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  1. luis

    Meditations #49 Is it possible to do a love spell for someone else?

    I don't think it's impossible. We can heal other people besides ourselves, I don't see why this can't be done. It may take time and energy but it can be done. One may better do a spell to attract a perfect partner for a specific person they want to help instead of making a specific person you...
  2. luis

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 2]

    You will see it on the donation page.
  3. luis

    Question #5479: Problems with the smell. Am I gay or not?

    This whole story is a bit weird. He said he couldn't find someone who smells good down there. Where does this guy live??? Down there it does have a natural smell which you know if you are attracted to guys you can find exciting but if you are not then obviously it will disgust you... I'm not...
  4. luis

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 2]

    I've tried Brave, Chrome, Firefox, and even Internet Explorer. The video can't be seen. I don't even understand where the video is supposed to be. Is it in the donor perks section or the homepage?
  5. luis

    Question #5797: How to know if your friend is gay?

    Safety first. Do magick and attract the best partner for you. This is the best option, especially in Russia where things are complicated. Usually there may be hints if he likes guys and likes you but you never know for sure until he tells you. Unless you are psychic enough to see if he likes...
  6. luis

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 2]

    All the new ones need to be sent through the new site.
  7. luis

    Question #5479: Problems with the smell. Am I gay or not?

    Having sex with someone who smells bad is not nice whether is a man or not. I'm gay and I would be disgusted too. At the end of the day only you know what attracts you more. Just try to have to have sex with someone who smells nice...
  8. luis

    Question #4414: Losing weight with magicka

    If you have a medical condition, you should do a Sun square or health spell to heal it. If losing weight is not possible because of the health issue, healing it would be the first thing to do. Then after you are healed you can do a spell to help you lose weight if needed.
  9. luis

    Question #5306: is coffee good for you?

    HP Maxine was very advanced too. She probably has healing abilities most don't have. Her body and soul are more advanced than most. Some people may have to give up or reduce certain foods for some time if they have some illness they need to heal. The more advanced you are the more you can...
  10. luis

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    If anything the love I have for someone makes me want to advance spiritually more. It makes me want to fight more. Because I have something I want to protect and to grow. Before this I was more stagnant, there are certain things in life one should not give up. Everyone has different...
  11. luis

    What if Hitler was actually a God sent in human form to advance the Satanic agenda.

    He probably knew that he was needed and so he waited to complete the Magnum Opus. This is what I always thought happened.
  12. luis

    Levels Of The Magnum Opus: Clarified

    Those are preliminary steps for the Magnum Opus. I don't fully know if someone who is a beginner should have any benefits doing them but they are in the advanced section for a reason. You want to do the Magnum Opus? Clean your soul, empower it, open your astral senses, learn how to control your...
  13. luis

    Question #4902: Saturn will be in a retrograde soon, but what does this mean in the SS Calendar?

    Just do the spell. The Saturn retrograde will help you regardless even if you don't know what area of their life its affected. Just keep your protection high so Saturn retrograde will not bother you.
  14. luis

    Question #4902: Saturn will be in a retrograde soon, but what does this mean in the SS Calendar?

    Black magic shouldn't be performed when Mars is retrograde. On jos it says this: "Knowing an enemy's date of birth, you can work black magick with the energies in their charts. Whenever someone has a retrograde Saturn period (we all have this), you can direct the negative energy to your own...
  15. luis

    Question #4854: My polyamorous boyfriend

    Gay people who couldn't live normal relationships in past lives. This is why in general they seem like they want more sex and more open relationships. Bisexuals who is in their nature to like both genders, I wonder how this manifest because they can't have both if they are monogamous.
  16. luis

    Question #4854: My polyamorous boyfriend

    If he told you that and you are not okay with it, then leave him. He is not going to change. I believe he can do whatever he wants as long as the partner is okay with it. I don't know if it's morally okay but as long as people are honest with each others I don't see any problems..
  17. luis

    Question #4840: High Priest Hoodedcobra

    I think it would tell you it does not matter at all. What matter is what you do now to help the Jos and the world. He doesn't want people to concentrate on these things.
  18. luis

    Question #4615: aura cleansing making sleepy

    Why would she accept to do it if she is a xian? Did you lie to her? These things are serious, there is no reason to let someone do it if they don't do it seriously.
  19. luis

    Write Down Your Problems

    Yep. Doing a beauty spell would be still influencing others to like you more, for example, so is it wrong? I personaly don't think so and I agree with you but I would like a official take on it.
  20. luis

    Write Down Your Problems

    I want to know the morality about love magic. Really confused here. Some say it's wrong and some say it's not. If you do a spell to attract a specific person it's wrong because you are forcing them to love you but at the same time if you do a general spell to attract the best person for you it's...
  21. luis

    Changing The Course Of Life With Magick As A Spiritual Satanist

    I actually agree with you here. I did not explain myself properly. Magic can manifest in this way. Influencing other people and situations and so on. This post HP made is true, life is all about taking action, this is why we suggest that the best thing to do is taking action while doing the...
  22. luis

    Changing The Course Of Life With Magick As A Spiritual Satanist

    Yes. Magic can't manifest if you don't put physical effort. I like this post because it's very realistic on how life works the only think I want to add is to not worry too much. Physical effort is needed but magic makes you bring what you desire much more easily than without it so you just have...
  23. luis

    What was the meaning of Satanic Keys?

