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  1. SeguaceDiSatana

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    I apologize for the trouble, our noble High Priest, but if I had a photo (a public photo obviously given that she is a public figure, nothing taken from a private profile) of a person who is very close to me, then I cannot post it on our forum, could I, if it's not a bother (I really want not to...
  2. SeguaceDiSatana

    Murder of Münevver Karabulut and Jewish Ritual

    Jews only deserve so many RTRs; but they never deserved our attention and our curiosity. If you think about it, you could go to Google and read all the articles that talk about this ritual for half an hour, OR you could read some sermon by one of our High Priests that perhaps you missed. The...
  3. SeguaceDiSatana

    Dreaming and Sleep Question

    Yes, She can be a Guardian Demon. Try to see if this is your case. Maybe try asking for a sign.
  4. SeguaceDiSatana

    life choices and study

    I could be wrong here, but it worked for me the way I'm about to tell you. During the last few years I have experimented with all kinds of different paths and studies, while, among other things, I stayed at a university that didn't interest me and wasn't for me. University of which I only need...
  5. SeguaceDiSatana

    I don't know what to do.

    *from MY family, especially my father.
  6. SeguaceDiSatana

    I don't know what to do.

    I've been through the things you're going through too. Abuse, controls, constraints, hatred, etc. from his family and especially from my father. Every situation is different, but this is what worked for me. 1) The things that your family doesn't educate you about or instruct you on are taught...
  7. SeguaceDiSatana

    How should I think at day? (desire)

    My personal experience: I've been through this problem too. Don't think of "I don't have this thing yet", if you ever think about it (that is, if you think about your desire), at least think of it as: "the thing is mine because I'm working to get it". I used to make this mistake too, when you...
  8. SeguaceDiSatana

    Dreaming and Sleep Question

    Lady ASTARTE "She causes one to have prophetic dreams and/or visions about the future and gives insight into the unknown" sources: https://satanisgod.org/Astaroth.html Other Gods: Lord KLEPOTH Klepoth brings dreams and visions of all kinds. He is under the power of the Duke "Syrach."...
  9. SeguaceDiSatana

    multiple magics/spells

    I always let half an hour pass between one spell and another. And I never do too many. Maximum two per period. Maybe one in the morning and one in the evening. I find it's much healthier to focus on a few things, do them well and do them for a long time, than to put a lot of stuff together and...
  10. SeguaceDiSatana

    Bad times in life

    I think some things just happen, without a mind behind it. This is why it is up to us to be strong enough, because it is not predestined that you will succeed, but it depends on your resistance. I don't really understand if your sadness is directly linked to your illness and is a side effect...
  11. SeguaceDiSatana

    Bad times in life

    I don't know your situation exactly; but I can tell you how I experienced some moments of suffering, even though I had already been dedicated to Satan for a long time. A while back I found myself losing all my friendships. My truly bad and offensive behavior had made all my friends distance...
  12. SeguaceDiSatana

    September 2 and removal of health problems

    The quote I put in my reply to the topic is already a sort of link that takes you directly to the quote by HP HoodedCobra666. :D
  13. SeguaceDiSatana

    Hi im new hear and I need tips about national socialism and our God satan

    *well EXPRESSED in the National Socialism concepts of racial love. (I don't know why I used the word "repressed" and not the word "expressed", sorry!)
  14. SeguaceDiSatana

    Hi im new hear and I need tips about national socialism and our God satan

    In case you want to do the dedication ritual, but you lack privacy: If there is absolutely no way you can perform the ritual without placing yourself in danger, you can perform it in your astral temple. https://satanisgod.org/Temple.html You can do the dedication ritual when you are older...
  15. SeguaceDiSatana

    September 2 and removal of health problems

    It's a pleasure. Regarding the statements part: In Wunjo's case: "My self-esteem definitely increases in a positive way for me" In Isa's case: "All unwanted negative thoughts are finally definitively arrested in me in a positive way for me" (for anger it is more complex, anger should be...
  16. SeguaceDiSatana

    September 2 and removal of health problems

    Let me start by saying that I am not an expert; but shouldn't it depend on what kind of psychological problem you actually have? I don't believe, at least I personally doubt the fact, that there is only one answer that is good for any and every specific psychological problem you have... For...
  17. SeguaceDiSatana

    Spells to improve certain skills?

    Okay, I'll just do my part here: As far as I know, Venus controls voice and beauty, you can work with Venus for this: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Venus_Square.html Regarding rhythm, and music, and I think this is also connected to intonation, the Raidho rune (number 5) is suitable for the...
  18. SeguaceDiSatana

    about self-esteem(selfcest)

    Being proud of yourself and loving yourself for who you are and how you are evolving is not the same thing as being romantically and sexually in love with yourself. Likewise, nourishment is not the same as eating junk food even though it may seem quite similar. I consider myself something...
  19. SeguaceDiSatana


    I completely agree with you. Writing down certain important things helps not only to memorize them, but also to "make these concepts personal." Furthermore, the physical gesture of rewriting things by hand brings memorization to multiple levels. I have this experience when I have to, for...
  20. SeguaceDiSatana

    Meditations, personal age and level of knowledge

    What is the correlation that exists between spiritual advancement, level of knowledge and age? Let me explain better, when the meditative and magical knowledge of the Gods was not present on a very accessible website written within everyone's reach and even translated into multiple languages...
  21. SeguaceDiSatana

