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    Many people have this problem.
    Have you ever made a mental movie? Maybe while listening to a romantic song, you imagined some scene where you were spending time with who you wished was your partner, during adolescence it happens often, and then you fantasized about it again and again involved with the music in your headphones?

    If you think about it what you visualized there was really more than just a little pyramid. So what does this limitation that you are experiencing depend on? On the hemisphere you are using to visualize. You don't ask yourself if while you are fantasizing about your first kiss you are visualizing well, is that color just the right shade, are you seeing it well? Maybe we should remark a little bit on the twisted brightness of the thing, etc., etc. No, that stuff is just all left hemisphere stuff.

    Fantasizing, the music itself. It's right hemisphere. When you try to visualize you take it seriously, and that automatically leads you to think that since meditation is a serious thing, we have to ask ourselves if we are doing it right. But this is false. Rest assured that if you do something in itself it just works. Of course it may always work better as you progress. But it works.

    We use the term visualize when we imagine a body chakra to indicate that that is not just a fantasy, but the chakra is really there. But what you have to do is not visualize the body chakra, but fantasize about the body chakra. Yes, by doing that you will be able to visualize it.

    The chakra is really there obviously, the human mind is connected with the universal mind and can direct the energy of which the ether of this universe is made up. Even if you don't see this energy with your eyes, but just visualize it, or even only feel it at the level of physical sensation, the energy moves. Of course precise meditations require precise visualizations or sensations, but basically managing energy is naturally part of what the power of the mind can do. So there's no use worrying about it too much.

    "I don't know why you think that committing suicide will change your life today or in subsequent reincarnations as if it were "an option to consider," but it won't. It will make your eternal situation worse in the next lives even by a lot because the birth chart you will be reincarnated with (the state of your soul) will be a direct consequence of the life you are doing today.

    People do not understand what HPS Maxine Dietrich meant when she explained that suicide must be a last resort. The only real circumstance in which suicide is okay and indeed recommended is when you are in a situation where you are suffering in anticipation of death and not suffering during a lifetime.

    An example is euthanasia. Or being captured in a Russian lagher where they torture you to death until you collapse and actually die. In these cases it is really suicide that is the only option. In all others I can guarantee you that suicide harms you far more in terms of suffering than staying alive in this way"

    - from a reply of mine under a topic

    Look at him:

    He will help you because of this:
    @Hp. Hoodedcobra666

    Greetings, HP HoodedCobra666!
    Can I ask you a personal favor?
    I know you have already done this and are doing it more and more, but if you could bring back all the complete knowledge of what Zeus himself is, I would be personally very grateful. I have always loved this God. That is why I have done various paintings of him over the years.

    And I never understood why before your updates. When you started talking more about Zeus, I noticed how He is really the most complete manifestation of Power. Understood not only as spiritual power, but as the very essence of divine "to be, to act". I know there is already a lot of material on this subject, but since ToZ is the only reliable source on these things, please, I would really be grateful to read entire PDFs on Zeus if they came from you.

    Zeus has always been my most precious Deity. I have been attracted to Anubis and Athena since childhood. And very much so. But I never felt like painting either of them spontaneously. Zeus is different for me.

    Please, thank you!
    I really care about this... truly ❤️

    Today someone I knew died. He became literally ill with "too much Christianity" which degenerated his mental health condition. When I would try to point out that they needed to take care of him because he was obviously degenerating more and more and stop it in time, people would respond to me with memes and really bullshit jokes. In a totally superficial way. And this disinterest was not reciprocated since this dead guy was always doing his best to make everyone happy.

    Yes, he was a Christian, but he was a really good person who cared about having fun and being with the people he loved made him really happy. But these people did not love him; they saw him as mentally ill and mocked him. The result was that he died and people are being hypocritical like few things in the world. I only hope that Anubis will take care of him. I never cared about anything like that, but truly this man cared very much about making everyone happy and was really good natured. A cheerfulness broken by Christianity. Christ-killer.

