the quality of arousal as opposed to working on my sacral chakra.
This may be from indirectly stimulating my kundalini in the base. But then again, it goes back to base chakra (Earth/Saturn) being the nest and fountain of sexual energy and life.

What do you think?

Hi Syt. Do you have experience with sexual abstinence?
Syt said:
Hi Sunny,
Not voluntary sexual abstinence lol.
Did you have a question?


Sunny said:
Syt said:
Greetings Bro Blitz,
Would you not say the (sexual) energy first comes from the base chakra (Earth/Saturn) and is then "processed" and expressed by the sacral chakra?

You said:
"The base chakra pertains more to survival, which can include reproduction, but not as directly."
A race or species ensures its survival by spreading its genes via reproduction. In this sense, this I'd say the base rules reproduction more than we thought.

This can be seen in the Nauthiz rune-- where Edred Thorsson states:
The N-rune is the self-created fire, the need-fire, created by
friction/resistance to serve the needs of man in the material as well as
spiritual realms...
....Because of the sexual elements inherent in the symbolism of this
stave, the N-rune became a powerful tool in Icelandic love magic.

From experience, working on my base chakra drastically increases my libido and the quality of arousal as opposed to working on my sacral chakra.
This may be from indirectly stimulating my kundalini in the base. But then again, it goes back to base chakra (Earth/Saturn) being the nest and fountain of sexual energy and life.

What do you think?

Hi Syt. Do you have experience with sexual abstinence?

Have you been able to control this beast? According to my studies this can be done but let's see what my experience will tell me.
Sunny said:
Syt said:
Hi Sunny,
Not voluntary sexual abstinence lol.
Did you have a question?


Sunny said:
Hi Syt. Do you have experience with sexual abstinence?

Have you been able to control this beast? According to my studies this can be done but let's see what my experience will tell me.

A high and powerful life force = great sexual energy.

The more powerful your sexual energy is, the more you will feel a jolt of energy or your entire body tingling with electricity after sexual climax.

Yes, you can control easily control a high libido with a necessary outlet such as *slow* masturbation (which builds up your sexual energy and releases it powerfully), safe sex, alternate nostril breathing, yoga, or intense physical exercise such as weightlifting. This is vital as it helps the energy to flow and not stagnate in the lower chakras. Which leads to an unhealthy fixation on sex that will worsen into other things. This is how I tame that beast. I hope this answers your question if I understood it properly.

Use your orgasm energy to catapult yourself in the way achieving your desires and goals with appropriate visualizations and affirmations. You can also offer your sexual energy to the Gods which they do very appreciate.

PS- don't mean to hijack Blitz's thread.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=427327 time=1677460315 user_id=21286]
Sunny said:
Thank you for your reply Blitzkreig. I don't like this limited idea either. I don't know how, why and how much sexual energy is lost through ejaculation, but if this can be recovered then it's not a problem. Maybe these New Age people or whatever they are, teach this because they haven't made much spiritual progress, plus the huge corruption and limitation of the enemy of course.

I don't understand what exactly sexual energy is. What is this Mars energy? Is sexual energy the energy of the sacral and/or base chakra? Or are sexual energy and vital energy the same thing?

Sexual energy pertains first to Martian energy, which rules lust and action, but we know women are also defined by Venus and the yin element. So Thurisaz applies directly to men, whereas Kenaz shows the action of female sexuality more clearly, yet both relate to fire energy, as Kenaz is like an "oven" which receives, but has its own aspect of fire.

Notice the shape of both Thurisaz and Kenaz runes, respectively:

As Pluto is the transcendental form of Mars, it has incorporated aspects of water into it. This is why Pluto rules the sexual organs themselves, which have elements of both yin and yang, even for men. Pluto directly pertains to the Kundalini, and we know that the Kundalini is a hermaphroditic energy which moves from the base chakra (masculine) to the crown chakra (feminine).

We also see how Venus relates to sex as well, which is the desire for union, closeness, and harmony with another person. Venus wants to create love, and having sex ("lovemaking") is a good way to do this, although it is not the only way. However, the Mars energy drives the lust which creates these Venusian energies after intimacy is had.

The energetic exchange facilitated by the love of Venus is shown in the Gebo rune. We know that sex is one way for energies to exchange between couples, ultimately leading to feelings of love and the resulting actions we do for loved ones.

