In-depth look: Authority is PERMISION. Authority is wielding this permission. Giving or not giving this permission. This translates into our internal power, influence of reality, materially and spiritually.
The human who has authority over life is the one that allows for life to exist, continuously.
You allow or disallow. This is represented by the Ganesha Elephant Head in the brain.
The lord of 'obstacle" is actually realizing that there are limits, and boundaries in our reality, as laws, as plain nature. The "G" vibration and our Pineal Gland as well is a center of "language" by which our reality is perceived, therefore where and how we act in that perception.

Why we do things, how we do things, the very 'simple' structure of our brain in an inverse pyramidal structure is as follows IN ASCENDING ORDER OF POWER AND DEPTH:
5.Habits and Brain wirings
The first 3 are the most used by people and they try to influence the later 4 and 5. The 5 and 6 is actually a physical aspect of ourselves, and what we repeatedly do and are, has created a path inside our structural brain. That's why by just artificially doing things for a few days it won't change you or your life, but rather continuous action and approach for years and years.
Obviously some thoughts and emotions do stem from our in depth being and these are not always artificial, but their identification with "us" is not whole and we are not really our thoughts unless we respect and act on the way our reality works.
From the above I hope you understand now how medical treatment works as one example of path in this, and how it is attempted to create change, by the chemical nature but won't be ideal for a symptom of a deeper issue ( talking about psychiatry very wrong way of dealing with human issues). This is not enough. For example how change comes from exercise. How by hypnosis one enters the depth of our emotions and thoughts that stem from our lifelong existence, ancestors and being, and how change takes place. This is a part as well.
But what I hope for most is now to see directly how magical work and energy work, vibration, DIRECTLY CHANGES AND IMPACTS, ON A FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL OUR BEING, by accessing all the points, the electrical and chemical and most importantly works on the Habits and Brain Wirings. I do hope from this you understand also that it takes A LOT OF TIME, actual physical change, transformation, carving, and expecting quick results is directly a delusion.
What you will see first is direct result from magical workings, change and impact in Thoughts and Emotions that will go in depth and will guide you to the core of the subjects.
Based on the above Model I will give you a few core things to keep check of:
1.Thoughts. (selective focus, curation and compartmentalization, most of the time ignore bad thoughts, void meditation)
2.Emotion. (good environment, non exaggeration of any emotion,, cleaning seeded issues, being aware of the pendulum swing of emotions: collapse - congruence - exaggeration - Balance here is needed)
3.Chemical. (good brain chemistry by good foods, exercise, health, influenced by the electrical, magical workings, yoga)
4.Electrical. (your energy of the body, health, magical workings, breathing exercises, yoga)
5.Habits and Subconscious brain wirings (karma, lifelong habits, what you do repeatedly, what you think repeatedly, what you worry about, This is the core where you need to apply continuous work and effort: Discipline and Existential Purpose )
6.DNA. (ancestors, acknowledgement, respect, Meditation of our Gods)
The human who has authority over life is the one that allows for life to exist, continuously.
You allow or disallow. This is represented by the Ganesha Elephant Head in the brain.
The lord of 'obstacle" is actually realizing that there are limits, and boundaries in our reality, as laws, as plain nature. The "G" vibration and our Pineal Gland as well is a center of "language" by which our reality is perceived, therefore where and how we act in that perception.

Why we do things, how we do things, the very 'simple' structure of our brain in an inverse pyramidal structure is as follows IN ASCENDING ORDER OF POWER AND DEPTH:
5.Habits and Brain wirings
The first 3 are the most used by people and they try to influence the later 4 and 5. The 5 and 6 is actually a physical aspect of ourselves, and what we repeatedly do and are, has created a path inside our structural brain. That's why by just artificially doing things for a few days it won't change you or your life, but rather continuous action and approach for years and years.
Obviously some thoughts and emotions do stem from our in depth being and these are not always artificial, but their identification with "us" is not whole and we are not really our thoughts unless we respect and act on the way our reality works.
From the above I hope you understand now how medical treatment works as one example of path in this, and how it is attempted to create change, by the chemical nature but won't be ideal for a symptom of a deeper issue ( talking about psychiatry very wrong way of dealing with human issues). This is not enough. For example how change comes from exercise. How by hypnosis one enters the depth of our emotions and thoughts that stem from our lifelong existence, ancestors and being, and how change takes place. This is a part as well.
But what I hope for most is now to see directly how magical work and energy work, vibration, DIRECTLY CHANGES AND IMPACTS, ON A FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL OUR BEING, by accessing all the points, the electrical and chemical and most importantly works on the Habits and Brain Wirings. I do hope from this you understand also that it takes A LOT OF TIME, actual physical change, transformation, carving, and expecting quick results is directly a delusion.
What you will see first is direct result from magical workings, change and impact in Thoughts and Emotions that will go in depth and will guide you to the core of the subjects.
Based on the above Model I will give you a few core things to keep check of:
1.Thoughts. (selective focus, curation and compartmentalization, most of the time ignore bad thoughts, void meditation)
2.Emotion. (good environment, non exaggeration of any emotion,, cleaning seeded issues, being aware of the pendulum swing of emotions: collapse - congruence - exaggeration - Balance here is needed)
3.Chemical. (good brain chemistry by good foods, exercise, health, influenced by the electrical, magical workings, yoga)
4.Electrical. (your energy of the body, health, magical workings, breathing exercises, yoga)
5.Habits and Subconscious brain wirings (karma, lifelong habits, what you do repeatedly, what you think repeatedly, what you worry about, This is the core where you need to apply continuous work and effort: Discipline and Existential Purpose )
6.DNA. (ancestors, acknowledgement, respect, Meditation of our Gods)