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  1. B

    A Void Course of Moon

    Thank you HAIL SATAN!!
  2. B

    Last Day Of The Age Of Pices?

    Aquarius is not your opposite, Cancer is. I'm a Capricorn too, I should know. Aquarius's opposite is Leo.
  3. B

    A Void Course of Moon

    How do I know if I born on a Void course of moon? Because Maxine wrote that if you born on a void course of moon you'll probably be a very unique person, just want to know if I did born on a void course. HAIL SATAN!!
  4. B

    Natal Chart

    Your answer is quite different than Lydia's answer..
  5. B

    Xtians don't want deafs masturbating

    HAHAHAHAHA fucking rats
  6. B

    Re: Couple of questions - mind to help a newbie?

    Oh I can assure you, Satan is very exist, I only dedicated 3 months ago, and I have felt his energy many, many times. HAIL FATHER SATAN!!!!
  7. B

    Hours of the Chakras

    Okay, and it is best to do them after I opened all of my chakras right?
  8. B

    Pathetic ..

    HAHA Lieble I like it
  9. B

    Most Amazing God

    I totally agree with you. DamnPlanetSaturn, you are a great person, and you're right, we are serving the most amazing God ever. We should all unite!! HAIL FATHER SATAN!!
  10. B

    Hours of the Chakras

    I've download the program, I've put my Latitude and Longitude. Now, how do I know which hours of the chakras? I need to know example - that the Base chakra is of Saturn etc? and then I meditate on the chakras according to the planets? HAIL SATAN!!
  11. B

    Hours of the Chakras

    Thank you, and hail Satan
  12. B

    Natal Chart

    You clarified it well, Lydia, thanks. I'm pretty much Capricorn guy lol, I'm one of the most organized people, i'm very dedicated to what I do, when I do something I want it to be the best I can do it. I have BAD imagination, although I day dreamdream all day long lol.. (I'm a bit water guy)...
  13. B

    Natal Chart

    I have a question.. I was born Capricorn this life. Now my question is, every lifetime you're born on a different date, that means every lifetime you're a different person. am I right? HAIL SATAN!!
  14. B

    Natal Chart

    It does help, thank you Hail Satan!!
  15. B

    Hours of the Chakras

    Thank you
  16. B

    Joy of Satan satanic meditation webpage not available

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html There you go. HAIL SATAN!!
  17. B

    Natal Chart

    Thank you for your book, and the video, it makes more sense to me now, but still need more time to grasp it lol i'm a bit slow on learning (Capricorn...) Thank you brother, by the way your English is great. HAIL SATAN!!
  18. B

    Is this possible?

    HAHAHAHAHA "I AM RETARD!!!!!!!" made my day!!! :) HAHA
  19. B

    Hours of the Chakras

    umm, in the meditation section there is the Chakras Hours. now, it's different hours in different country's isn't it? or if for instance I live in the US it would be the same as if I lived in London.. ?? *SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH* HAIL SATAN!!
  20. B

    Question about a number

    Just listened to the song! don't think it realtes to Hitler somehow.. :) HAIL SATAN!!
  21. B

    Natal Chart

    Thank you brother, I'm not too obsessed at all, just trying to figure out if Satan relate to this.. because if he does, most probably I was a Satanist in my past life.. just out of curiosity.. By the way I was trying to learn Astrology, and I find it very hard to learn, I don't know if it just...
  22. B

    Re: Sweet Revenge :-)

    Nice Lydia!! that is a lesson to that fucker thinks he can mess with you.. HAIL SATAN!!
  23. B

    joy of satan main website

    I hope you're wrong, lol.. HAILZ
  24. B

    Question about a number

    Oh I got it.. thank you HAIL SATAN!!
  25. B

    Natal Chart

    I have a question regarding my date of birth. I was born: Capricorn, Day: 11 Hour: 2:40 Now my question is, if it is coincidence? the numbers are of Satan. but when I think of it, Satan does not do such things, or does he? HAIL SATAN!!
  26. B

    Question about a number

    What the number 88 says? cuz I see it alot lately.. HAIL SATAN!!
  27. B


    What kind of OCD I have? umm I don't know the kinds of OCD but I will explain it to you.. umm basicly I want everything to be perfect and organized (i'm the element of Earth by the way) when I write a song in youtube, I will type it with big capital letter.. I will never write : acdc back in...
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    Whenever i'm meditating, lying down trying to get into a trance, doing some breathing exercises etc, I feel my heartbit, it is very difficult to keep focus because It's really annoying. I'm very frustrated.. Why my heartbeat is so annoying?!!... I have OCD, and a severe ADHD, if it helps...
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    Astral Temple Duration

    Those who are adepts at Astral Projection, can project whenever they want right? I mean, not just when they're tired but at every hour they want?
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    I need some Succubi suggestions

    Summoning succubus is ONLY for sex purposes?
  31. B

    I need some Succubi suggestions

    Hey I have a question, do you have a relationship with a succubus? Is anyone of the group have? It seems like nobody has this type of relationship.. Hail Satan
  32. B