We can see the process of orgasm and union represented by Dagaz and the number 8. The mixing of yin and yang creates the orgasm in the sexual organs, yet also flashes of intuition in the mind. This shows a basis for creation, as we can see how productivity is a combination of energy plus discipline to make something. An easier example is also the yang energy of the man applied to the yin sexual organs of the woman, resulting in a baby.


Therefore, sexual energy can be seen as a direct mechanism for creation, whereas the Sun is more like the fuel for all of life to happen. The Sun also rules recreation, which can lead to lovemaking. It also fuels the Martian energy in the first place. The Sun works more with the moon in regards to its yin/yang cycle, which is not directly sexual like Mars/Venus.


The sacral chakra is most related to sexuality. The base chakra pertains more to survival, which can include reproduction, but not as directly.

Both Mars and the Sun pertain to the vitality seen within the body. While the Sun is the source of life, Mars provides a "pumping action", such as with the muscles, blood pressure, aiding peristalsis, etc. Mars also rules blood, and we can see the Kidneys are active in the creation of blood, in conjunction with other organs. Mars creates blood and action, Venus neutralizes and cleans blood, also working in conjunction with the Moon to develop the yin element of the body.

Therefore, sexual energy is an aspect of vitality, although it is not necessarily the source of it, like the Sun. Sexual energy directly spreads life however, and we see this through the movement of the seed from a man into a woman. The Sun handed Mars the fuel, and Mars created the seed, then drove the sequence of events which delivered it accordingly.

Sunny said:
Thank you for your reply Karnonnos. I will do an experiment, I will do sexual abstinence for one year starting today 27.02.2023 - 27.02.2024. I will see the effects on the mind and body and report back here if you like.

I will not have girlfriend soon, I have other commitments and expectations first. Also, I may not have woman and children at all because of the expectations and responsibilities involved, I will see in the future.

There is no need to do this. If you want to drive actual mental progress, you can use Munka to remove any negative karma pertaining to both sexual hangups and negative expressions of sex (porn or attraction to dangerous people).

In regards to the body, you can see this clearly within the span of one week. Going beyond this won't produce anything beyond the first week.

Physically, you will see that the Kidney Yin and Yang energy is increased as it is does not have to rebuild after ejaculation. This will reach its peak in about a few days, although it depends on the rates of exertion and other aspects of health. Those with a stronger Mars can replenish this more easily.

After a point, one may become exceedingly horny, and this is the point which you do not want to suppress yourself. This would be the natural time to express oneself, not restrict. Unlike the earlier period of abstinence, now the sexual energy has built up to a large degree. In some people, this may even result in wet dreams, as the energy wants to move.

If someone gets tired after ejaculation, then it is fine to reduce the frequency of this. However that is the extent of restriction here, and this extra energy should be spent working on one's soul, including the martian aspect of their soul which is responsible for this in the first place.

The above applies to women who may also have problems with the sexual organs, or experience weakness after their period (a loss of blood). Work on your Mars and restore yourself to a state of health.

For those who have additional insight, please share your thoughts below.

F yeah blitz!
Syt said:
Sunny said:
Syt said:
Hi Sunny,
Not voluntary sexual abstinence lol.
Did you have a question?


Have you been able to control this beast? According to my studies this can be done but let's see what my experience will tell me.

A high and powerful life force = great sexual energy.

The more powerful your sexual energy is, the more you will feel a jolt of energy or your entire body tingling with electricity after sexual climax.

Yes, you can control easily control a high libido with a necessary outlet such as *slow* masturbation (which builds up your sexual energy and releases it powerfully), safe sex, alternate nostril breathing, yoga, or intense physical exercise such as weightlifting. This is vital as it helps the energy to flow and not stagnate in the lower chakras. Which leads to an unhealthy fixation on sex that will worsen into other things. This is how I tame that beast. I hope this answers your question if I understood it properly.

Use your orgasm energy to catapult yourself in the way achieving your desires and goals with appropriate visualizations and affirmations. You can also offer your sexual energy to the Gods which they do very appreciate.

PS- don't mean to hijack Blitz's thread.


