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Book Burning


New member
Apr 14, 2004
A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!

<td val[/IMG]Yes that was me and I not only took great joy in burning xtian books but also any other kike pagan ones too like wicca golden dawn and even reverse xtian books too.It was a big fire from years of being decieved. I g l a d l y b u r n e d m o r e t h e n h a l f m y l i b r a r y .

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Celina <lovingbelial@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Book Burning
Sent: Thu, May 3, 2012 5:11:07 PM

<td val[/IMG]   A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!


yes if you live in a city you can only do so much.
unless you or a person you know is willing to let you use a fireplace then you may have to take a rain check on that.
if you got that then that may very well be the one way you can do it.
for something like that to burn id say you may or may not need gasoline or flammable liquid.
From: Celina <lovingbelial@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2012 10:11 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Book Burning

  A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!


I burned all those shits in my house when I dedicated(and they were my families) "no i dont know what the fux your talking about!!" teehee twas fun
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Celina" <lovingbelial@... wrote:

A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!

You could try to locate the nearest nature trail and find an abandon area or place where nobody is currently present
Or find a really huge park and sneak in after hours
Marymoor park in Redmond Washington where I live is HUGE it got dog parks, playgrounds, and practically a forest within it (well kind of a forest.  Just trust me when I say it's big.).

Sent from my iPhone
On May 4, 2012, at 11:12 AM, Hot Guy <hotstudman95@... wrote:
  yes if you live in a city you can only do so much.
unless you or a person you know is willing to let you use a fireplace then you may have to take a rain check on that.
if you got that then that may very well be the one way you can do it.
for something like that to burn id say you may or may not need gasoline or flammable liquid.
From: Celina <lovingbelial@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2012 10:11 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Book Burning

  A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!

I burned quran and other stupid stuffs one month ago :)
Hail Satan !

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 6:00 PM, <hotstudman95@... wrote:
  You could try to locate the nearest nature trail and find an abandon area or place where nobody is currently present
Or find a really huge park and sneak in after hours
Marymoor park in Redmond Washington where I live is HUGE it got dog parks, playgrounds, and practically a forest within it (well kind of a forest.  Just trust me when I say it's big.).

Sent from my iPhone
On May 4, 2012, at 11:12 AM, Hot Guy <hotstudman95@... wrote:

  yes if you live in a city you can only do so much.
unless you or a person you know is willing to let you use a fireplace then you may have to take a rain check on that.
if you got that then that may very well be the one way you can do it.
for something like that to burn id say you may or may not need gasoline or flammable liquid.
From: Celina <lovingbelial@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2012 10:11 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Book Burning

  A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!



Ahmedi Münir Önen
Bu elektronik posta ve onunla iletilen bütün dosyalar sadece göndericisi tarafindan almasi amaclanan yetkili gercek ya da tüzel kisinin kullanimi icindir. Eger söz konusu yetkili alici degilseniz bu elektronik postanin icerigini aciklamaniz, kopyalamaniz, yönlendirmeniz ve kullanmaniz kesinlikle yasaktir ve bu elektronik postayi derhal silmeniz gerekmektedir. Khemennu.com ve mailin göndereni bu mesajin icerdigi bilgilerin doğruluğu veya eksiksiz oldugu konusunda herhangi bir garanti vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bu bilgilerin ne sekilde olursa olsun iceriginden, iletilmesinden, alinmasindan ve saklanmasindan sorumlu degildir. Bu mesajdaki görüsler yalnizca gönderen kisiye aittir ve Khemennu.com'un görüşlerini yansitmayabilir.

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination, forwarding, copying or use of any of the information is strictly prohibited, and the e-mail should immediately be deleted. Khemennu.com and this mail's sender makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in this message and hereby excludes any liability of any kind for the information contained therein or for the information transmission, reception, storage or use of such in any way whatsoever. The opinions expressed in this message belong to sender alone and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Khemennu.com.
<td val[/IMG]Felt good didn't it it did for me

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Ahmedi Munir <munir.onen@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Book Burning
Sent: Sun, May 6, 2012 11:06:04 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I burned quran and other stupid stuffs one month ago :)
Hail Satan !

