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Are the Slavs part of the white race of Father Satan?

Dacian Wolf

New member
Apr 21, 2020
I am half slavic and I have very white skin and a Nordic appearance. Are the Slavs part of the white race of Father Satan? I heard that some were invaded by the Mongols, some say that the Slavs are not white so I am confused at the moment.
Some Slavs are more asiatic than white. A reminder not all Eastern Europeans or Russians are necessarily Slavic. Do you look white? Are your features white? Pretty easy to answer since you just said Nordic appearance.
Yes they are, the original Slavs came from celtic lands, they first settled in Belarus(White Russia), then in Russia. Unfortunately mongols invaded Russia and raped White women, so this is why some russians might have mongol features. But not all russians have them, if you notice those who aren't mixed look Nordic-celtic.

Source: March of the titans volume 1, Arthur Kemp
Of course! Slavs are just as white as any other European.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Some Slavs are more asiatic than white. A reminder not all Eastern Europeans or Russians are necessarily Slavic. Do you look white? Are your features white? Pretty easy to answer since you just said Nordic appearance.
When I was little I had blond hair and blue eyes but over time it changed to green eyes and brown hair. Most members of my family have blue eyes and very white skin. Of course, my skin is very white, except in summer, when I spend a lot of time in the sun. Identical to this photo: https://pin.it/7xFCHG8
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Some Slavs are more asiatic than white. A reminder not all Eastern Europeans or Russians are necessarily Slavic. Do you look white? Are your features white? Pretty easy to answer since you just said Nordic appearance.
When I was little, I had blond hair and blue eyes, but over time, it changed to green eyes and brown hair. Most members of my family have blue eyes and very white skin. Of course, my skin is very white, except in summer, when I spend a lot of time in the sun. I put the wrong picture in the previous post: https://pin.it/1MSzu9C
Of course they are.

Not all slavs are entirely White, but the majority is. There is some generational Asian in some but this does not matter. This happens because of bordering with Asiatic countries.

There is a little mixing in many places. So long one is a Gentile, they can partake in the gifts of Satan our Creator. So do not worry.
There is a lot of misinformation in that book.

Aquarius said:
Yes they are, the original Slavs came from celtic lands, they first settled in Belarus(White Russia), then in Russia. Unfortunately mongols invaded Russia and raped White women, so this is why some russians might have mongol features. But not all russians have them, if you notice those who aren't mixed look Nordic-celtic.

Source: March of the titans volume 1, Arthur Kemp
Russia is what is left of the ancient White lands further east that used to go all the way to the Gobi regions. There are places in Russia that still have names of Shiva in them. Russia might actually be from the term Rishi from some claims. Slav is derived from Saka like Sarmatian and Scythian, Saxon and such. The Aryan empire of the Saka kingdom went all the way to the Gobi regions. The Saka Aryans came from the Aryan Rama Empire which emerged out the previous aeon of Kumara Kandam. This was known as Atlantis to the Egyptians.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Of course they are.

Not all slavs are entirely White, but the majority is. There is some generational Asian in some but this does not matter. This happens because of bordering with Asiatic countries.

There is a little mixing in many places. So long one is a Gentile, they can partake in the gifts of Satan our Creator. So do not worry.
Perhaps I am being too careful here, but I feel it is important to mention that this does seem a bit like giving permission - and because you, a HP (or if you were female, a HPS) is saying it, then it gives it greater permission - for people to mix Races. I know you entirely do not mean that, but I could see how some would interpret it that way, and then turn around and say, "JoS - and specifically, a HP - said it was OK!". Of course, individuals do what they want and then they must face the consequences or - as I call it - pro-sequences, but it does feel like it needs a bit of extra padding to make sure people do not choose to, or mistakenly, take it as "It's OK to mix Races!". I feel I would be remiss if I did not mention this.
Yes. Undoubtedly. And most of all, Belarus and Ukraine. I am from this region. We still have a lot of white people with a Scandinavian appearance. In addition, the city in which I was born was built by the Vikings. In Russia, there are already a lot of impurities with Asians, But they are still white. But unfortunately, the assimilation is happening so fast that soon our whitest region will turn into a mix with Arabs and blacks. Our people do not understand the importance of maintaining the purity of the race. Ukrainians and Belarus are too tolerant. Too good-natured .....
HP Mageson666 said:
There is a lot of misinformation in that book.