One last question. I read that if you conserve sexual energy it can be transformed into life energy. Is that true?
Sunny said:
Have you been able to control this beast? According to my studies this can be done but let's see what my experience will tell me.
In addition to what was relayed before: http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20kriya%20to%20transform%20de%20lowest%20triangle%20to%20the%20highest.htm
Henu the Great said:
Sunny said:
Have you been able to control this beast? According to my studies this can be done but let's see what my experience will tell me.
In addition to what was relayed before: http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20kriya%20to%20transform%20de%20lowest%20triangle%20to%20the%20highest.htm

Yes good, something like that I read, to transform this energy and bring it into the upper chakras and the brain.
Sunny said:
Syt said:
Sunny said:
Have you been able to control this beast? According to my studies this can be done but let's see what my experience will tell me.

A high and powerful life force = great sexual energy.

The more powerful your sexual energy is, the more you will feel a jolt of energy or your entire body tingling with electricity after sexual climax.

Yes, you can control easily control a high libido with a necessary outlet such as *slow* masturbation (which builds up your sexual energy and releases it powerfully), safe sex, alternate nostril breathing, yoga, or intense physical exercise such as weightlifting. This is vital as it helps the energy to flow and not stagnate in the lower chakras. Which leads to an unhealthy fixation on sex that will worsen into other things. This is how I tame that beast. I hope this answers your question if I understood it properly.

Use your orgasm energy to catapult yourself in the way achieving your desires and goals with appropriate visualizations and affirmations. You can also offer your sexual energy to the Gods which they do very appreciate.

PS- don't mean to hijack Blitz's thread.


One last question. I read that if you conserve sexual energy it can be transformed into life energy. Is that true?

I would argue that sexual energy is life energy.
However, you can direct the energy of your erection out into your aura or into your solar chakra (the soul's powerhouse) through breathing and visualization.

You may also find that the rune INGWAZ (#22) can also store sexual energy.

#22. The alternate symbol for this rune is much like the sigil of Azazel. This rune is the male counterpart to Berkano. Represents the God “Ing.” Ingwaz is the rune in which power is stored. Converts active power into potential power. Can deprive a man of his masculinity or anyone, male or female of their life force. Like a crystal, this rune stores energy until it is needed. It is a magickal reserve. Stone is ivory.
Henu the Great said:
Sunny said:
Have you been able to control this beast? According to my studies this can be done but let's see what my experience will tell me.
In addition to what was relayed before: http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20kriya%20to%20transform%20de%20lowest%20triangle%20to%20the%20highest.htm

Syt said:
Sunny said:
Syt said:
A high and powerful life force = great sexual energy.

The more powerful your sexual energy is, the more you will feel a jolt of energy or your entire body tingling with electricity after sexual climax.

Yes, you can control easily control a high libido with a necessary outlet such as *slow* masturbation (which builds up your sexual energy and releases it powerfully), safe sex, alternate nostril breathing, yoga, or intense physical exercise such as weightlifting. This is vital as it helps the energy to flow and not stagnate in the lower chakras. Which leads to an unhealthy fixation on sex that will worsen into other things. This is how I tame that beast. I hope this answers your question if I understood it properly.

Use your orgasm energy to catapult yourself in the way achieving your desires and goals with appropriate visualizations and affirmations. You can also offer your sexual energy to the Gods which they do very appreciate.

PS- don't mean to hijack Blitz's thread.


One last question. I read that if you conserve sexual energy it can be transformed into life energy. Is that true?

I would argue that sexual energy is life energy.
However, you can direct the energy of your erection out into your aura or into your solar chakra (the soul's powerhouse) through breathing and visualization.

You may also find that the rune INGWAZ (#22) can also store sexual energy.

#22. The alternate symbol for this rune is much like the sigil of Azazel. This rune is the male counterpart to Berkano. Represents the God “Ing.” Ingwaz is the rune in which power is stored. Converts active power into potential power. Can deprive a man of his masculinity or anyone, male or female of their life force. Like a crystal, this rune stores energy until it is needed. It is a magickal reserve. Stone is ivory.

Thank you for your answers comrades.
Syt said:

I don't believe it would be correct to say that sexual energy comes from Saturn, which is a cold and earth-like planet. There could be an aspect of the base chakra that partially rules sexuality, but I cannot say this for certain. I believe either this fact, or maybe something about your own soul, would be responsible for what you have witnessed.

The runes can have multiple expressions and I believe the relationship between Nauthiz and finding a lover is rooted in the idea of this being necessary for survival, or perhaps avoiding an element of depression. However, I would not view this relationship to be stronger than that of something like Thurisaz or Gebo and how they pertain to sex.