    I can't thank father Satan enough

    How horrendous and horrifying. I can hardly think of a worse crime than ruining a person's entire future love and sex life forever. I really don't think there is anything more serious against other human beings than ruining these aspects of their lives. Rather than religions that promote love...
  22. SeguaceDiSatana

    Expressing Gratitude To Your GD

    I really liked user Otto Hart's answer on a similar topic: Also read this: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Thanksgiving.html Again, if you are enough advanced, you can do these things explained in the pdf for your Guardian too. Even without directly knowing who he or she is...
  23. SeguaceDiSatana

    Future SS

    I absolutely agree with your advice. Children completely fry their brains with these electronic devices. Furthermore, in my opinion, this excess of stimuli does not allow them to focus on the truly important things in their growth.
  24. SeguaceDiSatana

    Thoughtforms use in….

    I truly appreciate you taking the time to thank me! It was truly a pleasure to do my best and I hope Satan and the Gods can bless you too! Good work with your meditations! :D And yes, those mp3s are miraculous, I sent them to you specifically for this reason. They work very well for me too...
  25. SeguaceDiSatana


    Working on the chakras and raising your frequency into higher vibrations is not a separate thing from the psychic ability. For example: Here our esteemed High Priestess Lydia explains that she also worked on the chakras to get to the level of being able to see and hear the Gods: "There are...
  26. SeguaceDiSatana

    Intellectual benefits of meditations

    Since I have been meditating consistently, over time, I have noticed these changes in me from an intellectual point of view. I will admit that I have had extremely high IQ scores on various tests taken over the years, I was even told that they were "the highest". But meditation was even more...
  27. SeguaceDiSatana

    Future SS

    If I had a child, I would make sure to first raise him according to the ethical virtues promoted by Satanism, it is important to raise your child by teaching him ethical principles, which are these: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Satanic-Ethics.html Having a good father who truly teaches you what...
  28. SeguaceDiSatana

    How can Satan help me lose weight?

    Is a nutritionist following you? Certain aspects of diet and weight loss are truly complex and you cannot improvise to know them well, which is why you need the help of a nutritionist. Human biology is complex. What did your nutritionist tell you about what you are doing and your results...
  29. SeguaceDiSatana

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    These are the words of our commander and High Priest HoodedCobra666: "99.8% of people "Worried they might be jews" from here, are never jewish. You are just being confused likely from self confusion, self doubt, or even enemy spiritual attacks. Please ignore these things completely and proceed...
  30. SeguaceDiSatana

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    Personally, one of my martial arts teachers is Jewish. She told me about her Jewish family and stuff. Indeed, on the surface she may not seem bad and she teaches well, but when you try to get to know her better, my teacher just can't avoid saying blasphemies about Satan, the Gods, she can't help...
  31. SeguaceDiSatana

    Feeling "Yes/No" During Astral Communication (Method)

    Oh okay, thanks so much for the advice! I actually admit that I asked Lord Set for the information because you referenced him in your topic. Today I'll try again with my Guardian and I'll notice any differences. You don't know how much I thank you!
  32. SeguaceDiSatana

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    I had the same reaction as you reading his reply message. The SAME reaction. But we need to understand that people have to follow their own path and sometimes arrive at certain concepts personally. For this reason I preferred to leave aside what the user had written and avoid commenting. If for...
  33. SeguaceDiSatana

    Thoughtforms use in….

    For the first part of your message: make sure you have understood the precise concepts well. Otherwise, reread if necessary. Always without haste. For the second part of your message: 1) As noted in the Demons of Hell section, the Gods are associated with specific days of the year and these...
  34. SeguaceDiSatana

    Feeling "Yes/No" During Astral Communication (Method)

    Most blessed HPS Lydia, forgive me if I disturb you. I recently had suspicions that a friend of mine might be Jewish. So I performed the Set Ritual and then focused on his Seal. I'm not too expert in this method, it's the first time I've tried it, I'll tell you directly what I experienced. 1)...
  35. SeguaceDiSatana

    Thoughtforms use in….

    Here you go and happy reading: Perform the magical work for 40 days in a row: https://www.joyofsatan.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Repeating_Magick.html Coordinate your magical work with the Moon: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Timing.html Avoid moon voids during which starting a spell...
  36. SeguaceDiSatana

    "Anti-Semitic"... The Malign Anti-Gentile Black Magick Word!

    Jews are a specific race. And they're not human. The attempt to deny this is illusory since the Jews themselves in their official texts distance themselves from the "goyim" by saying that they were created in human form to serve the Jews (from this it can be deduced that the Jews do not consider...
  37. SeguaceDiSatana

    Thoughtforms use in….

