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  1. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni video e documentari della Gioia di Satana

    Ho tradotto e pubblicato: Israel's Internet Military: Screw your Free Speech https://old.bitchute.com/video/eauoTW8bqMg0/
  2. Nimrod33


    I also love the band Faun, expecially their song Walpurgisnacht!
  3. Nimrod33

    Testosterone and Alcohol

    This brings back in my mind an old saying that I've found somewhere: "Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen."
  4. Nimrod33

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    Thank you for these rituals! Can the Asclepius ritual also be used for healing ourselves? Thanks and Hail Satanas!
  5. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Ok Grazie! Mi scuso per il disagio. 😅
  6. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-threats-done-to-my-life-and-ritual-schedule.293101/#post-1095415 About Threats Done To My Life: And Ritual Schedule
  7. Nimrod33

    Currently playing Assassins Creed Valhalla, had to drop the soundtrack for y'all:

    I don't have a positive opinion on the franchise and the company behind it (especially after what happened with Shadows) but I have to admit that this OST is indeed beautiful.
  8. Nimrod33

    3 Body Problem series on Netflix

    I have read half from the first book because of this thread. I have to agree with what you wrote: There is no allegoric spirituality in the novel. The only thing that I've found interesting is the VR Game where the protagonist goes and meets other historical figures. For the rest, this is...
  9. Nimrod33

    The Italian State: A proof Christianity DID NOT unite Gentiles in the Middle Ages

    Since this thread resurfaced, I forgot to mention back then that I've made this in response to (((Netflix))) making a new series about Sicilian brigands who "resist the oppressive Italian state". Makes you wonder how much the Bourbons were the "good guys".
  10. Nimrod33

    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    I know we cannot fully predict what they will do during the next year. But I was wondering how they can abuse that number? Because 2+0+2+5=9. And, if I remember correctly, 9 is a number of endings. Could this mean that they will attempt to end something? Also, will the generation with Pluto in...
  11. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Esposizione del Cristianesimo e del Giudaismo: Simboli del Cristianesimo Parte 1

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/exposing-christianity-and-judaism-symbols-of-christianity-part-1.292884/#post-1094045 25/09/2024 [JG] Naked Pluto Ichthys, Pesce e Ancora “..che i nostri sigilli siano una colomba, o un pesce, o una nave che si disperde davanti al vento, o una...
  12. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/exposing-christianity-and-judaism-symbols-of-christianity-part-1.292884/ Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Symbols of Christianity Part 1
  13. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Well, they no longer exist, and the Microsoft acquisition meant nothing. Their latest games caused their dissolving. Ubisoft should be next, but I suspect that (((Tencent))) will "save" their asses.
  14. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    I know that I'm a bit late, but I'm still pissed off that last year someone made that blasphemous indie game that associates Satanism with incest, cannibalism and blood sacrifice. And the right-wing had the nerve to defend the creator of the game despite all the degeneracy. To me she totally...
  15. Nimrod33

    Overcoming the Fear of Religion

    This is something that Atheists needs to read. The fact that they come all from an Abrahamic background made them think that every religion is bad.
  16. Nimrod33

    About the serie the Big Bang theory and the little Sheldon

    I wish more parents were like yours, HPS Lydia. My parents are obsessed watching Netflix and some garbage television shows and reality shows on TV, all hosted by the Jews, no matter how much I'm stopping wasting time with entertainment to do something constructive.
  17. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Esposizione del Cristianesimo e del Giudaismo: Nome di Gesù Cristo

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/exposing-christianity-and-judaism-name-of-jesus-christ.292822/ 23/09/2024 [JG] NakedPluto Vi è stata un’infinità di confusione e calunnie contro i nostri Dei riguardo le loro immagini e manifestazioni sulla Terra creata da opere nemiche. Queste...
  18. Nimrod33

    My Dedication Ritual, Autumn Equinox 2024

    Congratulations brother! But you shouldn't quote the Mists of Avalon, considering (((who))) the author was.
  19. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/exposing-christianity-and-judaism-name-of-jesus-christ.292822 Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Name of Jesus Christ
  20. Nimrod33

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Oggi ho sognato che un animale sconosciuto che mi faceva disgusto è venuto a trovarmi mentre ero in una sorta di camper pieno di mobili antichi. L'essere l'ho inizialmente scambiato per un gatto nero, poi guardandolo meglio si è rivelato simile ad un formichiere nero che sputava urina dalla...
  21. Nimrod33

    Nick Bougas a.k.a. A Wyatt Mann

    For anyone who doesn't know him, he is the person behind "Le Happy Merchant"/Jewish caricature meme that has been spread on the web since its beginning and was popularized by the Alt-Right. I've read that he was a friend with Anton LaVey. Does that means the famous Jewish caricature was...
  22. Nimrod33

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    A short question: The ritual says that Zephyros is the King of Winds. If that's so, then what is the role of Aeolus?
  23. Nimrod33

    [Trad-IEvil] Contraddizioni nel Corano – Parte III

    Tradotto da: https://islamicevil.com/contradictions-in-the-quran-part-iii/ Contraddizioni nel Corano – Parte III Sulla punta di tutto il resto che è già stato trattato in grande profondità, la lista delle contraddizioni e degli errori del Corano è infinita. Molti di questi riguardano ciò che...
  24. Nimrod33

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/contradictions-in-the-quran-part-iii/
  25. Nimrod33

    Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty

    I'm really sick of hearing constantly that Picasso, Munch, van Gogh, Duchamp, Frida Kahlo and many others are supposed to be "talented artists" when all they do was doing some lazy paintings in order to make some shekels. All modern art should never be tolerated and I fully approve what the...
  26. Nimrod33

    Void meditation

    Other than "doing more meditation" like other SSs usually recommend, I suggest you to try to meditate in every moment of your day. By meditating I mean, for example, under the shower focus on the water. Or when you walk on the streets, focus on your feet. This is what HPS Lydia suggested in an...
  27. Nimrod33

    The Italian State: A proof Christianity DID NOT unite Gentiles in the Middle Ages

    How many times have you guys heard from Xtians that "ChRiStIaNiTy UnItEd EuRoPe"? This phrase comes of course by a bunch of illiterates who knows nothing of history that is not written by the "victors". Europe in the Middle Ages was NOT a single state. And by the time all of its people were...
  28. Nimrod33

    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI

    The worst thing is CP is considered "legal" if "fictional". Aka "shotacon" and "lolicon". And there are of course degenerates who defends sexualization of children. Disgusting...
  29. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Salve, l'articolo in questione lo trovi qui: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/trad-wdoi-tutto-il-terrorismo-%C3%A8-ebraico-parte-8.93841/ Per quanto riguarda il secondo, mi è stato infatti detto di non tradurlo proprio per questioni di copyright. Spero di essere stato utile e rimango a...
  30. Nimrod33

    Politica italiana

    Come ho già scritto in risposta ad un post sul forum inglese citando un vecchio sermone del Sommo Sacerdote HoodedCobra666: "Sarete schiavi finché non vi rivolterete." La speranza dunque non può essere rivolta solo ad un politico qualunque, bisogna che anche il popolo faccia la sua parte e si...
  31. Nimrod33

    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In

    Same, but my father is obsessed with garbage food, television (specifically sports) and movies. His unhealthy behavior makes me very angry about it.
  32. Nimrod33

    Riots in UK

    I hope that an insurrection will happen soon in basically every country of Western Europe. Quoting a title from an old sermon from High Priest Cobra: "You'll be slaves until you revolt."
  33. Nimrod33

    [Trad-IEvil] Contraddizioni nel Corano - Parte II

    Tradotto da: https://islamicevil.com/contradictions-in-the-quran-part-ii/ Contraddizioni nel Corano – Parte II L’età del matrimonio وَٱبۡتَلُواْ ٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا بَلَغُواْ ٱلنِّكَاحَ فَإِنۡ ءَانَسۡتُم مِّنۡهُمۡ رُشۡدٗا فَٱدۡفَعُوٓاْ إِلَيۡهِمۡ أَمۡوَٰلَهُمۡۖ وَلَا تَأۡكُلُوهَآ...
  34. Nimrod33

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Contradictions in the Qu’ran – Part II https://islamicevil.com/contradictions-in-the-quran-part-ii/
  35. Nimrod33

    [Trad-IEvil] Contraddizioni nel Corano – Parte I

    Tradotto da: https://islamicevil.com/contradictions-in-the-quran-part-i/ Contraddizioni nel Corano – Parte I Comincerò questa serie con una citazione dal Corano stesso. أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَۚ وَلَوۡ كَانَ مِنۡ عِندِ غَيۡرِ ٱللَّهِ لَوَجَدُواْ فِيهِ ٱخۡتِلَٰفٗا كَثِيرٗا Perché...
  36. Nimrod33

    Senua, Goddess and Game?

    I dunno what to say. From what I've heard the development team is considered "mediocre". Perhaps it has some "satanic" elements in it, but I'm not 100% convinced to look into it more than games made in Asia.
  37. Nimrod33

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Prenoto: https://islamicevil.com/contradictions-in-the-quran-part-i/
  38. Nimrod33

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    Is Thomas Lockley, the man who falsified Yasuke's history, presenting him as a black samurai, Jewish?
  39. Nimrod33

    How to Migrate From Windows to Ubuntu - Extra Steps For Newbies

    Adobe is a woke Jewish company. In their recent update they made their overpriced products spy you even when offline. And they are against creative liberty to the point that they delete the content that they don't like that you make with their programs. Would not recommend. Anyway, the part...
  40. Nimrod33

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    The Jews have only exposed themselves more with this assassination attempt. More people are waking up to them.
  41. Nimrod33

    Is The Elephant a Symbol of Lady Astarte?

    Since HP Hoodedcobra666 confirmed in a recent post that Athena and Minerva are both Lady Astarte in the Greek and Roman Pantheon respectively, I've wanted to open this post. I've discovered that in Rome there is a statue of an elephant in Piazza Minerva. It is called Obelisco della Minerva...
  42. Nimrod33

    The Situation With European Politics

    I'm curious to know what other SSs thinks of the recent formed governments in Europe. So far we have: - An openly Jewish Communislamic government from the Labour Party in Britain that managed to remove any nationalist element left in the Government - Another Communislamic dictatorship in France...
  43. Nimrod33

    Reminder the Gods' Rituals can be done daily⚡

    Bump this thread because now we have about 21 Gods' Rituals. You should add a third week now.
  44. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni video e documentari della Gioia di Satana

    Ho tradotto e pubblicato The War of Gentiles against Jews noto anche come Heroes for Truth - War of Humanity Against Judah https://old.bitchute.com/video/9xCtRU36x9YD/
  45. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni video e documentari della Gioia di Satana

    Ho tradotto e pubblicato: The Stolen Characters of the Jewish Bible, detto anche Christianity is only stolen from Paganism https://old.bitchute.com/video/ZzXhwSLy9mNb/
  46. Nimrod33

