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Azazel's Ethics: Now Live

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings everyone in the SS family,

Below you will find the links for the Ethics section update for Azazel. Writing them has been a pleasure and a holy task. I do hope you find them enlightening and helpful in your journey to success and your spirituality.


The Ethics Section: Satanic Ethics

I. The Present
II. Pursuit of Knowledge
III. Honesty & Integrity
IV. Loyalty & Fidelity
V. Friendship
VI. Temperance
VII. World Improvement
VIII. Harmony
IX. Know Thyself

Since there will be an active RTR/Ritual schedule in the upcoming days, it would be advisable for everyone to do Azazel's Ritual:

May Lord Azazel be blessed in all eternity for this. May his light illumine our paths. Be blessed everyone!

[PS: Astarte's Virtues will arrive soon as well, completing the section.]
Thanks, looking forward to Astarte's.

They will be impressive and are extremely important. Hope you enjoy these and all of them when they arrive.
They will be impressive and are extremely important. Hope you enjoy these and all of them when they arrive.
Is it because Astarte represents the infinite cosmos the Athena Mind (Expanded head i.e. Bulbous head). And she represents not just the Queen of Heaven. But the unconquerable infinite and unlimited cosmos that the male mind controls for individuality.

In other words the male mind or masculine side is given permission to be controlling of these forces of nature to allow dictation of ones life.

"I allow each and everyone dictates of their own nature. But he that opposes me will surely regret it".

In simplest terms Athena on a basic primitive gross level represents the infinite and unlimited possibilities of magick and manipulation of reality. Along with the micro(self, internal) and external(people, universe, others, reality). And thus since the female Universe can never be conquered the male mind will harness this creative forces giving each one a "dictate of their own nature".

In simplest terms if Satan possessed the female mind he can do anything and everything particularly "unlimited" capability. Wave his hand and conquer the Universe.

But the Athena mind and the femininity of nature is untouchable even to the highest or most high himself. As the direct control but rather the indirect harnessing whereby the logical mind is simply a small computer albeit powerful using a samadhi superconscious to be dictated but can never be fully grasped.

In simplest terms even Satan himself cannot grasp the Universe in even a thought of his own. As that would violate the rules and regulations of nature and it's paramount laws of you can't or can't have one or more control everything at mere fingertips.

I probably overcomplicated TL;DR: Astarte's representation of Universal concepts is a concept that we all have limits and masculinity is rare in the Universe i.e. the logic of 99% of space is space but 1% is the constructs of the Universe celestial objects and celestial people i.e. the RATS or STARS of the considered races and civilizations of reality.

HP.Cobra is that something that sounds logical? Please excuse my crazy theory just something I've recalled from other members and various thoughts on the subject.

Athena the infinite and unlimited mind that is nature and her capacity to be grasped by logic through a limited system to give permission to others to exercise their own micro and macro cosmic realities.

Athena = Ultimate nature while Satan represents Ultimate logic who harnesses it but can never even the utmost high control the entirety of the Universe

In simplest terms, there are many Gods and Godesses and other beings of various nature who harness these quantum forces of both genders or combinations including even rape or incest and even the hermaphroditazion of it and create using the Athena the harnessable nature for betterment and improvement.

Even these entities are unable to grasp the Universe so as not to violate the law of the Universe.

LotU: Every entity has permission to harness the capacity of the Soul and the forces of nature to dictate reality for good, ill, or neutrality.

Nature provides man seeks power but this power is infinitely increasing but never unlimited even Satan himself has limits and this isn't disrespectful. If anything the enemies and God commands all but can't even command his chosen to shit, piss, and vomit near their settlements for hygienic reasons requires a flamethrower from a saucer to shut them up.

Our Gods have limits, extraordinary high, but non the less even the most high, Satan, doesn't posses the Universe.
This is exciting news! I love these rituals as they give me this amazing and wholesome feeling of connecting to our Gods and feeling their presence. It truly is a blessing to have them and I thank you for your work.

I will take this opportunity to revisit Azazel and Astarte (Astaroth's) pages and get myself as ready as possible.