    This is what HP Hoodedcobra has to say about it: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/i-want-to-learn-enochian.11982/post-48352
  24. luis

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    Best mantra I've tried. Literally helped me change a situation for the better in just 5 days. Thank Nakedpluto! I always knew this mantra but never tried until I read this post.
  25. luis

    Question about servitors

    It's not a good idea. Its not exactly a being that you can talk to. It's just like a robot or artificial intelligence at best. You can give it the task to be more human like but i don't know if it can reach the intelligence of a human.
  26. luis

    Munka Audio

    I know this post is for the Munka audio but I want to add that I've been using the Ganesha mantra and it's really strong. I've just been doing 54 reps and it feels really powerful. The mantra was posted by Nakedpluto some times ago and it's Aum Gaum Ganapataye Nama.
  27. luis

    Crypto and taxes

    I know there are a lot of Italians here, this is why I asked. I asked in the Italian forum too just to be sure.
  28. luis

    Tasse crypto?

    Grazie mille. È da giorni che cerco di capirci qualcosa. La mia paura è che andavano dichiarate ogni acquisto crypto anche se detenute per pochissimo tempo.
  29. luis

    Crypto and taxes

    Thank you you for the help.
  30. luis

    Tasse crypto?

    Praticamente la legge dice che vanno dichiarate nel quadro RW le crypto che uno possiede e poi ci sono delle tasse dello 0.2% per ogni crypto posseduta. Almeno questo ho letto dappertutto. Ovviamente io le comprero e invio subito quindi magari non ci sono problemi. Almeno lo spero. La legge è...
  31. luis

    Crypto and taxes

    Yes right now I'm not that worried but if I want to make a big purchase in the future and send it I did not know they were going to do something about it if I don't declare it.
  32. luis

    Crypto and taxes

    This is what I'm talking about: Are there any national tax law-specific monitoring, documentation and declaration requirements? If yes, what are the requirements? Resident individuals must disclose their financial assets, including crypto-assets, in a specific section of their annual income tax...
  33. luis

    Crypto and taxes

    Like a lot of people here I've been donating to Jos through crypto. Like a fool I've not looked into the taxes side of thing until now because I only bought some crypto and send it to another address, I've not made any money through it. Here in Italy you have to say how much crypto you own and...
  34. luis

    Tasse crypto?

    Vorrei sapere se qualcuno ha capito se bisogna dichiarare le crypto comprate e inviate per le donazioni. Praticamente e da mesi che compro crypto e le invio però non capisco se questo va dichiarato. So che la detenzione di crypto adesso con la nuova legge va assolutamente dichiarato e ci vanno...
  35. luis

    Meditation with animals

    Don't clean yourself and absorb energy around animals. It's kinda dangerous. If you did just do a cleaning and protection to the animal.
  36. luis

    Energy work is underrated

    It's case by case. For example let's say you do a spell to attract the perfect partner, you still need to take action, you can't expect to fall in your lap. Action is more or less needed, generalizing is never good but its not a bad advice to take some action.
  37. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Thank you for your hard work! I send a month ago my donation and I still have not received a replay. I've sent another email and still no replay. Just letting you know, since I did not receive the latest pdf and I'm wondering if everything is okay with my donator status.
  38. luis

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    I do understand you. It's crazy to believe even now for me sometimes but I had enough experiences that I can't deny it. Sometimes it's just our mind that is programmed to not believe in these things. Look around, even outside Jos, there are a lot of people believing in manifestation and they use...
  39. luis

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    You know you can use magic right? Then you can attract the right partner for you. I don't know your mixed situation but the spell will bring to you the right partner for sure, don't put such limits to yourself.
  40. luis

    Attack the Enemy RTR Schedule (06.01.-10.01.24) - Optional

    The enemy doesn't need to know it beforehand or they could try to fight it. I don't know how much this would work for the God's rituals but they still don't need to know it. Then obviously the Gods comunicate with him when it's the best time for the rituals and he obviously looks at the planets too.
  41. luis

    Question #3547: is it a bad idea to use a sex toy as a male?

    Use magic to attract a sexual partner. It's not the end of the world to use it but we have the means to get what we want here.
  42. luis

    Unable to fall in love

    Munka working are great but it may take more than 40 days to get rid of a problem. There is a post HP made explaining this. It could take 240 days for some issues or more.
  43. luis

    Does simply invoking energies increase its presence in your soul

    If you use an affirmation the energy will manifest through that affirmation. If you generally invoke it, it could dissipate or it could manifest randomly.
  44. luis

    Sharing some useful books

    40 days is to make it permanent. So we have that but sometimes there are things we need (let's say you need to get a certain item for free or very low price or you can't find it anywhere and need it now) you don't need to make this spell permanent so you can do it for less days. Now will it...
  45. luis

    Question #3110: an important doubt regarding yoga and meditation

    They were not. It was just their mind that was programmed to the enemy program that reacted in this was and/or it was the enemy that wanted them back.
  46. luis

    Question #3049: Lydia [HPS] on satanama manthra

    I would like to get both the healing effects and the opening of the higher chakras effects. I don't know if using an affirmation to open the higher chakras will automatically help with healing too. I think it shuld but I'm not 100% sure.
  47. luis

    Question #3049: Lydia [HPS] on satanama manthra

    What is a good affirmation that would work for this mantra? I kinda strugle to find a good affirmation for it.
  48. luis

    Are transcendental planets more powerful than the Sun

    Do working to remove this. Freeing the soul working with Ansuz for example. Just use an affirmation that target what you want to be removed.
  49. luis

    Has anyone used the Jupiter square for things outside the ones listed on Jos?

