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Adjustment Day: Nonwhites Now MAJORITY in 16-And-Under Demographic according to Census

ShadowTheRaven said:
The worst part is I was born, raised, and still live in America where this is all happening. I'm going to fucking die, and it's all because nobody will fight.

Be calm, don't affirm things like this. I'm not denying that things seem very bad now. But people are fighting with spiritual weapons. We will survive, our Race is strong and a lot more people are waking up now. Don't ignore reality but don't constantly think of the worse outcomes happening, take steps to engage in as much spiritual warfare as possible, always be prepared, and try to keep focus on positive things (I know that can seem extremely difficult, but even changing your mindset a little bit can help).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cynthia said:
What steps can we take? Can we do more race awakening rituals? I am still looking for a man that is a spiritual satanist. And I am not what I would consider financially ready to have kids. But I want to have kids and help save our race. There has to be a way we can change the direction things are going.

Hail Satan!

We will be doing more as from now on planets are starting to get more favorable.

The Final RTR has opened the last drag for the enemy. We must keep doing it relentlessly.

There will be chaos before things change for the better. We are getting there, but we are not there yet. A lot of this chaos has emerged exactly because we have altered the world already, and everything moves to the positive side...So...We have some drawbacks. These drawbacks however, do not fulfill their ends.

For example, these uncivilized communist fiends may try to take the statues down, but all they manage to do is expose themselves for wanting to extinct us and our history. If the enemy had the power they wanted, none of this would happen unsuccessfully. It would just happen once and be done with, with everyone going down the drain. Now, we actually stand a very good chance to save our civilization from them.

Due to negativity that is already present from the enemy's works, the deconstruction of their creations will come with societal bleeding involved, metaphorically speaking.

The good news in this are that finally, White people are getting confronted with the reality that our removal is no longer a conspiracy theory, but a valid and obvious reality. With the RTR in place, people are waking up to this fact.

Even a normal man that is decent and financially secure will do for kids, he does not have to be the smartest or the knight on the horse, just a good and moral man who will stand by your side and your kids. Plus, you have the upper hand in this and all the benefits and legal system is for your advantage. You do not need to make rushed decisions, just think matters through.

We are doing great. I am thankful personally that so much has been altered. We will continue.

Thank you for your response! I appreciate your advice and information. I am grateful for HPs that keep organizing ways we can fight. This inspires hope that we have a chance.

Hail Satan!
Cynthia said:
I have an ex I could maybe have a family with that is white. Not ideal because he's an xian but this I think is also largely due to his prison experience and upbringing and when I was with him I had vaguely mentioned my religion and he seemed open minded. Also very against race mixing. Would this be a good idea? We would be able to have enough income together if he's interested still and he was a really kind and genuine guy aside from the fact that he's xian. Sorry if this is kind of grasping at straws but I want to do something.
Thanks for your time

Hail Satan
Ask Satan to lead you to a suitable partner for yourself. Maybe join yoga classes, or martial arts classes or whatever classes that can have these kind of people in it, do that after asking Satan, as he will direct you to the right path ;)
FancyMancy said:
Perhaps I didn't explain it correctly.
You explained it very clearly, and there were no misunderstandings about your post when I wrote my message.

You are taking things into ridiculous extremes, and present it here in a way that directly offends and alienates entire groups of people for no reason other than you being paranoid and feeling the need to be imposing on other people's lives. You need to take a moment and detach yourself from the normies you live around. Don't equate people here with the same stupidity that those normies may have.

The statement of "we need more white children in order to support our race" is NOT synonymous with "every white person on the planet should be forced or severely socially pressured into having children, regardless of what they want".

For example, if that person you referenced wants to not have kids until the world is in a situation that's better for raising a child, then this is a completely normal and respectable decision. If a gay person wants to stick with their partner and not find a man/woman/sperm-donation in order to raise a kid, then that also is a very normal decision. In fact, most likely a very high percentage of third-sex people would never want to find a partner they are not attracted to for the sole purpose of bearing children.

There are tons more examples, and even in the case of a straight white couple that is financially well off, it still wouldn't be right to attempt to force them into having kids. In 90% of cases, after an environment is created where they can raise kids comfortably, they will end up wanting to have children by themselves anyways.
Coraxo said:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that only exposing the enemy will not be enough to destroy them, not when the vast majority of people on this planet are nothing but a mindless sheep.

I disagree. I understand the hysterical reaction some members have as it's natural to feel that way when your racial group is threatened.

But the issue is and always has been the jews. It does not matter if whites are a minority if the enemy is exposed and non-whites can see who their real enemy is. This is the reality of the situation jews have economically crippled and destroyed these people's countries and pin the blame on the white race.

With the jews exposed and their grip on the world destroyed these people have no real reason to hate the white race and want to destroy us. The other gentile races are not the enemy.

I have come to understand the view of these people as well. Their countries are hell on earth and their people suffer tremendously. The issue is they don't know who their real enemy is. I understand the hype to fight for your race but if a race war breaks out the jewish plan is finalized and humanity is destroyed forever.

If America becomes fully crippled and fucked by a race war there's nothing else in the world that can resist the chinese golem. America is the only hope humanity has if it collapses before china does it's literally the end.

So calm down. Focus. Do the RTR and continue to work to exposing the jews.
Cynthia said:
I have an ex I could maybe have a family with that is white. Not ideal because he's an xian but this I think is also largely due to his prison experience and upbringing and when I was with him I had vaguely mentioned my religion and he seemed open minded. Also very against race mixing. Would this be a good idea? We would be able to have enough income together if he's interested still and he was a really kind and genuine guy aside from the fact that he's xian. Sorry if this is kind of grasping at straws but I want to do something.
Thanks for your time

Hail Satan

If you are worried about finding a partner right now do a working to find a suitable one for you. I do not know your life nor the life of any lover you've had. But having a criminal past is not really ideal for someone who wants to have an upstanding family. Especially don't try to make excuses for xians, more than likely they will just say stupid shit like "I respect your views" and not meditate and be a total goy. Fuck relying on someone else for income too. What happens if things don't work out? Or if there's a lot of tension? You will be bound and connected to this person, or you will be without financial stability. Rely on yourself first, stand on your own, and then find someone to build a beautiful satanic life with.
Aldrick said:
Personal Growth said:
FancyMancy said:
Whites need to have White Babies. I recall a member saying that they wish to not have Children because this World is too shit to raise Children. That is defeatist and weak. I think it is justified to censure that member for their decision, regardless of where they live. Not to mention it has been said I think by HPS Maxine that homosexuals will need - be obligated - to procreate. That is not a "sacrifice" in the slightest. In fact, it is not only obligatory but it is also an honour and a privilege to help the White Race survive.

I see you're well fired up to fight for our race. And it's really atrocious what's happening to us.

But you want to censor a member for thinking that the world is too degenerated to bring children into.

Mate to censor someone for their opinion is to act like those anti fascist fascists.

There are circumstances and situations that people take into consideration.

I see a trend of where white people think about their careers and business. And put off having children and then reduce the population by only having one child.

The coloured races tend to make numerous babies and increase the population. And still have copious children even under poverty circumstances.

And then they point at the small white family and say look at their nice house. They have privilege because they're white.

No, the whites practiced self control and planning.

Anyway mate. Just thought maybe we should open discussions and educate people instead of just shutting them down.

It is a universal difference in the mentality towards children by the different races.

White people plan these things better. And because of this lockdown whites will make less babies.

A colleague said we will have a baby boom in nine months.

Not whites I don't think because whites are thinking about economy and there being virus at hospitals.

I agree. What if you cant feed the baby?

I mean us struggling to bring up a couple kids is not going to fix anything.

We need major fixing on a country level, or we are doomed.

There was just recently a post here where a member explained that his wife was recently pregnant and how excited they were to bring an SS baby into the world. But this lockdown has caused them severe hardship and neither of them had any income now. And their country was not one to issue benefits. And so in their dire situation they were looking at taking an abortion tablet to bring on contractions and make her miscarry. I actually went into shock at that. I could feel my face pale and go cold. How horrible. Sickening. A person can see that it's not some virus that's killing people. It's the over the top draconian lockdown that's killing people. Even the unborn which is really saddening.

So yes it's two different things. If one has the opinion it's kinder to not have children. Or whether it's a real life and wellbeing situation for the child.
FancyMancy said:
Goldenage18 said:
FancyMancy said:
Whites need to have White Babies. I recall a member saying that they wish to not have Children because this World is too shit to raise Children. That is defeatist and weak. I think it is justified to censure that member for their decision, regardless of where they live. Not to mention it has been said I think by HPS Maxine that homosexuals will need - be obligated - to procreate. That is not a "sacrifice" in the slightest. In fact, it is not only obligatory but it is also an honour and a privilege to help the White Race survive.
I don't recall Hps Maxine writing this statement, instead Hp Jake wrote that and soon after corrected it by saying that no third sex will be obligated to procreate
It makes more sense that it would have been HP Jake, so thanks for that. I also didn't see the correction, so thanks also for that.
you're welcome https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=25178&p=113294#p113294
Here it is
slyscorpion said:
Personal Growth said:
FancyMancy said:
Whites need to have White Babies. I recall a member saying that they wish to not have Children because this World is too shit to raise Children. That is defeatist and weak. I think it is justified to censure that member for their decision, regardless of where they live. Not to mention it has been said I think by HPS Maxine that homosexuals will need - be obligated - to procreate. That is not a "sacrifice" in the slightest. In fact, it is not only obligatory but it is also an honour and a privilege to help the White Race survive.