    To be more attractive and pleasant, I don't know how much it is worth putting thought forms on yourself, especially at the beginning of your journey. I personally think that in this case it would be better programming your aura for the specific purpose. Enter a deep trance and program your aura...
  38. SeguaceDiSatana

    What Idiot/Autistic FancyMancy Experienced Recently

    I'm very happy you liked my reply! It's nice to be appreciated! I am the one who should thank you for your kind words! Thank you!! :D
  39. SeguaceDiSatana

    What Idiot/Autistic FancyMancy Experienced Recently

    Regarding the title of the topic... In my opinion it would be better to avoid associating oneself with certain low mental existences (such as being "idiots", etc.). I too, to be self-ironic, always said to myself "what an idiot I am!", but then I realized that the unconscious mind doesn't...
  40. SeguaceDiSatana

    Does Hebrew have any value for you guys?

    https://satanisgod.org/Spirit-Abuse.html This sermon could be useful for understanding the "validity" of what you can find in the so-called grimoires. Overall, this rubbish has no validity whatsoever. I have also noticed that some academic scholars speak precisely of the medieval era to...
  41. SeguaceDiSatana

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    This is another very good idea I can add. What do you think might be the signs that FRTR on her is causing her harm though? What should I check? If you know anything else I can ask about the structure of her soul, please add. I wrote down this thing about the shoulders and I'll ask her using...
  42. SeguaceDiSatana

    New blasphemous Netflix series

    I agree with your point. And yes, it's true, it's all completely disgusting. But the more crimes they commit, the more severe their punishment will be, so at least they will have good reason to cry when the war is over... Jewish slander will also have less and less effect as we proceed with our...
  43. SeguaceDiSatana

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    Actually, beloved brothers, I was thinking of doing two things: Initially with an excuse I will ask this friend of mine if by any chance she has ever felt lumps in her throat during moments of emotion or crying. HPS Maxine, glory to the noblest of women, said that we have this type of sensations...
  44. SeguaceDiSatana

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    I swear to you, Majestic and Noble High Priest HoodedCobra666, I confirm EVERY single word of what you have said. Unfortunately it took me too many years to understand it, but since I finally understood it the meditations are very pleasant and truly constant and I live truly happy in every way...
  45. SeguaceDiSatana

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    I'm so scared to post this topic because I'm truly filled with shame from head to toe... Sorry, I'm deeply ashamed, it was a really hard blow and my world literally collapsed on me, and continues to collapse on me. I feel really terrible about what happened, I would really like to get out of...
  46. SeguaceDiSatana

    Horror movies?

    As for whether watching these movies is right or not, you have already answered yourself. However, this is my opinion on how this desire of yours will work ACCORDING TO ME and according to my PERSONAL (not objective) experiences. In my opinion as you become more and more connected to the Gods...
  47. SeguaceDiSatana

    When did it "click" for u? For me it was about a few years ago.

    For me it was shortly after the Dedication of the Soul to Satan that I discovered the truth about the Jews, and in any case it happened gradually and unexpectedly. I discovered the truth about the Jews in a very strange way. In reality, anti-Semitism has never been a problem for me. Indeed, I...
  48. SeguaceDiSatana


    Premise: it's my opinion, it doesn't have to be the absolute truth, it's just a personal opinion. Why out of all the positive and life-filled things that Satanism has, do you instead prefer to focus your attention on the blasphemous propaganda images that resemble the false monstrous...
  49. SeguaceDiSatana

    Astrologia ed ebrei

    Grazie mille, sono contentissimo che tu abbia avuto tempo per chiarirmi il dubbio, ti ringrazio davvero!! :D
  50. SeguaceDiSatana

    Astrologia ed ebrei

    Saluti, caro Fratello WiseDragon, scusa se riapro questo tuo vecchissimo topic. A proposito di questo tema, vorrei chiederti se per caso hai trovato la risposta a questa tua domanda che ultimamente interessa anche a me. Ho fatto il tema natale ad una mia amica qualche tempo fa e lei si è...
  51. SeguaceDiSatana

    Joined Satan for the wrong resons

    I have a similar experience with Christian fear indoctrination (Christianity thrives on terror). This experience is common to many people, not just us. But over time we notice that knowledge, reasoning and TRUE personal experiences with Satan and the Gods defeat these unfounded fears with which...
  52. SeguaceDiSatana

    Can a God "admire" a human being if he works hard and advances?

    I don't know if my question is actually blasphemous, I'm truly sorry if so. I was wondering: I know that admiration as we understand it is regularly felt for people who are worth more. But in a different and more generic and broad concept for the word "admiration", it is possible that a Deity...
  53. SeguaceDiSatana

    Joined Satan for the wrong resons

    Again: don't worry. It may happen that people decide to turn to Satan in full Christian mentality, etc. It is normal that it is the disappointments of life that give us that push to seek Satan. This is because it can happen that you are immature at the beginning. But then you grow up and...
  54. SeguaceDiSatana

    Are Satanic Youtube meditation videos good or bad?

    Deeply sorry for that part of misunderstanding, Brother! Anyway, yeah, it's blasphemous Jewish crap. Better to stay away from all that. But overall, having discovered this kind of video makes you understand what kind of reality exists regarding Jewish attacks on Satanism. In most cases they...
  55. SeguaceDiSatana

    Are Satanic Youtube meditation videos good or bad?

    Enn chants like the one in the video are Jewish curses. It's a discussion that's been talked about several times already if you use the search button. :) On JoS you will find correct information about how to contact the Gods (as well as the correct way to summon them you will find their...
  56. SeguaceDiSatana

    New blasphemous Netflix series

    The trailer for Kaos, the new Netflix series about the Greek Gods, has been released. I'll just tell you that almighty Zeus is played by a Jewish actor. And that's not even the worst part. From what we can see from the trailer, the series casts infamy on the Gods by making them ridiculous and...
  57. SeguaceDiSatana

    YouTube does NOT like JoS contents!