Aquarius said:
Yes they are, the original Slavs came from celtic lands, they first settled in Belarus(White Russia), then in Russia. Unfortunately mongols invaded Russia and raped White women, so this is why some russians might have mongol features. But not all russians have them, if you notice those who aren't mixed look Nordic-celtic.

Source: March of the titans volume 1, Arthur Kemp
Oh, I apologize for any misinformation I shared then. Thank you master Sloth.
HP Mageson666 said:
Russia is what is left of the ancient White lands further east that used to go all the way to the Gobi regions. There are places in Russia that still have names of Shiva in them. Russia might actually be from the term Rishi from some claims. Slav is derived from Saka like Sarmatian and Scythian, Saxon and such. The Aryan empire of the Saka kingdom went all the way to the Gobi regions. The Saka Aryans came from the Aryan Rama Empire which emerged out the previous aeon of Kumara Kandam. This was known as Atlantis to the Egyptians.

This would explain why Jews have attempted to heavily infiltrate the Russian community, where they migrated to after or during ww2, just like they infiltrate everything sacred. I really appreciated my Russian friends. Their particular sect of religion really targets their dedication to family. They practice Russian orthodox which differs from others. There are many Jews floating around within the community too, pushing the Russian mafia bullshit and wreaking havoc in the states on small and large scales.
HP Mageson666 said:
There is a lot of misinformation in that book.

Aquarius said:
Yes they are, the original Slavs came from celtic lands, they first settled in Belarus(White Russia), then in Russia. Unfortunately mongols invaded Russia and raped White women, so this is why some russians might have mongol features. But not all russians have them, if you notice those who aren't mixed look Nordic-celtic.

Could you elaborate I was considering purchasing this book.

Source: March of the titans volume 1, Arthur Kemp
First Slaves of any and all kinds that are considered of the White-Race are White. There are mixed Slavs of Asiatic and possible in more modern times negroid Slavs due to minute amount of race-mixing that may have occurred.

Under NS Germany Slavs are considered White-Gentiles and funny enough they are a sub-race of Nordics. In other words some but not all Slavs albeit many fall in line with Nordic features and Nordic attributes. So Many but perhaps not all Slavs fall into Nordic territory. With that said they aren't exactly full Nordic per say except for some exceptions but non the less Slavs are usually very pure White. Barring any Asiatic/Negroid mixed, most Slavs can reproduce with White race and Sub-races of Whites perfectly fine. They are a potentially a different sub-race of Whites cause Slavs are unique in the Scythian lands for their attributes albeit like I said people like Reinhard Heydrich could if he lived in the Scythian lands be classified as Slav due to features like a bigger nose or certain facial characteristics. Again it should be pointed out Germans already race-mixed with Slavs ever since the 1400-1500 when the Germans migrated to Russ-land. So as the Germans migrated around to the East they either stayed in German colonies i.e. mixing among themselves or mixed with the local populace. It's one of the reasons why probably as the Germans went East they discovered deposits of German and German-Slav people and probably one of the reasons why many celebrated the Germans coming in and crushing communism.

Again Slavs are fine. It's the jews that don't want Slavs knowing the truth. jewish logic in disapora we stand, united we fall. Gentile logic United we stand divided we fall.

It's part of their taqiyya keep Gentiles divided and in combat for communistic en-devours.

Why are slavs hated by Neo-Nazis cause these Neo- organizations are kosher psyops for goyshkopfing operations. In other words they believe Slavs aren't white when WTF do you know if you don't study racial history and even the Germans since studying racial classification of Europeans mentioned Slavs are White.

Slavs = White but perhaps a distinct sub-race or perhaps transformed Nordic-type Gentile.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP Mageson666 said:
There is a lot of misinformation in that book.

Aquarius said:
Yes they are, the original Slavs came from celtic lands, they first settled in Belarus(White Russia), then in Russia. Unfortunately mongols invaded Russia and raped White women, so this is why some russians might have mongol features. But not all russians have them, if you notice those who aren't mixed look Nordic-celtic.

Could you elaborate I was considering purchasing this book.

Source: March of the titans volume 1, Arthur Kemp

For some reason my comment does not show it said to HP mageson

Could you elaborate I was considering purchasing this book?
The claims on Attila the Hun, some of the claims of the Berber's and such that I remember. You might as well buy the book but not every book has one hundred percent correct information.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP Mageson666 said:
There is a lot of misinformation in that book.

For some reason my comment does not show it said to HP mageson

Could you elaborate I was considering purchasing this book?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