One question for you - what do these rituals do exactly? Thank you HP for your outstanding guidance and support.

One question for you - what do these rituals do exactly? Thank you HP for your outstanding guidance and support.

1. They glorify the Gods
2. They connect you to the Gods, empowering bonds between people and the Gods
3. They unlock parts inside you so that you connect to the Gods
4. The above also comes at your own direct benefit, opening your powers up
5. They tune your mind to specific good concepts so that you accelerate your advancement
6. They project positive energy to the world and in your life
7. Each ritual has it's own specific use Valefor's for healing, assisting for personal workings.
8. They teach you about the Gods, knowledge is contained inside them
9. They bless the whole of the Joy of Satan and each of the brothers and sisters in the Gods alongside one's self
10. They assist in more specific ways that I would not mention here, which are all for higher levels of workings one would need to do later in their path, where they will know about these from the Gods themselves.
I woke up earlier today to these excellent news, and I'm now quite hyped up for the next schedule. Thank you HPHC ❤️
1. They glorify the Gods
2. They connect you to the Gods, empowering bonds between people and the Gods
3. They unlock parts inside you so that you connect to the Gods
4. The above also comes at your own direct benefit, opening your powers up
5. They tune your mind to specific good concepts so that you accelerate your advancement
6. They project positive energy to the world and in your life
7. Each ritual has it's own specific use Valefor's for healing, assisting for personal workings.
8. They teach you about the Gods, knowledge is contained inside them
9. They bless the whole of the Joy of Satan and each of the brothers and sisters in the Gods alongside one's self
10. They assist in more specific ways that I would not mention here, which are all for higher levels of workings one would need to do later in their path, where they will know about these from the Gods themselves.

I love that #1 is 'glorify the Gods', that being the most important aspect to all of us no doubt as we wouldn't have the other 9 things if it weren't for the Gods.

I see now why I feel like superman after the rituals; as though I'm more grounded, balanced and happy... things just flow so much better and I always feel amazing. I also love this condition that our workings in these rituals empower other Satanists too; as though the energies pool together and synergize.

What a beautiful thing! Thank you for your highly eloquent and detailed response. It has made me feel even more inspired and enthused! 🔥
I teared up when reading V. Friendship
Thank you for this beautiful work.

Hail Azazel!
Thank you, HP! This section is amazing, enlightening and touching. I was deeply moved as I read "Friendship" and "Know Thyself". So much to think about and learn from...
Greetings everyone in the SS family,

Below you will find the links for the Ethics section update for Azazel. Writing them has been a pleasure and a holy task. I do hope you find them enlightening and helpful in your journey to success and your spirituality.

View attachment 807

The Ethics Section: Satanic Ethics

I. The Present
II. Pursuit of Knowledge
III. Honesty & Integrity
IV. Loyalty & Fidelity
V. Friendship
VI. Temperance
VII. World Improvement
VIII. Harmony
IX. Know Thyself

Since there will be an active RTR/Ritual schedule in the upcoming days, it would be advisable for everyone to do Azazel's Ritual:

May Lord Azazel be blessed in all eternity for this. May his light illumine our paths. Be blessed everyone!

[PS: Astarte's Virtues will arrive soon as well, completing the section.]
Thank you Master Cobra!!! Amazing!!!
How often? Are you supposed to do the god rituals threw out the day? And how often? Are you supposed to do the final RTRs there are so many of them.
Greetings everyone in the SS family,

Below you will find the links for the Ethics section update for Azazel. Writing them has been a pleasure and a holy task. I do hope you find them enlightening and helpful in your journey to success and your spirituality.

View attachment 807

The Ethics Section: Satanic Ethics

I. The Present
II. Pursuit of Knowledge
III. Honesty & Integrity
IV. Loyalty & Fidelity
V. Friendship
VI. Temperance
VII. World Improvement
VIII. Harmony
IX. Know Thyself

Since there will be an active RTR/Ritual schedule in the upcoming days, it would be advisable for everyone to do Azazel's Ritual:

May Lord Azazel be blessed in all eternity for this. May his light illumine our paths. Be blessed everyone!