    In any case, to study JoS, I recommend you do it directly from the website and not "on YouTube"... it's vast, take your time to read it all.
  58. SeguaceDiSatana

    YouTube does NOT like JoS contents!

    "Have other people started following and liking JoS? Oy vey! It’s literally anudda Shoah!" - Scared Jew at work. Jokes aside; Don't worry. Now you're here and you can find an entire forum of JoS content. And no one will ban you here for liking JoS posts. Let the Jews do the Jews by jewing...
  59. SeguaceDiSatana

    Is it okay to progress slowly??

    Feeling like you're not doing enough can be common. But you have to be realistic and consider your possibilities. You don't have to do enough for everyone, you have to do enough relative to your resources. Obviously there are those who will be able to do more things and those less based on their...
  60. SeguaceDiSatana

    Question #3785: twin serpent meditation

    Does it also enhance the chakras, Brother?
  61. SeguaceDiSatana

    Is it okay to progress slowly??

    Don't worry, your doubt is understandable, but remember: 1) Advancing is not a race 2) People who rush get nothing, you don't get much progress by rushing 3) Much better is a person who doesn't do too many things; but does them consistently every day, rather than someone who wants to overdo...
  62. SeguaceDiSatana

    Extra meditation sessions

    Thank you so much, High Priestess Lydia, for taking the time to answer me. I really appreciate it! You are ALWAYS so kind to all of us! I wanted to let you know this because it's not the first time you've shown yourself to be so available to those who are in difficulty or have some doubts, it's...
  63. SeguaceDiSatana

    "Free Will" & False Resistance Of Humans Against the Gods

    Today after my daily meditation session, I got to thinking. I told myself that I think the Gods are much more willing to take care of a person who takes care of himself first. I was happy in this meditation session precisely because I was thinking that if a person does nothing to do good for...
  64. SeguaceDiSatana

    Hello I am new

    Welcome! I sincerely wish you to receive the best things in your life together with Satan and the original Gods of humanity! Truly, I hope that you can achieve the maximum in terms of mental evolution and spiritual advancement, so that you can always improve yourself as a human being!
  65. SeguaceDiSatana

    Extra meditation sessions

    Hello everyone, brothers and sisters! I was wondering, in the empty moments, those in which the only activities I can carry out are looking at the ceiling, that is, I am referring to moments of boredom, can I do extra meditation sessions instead of wasting time? Or is it important that the soul...
  66. SeguaceDiSatana

    I need all the help you can give me, please.

    Christians are always open to imposing their psychopathic beliefs with force disguised as kindness. They do not conceive the beauty of Satanic values because their mind is structurally manipulated with a sense of hatred towards everything that represents the good of this universe (i.e. the Gods...
  67. SeguaceDiSatana


    It's always fun to see what enemy entities offer to convince Satanists to abandon Satan. For example, Christian entities have never done absolutely anything to help any Christian even when he or she may have been on the brink of death. I had a friend once who told me how a thought form of an...
  68. SeguaceDiSatana

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    Impossible to hold back the smile.
  69. SeguaceDiSatana

    In the future society, how will work for the Gods and the Reich be handled?

    Meaning, how will service to the Gods be managed, opportunities to work for the advancement of Satanism in the universe, and how will people be able to actively dedicate themselves to this goal through the meritocracy of their abilities? I ask regardless of the rewards for the efforts, it is not...
  70. SeguaceDiSatana

    I wanted to ask this

    It's a very, very open question, but I would start from here: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Satanic-Ethics.html
  71. SeguaceDiSatana

    How many Churches and Mosques are in China?

    Something I picked up on Wikipedia about North Korea: "North Korea is officially an atheist state" "Formally, the Catholic Church has the diocese of Pyongyang and the diocese of Hamhung in North Korea, suffragan dioceses of the archdiocese of Seoul: both North Korean dioceses are considered...
  72. SeguaceDiSatana

    Occult tarot

    I looked at the tarot deck you're talking about - it's incredibly disgustingly blasphemous. It's the one with the names of demonology and the fake images where they slander Demons with monstrous depictions, right? Throw it away... However, I sincerely advise you to study more about Demons both...
  73. SeguaceDiSatana

    Could I’ve been a jew in a past life?

    Yes, he who has Jewish blood is Jewish, he behaves like a Jew (the Jew that he is) and his nature is Jewish. In most cases, being Jewish is no surprise. I know Jews, some who (though rarely) hung out with my group of friends, others at the same gym as me. It is no surprise to them that they are...
  74. SeguaceDiSatana

    I really need help, please.

    I say this because we are always alive first and foremost precisely because we WANT to live. It's hard for me to explain better.
  75. SeguaceDiSatana

    I really need help, please.

    They all gave you excellent advice, your situation is very delicate and the only thing I can add is to hold on to your will to live. That "I WANT TO LIVE" is really important and will protect you a lot. Cultivate it also through the advice they have given you and hold on to it.
  76. SeguaceDiSatana

    How many Churches and Mosques are in China?

