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Anal Sex


May 28, 2019
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex
No offense but it should be obvious. How do you suppose homosexuals have sex? Why did the church outlaw sodomy? Why is a male's most sensitive sexual organ the prostate?
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex

What we consider normal or appropriate
nowadays is heavly influenced by judeo christian ideas.

For example a mud-slime will literally rape a farm animal and its no biggy but the second u "look" at a woman she needs to be murdered because eventhou she was literally just carrying groceries and nothing more she enticed u just by existing. This is the mind of an insanely weak individual.

Now back to your question;

As long as you and your partner keeps things hygienic both orally and anally it should be alright. Oral sex once perfected can be very pleasurable for an the giving and receiving end. You and your partner should devote some of your time finding each others likes, dislikes and "spots"

I'm not %100 sure about this but maybe the reason why oral sex is so fun can be because of the mars and venus interaction that happons in partner's chakras.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex

What we consider normal or appropriate
nowadays is heavly influenced by judeo christian ideas.

For example a mud-slime will literally rape a farm animal and its no biggy but the second u "look" at a woman she needs to be murdered because eventhou she was literally just carrying groceries and nothing more she enticed u just by existing. This is the mind of an insanely weak individual.

Now back to your question;

As long as you and your partner keeps things hygienic both orally and anally it should be alright. Oral sex once perfected can be very pleasurable for an the giving and receiving end. You and your partner should devote some of your time finding each others likes, dislikes and "spots"

I'm not %100 sure about this but maybe the reason why oral sex is so fun can be because of the mars and venus interaction that happons in partner's chakras.
Anal sex has to do with stimulating the Kundalini too if I'm not wrong, I mean if you think about it it's like a mulha banda isn't it?
Both Anal and Oral sex are in the Kamasutra too. I do understand why someone would think that Anal sex may not be natural but in fact, both women and men can feel good from doing it which means that it's something normal to do, if it was not then it would not feel good, especially men have the prostate.
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex
Define "normal". Define "appropriate". We don't need abritrary bullshit opinions and "opinions" (by which I mean from those who have been brainwashed) to tell us what to do.

MoonlessNight666 said:
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex

What we consider normal or appropriate
nowadays is heavly influenced by judeo christian ideas.
Planet of Liberty said:
I am homosexual and I'm afraid that it is painful the anal sex. :D
Anal sex isn't painful as long as your partner is gentle and not some insensitive idiot.
Planet of Liberty said:
I am homosexual and I'm afraid that it is painful the anal sex. :D
For the moment I prefer stay single so i can devote all the time for myself. So I can better manage my personal affairs.
I do not believe that it is obligatory have a relationship serious with someone. In the sense physical and spiritual.
As he said the high priestess Maxine, you have to be free from any mental problem about sex to avoid blocks on the sacral chakra.
I for example I'm not ready yet have a romantic relationship with someone...
You should look into prostate stimulation, we men have a thing called prostate that you may have heard ugly things about concerning doctors but that spot makes us have orgasms separate from the penis!
Make sure to go slow when starting that, you don’t wanna just put a 9 inch dildo in yourself the first times you do this lol.
I just got information from a top secret source that if you don't go down on her ,she will leave you.
Planet of Liberty said:
I am homosexual and I'm afraid that it is painful the anal sex. :D
For the moment I prefer stay single so i can devote all the time for myself. So I can better manage my personal affairs.
I do not believe that it is obligatory have a relationship serious with someone. In the sense physical and spiritual.
As he said the high priestess Maxine, you have to be free from any mental problem about sex to avoid blocks on the sacral chakra.
I for example I'm not ready yet have a romantic relationship with someone...
In Satanism you can do whatever you feel is best for you but if do not do something just because you are scared then you may look to fix this. First if you are gay it doesn't mean you have to do Anal sex, you could just be a "Top", second Anal sex if it's something you want to try is not scary, it litteraly takes a Google search to see how you should do it in a way that it doesn't hurt, in the end it's your choise if you want to do it or not but even if you are only going to be a Top you should search how to do Anal sex in the best way so that you know how to have good sex with your partner.
Sex might feel weird and uncomfortable the first time, but the more you do it the better and better it gets as you learn your preferences, etc.

