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"Book of Thoth" in which the God inscribed all of the secrets of the universe

One Wire Phenomenon

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
Ok so i found the Emerald Tablets of Thoth It blew my mind and it still does. I feel 90% of it to be true in my heart and soul but found out just a few momets ago it could dubious!

I don't know a lot about Egypt or anything yet i saw it true and it seems im not the only one.

I did have a feeling it could be corrupted to some extent but so much of it in there corresponds to JoS and my astral travel experiences into other dimensions and also the fucking hounds of the barrier.

These tablets are truely amazing.So can a SS tell me if its the real book of Thoth or not? I think if one applied everything in there one would live as a god for sure. I have no doubts about that so it must be the book but please correct me before i take this too far.

"Egyptian mythology speaks of the “Book of Thoth” in which the god inscribed all of the secrets of the universe. Anyone who read it would become the most powerful sorcerer in the world, but would be cursed by their knowledge. Needless to say, people have been searching for this text despite the warning, and some more “colourful” theories propose that it is hidden in a secret chamber in or near the Great Pyramid. This book is said by some to be the “emerald tablets of Thoth” a work of dubious authenticity which suggests that Thoth and the other gods were from Atlantis."

One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok so i found the Emerald Tablets of Thoth It blew my mind and it still does. I feel 90% of it to be true in my heart and soul but found out just a few momets ago it could dubious!

I don't know a lot about Egypt or anything yet i saw it true and it seems im not the only one.

I did have a feeling it could be corrupted to some extent but so much of it in there corresponds to JoS and my astral travel experiences into other dimensions and also the fucking hounds of the barrier.

These tablets are truely amazing.So can a SS tell me if its the real book of Thoth or not? I think if one applied everything in there one would live as a god for sure. I have no doubts about that so it must be the book but please correct me before i take this too far.

"Egyptian mythology speaks of the “Book of Thoth” in which the god inscribed all of the secrets of the universe. Anyone who read it would become the most powerful sorcerer in the world, but would be cursed by their knowledge. Needless to say, people have been searching for this text despite the warning, and some more “colourful” theories propose that it is hidden in a secret chamber in or near the Great Pyramid. This book is said by some to be the “emerald tablets of Thoth” a work of dubious authenticity which suggests that Thoth and the other gods were from Atlantis."


I'm wondering that too
I am thinking that this has been corrupted over the years. "Cursed by their knowledge"? Despite knowing everything? Yeah... OK, then...

Let me ask you something - what is one of the meditation workings we do when working on our Third Eye? I'll give you a clue - we areto do it for 4 vibrations, for 4 days in a row. The answer is...


...we vibrate THOTH 4 times, 4 days in a row. TH then while still vibrating that, vibrate OH, then after that vibrate only TH. (Although, it has changed from THOTH to THAUM. I don't know why.) When the Third Eye is working properly, then, as has been said, it becomes harder and harder to be decieved. We can tell when someone is lying. We can have more understanding. I asked before about e.g. playing card games - how would it be fair. The answer was to close the Third Eye, so as not to cheat.

Cursed for the knowledge? That's the jew and reptillians crying like little bitches because it can't bully us and take perverse pleasure in doing so.

That's just my take on this.
FancyMancy said:
I am thinking that this has been corrupted over the years. "Cursed by their knowledge"? Despite knowing everything? Yeah... OK, then...

Let me ask you something - what is one of the meditation workings we do when working on our Third Eye? I'll give you a clue - we areto do it for 4 vibrations, for 4 days in a row. The answer is...


...we vibrate THOTH 4 times, 4 days in a row. TH then while still vibrating that, vibrate OH, then after that vibrate only TH. (Although, it has changed from THOTH to THAUM. I don't know why.) When the Third Eye is working properly, then, as has been said, it becomes harder and harder to be decieved. We can tell when someone is lying. We can have more understanding. I asked before about e.g. playing card games - how would it be fair. The answer was to close the Third Eye, so as not to cheat.

Cursed for the knowledge? That's the jew and reptillians crying like little bitches because it can't bully us and take perverse pleasure in doing so.

That's just my take on this.

Yes so true didn't think about that but the question is actually is the book of Thoth the Emerald Tablets of Thoth? To me I don't see the Tablets making Thoth a monster in any way shape or form but rather giving him a VERY good image.

If not then i leave it there and wont post ever again about it.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If not then i leave it there and wont post ever again about it.
I have not read them what you mentioned, but if THOTH is/was vibrated to begin the process of opening our Third Eye, and Thoth wrote "the secrets of the Universe" in a book and "is cursed" for that, then... Maybe I am wrong, but that's just my take on it.
FancyMancy said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If not then i leave it there and wont post ever again about it.
I have not read them what you mentioned, but if THOTH is/was vibrated to begin the process of opening our Third Eye, and Thoth wrote "the secrets of the Universe" in a book and "is cursed" for that, then... Maybe I am wrong, but that's just my take on it.

