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A Matriarchy - When is it Preferable?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
I will be attending a course on Woman Studies: Goddess Mythology, Women's Spirituality and Ecofeminsm. (WGST) 333

(As with all things, I will attend as an SS. Especially given the liberal undertones of all education)

Anyways, it got me thinking.

When is a Matriarchy viable and preferable?

I hope I do not insult any of our female SS here, but I must say that when people generally think about historical figures, we think of men. Alexander the Great, Ramses II, Julius Ceasar, etc, etc. However, a quick Google search can show quite a few female figures throughout history, especially in the middle ages and Eygpt, yet it seems their accomplishments pale in comparison, publicly at least, to the average person.

I do remember reading from HPC that there were sacred female figures like High Priestesses in Greece and other places, yet they receive no publicity as I can't name a single one.

Let's get the Jewish question out of the way. The Jews have destroyed all ancient gentile knowledge and history to serve their own agenda. We also know the Jews see the feminine with complete disdain, so this could explain the further suppression of information about renown females figures.

Anyways, back to the original questions, is there a time, astrologically or otherwise, that a Matriarchy is better than a male ruler?
The best leader/civilization builder should lead, regardless off gender.

If a couple is better then a individual person for the race, then this is also a option.

I think because we live on a rather violent planet, with long ongoing war with the enemy. Men were better suited as they tend to be better protectors/fighters/builders.

If we had a more peaceful planet, women would have had a advantage as they tend to be better caretakers/have a eye for beauty/environment maintainer/ better at negotiation.
Traditionally, women are great leaders of spiritual knowledge. And women are also the leaders responsible for learning, teaching, and maintaining all of the historical stories of the population. This is talking about before there were books. The women keep the traditions and the knowledge. This is how it was in most places.
Thx for the reply you two.
(Shadowcat and existential replied as well, but they are not here anymore. I already email HPC asking if there are lags happening.)
Only in a perfect Economical Society can a Matriarchy Exist.
(Shadowcat and existential replied as well, but they are not here anymore. I already email HPC asking if there are lags happening.)
That's weird I did reply. Maybe it was a bug?
When is a Matriarchy viable and preferable?
When a society is founded on feminine values. I mean, if you try to get women in leadership positions in our current society which is based on masculine values like competition, control and continuous growth they'll end up doing a terrible job and most people will just blame women for their failure. That's why feminists are deluded, they think that women are the exact same as men and "gender" is a social construct so they teach women to behave like men and these women end up being very unhappy.
There is something you’ve missed as well, a matriarchy and a society ran by a powerful matron are two different things, you can have some place like America or wasreal their society is vary matriarchal but the supreme leaders are men like joe Biden or Benjamin netiyho or alternatively you can have places like Middle Ages England or ancient Egypt where patriarchy is in place but you have queens like Elisabeth or Cleopatras.

Females tend to be more society conservative so if a people are happy where they are a female leader is less likely to mess it up with grand visions that will change the way things are, also the aesthetics of having a beautiful and majestic queen as you ruler are powerful.
There is something you’ve missed as well, a matriarchy and a society ran by a powerful matron are two different things, you can have some place like America or wasreal their society is vary matriarchal but the supreme leaders are men like joe Biden or Benjamin netiyho or alternatively you can have places like Middle Ages England or ancient Egypt where patriarchy is in place but you have queens like Elisabeth or Cleopatras.

Females tend to be more society conservative so if a people are happy where they are a female leader is less likely to mess it up with grand visions that will change the way things are, also the aesthetics of having a beautiful and majestic queen as you ruler are powerful.
I like the thought of a female monarch as equal as I like a male monarch. Definitely interesting to ponder.
When a society is founded on feminine values. I mean, if you try to get women in leadership positions in our current society which is based on masculine values like competition, control and continuous growth they'll end up doing a terrible job and most people will just blame women for their failure. That's why feminists are deluded, they think that women are the exact same as men and "gender" is a social construct so they teach women to behave like men and these women end up being very unhappy.
As you said, I think this may be true in our current societies. However, it's not like many women are given the chance to handle the pressures of rulership as it exists today. Although men are more suited by nature to handle these active pressures, yet I believe in different astrological ages there are exceptions. Like the age of Cancer, for example.
Sorry, quick revision of my last reply: it's not that women are not given equal opportunity in western society, at least where I live, but whether or not a woman can achieve that status.
I think women have come a long way throughout the centuries. I think that women because of their knowledge and because of their power? Men find us intimidating. And I guess we had to prove some things throughout the centuries. I don't know why? Women have to be discriminated. But the jews wanted us women to pay a price . Along with the xtian bullshit. Laugh out loud that we have to be subservient to men ! Especially when we have a mind of Our Own! Especially if we are of age! When we have every right to think and do as we please as a woman
Anyways, back to the original questions, is there a time, astrologically or otherwise, that a Matriarchy is better than a male ruler?
With no sexism intended, a matriarchy can not exist. I am not supporting the xian oppressive patriarchy, but men in general have more self-control than women. So the ideal contribution of power should be 60/40 with men having an "advantage", the reason being that they are physically and mentally tougher and, let's be honest, men can not accept being controlled by women, which is why matriarchy has never been established anywhere. Women also have the natural instinct to lean towards men for safety and protection, and it is a man's duty to ensure that. Again, patriarchy with the xian connotation is a means of abuse and oppression of the female chakras.
With no sexism intended, a matriarchy can not exist. I am not supporting the xian oppressive patriarchy, but men in general have more self-control than women. So the ideal contribution of power should be 60/40 with men having an "advantage", the reason being that they are physically and mentally tougher and, let's be honest, men can not accept being controlled by women, which is why matriarchy has never been established anywhere. Women also have the natural instinct to lean towards men for safety and protection, and it is a man's duty to ensure that. Again, patriarchy with the xian connotation is a means of abuse and oppression of the female chakras.
Well, I agree with most of what you said aside from the self control part. However, none of us have ever experienced a queen of supernal Satanic nature, so how would we really know.