Have fun and make sure to practice safe sex (condoms)!
luis said:
MoonlessNight666 said:
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex

What we consider normal or appropriate
nowadays is heavly influenced by judeo christian ideas.

For example a mud-slime will literally rape a farm animal and its no biggy but the second u "look" at a woman she needs to be murdered because eventhou she was literally just carrying groceries and nothing more she enticed u just by existing. This is the mind of an insanely weak individual.

Now back to your question;

As long as you and your partner keeps things hygienic both orally and anally it should be alright. Oral sex once perfected can be very pleasurable for an the giving and receiving end. You and your partner should devote some of your time finding each others likes, dislikes and "spots"

I'm not %100 sure about this but maybe the reason why oral sex is so fun can be because of the mars and venus interaction that happons in partner's chakras.
Anal sex has to do with stimulating the Kundalini too if I'm not wrong, I mean if you think about it it's like a mulha banda isn't it?
Both Anal and Oral sex are in the Kamasutra too. I do understand why someone would think that Anal sex may not be natural but in fact, both women and men can feel good from doing it which means that it's something normal to do, if it was not then it would not feel good, especially men have the prostate.
Both men and women can have anal sex and enjoy it. I want to point out one wrong thing that women can do. Many people watch porn and consider it a kind of sex education. Jews educate non-Jews against life and existence, such as spirituality for example, and hold back science. ... What I'm saying is that in porn people see all sorts of wrong and shitty things. Jews are also trying to legalize pedophilia and if they can, they'll put it in porn. And it would become common to fuck children. ... Not to digress, I wanted to highlight the combination of vaginal sex with immediate anal. Once, in a sex forum, a girl asked for advice on anal sex, there were several answers but there was a stupid girl who said, that her vagina is abundantly self-lubricating and makes several times the change of penetration from vagina to anus. I don't know how true that can be. The vagina lubricates itself, and there may be diseases that can dry it out, in this case it may be necessary to use lubricant but any disease can be cured. The anus doesn't lubricate itself and its muscles don't dilate as they do in the vagina, so you need to know what to do.
luis said:
Planet of Liberty said:
I am homosexual and I'm afraid that it is painful the anal sex. :D
For the moment I prefer stay single so i can devote all the time for myself. So I can better manage my personal affairs.
I do not believe that it is obligatory have a relationship serious with someone. In the sense physical and spiritual.
As he said the high priestess Maxine, you have to be free from any mental problem about sex to avoid blocks on the sacral chakra.
I for example I'm not ready yet have a romantic relationship with someone...
In Satanism you can do whatever you feel is best for you but if do not do something just because you are scared then you may look to fix this. First if you are gay it doesn't mean you have to do Anal sex, you could just be a "Top", second Anal sex if it's something you want to try is not scary, it litteraly takes a Google search to see how you should do it in a way that it doesn't hurt, in the end it's your choise if you want to do it or not but even if you are only going to be a Top you should search how to do Anal sex in the best way so that you know how to have good sex with your partner.
is being a top or bottom something your born in to or can this be chosen?
Inflorescentia said:
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex

Not if you're Vegan if you know what I mean...
Sausage is made from meat (hehe). You can't have an igloo made from... toilet tissue, or a greenhouse made out of red bricks...

Hey - did you ever meet Misha? He's a cute hamster and lives in an aquarium. Misha the Hamster is a Fish, just like Hassan the Asian muslim is European, and Sausage is made from...tofu? Dafuq... Meat-free meat. All vegans are destined to be virgins, or at least celibate and possibly incels, and that's a good thing because their vegetable seed will not spread and sprout new vegan plants.

OK, sarcasm aside - I asked a vegan once upon a time if they breastfeed Babies. Instead of answering me, it decided to be angry and demanded from me why shouldn't they according to me. The vegan is not getting enough protein in those sausages, baybee, if you know what I mean! Very hormonal!
Master said:

To point out something lube is VERY important for anal sex. In simplest terms like the industry that creates anal sex toys: "If you think you put enough, put more in"

In other words for example there are companies that produce lube that looks like dental paste tubes with an extended insertion tube. That way you deliver the lubricant past the sphincter in other words RIGHT inside. But even then ON TOP of that you should lubricate the penis as well. And even if you put in lube from those insertion tubes you should still add more lube by spreading open the anus.