I think the phrase being cursed with knowledge is a complement.We ate the forbidden fruit. We are all cursed by having knowledge of JoS by the jews and the stinking bible anyway so i think thats where the rumours started. Thoth is hated by the enemy for giving humanity knowledge of the heavens. So it makes sense that it said you will be cursed if you read it. lol

Thats my take on it i don't fear any rumors. Unless they are warning from the Gods like for example opening tombs that the Gods did not want to be opened.

And also it makes it sound exiting like a movie you would watch as a kid. I like things that lead me down the rabbit hole and solving mysteries to get to the truth. Its childish but i like it.And i have JoS which i know is true so i have a good foundation. Too me if it doesn't fit with JoS its not true and if it does i found a piece.I enjoy it and i benefit from it because i learn new things and so far i know thats what Thoth wants. To enjoy learning about life.
I have found direct instructions about Magnum Opus there along with other key information about magical workings and advancement.

The book is a code and it cannot be understood as it is, you need understanding of SS level.

You need to find a good translation and meditate and study on it, until then advancement is due. Luckily I have found the best translation in my native language that is not so much corrupted.
FancyMancy said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If not then i leave it there and wont post ever again about it.
I have not read them what you mentioned, but if THOTH is/was vibrated to begin the process of opening our Third Eye, and Thoth wrote "the secrets of the Universe" in a book and "is cursed" for that, then... Maybe I am wrong, but that's just my take on it.

I wonder then why would they say Egyptian Mythology says it? Thoth won't give knowledge to humans then curse them with it as you said.Thats sounds like a jews work you are right.

Speaking of the jews and mythology remember i made a thread about Apopsihs and what i found was that the story came incredibly close to what is written in the bible. I deleted some posts there we because i started sounding like a Christian anyway thats also a possibility to consider. If thats true then its a setup and purposely put there by the enemy. Hoping one day people find it and think wow its true everything makes sense now. The subliminal messages in movies made me think of this now. For example Hollywood makes the ancients like the Maya, Egyptian and all those places look like an adventurous quest for people by making the main theme about forbidden treasure, knowledge, artifacts that always ends in a disaster or something that goes wrong.

The Emerald Tablets also sound like a poem which is odd because it was translated from the Tibetan and Egyptian language. The chances of them becoming a poem story thing with words rhyming makes me think it was done on purpose. I mean what are the chances? I actually thought about that but then thought to myself if it came from Thoth with his all-knowing wisdom then maybe its Thoths work of art.And why can i closely relate it to with what which is on JoS? If JoS is from the Gods and the tablets say te same stuff which is on JoS then surely its the work of the Gods OR the tablets were written down form someone who had communicated with Thoth directly like HPS Maxine did with Satan.
NakedPluto said:
I have found direct instructions about Magnum Opus there along with other key information about magical workings and advancement.

The book is a code and it cannot be understood as it is, you need understanding of SS level.

You need to find a good translation and meditate and study on it, until then advancement is due. Luckily I have found the best translation in my native language that is not so much corrupted.

No there is a difference between the Emerald Tablet and the Emerald tablets.

The Emerald tablet was found in Egypt i think but the Emerald tablets were not found and no so called legit sources could verify them only Egyptian mythology speaks of them if i understand correctly.Another guy call doreal claimed to have found them when he traveled to Tibet and found them there but he could not prove it and later said he astral traveled somewhere and received the information.

Also i have found that Lovecraft was a jew and the Emerald tablets and lovecraft have a link with one another somehow. That makes me think its corrupted .

The Emerald tablets come very close to whats on JoS thats me think its legit.
NakedPluto said:
I have found direct instructions about Magnum Opus there along with other key information about magical workings and advancement.

The book is a code and it cannot be understood as it is, you need understanding of SS level.

You need to find a good translation and meditate and study on it, until then advancement is due. Luckily I have found the best translation in my native language that is not so much corrupted.

I just want to prove Hp lovecraft was a jew.
Everytime i try and do study about the astral parasite experience i had i find his works all over the place. He also married a jewess.

HPS Maxine spoke about this a long time ago, i think she mentions it on one of her audios on Youtube. She has videos called teachings on Thoth on youtube and i think she brings up the emerald tablets.

I believe they are corrupted for sure. But, can you provide the link for the copy youve got, id like to take a look.
Wow guys look at this.
The book of Thoth was never found but as i can understand they found some of his books :? and were kept in the library of Alexandria

The Egyptians stored many texts, on a wide range of subjects, in "Houses of Life", the libraries contained within temple complexes. As Thoth was the god of knowledge, many of these texts were claimed to be his work. The Egyptian historian Manetho said that Thoth wrote 36,525 books.

