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Astrology And Divination Series: On Astrology

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In regards to astrology, as with any other occult science, it has to be an occult science in order for it to work appropriately, and for one to learn it, one has to invest wisdom.

The limits of astrology are the limits of a wisdom of a person, as the astrology map or chart, and all the data presented therein, are no different than a scientist or a doctor looking at an x-ray, only far more complex an an x-ray. One could parallel this with the stock market, and looking at the screen of a stock market. It is a maze unless you know what to look for.

In the same way every kid who has read one book on astrology, or one book in the stock market, considers themselves now proficient, or in how a person who has read one book about health, becomes (it was real in their mind) a doctor, likewise one becomes a proficient Astrologer just by knowing about astrology, or reading a lot of books about the subject.

Were the above true in any craft, that solely by reading about it, one would become skilled or even talented, or proficient, one would read a book about investing and would then become Warren Buffet. But this is not the case, and why this is not the case is that a transfer of knowledge does not compensate for a transfer of experience or the transfer of a soul.

As to not lie, while everyone can in theory learn a craft, not everyone in theory can be talented or insightful into a specific craft. This is sort of how some people touch a musical instrument and they become extremely proficient at it, almost as if without any effort was put into it, or because they are proficient with music for many lifetimes, while others struggle for months on the basics.

Theoretically speaking, anyone can advance in a craft, but the time invested to do such and if talent exists in the first place is a very important and determining factor. Talent is a vocation that has been on the soul for a while, and many people consider it merely "Grace", but it is not. Talented people in many cases have had gifts ingrained into their soul for numerous lifetimes and worked copiously to achieve them.

As with anything else the jews have touched, so is Astrology, and therefore, we have an infinite of books on the subject, as we have on everything else occult, filled with disinformation and causing perpetual ignorance through misinformation. People read these things and they consider themselves proficient, but proficiency is not knowing a lot of things about a subject, but the experience one has about a subject.

For those who want to become astrologers or delve in depth into this, just merely reading about astrology is not going to do you a lot of good, as with the amount of crazy information and endless spiels a lot of people have generated only to create big revenue (some books on advanced astrology are like advanced academia and cost hundreds to say in particular nothing). That being stated you need to invest your time in reading, regardless.

You need in plain words to also meditate and understand the truth about the energies directly, and also only with experience will you start crystallizing what is correct. It may take a very long time, but if one is drawn to a calling, it's good to do. Astrology is not the only form of divination - Tarot, Palmistry, Pendulum work, and other forms of divination such as through animals or familiars is also a way to divinate, and if mastered, can give someone extremely potent results.

Every chart I do is a prolonged magickal session or meditation, and depending on the situation can be extremely energetically taxing. In the same way people in the East look at a Mandala and they get into another dimension of thought in order to examine or relate to this, similar is what the highest level of astrology is. It is not idle data reading like a robot. One can only see that far this way.

The above is not some sort of joke, and it is not to be profaned by the unholy and the stupid, either, as astrology is a divine craft. In the same way mathematicians on very advanced problems have very advanced procedures and methods that are incoherent to starters, but needlessly need to be respected, so is the case with advanced divination.

If one wants to only read data, then a robot can do the exact same procedure, as is the case of many astrology bots that are created by "famous" astrologers who tell nothing to their clients, or automatic generators. Due to the obvious lack of conduct in the above, what happens is that astrology loses credibility, to the point it has now become for the popular public a joke, or a useless practice.

Top astrologers in Israel or elsewhere, also the top Rabbis or Mekubals, sometimes book people to do their readings very few once a year, and they have indepth knowledge of this craft, which the mass doesn't even know or understand. Prices for these begin from 800 to 1000, to sometimes as much as 10,000 or 30,000 dollars, and this is actually the normal price for said procedures, as very few people can even do these things. Jews may be stingy but they realize that these things are necessities. They also prescribe people what necessities they need to do in order to fix their karmic procedures or avert upcoming dangers. Most politicians have quite a few astrologers behind them, but this is done in big secrecy and never disclosed.

These services are typically only from top jews to top jews, and they have every reason to do this. This is because to do actual astrology past a level, is divine craft, and it is undeniably accurate and an extremely powerful tool. As such all the advisors of the Pharaohs were first astrologers, a vocation higher than doctors or physicians.

Exclusively therefore, there are strong and damning curses for astrologers and for people who engage into this, as basically, this also proves that on top of anything else "God" does not exist, and that this system can predict the "Ways of God", ie, flows of nature. In the same way a physician can predict the death of someone with a high degree of certainty, or total certainty in some cases, can likewise astrologers or divinators know about future events.

