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Animal Sacrifices in African Traditional Religion


Jul 14, 2021
Dogs are sacrificed to Ogun; sometimes chicken. Other African Traditional Gods accept various types of animals where the blood is used for efficacy and as energy. Why then does the JOS condemn sacrificing animals to Gods? I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?
Sarjam05 said:
Dogs are sacrificed to Ogun; sometimes chicken. Other African Traditional Gods accept various types of animals where the blood is used for efficacy and as energy. Why then does the JOS condemn sacrificing animals to Gods? I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?
The Real Truth About Satan and Living Blood Sacrifice
Everything the enemy is and does, they blame on Satan. This brings a lot of confusion and given all the energy put into deceiving, creates a powerful distraction. Hidden in plain sight.

In the book "Tree of Souls" by Howard Schwartz, the author reveals how Satan is AGAINST living blood sacrifice. This is even in their Talmud Sanhedrin 89b, also Genesis Rabbah 56:4 and several other references.

"Satan at Mount Moriah" Here Satan tries repeatedly to stop Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, several times.

For the actual page on this book, just click on the link below:
Satan at Mount Moriah


The Hebrew Scriptures record an account of a contest between the prophet Elijah and Jezebel's priests. Both sides offered a sacrifice to their respective gods: Ba'al failed to light his followers' sacrifice while Yahweh's heavenly fire burnt Elijah's altar to ashes, even after it had been soaked with water. The observers then followed Elijah's instructions to slay the priests of Ba'al, after which it began to rain, showing Yahweh's mastery over the weather and murderous bent:

Wikipedia article on Ba'al

The biblical books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy are chock full of living blood sacrifices, and how to perform them. The Nazarene is the ultimate living blood sacrifice which is the focus of the Christian mass/service and cult. "Eat the body of Christ, drink the blood of Christ.", all straight up allusions to human sacrifice.

The Talmud is a rabbinical commentary and discussion of the topics and stories in the Torah. Midrash. 63 volumes of it just like an encyclopedia. So, just figure... Given two of the five books of the Torah are nearly all focused on blood sacrifices, and the other three also have extensive content regarding living blood sacrifices, just how much do you think those rabbis over the ages filled their Talmud with this?

The Talmud is highly secretive (for obvious reasons). It is written in both Hebrew and Aramaic. In addition to this, there are no spaces between words, and no vowels. Talmud study usually has to be taken up with the help of a rabbi or equivalent.

Jews, being the parasites they are, use parasitical magick and rituals.

Satan shows us how we can use our own power and channel energy using our serpent.

I also want to add here how Jewish sorcerers viciously abuse spirits, elementals and create thought forms, using the energies of these to carry out their agendas. Parasitism...

Human Sacrifice in the Bible

"Eat me...Drink me" The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder
Sarjam05 said:
Dogs are sacrificed to Ogun; sometimes chicken. Other African Traditional Gods accept various types of animals where the blood is used for efficacy and as energy. Why then does the JOS condemn sacrificing animals to Gods? I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?

The stories about animal and blood sacrifice to the Gods are lies made up by the enemy. Our Gods in all of our pantheons never accepted this, but there are enemy entities who have spread lies and even tried posing as the Gods demanding these things.

If you are drawn to these Gods maybe you can try to focus on them and connect with them and ask? Besides spiritual warfare and doing work for the Powers of Hell the best thing you can do in a ritual is to send them some energy. This does not require bloodletting of any kind.

Remember that no one of Satan will ask for blood sacrifice or for you to harm yourself or others.
Are you serious?
The Gods never pretend any sacrifice! All those bullshits are created by the convintions of some, inevolved, stupids and the Jews! That's all a cultural and religious pollution made by Jewish influence. Study our website and sermons from High Priest Hoodedcobra666 ✍️
Sarjam05 said:
Dogs are sacrificed to Ogun; sometimes chicken. Other African Traditional Gods accept various types of animals where the blood is used for efficacy and as energy. Why then does the JOS condemn sacrificing animals to Gods? I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?