Again in simplest terms the more the merrier.

I recall reading a story of a woman who was dry fucked anally, she commented quite a bit of ouchies. After he came, the next guy went in and she said the cum of the previous guy lubricated her and it felt MUCH better for her.

So the moral of the story don't be stingy.

And PLEASE for fucks sake avoid re-entering the vagina. It's okay to lubricate yourself with vaginal fluids and then penetrate the anus but once done do NOT reinsert into her vagina. You should even take a shower and clean(lots of soap times) off the penis very well. Also like Master mentioned lube not vaginal lube. Vagina might produce lubrication but it's not enough for anal sex. For regular sex vaginal fluids are perfectly fine but not for anal.

It should be pointed out to people the anus is VERY sensitive, lots of issues can be created even so much as prolapse, that also includes not just homosexual but woman who like pegging. Pegging is when a woman wears a strap on and bends her guy over i.e. role reversal. I should also point out it isn't weird or abnormal or anything in fact funny enough it's a good thing to practice if anyone decides to get kinkier. On top of that I should point out for guys who find it weird. Modern day strap-ons often include rubberized/gel like bumps and some felt material so as she is penetrating you she is getting off as well. It might not be penetration getting off but at least it stimulates her labia and clit, so at least she derives some pleasure and feedback from penetrating the guy. So yes if you wondering she'll stimulate herself to climax and speed up the thrusting and whatnot so at least you know she is pleasured by it.

Master said:

I want to point something out to people. Porn DOES NOT equal lecture on sex. Porn is just for entertainment, exaggeration, or for developing a kink to something.

Despite porn not be an educative tool it does serve the purpose of exploring certain fantasies and getting an idea.

Non the less Master is absolutely correct on porn is not education. It's a shame cause I'm sure more than one member here will state such that porn affected them negatively.

In fact funny enough in my personal life I've rarely if ever look at more than a few minutes of porn it's just disgusting with all the race mixing and all the nasty bullshit around. I do recall earlier in my youth the porn being of higher quality. I literally in the last like 3-4 maybe 5 years not even had a session of looking at pornography longer than like 3-5 minutes. Funny I visit the same reddit sub-reddit for porn and then close it off cause unfortunately every like few videos it's interracial crap. I like what I see but when it comes to the interracial porn it just sickens me to no end. So I've literally can't say as to having a porn session in all those years.

Either way I always viewed porn even when it was the first time as a tool to teach fantasies or kinks or fetishes not exactly a manual on sex.
FancyMancy said:
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex
Define "normal". Define "appropriate". We don't need abritrary bullshit opinions and "opinions" (by which I mean from those who have been brainwashed) to tell us what to do.

MoonlessNight666 said:
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex

What we consider normal or appropriate
nowadays is heavly influenced by judeo christian ideas.

we as is humans in general, as in times of today
Planet of Liberty said:
Aquarius said:
Planet of Liberty said:
I am homosexual and I'm afraid that it is painful the anal sex. :D
For the moment I prefer stay single so i can devote all the time for myself. So I can better manage my personal affairs.
I do not believe that it is obligatory have a relationship serious with someone. In the sense physical and spiritual.
As he said the high priestess Maxine, you have to be free from any mental problem about sex to avoid blocks on the sacral chakra.
I for example I'm not ready yet have a romantic relationship with someone...
You should look into prostate stimulation, we men have a thing called prostate that you may have heard ugly things about concerning doctors but that spot makes us have orgasms separate from the penis!
Make sure to go slow when starting that, you don’t wanna just put a 9 inch dildo in yourself the first times you do this lol.
Yes, yes!! I know the prostate. I have no health problems. The dildo I should buy It? I'm uncertain... lol
No no... not me i do hurt alone. I'm not crazy! :lol:

I just want to understand one thing... have a serious relationship with someone, is it important in life?
If one chooses to stay single not yes create problems at level physical, mental and spiritual? i can rest assured?
There’s prostate stimulators that are exactly for prostates. And as for a relationship that’s up to you, but you don’t wanna be 80 years old and have nobody to care for you and be alone.
Inflorescentia said:
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex

Not if you're Vegan if you know what I mean...
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Gear88 said:
Master said:

To point out something lube is VERY important for anal sex. In simplest terms like the industry that creates anal sex toys: "If you think you put enough, put more in"

In other words for example there are companies that produce lube that looks like dental paste tubes with an extended insertion tube. That way you deliver the lubricant past the sphincter in other words RIGHT inside. But even then ON TOP of that you should lubricate the penis as well. And even if you put in lube from those insertion tubes you should still add more lube by spreading open the anus.