[PS: Astarte's Virtues will arrive soon as well, completing the section.]
I appreciate these virtues, infact I know how silence from one of the virtues of Satan (wisdom) is my top watch.
So today unlike anyother time, as I read the prayers under and looked at the sigil, I felt the weight in my 6th chakra and 3rd eye. Like the prayers are some kind of meditation, HP, what are you doing us, feels 😊 good.😂😂
I cant live in the present. I think more about the past and future. What should I do to live in the moment?

Sit there, and meditate on the present.

I appreciate these virtues, infact I know how silence from one of the virtues of Satan (wisdom) is my top watch.
So today unlike anyother time, as I read the prayers under and looked at the sigil, I felt the weight in my 6th chakra and 3rd eye. Like the prayers are some kind of meditation, HP, what are you doing us, feels 😊 good.😂😂

I am just doing my work as a High Priest to bring you close to yourself and the Gods. Enjoy the process and may the Gods be with you always.

I have read the ethics of Lord Azazel and did his ritual today. I think that is what HP was thinking of.

Thank you, just once will suffice I believe. It's a token of honor for Azazel.

The more I meditate, I feel wonder how beautiful our God's ethics discussions. Also amazing our Joy of Satan community.

May our Earth become the same golden age of our ancient civilization and Gods.
I will review again after completing the virtues reading.
Hail Satan

Thank you, feedback is very important, hope you enjoy.

Thank you for your hard work and for all these writings which are gold and allow us to better understand and grow.

I was looking forward to the Ethics of our Queen Astarte and our Lord Azazel!

I am working for more than a year on these directly and years in clearing it out. It's the work of a lifetime. I am very glad these are of help to you Sister.

Thank you vwry much
Once i tried satans and baalzebuls virtues and they made very positive changes in me. But it wasnt permanent. Should i do 40 day working or how can i work on them???

One does not become virtuous just by seeing these. You do not instantly become a Sun just by looking at it. Work and creation of character is required; these just give you a compass and incentive.

Thank you, HP! This section is amazing, enlightening and touching. I was deeply moved as I read "Friendship" and "Know Thyself". So much to think about and learn from...
I teared up when reading V. Friendship
Thank you for this beautiful work.

Hail Azazel!

I know...It's impressive indeed.


I see now why I feel like superman after the rituals; as though I'm more grounded, balanced and happy... things just flow so much better and I always feel amazing. I also love this condition that our workings in these rituals empower other Satanists too; as though the energies pool together and synergize.

What a beautiful thing! Thank you for your highly eloquent and detailed response. It has made me feel even more inspired and enthused! 🔥

It's the Gods showing the path, we walk. One must not deceive themselves because they saw the sun that they are the sun, but one must work, be inspired to work, diligently with one's self to become like them.
Simply beautiful, reading each word i couldnt stop saying "Azazel you its so cool!!" or things alike, this was by far my favorite since now, since the start of this new section i wanted to read the one of friendship and my instinct was not wrong, it was a beautiful story.

Thank you so much for this HPHC from the bottom of my heart i wish to learn how to be a good friend.
It's the Gods showing the path, we walk. One must not deceive themselves because they saw the sun that they are the sun, but one must work, be inspired to work, diligently with one's self to become like them.
Thank you for clarifying that for me. Of course I would never depend too much on these rituals. I understand more clearly now that the more we develop spiritually, the better our connections to the Gods and these powers are too and thus in turn the God Rituals. These positive feelings to me can be quite short-lived and I agree with you that they are not something to depend on solely. Consistency in self-work! That's the only way here and it's one I aim to master; namely the 8-fold path and balancing all those aspects in my daily life.

I'm such a perfectionist that I sometimes burn myself out thinking about doing things instead of doing them. I just need to allow myself to make mistakes instead of having this internal fear of facing failure in my path to development. Though these things may on the surface appear bad, I suppose they can be also a force of great good.