I see you're well fired up to fight for our race. And it's really atrocious what's happening to us.

But you want to censor a member for thinking that the world is too degenerated to bring children into.

Mate to censor someone for their opinion is to act like those anti fascist fascists.

There are circumstances and situations that people take into consideration.

I see a trend of where white people think about their careers and business. And put off having children and then reduce the population by only having one child.

The coloured races tend to make numerous babies and increase the population. And still have copious children even under poverty circumstances.

And then they point at the small white family and say look at their nice house. They have privilege because they're white.

No, the whites practiced self control and planning.

Anyway mate. Just thought maybe we should open discussions and educate people instead of just shutting them down.

It is a universal difference in the mentality towards children by the different races.

White people plan these things better. And because of this lockdown whites will make less babies.

A colleague said we will have a baby boom in nine months.

Not whites I don't think because whites are thinking about economy and there being virus at hospitals.

Not all places are too degenerated to have children. If we do have them though we will leave where we are now and money makes that literally impossible like I said there really is no easy way to get better off in that. So I just keep doing money workings and hope for luck somehow in something random if I keep doing it

Yes I'm a single bloke. I work long hours and do the Final - RTR. Struggle to meditate for lack of time and tiredness. I see it as a toss up of meditate or do Final RTR. Of course I do aura cleaning and returning curses because they are quick. And I see couples and am happy for them. I see women, feel the attraction and feel I need to sacrifice going without. I have tried to get relationships but at this point in the war it's critical I focus on the Final - RTR.

You're lucky to be in a relationship. I think critically too many whites are saying no to babies at this moment in time. I heard a colleague saying people must not have babies because you don't want to go to the hospital where the virus is. And with this 'new normal' lockdown that's never ending whites are thinking about their livelihoods and lives getting damaged by this draconian lockdown. There is a vast difference in mentality regarding children between whites and non whites.

I had a black friend that had lots of children and was sometimes borrowing money off me to feed his kids. Then he said she's pregnant again. And I was like are you kidding me. You cant keep your head above the water as it is and you're having more, unbelievable crazy. And he said what else is there in life. Children are everything, it's your blood and the connection you feel is the most incredible thing.

Then he said if they're poor and go without it's okay so long as they survive. Then he told me a story of a rich man that bought his baby lots of expensive toys. But the baby wasn't interested in the toys. And the baby found an empty box in the corner of the room. The baby was not interested in the expensive toys but loved playing for hours with his empty box that was free.

So whites are looking at the situation and extincting us more. While coloureds have a field day carrying on breeding with wild abandoned disregard to situations and circumstances. It upsets me too and it's critical. We can try talking others into still having babies regardless of the situation. Okay it's a challenging situation, 'unprecedented' like never before. But they say if you try and work it out. People tend to find there never is a right time to have a baby. And then they've left it too late.

I've had a woman over and I feel my chest tightening up because I'm like I don't have time for this. I'm distracted and not getting anything done. I need a busy woman that won't ask for much of my time. But it looks like everyone around me is living in leisure with plenty of time and I'm always scrambling. For us doing the Final-RTR I think that's critical right now as the war has climaxed with this lockdown.

I hope fortune can look kindly on us so you can move away to better pastures and have your babies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cynthia said:
What steps can we take? Can we do more race awakening rituals? I am still looking for a man that is a spiritual satanist. And I am not what I would consider financially ready to have kids. But I want to have kids and help save our race. There has to be a way we can change the direction things are going.

Hail Satan!

We will be doing more as from now on planets are starting to get more favorable.

The Final RTR has opened the last drag for the enemy. We must keep doing it relentlessly.

There will be chaos before things change for the better. We are getting there, but we are not there yet. A lot of this chaos has emerged exactly because we have altered the world already, and everything moves to the positive side...So...We have some drawbacks. These drawbacks however, do not fulfill their ends.

For example, these uncivilized communist fiends may try to take the statues down, but all they manage to do is expose themselves for wanting to extinct us and our history. If the enemy had the power they wanted, none of this would happen unsuccessfully. It would just happen once and be done with, with everyone going down the drain. Now, we actually stand a very good chance to save our civilization from them.

Due to negativity that is already present from the enemy's works, the deconstruction of their creations will come with societal bleeding involved, metaphorically speaking.

The good news in this are that finally, White people are getting confronted with the reality that our removal is no longer a conspiracy theory, but a valid and obvious reality. With the RTR in place, people are waking up to this fact.

Even a normal man that is decent and financially secure will do for kids, he does not have to be the smartest or the knight on the horse, just a good and moral man who will stand by your side and your kids. Plus, you have the upper hand in this and all the benefits and legal system is for your advantage. You do not need to make rushed decisions, just think matters through.

We are doing great. I am thankful personally that so much has been altered. We will continue.

This is how I see it as well. So many people are waking up. Someone was just telling me the other day how everyone up at their work were talking about how its the jews causing all problems and how they are the ones behind everything; trying to corrupt the nations and destroy America and all. I even know others who before were far left and are not anymore after seeing the trouble they have caused and what they have done lately. This is great. It’s like the more Final RTRs done the deeper the jews dig their own hole.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Personal Growth said:
The coloured races tend to make numerous babies and increase the population. And still have copious children even under poverty circumstances.

Because the government pretty much gives them money to breed. If I applied for welfare benefits and had 3+ kids, I wouldn't get it because I'm white. Not only that, I would have my life ruined by CYS because I'm an impoverished white male attempting to contribute to the white population.

Yes in the UK they definitely earn a good living off of benefits as stay at home parents. A news article springs to mind of some Islamic hate preacher that came to London as an immigrant. The media was exposing how he preaches all of this hate for the UK, but lives off benefits having never worked. The scandal was that he had a huge family and the state was paying a fortune monthly to keep him and his family in their own large double story house. That was such a large property bigger than state housing stock that the council was renting it off a private landlord.

I was originally from South Africa. Now to my knowledge SA doesn't have a proper benefits system. They have some benefits. Like the old age pension. And cheap quality RDP housing stock for the needy. And if you're poor and have a baby you can go to some government department and they'll give you baby foods while the baby's still a baby.

But other than that little help SA is harsh and not a welfare state. The vast overwhelming majority of the population lives in poverty below the bread line and in makeshift camps.

And incredibly even in such dire living conditions and without the benefits the coloured peoples still produce masses of impoverished children.

I sometimes telephone my dad in SA and ask him about these things.

He says things are bad there. That there's not enough jobs. That there's people begging everywhere. And that they're desperate. That you can only give so much. But a hungry man is an angry man and when you can't give they get angry and rob you.

He says there is such an overpopulation of impoverished blacks as it is but they just keep breeding and he doesn't know where it will end. He fears it's inevitable that he'll be attacked one day. And he just wishes that they kill him if he's attacked because he doesn't want to live disabled.
Cynthia said:
I have an ex I could maybe have a family with that is white. Not ideal because he's an xian but this I think is also largely due to his prison experience and upbringing and when I was with him I had vaguely mentioned my religion and he seemed open minded. Also very against race mixing. Would this be a good idea? We would be able to have enough income together if he's interested still and he was a really kind and genuine guy aside from the fact that he's xian. Sorry if this is kind of grasping at straws but I want to do something.
Thanks for your time

Hail Satan

I do not think people that went to prison make for good mates.
Also you do not need to feel pressured or to hurry this. Having a child will be completely life changing.

This part where they pressure us into getting laid forcing our legs to open for white men is also wrong. How is this any different than what those rapists do to us?
We need to be willing to have children. A partner we can rely on. Someone we can trust with our lives when we are the most weak (right after childbirth or when we are pregnant in the later stages).
If youre forced, even though you accept it, it is nearly almost the same as rape. You do not understand the mental toll it takes.
Cynthia said:
I have an ex I could maybe have a family with that is white. Not ideal because he's an xian but this I think is also largely due to his prison experience and upbringing and when I was with him I had vaguely mentioned my religion and he seemed open minded. Also very against race mixing. Would this be a good idea? We would be able to have enough income together if he's interested still and he was a really kind and genuine guy aside from the fact that he's xian. Sorry if this is kind of grasping at straws but I want to do something.
Thanks for your time

Hail Satan

I too, would also love to find an SS girl I could have kids with one day. Since a young age I always thought about having kids, picturing certain things I would be doing with my kids, and teaching them. After leaving xianity, that faded, but was always on the fence. And as mentioned previously, wouldn't consider even bringing a kid into this world without at least having enough of a financial stability to provide for them - and having enough that if for some reason a relationship ended after having kids, that I'd be stable enough to provide for them entirely on my own (if things were to come to that). I feel I'm getting close to achieving this goal, and glad I haven't rushed into things too early in my life.

I too felt like I could have also possibly had kids with my ex, but I don't believe we were totally astrologically compatible, and henceforth, we broke up. She was very open minded to Satanism, strongly against race mixing, and though she didn't necessarily consider herself pagan, she was very fond of many pagan-like practices. Alcohol and drugs were an issue for her, and I feel like this was a primary reason we ended up parting ways. I used to use until coming to Satanism, and now that I've been clean for years, although we had a connection, and at least a mutual understanding around drugs, it was a primary reason she was attracted to me, which I realized wasn't healthy. She wasn't ready to leave it, and I wasn't willing to wait around for her to finally stop using until maybe one day we'd decide to have kids, when she'd wake up and realize she can't be using anymore. Also, her family was pretty fucked up, and her parents had many health problems (some of which looked like were starting to manifest in her as well). This made me realize - do I really want to have kids with someone of this genetic makeup? Why settle for mediocrity when I am a Satanist and have the power to attract a far more suitable partner, who will provide me with children of far more superior genetics.