Rudolf Hess was an astrologer for Hitler to name one example. Before Rudolf Hess would be arrested and incarcerated in Britain, he knew this would be the case, and so did Hitler, but in his intense need to avert the war in Europe which would cost the lives of tens of millions of White people, he played against the planets at a 1 to 100 chance.

He knew that the odds were against this but he decided to ignore Hitler's orders which were to not go, and he went regardless, due to wanting to avert the disasters that would later fall upon Europe. He sacrificed nobly, but he lost. This cost him his permanent incarceration in Britain until his final assassination, after long wasting decades.

What I also always found interesting is that people may always scorn Satan, but they always come crawling and begging for his knowledge, favors, and vested wisdom, which they want to make profit or learn from, but they are too egoistical to accept any form of compromise in the form of time, waiting, or doing the actual dedication, or advancing.

One wants a quick push into eternity, but doesn't want to wait a month, or win Mister Olympia without going into the gym for one day, and this is a very wrong and disrespectful way of thinking.

The next post on this series will be about divination and looking into the future.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Okay, second attempt in posting this x)

I'm glad you decided to write on this matter as a lot of people do not seem to fully grasp the amount of work and importance that lies behind the astrology services you offer.
If you remember my first order with you then you'll know I was like that, too.
Modern-day consumerism conditioned people to want everything right now or as soon as possible, even if it is at the decline of the qualities of said services. It gets to a point where I'm thinking people genuinely would desire a quickly delivered, robotically done reading as opposed to an in-depth and actually useful one, which of course is very foolish.

As you've said before, the information in your readings would take most people lifetimes to figure out, and yet most of them see it as "painful" to wait a couple months for delivery.
Yeah it's really "painful" to wait a few months to get one of the highest-quality readings availabe, that you barely had to pay anything for considering how valuable the information is.
Thank you for writing on this. This is why I'm often behind on my estimates to clients. Some charts leave me a bit fried and I can't start the next immediately after. I need to get myself back to normal first, also to ensure each chart gets my full attention and ability.

In regards to what Shael said, a lot of SS do understand and are very patient, for which I am very grateful for. But yes, it is very little money compared to what other astrologers who use computer generated info charge. Especially as I am always open for follow-up conversations regarding advice on workings to do. A few people have thrown hissy-fits waiting for their orders, not understanding that previous orders come first, and they all take my time and effort to examine and write up. Something that takes a certain amount of time to read, it took much more time to write.... I enjoy doing it though. I love helping my fellow SS like this.

I'm looking forward to your next posts in this series! :D
Lydia said:
Thank you for writing on this. This is why I'm often behind on my estimates to clients. Some charts leave me a bit fried and I can't start the next immediately after. I need to get myself back to normal first, also to ensure each chart gets my full attention and ability.

In regards to what Shael said, a lot of SS do understand and are very patient, for which I am very grateful for. But yes, it is very little money compared to what other astrologers who use computer generated info charge. Especially as I am always open for follow-up conversations regarding advice on workings to do. A few people have thrown hissy-fits waiting for their orders, not understanding that previous orders come first, and they all take my time and effort to examine and write up. Something that takes a certain amount of time to read, it took much more time to write.... I enjoy doing it though. I love helping my fellow SS like this.

I'm looking forward to your next posts in this series! :D

Do not thank me as we share the same struggle, and I can relate to this fully. I know you can relate to it in full.

We and the community should be the one thanking you about your impeccable service, professionalism, and everything you have done to help other SS. I have also ordered from you from another account [ :twisted: ] and you did a thorough and excellent job, it was beautiful.

In the next post I'll write about looking into the future with divination.
Is it bad to be attempting to read my own lunar returns and Solar Returns so far so good I see possible events but nothing ever does happen. I am better at predicting trends and world events than I am at astrology but I am trying to learn it. I think once I get more open I'll be good at this cause already I am somewhat good at seeing where energy is going in workings so in the end I may just be able to get what I want and not even finish some workings if I pull it off right. I did see something really obvious in a lunar return Chart of a family member when something unfortunate happened to them Pluto Conjunct Saturn on the Ascendant with Pluto at 22 degrees almost exact conjunction. So if I had decided to look at that before it happened I might have known (but nothing I could say anyways since they don't believe in Astrology).

I know basically what everything means and what the energy of all planets and signs is like I just need to practice on the Psychic stuff to get better.