Ancient African religion was corrupted, the original African gods were demons, but the enemy infiltrated their religion, several African priests described the African gods as reptilian in appearance, there are also African religions that the enemy infiltrated so much that they actually describe their gods as reptilian beings, you can research the Chitauri to see this.
Sarjam05 said:
Dogs are sacrificed to Ogun; sometimes chicken. Other African Traditional Gods accept various types of animals where the blood is used for efficacy and as energy. Why then does the JOS condemn sacrificing animals to Gods? I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?

And in other traditions it was practiced human sacrifice or cannibalism.What should we do ???

Your approach is ugly and useless,it has nothing to do with us.
In Egypt, it would be the death penalty for anybody who murdered an animal. Same punishment as for murdering a person. This is not talking about killing it for food, but killing it for no reason or doing it in some cruel way was treated the same as murder.

It is jews who do those evil things. It is not something that is naturally done by any humans, unless a jew told them to do it and they were dumb enough to listen to them. In the jew books thousands of years ago, they wrote a warning to their people saying not to kill any animals if they are in Egypt, because the Egyptians will be horrified and will punish them.
Sarjam05 said:
Dogs are sacrificed to Ogun; sometimes chicken. Other African Traditional Gods accept various types of animals where the blood is used for efficacy and as energy. Why then does the JOS condemn sacrificing animals to Gods? I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?

Maybe they condemn it because to take the life of an animal incapable of defending itself from this is distasteful, cowardly and psychopathic.

How rotten does your soul have to be for you to be questioning why people condemn psychopathic and cruel killings of helpless animals?

This revulsion is natural in any functional and spiritually healthy human being.

Subhuman fucking ape. Do us all a favor and sacrifice yourself to ogun or whoever.
From all said here; I need to ask: If a chief priest does some incantations on an animal and the animal is then slaughtered for food; is it parasitical or Jewish? Or is that Satanic?
If some words were chanted or recited as prayers to the African Gods and some libations or rituals were done involving probably garden eggs with red oil and stuff like that then the animal is slaughtered for food; is that wrong in our path?
Hail Satan!!!!
Sarjam05 said:
From all said here; I need to ask: If a chief priest does some incantations on an animal and the animal is then slaughtered for food; is it parasitical or Jewish? Or is that Satanic?
If some words were chanted or recited as prayers to the African Gods and some libations or rituals were done involving probably garden eggs with red oil and stuff like that then the animal is slaughtered for food; is that wrong in our path?
Hail Satan!!!!

Yes this is wrong. Because you are still doing evil jew actions with evil jew intentions. And you are only using eating it as an excuse to try to not get in trouble.

Please read Dahaarkan's answer. I agree completely.
Sarjam05 said:
Dogs are sacrificed to Ogun; sometimes chicken. Other African Traditional Gods accept various types of animals where the blood is used for efficacy and as energy. Why then does the JOS condemn sacrificing animals to Gods? I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?

By the way, Sarjam I forgot to tell you something when I tried looking some things up for you pertaining to this thread. When I looked up information on Ogun, i found what appeared to be a "sigil" I recognized it immediately, because someone at work showed it to me and said this was one of the Gods he was close to. This was much earlier this year, and he tried getting close, but due to the quippoth crap and other probable bad type of new age stuff he was into i kept my distance. He showed me this sigil and i remember focusing on it, and feeling absolutely nothing but "flat". If Ogun is a true God, then they are probably known to us by another name, the sigil i saw however is not valid and is fake.