Since our parting of ways, I have been doing rituals to further remove prior hangups, which in turn will help attract the right partner to me. With the right rituals, and guidance from Satan and the Gods, I'm confident the right person will come to me. I don't think now is the time to be rash and hastily find a partner tomorrow which could end up in heartbreak, and possibly a separation at a crucial point in one's kids' early lives. Typically, in regards to having kids, the goal is to be with someone, and this one and only person for this lifetime where you can raise kids who have two great parents. The divorce rate is stupidly high, and it's almost a norm now that kids at all various ages are or will experience their parents separate/divorce, which can have severe consequences. As such, if you're only planning to have kids with only one partner in this lifetime, why rush? Spend the time to build yourself up, do money rituals and work hard at building your finances, and do rituals to attract the right person to you. As long as your biological clock isn't already ticking and you're getting close to menopause, you have time to become the best you you can be, and find the highly suitable and compatible partner. And who knows - with the work you put in, maybe the Gods will bless you with an SS partner you can have superior children with.

It has been mentioned in the past it is highly advised not to mix with those who are with the enemy - as such, xians. Some may be open minded, sure. And some may even be like me, who was once Christian, now turned SS - but it's a big a risk to take, because as you open up more and more with this partner about Satanism, it may at some point become too much for them, or enemy influence takes over too hard, and they go running back hard to xianity. I've seen this happen with another former ex of mine. There are plenty of people out there who are not xian, and are at the least pro our cause. Personally, I think there is far less risk to be with someone who is not tied to xianity. And even if you get lucky and they don't scare away form you with being xian and run form the relationship, what if they hold true to their beliefs, though being open minded to yours, and then try to teach your kids to be xian? I don't know about you, but that's not something I would stand for.
Yurei said:
This is it. This is the point of no return. It was nice knowing you America.
These riots are nothing but a protracted war on white culture and identity. They will not stop until you are all dead.

We speak of the enemy needing WW3 to bring in their agenda.

WW3 has already begun and began in 2001 with the Twin Towers attack.

The war is different each time. WW1 had trench warfare. WW2 Hitler introduced Blitzkrieg which initially confounded the French and UK armies on the banks of Dunkerque.

WW3 is different again. And because of the mainstream media and this difference again some people cannot see it's the oligarchy against the people this WW3.

Although the war on humanity has been ongoing since the enemy attacked our Gods here on earth.

WW3 is currently being waged on us right now and especially with this lockdown.

This is only the start. What they have planned to take this war against humanity to is much worse.
Grimryper7 said:
Aren't Spanish people white?

I love the picture of the woman in your footer. She's so beautiful. That's art I love.

Spanish people would be recorded as white in a census. And they have a good energy feel and are friendly.

But they do have a different skin pigment and have dark thicker hair.

So I would put them in the sub race category.

There are variables in the white race which are very similar. Like Polish Slavs, Engish Ango Saxons and Scottish Celts.

But the Spanish although they are so very similar, I think they go into a white sub race group.
Rising666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cynthia said:
What steps can we take? Can we do more race awakening rituals? I am still looking for a man that is a spiritual satanist. And I am not what I would consider financially ready to have kids. But I want to have kids and help save our race. There has to be a way we can change the direction things are going.

Hail Satan!

We will be doing more as from now on planets are starting to get more favorable.

The Final RTR has opened the last drag for the enemy. We must keep doing it relentlessly.

There will be chaos before things change for the better. We are getting there, but we are not there yet. A lot of this chaos has emerged exactly because we have altered the world already, and everything moves to the positive side...So...We have some drawbacks. These drawbacks however, do not fulfill their ends.

For example, these uncivilized communist fiends may try to take the statues down, but all they manage to do is expose themselves for wanting to extinct us and our history. If the enemy had the power they wanted, none of this would happen unsuccessfully. It would just happen once and be done with, with everyone going down the drain. Now, we actually stand a very good chance to save our civilization from them.

Due to negativity that is already present from the enemy's works, the deconstruction of their creations will come with societal bleeding involved, metaphorically speaking.

The good news in this are that finally, White people are getting confronted with the reality that our removal is no longer a conspiracy theory, but a valid and obvious reality. With the RTR in place, people are waking up to this fact.

Even a normal man that is decent and financially secure will do for kids, he does not have to be the smartest or the knight on the horse, just a good and moral man who will stand by your side and your kids. Plus, you have the upper hand in this and all the benefits and legal system is for your advantage. You do not need to make rushed decisions, just think matters through.

We are doing great. I am thankful personally that so much has been altered. We will continue.

This is how I see it as well. So many people are waking up. Someone was just telling me the other day how everyone up at their work were talking about how its the jews causing all problems and how they are the ones behind everything; trying to corrupt the nations and destroy America and all. I even know others who before were far left and are not anymore after seeing the trouble they have caused and what they have done lately. This is great. It’s like the more Final RTRs done the deeper the jews dig their own hole.

Same here it used to be a very strongly democrat area now I have overheard a lot of conversations in support of Trump. I was kind of surprised but this is a good thing.
Personal Growth said:

Well, I am set to obtain my pilot's license. Perhaps I'll fly over Johannesburg and airdrop some condoms. 50/50 chance they'll either use them correctly or try to eat them.
Hearsync said:
Cynthia said:
I have an ex I could maybe have a family with that is white. Not ideal because he's an xian but this I think is also largely due to his prison experience and upbringing and when I was with him I had vaguely mentioned my religion and he seemed open minded. Also very against race mixing. Would this be a good idea? We would be able to have enough income together if he's interested still and he was a really kind and genuine guy aside from the fact that he's xian. Sorry if this is kind of grasping at straws but I want to do something.
Thanks for your time

Hail Satan

I too, would also love to find an SS girl I could have kids with one day. Since a young age I always thought about having kids, picturing certain things I would be doing with my kids, and teaching them. After leaving xianity, that faded, but was always on the fence. And as mentioned previously, wouldn't consider even bringing a kid into this world without at least having enough of a financial stability to provide for them - and having enough that if for some reason a relationship ended after having kids, that I'd be stable enough to provide for them entirely on my own (if things were to come to that). I feel I'm getting close to achieving this goal, and glad I haven't rushed into things too early in my life.

I too felt like I could have also possibly had kids with my ex, but I don't believe we were totally astrologically compatible, and henceforth, we broke up. She was very open minded to Satanism, strongly against race mixing, and though she didn't necessarily consider herself pagan, she was very fond of many pagan-like practices. Alcohol and drugs were an issue for her, and I feel like this was a primary reason we ended up parting ways. I used to use until coming to Satanism, and now that I've been clean for years, although we had a connection, and at least a mutual understanding around drugs, it was a primary reason she was attracted to me, which I realized wasn't healthy. She wasn't ready to leave it, and I wasn't willing to wait around for her to finally stop using until maybe one day we'd decide to have kids, when she'd wake up and realize she can't be using anymore. Also, her family was pretty fucked up, and her parents had many health problems (some of which looked like were starting to manifest in her as well). This made me realize - do I really want to have kids with someone of this genetic makeup? Why settle for mediocrity when I am a Satanist and have the power to attract a far more suitable partner, who will provide me with children of far more superior genetics.

Since our parting of ways, I have been doing rituals to further remove prior hangups, which in turn will help attract the right partner to me. With the right rituals, and guidance from Satan and the Gods, I'm confident the right person will come to me. I don't think now is the time to be rash and hastily find a partner tomorrow which could end up in heartbreak, and possibly a separation at a crucial point in one's kids' early lives. Typically, in regards to having kids, the goal is to be with someone, and this one and only person for this lifetime where you can raise kids who have two great parents. The divorce rate is stupidly high, and it's almost a norm now that kids at all various ages are or will experience their parents separate/divorce, which can have severe consequences. As such, if you're only planning to have kids with only one partner in this lifetime, why rush? Spend the time to build yourself up, do money rituals and work hard at building your finances, and do rituals to attract the right person to you. As long as your biological clock isn't already ticking and you're getting close to menopause, you have time to become the best you you can be, and find the highly suitable and compatible partner. And who knows - with the work you put in, maybe the Gods will bless you with an SS partner you can have superior children with.

It has been mentioned in the past it is highly advised not to mix with those who are with the enemy - as such, xians. Some may be open minded, sure. And some may even be like me, who was once Christian, now turned SS - but it's a big a risk to take, because as you open up more and more with this partner about Satanism, it may at some point become too much for them, or enemy influence takes over too hard, and they go running back hard to xianity. I've seen this happen with another former ex of mine. There are plenty of people out there who are not xian, and are at the least pro our cause. Personally, I think there is far less risk to be with someone who is not tied to xianity. And even if you get lucky and they don't scare away form you with being xian and run form the relationship, what if they hold true to their beliefs, though being open minded to yours, and then try to teach your kids to be xian? I don't know about you, but that's not something I would stand for.

This is all good advice. I think I will wait and not rush into things too quickly. Thank you

Hail Satan!
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Cynthia said:
I have an ex I could maybe have a family with that is white. Not ideal because he's an xian but this I think is also largely due to his prison experience and upbringing and when I was with him I had vaguely mentioned my religion and he seemed open minded. Also very against race mixing. Would this be a good idea? We would be able to have enough income together if he's interested still and he was a really kind and genuine guy aside from the fact that he's xian. Sorry if this is kind of grasping at straws but I want to do something.
Thanks for your time

Hail Satan

I do not think people that went to prison make for good mates.
Also you do not need to feel pressured or to hurry this. Having a child will be completely life changing.