    What you say makes sense but I would not dismiss luck. You can luckily get the perfect partner or the thing you need. It's definitely something it can be experimented, this is why I asked for experiences.
  50. luis

    Has anyone used the Jupiter square for things outside the ones listed on Jos?

    Well like I said Jupiter rules luck, prosperity and expantion, this could be great for anything. The Sun does rule things that could generally help with anything too. The Jupiter Square is only 16 days too so it should be tested. I'm definitely going to be testing it for something and see what...
  51. luis

    Need some advices about Bisexuality

    What are you using the square for and what is your affirmation? If you are using it to get rid of sexual hung-ups then it may be possible you are bi and this is helping you or you are doing some weird affirmation and this is making you confused. Either way, just you know there is nothing wrong...
  52. luis

    Affirmations for Munka?

    Yes, this is my experience too, some problems need to be addressed with their own working. Just as general cleaning will not clean every little issue in your soul.
  53. luis

    Has anyone used the Jupiter square for things outside the ones listed on Jos?

    As the title, as anyone used it? On the Jos it says that can be used for luck and expansion so I would think it can be used for things like attracting a partner for example or attracting any other thing that are not listed. I want to know some experience.
  54. luis

    Sharing some useful books

    In my opinion some of these mantra's seems a bit corrupted. Some may work and some may be negative, if you feel any negativity stop and vibrate surya to clean yourself. For the entities, I honestly do not know but even those "negative" mantra's they may be not that negative, on Jos you can...
  55. luis

    Mars Square

    I have this problem too sometimes, it's like our logical mind try to make you not understand some concepts. It's probably programmings in our subconscious to prevent us to advance. Void is important here because no matter what you need to banish those thoughts.
  56. luis

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    Congratulations! I've always considered her as one anyway, she helped everyone a lot and its deserved.
  57. luis

    Reminder for witches Sabbat

    Thanks, I guess it's better than nothing.
  58. luis

    Reminder for witches Sabbat

    What if I do a cleaning just on Saturday? Hp said to start on Friday nightfall for a 1 day cleaning but I've missed it :roll:
  59. luis

    Question #2902: Question to HP Hoodedcobra, is it wrong or right? Love spell morality.

    I think we should still look case by case but you are also right. At the end of the day we humans use magic every day, just our intention is enough sometimes to influence the people around us and a lot do it without knowing magic exist at all, so why we should limit ourselves. At the same time...
  60. luis

    Question #2896: keeping chakras open

    You mean the Aums vibrations? I would say wait a bit. Use something else or use low vibrations. You could try to experiment with runes and othe names in the Jos. Just to see how it feels and some may feel more powerful than others.
  61. luis

    Question #2928: why were not the gods merciful to me despite me being a girl

    The Gods cannot look for everything and everyone like Egon said but now you are here. You can heal yourself from the trauma, protect yourself so nothing bad will happen and punish who hurt you. The Gods want us to be able to take care of ourselves and it's the best thing in the world.
  62. luis

    On The Steps Of Magick

    Use your intention with full focus to clean yourself. This is what HP is saying here. Even if you can't visualize it will work. With time obviously visualization will come but you need to practice it.
  63. luis

    Question #2896: keeping chakras open

    Vibrating mantras in to them but with the opening meditation you are just slowly opening them. To fully open them and clean them it's a long process.
  64. luis

    Question #2668: How do you strengthen your nervous system?

    Wouldn't be possible that since our soul grow in power any spell engraved in it become more powerful overtime? So after some advancement we wouldn't need to re-empower the spells.
  65. luis

    Are transcendental planets more powerful than the Sun

    I feel like negative energies are so easy to manifest in this world and this is why they may seem more powerful. They are not, they just seems to bring negative stuff. I know you want fast results but there is a way. If you are trying to manifest something and you want it fast, instead of...
  66. luis

    Announcing the “Ask Satan” Service: Ask Private Questions Anonymously!

    As long as many get the help they need it does not matter if it made a forum obsolete. This is actually good because the enemy doesn't need to know sensitive astrological things.
  67. luis

    Question #2688: my natal chart is very very terrifically bad

    Welcome to the club... well you are here for a reason, start to work on yourself and you can change your bad destiny. Why are you born like this? Negative karma comes from the family and your own soul and chooses you made in the past lives. Old souls tend to accumulate negative karma and...
  68. luis

    buy something during VOC

    Well I bought something on a void of moon once and until now never used it. Not because I did not want to but somehow a lot of things happened that kept me from using it. Just weird.
  69. luis

    Complete balance achieved what next?

    At the end of the day whatever what he is saying is true or not some here are giving him advices that are useful for everyone. If OP is trolling then he is bothering that much with a post like this and actually helped to let other more experienced give useful advices. It does not matter whatever...
  70. luis


    Did anyone feel their aura on fire after the ritual? I looked up on Jos and his element is fire so I guess the ritual was a success, really liked this ritual.
  71. luis

    Question #2506: Its really hard to accept yourself when you are race mixed

    There is really nothing to be ashamed of. It's not your fault and it's not like you are some kind of monster... Go with the race you are the most, usually whites when they mix the offspring is never going to be white but mostly the other race. This does not mean anything just that to avoid race...
  72. luis

    Has Kundalini awakened?