The sacral chakra is ruled by Mars, which has a direct relationship to lust. Similarly, Thurisaz also has a direct relationship to lust. Saturn and Nauthiz appear to only relate to the need of having a lover, rather than the action of sex or love itself.

As you can read from the Nauthiz page, Saturn is good at creating desire for action when under the appropriate stress. In this way, it can relate to, and regulate, all aspects of the soul. The end state of its influence could result in the growth of something seemingly opposed to the basic characteristic of Saturn, but that does not mean Saturn and that part of the soul are equal in nature.
Powerofjustice said:
You always post such informative and insightful information relating to the runes, can you please tell me where you get it all?

What I had written is derived from the sources HPS Maxine had listed for the rune page. This is also related to what she had written for the planets on Azazel's Astrology. Through studying and memorization, these sorts of relationships become clear. I should also give credit to any divine inspiration, as some of this had come through the random impulse to "take another look" at what I was reading.

Yet, everything is all there in its basic form. As we advance our soul in a general state, or as we make use of runes like Mannaz, Kenaz, or Perthro, we can rebuild the missing occult knowledge.

I strongly believe HPS Maxine and HPHC have had both past-life and divine influence guiding their ability to make sense of occult knowledge, however that does not mean they could avoid the work of studying itself. Perhaps it resulted in them finding the write books, or being better able to discern fact from fiction.

HailVictory88 said:
It could be a goldmine of energy if I could convert it, stop spending time and focus on something that is largely a source of pain and frustration and start spending it on my true Dharma. I really, really hope this is not impossible. Even if I could get a gf I would be willing to sacrifice that for maximum focus on my duty. But especially with my situation, I want to redirect my drive.

Personally I think a lot of men are just fated to be sexually undesirable, but perhaps by changing their focus they can be seen as an industrious class of builders and protectors rather than incel creeps, devoting their time to taking care of broader society while regular people focus on raising and taking care of their families. Imagine if society was that way. Celibate men wouldn't have to feel worthless, and women wouldn't feel guilty about only choosing desirable partners. Families and men without them could work for the same goals, just in different ways.

I think this is an overly restrictive mindset. You should not look upon your sexuality as something to beat upon as a source of untapped energy. That does not meant we cannot take steps to safely control our sexuality, but this has to be done with caution, as it can quickly lead to hangups in this area.

Having a girlfriend, or friends and family, is necessary for the web of society to function and prosper. This serves as the emotional basis for the masculine drives to protect and guard what is present. When Hitler called upon the men of Germany to go to war, they did so with their family and wives in mind. Someone who only has a computer at home as their playmate is going to have a much worse sense of loyalty.

We can have BOTH an industrious and sexual life. For everyone to be happy, we need to focus efforts on improving both genders. Those who have issues of appearance or behavior cannot be seen as just "dignified slaves". Within every soul is the potential for great amounts of beauty and attraction. We should not be avoiding this just because it is not yet fully expressed.

In regards to yourself, look towards the recent thread on productivity which I made. These are the steps you should take for improvement here, rather than taking a potentially self-destructive route: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=427825#p427825

Sunny said:
One last question. I read that if you conserve sexual energy it can be transformed into life energy. Is that true?

As Syt has mentioned, it is the abundance of sexual energy that leads to life, not the conservation of it. This is what I had written about in my other thread, where improving my Mars had resulted in an increase of BOTH productive energy and sexual energy.

Furthermore, if you create a blockage in your sacral that ends up blocking your Kundalini, this would be an even worse hindrance of life energy than could ever happen from masturbation.

Also, do not forget our solar aspect of our soul, which is the source of life itself. Improve this, rather than beating on your sexuality, and you will have a much greater growth in overall life energy.

Instead of restricting ejaculation, masturbate when you feel the urge, such as after a few days. Then, direct the energy into your solar chakra.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=428044 time=1677813732 user_id=21286]
Syt said:

I don't believe it would be correct to say that sexual energy comes from Saturn, which is a cold and earth-like planet. There could be an aspect of the base chakra that partially rules sexuality, but I cannot say this for certain. I believe either this fact, or maybe something about your own soul, would be responsible for what you have witnessed.