Again in simplest terms the more the merrier.

I recall reading a story of a woman who was dry fucked anally, she commented quite a bit of ouchies. After he came, the next guy went in and she said the cum of the previous guy lubricated her and it felt MUCH better for her.

So the moral of the story don't be stingy.

And PLEASE for fucks sake avoid re-entering the vagina. It's okay to lubricate yourself with vaginal fluids and then penetrate the anus but once done do NOT reinsert into her vagina. You should even take a shower and clean(lots of soap times) off the penis very well. Also like Master mentioned lube not vaginal lube. Vagina might produce lubrication but it's not enough for anal sex. For regular sex vaginal fluids are perfectly fine but not for anal.

It should be pointed out to people the anus is VERY sensitive, lots of issues can be created even so much as prolapse, that also includes not just homosexual but woman who like pegging. Pegging is when a woman wears a strap on and bends her guy over i.e. role reversal. I should also point out it isn't weird or abnormal or anything in fact funny enough it's a good thing to practice if anyone decides to get kinkier. On top of that I should point out for guys who find it weird. Modern day strap-ons often include rubberized/gel like bumps and some felt material so as she is penetrating you she is getting off as well. It might not be penetration getting off but at least it stimulates her labia and clit, so at least she derives some pleasure and feedback from penetrating the guy. So yes if you wondering she'll stimulate herself to climax and speed up the thrusting and whatnot so at least you know she is pleasured by it.

Master said:

I want to point something out to people. Porn DOES NOT equal lecture on sex. Porn is just for entertainment, exaggeration, or for developing a kink to something.

Despite porn not be an educative tool it does serve the purpose of exploring certain fantasies and getting an idea.

Non the less Master is absolutely correct on porn is not education. It's a shame cause I'm sure more than one member here will state such that porn affected them negatively.

In fact funny enough in my personal life I've rarely if ever look at more than a few minutes of porn it's just disgusting with all the race mixing and all the nasty bullshit around. I do recall earlier in my youth the porn being of higher quality. I literally in the last like 3-4 maybe 5 years not even had a session of looking at pornography longer than like 3-5 minutes. Funny I visit the same reddit sub-reddit for porn and then close it off cause unfortunately every like few videos it's interracial crap. I like what I see but when it comes to the interracial porn it just sickens me to no end. So I've literally can't say as to having a porn session in all those years.

Either way I always viewed porn even when it was the first time as a tool to teach fantasies or kinks or fetishes not exactly a manual on sex.
Thank you, Gear88, for going into that. I really appreciate it.
No. Porn serves no purpose other than putting ridiculous expectations in people's mind and to show fetishes brought to some ridiculous extremes in order to affect some people's mind and make them return to the oppression of xtardanity and pisslam.
Stormblood said:
No. Porn serves no purpose other than putting ridiculous expectations in people's mind and to show fetishes brought to some ridiculous extremes in order to affect some people's mind and make them return to the oppression of xtardanity and pisslam.
That's it! I'm going to court with these jews who made me believe a girl could transition from talking to a female colleague to having a threesome with me in just 30seconds. It didn't fucking happen.
FancyMancy said:
Inflorescentia said:
Length said:
Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex

Not if you're Vegan if you know what I mean...
Sausage is made from meat (hehe). You can't have an igloo made from... toilet tissue, or a greenhouse made out of red bricks...

Hey - did you ever meet Misha? He's a cute hamster and lives in an aquarium. Misha the Hamster is a Fish, just like Hassan the Asian muslim is European, and Sausage is made from...tofu? Dafuq... Meat-free meat. All vegans are destined to be virgins, or at least celibate and possibly incels, and that's a good thing because their vegetable seed will not spread and sprout new vegan plants.