    It takes time (A lot) and a lot of dedication to the path. This does not mean that in the meanwhile you can't advance and manifest what you want in your life... For some, it could take years or lifetimes to advance spiritually especially if they are not dedicated fully to the path because life...
  73. luis


    In the new site there is a mistake, when the Runes Berkano and Laguz are shown it says Bjork and Logr instead of he first two. In the old site for the rituals it says Berkano and Laguz while in the new site it says Bjork and Logr.
  74. luis

    I want to use Isa to hypercool my PC

    Nvidia does not care about the consumer market anymore. They are making way more money with AI and so they are putting less effort into the GPUs for consumers. The 4090 is the better card but it's really expensive. I think most people if they want to play games should just try to go with a 1440p...
  75. luis

    Why does Google PlayStore have Satan's Sigil

    This is the best answer, some are reaching here...
  76. luis

    Three Days For Father Satan 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2023

    HP in the Josritual site it says to vibrate the rune as Logr and Bjork while in the original ritual the rune are vibrated as Lagur and Berkano like here https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Satan_Absolution_Ritual.html, is it an error? Or its fine both ways? Thank you in advance.
  77. luis

    I want to use Isa to hypercool my PC

    I think its something impossible to do at your level and a waste of time and energy.
  78. luis

    Question #2289: Short workings?

    We are not in the world of the Gods here. This is why I can't see any problem using magic to attract something but magic is more natural than you think. The act itself of wanting something and obsessing over it will start to attract it to you, depending on how much you do this and how powerful...
  79. luis

    Question #2263: Are jews industrious, did jews REALLY invent so much?

    The first computer was not invented by a jew. Same for the first processor. Then they took that and made money with it, it does not mean they invented anything. If you look at Intel they have always been greedy and hold back better processors because of money. Its not like they can't invent...
  80. luis

    The magnum opus

    Those are only preliminary steps, not the first 3. It's useless to think about the MO, it could take more than a lifetime for many, it's better to concentrate on raising the Kundalini and then when one is ready the Gods will give them instructions.
  81. luis


    I've tried and this does not happen to me. The only annoying thing is that it moves the page but the fix is to "swipe" your finger on the letter vertically and the page does not move. I'm sure adding a button to erase could help, at the end of the day what is needed is the intention to erase the...
  82. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Is there any date on when the Gift is supposed to be sent? I'm sorry for asking, I know you've probably been busy. Just excited for any new information :geek:
  83. luis

    Is the Tarot Definitive?

    Just like with astrology you can use magic to change the things you don't like. Obviously the stronger the thing you are trying to change is the more energy and time it will require it, keep this in mind.
  84. luis

    Question #2087: Do we need to hate the entire jewish people

    It's not that we hate them. It's that we recognize that they are basically completely different to us and they are literally programmed to destroy us. How can you love such a thing? It's like loving your killer. If we don't do something about them they will rule the world and do what they want...
  85. luis

    How can I attract to have many sales

    40 days is for permanence. Right now Venus is retrograde so it's not a good time for anything money related.
  86. luis

    US Congressional Hearing Admits: Aliens Exist

    The weird think is that the majority of people seems to not care as much. I honestly think it's because they are handling it slowly. If they wanted to make people talk more about it, they would be more aggressive about it in the news.
  87. luis

    Does God have that right?

    They can do anything but with their wisdom they can understand much better a lot of things so they way they react to certain things is not the same we would.
  88. luis

    Question #1987: 6th Chakra Wont Open and Zero Success with Meditations

    You are doing too much. I can't make you believe in Spiritual Satanism but what I can say is that it just makes sense. Try to look at the enemy and what Jos says about the enemy, there is no way you look at Mark Zucchinaberg and you don't see an alien, for example. There is no way you look at...
  89. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    I don't know if I should send you another mail or write you here, I've sent you a new donation but you did not answer my email.
  90. luis

    Reincarnation, looks?

    I don't think so but the race would be the same.
  91. luis

    What is Chebad center jewish

    Yes its more powerful especially for these things. You could have done it in 20 minutes, just the FRTR.
  92. luis

    What is Chebad center jewish

    You should do the FRTR with all the added things. Way stronger than the Shema. You can concentrate on the church after the RTR and destroy the negative energy with your mind. After of course clean and protect yourself.
  93. luis

    Question #1950: a lot of mess

    Protection and cleaning are a must here, especially with Saturn retrograde. Try to stay as calm as possible and whenever you can bind him.
  94. luis

    Family Ties And Spiritual Satanism & Salvation Of Relatives

    This is very true. They had no choice. I really wish that in their next life they can be SS!
  95. luis

    Question #1871: How to **** your parents with a demonic power

    Bind them so they cannot hurt you. I'm saying this from experience, my Father was quite bad and some things happened where I had to ask help from a demon, at the time I did ask for something drastic to happen to him and to protect me and my family. The Demon helped me a lot and fixed the...
  96. luis

    Family Ties And Spiritual Satanism & Salvation Of Relatives

    My grandmother is the sweetest old lady and she pray to the rosary too, so I always wondered how the Gods would act in this case when she dies. This makes me feel better. I honestly think in a past life she could have been one of us, for many reasons but unfortunately in this life she only found...
  97. luis


    I do think magic alone can heal someone without them doing anything physical too but obviously you need to be powerful and/or apply enough energy to the problem to manifest it in this way. Obviously if you are new or not that powerful it's better you start to look for physical way plus doing a...
  98. luis


    I don't know, from my experience with a health issue, the spell its helping me finding physical ways to heal myself rather than healing me, I know it's possible to heal yourself with magic but it all depends on the issue you have, how severe it is and how much energy you are applying. HP posted...
  99. luis


    While I do agree. It's not always like this. Especially if you are new. If you do a money spell and don't do the work for looking for the money then the spell can still manifest but not fully. You may get some money here and there. If you are powerful it could manifest strongly but you still...
  100. luis