I am nowhere near a pro at this but I may want to be someday since it's something I am interested in (and strangely enough yes I have Uranus in the 10th house which might show I am good at or interested in it).
HP Cobra that was a nice post thanks for creating this series. Also could you tell me if its possible for a person to get an accurate chart reading even if they don't know what time they were born?
magickeye9 said:
HP Cobra that was a nice post thanks for creating this series. Also could you tell me if its possible for a person to get an accurate chart reading even if they don't know what time they were born?

It is possible yes, and if you want to make it better, Lydia I think has a service where you can do Birth Time Rectification and find your actual time of birth, if you know at least the day, or have some vague data.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great idea to make this service hp I have also ordered from Lydia and from you and to be honest I was impatient at first and I didn't understand how Lydia and you hp were busy and I asked her to give me priority but I didn't understand how busy she was and didn't know it would take that much time but after I talked to you hp and you telling me how I should be patient made me more patient for the order and I am getting Lydia's order at the beginning of the month which I am very happy about and I know it is worth the wait thank you Lydia and Hp you might not realize how much you are changing lives and helping us tremendously the whole satanic community thank you for the help and father Satan surely recognizes your efforts. :D
I agree with you HP. I have read books of astrologers who have studied astrology for 30 and more years, but many things of their writing are wrong, even basic things sometimes.
I have a question for you. What kind of talent are you talking about? Once one have the right information, as we have, how can you understand when a person is talented or not?
Do people talented in astrology use a 'sixth sense' when they read a chart or what?
And so if a person advances in meditation automatically he/she advances even in astrology? Thank you.
Yes we who don't know astrolgy just don't know what it takes.

Sorry to come across as an ungrateful and needy pest.

I can confirm the information provided is top notch and extremely precise and valuable.

The fact it is done by a spiritually advanced HP makes it invaluable

Thank you ever do much for the effort and energy you put into doing mine.

And any wait is well worth it. As they say good things come to those who wait.
Thank you very much for this sermon and for getting around to doing a series on the subject. Comprehensive and usable knowledge of Astrology is from my experience very hard to come by outside of JoS and a select few (more vague) sources, which simply confirms that Astrology is targeted for removal like any other spiritual knowledge. Sometimes it is difficult for me to figure out how to continue growing in Astrology and how I can expand on my knowledge further, especially in regards to divination, considering that the published books essentially teach nothing.

Also, are there any plans to update and add further information to the Azazel's Astrology section? As comprehensive as it already is, I feel as if some information on divination and predictive Astrology is missing or too vague. Additional information on retrograde planets and what the period means for each planet also seems to be needed.

I'm positive that this will be elaborated on in a future part of this series, but how important is it to know about the many different chart types out there in addition to Natal? Are some of them useless?
As someone who is studying astrology and plans to possibly take this as an actual job in the future i'm looking forward to this series.
Scion of Atlantis said:
Thank you very much for this sermon and for getting around to doing a series on the subject. Comprehensive and usable knowledge of Astrology is from my experience very hard to come by outside of JoS and a select few (more vague) sources, which simply confirms that Astrology is targeted for removal like any other spiritual knowledge. Sometimes it is difficult for me to figure out how to continue growing in Astrology and how I can expand on my knowledge further, especially in regards to divination, considering that the published books essentially teach nothing.

Also, are there any plans to update and add further information to the Azazel's Astrology section? As comprehensive as it already is, I feel as if some information on divination and predictive Astrology is missing or too vague. Additional information on retrograde planets and what the period means for each planet also seems to be needed.

I'm positive that this will be elaborated on in a future part of this series, but how important is it to know about the many different chart types out there in addition to Natal? Are some of them useless?

That would be impossible to do as it would take a book, I plan to elaborate a bit on the methods of divination, it's a bit impossible and requires a whole book to write about Astrology. Maybe will do in the future.
slyscorpion said:
Is it bad to be attempting to read my own lunar returns and Solar Returns so far so good I see possible events but nothing ever does happen. I am better at predicting trends and world events than I am at astrology but I am trying to learn it. I think once I get more open I'll be good at this cause already I am somewhat good at seeing where energy is going in workings so in the end I may just be able to get what I want and not even finish some workings if I pull it off right. I did see something really obvious in a lunar return Chart of a family member when something unfortunate happened to them Pluto Conjunct Saturn on the Ascendant with Pluto at 22 degrees almost exact conjunction. So if I had decided to look at that before it happened I might have known (but nothing I could say anyways since they don't believe in Astrology).