OK, sarcasm aside - I asked a vegan once upon a time if they breastfeed Babies. Instead of answering me, it decided to be angry and demanded from me why shouldn't they according to me. The vegan is not getting enough protein in those sausages, baybee, if you know what I mean! Very hormonal!

Wiser words have rarely been spoken. Thank you, master. ;)
Length said:
What about poop.
If a person has a healthy diet with a good amount of fiber there will be little if any feces in the rectum, as the rectum acts as a pathway for the feces, not as a storage place. But there will always be the possibility that there will be some, and that's why you wear a condom if you're the one giving so to speak. Never use an enema either, as spraying your rectum with water will also wash out important mucus that helps naturally lubricate it and keep it from tearing.
Length said:
What about poop.
Make sure to buy an enema and fill it with luke warm water(not hot). Make sure the woman goes to the bathroom and empties everything then make her take the enema in the back and then take it out from the back 2-3 times into the toilet until its completely clean. Then apply lube (water based) inside her ,outside and also on your dong. Tell her to spread her legs and hold them on the sides. Then just insert the tip very slowly and as you start thrusting little by little be sure to apply lube again and again. The woman should train herself for a week by inserting dildos or anal plugs because the anus is not designed to stretch like the vagina(an entire child can come out through there.) It would be extremely painful especially if your dong is big and thick. The most important thing being it should be pleasurable and not painful for her, that's the most important thing.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
How often do straight men get there prostate glands stimulated by other men and women?
or do most straight men see that as weird.

A straight man being stimulated by another straight man is not straight, nor is the other guy. As far as women to men or man themselves, idk. Some might find it weird as any other things besides how a man should have sex in their opinion is wrong. Some might be curious. Some others probably dont even know about the prostate gland and that it can be simulated. Others might think its "queer."
Jack said:
Make sure to buy an enema and fill it with luke warm water(not hot). Make sure the woman goes to the bathroom and empties everything then make her take the enema in the back and then take it out from the back 2-3 times into the toilet until its completely clean.

What you described is very unhealthy and dangerous. Enema's are bad for the reasons I explained in my post, as well as mentioned on the JoS page of things not to do.
Malkom2 said:
Jack said:
Make sure to buy an enema and fill it with luke warm water(not hot). Make sure the woman goes to the bathroom and empties everything then make her take the enema in the back and then take it out from the back 2-3 times into the toilet until its completely clean.

What you described is very unhealthy and dangerous. Enema's are bad for the reasons I explained in my post, as well as mentioned on the JoS page of things not to do.
Wut no that's a very specific yogic practice with a very different goal in mind and yes that can be dangerous. But the enema thing I'm describing is completely safe, they sell these on Amazon. You have to use lukewarm water though. Another method you can use is an enema showerhead which they also sell on Amazon. You can check out articles on this subject from medical professionals and they say the same thing .
Crystallized Mushroom said:
luis said:
Planet of Liberty said:
I am homosexual and I'm afraid that it is painful the anal sex. :D
For the moment I prefer stay single so i can devote all the time for myself. So I can better manage my personal affairs.
I do not believe that it is obligatory have a relationship serious with someone. In the sense physical and spiritual.
As he said the high priestess Maxine, you have to be free from any mental problem about sex to avoid blocks on the sacral chakra.
I for example I'm not ready yet have a romantic relationship with someone...
In Satanism you can do whatever you feel is best for you but if do not do something just because you are scared then you may look to fix this. First if you are gay it doesn't mean you have to do Anal sex, you could just be a "Top", second Anal sex if it's something you want to try is not scary, it litteraly takes a Google search to see how you should do it in a way that it doesn't hurt, in the end it's your choise if you want to do it or not but even if you are only going to be a Top you should search how to do Anal sex in the best way so that you know how to have good sex with your partner.
is being a top or bottom something your born in to or can this be chosen?

You can be a bottom, top or a switch (alternate between the two). I wouldn't say it's something you are born with; you just need to experiment and see what you enjoy.
Jack said:
Malkom2 said:
Jack said:
Make sure to buy an enema and fill it with luke warm water(not hot). Make sure the woman goes to the bathroom and empties everything then make her take the enema in the back and then take it out from the back 2-3 times into the toilet until its completely clean.