    Do you have a lot of acne or just a pimple every now and then? There could be many reasons on why you get it. Traditional Chinese medicine could help. Hmm , just a few on the face , I was using something with some kind of antibiotic but it doesn't exist anymore , when I was using that my face...
  101. luis


    I was trying to say the same thing. You explained better than I could ever do it. If OP said their diet was shit and did not exercises, it would have taken longer for the spell to help them. This is why I said they should first see if there was something wrong they could fix before starting a...
  102. luis


    I probably did not explain it well. My advice was meant to be general. For some people it does help to avoid junk food. I know for example that if I do eat too much sugar I do get a acne. But there could be other reasons on why you may get acne. This is why I adviced to look first on what you...
  103. luis


    Yes of course but they may be new and so they may expect that magic is gonna fix everything and they don't need to look for physical ways to fix things. This is a wrong mindset especially if you are beginner. Especially for things like acne the best way would be to start looking for physical...
  104. luis


    Do you have a lot of acne or just a pimple every now and then? There could be many reasons on why you get it. Traditional Chinese medicine could help.
  105. luis


    I would look into your diet. Don't eat too much sugar and processed foods. Try to heat a healthy diet, veggies, whole grains. Stay active, exercise everyday (even if it's just 20 minutes a day), do yoga too, drink water and don't eat late at night. These are general advice that can help a lot...
  106. luis

    Movies, games, series

    Elden Ring is based on alchemy (which is basically coded knowledge on how to spiritually advance). There is a video on YouTube. I don't know more than this and can't say if they put jewish shits in it.
  107. luis


    VIbration can be done in the mind but obviously it's less strong than doing it the normal way. Another thing that you can do is to concentrate all the meditations and spells by doing it without vibrations. You can still do affirmation and energy breathing, yoga and breathing exercises at least...
  108. luis

    Question #1824: Hatha yoga is not helping, I need advice

    Even if you don't feel it, it still works.
  109. luis

    My new daughter

    I understand, thank you.
  110. luis

    My new daughter

    Well in this case the kid is not directly invoking the energy but you are putting this energy around their body so would it really overwhelmed them? This is a question for HP. I would immagine if you are able to put a strong aura of protection around their body it would make their life much better.
  111. luis

    My new daughter

    Do you think it would be damaging to put a protective aura with mantras or runes directly on a kid? Shouldn't be okay since you are doing the energy raising instead of the kid...? I never thought it would be bad for a kid or an animal?
  112. luis

    Pass through

    Yes but it is quite advanced and you can only see and not interact. (I know you know but I want to add this for new people who don't know)
  113. luis

    Question #1758: Pyramids

    Definitely for electricity but they could have been used for spiritual stuff too.
  114. luis


    Its definitely something it can be done in one lifetime but you really need to focus on meditations. There are people who may have a busy life and it will take longer or they are not as interested but in general people who are attracted to the Jos are interested enough to meditation that will...
  115. luis

    Question #1682: A little question concerning your use of caffeine

    I think for certain people it may not be the best think to drink and for others is good in moderation, if we look at what tcm says about it. http://chinesenutrition.org/view_image.asp?pid=767
  116. luis

    Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

    If we trust "official" history Greeks were pedophiles and the Pyramids were constructed by slaves (even if there are endless proofs it's impossible). It would be crazy to me that advanced civilisations did not accept homosexuals, only when corruptions arrived then they were not as accepted...
  117. luis


    Basically you need to clean and empower your chakras, heal yourself, having the ability to focus your mind, yoga to be flexible and follow the meditations on Jos. With time when you are cleaned and empowered enough the Kundalini will start to raise and help you clean what is left, the more ready...
  118. luis

    Question #1734: Kundaline

    It's just energy what you felt. The Kundalini will take a long time to fully raise and you need to do a full meditation program.
  119. luis


    Well it's normal that you still would feel energy but I would lie if I said it's healthy to smoke.
  120. luis

    Rune s

    You are feeling the energy you raised with the rune. This does not mean your spell is already manifesting but that you raised energy. Spells are done for 40 days or multiples, some take a long time to manifest and some not. It depends on how powerful you are and how much focus and energy you are...
  121. luis


    Raising the Kundalini it's a long process. You can't just use a rune to raise it and be done with it. You can of course stimulate it but if your soul is not clean and powerful it could be even dangerous and just bad in general. It could even activate some bad energies in your soul making your...
  122. luis

    How does immortality work?

    I remember reading that our Gods can die for major natural disasters but obviously since they are so advanced they can predict if something like that was going to happen. I don't think the body can become able to be immune to the worse things but their power protect them a lot.
  123. luis

    Question #1694: Is it ok to start meditation workings on a Saturn retrograde?

    Yes, as long as you don't use Saturn energy.
  124. luis

    Happy Solstice & Free JoS Donor Article - Satan Inside Ourselves: The “King Of Hell” & Kundalini Serpent"

    I just want to say the latest pdf is definitely one of the best! Loved it a lot! I've read it all so fast that I felt I needed more and more. I'm glad people can enjoy at least one of the articles.
  125. luis

    More Powerful Magic?

    This is so fucking true. The basics are everything if you want to advance. Unless you are one of the "lucky" ones who is born with certain skills already like perfect focus and so on then you need to train them if you want to get results, I want to add to this that these people are not lucky but...
  126. luis

    What will happen when we win?

    It's a gradual process. Gentiles need to change and start to take this world and make it better. We are fighting with the RTR and the Rituals so the enemy cannot manifest what they want and make people wake up and fight for a better world, this will be gradual and we will not see suddenly people...
  127. luis

    More Powerful Magic?