On Sat, [/IMG]hotstudman95@... wrote:
  You could try to locate the nearest nature trail and find an abandon area or place where nobody is currently present
Or find a really huge park and sneak in after hours
Marymoor park in Redmond Washington where I live is HUGE it got dog parks, playgrounds, and practically a forest within it (well kind of a forest.  Just trust me when I say it's big.).

Sent from my iPhone
On [/IMG]hotstudman95@... wrote:

  yes if you live in a city you can only do so much.
unless you or a person you know is willing to let you use a fireplace then you may have to take a rain check on that.
if you got that then that may very well be the one way you can do it.
for something like that to burn id say you may or may not need gasoline or flammable liquid.
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2012 10:11 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Book Burning

  A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!




Ahmedi Münir Önen
Bu elektronik posta ve onunla iletilen bütün dosyalar sadece göndericisi tarafindan almasi amaclanan yetkili gercek ya da tüzel kisinin kullanimi icindir. Eger söz konusu yetkili alici degilseniz bu elektronik postanin icerigini aciklamaniz, kopyalamaniz, yönlendirmeniz ve kullanmaniz kesinlikle yasaktir ve bu elektronik postayi derhal silmeniz gerekmektedir. Khemennu.com ve mailin göndereni bu mesajin icerdigi bilgilerin doğruluğu veya eksiksiz oldugu konusunda herhangi bir garanti vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bu bilgilerin ne sekilde olursa olsun iceriginden, iletilmesinden, alinmasindan ve saklanmasindan sorumlu degildir. Bu mesajdaki görüsler yalnizca gönderen kisiye aittir ve Khemennu.com'un görüşlerini yansitmayabilir.

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination, forwarding, copying or use of any of the information is strictly prohibited, and the e-mail should immediately be deleted. Khemennu.com and this mail's sender makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in this message and hereby excludes any liability of any kind for the information contained therein or for the information transmission, reception, storage or use of such in any way whatsoever. The opinions expressed in this message belong to sender alone and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Khemennu.com.
Lol...Yep, it was you, Brian, I was talking about. You know I don't know why I didn't think to burn the magic books, too. I was just going to throw them in the trash. Now that you put a different light on it for me, I'm definitely adding them to the burn pile.

No book disgusts me more than that damn buybull so I was pretty much focused on that as far as the burning goes.

Thanks to everyone else that made suggestions. Kinda wish it was fall right now; lots of bon fires going on. Oh well, I'm sure the opportunity will present itself soon enough.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Celina" <lovingbelial@... wrote:

A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!

<td val[/IMG]Yes we have been decieved by a lot of so called pagan and magic books too.So why put them in another Gentiles hands is my reasoning.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Celina <lovingbelial@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Book Burning
Sent: Mon, May 7, 2012 2:28:02 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Lol...Yep, it was you, Brian, I was talking about. You know I don't know why I didn't think to burn the magic books, too. I was just going to throw them in the trash. Now that you put a different light on it for me, I'm definitely adding them to the burn pile.

No book disgusts me more than that damn buybull so I was pretty much focused on that as far as the burning goes.

Thanks to everyone else that made suggestions. Kinda wish it was fall right now; lots of bon fires going on. Oh well, I'm sure the opportunity will present itself soon enough.


--- [/IMG][email protected], "Celina" <lovingbelial@... wrote:

A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!

Exactly, Brian


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Celina" <lovingbelial@... wrote:

Lol...Yep, it was you, Brian, I was talking about. You know I don't know why I didn't think to burn the magic books, too. I was just going to throw them in the trash. Now that you put a different light on it for me, I'm definitely adding them to the burn pile.

No book disgusts me more than that damn buybull so I was pretty much focused on that as far as the burning goes.

Thanks to everyone else that made suggestions. Kinda wish it was fall right now; lots of bon fires going on. Oh well, I'm sure the opportunity will present itself soon enough.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Celina" <lovingbelial@ wrote:

A few days ago I was going through my stuff and getting rid of things I don't need or use anymore. I came across about 5 or 6 buybulls from my past that either I used or belonged to a family member who is now deceased.

I put them in a pile I now call "the burn pile". Unfortunately, I live within city limits so I can't just start a bon fire in my backyard but I'll be looking for any opportunity to have a special bon fire.

I started thinking about one of our members that mentioned they had a book burning of a pile of buybulls and how wonderful it felt. (I won't mention your name unless you post a response)

Anyway, eagerly awaiting my book burning!!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