    GTA III's cut 911 mission

    Also, in GTA 4 there is a Liberty Statue that has a face too similar to Hillary Clinton.
  47. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Nuovi rituali per gli dei: Maat e Dagan - aggiornamenti futuri per la Sezione Demoni

    Attach files Ciao, ho controllato più volte il rituale e ci sono altre parti che per me andrebbero corrette: "I ministri della Gioia di Satana" dovrebbe essere "Il ministero della Gioia di Satana" " il distruttore di Izfet! Distrutto è Izfet e Garavah" dovrebbe invece essere "la distruttrice...
  48. Nimrod33

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato che ero in una missione spaziale in cui erano presenti degli alieni che somigliavano ai terrestri, ma avevano i capelli blu. Uno di loro aveva sofferto molto ed Io l'ho abbracciato. In una parte del sogno dovevo infiltrarmi da qualche parte ma c'era un dispositivo tecnologico a forma...
  49. Nimrod33

    What are JOS's Views on Odinism, and what are Odinisms view on JOS

    The only good thing about them is the fact that they are connected to the Gods and (most) are potential NS. Everything else about them is garbage.
  50. Nimrod33

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    Great post HP! It reminds me when some people of my country, being blinded by "Nationalism", bashes almost every non-Italian every time, acting like "they deserve to be raped by Muslims", "they are bastards" and other Anti-White shit. Do they realize that this behavior is Jewed by the core? I...
  51. Nimrod33

    Oklahoma dept. of education to require bible-studies and bible-based education in public schools

    Christcucks are so desperate because they know that their false religion is nowadays nothing more than a rotting corpse. Just a bunch of more years and Mudslims will be in the same position.
  52. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Ho finito di tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/white-supremacy/ Adesso 3/4 del sito sono stati tradotti. Termino qui il mio lavoro di traduzione. Resto disponibile se ci sono necessità.
  53. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Supremazia bianca - Parte 2

    Tradotto da: White Supremacy Supremazia bianca https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/white-supremacy/ Tradotto da: Savagery, Barbarism and Civilization https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/savagery-barbarism-and-civilization/ Selvaggi, barbarismo e civiltà Infatti, il...
  54. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Supremazia bianca

    Mi scuso se non ho inserito "- Parte 1" nel titolo. Quando l'ho pubblicato non ci ho fatto caso.
  55. Nimrod33

    Is the "Pride" Month a curse on the Summer Solstice?

    I was wondering if was, since why then would the Jews place it in the entire month of June?
  56. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Supremazia bianca

    Tradotto da: White Supremacy Supremazia bianca https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/white-supremacy/ Tradotto da: Eurasianism: White Genocide Theory https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/eurasianism-white-genocide-theory/ Eurasianismo: Teoria del Genocidio bianco...
  57. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    Funnily enough, the actor who plays Mr. Bean is Jewish, so it all makes sense.
  58. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Finito di tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Ho letto solo recentemente il commento in cui Cfecit ha fatto notare che hanno aggiunto due articoli a "White Supremacy". Siccome non l'ha tradotto nessuno, mi prenoto per tradurlo...
  59. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 10

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: Jews Erasing History of the East: Palmyra...
  60. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 9

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: Islam destroying knowledge: Jew controlled ISIS...
  61. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 8

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: Qatar is ruled by racial jews...
  62. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 7

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: House Of Saud, Donmeh “Young Turks” Crypto-Jews...
  63. Nimrod33


    Yeah, I know. Very idiotic of people who are under the xian spell. Btw, this comment reminds me of a quote from an orthodox saint who lived during the fall of Constantinople that was shared on a Facebook page. He said something like "You are Christians, not Greeks nor Gentiles". This explains...
  64. Nimrod33


    I remember this extract. I've found it translated in my language two times: the first one was in 2017, when I've finally realized that Kikestianity is worse than what I think. By the way, I found ironic how the first Death Camps were made for Pagans in Skythopolis and yet the Jews have the...
  65. Nimrod33

    Svegliarsi presto la mattina per meditare

    Mi servirebbe un aiuto poiché cerco sempre di svegliarmi presto per fare le meditazioni mattutine, ma nonostante mi metta numerose sveglie finisco sempre per tornare a letto poco dopo essermi alzato. Ricordo inoltre che mi avevate detto che non dovrei usare i suoni del telefono perché emettono...
  66. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni video e documentari della Gioia di Satana

    Trovate qui il messaggio dell'anno nuovo del Sommo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ONoCPpoPX59Z/
  67. Nimrod33

    [Trad/Video] Buon nuovo anno satanico: 2024

    Ecco qui il video coi sottotitoli, loi pubblicherò anche sul mio canale BitChute:
  68. Nimrod33

    Homosexual relationships and "gender" roles

    This post is very useful, but I doubt I will find a physical partner as I have too many problems to fix and by the time I have fixed them all I will be too old.
  69. Nimrod33

    The Truth about Turkey

    About this: In the WDoI website I found two articles that were posted by (((Mageson)) which falsely claims that Ataturk is "Jewish" or "working with them". https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/turkey-and-saudi-arabia-under-jewish-control/...
  70. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Salve, scusate se non ho lavorato all'inserimento dei sottotitoli ma sono occupato in questo periodo. Se nessun'altro è disponibile lo faccio io il prima possibile.
  71. Nimrod33

    TIKTOK BANNED & The Anti Israel College Protests are the MOST IMPORTANT TURNING POINT of the Century against Israeli Occupation of the US

    Well deserved! They've created a Golem that is now attacking everyone, including themselves. Of course I'm still pissed off about associating Zionism with Nazism when the first is actually related to Communism.
  72. Nimrod33

    Jews are attempting to shut down Internet Archive, any alternative left?