    A lot of people are just not that powerful especially compared to a SS who meditate everyday. I don't think OP was flexing at all but just giving a really great advice. What matter to manifestation is your focus and your level of power then the technique you use to manifest is important but I'd...
  128. luis

    ⚡💖 Welcome to my Tarot World! 💖⚡

    Hey sorry for my late reply, I actually thought I wrote you but I didn't :? You are right. About Career I'm confused and I think it comes down to my natal chart. I have a retrograde planet in my 10 house. I'm working right now but it's definitely not the thing I want to do in life, I have many...
  129. luis

    Video Games and Their Devs

    Yep, I was disappointed when I found out this game was so against Greek Mythology and our Gods. I looked up and one of the creators is Jewish... What a surprise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Jaffe You don't have to feel bad if you liked the game and played it but if you are a SS there...
  130. luis

    ⚡💖 Welcome to my Tarot World! 💖⚡

    We have the same tarot deck :) I'm learing too! I want to ask you two questions, I know mostly what probably will come out for at least one question but I want to ask anyway. So the first is about career, I'm kinda strugling to know what career would be the best choise for me, so if you can...
  131. luis

    How to power up to win instant lottery ticket (Scratch Cards)?

    This is very true but let's try to not be so closed to winning money. I think we should have the mentality to be able to attract money from whatever source, we shouldn't close the possibility of winning. While I wouldn't make this my first priority (especially if someone does not have a job...
  132. luis

    SS Group Ritual Schedule: 28th of May - 12th of June

    Go to the Rune page on Jos and click on any rune to hear the audio.
  133. luis

    Shenu Protection Ring

    The circle could rappresent the circulation of energy in our soul. The ouroboros comes to mind.
  134. luis

    Question #751: very detailed question

    We don't know how much spiritually advanced he was. Maybe he did not raise the kundalini. He was probably very knowledgeable but did not have much time to heal this specific thing like the others said. It takes a lot of energy and time to heal certain things.
  135. luis

    Redefining Search: Contribute to An Extra Search Engine For The Joy of Satan

    Yes let's tell a new Satanist to read the whole site and all the Jos library... Like why would they do that? When you are new you may be lazy and not sure about Spiritual Satanism. I'm not saying we should spoon feed them but help them grow. If they need an answer for something it's better to...
  136. luis

    Question #1403: so Joy of Satan has now become a Pay-to-Advance service?

    I know there are many great answers here but I just have to write this. If you (the OP) think that by giving money to Jos is going to fix all your problems you are very wrong. You have access to enough informations on how to fix your life from this forum and all Jos sites. It's been here for...
  137. luis

    Sex insde your own race

    I know it's unnatural but most people have brainwashed all their life to see it as normal. Doesn't mean it is.
  138. luis

    Sex insde your own race

    It's not that is weird (some people may see that as normal since they have been exposed to seeing this all of their life) but it destroy the races while creating a much weaker offspring. In the long run all the races will not exist and souls from the original races will not be able to...
  139. luis

    Sex insde your own race

    Wasn't said before that there is no need for this subgroup thing? A White men can reproduce with any other White woman and will not erase any genes. The only thing I remember is Nordics which are already low number so it would be better if they stick together now. They are genetically closes to...
  140. luis

    Why would incubus/succubus choose human as partner

    I don't think they accept everyone. Some people have been in relationships with a succubus/incubus in past lives and so they may be attracted again. Another thing they can see what you will become in the future, they are spiritually advanced so they know everything about you and how much...
  141. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    I was going to donate anyway for this month, so this is nice, since I got extra money this time I might be able to donate more than I had thought. Hopefully everything will be fine! I know you are extremely busy right now but I did not receive the pdf and I did send an email, just to let you...
  142. luis

    Coloring our hair

    This happens mostly in the US, if OP is not from there she should not worry.
  143. luis

    AUM mantra with a plus letter in the front - question

    Maybe I'm misunderstood you but if the question is if the letters before AUM is an ancient thing then I answered you correctly. If you look up in the ancient Hindu and Yoga tradition these mantra's do exist. The Gods gived them to men and explained how to use them. Maxine just experimented and...
  144. luis

    AUM mantra with a plus letter in the front - question

    If you look up there are these are the tradition mantras for the chakras. The only difference here is that we know (thanks to Maxine experience and the God's) how to vibrate them correctly and how to fully use them. In yoga they just chant them and don't use affirmations thus making them way weaker.
  145. luis

    how do i know if my intelligence is limited?

    But even the ones that are born with it, it's just because they trained it in a past life. Every skill one is born with is just training from past lives. So yeah anything needs training magic can help especially if you have some spiritual and/or physical obstacles but you always gotta put in the...
  146. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    The ones who donate and/or help here with the sites get a pdf with various spiritual articles. The ones who do not donate get a free article picked from these pdf's.
  147. luis

    In Love

    Be careful some people are repressed. Happened to me with a gay, he acted all flirty with me and did enough things that let me think he was gay but when I told him I found out he was repressed. This happened a long time ago and I was right he is bisexual. If you are doing a spell to attract a...
  148. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Don't wait for fortune, which does not exactly exist, the planets and our natal karma control our lives unless we have access to the knowledge the Jos provides (for free) which can make things we want manifest.
  149. luis


    Oh wow. Same here! I recognized what my obstacles in magic were and started to change that. Basically, I was not manifesting some things because internally I was being kinda negative, I changed this by applying positive affirmations throughout the day, and by believing, I have manifested what I...
  150. luis


