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#CancelCulture, CancelXianity

ThomaSsS [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 19, 2017
By now everyone heard of the #CancelCulture trends on social media and how this can be a great tool to bring awareness about certain topics, persons, etc.

This can be used by us as well, to spread awareness about the real face of xianity, the judeo-xian bible, and so on. So what I want to propose here, is to flood social media platforms with tags such as #CancelChristianity, #CancelJesus, #CancelJudeoChristianGod, #ChristianityNeedsToGo, #JesusIsCancelled #Cancelled etc., etc., etc.

Just go on one of the many bible websites where the entire content of that foul book is posted, make screenshots with certain verses that show the pure evil in there, and post it on social media platforms followed by the above mentioned hashtags (and may other tags that are trending now; be creative and use whatever fits). This can also contain a short message such as "Ever wondered why women were hated so much" or "When you worship poverty, millions die of hunger"

The judeo-xian bible is full of animal sacrifices (animal walfare is a serios topic today), slavery (sensitive topic today), war (also very sensitive), women rights violations (extremely hot topic today), LGBT rights violations (very trendy), theft, poverty, abuses of all kinds, canibalism, corruption, and so on, and so forth. Point to people the connection between those issues we experience in today's world, and their source in the judeo-xian bible/religion. Go on atheist websites to get a full list of these and where they're found in the bible, and then use that reference to navigate to those passages in the bible for the screenshots.

Most xians never read the damn bible. They don't even know what's in there. So let's put the real face of their religion before their eyes. Also point out how this comes straight from the joooooz.

Also, if you had any bad experiences with xianity, if you've been discriminated, lied or abused by xians, or anything like that, publish this on social media as well, accompanied by those hashtags.

It goes without saying that you should do this from a secondary profile that does not have your real name, picture, or info.

Please share below your ideas on how to expand and make this even more effective, as well as other hashtags that we could use.
Might I suggest #canceljudeobolshevism.

Hitler said it best "It was not Nero who burned down Rome, it was the judeo-bolshevik Christians. It was not the people of France that murdered the aristocracy it was the Jacobinites/Frankists. And it was the Communist who burned down the Rechstag in '32(double-check the date could be wrong)".

Try and consider using the political name of Christianity. When people see judeo-bolshevism it goes "Judeo?!?!....Bolshevism?!?!". What's Judeo about Bolshevism and then websites like deathofcommunism and our own cadre of sites. Make THEM choose the red pill and MAKE them choose to go down the rabbit-hole.

Or for example memetic warfare like the pictures of anti-Communism on meme thread. Try and convince them that Xtianity = Political. Or for example my signature.

Communism is political Judiasm and political Christian-ism.

Try and use social engineering and memetic warfare to instill the thought of Amalek. Instill the hand of Morpheus blue pill or red pill which are you gonna go for.

Like the meme picture of the AZL(Anti-Zionist League). Hitler in Matrix uniform expressing which side.

Anyways good luck your gonna enter tough waters as some people are fanatical xtians. Like George Lincoln Rockwell stated "We NS are ideological, idealist, and fanatical. Ironically enough the communists are also fanatical."
"Counter their fanaticism with a counter-fanatical force".

Try and be Spiritually and Politically Fanatical. But not in a proselytizing way not everyone is wanting to be NS or SS or IF they wish to be NS/SS they might come for the political aspect and not the spiritual as has happened to some people. I recall SWG(Southern White Gentile) practices some things but not gung-ho about it but he does value our organization for it's political message.

Not everyone wants the Godhead not everyone wants to advance and be a God some people are content with improving their personal and external lives.

So try and be GENTLE but FIRM.
not that I am for crypto in anyway, but I know on minds.com if you set up a new wallet, with a phone number you buy with cash/alias, you can then go to a bitcoin ATM with mask and glasses, and transfer cash to a wallet anonymously, then trade from that wallet to minds wallet and get yourself minds token anonymously/safely then you can use their system to bring views to posts, 1 token is 1000 views(not sure how many are legitimate). So you can do this to the above tip #CancelCulture #CancelXianity #Christianity (to bring in xtards), I believe a lot of people who are on minds are the right leaning xtards who would be pretty close to the truth if they didn't have jewsus destroying it all for them.

as I look right now minds token is $2.36

I plan to do this here soon probably this next week, I'll put about 200$ towards this test, and see what I can get from it, if its promising I'll keep a weekly budget towards this.