    I found this on my country's Wikipedia page. "According to official sources, 4,600 Catholic churches are currently open for worship in China" "There are approximately 36,000 Islamic places of worship, more than 45,000 imams and 10 Islamic schools in the country" I hope it can be useful to answer...
  77. SeguaceDiSatana

    Rune Powers

    Thank you, beloved brother! This summary is really useful. Also because I also have Thorsson's book, and the schematization you made is much better and is easier to view and at hand. So thank you so much for your service! However, another book on Runes that I have (but I think it is only...
  78. SeguaceDiSatana

    I find that this attitude of mine can be uncaring towards Father Satan

    Based on what you have told me, dearest brothers, I think it is right for me to wait and become more advanced. From what I understand, regardless of what I have been in the past, even if I don't remember it, Father Satan remembers it, so nothing is lost and the relationship is still constantly...
  79. SeguaceDiSatana

    Mercury Retrograde (What You Can Do)

    Esteemed and dearest High Priestess Lydia, I apologize if I reopen an old topic of yours on the occasion of Mercury Retrograde, I hope you can answer me, if you have time, I don't want to disturb you, much honor to you! I know that Mercury retrograde brings a lot of negativity in certain...
  80. SeguaceDiSatana

    I find that this attitude of mine can be uncaring towards Father Satan

    (Okay, this is going to be a bit of a long post, as usual... I'm very sorry!) Hi everyone! Greetings my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Lord Satan, our Most High Father! I wanted to share with you something that I was thinking about this morning and that entered my heart like an extremely...
  81. SeguaceDiSatana

    I want to fuck the creator

    There are things you can joke about, Satan himself has a great sense of humor. There are things you have to be serious about, and where you can't say creepy things. You can't joke even harshly in every type of situation. It would be like attending a funeral laughing all the time, it's...
  82. SeguaceDiSatana

    Affirmations language

    "The Satanic rosary is ideal for any workings that require a significant deal of energy. One can definitely do affirmations with the rosary, in whatever language you speak. I also would like to add here, not to get off topic- all telepathic communication is universal in that foreign languages do...
  83. SeguaceDiSatana

    What movies and cartoons would you recommend I watch?

    Could I ask you, if you have time to explain it to me and you like, dear Brother, why "The Lion King" is anti-National Socialist propaganda, please? Let me start by saying that I have never seen this movie and have no intention of seeing it, but I was really curious to understand what it says...
  84. SeguaceDiSatana

    Just a few concerns

    I'll try to answer with what I think: Having active experiences in life, it's true, helps a lot. Much of what I have achieved in life is the result of the lessons I have learned by dealing with it. But to say that daily routines to be taken seriously such as daily meditation are not useful or...
  85. SeguaceDiSatana

    Hating the other Relgions(especially jews)

    Mein Führer Adolf Hitler, the most heroic of the Gentiles, was fully aware of Jewish evil. I speak of "Jewish evil" because the things that the Jews have done in the past, and that they still do without the slightest intention of "stop" (since repentance is not part of the Jewish program) have...
  86. SeguaceDiSatana

    Where can I learn more about the Jewish Messiah and Messianic Age?

    This is how I understood it, it doesn't necessarily mean it's true in every way: Simply the Jews would enslave the Gentiles thanks to a savior in their prophecies, but this does not manifest itself (unfortunately for them). Despite all their psychic efforts towards this perverse desire. It is...
  87. SeguaceDiSatana

    Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics

    Apparently it's a duty here to be "evil", and I don't mind being the bad guy in the situation at all. If being "good" means supporting Israel, then I would rather die as a hateful evil than turn to the side of "good"... They will call us "evil", but meanwhile Israel will be devastated by our...
  88. SeguaceDiSatana

    Where can I learn more about the Jewish Messiah and Messianic Age?

    Here you have a beautiful and very long list of all the things about the Jews that you should know: https://kabbalahexposed.com/ Regarding physical books you would like to read regarding these Jewish beliefs: MY (personal) OPINION, not absolute truth: These crappy beliefs are part of Jewish...
  89. SeguaceDiSatana

    Assistance: Pinklotus into pdf?

    Can I ask something, please? I discovered this site thanks to your post, esteemed High Priestess Lydia, I wanted to ask you, but regarding the Kryias to raise the Kundalini, on the site there are seven precise Kryia sequences for this purpose, can I please ask you if the reason is that seven is...
  90. SeguaceDiSatana

    Ask to go out...

    On August 19th I will ask a girl out on a date with me. If it works I will be happy, otherwise I will understand that it wasn't meant to be. I prepared a voice message for her of a few minutes in which I try to be sincere, but without telling her about my feelings because it's too early. I...
  91. SeguaceDiSatana

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    Thank you so much, dearest HPS Lydia! It's incredible how you always manage to be kind and helpful! :D
  92. SeguaceDiSatana

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    I am truly very grateful to our Holy Gods for their benevolent protection, and I wonder if it can be extended to our loves. For example, if there is only one person we love in this world, will the Gods protect our loved ones if they are truly very close to us? In any case, in addition to the...
  93. SeguaceDiSatana

    I met Satan, He gave me powers, what is my role. (Hooded Cobra)

    Look, it's my personal opinion and that's it: I think it is truly much more productive to approach Satanism on our part by embracing the mission to advance, both as individuals and as a community, that is, the sacred mission of the Joy Of Satan, rather than hallucinating about the ONLY friends...
  94. SeguaceDiSatana

    Leaving JOS and my reason

    I say this because I have seen in my (short) life many fake Satanists deceiving real Satanists through social media and things like that, so I wouldn't want this to turn out to be slightly more serious than it seems.
  95. SeguaceDiSatana

