Blitzkreig [TG]
Head of Community
Sunny said:Thank you for your reply Blitzkreig. I don't like this limited idea either. I don't know how, why and how much sexual energy is lost through ejaculation, but if this can be recovered then it's not a problem. Maybe these New Age people or whatever they are, teach this because they haven't made much spiritual progress, plus the huge corruption and limitation of the enemy of course.
I don't understand what exactly sexual energy is. What is this Mars energy? Is sexual energy the energy of the sacral and/or base chakra? Or are sexual energy and vital energy the same thing?
Sexual energy pertains first to Martian energy, which rules lust and action, but we know women are also defined by Venus and the yin element. So Thurisaz applies directly to men, whereas Kenaz shows the action of female sexuality more clearly, yet both relate to fire energy, as Kenaz is like an "oven" which receives, but has its own aspect of fire.
Notice the shape of both Thurisaz and Kenaz runes, respectively:

As Pluto is the transcendental form of Mars, it has incorporated aspects of water into it. This is why Pluto rules the sexual organs themselves, which have elements of both yin and yang, even for men. Pluto directly pertains to the Kundalini, and we know that the Kundalini is a hermaphroditic energy which moves from the base chakra (masculine) to the crown chakra (feminine).
We also see how Venus relates to sex as well, which is the desire for union, closeness, and harmony with another person. Venus wants to create love, and having sex ("lovemaking") is a good way to do this, although it is not the only way. However, the Mars energy drives the lust which creates these Venusian energies after intimacy is had.
The energetic exchange facilitated by the love of Venus is shown in the Gebo rune. We know that sex is one way for energies to exchange between couples, ultimately leading to feelings of love and the resulting actions we do for loved ones.

We can see the process of orgasm and union represented by Dagaz and the number 8. The mixing of yin and yang creates the orgasm in the sexual organs, yet also flashes of intuition in the mind. This shows a basis for creation, as we can see how productivity is a combination of energy plus discipline to make something. An easier example is also the yang energy of the man applied to the yin sexual organs of the woman, resulting in a baby.

Therefore, sexual energy can be seen as a direct mechanism for creation, whereas the Sun is more like the fuel for all of life to happen. The Sun also rules recreation, which can lead to lovemaking. It also fuels the Martian energy in the first place. The Sun works more with the moon in regards to its yin/yang cycle, which is not directly sexual like Mars/Venus.
The sacral chakra is most related to sexuality. The base chakra pertains more to survival, which can include reproduction, but not as directly.
Both Mars and the Sun pertain to the vitality seen within the body. While the Sun is the source of life, Mars provides a "pumping action", such as with the muscles, blood pressure, aiding peristalsis, etc. Mars also rules blood, and we can see the Kidneys are active in the creation of blood, in conjunction with other organs. Mars creates blood and action, Venus neutralizes and cleans blood, also working in conjunction with the Moon to develop the yin element of the body.
Therefore, sexual energy is an aspect of vitality, although it is not necessarily the source of it, like the Sun. Sexual energy directly spreads life however, and we see this through the movement of the seed from a man into a woman. The Sun handed Mars the fuel, and Mars created the seed, then drove the sequence of events which delivered it accordingly.
Sunny said:Thank you for your reply Karnonnos. I will do an experiment, I will do sexual abstinence for one year starting today 27.02.2023 - 27.02.2024. I will see the effects on the mind and body and report back here if you like.
I will not have girlfriend soon, I have other commitments and expectations first. Also, I may not have woman and children at all because of the expectations and responsibilities involved, I will see in the future.
There is no need to do this. If you want to drive actual mental progress, you can use Munka to remove any negative karma pertaining to both sexual hangups and negative expressions of sex (porn or attraction to dangerous people).
In regards to the body, you can see this clearly within the span of one week. Going beyond this won't produce anything beyond the first week.
Physically, you will see that the Kidney Yin and Yang energy is increased as it is does not have to rebuild after ejaculation. This will reach its peak in about a few days, although it depends on the rates of exertion and other aspects of health. Those with a stronger Mars can replenish this more easily.
After a point, one may become exceedingly horny, and this is the point which you do not want to suppress yourself. This would be the natural time to express oneself, not restrict. Unlike the earlier period of abstinence, now the sexual energy has built up to a large degree. In some people, this may even result in wet dreams, as the energy wants to move.
If someone gets tired after ejaculation, then it is fine to reduce the frequency of this. However that is the extent of restriction here, and this extra energy should be spent working on one's soul, including the martian aspect of their soul which is responsible for this in the first place.
The above applies to women who may also have problems with the sexual organs, or experience weakness after their period (a loss of blood). Work on your Mars and restore yourself to a state of health.
For those who have additional insight, please share your thoughts below.