The church father Clement of Alexandria, in the sixth book of his work Stromata, mentions forty-two books used by Egyptian priests

The story goes in Egypt times
"Then at Pharaoh's command they heaped sand over the low stone shrine where the entrance to the tomb was hidden; and before long a sandstorm turned it into a great mound, and then leveled it out so that never again could anyone find a trace of the tomb where Nefrekeptah lay with Ahura and Merab and the Book of Thoth, waiting for the Day of Awakening when Osiris shall return to rule over the earth."

THOTH hid his books all over the world for US to find it

"Thoth was said to have succeeded in understanding the mysteries of the heavens and to have revealed them by inscribing them in sacred books which he then hid here on Earth, intending that they should be searched for by future generations but found by those of the bloodline."

Some of these sacred books are referred to as the 42 Books of Instructions or the 42 Books of Thoth which describe the instructions for achieving immortality plus 2 more books kept separately. The dating of the books is somewhere between the third century BC and the first century AD. Their influence has been tremendous on the development of Western occultism and magic. Neo-pagan witchcraft contains many rituals and much esoteric symbolism based upon Hermetic writings. According to one legend Hermes Trismegistus, who was a grandson of Adam and a builder of the Egyptian pyramids, authored the books. But, more probably the books were written by several succeeding persons. According to legend, the books were initially written on papyrus. A chronicler of pagan lore, Clement of Alexandria, stated thirty-six [36] of the Hermetic books contained the entire Egyptian philosophy; four [4] books on astrology; ten [10] books called the Hieratic on law, ten [10] books on sacred rites and observances, two [2] on music, and the rest on writing, cosmography, geography, mathematics and measures and training of priests. Six [6] remaining books concerned medicine and the body discussing diseases, instruments, the eyes and women. Most of the Hermetic books - along with others - were lost during the burning of the royal libraries in Alexandria. The surviving books were secretly buried in the desert where they are presently located. A few initiates of the mystery schools, ancient secret cults, allegedly know their location. What remains of the surviving Hermetic lore has been passed down through generation and published in many languages. Most important of all are three works.  The most important and oldest is The Divine Pynander. It consists on 17 fragments all in one work. Within these fragments are many of the Hermetic concepts, including the was divine wisdom and the secrets of the universe were revealed to Hermes and the way in which Hermes established his ministry to spread this wisdom throughout the world. The Divine Pynander apparently was revised during the first centuries AD but lost none of its meaning due to incorrect translations.  Poimmandres or The Vision is the second book of The Divine Pynander and perhaps the most famous. It relates Hermes' mystical vision, cosmogony, and the secret sciences of the Egyptians as to culture and the spiritual development of the soul.  The third work - Hermes Trismegistus is the wisdom of the Hermetica - the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. It's all about alchemy, time and consciousness


Alester Crowley was also interested in the Emerald Tablets and also wrote a book.

Here is the Emerald Tablet

Here is the Emerald Tablets

One Wire Phenomenon said:
FancyMancy said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If not then i leave it there and wont post ever again about it.
I have not read them what you mentioned, but if THOTH is/was vibrated to begin the process of opening our Third Eye, and Thoth wrote "the secrets of the Universe" in a book and "is cursed" for that, then... Maybe I am wrong, but that's just my take on it.
I wonder then why would they say Egyptian Mythology says it? Thoth won't give knowledge to humans then curse them with it as you said.Thats sounds like a jews work you are right.
My guess is that "because" Ancient Egypt is the oldest civilisation - except that (if I am not mistaken) it isn't quite, but most people think it is. Only few people know a bit about older civilisations, such as the Sumerians (if I am not mistaken that the Sumerians are older than the Egyptians). It's like Egypt has been so corrupted, that anything can be put in there about it now; any research into older civilisations will reveal too much truth, so Egypt is something to focus on and with more attention on it and more references to it, then the less references and attention will be to/on Sumeria, etc., I would think.

You see, I'm only speculating. Please don't take what I am saying as definite.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
The Egyptian historian Manetho said that Thoth wrote 36,525 books.
So this either gives credence to Thoth actually writing those books, or is a complete corruption. Why? Simply look at the number of Books Thoth was said to have written. 36525. How many days are in a non-leap-day year? 365.25. Search on this forum for "Sumerians" and see posts about dates, which seem to correspond around 365.25 days.