    Let's Fight The Enemy

    Done. :)
  33. B

    Egypt documentary on new discoveries

    Please share. HAIL SATAN!!
  34. B

    Basic Meditation Program + Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Sa

    Ok thanks, I think i'll stay on this then, because I want to participate in damnplanetsaturn program.. and also opening my third eye.. so i'll stick with it :) HAIL SATAN!!
  35. B


    I'm pretty sure it is, yes.
  36. B

    Opening The Third Eye

    I was doing the initial process of 4 days to open the third eye, I did it twice (the first time I wasn't vibrated thoth as it needed) Well the second time I vibrated it well, (after father directed me to a video on youtube that shows how to vibrate it) well, I actually felt my third eye when...
  37. B

    For Those Who Want To Participate In The Meditation Program

    Just joined the group. GREAT idea brother! HAIL SATAN!!
  38. B

    Hatha Yoga

    Sounds awesome, I also started a Hatha Yoga Routine, and I have a question. Can I do Yoga in the early morning, and the Meditation session in the afternoon? When i'm doing 'em both, I kinda get bored.. too long..lol HAIL SATAN!!
  39. B

    Basic Meditation Program + Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Sa

    I dedicated about 3 months ago and I meditate everyday (doing Yoga, Void meditation, energy meditation, and meditation on Satan). Can I also do the Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists (the 6 months program)? Or should I focus on one thing? HAIL SATAN!!
  40. B

    Visions And Eluminating/Enlightening Perspectives

    Beautiful, thank you for sharing :)
  41. B

    Visions And Eluminating/Enlightening Perspectives

    LOL my birthday is January 11.. hehe (seriously)
  42. B

    Energy Meditation - concerns

    So true, when I attempted to do Yoga I probably done it wrong, I was so angry, fuck I'm getting angry when I'm writing this.. It was so frstruting!!
  43. B

    I hate life.

    Dude always remember, after all that shit we're going through, we get stronger!! I'm also a new dedicated satanist and i'm going through alot of shit but I look at it as an opportunity to grow. Keep strong brother!! remember to empower yourself!! We're a strong family!! HAIL SATAN!!
  44. B

    I hate life.

    Can you please explain what exactly is Karma? HAIL SATAN!!
  45. B


    I just tried Google Chrome, it works fine!! thank you both :) HAIL SATAN!!
  46. B

    Regarding Energy

    Thanks!! :) I was thinking that if i'm able to change my hair color it will benefit me alot, cuz it will give me the feeling that "everything is possible" lol :) so yea thanks!! HAIL SATAN!!
  47. B

    Regarding Energy

    It's amazing!! :) HAIL SATAN!!
  48. B


    I see the part of the words in "Pronouncing and Vibrating the Runes" page in gibberish. Like: � Æ - �RUZ etc.. I know it's out of topic but I really want to use the runes!! I'm using firefox.. how can I fix this? HAIL SATAN!!
  49. B

    ADD / ADHD

    How exactly I vibe it? thomas wrote I need to vibe it IIIIIIII-ZZZZZZZZZZ-AAAAAAAA but, I don't know exactly how. my main language is not English.. and what Thomas meant by "don't forget to program the energy"? like imagining how i'm focused, able to learn, etc? because I hate the...
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    The Baby! *GASP!*

    That is so awesome!! I wish you and Brian the best!! :) HAIL SATAN!!
  51. B

    ADD / ADHD

    Lol thanks, I will try it today
  52. B

    Third Eye

    LOL.. sister**!!!!
  53. B

    Regarding Energy

    Energy can do ANYTHING right? for example, when I was little, my hair color was blonde, and with the years it slowly turned brown. Can I program the energy to bring my old blonde hair? is it possible? I keep seeing that Satanism has no limitations, and energy is programmed to do what it is...
  54. B

    ADD / ADHD

    Oh I got it.. and how many times I need to vibrate it? (I'm new with Runes) HAIL SATAN!!
  55. B

    Third Eye

    Thank you so much brother!! I wasn't able to find that.. I will try as much as possible to vibrate like mac. HAIL SATAN!!
  56. B


    Thanks brother! I thought something wrong with me or something..
  57. B

    Certain type of psychic attack

    I want to add something here. I think the enemy put other thoughts in other people, according to how new you. When I dedicated I had this fear that I chose the wrong religion, and Satan is not really a good being, and I will suffer for eterntity etc.. after some time, after I actually saw how I...
  58. B

    New to Satanism

    Satan doesn't ignore you. But you have to understand something, Satan doesn't "takes" your fear away, you have to do that, Satan helps those who help themselves. There's a meditation section on the JoS site, read the the beginner's meditation, and see what appeals to you the most. Start...
  59. B

    Third Eye

    I've started to open my soul, where it is said to first open the Third Eye. Now I'm pretty sure I don't vibrate Thoth as it needed, but I have this pressure on the Forehead, so i'm doing good? Today was my 2nd day, I know I have to do 4 days. any advices on how to vibrate Thoth, and is it the...
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    Certain type of psychic attack