This part where they pressure us into getting laid forcing our legs to open for white men is also wrong. How is this any different than what those rapists do to us?
We need to be willing to have children. A partner we can rely on. Someone we can trust with our lives when we are the most weak (right after childbirth or when we are pregnant in the later stages).
If youre forced, even though you accept it, it is nearly almost the same as rape. You do not understand the mental toll it takes.

Thank you for your advice.

Hail Satan!
ModernMage said:
Cynthia said:
I have an ex I could maybe have a family with that is white. Not ideal because he's an xian but this I think is also largely due to his prison experience and upbringing and when I was with him I had vaguely mentioned my religion and he seemed open minded. Also very against race mixing. Would this be a good idea? We would be able to have enough income together if he's interested still and he was a really kind and genuine guy aside from the fact that he's xian. Sorry if this is kind of grasping at straws but I want to do something.
Thanks for your time

Hail Satan

If you are worried about finding a partner right now do a working to find a suitable one for you. I do not know your life nor the life of any lover you've had. But having a criminal past is not really ideal for someone who wants to have an upstanding family. Especially don't try to make excuses for xians, more than likely they will just say stupid shit like "I respect your views" and not meditate and be a total goy. Fuck relying on someone else for income too. What happens if things don't work out? Or if there's a lot of tension? You will be bound and connected to this person, or you will be without financial stability. Rely on yourself first, stand on your own, and then find someone to build a beautiful satanic life with.

Thank you for your advice. I did a working so I hope I'll find someone soon.

Hail Satan!
Personal Growth said:
slyscorpion said:
Personal Growth said:
I see you're well fired up to fight for our race. And it's really atrocious what's happening to us.

But you want to censor a member for thinking that the world is too degenerated to bring children into.

Mate to censor someone for their opinion is to act like those anti fascist fascists.

There are circumstances and situations that people take into consideration.

I see a trend of where white people think about their careers and business. And put off having children and then reduce the population by only having one child.

The coloured races tend to make numerous babies and increase the population. And still have copious children even under poverty circumstances.

And then they point at the small white family and say look at their nice house. They have privilege because they're white.

No, the whites practiced self control and planning.

Anyway mate. Just thought maybe we should open discussions and educate people instead of just shutting them down.

It is a universal difference in the mentality towards children by the different races.

White people plan these things better. And because of this lockdown whites will make less babies.

A colleague said we will have a baby boom in nine months.

Not whites I don't think because whites are thinking about economy and there being virus at hospitals.

Not all places are too degenerated to have children. If we do have them though we will leave where we are now and money makes that literally impossible like I said there really is no easy way to get better off in that. So I just keep doing money workings and hope for luck somehow in something random if I keep doing it

Yes I'm a single bloke. I work long hours and do the Final - RTR. Struggle to meditate for lack of time and tiredness. I see it as a toss up of meditate or do Final RTR. Of course I do aura cleaning and returning curses because they are quick. And I see couples and am happy for them. I see women, feel the attraction and feel I need to sacrifice going without. I have tried to get relationships but at this point in the war it's critical I focus on the Final - RTR.

You're lucky to be in a relationship. I think critically too many whites are saying no to babies at this moment in time. I heard a colleague saying people must not have babies because you don't want to go to the hospital where the virus is. And with this 'new normal' lockdown that's never ending whites are thinking about their livelihoods and lives getting damaged by this draconian lockdown. There is a vast difference in mentality regarding children between whites and non whites.

I had a black friend that had lots of children and was sometimes borrowing money off me to feed his kids. Then he said she's pregnant again. And I was like are you kidding me. You cant keep your head above the water as it is and you're having more, unbelievable crazy. And he said what else is there in life. Children are everything, it's your blood and the connection you feel is the most incredible thing.

Then he said if they're poor and go without it's okay so long as they survive. Then he told me a story of a rich man that bought his baby lots of expensive toys. But the baby wasn't interested in the toys. And the baby found an empty box in the corner of the room. The baby was not interested in the expensive toys but loved playing for hours with his empty box that was free.

So whites are looking at the situation and extincting us more. While coloureds have a field day carrying on breeding with wild abandoned disregard to situations and circumstances. It upsets me too and it's critical. We can try talking others into still having babies regardless of the situation. Okay it's a challenging situation, 'unprecedented' like never before. But they say if you try and work it out. People tend to find there never is a right time to have a baby. And then they've left it too late.

I've had a woman over and I feel my chest tightening up because I'm like I don't have time for this. I'm distracted and not getting anything done. I need a busy woman that won't ask for much of my time. But it looks like everyone around me is living in leisure with plenty of time and I'm always scrambling. For us doing the Final-RTR I think that's critical right now as the war has climaxed with this lockdown.

I hope fortune can look kindly on us so you can move away to better pastures and have your babies.

Most colored or minority people get help from the government in having kids most whites dont although a few lucky ones do and I know a couple examples its quite uncommon. Somehow and I am not sure about what they do they make it much harder but not impossible for whites to get this. If they made it impossible people would know what's up but they somehow stack it against us I have no clue how they do that. I think they do it so only whites with a strong disability of some kind can have kids. Which is exactly what we dont want to begin with.

With the white race about to go extinct it really should be the other way around. They should give help in whites having kids especially with what I described with the economy. Not to mention overhauling everything and making it more fair for people so they actually have an incentive to even get off their ass sometimes lol.

Anyways they come up with all sorts of reasons whites should not have kids or that getting an abortion is cool for whites. However they dont do this to any other race. They also make it hard for a majority to have enough money to. I read somewhere 53 percent of American workers didn't have enough money to cover basic expenses.

It is probably way worse now or will be when this unemployment thing ends. I think we are fucked to be honest unless someone smart comes up with solutions.

I am lucky also she has cool spiritual abilities and a lot of potential so I am hopeful for that in the future. It's just getting her to care about this like I said and fully detach from the enemy.

But the Gods wanted me to stick with her and made that clear so I will even if I am frustrated I realize it may be hard to find someone else that I like or that understands me.

I think this would be good to have children especially since we both have abilities.

Anyways advice if you do a working to attract a woman. You have to watch where this energy is going and not just trust that the person is positive because magick attracted them to you. I learned this the hard way before. Try to be as specific as possible without making it a paragraph long in the affirmation. Of course things like of my own race and in my local area are helpful at the end. Adding orgasm energy or things like rose oil or rose quartz to it when you vibrate the runes can be very helpful due to their vibration.

Anyways I am really scared of this a little too cause of the amount of responsibility it is.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Personal Growth said:

Well, I am set to obtain my pilot's license. Perhaps I'll fly over Johannesburg and airdrop some condoms. 50/50 chance they'll either use them correctly or try to eat them.

When I was still there condoms were free because of the HIV virus. The Bantu people just believe in making lots of babies. Even Melinda Gates spoke about the overpopulation problem and how they want to create infertility with their vaccines.
slyscorpion said:
Personal Growth said:
slyscorpion said:
Not all places are too degenerated to have children. If we do have them though we will leave where we are now and money makes that literally impossible like I said there really is no easy way to get better off in that. So I just keep doing money workings and hope for luck somehow in something random if I keep doing it

Yes I'm a single bloke. I work long hours and do the Final - RTR. Struggle to meditate for lack of time and tiredness. I see it as a toss up of meditate or do Final RTR. Of course I do aura cleaning and returning curses because they are quick. And I see couples and am happy for them. I see women, feel the attraction and feel I need to sacrifice going without. I have tried to get relationships but at this point in the war it's critical I focus on the Final - RTR.

You're lucky to be in a relationship. I think critically too many whites are saying no to babies at this moment in time. I heard a colleague saying people must not have babies because you don't want to go to the hospital where the virus is. And with this 'new normal' lockdown that's never ending whites are thinking about their livelihoods and lives getting damaged by this draconian lockdown. There is a vast difference in mentality regarding children between whites and non whites.

I had a black friend that had lots of children and was sometimes borrowing money off me to feed his kids. Then he said she's pregnant again. And I was like are you kidding me. You cant keep your head above the water as it is and you're having more, unbelievable crazy. And he said what else is there in life. Children are everything, it's your blood and the connection you feel is the most incredible thing.

Then he said if they're poor and go without it's okay so long as they survive. Then he told me a story of a rich man that bought his baby lots of expensive toys. But the baby wasn't interested in the toys. And the baby found an empty box in the corner of the room. The baby was not interested in the expensive toys but loved playing for hours with his empty box that was free.

So whites are looking at the situation and extincting us more. While coloureds have a field day carrying on breeding with wild abandoned disregard to situations and circumstances. It upsets me too and it's critical. We can try talking others into still having babies regardless of the situation. Okay it's a challenging situation, 'unprecedented' like never before. But they say if you try and work it out. People tend to find there never is a right time to have a baby. And then they've left it too late.

I've had a woman over and I feel my chest tightening up because I'm like I don't have time for this. I'm distracted and not getting anything done. I need a busy woman that won't ask for much of my time. But it looks like everyone around me is living in leisure with plenty of time and I'm always scrambling. For us doing the Final-RTR I think that's critical right now as the war has climaxed with this lockdown.

I hope fortune can look kindly on us so you can move away to better pastures and have your babies.

Most colored or minority people get help from the government in having kids most whites dont although a few lucky ones do and I know a couple examples its quite uncommon. Somehow and I am not sure about what they do they make it much harder but not impossible for whites to get this. If they made it impossible people would know what's up but they somehow stack it against us I have no clue how they do that. I think they do it so only whites with a strong disability of some kind can have kids. Which is exactly what we dont want to begin with.