I know basically what everything means and what the energy of all planets and signs is like I just need to practice on the Psychic stuff to get better.

I am nowhere near a pro at this but I may want to be someday since it's something I am interested in (and strangely enough yes I have Uranus in the 10th house which might show I am good at or interested in it).

Solar returns are to be seen and crossed over for reference with your transits and current events to gain any meaning of what these can actually get out. This may take years to understand how it goes. Transits seem to in the largest array of cases impose themselves on a Solar Return, or give it other content.

Placements like the one you have can definitely help, but experience and meditation are first here. Go at your own pace and go after your own self. Uranus 10th is great for all sorts of spiritual work, including also astrology.

If this is done in the wrong mindset, one is wasting their time, such as trying to milk the whole process for no purpose.
Ive learned so much about astrology in the past few years, and I can say that its really helpful and lets you see if either good or bad things are about to happen in your life. I looked into my chart and I can see some good things coming in the future, and its a big relief for me after living in a bad situation for years with no money. I have a bad Saturn placement that causes poverty and I have been using Munka to get rid of bad Saturn influences in my life.
I looked into my chart and I can see venus conjunct with my chart ruler in the future for one of my solar returns, along with other placements that can cause success in some type of career. So im guessing that I can come into a lot of money around that time, and I have been working towards getting a career started for when that solar return happens.
Learning about astrology is awesome and im glad that I took some time to study it. Its been helpful so much these past few years for me.
I somehow feel bad upon this cause I was trying to do astrology like that a little bit. I'm glad that you wrote this post out.
SABNAC50 said:
I somehow feel bad upon this cause I was trying to do astrology like that a little bit. I'm glad that you wrote this post out.

It will be helpful to you. Study.

You have to be familiar with the very basics on it.
what if you dont know your birthday?
I remember highprestes maxim mention a book,that help her greatly and the title was THE ONLY WAY TO LEARN ASTROLOGY, i think this will help me because i am new.
Length said:
what if you dont know your birthday?

This can make things really complex, but anything is within the realm of possibility to find.

If one does not know their birthday, they may need to keep casting charts until one gets a correct one which will represent the person...May take a lot of times...Until they find out which chart seems to resemble them. Other forms of divination can be used to find the time and day, but these require considerable skill, and may still be off.

Not knowing even the day makes things harder, but not necessarily "Impossible". It just takes a lot more effort.
Length said:
what if you dont know your birthday?
Do you have a passport? An ID? Drivers license? It should be written on there.
As for birth time, if this what you meant, Lydia has a service for birth time rectification from what I know, so you can purchase that to roughly figure out your time of birth.
Hello. I am new to Satanism and try to begin to develop. In addition to various meditations, I also want to learn astrology but I do not know how to start. I am afraid that when I start reading books or start to looking information on the internet, I can learn incorrect information that is intended to prevent us from learning. (or just stupidity sucked out of the finger) Can any of you recommend something to me? How did you start?
Ave Satan
The whole reason I started to become obsessed with astrology is because I noticed, in retrospect, how obvious an event in my life that occurred was and how I would have been able to prevent it. There was another event which occurred exactly 11 years apart from the last, right down to the day that was not preventable even though I knew madness was coming. The next day was my birthday on **/**/2019 which is a form of 11 in the sense that they are reflections of one to the other. I also noticed I was in room number 11 when the second event happened. I also live in apartment 11. This is all pointing to something. If there are 22 letters in the torah and the current matrix is a representation of this then what do you think will happen on 2/20/2020?
Astralnaut said:
The whole reason I started to become obsessed with astrology is because I noticed, in retrospect, how obvious an event in my life that occurred was and how I would have been able to prevent it. There was another event which occurred exactly 11 years apart from the last, right down to the day that was not preventable even though I knew madness was coming. The next day was my birthday on **/**/2019 which is a form of 11 in the sense that they are reflections of one to the other. I also noticed I was in room number 11 when the second event happened. I also live in apartment 11. This is all pointing to something. If there are 22 letters in the torah and the current matrix is a representation of this then what do you think will happen on 2/20/2020?

What you are understanding here is that there are correlations between things in one's life, this doesn't have to do with the enemy in particular, but in general on how the universe works.

Not everything has such a deep correlation, but some events may have particular "signs" for someone to see and recognize. Such as in your case the numbers you saw. This doesn't have to do with the enemy but sometimes with other factors.