    Via a video from YouTube I found out that Jewish Corporations wants to shut down the Internet Archive because of "piracy". Considering that some of our materials are there, how much would it damages us if they manage to shut it down? Also, do we have any similar backup sites?
  73. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

  74. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 6

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: The Jewish roots of the Saudi Royal Family...
  75. Nimrod33


    I agree about what some of you said about Guenon. I can never recommend him to any SS. He was never a Satanist. Instead he was a Catholic Freemason (the corrupted form) who later converted to Sufi Islam and race mixed with an Egyptian woman (non-white). He also studied the Jewish Kabbalah and...
  76. Nimrod33

    25 Aprile: Festa di Serapide?

    Grazie mille per la risposta!
  77. Nimrod33


    Like some other members of JoS said in another post: Evola can be good, but he must be taken with the pincers as he wasn't really an SS and he had some enemy influences that prevents him from being perfect for a beginner SS.
  78. Nimrod33

    The 3d Sex

    I remember it. It was because of that schizo moron with a bad grammar that I've almost permanently left the JoS (one of the reasons, actually). May the worst happens to Magekike.
  79. Nimrod33

    Must read books?

    I also suggest reading the Havamal, as it the only surviving Norse text regarding virtues. Other than Nietzsche, there is also Schopenhauer, who is also an inspirator of NS.
  80. Nimrod33

    25 Aprile: Festa di Serapide?

    Ho letto anni fa su un blog di "esoterismo" che il 25 Aprile era originariamente nella Roma Antica la Festa di Serapide. È possibile che gli ebrei abbiano reso questa festa una celebrazione del comunismo, come hanno fatto con Beltane, per bestemmiarla?
  81. Nimrod33

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    That also happens because of the poison called pornography, that makes people thinks they must look like perfect in order to have sex.
  82. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 5

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: Turkey and Saudi Arabia under Jewish Control...
  83. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 4

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: Iraq Is Falling To Islamic Fanatics...
  84. Nimrod33

    Book Advices

    Basically almost everything: Tolkien was openly catholic and said more than a time that his books are xian propaganda in his letters, to the points that catholics treat it like a second bible. He was also an enemy of Hitler and a jewish sympathizer. And even if we are to ignore the xian themes...
  85. Nimrod33

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    I agree with this. Quantity is important. but quality is important as well. That's why we support eugenics. Because racial purity is not just avoiding race-mixing, but maintaining it healthy as well with healthy people.
  86. Nimrod33

    Writing a Satanic fictional book

    Thank you again for all your replies. Although I didn't answer to Larissa back then, I fully agree with what she said: the "chosen one saviour" is Judeo-Xtian bullshit that is present in many of the mainstream media, such as Marvel, Star Wars and many others. Nothing more than an excuse to...
  87. Nimrod33

    Book Advices

    I would recommend reading dystopian fiction such as 1984, Brave New World, and the Cyberpunk genre. Wherever they are made by the enemy or not they will give you ideas on how grim the future can be if we don't fight. Also, as Master said, I would suggest to avoid mainstream fiction, as stuff...
  88. Nimrod33

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    Does that means that gay and lesbian SS should also force themselves to procreate via heterosexual sex? Should SS who have some health problem procreate?
  89. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 3

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: The Origins of the Arabs...
  90. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 2

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Tradotto da: Islamic Inquisition in India...
  91. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei - Parte 1

    Tradotto da: Islamic Destruction of the East: All Owned and Ruled by Jews Distruzione islamica dell’Oriente: Tutto posseduto e governato dagli ebrei https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/ Il genocidio pianificato degli Indoeuropei da (((“ISIS” e...
  92. Nimrod33

    Re-Read-It Series: Tacitus' Alleged Negatives About the Third Sex | UFO Sightings, 2020, "Prophecies", Quarantine

    Is the Jake Carlson sermon still valid even if he was demoted and kicked out?
  93. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Finito di tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-stolen/ Inizio a tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/islamic-destruction-of-the-east/
  94. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo - Parte 5

    Tradotto da: Islam is all stolen and corrupted from Paganism L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-stolen/ Tradotto da: Yawm al-Qiyamah: all stolen from Paganism https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/al-qiyamah/...
  95. Nimrod33

    Write Down Your Problems

    OK, so I can't exactly remember all of my own problems. But I can name few. For first I have several addictions that I'm still trying to cure. I've asked help to Lord Buer in 2019 but I'm still not seeing any result. Perhaps it is because I have to do more. In the same year I've almost managed...
  96. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo - Parte 4

    Tradotto da: Islam is all stolen and corrupted from Paganism L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-stolen/ Tradotto da: All islamic cosmology is stolen from Paganism...
  97. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo - Parte 3

    Tradotto da: Islam is all stolen and corrupted from Paganism L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-stolen/ Tradotto da: Islam is all stolen from Pagan spiritual allegories...
  98. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo - Parte 2

    Tradotto da: Islam is all stolen and corrupted from Paganism L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-stolen/ Tradotto da: The Firstborn of God https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/the-firstborn/ Il Primogenito...
  99. Nimrod33

    Who Will Do It?