What you described is very unhealthy and dangerous. Enema's are bad for the reasons I explained in my post, as well as mentioned on the JoS page of things not to do.
Wut no that's a very specific yogic practice with a very different goal in mind and yes that can be dangerous. But the enema thing I'm describing is completely safe, they sell these on Amazon. You have to use lukewarm water though. Another method you can use is an enema showerhead which they also sell on Amazon. You can check out articles on this subject from medical professionals and they say the same thing .
Anal sex is interesting but complicated. In the future, when I have a girlfriend, I would also like to try anal sex of course separately from vaginal sex. In my opinion, anal and oral sex are additional. Anal sex as well as oral sex are an option and an opportunity to sexually exploit and enjoy certain parts of the body that have nerve endings. Like kissing with the mouth and tongue, the lips and tongue have many nerve endings and that is why you can enjoy this act. I think these things should be studied further in order to understand them and understand them better. I like girls with beautiful natural breasts. Breast is a very attractive feminine feature as the beautiful ass of a woman. There is definitely a way to make the breasts grow naturally. Anyway, this is a different theme and I would like this theme to be dealt with specifically.
Master said:
Jack said:
Malkom2 said:
What you described is very unhealthy and dangerous. Enema's are bad for the reasons I explained in my post, as well as mentioned on the JoS page of things not to do.
Wut no that's a very specific yogic practice with a very different goal in mind and yes that can be dangerous. But the enema thing I'm describing is completely safe, they sell these on Amazon. You have to use lukewarm water though. Another method you can use is an enema showerhead which they also sell on Amazon. You can check out articles on this subject from medical professionals and they say the same thing .
Anal sex is interesting but complicated. In the future, when I have a girlfriend, I would also like to try anal sex of course separately from vaginal sex. In my opinion, anal and oral sex are additional. Anal sex as well as oral sex are an option and an opportunity to sexually exploit and enjoy certain parts of the body that have nerve endings. Like kissing with the mouth and tongue, the lips and tongue have many nerve endings and that is why you can enjoy this act. I think these things should be studied further in order to understand them and understand them better. I like girls with beautiful natural breasts. Breast is a very attractive feminine feature as the beautiful ass of a woman. There is definitely a way to make the breasts grow naturally. Anyway, this is a different theme and I would like this theme to be dealt with specifically.
I'm reporting you to feminists for being misogynistic by excluding small breasted and no ass women. If you don't want to be jailed you have to take a small breasted woman as your gf ,to atone for your objectification sins.
Jack said:
Master said:
Jack said:
Wut no that's a very specific yogic practice with a very different goal in mind and yes that can be dangerous. But the enema thing I'm describing is completely safe, they sell these on Amazon. You have to use lukewarm water though. Another method you can use is an enema showerhead which they also sell on Amazon. You can check out articles on this subject from medical professionals and they say the same thing .
Anal sex is interesting but complicated. In the future, when I have a girlfriend, I would also like to try anal sex of course separately from vaginal sex. In my opinion, anal and oral sex are additional. Anal sex as well as oral sex are an option and an opportunity to sexually exploit and enjoy certain parts of the body that have nerve endings. Like kissing with the mouth and tongue, the lips and tongue have many nerve endings and that is why you can enjoy this act. I think these things should be studied further in order to understand them and understand them better. I like girls with beautiful natural breasts. Breast is a very attractive feminine feature as the beautiful ass of a woman. There is definitely a way to make the breasts grow naturally. Anyway, this is a different theme and I would like this theme to be dealt with specifically.
I'm reporting you to feminists for being misogynistic by excluding small breasted and no ass women. If you don't want to be jailed you have to take a small breasted woman as your gf ,to atone for your objectification sins.