    Leaving JOS and my reason

    Brothers and sisters, sorry to intrude, but I would like to say that the fact that there is an impostor posing as HPS Maxine makes me worry for a moment. Also because the user here did not say on what occasion and in what way he communicated with FakeHPSMaxine so we don't know how serious the...
  96. SeguaceDiSatana

    Prophecy for dying

    In these cases where there is nothing we can do, can the power rituals of the Gods help to manage the situation better? Thanks for the reply, Great JG! I was interested in the topic too! :)
  97. SeguaceDiSatana

    I would like everyone here to know that I just dedicated my soul to Satan

    I am truly with all my heart so very happy for you!!!!!
  98. SeguaceDiSatana

    I would like everyone here to know that I just dedicated my soul to Satan

    Do you also see the number 88??? Have you already understood what it means? This number has always accompanied me for more than a year. I go to the pharmacy and I'm number 88, I place an order and my order is number 88, I go to get the vaccine and someone shouts that they have a problem with...
  99. SeguaceDiSatana

    What does it mean when the Gods save your life more than once?

    ...Even on occasions when death is certain?Could it mean that the Gods don't consider me a "lost case" or a "failure" and that if they want me to continue living it's because I have the possibility of fulfilling myself? Thank you...
  100. SeguaceDiSatana

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    Can I ask you another very important thing, admirable HP? But now that you've updated the dedication ritual, can I do it again since you've updated it? When I did it I was an ex-Christian and what our beloved HPS Maxine proposed suited me well, but now that you have updated it I would like to do...
  101. SeguaceDiSatana

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    Really interesting sermon, esteemed HP! Personally I think I'm somewhere between Aspiring Human and Awakened Human, it might be sad, but considering that before I learned about the JoS I was a Fallen Andrapod (yes, I was: I was a bigoted Christian who hated animals and didn't care about...
  102. SeguaceDiSatana

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    The group I was talking about, brother, I'm not going to name it so as not to give it publicity, but the one you mentioned is also just as corrupt in terms of lies against the Gods of JoS. However, I don't think it is wise to name these groups because we only give them free publicity, those of...
  103. SeguaceDiSatana

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    You know, esteemed and beloved High Priest HoodedCobra666, what you say is not new to me. In my life, even on social media, I have come across many dickheads who stole from JoS and then passed off your work as their stuff. An example is when I saw a social page of a guy who wanted to create...
  104. SeguaceDiSatana

    Father Satan is truly caring and is the best father I could have asked for.

    I really can't stand people who curse Satan without even knowing him and without even having tried to have the slightest experience with him, but only for Christian slander without proof and without the slightest validity. Satan really took care of me during this period and although it was a...
  105. SeguaceDiSatana

    Square or Rune? Which is better?

    Hello everyone, brothers and sisters in Satan! I wanted to cast a spell to obtain the honor from my friends, but I was wondering: is it better to work with Wunjo for perhaps 180 days or the Square of the Sun which is short anyway? (If I do the Square, I start it with the Raum meditation, if I...
  106. SeguaceDiSatana

    Saturn is destroying my life...

    Both she and I have strong transits of Venus/Saturn and Saturn/Venus that are destroying the relationship. Before these transits it was the most beautiful relationship I had had in my life and I was truly happy and loved, she too with all my heart. Now the relationship has been ruined on both...
  107. SeguaceDiSatana

    I should urgently pray to Father Satan...

    Thank you!! I will be as sincere as possible in all respects! I assure you in the most solemn way possible.
  108. SeguaceDiSatana

    I should urgently pray to Father Satan...

    Great JG! Thank you for your valuable advice, also I just finished reading your post that you linked, really enlightening and what's more what excellent timing regarding my problem. I have no words other than "thank you so much"!
  109. SeguaceDiSatana

    I should urgently pray to Father Satan...

    I urgently need to talk to Father Satan about something... It is not very important whether I can hear his answer or not, because I know that over time I will understand his will as the days pass and I advance in spirituality, but it is of fundamental importance that he listens to me, I have...
  110. SeguaceDiSatana

    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses

    I'll tell you my personal experience: Some time ago, for a few years, I was always too lazy to take care of myself and always put off what I could have done. I was really dead also because besides not meditating, I didn't do anything to live my life (because I was too lazy to do it). I was...
  111. SeguaceDiSatana

    Physical discomfort for Kundalini Yoga

    Hello everyone, I started Kundalini Yoga a few days ago and I'm having a lot of trouble. In the moments when I don't do Yoga I feel incredibly full of spinal discomfort. Basically I feel as if my spine needs to strain and is trying to stretch. This causes me discomfort. Even when I do Yoga I...
  112. SeguaceDiSatana

    Azazel's Astrology Addon Idea: Workings Suggestions for Natal charts

    I'll start by saying that I can only give my opinion, but it would be a very nice idea. Unfortunately I believe it is much more complex than it seems. And it already seems complex enough. But if it could be done it would be very interesting.
  113. SeguaceDiSatana

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    Not out of "evil" or "blind anti-Semitism", but I sincerely hope that these abominable beings die. Without even a shred of honor, compassion or anything else worthy of a hero fighting for a just cause, but only filled with derision and hatred from the Gentiles. Before anyone accuses me of being...
  114. SeguaceDiSatana

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    I can't help but cry for the loss of Dagan's people... I feel really sorry for all of them and for this wonderful God. Sometimes this reality can be sad, another example is when I felt sorry for the fact that Demons like Lucifius Focalor have seen their own planet and their own people destroyed...
  115. SeguaceDiSatana