    Related to this topic, I saw a post from a group that was made to monitor all criminal activities of migrants. The post specifically was about Muslims who committed a crime. One of the comments on the post said: "Only Putin can save us". Not only it proves the weak, sheep mentality, of the...
  100. Nimrod33

    She may be a xian race-mixer, but Ziocucks who attack are are way, way worse. I support her...

    She may be a xian race-mixer, but Ziocucks who attack are are way, way worse. I support her against the Zionist Crusades.
  101. Nimrod33

    Pianist - A Jewish Movie

    I think that the media portraying Pagan heroes in the upcoming Golden Age will be mostly literature and theaters. But Pagan TV series or Movies are also fine, as long the hero doesn't have any Jewish behaviors (wimpy, effeminate, idiotic, schizo, or psycho).
  102. Nimrod33

    Baba Vanga

    From what I remember about her, she was debunked more than a time and most of her "prophecies" (such as the one "predicting Obama's presidency") were made after her death.
  103. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Scusate, stavo traducendo "The Firstborn of God" e stasera il sito Death of Communism sembra non raggiungibile. È successo qualcosa?
  104. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Since this thread has resurfaced, I want to let you know that, now that Gamergate 2 has started, the (((ADL))) apparently wants to monitor all Gamers for being potential "terrorists". Be careful therefore if you have a gaming system. This could also be a good chance to redpill gamers on (((them))).
  105. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo - Parte 1

    Tradotto da: Islam is all stolen and corrupted from Paganism L’Islam è completamente rubato e corrotto dal Paganesimo https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-stolen/ Tradotto da: The Moon God Hubal: Satan, to whom Star, Crescent and the Elixir of Life rightfully belong...
  106. Nimrod33

    Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

    The mudshit Ramadumb has just started. Keep doing the rituals at full power! 🔥
  107. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Finito di tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/jewish-gematria-in-quran/ Inizio a tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-stolen/
  108. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Gematria ebraica nel corano: La numerologia del terrorismo - Parte 2

    Tradotto da: Jewish gematria in quran: The numerology of terrorism Gematria ebraica nel corano: La numerologia del terrorismo https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/jewish-gematria-in-quran/ Tradotto da: The Numerology of White genocide La numerologia del Genocidio bianco...
  109. Nimrod33

    'Macron, Go Fight Alone For Ukraine' - Protest in Paris

    This is also what Italians should do to Meloni, who promised that she would stop immigration, but instead she seems to care more with continuing the war.
  110. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Gematria ebraica nel corano: La numerologia del terrorismo - Parte 1

    Tradotto da: Jewish gematria in quran: The numerology of terrorism Gematria ebraica nel corano: La numerologia del terrorismo https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/jewish-gematria-in-quran/ L’operazione viene potenziata dal lato destro [femminile] del cervello. Questa parte del...
  111. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Finito di tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-terrorism-is-jewish/ Inizio a tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/jewish-gematria-in-quran/
  112. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 12

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  113. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 11

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  114. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 10

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  115. Nimrod33

    Question #3986: archival copy of exposingislam website?

    There is this PDF. https://satanslibrary.org/English/Exposing_Islam_-_High_Priestess_Zildar_Raasi.pdf And I hope someone makes a new Exposing Islam website to replace the old one.
  116. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 9

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  117. Nimrod33

    Enemy programs

    Capitalism is Jewish. Hitler mentioned more than a time in the Mein Kampf. Let's not forget that a jew pubblished "Capitalism and Protestantism", which proves further what it is stated.
  118. Nimrod33

    Ilaria Salis

    Mi stavo chiedendo se questa feccia antifà sia ebrea. Ho letto che ha diversi precedenti penali da cui è stata assolta dalla magistratura comunista. Oltre al fatto che è la solita maestra marxista pronta ad indottrinare le nuove generazioni. La sua faccia inoltre mi dà l'impressione che possa...
  119. Nimrod33

    Pacifism: The Path To All Injustice

    Let's also not forget that the pacifist symbol is an Yr (death) Rune.
  120. Nimrod33

    Enemy programs

    Christianity, Communism, Islam, Buddhism, Capitalism and Feminism all comes from the jews. Nice!
  121. Nimrod33

    Immagini dei nostri Dei

    Quoto quanto ha detto WiseDragon. Aggiungo anche che il forum in questione in cui richiederle si chiama "Joy of Satan Art & Music".
  122. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 8

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  123. Nimrod33

    Heinrich Himmler – Racial Policy

    Sorry if I gave a late answer to your post. Anyway, you did a great job gathering all of that information and making a tribute to Heinrich Himmler. He definitely deserves to be remember for all his work. HAIL SATAN!
  124. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 7

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  125. Nimrod33

    Spiritual Satanism: For An Evolved Society

    This reminds me of a conspiracy theorist that I've followed many years ago before becoming an SS, who was unmasked as a gatekeeper. He preached Atheism, claiming the usual "because Jehovah doesn't exist, then anything spiritual is false". Despite that, he used "Satan" as an allegory of the evil...
  126. Nimrod33

    Oskar Dirlewanger - The Most Bullshitted Person in the Whole 3rd Reich

    Just like the Nanking Massacre was done by the Chinese Communist disguised as the Japanese Army.
  127. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 6

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  128. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] - Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 5

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  129. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 4

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  130. Nimrod33

    What's Currently Still Being Fixed After Migration

    I'm trying to post the translated sermons in the Italian section. I've did like you said: Yes, if I split the sermon in multiple messages the server accepts it. However, it is also a method that requires a lot of time, because of the message approval system.
  131. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 3

    Terza parte --- I terroristi agenti del FSB ammettono con onestà che sono agenti del FSB: “Nella gang di Khan, sotto la direzione di “Zio” (Tataev), vi è un agente del FSB di nome Gaytukaev, e il suo soprannome lì è Lom-Ali. Era un membro del gruppo criminale Lazaniev nei suoi giorni di...
  132. Nimrod33

    Could I have finally found my Guardian Demon?