    It doesn't mean they are polygamous, I think. One could just choose their partner and be monogamous even if they like both genders. I wonder how it works with the Gods. Since they live for so long if they remain monogamous or if they broke up with partners too. I know polygamous is a thing that...
  151. luis

    Question #1274: About Lydia's Saturn Return and Transits Topic

    Don't give up. As someone who had so many problems in life I do understand you but we are here for a reason. Spiritual Satanism has the solution for our problems. Yes it takes time but they can be fixed. Pin point your problemls and start to do working to get rid of them, cleaning too like Lydia...
  152. luis


    I think I may have misunderstood what you said. I did not understand you were talking about yourself. I thought you said in general. Sorry :? About poligamy I just think some people can benefit from it, especially Bisexuals but I don't think it's for everyone not something I want to push to...
  153. luis


    You don't need to bring down gay relationships to somehow make a hetero relationship superior. Love is love and this is what matters, especially because not everyone chooses to be born with a certain sexuality and so they don't need to read that their relationships are "inferior". We know here...
  154. luis

    Message From Azazel on AI: April 20th 2023 [UPDATE 2]

    I can see a lot of good potential in AI but at the same time, the horrors it can create are much more. Think about how it's used in China to recognize people with cameras. It can be used by the enemy (or very stupid people) in many bad ways. A friend of mine is actually studying in this field...
  155. luis

    Can We Really Force or Enhance Other People's Spiritual Advancement or Coming to Satan?

    You can't force them but you can show them the truth and they will decide what they want to do. Of course showing them the truth not by showing them directly if it's not safe but by making sure they find our sites for example. I have to say be careful, especially if you are a teen, don't...
  156. luis

    "Project Serpo" - Secret expedition to Grey Planet

    It's not impossible but I still do wonder how much of this is real. As far as I know there are other civilizations out there that are being destroyed by the enemy like they are trying to do here. The enemy really operates in a very slow way. They like to change the civilization from within by...
  157. luis

    How To Defeat Alcoholism And Drug Abuse [Update: Defeating Food Addiction]

    Ah...ok. I now get your point :)
  158. luis

    Free JoS Donor Article: "The United Consciousness Or “God”

    Of course, I know HP wouldn't say anything harmful. I'm just used to using affirmations and it's weird to me not to. Thanks for the explanation :)
  159. luis

    How To Defeat Alcoholism And Drug Abuse [Update: Defeating Food Addiction]

    Yeah of course. I was talking more broadly about people that do not meditate too. We are the luckiest since we have access to knowledge that most don't have. I would not brush it off completely unless you are quite advanced and can heal things faster. Interesting. Strong digestion is definitely...
  160. luis

    How To Defeat Alcoholism And Drug Abuse [Update: Defeating Food Addiction]

    With age our body don't function really well (or if you have some health issues) so adding collagen and hyaluronic acid would help, i think. I've to try since I have some lines on my forehead. I'm not completely against supplements, food nowadays is not like it used to and we may have a lot of...
  161. luis

    How To Defeat Alcoholism And Drug Abuse [Update: Defeating Food Addiction]

    What about collagen and hyaluronic acid? I've read that it helps a lot with aging, bone problems and wrinkles. Can't really add this with food...?
  162. luis

    i told this guy that islam disrespectful to women and how it copied from ancient pagan religion what do i say to him now

    Some just are not worth your time. You did your job but leave him alone now. When you are brainwashed it's really difficult to get out of it.
  163. luis

    Free JoS Donor Article: "The United Consciousness Or “God”

    It would feel weird not to use an affirmation. We just need to focus the mantra there without counting the reps and without an affirmation right? And what if we add an affirmation, will it ruin it? And is it something we need to do like any meditations for 40 days cycles or we can do when we...
  164. luis

    material sun square

    It happened to me and I'm 100% sure the God's saved me. I was almost killed by a car... I did not even finish the square. This happened because you can't use the square to generate negative energy because it goes through you. When it comes to healing it's White magic and I never saw HP's saying...
  165. luis

    Why Is Incest Wrong?

    Okay but your example is about a tribe of 8 peoples. In real life you have many many people. This may happen even here and this is why there may be people unknowingly affected by this but in a Satanic world this issue can be fully prevented. In any case just by living in huge cities with lots of...
  166. luis

    Should i go for money or laptop

    It's not impossible to have something for free. The more powerful you are the easier it is. Maxine meditated a lot as you can see, it was not difficult for her to get things faster than most.
  167. luis

    "Munka Working To Remove Negative Karma": Be Patient...

    Good to know. One thing a lot of SS has to consider is to do workings on specific problems instead of general workings. This is more powerful for specific issues. Just want to add this in because before I was trying to remove everything with just general workings/cleanings and it does not work...
  168. luis

    Question #1078: How to Spiritually destroy a Jew with Final RTR+ Killing Tetragrammaton RTR+ Shattering Jewish Soul?

    If this enemy is a jew here is a post from HP on how to use the Shattering to destroy a specific enemy https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=269654#p269654
  169. luis

    Why Is Incest Wrong?

    We know that a kid born from incest can have many issues, this has been documented and most people know. 3rd cousin is fine because you're not blood related much but even with 2nd cousin you are taking a risk. We should do anything that doesn't make our bloodline weaker. Same thing with race...
  170. luis

    Echoes of World War 3? [Spoiler: No - Update 2]

    Many died because the doctors did not do their job correctly. Here in Italy there are a lot of cases too of people dying from the vaccines or of covid but they were not cured properly.
  171. luis

    Is Meritocracy Good?