THOTH hid his books all over the world for US to find it

"Thoth was said to have succeeded in understanding the mysteries of the heavens and to have revealed them by inscribing them in sacred books which he then hid here on Earth, intending that they should be searched for by future generations but found by those of the bloodline."
I think the great Library of Alexandria was built, preserved and updated with information and knowledge by people who lived there and who travelled there from other parts of the World. Since it has been destroyed, I think that this "secret knowledge was scattered, and we must find it" is allegorical; Thoth would not be a dick like that. He'd help us to understand things, not sitting on a cloud, with a stern look on His face watching us struggle to find seriously important things. The allegory, along with vibrating THOTH as I said above, is part of a story which is used to understand a concept, that we must work on ourselves; once we open, unblock and empower our Third Eye, and continue working properly, then we're "finding" knowledge of all sorts. If I am incorrect in saying (or saying I think) it is allegorical rather than literal, then OK, but I think it is just a parable, and since we're not "allowed" to be Spiritual beings, it is merely physical information books about stuff, so unimportant really, and we can get back on with our materialistic lives instead.

Well, we know - numerology! Not to mention - if Humanity goes back many tens, or hundreds, of thousands of years, then obviously and of course these books would not have been authoured within the jew's preferred and demanded 6000 year time plan.

According to legend, the books were initially written on papyrus.
Because the Ancients were so primitive and couldn't possibly have built the Antikythera mechanism, the pyramids, etc.

I'm thinking - going on the vein that it's an allegory which has then been corrupted - that the jew is using this and needs this to remove christianity and hope to catch as many fish as possible into being atheist; if people reject christianty, some would go to Paganism, but some would be atheists; some who are atheists already may still remain atheist and use the death of christianity as a reason to support being atheist (confirmation bias), but again some might be given the attention of Paganism and join it. Of those who join Paganism, while the JoSM is increasing, there are still many other jewish "pagan" things out there, which many would join; however, with the increase of JoSM, we're becoming a larger 'market share', one might say.
lodoshurricane said:
ForVery said:
According to one legend Hermes Trismegistus, who was a grandson of Adam...
Adam? Adam is fictive...

how so. I read that the first real human being created by the Satan in the city/garden of Eden was Adam?
''Adamu'', no biblic Adam...Adam was corrupted from sumerian Adamu
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Wow guys look at this.
The book of Thoth was never found but as i can understand they found some of his books :? and were kept in the library of Alexandria

thanks for you posts
Are you still reading the Emerald tablets?

Satanama <3
Queen of the Stars said:
thanks for you posts
Are you still reading the Emerald tablets?

Satanama <3

The person you are replying to has been banned because it's an infiltrator and a self-admitted jew. Click on his profile and look at his last posts where he has admitted that he's a jew.
Queen of the Stars said:
thanks for you posts
Are you still reading the Emerald tablets?

Satanama <3

I want to clarify also that the "Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean" the infiltrator was referring to is a New Age bullshit "channeled text" that Michael Doreal supposedly channeled and translated from the "Atlantean" language and wrote in his book of the same name. It's totally fake New Age BS, which is not a surprise because OWP is a New Ager and has been known to post New Age BS over and over through different accounts.

However, there's an authentic hermetic text called Tabula Smaragdina or Emerald Tablet (singular, not plural), which is Authentic Hermetic Philosophy and was very influential among alchemists and others. There are many translations and versions of it.

This Reddit post explains the difference between the two:

Queen of the Stars said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Wow guys look at this.
The book of Thoth was never found but as i can understand they found some of his books :? and were kept in the library of Alexandria

thanks for you posts
Are you still reading the Emerald tablets?

Satanama <3

O and this to add on to what i said previously see if you can see if they are jews or atleast my aunt mothers sister.

My mothers sister married a rich farmer on the border of Zimbabwe who coincidentally does business with Israel and or Israeli jew to do with what they are planting or seeds and stuff.

He has two beautiful blonde haired daughters and one son. The oldest daughter working in Zambia now. The Younger one who was into me lost interest when she found out i was a Satanist and an anti jew. And the son who had special military training and has an anti poaching business.My Father is close friends with them and some of our antiques are in their museum from the "groort trek" so we are not jews. Really we are not.

Blame it on you said:

>lurks here reading every post about him
>proves my point by posting a New Age propaganda link about the fake and gay "channeled" "Emerald Tablets" in signature
>doxes himself to prove he's not a jew

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why can't we have a normal discussion about worthy subjects like this one without some of these creatures that infest this forum polluting it with utter bullshit. The one you know as Thoth was the most important figure in the human origin story and chose to share a lot of knowledge with us and gave us the chance to be like him, wise and powerful because he loves us, his creation. Emerald tablet or no emerald tablet (I believe there was one, sort of like a tablet computer of today holding a huge library of various subjects but it is now lost or destroyed) we can still have that information without digging in the sahara or online if we just asked nicely. Ninngishzzida, great one, please have patience with your children. We are a disgrace to your legacy but we're slowly getting there. May those who spread lies about you have their breath taken from them.

Someone mentioned this:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