Shouldn't this small-breasted woman also be super fat like "Good" Buu because "muh equal opportunities"?
Jack said:
Master said:
Jack said:
Wut no that's a very specific yogic practice with a very different goal in mind and yes that can be dangerous. But the enema thing I'm describing is completely safe, they sell these on Amazon. You have to use lukewarm water though. Another method you can use is an enema showerhead which they also sell on Amazon. You can check out articles on this subject from medical professionals and they say the same thing .
Anal sex is interesting but complicated. In the future, when I have a girlfriend, I would also like to try anal sex of course separately from vaginal sex. In my opinion, anal and oral sex are additional. Anal sex as well as oral sex are an option and an opportunity to sexually exploit and enjoy certain parts of the body that have nerve endings. Like kissing with the mouth and tongue, the lips and tongue have many nerve endings and that is why you can enjoy this act. I think these things should be studied further in order to understand them and understand them better. I like girls with beautiful natural breasts. Breast is a very attractive feminine feature as the beautiful ass of a woman. There is definitely a way to make the breasts grow naturally. Anyway, this is a different theme and I would like this theme to be dealt with specifically.
I'm reporting you to feminists for being misogynistic by excluding small breasted and no ass women. If you don't want to be jailed you have to take a small breasted woman as your gf ,to atone for your objectification sins.
Lol, girls with long hair are very beautiful. Plastic operations and other harmful things must be avoided, there are natural ways to improve your beauty. This applies to both women and men, beauty is a unique thing. Even from a scientific point of view, plastic operations and the like are unnatural but by studying anatomy and biology you can understand what you need in the body to balance things by taking metals, minerals and other natural things for the natural and normal composition of the body and not by inserting plastic and other idiotic and wrong things.
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
Master said:
Anal sex is interesting but complicated. In the future, when I have a girlfriend, I would also like to try anal sex of course separately from vaginal sex. In my opinion, anal and oral sex are additional. Anal sex as well as oral sex are an option and an opportunity to sexually exploit and enjoy certain parts of the body that have nerve endings. Like kissing with the mouth and tongue, the lips and tongue have many nerve endings and that is why you can enjoy this act. I think these things should be studied further in order to understand them and understand them better. I like girls with beautiful natural breasts. Breast is a very attractive feminine feature as the beautiful ass of a woman. There is definitely a way to make the breasts grow naturally. Anyway, this is a different theme and I would like this theme to be dealt with specifically.
I'm reporting you to feminists for being misogynistic by excluding small breasted and no ass women. If you don't want to be jailed you have to take a small breasted woman as your gf ,to atone for your objectification sins.

Shouldn't this small-breasted woman also be super fat like "Good" Buu because "muh equal opportunities"?
Not just fat, she should be morbidly obese and have type 1 diabetes. Peak Progressivism = marrying Morbidly obese women with diseases .
Master said:
Jack said:
Master said:
Anal sex is interesting but complicated. In the future, when I have a girlfriend, I would also like to try anal sex of course separately from vaginal sex. In my opinion, anal and oral sex are additional. Anal sex as well as oral sex are an option and an opportunity to sexually exploit and enjoy certain parts of the body that have nerve endings. Like kissing with the mouth and tongue, the lips and tongue have many nerve endings and that is why you can enjoy this act. I think these things should be studied further in order to understand them and understand them better. I like girls with beautiful natural breasts. Breast is a very attractive feminine feature as the beautiful ass of a woman. There is definitely a way to make the breasts grow naturally. Anyway, this is a different theme and I would like this theme to be dealt with specifically.
I'm reporting you to feminists for being misogynistic by excluding small breasted and no ass women. If you don't want to be jailed you have to take a small breasted woman as your gf ,to atone for your objectification sins.
Lol, girls with long hair are very beautiful. Plastic operations and other harmful things must be avoided, there are natural ways to improve your beauty. This applies to both women and men, beauty is a unique thing. Even from a scientific point of view, plastic operations and the like are unnatural but by studying anatomy and biology you can understand what you need in the body to balance things by taking metals, minerals and other natural things for the natural and normal composition of the body and not by inserting plastic and other idiotic and wrong things.

Idk if this is true but I heard someone say the reason the Greeks made sculptures of men with very tiny penises but an amazing physique is to show the philosophy of how one should work on the things that they themselves have control over like said physique.

I myself would rather be with a healthy and in shape woman that is an A cup and nice shaped small ass than a woman that's purposedly out of shape, belly expanded and hanging but has big tits and ass.

For some people it's easier to attain their body goals and for others it's a bit harder but at the end what matters is that we have full control of the shape of our bodies regardless of how each individual gets to that goal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