From what I know, the closest women to my ideal queens would be the spartan queens.
When gods and goddesses work together? In the spiritual Satan community? We were together as a team. And no people are not equals of one another laugh out loud but in the same sense if you are king and queen? Do you not treat each other as an equal? When a man is married to a woman? A man should not be head of the house anymore than the woman? So they should think together and work together as a team as partners
Why? Can you explain.
Only in a very Equitable society that is brought about after decades of correct economic policy can there be a Matriarchal Society which is symbolized by equity.
Neither Patriarchy nor Matriarchy and both are toxic and are being promoted by the enemy to confuse people. Man by nature is better than woman in certain qualities and equally woman in certain others compared to man, which does not mean that one is superior or inferior to the other. Awareness of this natural reality can lead to harmonious relationships without competition. Alexander the Great, for example, was a great strategist with all the masculine characteristics but he went first to get an oracle from Pythia at the Oracle of Delphi before setting out on anything, so we see here that everyone in his position is equal
men in general have more self-control than women
Try telling that to all the men throughout history who lost everything from gambling and sex scandals.

Self-control is in the chart and through character development, it is not related to any specific gender.
it's not that women are not given equal opportunity in western society, at least where I live, but whether or not a woman can achieve that status.
This has to do with values, too. There isn't a mystical force that oppresses women like feminists claim, it's just that women don't have that status because they generally aren't good in things that our society values, like war, competition, "work ethic" (xian BS, by the way) or constantly building new things.

Women will always be looked down upon as long as we value those things. The good news is more and more people are getting sick of the rat race, endless war, destruction of the environment and constantly trying to achieve things. When a critical mass is reached, I think a matriarchy will be inevitable.

It's also the type of rulership which we commonly associate with our society that isn't appropriate to women. I don't even think the word "rulership" is appropriate here, as matriarchal leadership isn't controlling or authoritarian, but more gentle. It's simply a mistake to expect women to rule in the same way as men, they'll end up doing a terrible job because it's not suited to the style.
Try telling that to all the men throughout history who lost everything from gambling and sex scandals.

Self-control is in the chart and through character development, it is not related to any specific gender.
You're right, what I meant was that men who don't have self-control are more suspectible to failing and being marginalised (which is a good thing in this case), while women are often excused.
Well, I agree with most of what you said aside from the self control part. However, none of us have ever experienced a queen of supernal Satanic nature, so how would we really know.

From what I know, the closest women to my ideal queens would be the spartan queens.
Men in general have more social obligations than women, so they must control their emotions, while women can but don't have to. Self-control is obviously required for spiritual advancement, but under a social prism, it's not demanded for women.
(Shadowcat and existential replied as well, but they are not here anymore. I already email HPC asking if there are lags happening.)
I don't know why my posts were deleted, but I hope they were helpful to you.
Leadership has to do with inherently masculine spiritual forces like Aries, Mars, the Sun and fire. As these are more naturally predominant in men, there will be more men who are suited to these positions. Unfortunately, in the current system, regardless of gender, you are more likely to find toxic leadership because most leaders don't understand what leading people really means and how to do it.

Also, it's not true that men have more self-control than women. Self-control is an earthy trait, which is feminine element. HPS Lydia correctly highlighted sex scandals and gambling which are more prominent with men as they are harmful sides of the fire element, Sagittarius, Aries, Mars, and so on. All masculine influences.