I think I'll explain more on numerology the second turn on these series. I also removed your B-day as you don't need to have this visible to anyone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Astralnaut said:
The whole reason I started to become obsessed with astrology is because I noticed, in retrospect, how obvious an event in my life that occurred was and how I would have been able to prevent it. There was another event which occurred exactly 11 years apart from the last, right down to the day that was not preventable even though I knew madness was coming. The next day was my birthday on **/**/2019 which is a form of 11 in the sense that they are reflections of one to the other. I also noticed I was in room number 11 when the second event happened. I also live in apartment 11. This is all pointing to something. If there are 22 letters in the torah and the current matrix is a representation of this then what do you think will happen on 2/20/2020?

What you are understanding here is that there are correlations between things in one's life, this doesn't have to do with the enemy in particular, but in general on how the universe works.

Not everything has such a deep correlation, but some events may have particular "signs" for someone to see and recognize. Such as in your case the numbers you saw. This doesn't have to do with the enemy but sometimes with other factors.

I think I'll explain more on numerology the second turn on these series. I also removed your B-day as you don't need to have this visible to anyone.

Thank you
Astralnaut said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Astralnaut said:
The whole reason I started to become obsessed with astrology is because I noticed, in retrospect, how obvious an event in my life that occurred was and how I would have been able to prevent it. There was another event which occurred exactly 11 years apart from the last, right down to the day that was not preventable even though I knew madness was coming. The next day was my birthday on **/**/2019 which is a form of 11 in the sense that they are reflections of one to the other. I also noticed I was in room number 11 when the second event happened. I also live in apartment 11. This is all pointing to something. If there are 22 letters in the torah and the current matrix is a representation of this then what do you think will happen on 2/20/2020?

What you are understanding here is that there are correlations between things in one's life, this doesn't have to do with the enemy in particular, but in general on how the universe works.

Not everything has such a deep correlation, but some events may have particular "signs" for someone to see and recognize. Such as in your case the numbers you saw. This doesn't have to do with the enemy but sometimes with other factors.

I think I'll explain more on numerology the second turn on these series. I also removed your B-day as you don't need to have this visible to anyone.

Thank you

No Thank you.
Astralnaut said:
The whole reason I started to become obsessed with astrology is because I noticed, in retrospect, how obvious an event in my life that occurred was and how I would have been able to prevent it. There was another event which occurred exactly 11 years apart from the last, right down to the day that was not preventable even though I knew madness was coming. The next day was my birthday on **/**/2019 which is a form of 11 in the sense that they are reflections of one to the other. I also noticed I was in room number 11 when the second event happened. I also live in apartment 11. This is all pointing to something. If there are 22 letters in the torah and the current matrix is a representation of this then what do you think will happen on 2/20/2020?

I dont actually live in apartment 11. There is an extra number in between. Also if I remember correctly I read a news article where on that day of 2/20/2020 That isntreal had their first case of the coronavirus.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Astralnaut said:
The whole reason I started to become obsessed with astrology is because I noticed, in retrospect, how obvious an event in my life that occurred was and how I would have been able to prevent it. There was another event which occurred exactly 11 years apart from the last, right down to the day that was not preventable even though I knew madness was coming. The next day was my birthday on **/**/2019 which is a form of 11 in the sense that they are reflections of one to the other. I also noticed I was in room number 11 when the second event happened. I also live in apartment 11. This is all pointing to something. If there are 22 letters in the torah and the current matrix is a representation of this then what do you think will happen on 2/20/2020?

What you are understanding here is that there are correlations between things in one's life, this doesn't have to do with the enemy in particular, but in general on how the universe works.

Not everything has such a deep correlation, but some events may have particular "signs" for someone to see and recognize. Such as in your case the numbers you saw. This doesn't have to do with the enemy but sometimes with other factors.

I think I'll explain more on numerology the second turn on these series. I also removed your B-day as you don't need to have this visible to anyone.

I didn't realize I was being so specific in the prophetic date that I mentioned. This whole time I thought I was referencing the year 2022, which I knew damn well to be the result of enemy curses based on the 22 hebrew letters. Also why I wrote "A Lovecraftian nightmare" on the exact day that I did. Even the day I wrote the response was intentional. I knew better than almost anyone, that the shit was about to hit the fan. The date 2/20/2020 is actually far more ominous for the jews and providential to our side. On that day I had read an article that stated that Isntreal had their very first case of coronavirus. Talk about adding insult to injury! Here is the only article I could find which is not the original as this one is a day later on 2/21/2022:


I would be willing to teb that they might have even pulled the original article considering how superstitious the orthodox are.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