Oshun specifically looks like she aligns with Lady Astarte, but i will not say 100percent. I think it would help to significantly put in for a project that collects information about the african and asian pantheons as well as the natives of the Americas. IT would help other gentile races connect here also based on things they see with their roots which is very important too in someone trying to get close to the Gods.
Dahaarkan said:
distasteful, cowardly and psychopathic.How rotten does your soul have to be?.
I say the same to anyone that would vampirise others for no reason and exploit them through rent. You’re a strange feller dahaarkan.
This is the Wikipedia link to Ogun. I would like you to look at it.
I get the idea that most of our original cultures and traditions and religions have been corrupted. It is sad that these have been the practices for aeons of centuries.
Ogun is mentioned amongst the chakras in the blacks for satan expose defending spiritual satanism.
As for idiots who would not give a rational answer but resort to insults, may Satan crush you to bits. Fools. For those interested in deep spiritual philosophical research on the African pantheon of Gods. May Satan guide and strengthen you.
@Shadowcat; maybe this is why I am here. The JOS is bereft of any true article or teachings about our frican traditional Gods. The little expose done in the blacks for satan community is very shallow. Replies here sometimes foster my fears that this is a white supremacist organisation and if my fears are true; y'all can go fuck yourselves in the ass. (FYI I am replying to some fool(s) who have used expletives in their replies)
On Father's Satan day would it be wrong to kill a goat or a turkey or a cow for feasting and celebration. Would that not be an indirect sacrifice?
Hail Satan!!!
Blood magick (sacrifices) severely drain and cripple the soul of the victim as a source of energy to be directed. The gods do not need nor welcome these kinds of energies that are very filthy in nature, let alone the act itself would make any sane person want to vomit.

This requires a binding ritual before it is done as to bind and drain the victim's soul as they are killed. Victims are often sacrificed on binding circles. This goes beyond just taking an animal's life, you are destroying their soul. This is utterly vile and you should kill yourself for considering doing this to an innocent and defenseless being. You cannot compare this to killing an animal for food.

Jews use and direct the energy generated in such rituals to power YHWH and further their agenda. This is not something the old gods partake in or are interested in. Kikes want gentiles to perform such vile rituals in the name of the old gods so that fools will invoke their wrath and destroy themselves in their stupidity.

I shouldn't have to explain any of this. Children as young as 10 understand that slaughtering innocent animals for no reason is cruel and wrong. One must have a very rotten soul and depraved mind to want to do these things.
Sarjam05 said:
From all said here; I need to ask: If a chief priest does some incantations on an animal and the animal is then slaughtered for food; is it parasitical or Jewish? Or is that Satanic?
If some words were chanted or recited as prayers to the African Gods and some libations or rituals were done involving probably garden eggs with red oil and stuff like that then the animal is slaughtered for food; is that wrong in our path?
Hail Satan!!!!

Sarjam05 said:
This is the Wikipedia link to Ogun. I would like you to look at it.
I get the idea that most of our original cultures and traditions and religions have been corrupted. It is sad that these have been the practices for aeons of centuries.
Ogun is mentioned amongst the chakras in the blacks for satan expose defending spiritual satanism.
As for idiots who would not give a rational answer but resort to insults, may Satan crush you to bits. Fools. For those interested in deep spiritual philosophical research on the African pantheon of Gods. May Satan guide and strengthen you.
@Shadowcat; maybe this is why I am here. The JOS is bereft of any true article or teachings about our frican traditional Gods. The little expose done in the blacks for satan community is very shallow. Replies here sometimes foster my fears that this is a white supremacist organisation and if my fears are true; y'all can go fuck yourselves in the ass. (FYI I am replying to some fool(s) who have used expletives in their replies)
On Father's Satan day would it be wrong to kill a goat or a turkey or a cow for feasting and celebration. Would that not be an indirect sacrifice?
Hail Satan!!!

This has nothing to do with race, but instead the fact that you are total degenerate who cannot see the problem in blood sacrifices and slaughtering defenseless animals in cruel and profane rituals.