    This "whole fantasy" feeling pervaded my mind too lately.. When I first dedicate two months ago, I kept feeling that father left me.. every now and then.. now I just feel like this is whole fantasy thing.. but father and the Gods never disappoint!! Stay strong sister!! don't let those fuckers...
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    ADD / ADHD

    Thank you brother. How do I vibrate Isa? I'm new with the Runes HAIL SATAN!!
  62. B


    Whenever I'm attempting to do Yoga session, I just can't finish it. I get to warmed up, I mean, I'm really getting really hot, disgusting hot, I breath really heavy, and it's really hard for me to keep on focus when it happens. Even now it's fuckng hot and I've done with the session one hour...
  63. B

    The Band Behemoth

    I agree with you, all of the satanic music is Black Metal / Death Metal screams etc.. We want something new!! :) HAIL SATAN!!
  64. B

    ADD / ADHD

    I don't know if invoking the Earth element is a good idea. You see, I already have the complex of Earth and Water elements. now here's the thing, I'm a very Earth person, but also very Water. I daydream, all day long, (which defines Water element) But I don't dream of any fantasy, I dream on...
  65. B

    Self Confidence

    Thank you so much for sharing! this is really motivating. HAIL SATAN!!
  66. B

    ADD / ADHD

    I'm doing void meditation since I dedicated, two months ago. Actually it's a bit odd, I always had this fear of walking outside in the dark, always imagining there was something behind me, and lately I don't have this fear anymore, I walk like a king, fear nothing. I only dedicated two months...
  67. B

    Experience of duat

    It sounds amazing brother. I guess everything I will try to imagine doesn't equal the beauty of this place.. lol
  68. B

    ADD / ADHD

    Is ADD/ADHD affect meditation results? I've never been able to learn anything at school, because of my ADD, so I just wandered if I get the results as you guys. Also, maybe with time of doing some kinds of meditations, my problem will disappear? HAIL SATAN!!
  69. B


    I'm a bit confused.. If I want to control my emotions, I should focus on them, and release? or just ignore them? HAIL SATAN!!
  70. B

    Something That Will Help Tremendously With Meditation

    What workout do you recommend for a skinny guy? I'm turning 18 this January, and my weight is 55 kilograms.
  71. B

    Something That Will Help Tremendously With Meditation

    Are we satanists encouraged to do all these exercises? I personally thought we should do sport like - Running, swimming, bikes, yoga, etc.. but are we encouraged to gain weight, get in shape- all that? I hate that kind of sport.. lol
  72. B


    Sister!!* ^^ :)
  73. B


    Thanks brother, I will. HAIL SATAN!!
  74. B


    Along with spiritual advancement, do you guys also doing some sport? And if yes, what kind of sport? HAIL SATAN!!
  75. B


    Are Runes advanced witchcraft? I dedicated two months ago, will it be effective for me to attempt a Runes "session"? Or should I wait some time and keep my meditations before attempting to vibe Runes? HAIL SATAN!!
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    Aura Of Empowerment 2

    Damnplanetsaturn can I ask you how long you've been a satanist? HAIL SATAN!!
  77. B


    Hey guys, I have a question regarding energy. If one raises his energy according to this meditation http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html What does he feel, when he performs it good? because i'm quite tired lately, I don't want to do anything, etc. Will it energize me?, I...
  78. B

    Evolution, Magnum Opus, Satanic Vision.

    Thanks for sharing brother, really motivating. HAIL SATAN!!
  79. B

    I found my guardian demon :)

    Happy for you brother!! I havn't found my guardian yet, waiting for it so much!! :)
  80. B

    The Higher Reality & Dreaming (Serpent Wisdom)

    Yea I think you're Water but I can't be sure, only you will find out. I'm pretty sure I'm water (really in touch with my emotions, get offended easily, etc.) and yet I didn't find my GD. really waiting for it! :)
  81. B


    Thanks, I just thought there was a way to "cure" it..
  82. B


    OMFG that is the most motivating post I have seen here!! Thank you so much for sharing!! HAIL FATHER SATAN FOR ETERNAL!!
  83. B

    Consistent Power Meditation

    Thanks for sharing!!
  84. B

    How did you find satanism

    I was clicking on a link! :) HAIL SATAN!!
  85. B


    It is not the room I meditate in. I'm allergic to about anything.. I always sneeze, scratch myself, has a runny nose, etc.. It is so frustrating! are you sure white-gold energy can help with Allergy?
  86. B

    Satan Spoke

    Is it possible to hear him physically?
  87. B


    I suffer from allergy from a very young age. Whenever I attempt to meditate, or do the breathing exercises, I sneeze, scratch myself, etc., it's so frustrating. Anybody here suffer from this? do you have a "cure" for the allergy? HAIL FATHER SATAN!!
  88. B

    The Higher Reality & Dreaming (Serpent Wisdom)

    I love reading your post, as I'm the emotional person too. I guess your element is Water, so have you found your guardian yet? :)
  89. B

    The Higher Reality & Dreaming (Serpent Wisdom)

    Thank you for sharing! HAIL SATAN!
  90. B

    Yoga source

    Anyone has a good Yoga source? HAIL FATHER SATAN!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