    Please, let's try to remember that people get sick from these things. We must try to do good to them. Even when someone on the forum has hallucinatory illnesses. If he is in good faith, he should be helped. And that's it. He should be helped where we can to the best of our ability because then this happens. And that sucks just like it sucks that people are acting sorry without realizing that they could have done even one little thing for years, but they were too busy making fun of it.
    My experience

    There are two kinds of purely immediate needs that man asks of the Gods. Guidance on how to act to obtain a thing, and more direct higher help in obtaining the thing itself when the situation is out of control and the thing beyond our reach.

    Contacting an aspect of a God by visualizing the Sigil of the God and vibrating the hieratic name connected to the aspect of the God's power will put you in contact with him if you have a problem, I tried this. This is very effective.

    However, I think a prerequisite is not to ask for help in prayer in a standard andrapoda way. The God or Goddess knows your situation perfectly, and if the God decides to give you the helping miracle you ask him for, it will be because his will and wisdom lead him to want to give you the requested thing.

    If by insisting you see no results, you may want to understand whether the thing itself is really good regardless of whether it is your desire, whether you have brought good things into your life to ensure fertile ground for what you want to reside there and grow, or whether you need to continue exploring the thing on your own under the guidance of the Gods.

    It does not work with insistence or even as the andrapods do with "accusing the Gods of not listening to me." It works according to yourself and the thing. Rather, if you see that the Gods seem unwilling to help you obtain the thing you think you need with this urgency, ask the God for guidance in better understanding that thing, its role in your life, and how best to approach it.
    - A Nazi Opinion of Mine -

    The thing I love most about the Black Race is the natural pride of this Race. I have never seen a white person be happy to be white and go out and promote the fact that he belongs to whites. I have not liked that, although it is not typically related to the White Race, but to certain problems in our society.

    But I got to see in the Black Race, despite a lot of trauma from the past and how people consider it an insult to be black, because "we have to eliminate differences, a black person is more or less a white person, there is no such thing as blackness per se. It is a crime to even think that someone is black, etc." The black people I have seen have ALWAYS been proud of that. And proudly many say, "I'm black!" They also have special traditions associated with that. So there is no complaining about it. Black people are proud members of a truly beautiful race with incredible lore in which they have ALWAYS shown resilience, strength and determination..

    Black people have never been anyone's slave. The Jews who sold them as slaves in their trades only increased their sense of pride and unity. The Blacks, on the contrary, always proved that they were the Masters. The Masters of themselves, superior to any Jewish attack. The Jews never had power over them except for some passing nonsense in the cotton fields clearly not intended to last more than a truly insignificant number of years.

    - Note -

    I discovered something regarding the importance of our Gods of the universe, and I wanted to put it out there to hear your opinions about it. I was going to open a new topic on this, but since I've noticed that my topic on the importance of donations is doing very well and in fact is getting up to 500 views, so I think it has priority as far as things I personally write about, I don't want to take away visibility from a topic as serious as donations to express another personal opinion of mine. So if you haven't opened it yet, you can read it here:

    However, expect me to open a topic on something I thought about regarding the universal nature of the Gods. :)
    - My Opinions -
    Being Zevist is the beginning. The next part is acting as a Zevist. The final goal is to prove that we are worthy Zevists. What goes beyond this and is Divine is to generate a perpetual cycle of new Zevists, proud Zevists who will eternally generate the same situation as before.

    I hate this concept that people have about how Nazism always has to worry about dealing with the Jewish Problem. Nazism has to support the evolution of Our People and advance Our Nations and their Races to expand what we are under Zeus in the universe because Zeus is the Supreme Good and the whole universe deserves to function as the supreme Zeus would like.

    I don't see what the Jew has to do with this since he has always been genetically and spiritually created to be the antithesis of the universe. People do not know what true Nazism is. It is not the party of 1940. It is not a wave of anti-Semitism. It is literally the greatest service we can give to Zeus working to improve the universe whose Gods embody the greatest perpetual truths. I find it ridiculous that people see Nazism by the way a communist middle school teacher explains it in 4 paragraphs.