Even more than fire, what can unite people and hold them together is the akasha, which has no gender or has both genders, depending on how you look at it. A clear reminder that, to rule successfully and justly you need a balanced and powerful soul, like Father Satan. If we look at the Gods' leadership, at the very top you see 3 males and 1 female. Then you see different proportions at different levels of hierarchy.
I believe that and I respect that!🙂

But what about those women that are strong-minded that have more of the masculine traits like that of the Leo? Who sort of have those business and Leadership ways? They know that they're a female! And know that they can work on that balance of masculine and feminine! You can still be a female and go to ballet's and enjoy the pleasures of being a female and being a mom and raising kids? But in the same sense you sort of have those masculine qualities as well too especially if you're going to be a mom and protect your children. And still enjoy the pleasures of being a mom planting flowers and baking cookies and cakes in the kitchen. And still when it comes to your job whatever it is your profession is? That Inner Warrior and leader comes out? Showing the world that you're a Leo and that you've got those feminine masculine qualities and in the business world the female Leo always has the tendency to bring out the testosterone in her mind letting the world know that she is smart and very competitive also knowing her boundaries as a female as well and some women appreciate that! Along with her duties as a person working in the corporate business world or even if she just has a job flipping hamburgers at McDonald's doing whatever she can to take care of her kids and her family!

And what about women who are raising children all alone as a single parent? Who also have to wear the pants as well and take that role of a father! As well as being a mom and being loving and nurturing to her children?
I'd just like to toss in here that we've kind of had matriarchy off and on for the last thousand years. I'm pretty sure the Queen of England just recently died. Lets list off just a handful of other rulers throughout Europe here that were matriarchy.

We could argue queen bertha of Kent who married a pagan king and helped bring Christianity to England.
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Anne,
Queen Victoria

I could keep going, and I'm pretty sure all of these are just queens of England. Even if you want to make the argument they had no other choice but to keep the "patriarchy" rolling these people have have plenty of opportunity to make other changes. People have been sent off to war on behalf of women just as much as men for as long as we have written history. Some of these have been good, some have been terrible rulers. At the end of the day Leadership, Observational skills, Knowledge, Economics, and many other qualities have a larger impact than Gender does. Heck, I know a number of college level historians that argue we've technically been in a matriarchy for the last 3-400 years because the wives were pulling the strings in the background. They just can't tell their students that in university else they'll lose their jobs.
Leadership has to do with inherently masculine spiritual forces like Aries, Mars, the Sun and fire. As these are more naturally predominant in men, there will be more men who are suited to these positions. Unfortunately, in the current system, regardless of gender, you are more likely to find toxic leadership because most leaders don't understand what leading people really means and how to do it.

Also, it's not true that men have more self-control than women. Self-control is an earthy trait, which is feminine element. HPS Lydia correctly highlighted sex scandals and gambling which are more prominent with men as they are harmful sides of the fire element, Sagittarius, Aries, Mars, and so on. All masculine influences.

Even more than fire, what can unite people and hold them together is the akasha, which has no gender or has both genders, depending on how you look at it. A clear reminder that, to rule successfully and justly you need a balanced and powerful soul, like Father Satan. If we look at the Gods' leadership, at the very top you see 3 males and 1 female. Then you see different proportions at different levels of hierarchy.
I thought at the vary top was Lilith and Satan as co-rulers, Isn’t Satans title as crown prince of Hell secondary to his title as God Emperor? Monarchs normally have multiple titles so it can be confusing. The crown princes would be beneath the royal couple right?
Pretty much.. and those that follow. I was never brought up and royalty but then again according to what I've seen on TV with Prince's Diana and such? It is a different world and the more I read about it and hear about it in books.
It is confusing! But then again according to who they are being reptilian it makes sense?
I have a question? Why do you guys call us ladies chicks? Isn't that a Jewish term for Chickasaw!!!?? And it's interesting how the pop culture has caught on with that whole ordeal of calling women chick? And referring to lady fashion is chick? When it's related to the white woman filthy glam and filthy Goyum.. also referring to women as prostitutes? Or comparing sub to that of prostitute? Even if you're a good woman who is happily married to a guy and it doesn't matter whether you're a good girl or a bad girl? Being compared up to that of something that is beneath you? Is not cool another thing I cannot stand or tolerate! Is being called a bitch! It's interesting how hip-hop bands and people of lower culture throws that out at women all over the place! Just because a woman is smart and strong and protects herself? And because she has brains and intelligence and has the guts to fucking stick up for herself? And tell somebody where to go and how to get there! Just because she's got a mind of her own and she tells it like it is and walks the walk! And just because she shows any form of intelligence? Or just because she happens to have a backbone! And is not afraid of telling people where to go and how to get there? Just because she's a fighter and just because she's a warrior! Especially if she happens to be extra attractive and has any kind of sex appeal?.. to the guy. But in a rude harsh way putting her down at the same time while thinking that he can slam her down and have his way with her! And how the enemy has put that out there in so many different colors and in so many different levels! That even the wealthy and those that have upper crust? Would sit there and it talk shit about women and discriminate them in the same variation using those words of Pop culture and out of disrespect! Just because they're not happy about their wife or their girlfriend or just because they're a guy hanging out with guys!... and all of this gutral slander towards women! Throughout the centuries! All because of Christians Muslims and Jews and how they look down upon women and how they despise them! All the many different names for women the date clear back into the fucking 19th century all the way down
Holy fuck. I have never read a more distorted, mentally ill perspective on history and religion in my entire life.