I'm not sure about other platforms, I always get banned/shadowbanned. Might get banned/shadow banned after I do this test, right now I am building content without having any followers/not using hashtags, the day I do this ill go in add hashtags to all posts and start boosting all posts. or so thats my thought.

If anyone has pissgram/twikiker/kikebook or others, working for them let me know how/what obfuscation you are using.

I'm definitely ready to do some major online warfare.

P.S If anyone has a collection of fresh anti-xian kikewise memes that would be awesome, I have some but they are all from 2016/17 when i used to do a lot of online warfare, not that that means anything, still effective and I'll likely make more but asking anyway, because the more the better
I would say educate people outside of cancel culture and other leftist trends which many dislike. This will only legitimize xianity. On the other hand if they see a nationalist speaking against xianity it is clearly better. Also you don't have to say you are an atheist as promoting atheism is even worse. Depending on who you talk with you can say you either think the ancient spirituality was better or that you just believe there is a force or something else in the universe just different from the bible and koran.
This is an excellent idea. Most of my personal activism time has been spent railing against Xianity, so I can share a few tips I've learned over the years.

First and foremost, consider your audience, moment to moment, and the value of optics. Here's an example. To a modern, more progressive audience, telling them about how Xianity massacred, tortured and raped millions of innocent Pagan men, women and children, destroying their texts and oppressing their religion to the point of borderline wiping it off the face of the earth, you'll reach sympathetic ears, as the idea of "oppression" of culture among the left-leaning is an incredibly hot issue, especially when you garnish the fact with additional bits of truth regarding the fact Paganism had none of the despicable hatred of women and sexuality. Much of the left tends to err on the side of secular, and dislike of Xianity is increasingly common among these sorts anyway. Another great addition is to reference the Pagan veneration of nature, and how the natural environment has traditionally suffered under Abrahamism.

For the right, conservative leaning types however, those dug in deep with Xianity, a change in approach is necessary. If you told many of them that Xianity oppressed women, gays, animals etc, and Paganism in general, they'd probably laugh in your face and say "good", because they're this far gone mentally. However, consider this. If you say something along the lines of "Xianity genocided millions of traditional white families for believing the religion of their ancestors and their traditional culture", suddenly, you'll have a few ears perked. Many among the right still value the racial element. Painting Xianity as a foreign, invader religion onto European soil, for example, is going to have heads turning, as there is no real argument against this. To follow through, you can also reference many of the Bible's great lines that preach proto-communism, anti-family sentiment, meekness and submissiveness in the face of one's enemies, and so on.

Effectively, the two messages above are exactly the same one message, but a simple consideration of how it "sounds" can change a message that'd fall on deaf ears to one with genuine impact.
This is an awesome post, very good idea.

Just wanted to reiterate something of strong importance. We should probably always use the word "judeo" in connection to xtianity, so this reinforces to unaware gentiles the connection between jews and christianity. Always staple the two terms together so gentiles are forced to recognize the jewish origins and jewish creation of xtianity.

With the jews being exposed so severally lately, sometimes all thats needed to shatter the lie of xtianity is just to simply explain its jewish origins and gentiles who are already aware of other jewish lies recognize xtianity as another product of jewish lying.
Too bad that they will most likely get instantly banned/deleted. At least YT comments do if they include words like "jews" and "evil"
Extraordinary idea. I will make short videos for Instagram and a mini rant for YouTube about this. This can be advertised I think. I know how to beat Instagram algorithm to be a top post in hashtags. This week I'll get into this. Again a great opportunity and idea to attach our warfare to the stupid cancel culture.