    Congratulations Brother! And, I agree about it since I was I child too: the Gods are way better than the boring Rabbi who transmuted water to wine. Hail Satan!
  133. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 3

    Seconda parte --- A.Litvinenko: Gochiyaev “lavorava nell’ombra” col FSB [mia nota, Gochiyaev era un terrorista che organizzò il piazzamento di una bomba sotto l’edificio d’appartamento] Oggi all’incontro della pubblica commissione per investigare le circostanze dei bombardamenti agli...
  134. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 3

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  135. Nimrod33

    What's Currently Still Being Fixed After Migration

    Hello, the update is nice but there seems to be a bug that prevents me from posting translated sermons. When I try to post a new sermon, the following message appears: What shall I do about it? It's been days since I was unable to post translated articles.
  136. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Grazie per l'aiuto, sfortunatamente ogni volta che provo a mandare il terzo sermone o a vederne l'anteprima mi appare il messaggio :"Ops! Abbiamo incontrato dei problemi. E' avvenuto un errore del server. Riprova più tardi." E mi succde già da ieri sera. Mi sa che dovrò aspettare prima di...
  137. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 2

    seconda parte --- Tuttavia, il personaggio di Al-Banna non è il solo ebreo nella storia dei cosiddetti Fratelli Musulmani. L’ebreo islamista più prominente Simon Elliot [alias “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi”] che è coinvolto nelle posizioni più alte dello Stato Islamico e di Al-Qaeda [vedere...
  138. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 2

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  139. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Mi servirebbe un aiutino. L'aggiornamento del forum mi ha impedito di postare un sermone tradotto del sito WDoI perché aveva più di 1000 caratteri. Cosa faccio in questo caso?
  140. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico - Parte 1

    Tradotto da: All terrorism is Jewish: Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof. Tutto il terrorismo è ebraico: Lo Stato Islamico, Al-Qaeda, i Fratelli Musulmani, la...
  141. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Grazie a fuoco blu. Inizierò traducendo: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/all-terrorism-is-jewish/
  142. Nimrod33

    Anger Against Christians/Jews/Muslims: Managing That

    I can totally relate, as I know most of the shit that is rooted in Pisslamic laws, thanks to many anti-mudslims websites. Something that puts xians and mudslims on the same plane is the fact that they both tell people that they "cannot be woman-haters" because they both see (((Mary))) in a...
  143. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Ciao, se non state più lavorando alle traduzioni, e siete troppo indaffarati, posso prenderle io e continuarle al posto vostro.
  144. Nimrod33

    [Trad] La data e il momento in cui finirà l’umanità

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=92606 HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:52 pm La data e il momento in cui finirà l’umanità Tutto è aperto e non vi è alcun “tempo in cui tutto sarà in rovina”. Queste sono tutte predizioni insensate che vanno avanti...
  145. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Sulle donazioni Bitcoin – Meglio donare altri coin

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=92478&sid=8f45b0c8d94c8563f1735bfc22cc6fda HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:47 am Sulle donazioni Bitcoin – Meglio donare altri coin Saluti a tutta la nostra famiglia satanica. Prima di cominciare volevo dire che il prossimo...
  146. Nimrod33

    Davy Jones and the Hearth of the Depths.

    Thank you brother. I would've eventually brought up the pirates because I'm curios too about them.
  147. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    Since this meme has recently resurfaced, I wanted to make a pro-JoS version. After all, /pol/ did one too.
  148. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About Bitcoin Donations - Better To Donate Other Coins https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=92478&sid=8f45b0c8d94c8563f1735bfc22cc6fda The Date And Time When Humanity WIll End https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=92606
  149. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Decorare l’albero di Yule, ornamenti fatti a mano

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=91945&sid=964de1d098ae07ad2d8e1df45622db41 Decorare l’albero di Yule, ornamenti fatti a mano Post by [HPS] Lydia » Tue Nov 28, 2023 1:02 pm È quel periodo dell’anno per le bellissime decorazioni e l’atmosfera festiva! (Ignorando la...
  150. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Elon Musk: Breve messaggio sugli ebrei

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=91985 Elon Musk: Breve messaggio sugli ebrei by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:41 am Elon Musk stai facendo un grosso errore quando si tratta del trattamento del popolo ebraico. Più si cede alle loro richieste, che si...
  151. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=91985 Decorating the Yule Tree, Handmade Ornaments https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=91945
  152. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Lo spirito giusto ed errato del mondo

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=91790 Lo spirito giusto ed errato del mondo by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:59 pm Il “popolo ariano” la cui cultura è stata ampiamente adottata in India e su cui si basano anche i sistemi “religiosi” moderni [è tutto...
  153. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Right And Wrong Spirit Of The World https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=91790
  154. Nimrod33

    Filippo è ebreo?

    Lo sospetto anch'io che questo Filippo potrebbe essere ebreo. Non mi sorprenderebbe se egli sia stato una marionetta del (((nemico))) al solo scopo di fare propaganda femminista.
  155. Nimrod33

    Whites are a docile and gentle breed.