    "[The Jews] They are NOT my people!"
    - Zeus Pater Familias


    I realistically realize the contribution I bring to the Temple of Zeus by my activity on this Ancient Forum in the questions posted by Our People in the topics. Lately the situation has been improving, and so I again had the doubt (which this time, however, was more of an intrusive thought and not a paranoia) as to whether I will ever be able to live up to the situation in which I have placed myself at the level of personal advancement. I have improved at the level of personal power and awareness of what I am, but evolving also requires a sense of responsibility to be able to maintain good use of that evolution. So I responded to this intrusive thought with these words that I officially publish before us today, a sacred Oath before you in the Temple of Zeus:

    As long as I have an internet connection and a decent state of health, I will do good things for this Place sacred to ZEUS. And if someday I ever become a useless, or even harmful presence, I officially declare that I will gladly accept to be banned in case, and this is my stated will affirmed now in full mental clarity that I may then maintain or lose. Indeed, Lord Zeus Himself, if this is His Will, would banish me forever from His Temple if I one day begin to harm It whether willingly or unwillingly, even attempting to do something good but failing. But as long as this is not the case, I swear eternal loyalty to Zeus, the Temple and the High Priests, forever. I am fully aware of what I have just stated and published and I take full responsibility for it. HEIL!

    - SeguaceDiSatanas
    I wanted to talk about my (personal) view of the Temple of Zeus. Not only with respect to what I think about it, I have already expressed myself sufficiently on this point. Instead, I wanted to explain how I see the Temple. I don't want to do that now, though. I will wait a few days to post the topic. I will take the opportunity to prepare it well then and not superficially on the spot. Of course it will be my personal view of it and nothing more than that. HAIL ZEUS!
    Man kann den Nazismus nicht töten.
    Der Nationalsozialismus ist eine universelle Kraft, die das Universum nach den Gesetzen von Satya funktionieren lässt, der ultimativen Wahrheit, wie die Dinge funktionieren. Sie können eine politische Partei der 1940er Jahre abschaffen, wenn Sie wollen. Aber man kann den Nationalsozialismus nicht beseitigen, denn solange das unendliche Universum existiert, wird es mathematisch gesehen immer mindestens einen einzigen Planeten geben, auf dem der Nationalsozialismus vollständig manifestiert ist. Man kann den Nazismus nicht besiegen, man kann sich ihm nur unterwerfen.

    Excuse me guys, do any of you have experiences regarding this: I was staring at a white wall. There was something in front of me. It wasn't an object, I don't really know how to explain it. It was a kind of transparent nothing, like a glass, but kind of outlined. So I focused on this transparent circle. I stared at it. For not even a minute. It started to turn blue. I was a minute staring at this blue. I don't know how to explain what kind of blue it was, but it wasn't like having a blue spot in front of it. It was like it was an optical effect more than like it was blue paint. The fact is that after I finished I started to feel pressure just above my eyebrows in a way very similar to when I opened my third eye. Now, I would like to ask you what it is, but I know that to say as an answer "it's the third eye" is very easy. I could give myself that answer, but since I have a scientific mindset I would like to rule out hypotheses and guarantee what it might be.
    Hellenic SS
    Hellenic SS
    My first guess is that it's eye floaters, because I haven't experienced anything similar.
    I used to see a blue iris, when I closed my eyes, a long time ago after I dedicated. It's not floaters, I have those too and they're completely different. It's probably something to do with the 3rd eye because that's what I was doing at the time.
    I am having a hard time understanding this. Were you blinking, or just staring at it? If you were blinking throughout the experience then it wasn't something on your eyeball.. that's not very likely imo, at least.

    But, if it was perfectly circular and from your perception it was closer to you than the ether we can see (the static / air moving), and tiny, then that does sound like something on your eyeball. I once in a while see like "cells" of things on my eyeballs, sometimes 1 circle, sometimes 2 or 3 connected. Looks similar to when you look at something under a microscope.. I assume they are cells lol.