Also, see the correlation of orthodox xianism with ultra-orthodox jews.
1.their is the verse were jepthah sacrificed his daughter to the reptile god, and the verse were isreal morned for her, so yes it was a human sacrifice

2.their is also the verse were the reptile god says he loves sacrifice an the smell of burning flesh

3. and the verse were jewsus said he only came for the jews, an if any christard brings up oh it was but he changed his mind later on, bring up jewsus said when he was brought back, preach only to the 12 tribes of fecesreal which would mean, hes only the savior of jews not gentiles

4. acts 7. says they were not worshiping the reptile god in the wilderness but moloch, then bring up many cases were they did preform human sacrifices to that god, an scapegoated it on gentile gods ,their are archeologists that say they were sacrificing to the reptile jewish god

5.bring up how the reptile god promised eveything to abraham so black,poc people your lands belong to jews according to the bible

6.an that you can enslave a jew for a few years but you can keep gentile slaves that includes blacks,poc for life

7.at the end of the stolen flood myth,people were all devided in to their own groups and languages, so the
whole tower of bable thing, the reptile god did it twice, oy vey

oh the oy veeeeyyyyyyyyying is real cant wait
Cancel Culture is most of the time taken as a synonym with the NPC culture were a handful of psycho NPCs on social media do it to destroy the reputation and career of people who say politically incorrect things - basically since they are impotent Big Brother wannabes they can't actually "cancel" their lives for wrongthinking.

This few bunch aren't taken seriously and most of the time the people who have been "cancelled" isntead earn the sympathy of the silent majority of normal functioning human beings who despise this.

I'm just saying about that aspect of it as this could backfire more on Satanism and equate our efforts with the likes of the Temple of Satan.
Twitter and stuff like this is so dumb and contributes to the breakdown of gentile communications.

This thinking in really short not in depth stuff is half the problem. Everything has to be explained in a couple minutes or a short few sentences.

I know it means hopefully they will see the site later and look more in depth.

But this is half the problem and why people are so shallow and with such short concentration today.
Brilliant ideea! But still we need quite the people to make ourselves regnorized, we could use articles from this topic: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=55383.
There is this site who has tons of bible nasty quotes that can be used against the chritcucks, i took a look and i think the best # we could go is with ''#CancelChristianity'' because it would be the easiest to type even if it's full of christcucks now but we can change that.
I am going to see what i can do, just imagine if we could target the twitter horde against those fuckers :D
This is a brilliant way to turn it to our advantage. Next, do the same thing about islam as well, for all the same things. They do the same crimes but variably worse. Especially women's rights and going as far as imprisoning or even executing homosexuals.
I see girls praising others wearing the headdress and calling it "brave" to be of that depraved "religion", lmfao, if only people woke the fuck up for once.
How are you not getting banned on sites like twitter / Instagram? Or are you not using those at all.
Gear88 said:
Might I suggest #canceljudeobolshevism.

Hitler said it best "It was not Nero who burned down Rome, it was the judeo-bolshevik Christians. It was not the people of France that murdered the aristocracy it was the Jacobinites/Frankists. And it was the Communist who burned down the Rechstag in '32(double-check the date could be wrong)".

Try and consider using the political name of Christianity. When people see judeo-bolshevism it goes "Judeo?!?!....Bolshevism?!?!". What's Judeo about Bolshevism and then websites like deathofcommunism and our own cadre of sites. Make THEM choose the red pill and MAKE them choose to go down the rabbit-hole.

Or for example memetic warfare like the pictures of anti-Communism on meme thread. Try and convince them that Xtianity = Political. Or for example my signature.

Communism is political Judiasm and political Christian-ism.

Try and use social engineering and memetic warfare to instill the thought of Amalek. Instill the hand of Morpheus blue pill or red pill which are you gonna go for.

Like the meme picture of the AZL(Anti-Zionist League). Hitler in Matrix uniform expressing which side.

Anyways good luck your gonna enter tough waters as some people are fanatical xtians. Like George Lincoln Rockwell stated "We NS are ideological, idealist, and fanatical. Ironically enough the communists are also fanatical."
"Counter their fanaticism with a counter-fanatical force".