So, I have access to the course now, and ALL I WANTED WAS TO LEARN ABOUT THE GODDESSES, but instead, I have to now sort through a bunch of mentally ill women perpetuating feminism and patriarchy.

Apparently, according to these Jews, patriarchy really started in the bronze age when sky Gods took the forefront of spiritual tradition, such as Zeus. And, the Goddess worship was "pushed aside" in favor of a male dominated religion in contrast to the Neolithic and Paleolithic Goddesses who were once worshiped supreme.

"Men created this patriarchy so they could dominate women in all matters...blah blah"

What a waste of money. At least ill get the credits, but now I have to keep my lips sealed during the course.

Sorry for the venting
Holy fuck. I have never read a more distorted, mentally ill perspective on history and religion in my entire life.

So, I have access to the course now, and ALL I WANTED WAS TO LEARN ABOUT THE GODDESSES, but instead, I have to now sort through a bunch of mentally ill women perpetuating feminism and patriarchy.

Apparently, according to these Jews, patriarchy really started in the bronze age when sky Gods took the forefront of spiritual tradition, such as Zeus. And, the Goddess worship was "pushed aside" in favor of a male dominated religion in contrast to the Neolithic and Paleolithic Goddesses who were once worshiped supreme.

"Men created this patriarchy so they could dominate women in all matters...blah blah"

What a waste of money. At least ill get the credits, but now I have to keep my lips sealed during the course.

Sorry for the venting
This is what they call intersectionality, where everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is oppression and straight white males are the supreme oppressors. It's related to marxism, which itself is the invention of the son of a rabbinical kike. There always has to be an oppressed and an oppressor, life is framed through this lens at every turn and this is one program that they use to divide and control people.

It's infuriating to hear that they're still finding new ways of slandering the ancients and our Gods.
This is what they call intersectionality, where everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is oppression and straight white males are the supreme oppressors. It's related to marxism, which itself is the invention of the son of a rabbinical kike. There always has to be an oppressed and an oppressor, life is framed through this lens at every turn and this is one program that they use to divide and control people.

It's infuriating to hear that they're still finding new ways of slandering the ancients and our Gods.
I am going to attempt to switch out of the course while there is time. I really, really hope I can. It doesn't start until March 1st and it's my money, so let's hope.

Yes,, it was just gross spiritual misinterpretations used as ammo. And, of course, lies about how the ancient greeks treated their women.

I will self study all mythology from now on.
I am going to attempt to switch out of the course while there is time. I really, really hope I can. It doesn't start until March 1st and it's my money, so let's hope.

Yes,, it was just gross spiritual misinterpretations used as ammo. And, of course, lies about how the ancient greeks treated their women.

I will self study all mythology from now on.
You have an opportunity to bring truth. If not to the lying teacher, at least to the other students. You can bring in sources showing women with high and important political positions equal to men. Women Oracles who were the highest spiritual leaders. And similar examples.

Do your research, use many good sources, and prove the justice and goodness of the Greeks.
You have an opportunity to bring truth. If not to the lying teacher, at least to the other students. You can bring in sources showing women with high and important political positions equal to men. Women Oracles who were the highest spiritual leaders. And similar examples.

Do your research, use many good sources, and prove the justice and goodness of the Greeks.
I did think of this, and I would like nothing more to liberate our ancestors, but my professor might be so ideologically driven as to discard any truth, and end up biased towards marking my work. :(
You have an opportunity to bring truth. If not to the lying teacher, at least to the other students. You can bring in sources showing women with high and important political positions equal to men. Women Oracles who were the highest spiritual leaders. And similar examples.

Do your research, use many good sources, and prove the justice and goodness of the Greeks.
Good advice to get the teachers against you and get grades that won't pass you.
I did think of this, and I would like nothing more to liberate our ancestors, but my professor might be so ideologically driven as to discard any truth, and end up biased towards marking my work. :(
Don't bring any heat on yourself. The ones who run the institution are going to run the program they want to run. There is nothing you can do about the leftist ideology infesting academia, especially as a lone student.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