    Don't want to discount your experience at all, however I must just ask for clarification to understand it better. And the object (the circle) stayed stationary the whole time, or did it drift in a direction, but then if you blinked (or even if you didn't), it would move back to the exact spot you originally noticed it in? If that were the case that does sound like something on your eyeball. I hope you figure it out.
    Sorry, but where does the live chat go?
    This is literally my favorite genre of music. I really love that these songs are finally being brought back with English subtitles as well....

    *MY Experience*: Absorbing energy from the Sun is truly POWERFUL.

    I got into the habit every morning of going out on the terrace and absorbing sun energy into every aspect of my soul (chakras, aura, light body, specific aura empowering, minor chakras, etc.) for 40 breaths each. You can use the colored energy here as well since the sun contains all the colors of the spectrum. It also helps with vitamin D. It only takes a little more than 15 minutes (I wasn't actually timing, but it was short), but I assure you that getting into the habit every morning of doing this for 15 minutes or so at the same time will really help you to strengthen the constancy and sense of just getting off the couch and doing something worthwhile.

    More info:
    Regarding the Evil Eye.

    I think I have noticed that, for those who can do it, the Evil Eye is very good for getting out of addictions. Premise: I always try to feel the energy. This is fine for me, but it is effective my Evil Eye when I project the energy through my eyes I feel them pinch from the energy (not in a painful way. Also, the tingling becomes real and not just imagined with time).

    Of course, my experiences are SUBJECTIVE, but I will tell you. First of all, I did this kind of test. In a standard situation where I felt nothing, I used red energy to stimulate with the Evil Eye sexual arousal (lust). After that I tried the colors black and silver to turn it off, first one and then the other in that order.

    It is* MY* EXPERIENCE, but I noticed that black was very powerful as far as self-control was concerned. For example, to managing sexual passion without wanting to carry it through. But the arousal was still there, just, I was controlling it. With silver I was able to quell it. It is an extreme experiment of course and there are less dangerous exercises for the Evil Eye than playing with sexual urges of course. But yes. Using black to self-control and silver to appease the feeling seems to have been most effective....

    Some people do not understand the difference in visualizing gray or silver. So did I in the early days. When you become practiced with colors, you will understand the difference just as you can tell if a souvenir photo of your grandmother is in a gray frame or a shimmering silver one.

    However, I need to keep trying it. When I have numerous sessions I may be more methodologically precise.
    Hello SeguaceDiSatanas!

    Could you describe the extreme experiment of Evil Eye and there are less dangerous techniques, how exactly did you use the example of lust?

    In my experience, for love magic, or arousing lust, as if you are doing it to your aura, or to the aura of a young girl (20-24 years old), it usually takes time to see the result and a lot depends on the time you spend together.
    @AristocraticDragon666 I've noticed that there are 4 things that are very useful for the Evil Eye, despite the fact that people often think they don't do much good and that they can do without them. 1) Using specific colors 2) Going into Trance (this can also be a deep state of calm and relaxation) 3) Feeling the energy, eyes tingling as you direct the energy for example. 4) Don't rush, take time to accumulate energy to project as you would in meditations to direct the energy or circulate it that develop Ki feeling. Don't use this for love spell, please.
    TO THE JEWS - personal outburst

    When Palestinian prisoners are released, according to photos that have been leaked, they are made to wear an Israeli bracelet that says "Eternal people do not forget, I will find the enemies and capture them" in Hebrew (but this is just to reiterate the manners of the "good Jew" and the rules of "Israeli etiquette").
    Eternal people. Eternal.

    You will be destroyed in 20 years and maybe less. HOWEVER, YOU ARE ETERNAL. No. Satan who is half a million years old, who is immortal and has always been conceived as an infinite force behind the whole universe. HE is eternal. You are a degenerative disease that is gradually dissipating to become dust. I don't know where you see eternity in such a thing. Just the fact that you have parasitized the Earth for a few thousand years and with your insignificance you think that 6,000 years is the "eternal time of the infinite universe"... No. In comparison, you are not even a dizziness of a few seconds. You are literally the nothingness that you will continue to be. For eternity.
    Yoga (maybe just from JoS or even from a professional Yoga teacher) + Meds (from a Doctor) + Diet (by a Nutritionist) + Meditation/Magick (from JoS) + Valefor Power Ritual (from the Gods) = healing from 99% of disaes.