There is a difference between killing an animal for food, and binding and destroying their soul in a cruel and horrific ritual. This is not an issue with you or anyone being black. It's with you being a disgusting degenerate that wants to slaughter animals in horrific rituals and trying to attribute this to the old gods. Satan does not need or want us to be slaughtering defenseless animals in His name. This is disgusting degenerate jewish shite.

You fucking ape. You are the dross in humanity and a stain upon the black race. You do not at all represent the black race in any way, you're just a degenerate freak and the type of dross dragging blacks down and making them look like degenerates. Now trying to play the race card as if blood sacrifice has anything to do with the black gentile race.

And the black SS you need to wake up and start purging this kind of trash from your ranks. You must begin to foster excellence and stop tolerating degenerate freaks and murderous psychopaths with being associated with your race.
Dahaarkan said:
Sarjam05 said:
From all said here; I need to ask: If a chief priest does some incantations on an animal and the animal is then slaughtered for food; is it parasitical or Jewish? Or is that Satanic?
If some words were chanted or recited as prayers to the African Gods and some libations or rituals were done involving probably garden eggs with red oil and stuff like that then the animal is slaughtered for food; is that wrong in our path?
Hail Satan!!!!

I'm noticing several race bait crap in the forums lately. Is this the featured clown act of June for this year?

The race topic is very easy to understand. JoS fosters excellence and self improvement regardless of which gentile racial group you belong to. I don't give a flying fuck what color your skin is if you start pushing degenerate shit and being a depraved psychopath I'll call you a subhuman ape regardless of what race you belong to.

This isn't some retard daycare where your psychopathic fantasies have a place to be expressed and jewish trash can be pushed. This is the JoS where you are given a platform to grow your understanding of real spirituality and learn methods and meditations for self improvement and empowerment.

I say this also as a wake up call to the black community here that I've noticed multiple idiots and degenerates that associate themselves with being part of your group, you should not tolerate or accept these people that are only making you look like a bunch of monkeys. You must have the self respect to disassociate from this kind of garbage and these kinds of low quality "humans" who don't see an issue in blood sacrifice.

And for any white SS who fall for this kind of bait and manipulation and start hating black SS you are fucking idiots as well. Stop letting the kikes divide us so easily. We are to unite and uplift ourselves and each other against the enemy. And not allow these degenerates and trolls to come here playing the race card trying to pit us against each other.
I have seriously answered your thread in the Announcements.
Sarjam05 said:
This is the Wikipedia link to Ogun. I would like you to look at it.
I get the idea that most of our original cultures and traditions and religions have been corrupted. It is sad that these have been the practices for aeons of centuries.
Ogun is mentioned amongst the chakras in the blacks for satan expose defending spiritual satanism.
As for idiots who would not give a rational answer but resort to insults, may Satan crush you to bits. Fools. For those interested in deep spiritual philosophical research on the African pantheon of Gods. May Satan guide and strengthen you.
@Shadowcat; maybe this is why I am here. The JOS is bereft of any true article or teachings about our frican traditional Gods. The little expose done in the blacks for satan community is very shallow. Replies here sometimes foster my fears that this is a white supremacist organisation and if my fears are true; y'all can go fuck yourselves in the ass. (FYI I am replying to some fool(s) who have used expletives in their replies)
On Father's Satan day would it be wrong to kill a goat or a turkey or a cow for feasting and celebration. Would that not be an indirect sacrifice?
Hail Satan!!!
Believe me if JoS and consequently its membership would be supremacist as you have doubts about, you would not even be able to participate. Just do yourself a favor and start learning the spiritual alchemy JoS presents and stop being such a doofus.
Sarjam05 said:
This is the Wikipedia link to Ogun. I would like you to look at it.
I get the idea that most of our original cultures and traditions and religions have been corrupted. It is sad that these have been the practices for aeons of centuries.
Ogun is mentioned amongst the chakras in the blacks for satan expose defending spiritual satanism.
As for idiots who would not give a rational answer but resort to insults, may Satan crush you to bits. Fools. For those interested in deep spiritual philosophical research on the African pantheon of Gods. May Satan guide and strengthen you.
@Shadowcat; maybe this is why I am here. The JOS is bereft of any true article or teachings about our frican traditional Gods. The little expose done in the blacks for satan community is very shallow. Replies here sometimes foster my fears that this is a white supremacist organisation and if my fears are true; y'all can go fuck yourselves in the ass. (FYI I am replying to some fool(s) who have used expletives in their replies)
On Father's Satan day would it be wrong to kill a goat or a turkey or a cow for feasting and celebration. Would that not be an indirect sacrifice?
Hail Satan!!!