    In the past you knew your potential based around your Natal chart. This would be the best way to determine what you can do in life. In a spiritual civilization this is the best way. Right now there is too much corruption thanks to the enemy...
  172. luis

    Should i go for money or laptop

    I agree with this. This laptop is too much. I did not read how much it costs. Still what I said is true, the higher the cost the more difficult it is to get based around your life circumstances.
  173. luis

    Should i go for money or laptop

    Affirmation matters a lot as you said. An affirmation he could use is this: "In a positive way for me I now have the laptop that I want in the easiest and best way for me". Don't put a limit on magic. I did attract something I wanted for free before. I want to be clear obviously that the more...
  174. luis

    Should i go for money or laptop

    Magic can help you get things for free or to find a good discount or even help you get them money to buy the laptop. A money spell is always good but if he needs the laptop now I'd say that there is nothing wrong in doing a spell to get the laptop too. Of course the more you help your spell by...
  175. luis

    Could the enemy tamper with Aura Workings?

    If you are mixed Asian then you are mostly Asian. Even if you look "whiter". Think about it Asians have white skin and so if they mix they tend to look whiter than other mixed people. I'm sure you are Asian since any race who mix with Whites looses the Whites genetics.
  176. luis

    Free JoS Donor Article: "The United Consciousness Or “God”

    Well since it's the biggest difference from the standard mantra I'd say yes. I wonder if by adding this to other known mantras (like the squares) would make them more powerful too.
  177. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    There should be a mp3 and is missing from my files. The PDF is amazing. There is so much information and it needs time to be fully understood. I've read it many times already.
  178. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Obviously I did not mean that anyone can get them. The ones that get into the higher tier should have the possibility to get access to the old pdf's if they did not start to get them from the beginning. Some people will become SS in the future so they obviously did not have the possibility to...
  179. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    I think one thing that it can be done is the ability to get all the pdf's back if one starts to donate later and becomes a higher tier. Some people will discover Spiritual Satanism years later and if they start to donate then obviously they will miss a lot of the (very excellent I have to say...
  180. luis

    Sacred Relationship Of Teacher And Student

    Well that is why you are here. We are not like the others too in many different ways.
  181. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Some banks they don't let you buy crypto directly so the only way is through wire transfer (or bank transfer, English is not my first language :? ).
  182. luis

    Question #897: physical abuse and the sacral chakra

    I want to add to this that its best to do freeing the soul spells for both the trauma and to get rid of the cyst until they are healed.
  183. luis

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    I have one question. Do we need to show proof of donation every time we donate? As far as I know there is a wallet code that is the same everytime (unless I change where I send the money) but I'm not sure.
  184. luis

    Question #869: removing karma from an unborn child

    She can still do working to make sure the baby will be healthy for example and any type of working that will make the baby life easier.
  185. luis

    If nuclear bomb explodes...

    And reincarnation exist. So nothing will be compleatily lost. I don't think this will happen too.
  186. luis

    Do I have to do Uruz/Munka before starting a planetary square?

    What you say make sense. I think it's normal that the negative karma was brought to your attention, we do need to confront some stuff if we want to fix it. In any case it may be better to do two different workings or two squares. One to remove the negative aspects and another to empower the...
  187. luis

    Do I have to do Uruz/Munka before starting a planetary square?

    You can do it however you want. If you are worried that you will empower even the negative traits of the planet If you don't do the freeing working first you just have to make sure that in your affirmation include that you want empower the positive traits of the planet.
  188. luis

    Resurrecting Extinct Species - yay or nay?

    It's very cool but like Sundara said it would be better to focus on helping other animals not get extinct first... Another thing would be what would happen if they were let out in nature? Would that change the way the ecosystem worked until now and create problems?
  189. luis


    I would not go so far to say most doctors are Jews but the medical system has been destroyed by the enemy, its not all bad but the enemy did a lot of damages.
  190. luis

    All dates in 2023 for the Necronomicon money spell

    I don't have the time right now but I remember Hoodedcobra saying it's not a one shot spell. In any case even a "normal" spell with runes can be a one shot spell. It depends on how much powerful you are. These Necronomicon ones just work in a different way than runes which is beyond my...
  191. luis

    All dates in 2023 for the Necronomicon money spell

    The Ziku spell is not a one shot spell. It can be used in this way and experimenting with it works to bring a small amount of money in some days but nobody is stopping you to do it in 40 days or more.
  192. luis

    About the sun in the sign of aquarius

    Read this one https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Overcoming_Obstacles.html Often doing both at the same time a spell to remove obstacles for the thing you are trying to manifest and a spell to attract what you want is the best.
  193. luis

    About the sun in the sign of aquarius

    I think some working may take more time to manifest because there are many factors that determinate when your spell is going to manifest. How powerful you are, how much energy the spells requires and how much energy you are "putting" in the spell. If it does not manifest then you need to do...
  194. luis

    Was there any psychic thing?Or magic thing?That got you to believe in satanism?

    Well, I read the site, and many things made sense. At first, I was scared of Hitler and Satan but it was just stupid enemy brainwashing. Even if I was afraid I was so attracted to spirituality, Jos was the best place to learn. I could feel how powerful the meditations were and this made me...
  195. luis

    Would it be ok to attack an SS member if they attack you?

    He wants you to buy him an expensive item? This is not something that someone with a brain would ask a friend to do, what rights does he have to ask you something like this? Just do a binding spell to make sure he stays away from you and your friends.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