Try and be Spiritually and Politically Fanatical. But not in a proselytizing way not everyone is wanting to be NS or SS or IF they wish to be NS/SS they might come for the political aspect and not the spiritual as has happened to some people. I recall SWG(Southern White Gentile) practices some things but not gung-ho about it but he does value our organization for it's political message.

Not everyone wants the Godhead not everyone wants to advance and be a God some people are content with improving their personal and external lives.

So try and be GENTLE but FIRM.

In my opinion i think is a nice idea but im not sure if people will really know what it is judeobolshemism, maybe something more generic but to the point (xianity and others)
Satnam666 said:
7.at the end of the stolen flood myth,people were all devided in to their own groups and languages, so the
whole tower of bable thing, the reptile god did it twice, oy vey

oh the oy veeeeyyyyyyyyying is real cant wait

If you study Skeptics Annotated Bible. People already spoke multiple languages throughout the World BEFORE the hostile Draconian Empire came.

So in essence when Shehameforash created the Babel issues there were already multiple languages and multiple people. In essence even the stories of the hostile E.T. coming in and creating issues was false. The only thing they struck was our psychic(telepathic) communication and maybe even our communication with the Gods at the higher spectrum.

It's akin to Sodom and Gomorrah, both were genetic engineering facilities that Gentiles possessed and the LuciferianLiberationFront points to it's origins. How then do the jews remember a story that occurred 10,000 years ago BEFORE they existed 5,776 years ago and even then there is an interesting postulation by a member in our forum that the gypsies may have existed before the jews as cheaper, crappier jews and the reptards and greytards had to reconstruct the gypsy into the jew cause they weren't goyshkopfing how they wanted actually the opposite doing things contrary towards conquering the planet for World Domination. Now then during a thermal-nuclear strike and then hold on to the story till 3,000 years nearly 7,000 years into their books of various languages like Aramiac or Khoine and THEN at about 1,500 BCE or about 1,500 years later translate the entire story into Hebrew. As according to some people by 1,500BCE or right around the Sea People World-wide attacks. All jews magically knew Hebrew by some cohencidence.
Arcadia said:
This is an excellent idea. Most of my personal activism time has been spent railing against Xianity, so I can share a few tips I've learned over the years.

First and foremost, consider your audience, moment to moment, and the value of optics. Here's an example. To a modern, more progressive audience, telling them about how Xianity massacred, tortured and raped millions of innocent Pagan men, women and children, destroying their texts and oppressing their religion to the point of borderline wiping it off the face of the earth, you'll reach sympathetic ears, as the idea of "oppression" of culture among the left-leaning is an incredibly hot issue, especially when you garnish the fact with additional bits of truth regarding the fact Paganism had none of the despicable hatred of women and sexuality. Much of the left tends to err on the side of secular, and dislike of Xianity is increasingly common among these sorts anyway. Another great addition is to reference the Pagan veneration of nature, and how the natural environment has traditionally suffered under Abrahamism.

For the right, conservative leaning types however, those dug in deep with Xianity, a change in approach is necessary. If you told many of them that Xianity oppressed women, gays, animals etc, and Paganism in general, they'd probably laugh in your face and say "good", because they're this far gone mentally. However, consider this. If you say something along the lines of "Xianity genocided millions of traditional white families for believing the religion of their ancestors and their traditional culture", suddenly, you'll have a few ears perked. Many among the right still value the racial element. Painting Xianity as a foreign, invader religion onto European soil, for example, is going to have heads turning, as there is no real argument against this. To follow through, you can also reference many of the Bible's great lines that preach proto-communism, anti-family sentiment, meekness and submissiveness in the face of one's enemies, and so on.

Effectively, the two messages above are exactly the same one message, but a simple consideration of how it "sounds" can change a message that'd fall on deaf ears to one with genuine impact.
Thank you for this message. You're among the few who actually understood what I was aiming for. Thank you for exapnding so beautifully on this :)

The truth is, most problems we face today originate in the judeo-xian bible. This is a fact. There is a great number of people who couldn't care less about xianity (in the sense that they're not religious), but they support it or rather not oppose it because they *believe* it's a good religion. Show them it's NOT. If those reading your posts are women who have been held down by the patriarchal system, show them this comes from judeo-xianity. Not by arguing with them, but by showing the bible verse with this. It'll be hard for them to argue against a verse that reads "women are not allowed to speak above a man", or that "women were created for the sake of men" or that "if a man complains that the woman he married is not actually a virgin, she shall be stone to death", or other crazy shit like that.