The runes can have multiple expressions and I believe the relationship between Nauthiz and finding a lover is rooted in the idea of this being necessary for survival, or perhaps avoiding an element of depression. However, I would not view this relationship to be stronger than that of something like Thurisaz or Gebo and how they pertain to sex.

The sacral chakra is ruled by Mars, which has a direct relationship to lust. Similarly, Thurisaz also has a direct relationship to lust. Saturn and Nauthiz appear to only relate to the need of having a lover, rather than the action of sex or love itself.

As you can read from the Nauthiz page, Saturn is good at creating desire for action when under the appropriate stress. In this way, it can relate to, and regulate, all aspects of the soul. The end state of its influence could result in the growth of something seemingly opposed to the basic characteristic of Saturn, but that does not mean Saturn and that part of the soul are equal in nature.

Thanks for the reply and insights. I shall re-read and reflect on the original post.
Reading some of the posts in this thread, I think people need to take a look at reality. There are MANY men who are certainly not "sexually desirable" yet they managed to get wives and have an active sex life.

When a woman loves you, you are greatly enhanced in her eyes. I have known many married women who all believe their men are attractive to them, even if the man is objectively unattractive. And people want to have sex with the person they are with, and can enjoy sex even if the other person is not "a perfect 10 or even an 8".

Stop watching tv, stop watching porn, and look at reality. You will see all sorts of below average people happily married with kids. Get your heads unscrewed by porn and what the jews tell you. Don't listen to their media and youtube vlogs or whatever it is that tells you that you have to be at least an 8 to get a woman. Look at all the 1's who find a partner!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=428060 time=1677825320 user_id=57]
Reading some of the posts in this thread, I think people need to take a look at reality. There are MANY men who are certainly not "sexually desirable" yet they managed to get wives and have an active sex life.

When a woman loves you, you are greatly enhanced in her eyes. I have known many married women who all believe their men are attractive to them, even if the man is objectively unattractive. And people want to have sex with the person they are with, and can enjoy sex even if the other person is not "a perfect 10 or even an 8".

Stop watching tv, stop watching porn, and look at reality. You will see all sorts of below average people happily married with kids. Get your heads unscrewed by porn and what the jews tell you. Don't listen to their media and youtube vlogs or whatever it is that tells you that you have to be at least an 8 to get a woman. Look at all the 1's who find a partner!

There is also a lot of subjectivity with attraction based on one's Natal template.

The jew always tries to present the present trend of anything or the average/mean of some study as an immutable law of 'humanity' (even if this has large elements of truthfulness as far as the present day goes, they are designed to seize on this to demoralize and cause chaos). The media reinforces this crap endlessly. Anything 'on trend' did not think big lips were sexy 100 years ago, but now you 'need injections and filler to look like Kylie or you're a loser'. Then it becomes the norm among the masses of morons and people ruin their face to achieve whatever for some temporary social benefit, then the trend changes seven years later.

There are also cases of people who are quite hit in the face but their body, sexual energy and charisma is off the scale. No, I do not think this boils down to 'just be confident' but subtle aspects of their soul that can't be seen and things refined through lifetimes. Casanova was not exactly what we think of as 'handsome', and he wasn't considered particuarly attractive in his own time either, but you can see all this insane sex energy on his chart...

But when some vow is made to oneself at the sexual level it can be ridiculously hard to remove, especially for men. Any discouraging thing will just reinforce one's beliefs about oneself and like some of the posters here will keep encouraging someone to make negative affirmations about themselves 24/7 that program their aura to repel others.

That's why I personally think the Sun, Leo and 5th House have a lot to do with sexuality, one's sexual territory (more abstract than an animal), the pride element of sex and what is fixed in one's beliefs about sex. The Astrologers influenced by the enemy are always claiming the 5th has nothing to do with sex, just 'the results of procreation' even though it makes a sextile to the 7th and a trine to the 1st :roll:

I believe any man here can easily be attractive. It is so much more than what the media says, and I strongly encourage male SS here to ignore the media. There is so much more than just shallowness of comparing people in a meaningless and narrow-minded way. The essence of the individual matters, personality, mind... these things make a person attractive to those they know.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=428048 time=1677814894 user_id=21286]

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=428248 time=1677913133 user_id=57]

Thank you Guardians for your insight, it is good food for thought, your posts are always bright spots on the forum.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