    I wrote down my goals for this life

    I wrote down the following goals for myself to take seriously in order to fulfill myself and be successful in life. This is because I realized that it is not enough to exist, but you must also be. If anyone, anyone, has any advice to give me they are welcome and I opened this topic exclusively...
  116. SeguaceDiSatana

    About Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger, Lust, Gluttony

    This sermon is fantastic and helped me understand many things that I had studied in the past, but hadn't yet understood the meaning of. Thank you so much, our beloved High Priest! Now I also have a written guide for how to behave more dignified in harmony with my desire for advancement! If you...
  117. SeguaceDiSatana

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    Magnificent HPS, most noble, can I ask you a question? When you say that love spells are strengthened, on the site it says that it is on the eve of the Solstice that they are strengthened, but I didn't have the slightest idea so yesterday I didn't do anything... can I fix it now? And how? Thank...
  118. SeguaceDiSatana

    lakshmi mantra for money

    Thank you! That's really great advice!
  119. SeguaceDiSatana

    lakshmi mantra for money

    HI! I wish you good luck, may I ask how many repetitions did you do of the mantra to get these fantastic results? Thanks if you answer me! Good luck again!!
  120. SeguaceDiSatana

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    Sorry, I replied to your comment, I actually wanted to respond to the user's topic. Sorry again.
  121. SeguaceDiSatana

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    From what I know, Biglino's writings are, at least to a large extent, wrong and denied by true Hebrew scholars, including Gentiles, but this does not change the fact that what you wrote is perfectly correct. The Jews are a psychopathic race that thinks they have a right to everything. At least...
  122. SeguaceDiSatana

    Is it possible to actually treat Satan as one would treat a Father?

    I have never had a (good) father or in any case a normal parental figure or one who only loved me. In my family, everyone blames me for everything, I can't share anything I do and no one is interested in what I do. They think I'm an idiot. I literally have very high IQ scores (by the way the...
  123. SeguaceDiSatana

    About the reality

    Aside from the jokes that can be made, this kind of topic makes me understand that no matter how wrong my life can sometimes go, there is a big difference from being momentarily sad to being irremediably compromised. I thank the forum administrators for approving this user's topic. It was a time...
  124. SeguaceDiSatana

    Levels Of The Magnum Opus: Clarified

    There is one thing that is not clear to me, Most Great High Priest, if one reached method 2, for example, could one then decide not to be satisfied and continue up to method 3? Thanks so much for your patience!
  125. SeguaceDiSatana

    Please, can you help me evaluate this new advancement program of mine? Please...

    Brother, I really want to thank you today because I followed your advice. Especially the one about Yoga. To keep you updated: Regarding my program, I have started to do more. So instead of 20 energetic breathings per chakra I do 40 and I also increased the number of Sanskrit mantra vibrations...
  126. SeguaceDiSatana

    Please, can you help me evaluate this new advancement program of mine? Please...

    Yes, it is a preliminary liberation work to free myself from the obstacles that prevent me from achieving the specific desire that I am trying to realize in this period. I used to do liberation work that was too generic, a long time ago, then I realized it was just a waste of time and energy. I...
  127. SeguaceDiSatana

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    I am speechless. It's incredibly Jewish to ask, "How much would you sell JoS for?" I say it is completely Jewish because Jews don't really understand anything about true spirituality, due to their reptilian nature, they don't understand the value of the human soul. The only thing they...
  128. SeguaceDiSatana

    Please, can you help me evaluate this new advancement program of mine? Please...

    I'll be honest about the duration: my Yoga session is rather hasty, both because I don't perform the asanas inverted (it scares me to do the upside down positions... I know, it's stupid, but it's true), and because it's actually rushed. The main problem is that I don't remember well whether I...
  129. SeguaceDiSatana


    These Jews insult the Gods and defame them as if it were all a joke. Meanwhile, people who watch these movies leave the theater in horror. But not horrified by the Demon, but by how bad, poorly made and stupid the movie is. The only thing these Jews are doing is not being able to "persecute" the...
  130. SeguaceDiSatana

    Please, can you help me evaluate this new advancement program of mine? Please...

    Hello everyone, brothers and sisters. This is my new personal advancement program. Could you check it for me? The main news is that I use the energy of meditation to also obtain desires. HPS Maxine, the noblest, I think once said that it is important to direct energy for our desires and not...
  131. SeguaceDiSatana

    The Cost Of Winning

    Great Jos Guardian, Power of Justice. You have no idea how much good your words did me. I thank you with all my heart. I hope the Gods reward you for all your efforts. I literally loved what you wrote.
  132. SeguaceDiSatana

    What does this sign mean during the spell?

    Hello everyone! How are you? You know, I happened to enter, for the first time during a spell, into extremely deep and intense ecstasy. It already happened to me with meditations on the chakras, but it had NEVER happened to me with a spell (apart from the Final RTR, but that happens to...
  133. SeguaceDiSatana

    Can you continue a spell even with the flu?

    I know that meditating is good during illness. But I wouldn't want to send negative energy from my dirty soul due to illness during the spell.
  134. SeguaceDiSatana

    Can you continue a spell even with the flu?