Yes, I remember this link you are showing. I saw this link and the one about Oshun also. Remember that a lot of mainstream things said about any of the Gods is slander and inaccurate. Refer to Hp.Cobra's new post. It has some good explanations for you. Like I said, I do not know for sure if Ogun and Oshun are viable names of real Gods that we may know by other names as I am not familiar with the other pantheons. Interesting that he is on the Blacks for Satan site.

Please do not get upset and jump to conclusions also. Remember the spat we had that was also a waste of time and for nothing and it was also coming from our hang-ups.

I know it's annoying to you to think you are being attacked for just trying to understand something, but don't let things get to you. Do not let the enemy push you away thinking nonwhites are not welcome here which is far from the case. I am sure there is much more knowledge to be expanded on in the future as we are all still learning. This also looks like something you might want to contribute to, so if you find anything on the African pantheons let us know, but remember the enemy will always lie about our Gods accepting blood majick when this has never been the case.
Sarjam05 said:
From all said here; I need to ask: If a chief priest does some incantations on an animal and the animal is then slaughtered for food; is it parasitical or Jewish? Or is that Satanic?
If some words were chanted or recited as prayers to the African Gods and some libations or rituals were done involving probably garden eggs with red oil and stuff like that then the animal is slaughtered for food; is that wrong in our path?
Hail Satan!!!!
If a HP does drugs and stupid things, does that make it OK and is it Satanic? No; they are shown the door and are hoped that they get hit by that door on their way out. HP/HPS is a public office/rank/title/status. If they fuck-up too far and too much, then they can fuck off, it's as simple as that. The HPs/HPSs don't decide nor dictate what is and what is not Satanic. They are under Satan, and Satan is under Nature; Satan stands for Nature and that which is Natural, uplifting, bettering, empowering, improving...

You remind me of "Gardening With Maurice", on a radio station in GTA: SA -

CALLER: Is it OK to cut the eyes out of a potato and eat it?
MAURICE: Well... why don't I come over and cut your eyes out and eat you?! What a stupid question...
Let me tell you the story of the Aztec people who built pyramids an a great civilization, one of their main Gods was quetzalcoatl, who was thoth,they had a great culture an worshiped our pagan Gods,under another name of course,but then they lost their way due to drugs use an the greys, an corruption from the kings one of the comments from quetzalcoatl was "they are my people I can't let them sacrifice my people to me" but chiefs about priests choose the side of the greys an enemy's an started sacrificing humans an defiling the temple of the gods,an if you look at history, they took a big hit losing to the conquistadors, losing their past an outright being enslaved to Xian trash, if the people would have risen up an not sacrificed their own,the Aztecs religion would be the main religion, but they did not,an for that xianity enslaveses the people to this day,let that be a lesson against drug use an the xian reptilian god
He is fairly new still, and there are a lot of things new people still don't understand and get confused with, albeit this should be cured by studying actively, and properly deprogramming in terms of their lack of understanding about the Gods.

I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?
But I genuinely got the impression here that he was asking for ideas from us to do a ritual to African Gods without the sacrifice element. At least this is what I would hope.
Sarjam05 said:
On Father's Satan day would it be wrong to kill a goat or a turkey or a cow for feasting and celebration. Would that not be an indirect sacrifice?
Hail Satan!!!