Everything in my physical life is centred on achieving the best long-term results with the least amount of error, hiccups and friction; hence why I tend to structure things so routinely that it becomes a perfect system for me while constantly finding ways to make it as efficient as possible.

Meditation on the other hand seems to focus less on efficiency and more on growth and learning. Thanks for reminding me of this HPHC!
Thank you very much.

This morning after RTR I read all 9 virtues and lost track of time. Total catharsis, unbelievable.

When I read the last virtue to know myself. Then I meditated on the symbol of Lord Azazel.
Suddenly, the seal of Lord Azazel ran like two arrows in two directions out of a line in the centre.
And I understood that wherever we go in life, whatever we do, we are always ourselves.


Azazel virtues rang some truth with me and it reminds me of a couple rules that me and my husband have.

Just like Azazel we go by these rules
The last one is most important

1. Honesty & integrity
3. Friendship
4. Don't be sorry be better

(( The last one is from the god of war Ragnarok and I am a game nerd))
Greetings everyone in the SS family,

Below you will find the links for the Ethics section update for Azazel. Writing them has been a pleasure and a holy task. I do hope you find them enlightening and helpful in your journey to success and your spirituality.

View attachment 807

The Ethics Section: Satanic Ethics

I. The Present
II. Pursuit of Knowledge
III. Honesty & Integrity
IV. Loyalty & Fidelity
V. Friendship
VI. Temperance
VII. World Improvement
VIII. Harmony
IX. Know Thyself

Since there will be an active RTR/Ritual schedule in the upcoming days, it would be advisable for everyone to do Azazel's Ritual:

May Lord Azazel be blessed in all eternity for this. May his light illumine our paths. Be blessed everyone!

[PS: Astarte's Virtues will arrive soon as well, completing the section.]
It's very beautiful, thank you.
Greetings everyone in the SS family,

Below you will find the links for the Ethics section update for Azazel. Writing them has been a pleasure and a holy task. I do hope you find them enlightening and helpful in your journey to success and your spirituality.

View attachment 807

The Ethics Section: Satanic Ethics

I. The Present
II. Pursuit of Knowledge
III. Honesty & Integrity
IV. Loyalty & Fidelity
V. Friendship
VI. Temperance
VII. World Improvement
VIII. Harmony
IX. Know Thyself

Since there will be an active RTR/Ritual schedule in the upcoming days, it would be advisable for everyone to do Azazel's Ritual:

May Lord Azazel be blessed in all eternity for this. May his light illumine our paths. Be blessed everyone!

[PS: Astarte's Virtues will arrive soon as well, completing the section.]
I did the Azazel Power Ritual and felt an increase in positive energies in myself, as well as a lot of positive emotions, but at the same time a sense of calm, which I really missed lately, the ritual is very powerful :)
Greetings everyone in the SS family,

Below you will find the links for the Ethics section update for Azazel. Writing them has been a pleasure and a holy task. I do hope you find them enlightening and helpful in your journey to success and your spirituality.

View attachment 807

The Ethics Section: Satanic Ethics

I. The Present
II. Pursuit of Knowledge
III. Honesty & Integrity
IV. Loyalty & Fidelity
V. Friendship
VI. Temperance
VII. World Improvement
VIII. Harmony
IX. Know Thyself

Since there will be an active RTR/Ritual schedule in the upcoming days, it would be advisable for everyone to do Azazel's Ritual:

May Lord Azazel be blessed in all eternity for this. May his light illumine our paths. Be blessed everyone!

[PS: Astarte's Virtues will arrive soon as well, completing the section.]
I read all the prayers of Lord Azazel before meditation last night. And now I have a wonderful feeling and I have a powerful and free spirit.
It felt wonderful.

In the first months of my dedication, everything was going badly for me. Life was difficult and bad for me.

I focused on the seal and after a few seconds a presence enveloped me with its wings. It was as if he was trying to protect me from the evils of life. It was very warm and sincere.

He has always been a god close to people. His ritual is very powerful.

Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!
I find out this:


I think it's not a coincidence.
Also in italian it works.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