    Thanks to the advanced members now I have one more channel to avoid on JewTube. :lol: The facial expression he puts on every miniature of his own videos says it all.
  156. Nimrod33

    Il signore degli anelli

    Personalmente non leggerei Il Signore degli Anelli, o qualunque altra roba scritta da J. R. R. Tolkien, dato che è un autore del nemico (cattolico, filosemita, antinazista). Aggiungo anche il fatto che viene costantemente propinato dai media per romanticizzare gli Anni Bui. Se hai trovato...
  157. Nimrod33

    Will the Metaverse be like in the Snow Crash novel?

    For anyone who never heard about it: it is a long cyberpunk novel in which the Metaverse is present as an element (even tough is not the main one of the story). From what I'm reading, this novel is supposedly inspiring the Metaverse of the real world. Any opinions about it?
  158. Nimrod33

    Is Final Fantasy Jewish?

    I too have some suspects on the Final Fantasy franchise and some of the Pop Culture of Japan in general. There is no denying that Japanese media are better than Western media, since they are trying to avoid wokeness (at least until recently, where it has been slowly adopting it via ESG). I've...
  159. Nimrod33

    Halloween post: Andras in Chinese mythology (King Yan of the Underworld)

    All Saints day is also stolen from Roman Parentalia, as it was originally celebrated in the same period before the Church changed the date.
  160. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    I dedicate this to all the people who slander us as "brainwashed by a cult".
  161. Nimrod33

    Voodoo and Hoodoo: Are they Enemy Programs?

    Former HPS Shannon wrote a post about Voodoo in the Black Subforum: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=884&p=5052&hilit=voodoo#p5052 And, to answer your question: yes, they are enemy programs. Or at least the current versions, as they practice animal sacrifice and other...
  162. Nimrod33

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Stamattina ho sognato che in un quartiere della mia città trovavo diversi animali selvaggi, tra cui una iena rossa che si è messa a seguirmi tanto che l'ho portata fino a casa mia, che nel sogno aveva un aspetto diverso. Tuttavia, arrivato lì era scomparsa. C'è un significato particolare dietro ciò?
  163. Nimrod33

    On Taking Care Of Youth, Children and Young Adults

    As usual, (((historians))) attempts to portray ancient world as "illiterate" and "uncivilized", while they ignore or deny all the shit done by stone age-minded abrahamists. This reminds me how they constantly brainwash people by making them think that any person with muscles is an "idiot". We...
  164. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni video e documentari della Gioia di Satana

    Ho tradotto e pubblicato "A War From Another Galaxy". Siccome Kdenlive crashava mentre lo esportavo da intero, ho dovuto dividerlo in due parti. Parte 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/y8PiBr2ozpWN/ Parte 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2FuuCoNDMHFI/ Inoltre Bitchute mi ha bloccato la...
  165. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Cambia te stesso mettendo in atto la tua filosofia

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=90341&sid=234c34c68249ddd23492f7dcdb6ad669 BlackSnake » Tue Oct 03, 2023 4:51 pm Cambia te stesso mettendo in atto la tua filosofia Innanzitutto voglio ricordarvi l’importanza del momento presente. Anche se vivrete 500 anni...
  166. Nimrod33

    Kike Goes On Rampage And Smashes Statue of Nemesis

    Funny how this happened right before the Hamas attack. It makes you wonder if there is any connection.
  167. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Change Yourself By Putting Your Philosophy Into Action https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=90341&sid=234c34c68249ddd23492f7dcdb6ad669 Reflection on the Air Element and Advancement https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=90216&sid=234c34c68249ddd23492f7dcdb6ad669 So Israel...
  168. Nimrod33

    Why Race Mixing Is Bad: The Evidence

    He wasn't talking about the culture, but about some behaviors that happens due to race-mixing. The inhabitants of India today are not an enemy race (except for the Jews who infiltrated it). And there are some degenerate behaviors that happens in modern day India, such as poop obsession. Also...
  169. Nimrod33

    Islam being pushed, relentlessly.

    Most Xians are likely to become Mozlums with their cult dying. Especially the radical ones. I mean, we have three Jews who represents different factions of Kikestianity (Francis, Kiril and Justin Welby) and all of them push for acceptance of Pisslam.
  170. Nimrod33


    Salve, la frase si traduce come "Tu mantieni l'Ordine Sacro nei Reami Iniziati". O almeno così credo.
  171. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Se serve una mano sono ancora disponibile per tradurre l'altra metà del sito.
  172. Nimrod33

    JoS Donors Free Article: A Story About HPS Maxine

    This is a very beautiful story. I hope that every SS one day will become like you and HPS Maxine. Hail Satan!
  173. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Intelligenza Artificale (AI) – Gli Dei hanno le AI? [Aggiornato al 26 gennaio 2023]

    Ciao, Telegram non è meglio di Whatsapp. E' stato spiegato che questi manda i tuoi dati ai servizi segreti russi.
  174. Nimrod33

    Faith In The Gods Through Difficult Times

    We had worse times to be an SS in the past, therefore we have no excuses to struggle and advance in this age.
  175. Nimrod33

    Do (((they))) love pushing Alice in Wonderland?

    This is a question that popped in my mind more than a time. Seeing how much mainstream Alice in Wonderland and its sequel have become, it makes me suspect that its popularity exists because of the Jews constantly pushing it over and over again (similar to the Xian LoTR, that Hollywood loves too...
  176. Nimrod33

    Are the Chinese human?

    Chinese people are humans, even tough many of them are brainwashed by the (((Chinese Communist Party))) who, on the other hand, are not human at all.
  177. Nimrod33

    Going against the JoS

    It reminds me of all those websites that were made to "expose" the JoS. No wonder they've all lasted about 1 or two years before becoming completely abandoned. :lol:
  178. Nimrod33

    Mulciber is not Hephaestus?