With the white race about to go extinct it really should be the other way around. They should give help in whites having kids especially with what I described with the economy. Not to mention overhauling everything and making it more fair for people so they actually have an incentive to even get off their ass sometimes lol.

Anyways they come up with all sorts of reasons whites should not have kids or that getting an abortion is cool for whites. However they dont do this to any other race. They also make it hard for a majority to have enough money to. I read somewhere 53 percent of American workers didn't have enough money to cover basic expenses.

It is probably way worse now or will be when this unemployment thing ends. I think we are fucked to be honest unless someone smart comes up with solutions.

I am lucky also she has cool spiritual abilities and a lot of potential so I am hopeful for that in the future. It's just getting her to care about this like I said and fully detach from the enemy.

But the Gods wanted me to stick with her and made that clear so I will even if I am frustrated I realize it may be hard to find someone else that I like or that understands me.

I think this would be good to have children especially since we both have abilities.

Anyways advice if you do a working to attract a woman. You have to watch where this energy is going and not just trust that the person is positive because magick attracted them to you. I learned this the hard way before. Try to be as specific as possible without making it a paragraph long in the affirmation. Of course things like of my own race and in my local area are helpful at the end. Adding orgasm energy or things like rose oil or rose quartz to it when you vibrate the runes can be very helpful due to their vibration.

Anyways I am really scared of this a little too cause of the amount of responsibility it is.

You know about help and maybe only disability whites getting help to reproduce. You won't believe this. But I had a girlfriend once that went for the IVF treatment. And they gave her some injection to take daily that would switch off her women's hormones. The IVF was unsuccessful and they just left her afterwards because she didn't have enough follicles so was unlikely to ever fall pregnant. But by not giving her any female hormone booster she never really recuperated and lost her chest and hardly gets periods and misses periods now. It's like they sterilised her during IVF by the female hormone suppressor injections.

Things will only change when we the people turn the pyramid on it's head. The government is too big and is oppressing up. The government is supposed to work for the people. The main responsibility of the government is to uphold our rights, (choke, choke).

As it stands the masses are at the bottom of the pyramid. But if the people turn that pyramid onto it's head our governments should feel the pressure of working for us.

Everything in this world of ours is inverted as we know.

As far as you worrying about the responsibility of having a baby goes. It's not that. Having a baby is natural and when you hold your baby you will instinctively know how to handle it because it will be yours.

It's the current situation we find ourselves in with the planned lockdown destroying the global economy and the second planned wave in the winter. I hear rumours of engineered food shortages coming. And with all of the government borrowing inflation is going to skyrocket.

See you're thinking like a white regarding having a baby. Damn the responsibility of having a baby during this period is real. You know when I'm out and see everything on the street shut. It fills me with dread and negativity. Uncertain times because the enemy is pressing for their new normal reset of society the now.
Dahaarkan said:

I see where you're coming from, but I still disagree.
My point is that Gentiles will not get rid of the jews when they become aware of them, simply because the vast majority of humans on this planet are so much corrupt it will take several generations to clean their brains and souls enough to be decent human beings.

I think you're giving Gentiles a lot more credit than they deserve and you're probably basing that on you're surroundings, but unfortunately in reality most Gentile on this planet are disgusting beings, so much so it would make more sense to consider them jews than Gentiles. A simple example would be Arabs, they're jew-aware yet they still happily want to extinct us, and just like so, the vast majority of non-white Gentiles would still steal, rape and kill us regardless of how jew-aware they become.

We need leadership and we need to take action physically, not just spiritually. A white learder(s) who would unite our people, kick all invaders and take action towards solving this problem once and for all. Otherwise we're still doomed.

I understand that the F-RtR isn't only about exposing the jews, we're destroying their alphabet which is what their souls are made of. But still, we must take action before it's too late, Europe is full of rapefugees they will outnumber us white people in just few years. Anyone who thinks the official numbers are true or even close to the truth is nothing but a fool. And we have zero ways of defending ourselves, we're stripped off of any firearms, and our laws are literally made against us. If the same thing that's happening in the US happens in Europe, we have zero ways of stopping it, there's no 2nd Hitler in sight to come save us from communist uprising or from monkey invaders.

Being jew-aware =/= giving at least one fuck about white people.
V12-POWER said:
FancyMancy said:
I think it is justified to censure that member for their decision, regardless of where they live.

are u srs? what the fuck mancy...
Not censor; censure.

Usthepeople666 said:
Shael said:
FancyMancy said:
I recall a member saying that they wish to not have Children because this World is too shit to raise Children. That is defeatist and weak. I think it is justified to censure that member for their decision, regardless of where they live.
That's the most retarded thing I have heard in a long time. Nobody should ever be forced to do something they don't want to do. Writing statements like this shows you are clearly quite fucked in the head about these things, and that you don't seem to grasp the fundamental values of Satanism properly at all. You honestly should be ashamed of even allowing yourself to type this out and post this, as it's disgraceful to have statements like this on the forums by a long-time member.

FancyMancy said:
Not to mention it has been said I think by HPS Maxine that homosexuals will need - be obligated - to procreate. That is not a "sacrifice" in the slightest. In fact, it is not only obligatory but it is also an honour and a privilege to help the White Race survive.
At most, there may be a feeling of obligation. And some of these people may CHOOSE to do this, out of their own free will, and perhaps there may be financial incentives towards doing these things. But no forcing will ever take place in any way about these things, as that would be utterly disgusting and go against free will of the people.

Thank you for the clarification Shael.
I am in a relation with a succubus and having kids with someone else will clearly fuck me up mentally. Seriously it will.
So I wasnt really sure about this at all.
I kind of got really emotional reading this .
If you are sane enough - which also means having a clean, healthy and powerful enough Mind, Soul and Body - to have an Astral partner, having a Physical partner with Physical Children would not fuck you up, especially when we nearly come from such a low Physical state, as is the way things have been, working our way up to being more Spiritual, while being also balanced Spiritual-and-Physical-and-Mental beings. Having Spiritual excellence would not fuck anyone up Mentally if they did Physical things. There needs to be balance - the Mind (Mental), Body (Physical) and Soul (Spiritual/Astral) all need to be in balance and healthy and strong. Are you sure you are in a relationship with a Spiritual/Astral Partner, and having Physical Children would make you go insane?

Am I the only one who thinks it is more important to do things to save the White Race and Human Races, than it is to not have White Babies who can help save the White Race and Human Races? It's everyone's prerogative to not save the White Race and Human Races. I thought SS and NS was (as opposed to were) not about being self-centred, but about building ourselves and each other up against the jew and its overlords, the common enemy, who is trying to wipe out the White Race and enslave the remaining Human Races - after culling a lot of the remaining non-White Races first. It is not retarded to want to save your own; unless you are the one who is insane and are a Race-traitor. I also did not say censor; I said censure.

Maybe I'll create a prayer to Lucifuge Rofocale in the Olde English style with thes and thous, and beseech Him to wake up the Minds and Hearts of stupid White people who don't care about saving the White Race and Human Races. I'd ask Him how it was with His people and peoples on His Planet; why they also didn't give a fucking shit, nor a shitting fuck; asking Him how I am deemed stupid, retarded, disgusing, etc. for wanting to save mine; and ask Him how we can realise to not follow suit with the stupid, worthless beings on His Planet. Members here seem to be defeatists and uncaring.


Yeah, you're not robots. Are you?! Shed the programming. You're also not fake characters... are you?

If those who are not dedicated "need to be" incentivised, then fine, but as dedicated SSs who are supposed to be working for the betterment and safety and security of the Human Races. I think we - Whites - should have a higher obligation to have more White Babies, and non-White SSs should have a higher obligation to have fewer, or perhaps no, non-White Babies. The non-White SSs would either be reincarnated or complete the Magnum Opus, so there is no poor, sad, upsetting emoshunz being treadeded upon here. Consider it an extreme practice of birth control; the Gods and Goddesses, so I have been led to believe, practice birth control, so don't give me any bullshit. Non-White individuals who have not dedicated may or may not reincarnate, whether they have Children or not, and if they're not dedicated, then automatically, we're "supposed" to not care about them, aren't we? /sarcasm

I don't think that there is excuse for choosing to not save the White Race, and by extension, the Human Races in favour of "eternal pro-choice", choosing to dO0oOOm us all. We have the eternal pro-choice to do the F-RtR and RA ritual, but we're evil if we don't, but we're not evil if we choose to not have Babies to save us. It's retarded, etc., that I want things to be better. Forgive me. Here's another song for the future non-White historians who won't ever see this -

That's what it sounds like some would be doing. Maybe I should also add some rap, like similar to songs containing lyrics such as "I/we just don't give a fuck" and "it's all about me", etc.

Ors666 said:
FancyMancy said:
What about them? (For unknown reasons, your quoting me didn't work and it didn't ping me.) If by "hybrids" you mean mixed-Race Babies, then that also wouldn't work. Obviously Black and Black = Black Baby, Asian and Asian = Asian Baby; White and White = White Baby; but if I remember it correctly from which I think a member posted it (I am guessing from a sermon also), then Black and White = Black Baby; Black and Asian = Black Baby; Asian and White = Asian Baby. Asian genes are dominant over White genes and Black genes are dominant over Asian genes, and therefore also over White genes, of course.
So you're saying if a person was part white part black or part jew part human they wouldn't be let to reproduce? Or would they allow reproduction with those who have close genes?
What I think that is, is that if they are mixed White-and-Black, Asian-and-White, or Black-and-Asian, then they would be able to reproduce with their Race, or "main Race", if you want to call it that. If it is a mixed jew, however, then it is a jew fullstop. I can only guess that those individuals would either be forbidden from procreating - which I doubt - or more likely separated from Humans.