You can eat meat for your feast. Whether you get this from a grocery store or directly from the animal does not matter. However, the animal should be slaughtered as humanely as possible, and not in any way directed at Satan. Just let any energy dissipate and forget about the death.

If the animal is used solely for the purpose of the feast, then that is not a sacrifice. The animal can reincarnate in peace.
Dahaarkan said:
Sarjam05 said:
This is the Wikipedia link to Ogun. I would like you to look at it.
I get the idea that most of our original cultures and traditions and religions have been corrupted. It is sad that these have been the practices for aeons of centuries.
Ogun is mentioned amongst the chakras in the blacks for satan expose defending spiritual satanism.
As for idiots who would not give a rational answer but resort to insults, may Satan crush you to bits. Fools. For those interested in deep spiritual philosophical research on the African pantheon of Gods. May Satan guide and strengthen you.
@Shadowcat; maybe this is why I am here. The JOS is bereft of any true article or teachings about our frican traditional Gods. The little expose done in the blacks for satan community is very shallow. Replies here sometimes foster my fears that this is a white supremacist organisation and if my fears are true; y'all can go fuck yourselves in the ass. (FYI I am replying to some fool(s) who have used expletives in their replies)
On Father's Satan day would it be wrong to kill a goat or a turkey or a cow for feasting and celebration. Would that not be an indirect sacrifice?
Hail Satan!!!

This has nothing to do with race, but instead the fact that you are total degenerate who cannot see the problem in blood sacrifices and slaughtering defenseless animals in cruel and profane rituals.

There is a difference between killing an animal for food, and binding and destroying their soul in a cruel and horrific ritual. This is not an issue with you or anyone being black. It's with you being a disgusting degenerate that wants to slaughter animals in horrific rituals and trying to attribute this to the old gods. Satan does not need or want us to be slaughtering defenseless animals in His name. This is disgusting degenerate jewish shite.

You fucking ape. You are the dross in humanity and a stain upon the black race. You do not at all represent the black race in any way, you're just a degenerate freak and the type of dross dragging blacks down and making them look like degenerates. Now trying to play the race card as if blood sacrifice has anything to do with the black gentile race.

And the black SS you need to wake up and start purging this kind of trash from your ranks. You must begin to foster excellence and stop tolerating degenerate freaks and murderous psychopaths with being associated with your race.
Your whole family are degenerate clowns you retarded idiot. If you cannot criticize constructively you can go fuck a goat or something idiot!!!
Smite said:
Sarjam05 said:
I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing the animal sacrifice?

Ogun us not a physical entity or a spirit, the african gods are only the personifications if the soul and energy centers or more the brain centers.
You can do a ritual to ogun by which is part of you. By performing dances drums and vibrating words of power that exults his name. Remember ogun is a part of us, doing a ritual to ogun means that you are doing a ritual to awaken a part of your own soul. Your chakras and brain centers. This information can be found

Ogun has to do with the masculine attributes such as war, iron smithing and hunting and so on. This is why rituals are done in other to awaking that part of us that embody these abilities. Ogun is also related to the root and solar plexus chakra so working on these chakras and your masculine part if the soul awaking the power of ogun in you.

Blood sacrifices is done due to lack of energy for whatever working that is to be done. It is like stealing energy from another entity because you can not generate this energy yourself. This is parasitic. Only lower unevolved entities and magicians do this, in satanism you are thought how to raise energy for rituals or magick. Word of power, yoga and traditional dances. You can also store energy using crystals.

Cheif priest use animal sacrifices because they need the energy of those animals to do the working that is asked for them. Because they don't have this energy in stock or know how to raise it, they get it from an animal, it is parasitic but this is because they are unevolved yet to get this energy themselves.these can only happen when african evolve to a certain level.