    I've read posts from more than an SS that claims that Hephaestus and Vulcan are both Father Satan. But if both are Father Satan then, does that means that Mulciber is not Vulcan? Because in Ancient Rome Mulciber was a name of Vulcan. Thanks in anticipation for the answers and Hail Satan!
  179. Nimrod33

    Why is Japan so resistant

    I would like to add also that Japan has a Muslim population that has started to increase (a post on barenakedislam confirmed that). Among other issues are the fact that some companies are embracing ESG, which will turn them into Woke. I've also read somewhere that the constitution of modern...
  180. Nimrod33

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Stammattina ho sognato che andavo in vacanza in una villa divisa in due ville affianche separate in una città dove sono seppelliti i miei parenti defunti. Erano in campagna su un prato ed io allogiavo nella villa di destra ed era molto bella, aveva anche una palestra. Ma mancavano alcuni mobili...
  181. Nimrod33


    Buongiorno fratelli e sorelle e Ave Satana! Mi sono reso conto di avere una debolezza che mi irrita molto: quando leggo certi commenti (come per esempio di golem cristiani e comunisti) mi sale un nervoso che mi dura per ora e finisce per diventare un'ossessione. E' una debolezza di me che...
  182. Nimrod33

    Writing a Satanic fictional book

    Thank you all for your replies. A question: should I give my characters a Natal Chart or it would be useless?
  183. Nimrod33

    The NPC Mind: Why The JoS Is Falsely Seen As Evil

    It is also because of the fake narrative about REAL Satanism that has been spread by the Jews. The most blatant example is via Hollywood, who produced many anti-satanic movies.
  184. Nimrod33

    Joy of Satan Must Succeed: A Look Into The Future Ahead

    Isn't the claim that Islam is "the fastest growing religion" just a debunked myth? I mean, their only way of increasing is via birthrates. Unfortunately, the Jews have managed to romanticize the Dark Ages via (((historians))), so its very hard nowadays finding anything that shows the Middle...
  185. Nimrod33

    Warning to all who use Wikia/FANDOM

    I know that some users here may use Wikia/FANDOM, since I've noticed that there is a Joy of Satan Wiki on the platform. However, i have to warn you that Wikia uses GoogleTagManager, a Google program that steals your personal info (such as the IP address) and sends them to Jewgle wherever you...
  186. Nimrod33

    Mecca was under attack during ramadan by locust plague and hailstorm.

    A similar event also happened this year, where cockroaches invaded Mecca, emerging from cracked floors. Another proof that Islam is gonna die right after Christianity. :lol:
  187. Nimrod33

    Asexuality and aromanticism? Another jewish marxist myth

    One just have to take a look at incels and catholic priests to see that there is nothing healthy in the lack of sexual activities.
  188. Nimrod33

    Azazel's Day: Three Days Of Honor

    Happy Lughnasad to all the brothers and sisters in Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Azazel!
  189. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni video e documentari della Gioia di Satana

    Ciao, siccome sto avendo problemi con Odysee ho iniziato a caricare su Bitchute. Al momento ho tre video (due della GdS tradotti) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/y75z7UnD8OV7/
  190. Nimrod33

    Musica per meditare?

    Grazie per le risposte, vedrò di non usare la musica allora.
  191. Nimrod33

    Musica per meditare?

    Salve a tutti. Avevo recentemente letto in un articolo della sezione meditazioni sul sito della GdS che la Somma Sacerdotessa Maxine utilizzava musica metal mentre meditava perché il suo ambiente era rumoroso. Siccome anche il mio ambiente è abbastanza rumoroso sto cercando di usare musica...
  192. Nimrod33

    Fires and Hot Temperatures in Italy

    Are the Jews at it again? I would say they definitely are behind a successor of the scamdemic.
  193. Nimrod33

    Aiuto creazione account Odysee

    Salve a tutti fratelli e sorelle e Ave Satana. Ho un account Odysee ma non è completo. Vorrei sapere come completarlo in modo da aiutare diffondendo video tradotti della GdS. Inoltre un'altra domanda: Blender va bene per editare i video? Grazie in anticipo.
  194. Nimrod33

    [Trad] Come Satanista, il tuo tema natale è solo il punto di partenza

    Tradotto da: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=87672&sid=1e7a2787a5581640bf6723150ed6cc27 by WiseDragon » Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:21 pm Come Satanista, il tuo tema natale è solo il punto di partenza Siamo tutti diversi, ed è differente anche il modo in cui reagiamo al conoscere certe...
  195. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    The Meme appears to represent Xians asking Atheists to talk about Judaism. It should be Satanists asking Abrahamites things they don't like to answer.
  196. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Anyone here watched Sound of Freedom? I can't at the moment but I've heard that it angered leftists and Hollywood because it exposed pedophilia and child traffic.
  197. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    This meme needs some edits, as it is xian propaganda.
  198. Nimrod33

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Oggi ho sognato nuovamente che ero in montagna, ma arrivato ad un lago è avvenuta una frana e sono dovuto fuggire. E' correlato all'altro sogno?
  199. Nimrod33

    What's the hiidden meaning of the "A in a circle"/Anarchist symbol?

    I was curious if this enemy symbol has any occult meaning. I'm referring to this: And I've noticed that it looks similar to some symbols that Atheists use to identify themselves: And a similar symbol is also used the Jewish Avengers. Is there any hidden meaning to this very obvious...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