Shael said:
You are taking things into ridiculous extremes, and present it here in a way that directly offends and alienates entire groups of people for no reason other than you being paranoid and feeling the need to be imposing on other people's lives.
No offence, but so far (I have not read below this part of your reply, which I am replying to now, yet) you are the only one single individual person who has been upset with my reply, so you saying "entire groups of people" being "offended and alienated" seems...well, as you put it...extreme. If any "entire groups of people" are alienated and offended by what I am saying, then they can reply, of course - but again (so far, and again no offence) only you seem to be upset with what I said. As for imposition - I am only one single individual person and compared to the rest of the non-SS World, I doubt I could effect hardly any change meaningfully; certainly not as any form of imposition upon anyone.

The statement of "we need more white children in order to support our race" is NOT synonymous with "every white person on the planet should be forced or severely socially pressured into having children, regardless of what they want".
So we can guilt them into it - you said they might feel the need to do something about it - and that all on its own is OK? That they can feel guilty, but then meh about and not do much or anything?

For example, if that person you referenced wants to not have kids until the world is in a situation that's better for raising a child, then this is a completely normal and respectable decision.
Well, for example, if Alois and Klara didn't meet, would Lord Hitler have been born? We can only guess that He would have been born from other parents, but remember - the Soul needs a suitable Physical Body. Did Alois and Klara know that they were going to be giving birth to the literal Anti-christ? I doubt!

If a gay person wants to stick with their partner and not find a man/woman/sperm-donation in order to raise a kid, then that also is a very normal decision. In fact, most likely a very high percentage of third-sex people would never want to find a partner they are not attracted to for the sole purpose of bearing children.
I can see that; however, I do disagree somewhat. If a gay couple, either Male or Female, are not attracted to the opposite sex, then they would likely not sleep with them; but if they want Children, then I do expect, quite strongly, that they would ask an opposite-sex close friend of theirs whom they respect and love to be the donor/surrogate, even if they were not attracted to that friend.

There are tons more examples, and even in the case of a straight white couple that is financially well off, it still wouldn't be right to attempt to force them into having kids.
I had typed the larger portion of my reply above (in this reply here) before you replied here/before I saw your reply here, so with that in mind - again, not forcing, but I feel strongly that there should be something in place so that we can make certain about making certain.

In 90% of cases, after an environment is created where they can raise kids comfortably, they will end up wanting to have children by themselves anyways.
Life has been made to be as difficult enough as it has been made to be... (In other words "life is as hard as it is", but I don't want to affirm that.) As said, and I have also seen it - some focus (I was going to say "care more about") on career/finance and don't have Children until later. That seems to make sense for the non-dedicated person, but for us who know a thing or two about a thing or two, we have greater abilities to make things happen sooner. Thinking about it a bit more, with Astrological timing, things would be done well, but I'd still prefer an increase in Whites being born...

Dahaarkan said:
I have come to understand the view of these people as well. Their countries are hell on earth and their people suffer tremendously. The issue is they don't know who their real enemy is. I understand the hype to fight for your race but if a race war breaks out the jewish plan is finalized and humanity is destroyed forever.
I don't mean to start a Race war. Not at all. That has been brought against the White Race regardless, so we must be able to defend ourselves. Ho-lee-shit. That's what Hitler said... He didn't want to go into war, and He wanted to be able to at least defend the country...

Goldenage18 said:
FancyMancy said:
Goldenage18 said:
I don't recall Hps Maxine writing this statement, instead Hp Jake wrote that and soon after corrected it by saying that no third sex will be obligated to procreate
It makes more sense that it would have been HP Jake, so thanks for that. I also didn't see the correction, so thanks also for that.
you're welcome https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=25178&p=113294#p113294
Here it is
...and thanks again!

xudomode said:
white genes in me and black then would i be considered black even tho my skin is white?
I am only speculating here; someone else who knows better should explain - but are you White or are you light-skinned/caucasian? If, for example, you are a first-generation mixed Child, then I think it is as I said above; if you are a second-generation mixed Child, then it depends on which way.

1st G - 1 Black parent & 1 White parent, Baby (I think) = Black (say 51% Black/49% White)
2nd G - 50/50 parent & Black parent, Baby = Black; or
2nd G - 50/50 parent & White parent, Baby = White

I think I read that Black genes are dominant over Asian genes, and Asian genes are dominant over White genes. If I am wrong in any of this, then I am sure and I hope others will correct me. Also (if you are mixed) where do you think, feel and believe you belong? I am rather sceptical about this, though, because with education, media, peer-pressure, etc., people are confused and brainwashed into different things so they don't know where they actually belong truly, but if you are able - properly - to figure out properly where you belong, then that is great work. Satanic power meditations clean things out, clear things up, and help us to know our true selves.

likman666 said:
He was a great man
I thought that since "there is safety in numbers", that the fight - at least defensively for a while - would be to increase the number of Whites in existence... Yes, that would be a struggle, for a while, which Lord Hitler also said...

Ors666 said:
Fucking hell.
Oh, yeah. Sorry - and fucking hell to you, too, with your wall of text! :p

We are also lucky that it was Satan that made us advance and was Him that helped us Divinely. Because if he didn't, we would've been stupid ape pieces of shits who would've been at the mercy of the enemy. Their NWO would've probably taken 100 years to establish. And how many thousands of years have those genetic parasites been struggling.
An important jew named rothschild admitted that it took 3000 years to-- well, it didn't say steal --Palestine off the Palestinians and rename it "israel".

And who knows, how much we don't know.
A member said a little while ago that not only have we forgot a lot of things, we've in fact forgot so much that we forgot what we forgot...

Humanity hasn't developed spaceships that can warp distances in space yet.
Well, except for Hitler's UFO Technology (which I know next-to-nothing about), not in the last few thousand years we haven't.

A day will come when we will know, but that day is not here yet.
Yeah... It just gets more than annoying; rather, frustrating - and it has been difficult advancing. I don't want to keep affirming this over myself, but... (and I know I shouldn't do this, but to explain the point) compared with others, I'm still on the starting grid, or near it. I have no idea how I managed to qualify! The more time goes on, the more I realise I know less and less, and others seem to be able to grasp things clearly and easily - but I'm not one to give-up, though. If very little else, a dedication means being dedicated; not quitting because "muh tuu hard muh ah cant d00 eet!".

As to those who dedicate and promote Jewish bullshit, Satan states in his book that he punishes in other worlds those who do contrary to His will.
I have been wondering for a time if I am being punished in this World for something or some things I did in a previous life on another Planet (unless "another World" has a more profound meaning than simply and merely "another Planet in space"). Either that and/or I suspect that I must have been a druggy/alcoholic in a previous life and that that has caused problems.

And as for the babies part, there are sperm banks.
Er, no, thanks.

With that, we could end up making dozens of babies with less people and I'm sure there will be plenty of volunteers.
Not in this current World. I'd pass on that - or because I'm Male, I'd pass on egg banks.

Hitler didn't want to go to war. In 1934 some Jew wrote on an article "Hitler will have to go to war eventually. He won't want to, but he will have to come." That I got directly from the website. If you dig, you'll find.
Yeah. I saw online which I had since lost and not been able to re-find, that in a book written by a female about Hitler's speeches, that Hitler said that He wanted everyone to lower their weapons, but Germany must at least be able to defend herself. Then the jew declared war on Hitler and the Nazis.

Why don't you address Him with your doubts? Some answers may take a while to come through, but that all depends on you and your trust in Him.
Oh, no, I have, but admittedly not for some time. I have become a bit too focused on some things, and let some other things slip my mind. For now (you may have seen), I have and still do have coincidences of varying 'levels' - trivial ones and important ones. So at least there is still that. At least I have managed to notice patterns and realise "coincidences" a lot more - in fact, a Hell of a lot more (pun definitely intended this time!) - than I used to.
You need to tighten your borders and Trump must win he is going down in the polls to they have used the Covid hoax and "Black Lives Matter" against him Jews have obviously fascilitated this immigration and the misplaced sympathies of White women has also contributed
Don’t forget that in the early days of European settlement of the America’s, the native aboriginal population outnumbered European settlers, but these ancestors population still out grew the native people.
White America needs to encourage with financial incentives population growth through Parenthood with emphasis on the importance of maintaining the family unit, and conservative organizations counter measuring the feminist’s, race mixing ect.

Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:
Whites need to have White Babies. I recall a member saying that they wish to not have Children because this World is too shit to raise Children. That is defeatist and weak. I think it is justified to censure that member for their decision, regardless of where they live. Not to mention it has been said I think by HPS Maxine that homosexuals will need - be obligated - to procreate. That is not a "sacrifice" in the slightest. In fact, it is not only obligatory but it is also an honour and a privilege to help the White Race survive.

I've said this in the past and I'll say it again people not having children is a symptom of poverty. People who are meant to have and raise children will naturally want to have and raise children. The issue that we face now is they cannot afford it.

Breeding like farm animals is fixing the problem by creating another problem. If we start having lots of children before we are even able to feed and raise them properly we have the same issue blacks have which is most of them are raised in poverty and terrible conditions, creating terrible individuals that destroy their race and civilization from within.