If they are gays, show them all their problems regarding their sexuality in our society comes also form judeo-xianity. It's hard to support a religion that says "you should be stoned to death by everyone in your community if you're caught laying with someone of the same sex as you"

If they support or care about animal welfare, show them the disrespect for animals comes from the bible. It'll be hard for them not to hate that filth when they read that "god" requires birds' wings to be split and broken before being burnt as offering to "god", or that in order for "god" to cure someone of leprosy the prist needs two birds: one to be killed and it's blood be sprinklet over the diseased, while the second bird has to be dipped in the blood of the killed bird and then set free. I'm not making this shit up. It's in the damn book.

The list goes on and on and on.
Egon said:
Cancel Culture is most of the time taken as a synonym with the NPC culture were a handful of psycho NPCs on social media do it to destroy the reputation and career of people who say politically incorrect things - basically since they are impotent Big Brother wannabes they can't actually "cancel" their lives for wrongthinking.

I'm just saying about that aspect of it as this could backfire more on Satanism and equate our efforts with the likes of the Temple of Satan.
The bible is chock full of politically incorrect things. Those who are sensitive to that, let them see that in the judeo-xianity.

How can bringing awareness about the real face of xianity backfire on.. Satanism, exactly? Why on Satanism? "God requires living blood sacrifices, which means we need to hate on.. Satanism". Yeah, ok :roll:

Besides, nowhere in my OP did I suggest adding links to JoS or promoting Satanism (or NS as I read in other replies here) simultaneously with cancelculture. Because that was not the point. My point was this: bring awareness about xianity using this cancelculture tool. Nothing else.

Egon said:
This few bunch aren't taken seriously and most of the time the people who have been "cancelled" isntead earn the sympathy of the silent majority of normal functioning human beings who despise this.
This is such a weird thing to say. People have been "cancelled" for sexual assault. Are those sympathising with them "normal functioning beings"??? Armie Hammer has been "cancelled" among other things for having cannibalistic tendencies... are those who sympathise with him "normal functional beings"??? The heck...

Cancelculture is nothing but a tool. I personally never paid attention to this trend, but there are people who do. Among them, there are lost causes, who are far beyond the point where they could even be helped. They don't matter. Those who do matter are those who are in between, they are the ones I think we should be focusing on, by bringing awareness. Let them see the connection between their real life problem and xianity. This will pop up in their mind at a latter time and make them reflect on it. Some will search for more answers, some might even join us - but that's beyond of our direct focus here. The main poin, again, is bringing awareness.
ThomaSsS said:
Thank you for this message. You're among the few who actually understood what I was aiming for. Thank you for exapnding so beautifully on this

No worries, I could definitely see where you were coming from with this, and wanted to voice my support. Do people really think Cobra would have stickied this to the front page if he thought the idea was ill-thought out and was going to backfire? Of course not. There is wisdom to be had here.

ThomaSsS said:
This is such a weird thing to say. People have been "cancelled" for sexual assault. Are those sympathising with them "normal functioning beings"??? Armie Hammer has been "cancelled" among other things for having cannibalistic tendencies... are those who sympathise with him "normal functional beings"??? The heck...

I can help you expand on this as well, seeing as people might be needlessly misinterpreting the idea. Armie Hammer is a great example. A disturbed, psychopathic Jew getting cancelled for his history of predatory sexual behaviour and other degeneracies. Perhaps people should cast their minds back to how this current culture even began. It began with that fat, despicable Jew Weinstein, getting cancelled for similar reasons. Yes, there have been people who have been "cancelled" just because of leftist bedwetting over someone saying meanie words, or whatever. But to follow up on what you yourself said, it's simple.