    You are not Satanists to accept being sick forced on you. As difficult as your situation is, you have every right to take care of yourself and be able to handle it.
    I unlocked a siddhi that I had wanted for YEARS.

    It's related to pyrokinesis, but it's not exactly the ability to light candles with the mind or anything like that. It is more the ability to heat objects with the mind.

    I already knew I could use it on myself (I go into the middle of winter nights in short-sleeved summer running clothes and shorts because I summon fire around me and keep myself warm), but today I tried it on an object OUTSIDE of me. I got some water to warm up in a glass. I failed. I was at it for a long time and I failed.

    Then I thought maybe water that was indeed WATER (related to the element of water) was not the best target (as far as hot water exists); so I took a coin (so copper) and initially tried heating by putting the element of fire in it. I failed again this time.

    So I tried to think about when I use Fire on myself: I evoke it around me to heat the surface of my body. So I evoked the fire not in the coin, but only on the surface, AND I HEATED IT!!! (It was not too hot, but there was a big difference between the face of the coin I had heated and the cold other). I was going to open a topic about it tomorrow because I had a question about it, but now I am too excited. You will understand everything tomorrow.

    I swear to you. I didn't even want to try this because I was pretty sure I couldn't, and so I thought it wasn't even worth trying. But then I thought back to how many years I had wanted to get this power and I said to myself that since I have advanced a lot lately, it was worth at least giving it a few tries.
    I wanted to assure you that I have finished translating a new sermon I had reserved. I will post the translation shortly, it has been a bit of a strange time in my life, but strange in a good way. I say this because I just noticed that I received the icon that is awarded to translators and I would feel really undeserving, ungrateful and unworthy if I did not take advantage of this recognition to be productive in translations. Expect this publication really soon. I have finished everything, I just need to open the topic and publish it, tonight however I did not have much time. Sorry again and thank you for the recognition. I am very grateful to you.

    Volevo assicurare che ho finito di tradurre un nuovo sermone che avevo prenotato. Posterò a breve la traduzione, è stato un periodo un po' strano della mia vita, ma strano nel senso positivo. Lo dico perché ho appena notato che ho ricevuto l'icona che viene assegnata ai traduttori e mi sentirei veramente immeritevole, ingrato ed indegno se non sfruttassi questo riconoscimento per essere produttivo nelle traduzioni. Aspettatevi questa pubblicazione in tempi veramente brevi. Ho finito tutto, devo solo aprire il topic e pubblicarlo, stasera tuttavia non ho avuto molto tempo. Scusate ancora e grazie per il riconoscimento. Vi sono molto grato.
    Nice new profile picture.
    Yes, thank you very much, Brother! Lately I wanted to listen more to my soul and what it spontaneously tends to. There is no point in beating around the bush... ever since I was in kindergarten and didn't even know who the Führer was, I supported and made the same speeches that could be found in any National Socialist argument of the time.

    It has always been innate in me. I know that JoS is not directly about Nazism, and I completely agree because that is not the topic of JoS, but if my soul is spontaneously tending towards Nazism, the Gods, etc. I don't see why I should repress myself. I can't "be less Nazi", it would be like asking my soul to be "less masculine" or "less Gentile", it's a switch that I can't do even if I wanted to so I think it's better not to repress it... I'm so happy that someone noticed my profile picture anyway! Sincere thanks! :D

    PS I say this because in Italy it is illegal not to repress one's Nazi tendencies, but it makes no sense, it would be like putting on a mask if I started to claim that seeing images and videos of the National Socialist era did not arouse love, adoration and strong positive emotions in me. Obviously in everyday life I do not go to exalt these things, but if in an anonymous forum (like ours) where the rules of the forum allow it, at least there I feel the right to express myself... without violating the regulations of my country, I am not exalting and propagating Nazism, I am only expressing myself and my nature.
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