This is something that is not addressed enough even in "wealthy" countries a majority of people are not financially capable of having more than two children and many can't afford to raise even one. I wholeheartedly believe that eliminating poverty fixes many of the big issues we have.

If non-white countries weren't such poor shitholes, and if people had the financial means, I think most would be inclined to live in countries that belong to their race. It's also important to dismantle welfare programs that are rigged for non-whites and incentivize these people to have lots of kids.

Just having every white person breed is putting a band aid on the problem and solves nothing. You have to tear out the jewish cancer that is the real root of the problem.
I didn't see your reply.
Spiritual Satanists have abilities to make things better, and with Satan and our Guardian Daemons'/Daemonesses' help, and other Daemons and Daemonesses helping us, this all can make sure situations are improved properly. It would need to be micromanaged, but for the average non-dedicated person who is 'without', it is different, but for us we have more abilities and I'd say more obligation to do so.

Coraxo said:
Dahaarkan said:

I see where you're coming from, but I still disagree.
My point is that Gentiles will not get rid of the jews when they become aware of them, simply because the vast majority of humans on this planet are so much corrupt it will take several generations to clean their brains and souls enough to be decent human beings.

I think you're giving Gentiles a lot more credit than they deserve and you're probably basing that on you're surroundings, but unfortunately in reality most Gentile on this planet are disgusting beings, so much so it would make more sense to consider them jews than Gentiles. A simple example would be Arabs, they're jew-aware yet they still happily want to extinct us, and just like so, the vast majority of non-white Gentiles would still steal, rape and kill us regardless of how jew-aware they become.

We need leadership and we need to take action physically, not just spiritually. A white learder(s) who would unite our people, kick all invaders and take action towards solving this problem once and for all. Otherwise we're still doomed.

I understand that the F-RtR isn't only about exposing the jews, we're destroying their alphabet which is what their souls are made of. But still, we must take action before it's too late, Europe is full of rapefugees they will outnumber us white people in just few years. Anyone who thinks the official numbers are true or even close to the truth is nothing but a fool. And we have zero ways of defending ourselves, we're stripped off of any firearms, and our laws are literally made against us. If the same thing that's happening in the US happens in Europe, we have zero ways of stopping it, there's no 2nd Hitler in sight to come save us from communist uprising or from monkey invaders.

Being jew-aware =/= giving at least one fuck about white people.
Maybe the HPs and HPSs and other members are wrong for saying "There's safety in numbers" when trying to egg us on to do the rituals. Maybe I am wrong for saying we need higher numbers of White Babies so that we have a larger base to ensure our safety. As Spiritual Satanists who have Satan and Guardian Daemons and Daemonesses, plus other Daemons and Daemonesses, on our side, plus with our own abilities, I think it certainly is possible. Saying "free will outweighs saving the White Race" - but maybe not in those exact words nor in that exact order - I think is disgusting; and it shows me the lack of faith in ourselves, our Gods and Goddesses, and our Race; and it also shows me uncaring and apathy.
FancyMancy said:
Maybe the HPs and HPSs and other members are wrong for saying "There's safety in numbers" when trying to egg us on to do the rituals. Maybe I am wrong for saying we need higher numbers of White Babies so that we have a larger base to ensure our safety. As Spiritual Satanists who have Satan and Guardian Daemons and Daemonesses, plus other Daemons and Daemonesses, on our side, plus with our own abilities, I think it certainly is possible. Saying "free will outweighs saving the White Race" - but maybe not in those exact words nor in that exact order - I think is disgusting; and it shows me the lack of faith in ourselves, our Gods and Goddesses, and our Race; and it also shows me uncaring and apathy.

Free will doesn't mean jack shit when you're dead, nor is there really any free will in times of war. War is about fighting and surviving, and we white people are doing neither. This toxic mentality even extends to us white SS.
Ors666 said:
FancyMancy said:
What I think that is, is that if they are mixed White-and-Black, Asian-and-White, or Black-and-Asian, then they would be able to reproduce with their Race, or "main Race", if you want to call it that. If it is a mixed jew, however, then it is a jew fullstop. I can only guess that those individuals would either be forbidden from procreating - which I doubt - or more likely separated from Humans.
I extremely highly doubt a half Jew would be a full Jew. You're discarding the human in them and are going a too far there. They have emotions, feelings and a conscience you know. This link here says so and I personally know that to be true; https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aliens.html

"The illustrations of "Lucifuge Rofocal" and "Vassago" show beings with large bulbous heads. I have met with and I have seen Lucifuge Rofocal. He has a large bulbous head. He is obviously a hybrid of Grey. He is friendly and has emotion, as a hybrid mix is unique."

Perhaps they'd be allowed to reproduce with others who are also half Jew half Humans and in the terms of National Socialism, maybe we would have a race of whites, a race of blacks, a race of asians, then afterwards a race of human/jew hybrids, asian/white mix, black/white mix, but they wouldn't be let to reproduce with those of pure genetics.

If they have emotions, a conscience, feelings and a love of life, regardless of where half of their genetics came from, it's completely wrong to just utterly discard them from society. I would definitely not want someone with such a mindset to come to power. Even someone else said here on the forums that they're half Jew, though I didn't go over the whole convo with that person, he ended up getting harassed. Only one person was nice and undiscriminative enough and gave him advice and told him to vibrate Satanama 108 times onto his soul. There's a line between distinguishing such things, it's best to not cross it. Those who are half have a choice, whether they go and be a Jew or a Human.
What kind of SS would have empathy for a jew? Jews were created to be parasites, their very souls are different than ours, their essence our polar opposite. They don't build, they only destroy. They don't have true free will, as they are attached like a hive mind to their reptilian overlords. They do their bidding, which is to enslave us, to destroy us.

Why would Azazel help humanity with creating the RTR, a tool which destroys the jews to their very essence, if he wanted to make friends with them in the end, after the jews fall and are trampled beneath our feet? Think about it really hard.

Check the post you mentioned about someone telling him to vibrate Satanama 108 times into his soul. Read it carefully. If we are speaking of the same post, he was being facetious. If I tell a jew "It's ok jew, just stare at Satan's sigil for a few minutes and then call him to you" I'm not trying to be helpful, I know the act alone would prove to be the jew's undoing.

The jews have done so many crimes against my people throughout the millenia, horrible, unforgivable crimes, clearly you are not yet aware of what the jew is responsible for. You don't yet understand why we detest them with all of our being.

Study, get informed, look through the HP's sermons here on the forums, maybe you will then see how misplaced your empathy was.
Ors666 said:
I extremely highly doubt a half Jew would be a full Jew. You're discarding the human in them and are going a too far there. They have emotions, feelings and a conscience you know. This link here says so and I personally know that to be true
That's completely wrong. Any amount of jewish genes in a person will make that person a jew. This is different from a mixing with blacks, whites, asians, or greys. The jews are not a "race", they are parasites created to infiltrate, corrupt, and destroy.

It's known to everyone here who has been around for more than like a week, that any amount of jewish genes will make the person a full jew, with no exceptions whatsoever.
Ors666 said:
FancyMancy said:
What I think that is, is that if they are mixed White-and-Black, Asian-and-White, or Black-and-Asian, then they would be able to reproduce with their Race, or "main Race", if you want to call it that. If it is a mixed jew, however, then it is a jew fullstop. I can only guess that those individuals would either be forbidden from procreating - which I doubt - or more likely separated from Humans.
I extremely highly doubt a half Jew would be a full Jew. You're discarding the human in them and are going a too far there. They have emotions, feelings and a conscience you know. This link here says so and I personally know that to be true; https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aliens.html

"The illustrations of "Lucifuge Rofocal" and "Vassago" show beings with large bulbous heads. I have met with and I have seen Lucifuge Rofocal. He has a large bulbous head. He is obviously a hybrid of Grey. He is friendly and has emotion, as a hybrid mix is unique."

Perhaps they'd be allowed to reproduce with others who are also half Jew half Humans and in the terms of National Socialism, maybe we would have a race of whites, a race of blacks, a race of asians, then afterwards a race of human/jew hybrids, asian/white mix, black/white mix, but they wouldn't be let to reproduce with those of pure genetics.

If they have emotions, a conscience, feelings and a love of life, regardless of where half of their genetics came from, it's completely wrong to just utterly discard them from society. I would definitely not want someone with such a mindset to come to power. Even someone else said here on the forums that they're half Jew, though I didn't go over the whole convo with that person, he ended up getting harassed. Only one person was nice and undiscriminative enough and gave him advice and told him to vibrate Satanama 108 times onto his soul. There's a line between distinguishing such things, it's best to not cross it. Those who are half have a choice, whether they go and be a Jew or a Human.
Your answer is just naivety and ignorance. A half jew is a jew, just like someone who had a grand grand grand father who was a jew is a jew. Jews all have jewish souls, and have nothing to do with us. I'm giving you the benefit of doubt, but usually when people say that a half jew isn't a jew they're jews themselves.
Coraxo said:
FancyMancy said:
Maybe the HPs and HPSs and other members are wrong for saying "There's safety in numbers" when trying to egg us on to do the rituals. Maybe I am wrong for saying we need higher numbers of White Babies so that we have a larger base to ensure our safety. As Spiritual Satanists who have Satan and Guardian Daemons and Daemonesses, plus other Daemons and Daemonesses, on our side, plus with our own abilities, I think it certainly is possible. Saying "free will outweighs saving the White Race" - but maybe not in those exact words nor in that exact order - I think is disgusting; and it shows me the lack of faith in ourselves, our Gods and Goddesses, and our Race; and it also shows me uncaring and apathy.