Let's look at the internet. You can point to its negative aspects, the fact it's enabled people to be tracked and monitored to greater extents, and bad agents have used the internet for nefarious means. Does this mean we should not use the internet? Of course not. Because think of what the internet has done for JoS as a movement, due to its positive aspects. The internet is a tool, for positive and negative use both, and has, in its history, I'd say, been a blessing above all. Here's the key thing. Social trends are tools too.

Effectively, cancel culture, when you undress it, is little else other than a sign of the times. It's a sign of people's discontent that actors, politicians and such, are not being held accountable for their actions. Hollywood Jews, what law in the land punishes them? None. The best thing people have is to vent their fury, and make their continued public life inhospitable, to deny them their fame and fortune. Yes, fury can be aimed at the wrong people, but it can be aimed at the right people too. Were it not for the venom of the increasingly disheartened public, people like Hammer and Weinstein would still be laughing themselves to the shekel bank. Should we not jail rapists and murderers, because throughout the ages, innocent people have been jailed also? Of course not, this is BLM tier thinking. It still benefits society that these people have been held accountable.

Point is, yes, you can dislike the trend of people being oversensitive and baited into "cancelling" people who it's not warranted with. But, I do not need to remind people that this is war. In war, you observe the battlefield, and you take every advantage on offer. Right now the battlefield is simple; people are angrier than ever, for better or for worse. You can take the time to direct their anger to the places where it's truly warranted. It's foolish to ignore the climate, and wars are not won by choosing to deny advantages for reasons of vanity.

To the people saying that spiritual activism in general is "pointless" because you'll just get banned or nobody would care. Do the math. If your message reaches a thousand ears, and only one pair of ears is listening, then that one person can still move forward and spread the truth to others close to them. It spreads, further and further, like moss growing over stones. If a thousand members of JoS all posted one message, and each message only convinced a single person of the truth? In effect, that's still a thousand extra souls hypothetically taking part in RTRs. You would have to be pretty ignorant to think this is a lump sum of nothing.

To the people who are too far gone? It doesn't matter. They're exactly that. Too far gone. So it doesn't matter. But what about the inbetweeners? You've planted in them the seeds of doubt which will blossom later down the line.

All in all, you completely have my backing on the notion, ThomaSsS, because you're exactly right. As I said in my first post, all people have to do is apply themselves wisely and read the audience they're reaching out to. After everything the Abrahamics have done to us, every dirty deed over the long centuries, I would not hesitate to sling any pile of mud at them I can. If I can exploit people's growing anger, make use of the trends that are near and dear to people's hearts at this current point in time, all to breed anti-sentiment towards our enemies, I will do exactly that.
ThomaSsS said:
Egon said:
This few bunch aren't taken seriously and most of the time the people who have been "cancelled" isntead earn the sympathy of the silent majority of normal functioning human beings who despise this.
This is such a weird thing to say. People have been "cancelled" for sexual assault. Are those sympathising with them "normal functioning beings"???
No because I never said that so please don't put words in my mouth out of irrational emotionalism, and instead read what the very part you quoted from me said.

Yes normal functioning human beings don't jump in the bandwagon of accusing innocent men of offenses that could destroy their lives, since the NPC freaks accuse most of the time innocent people and discredit the real cases when these come to the public. For instance the Jewess Scarlett Johansson deffending the pederast Jew Woody Allen whose rightful "cancellation" has been discredited for a while because of that.

Two examples being the backlash on Mark Hamill - dared to be White and not be happy with new Star Wars, and Jeremy Renner being cancelled as a literal KKK member for not activelly supporting Joe Biden (while not even being openly against him either).

And then you wonder why normal human beings wouldn't take the above seriously.