In atlantis and other advanced civilization they had giant crystals which powered the city and also was their source of energy. This giant crystals was protected by a high priestess. Even in egypt this pyramid was was built as an energy conductor. It was built facing the stars in other to tap into their energies of these stars systems by aligning with them. Rituals were done inside the pyramids and the pyramid is said to contained high energy as noticed by archeologist. The pyramid was not built as a tomb as it was formally said by archeologist but as a sacred place were pharos and cheif priest performed rituals. Using the energy they got from the stars(sun). So in the future africans will have their own source of energy, maybe they will have thier own pyramids or crystals so the cheif priest won't have to get these energy from innocent animals. Blood ritual is parasitic but because of the lower spiritual state most people are now I don't think it is something that will stop anytime soon until blacks have advanced to a certain level.
Intelligent reply. We need more people like you not some idiot bastards who cannot give an intelligent answer and therefore resort to vituperation. Bastards!!!
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
This is the Wikipedia link to Ogun. I would like you to look at it.
I get the idea that most of our original cultures and traditions and religions have been corrupted. It is sad that these have been the practices for aeons of centuries.
Ogun is mentioned amongst the chakras in the blacks for satan expose defending spiritual satanism.
As for idiots who would not give a rational answer but resort to insults, may Satan crush you to bits. Fools. For those interested in deep spiritual philosophical research on the African pantheon of Gods. May Satan guide and strengthen you.
@Shadowcat; maybe this is why I am here. The JOS is bereft of any true article or teachings about our frican traditional Gods. The little expose done in the blacks for satan community is very shallow. Replies here sometimes foster my fears that this is a white supremacist organisation and if my fears are true; y'all can go fuck yourselves in the ass. (FYI I am replying to some fool(s) who have used expletives in their replies)
On Father's Satan day would it be wrong to kill a goat or a turkey or a cow for feasting and celebration. Would that not be an indirect sacrifice?
Hail Satan!!!

Yes, I remember this link you are showing. I saw this link and the one about Oshun also. Remember that a lot of mainstream things said about any of the Gods is slander and inaccurate. Refer to Hp.Cobra's new post. It has some good explanations for you. Like I said, I do not know for sure if Ogun and Oshun are viable names of real Gods that we may know by other names as I am not familiar with the other pantheons. Interesting that he is on the Blacks for Satan site.

Please do not get upset and jump to conclusions also. Remember the spat we had that was also a waste of time and for nothing and it was also coming from our hang-ups.

I know it's annoying to you to think you are being attacked for just trying to understand something, but don't let things get to you. Do not let the enemy push you away thinking nonwhites are not welcome here which is far from the case. I am sure there is much more knowledge to be expanded on in the future as we are all still learning. This also looks like something you might want to contribute to, so if you find anything on the African pantheons let us know, but remember the enemy will always lie about our Gods accepting blood majick when this has never been the case.

If you were black and female I would marry you immediately. Kisses.
Being african myself and a very cultural person. Hoping to shed light on my experience in regards to this.

I remember participating on my first offering to unify two families and 😂😂no one really wanted to be the one to kill the animal. I noticed there's also that issue, we know it has to happen but no one wants to be the one to do it. I always found it odd since it's normally people who have done many offerings though. Even those who have done it before, normally fine doing it once.

Oddly gives you a bigger understanding on the vaule of life the experince.

Not I'm not sure about the dog parts, but goats and cows normally done as part of a ritual. Few things i know. There's different reason among different cultural and the main reason has been lost. I've honestly never heard any Names or beings being called during these rituals also.

1. The blood is drained and put back into the earth.
2. None of the meat is wasted.
3. The skin is normally kept and made into something you can wear, your not allowed to takr it off or the we would have spilt blood for no reason.
And it's also important to ensure that when cutting the animal it's handle with care and isn't brutally murdered.

I know in some cultural they just get the blood from the cows without killing the cow. So there's alot of reasons and hard to input but there's defiantly outside corruption on cultural rituals.

Hope this gives a added perspective.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