Free will doesn't mean jack shit when you're dead, nor is there really any free will in times of war. War is about fighting and surviving, and we white people are doing neither. This toxic mentality even extends to us white SS.
I know (some) Whites have become lazy and careless. Apparently, I am wrong for saying Whites should be kicked up their arses to get moving and working properly. A lot of Whites have been drinking of the poisoned well, and that means that those of us who either did drink of it and were cured & healed, or have not drank of it at all, are in the wrong because we have/are learning and trying to have, clear minds. :roll: We're "wrong" for being clear-minded and level-headed - or learning to do that, going in that direction - while those who walk with a severe limp, disabled, retarded, spasticated (as medical terms) are the holy ones (holey - with holes in their "souls", that is) and revered as superhumans. Because Michael Jordan can walk upstairs in the air while slam-dunking a basketball, that means that he is subhuman, lower, shitter than these disabled, incapable ones. There is a paralympics. Is there going to be a comalympics or a late-stage-of-[insert deadly, debilitating illness/disease here]-lympics one day? Maybe there should be an o-limp-ics...
Ors666 said:
My apologies, I got Greys and Jews mixed up. In that sense I've got no more arguments.
Would it be offensive if I used the word "n00b" jokingly-offensively to you? :p As for the greys - the chances of them ever having a possibility of a chance (just to emphasise what I'm saying) of choosing would be extremely tiny. The idea is for the jew/reptillians to have the greyified individuals be implanted with a microchip, which would render the greyified individual effectively a biological robot, controlled through said microchip, without individuality, identity, personality, freedom, etc.
Ors666 said:
Invictus said:
Ors666 said:
I extremely highly doubt a half Jew would be a full Jew. You're discarding the human in them and are going a too far there. They have emotions, feelings and a conscience you know. This link here says so and I personally know that to be true; https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aliens.html

"The illustrations of "Lucifuge Rofocal" and "Vassago" show beings with large bulbous heads. I have met with and I have seen Lucifuge Rofocal. He has a large bulbous head. He is obviously a hybrid of Grey. He is friendly and has emotion, as a hybrid mix is unique."

Perhaps they'd be allowed to reproduce with others who are also half Jew half Humans and in the terms of National Socialism, maybe we would have a race of whites, a race of blacks, a race of asians, then afterwards a race of human/jew hybrids, asian/white mix, black/white mix, but they wouldn't be let to reproduce with those of pure genetics.

If they have emotions, a conscience, feelings and a love of life, regardless of where half of their genetics came from, it's completely wrong to just utterly discard them from society. I would definitely not want someone with such a mindset to come to power. Even someone else said here on the forums that they're half Jew, though I didn't go over the whole convo with that person, he ended up getting harassed. Only one person was nice and undiscriminative enough and gave him advice and told him to vibrate Satanama 108 times onto his soul. There's a line between distinguishing such things, it's best to not cross it. Those who are half have a choice, whether they go and be a Jew or a Human.
What kind of SS would have empathy for a jew? Jews were created to be parasites, their very souls are different than ours, their essence our polar opposite. They don't build, they only destroy. They don't have true free will, as they are attached like a hive mind to their reptilian overlords. They do their bidding, which is to enslave us, to destroy us.

Why would Azazel help humanity with creating the RTR, a tool which destroys the jews to their very essence, if he wanted to make friends with them in the end, after the jews fall and are trampled beneath our feet? Think about it really hard.

Check the post you mentioned about someone telling him to vibrate Satanama 108 times into his soul. Read it carefully. If we are speaking of the same post, he was being facetious. If I tell a jew "It's ok jew, just stare at Satan's sigil for a few minutes and then call him to you" I'm not trying to be helpful, I know the act alone would prove to be the jew's undoing.

The jews have done so many crimes against my people throughout the millenia, horrible, unforgivable crimes, clearly you are not yet aware of what the jew is responsible for. You don't yet understand why we detest them with all of our being.

Study, get informed, look through the HP's sermons here on the forums, maybe you will then see how misplaced your empathy was.
And you're the fourth, I got the Jew and the Grey mixed up, as Lucifuge is half grey, I forgot about the reptilians. My apologies.
Lucifuge has nothing to do with greys ,he is of the alien race preceding the nowadays greys .
Grey aliens are now a completely different thing from what they used to be, before genetical engineering and implants
FancyMancy said:
I know (some) Whites have become lazy and careless. Apparently, I am wrong for saying Whites should be kicked up their arses to get moving and working properly. A lot of Whites have been drinking of the poisoned well, and that means that those of us who either did drink of it and were cured & healed, or have not drank of it at all, are in the wrong because we have/are learning and trying to have, clear minds. :roll: We're "wrong" for being clear-minded and level-headed - or learning to do that, going in that direction - while those who walk with a severe limp, disabled, retarded, spasticated (as medical terms) are the holy ones (holey - with holes in their "souls", that is) and revered as superhumans. Because Michael Jordan can walk upstairs in the air while slam-dunking a basketball, that means that he is subhuman, lower, shitter than these disabled, incapable ones. There is a paralympics. Is there going to be a comalympics or a late-stage-of-[insert deadly, debilitating illness/disease here]-lympics one day? Maybe there should be an o-limp-ics...

The "we should have more babies" argument is the type of argument where both sides are technically correct. Yes we (white people, not just SS) should have as many white babies as possible, but it's also true that kids are a huge responsibility and deserve a decent life and that the parents should think really hard before committing to having babies.

We can all agree that quality is great than quantity, but this equation doesn't nullify quantity's value, especially when we're facing seriously facing extinction.
I just don't see how it's bad to encourage white people, and especially white SS who have more means and knowledge to raise good children, to have more kids.
It's like now we are ignoring how many whites are actively a part of jewish programs designed to destroy the white race. Does having lots of children matter if they grow up to be race mixers and blm terrorists.

It's disappointing to see that 2000+ years into this people still can't see 5 meters in front of them and understand they must stop fighting the symptoms and focus on the true cancer that is the jews. Until the jews are fully exposed and their influence removed, tiny band-aid solutions are pointless.

I say it again the low birth rates are a symptom of poverty, and poverty is a jewish creation. How about give people the means to raise children and then you can demand that they have children. Children being brought up in poverty just opens them to communist ideals and other terrible things.

So many white people are struggling in extreme poverty. I wouldn't want to have a child just to watch them starve and suffer as well as ruin my own life. And I don't blame anybody for not wanting the same. Who are you to demand this kind of sacrifice from anyone.

It's always the same with this kind of conversation. It's always the stupid goyim's fault, the conversation is never about the jews. It's those stupid lazy whites that don't have children. Never mind the fact that most struggle just to feed themselves let alone a child on top of their expenses.

But I guess they are all just lazy and weak, said by a guy probably living with his parents and with 0 kids.
Ors666 said:
FancyMancy said:
What I think that is, is that if they are mixed White-and-Black, Asian-and-White, or Black-and-Asian, then they would be able to reproduce with their Race, or "main Race", if you want to call it that. If it is a mixed jew, however, then it is a jew fullstop. I can only guess that those individuals would either be forbidden from procreating - which I doubt - or more likely separated from Humans.
I extremely highly doubt a half Jew would be a full Jew. You're discarding the human in them and are going a too far there. They have emotions, feelings and a conscience you know. This link here says so and I personally know that to be true; https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aliens.html

"The illustrations of "Lucifuge Rofocal" and "Vassago" show beings with large bulbous heads. I have met with and I have seen Lucifuge Rofocal. He has a large bulbous head. He is obviously a hybrid of Grey. He is friendly and has emotion, as a hybrid mix is unique."

Perhaps they'd be allowed to reproduce with others who are also half Jew half Humans and in the terms of National Socialism, maybe we would have a race of whites, a race of blacks, a race of asians, then afterwards a race of human/jew hybrids, asian/white mix, black/white mix, but they wouldn't be let to reproduce with those of pure genetics.

If they have emotions, a conscience, feelings and a love of life, regardless of where half of their genetics came from, it's completely wrong to just utterly discard them from society. I would definitely not want someone with such a mindset to come to power. Even someone else said here on the forums that they're half Jew, though I didn't go over the whole convo with that person, he ended up getting harassed. Only one person was nice and undiscriminative enough and gave him advice and told him to vibrate Satanama 108 times onto his soul. There's a line between distinguishing such things, it's best to not cross it. Those who are half have a choice, whether they go and be a Jew or a Human.
I know you said you got Jew and Grey mixed up already, so this reply isn't about that don't worry. Just letting you know that the vast majority of greys, are evil borg. HP Cobra said he estimates 92% of greys are evil trash, and 8% have avoided the taint of the Reptilians, including the grey/human hybrid God Lucifuge.

Do not forget that there are pure evil grey/human hybrids too, like the pharaoh Akhenaten:

In terms of Asian/White hybrids etc keeping to themselves and reproducing, it's already been stated that it's completely fine that they continue their subraces. Mexicans, Japanese, and others are already examples of White/Asian hybrids. But of course people should not go out of their way to create new subraces or anything like that - purposeful race mixing is against Satanism and Satan's will.
Bigot Boy said:
HP Cobra said he estimates 92% of greys are evil trash, and 8% have avoided the taint of the Reptilians, including the grey/human hybrid God Lucifuge.
It was actually just 3%, so it's even less.

From a post by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

"Aliens out there use spiritual warfare. Also, just because Lucifuge Rofocal and a very small number of other Greys are on our side, never forget the Greys are the enemy. I mentioned something to Satan about the Greys on 30, April. He replied, "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant), and said so with a real sneer."

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