Cancelculture is nothing but a tool. I personally never paid attention to this trend, but there are people who do. Among them, there are lost causes, who are far beyond the point where they could even be helped. They don't matter. Those who do matter are those who are in between
Yes I know and agree, and none of that contradicts my warning of how this specific 'tool' of cancel culture is perceived by the general public and how it could hazard an effort of ours that is 100% justified.
I saw the jews recently pushing the pro-life movement against leftists, and they are trying to equate leftism with Satanism. I sense that the jews are now trying to ride the xianity wave as a last ditch gamble for survival. Switching chairs basically. I even saw a video from the last person I (formerly) respected on bitchute sharing an article that wrote about planned parenthood allies or whatever having to turn to Satanists as their last hope. So they're pushing hard for a war between pro-lifers and leftists which they want to equate with Satanists.

I think another good idea for activism at this moment in time to counter this wave of propaganda would be pushing this simple rhetoric: how can Satan be the God of the jews if the jews consider Satan their enemy? Satan cannot be the enemy of the jews and the God of the jews at the same time.

I'm hoping that will help to repel and counter the xian identity retards a bit. If the nationalists and fools who buy into xian identity see this sort of rhetoric then maybe it will make them think for a moment, and reconsider the silly "synagogue of Satan" meme. Snap them awake. I don't want to let the xians take over society and start writing the rules again, and then start making their own "lists" like the liberals did recently and basically come after us with no one to stop them. Middle ages and Witch trials 2.0. I absolutely don't want that.
ThomaSsS said:
Cancelculture is nothing but a tool. I personally never paid attention to this trend, but there are people who do. Among them, there are lost causes, who are far beyond the point where they could even be helped. They don't matter. Those who do matter are those who are in between, they are the ones I think we should be focusing on, by bringing awareness. Let them see the connection between their real life problem and xianity. This will pop up in their mind at a latter time and make them reflect on it. Some will search for more answers, some might even join us - but that's beyond of our direct focus here. The main poin, again, is bringing awareness.

Cancel Culture is part of society now. It's not just the Left but the Right has jumped in and are more than happy to cancel woke companies, celebrities etc as seen a lot in these past few years.

For what is worth I also think this is a great idea and have started using the hashtag since reading this post.
hi,thomas!could you delete my romanian account?i abandoned it for years.it has the same name as this one.also,did you delete the previous one,bobmarley?

CancelCulture is some leftist lgbtqsdfghjk bulshit.

I tried promote JoS in Twitter before, but twitter is RETARD. I followed Church of Satan Twitter followers to get followed back, but all Twitter (((satanists))) are like (((#BLM she/her ☭ 🏳️‍🌈 🏴)))
Kurat said:

CancelCulture is some leftist lgbtqsdfghjk bulshit.

I tried promote JoS in Twitter before, but twitter is RETARD. I followed Church of Satan Twitter followers to get followed back, but all Twitter (((satanists))) are like (((#BLM she/her ☭ 🏳️‍🌈 🏴)))

I get what your saying. But the reality is this non-sensical judeo-bolshevik retarded stuff is in existence. Do we allow it to be omnipervasive and strike everyone and anything deemed by the powers that be as for cancellation or do we use it to destroy those who should and must be destroyed.

On some level we gotta attack it and destroy it through memery and propaganda. I'd say use cancel culture to cancel those who should and must be cancelled.

Your basically letting the enemy use their advantage with non-sensical communist program destroy the lives of people who matter and deserve to be promoted.

I agree with the user above you who stated it's used by some people as helping those who SHOULD be cancelled like the cannibal or the person who did some crazy shit and is getting sympathy from anti-cancellers.

We should try and formulate cancelling, counter-cancelling, and anti-cancelling strategies. Some SHOULD and MUST be cancelled while others who do the right thing deserve to continue. As for the retards who get cancelled for doing stupid shit, good another in the should and must be cancelled lineup.

But there are those that deserve to be propped up and be uncancelled through anti-/counter- cancelling activism.


Those aren't Satanists those are xtian larpers. They believe in the opposite of xtianity while promoting xtianity.

IF these people knew communism = christianity for atheist they might think twice about posting their non-sense of this racial quote bullshit.

Those aren't Satanists they are just another judeo-bolshevik enclave let's call them sonderkommandos who dress up like Satanists but larp backwards xtianity. They look cool but they are polished turd looks like a nice round earthly rock from a canyon but the closer you get to them the stronger the shit smell is.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