    I have the flu... but I don't want to interrupt a spell I was doing. Can I continue even if my soul is dirty due to the illness?
  135. SeguaceDiSatana

    About empowering a "friendship" / relationship

    I do not recommend a GEBO Rune work or an actual love spell for three main reasons. These three reasons are related to the fact that, since you don't know her well enough *considering you said you just dated, you may not have developed true romantic love for her yet. So, if you do a love spell...
  136. SeguaceDiSatana

    Serving Satan is what I love most, but...

    I love serving Satan, I don't give a negative meaning to the word "serve" because I don't think that serving the greatest ideals of justice, truth, compassion and benevolence can ever have a negative meaning. Jews serve evil ideals of racism towards all non-Jews and desire for Jewish supremacy...
  137. SeguaceDiSatana

    Conversations with snakes

    (I apologize in advance to all my brothers and sisters if my answer will be a little long, but I really wanted to help this person, or, at least, tell my personal opinion) This type of suggestion that you tell in your stories about the Gods is not new to me. I have already dealt with Satanists...
  138. SeguaceDiSatana


    If your aura is powerful you could program it to attract the desired thing to you. I know the story I'm about to tell you seems bizarre, but I swear it's true: many years ago I needed 5 euros and, for fun, I tried to use my aura to attract a 5 euro banknote to me. I made the statement 100 times...
  139. SeguaceDiSatana

    I want to grow taller but how ?

    There was a time when I actually wanted to be taller. I am extremely short, but I have learned to use my shortness in combat and on top of that I have accepted the natural beauty of my body. Being short gives various natural athletic abilities such as speed, agility, endurance and...
  140. SeguaceDiSatana

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    How beautiful are our Gods! Is it normal that every time I read their description of who the Demons really were and their Divine characteristics I feel an indescribable feeling of attraction? "Attraction" is not exactly the right word because the feelings I feel are deeper and more intense than...
  141. SeguaceDiSatana

    Hello everyone! I’m new!!

    It is so beautiful to see families of Spiritual Satanists united in sincere love. I was truly moved reading this post, it's wonderful, truly welcome, may the future shine beautifully in your life and the present fill you with joy. The benevolence of the Gods creates wonderful and happy miracles...
  142. SeguaceDiSatana

    Marriage & Baptism in Spiritual Satanism: About Love

    Unfortunately, I have a personal problem: having been raised all my life in a family where there was no love and even though my parents are married, they hate each other and constantly attack each other, just as they treat me badly too, I have some " mental problem" in the sense that I am a...
  143. SeguaceDiSatana

    Ritual for beauty through Lilith. Who worked?

    I don't advise you to do strange things found on the internet at random. Also I looked and many of these rituals are also paid and cost hundreds of dollars. If you want to do a ritual for beauty and charm you can use Sanskrit mantras like the mantra of Venus or Sundara or Runes like Kenaz...
  144. SeguaceDiSatana

    Question #4523: What if a spell manifest in the opposite way after 40 days?

    Sorry to bother you, great JoS Guardian, NakedPluto, I'm in the same situation as the user who asked the question, mine was a love spell. I did it for 40 days and I got a degenerative effect in which the girl now loves me less than before. Up until now I thought I was wrong and that I was...
  145. SeguaceDiSatana

    To HPS Lydia please

    Try using the Satanama mantra in multiples of 10 (and affirmations to program energ) along with healthy energy meditations. This will slow down aging. But don't forget to connect to the Earth by doing fun things to enjoy life. The more you live your life, the later you will die, look at the old...
  146. SeguaceDiSatana

    Which demon can I call on to help me lose weight?

    Losing weight too quickly is bad for your health. Also, not all the weight you lose is necessarily excess fat, but can also be a loss of muscle or water. Our beloved and glorious Demons are not here to do things to us to make us avoid striving and being strong. Satanism is not the lazy path...
  147. SeguaceDiSatana

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Dear HP, as usual you show yourself to be truly wise, and as always you know what to do, your choices glorify the Gods and show us the right indications on how to proceed in the best ways. Thank you. This new schedule of rituals we've all been waiting for is like a dream come true.
  148. SeguaceDiSatana

    Rune of manifestation

    Thanks, it's really helpful! :)
  149. SeguaceDiSatana

    Rune of manifestation

    In your opinion, dear brothers and sisters, it would make sense to cast a spell of RAIDHO + JERA + SOWILO to make things manifest that have not yet manifested themselves, such as situations for which a spell has been cast, but whose effects are not yet seen, or physical conditions and...
  150. SeguaceDiSatana

    Question to HPS Lydia

    (If it's not too personal) May I ask, magnificent HPS Lydia, how did you manage to see the Gods and after how long? What meditations did you do? I know it's a trivial question and maybe I'm wrong to ask it, but if you can help me, I would be INFINITELY grateful. If you can't answer, don't worry...
  151. SeguaceDiSatana

    Power words for the chakras?

    THANK YOU so much! :D
  152. SeguaceDiSatana

    Power words for the chakras?

    Thank you, dear and kind brother! :D However, I already knew those words of power that are used in the opening meditations. My topic was more specific on Egyptian mantras and Runes. :D I am currently using several power words to empower my chakras. 40 times I vibrate in each chakra: 1) The...
  153. SeguaceDiSatana

    Power words for the chakras?

    Could you give me a little help, please? I know that the Egyptian mantras for the chakras are: RA for the third chakra AMUN for the fourth chakra THOTH for the sixth chakra. Could you give me the Egyptian mantras of the remaining chakras please? And I would also like to ask you for the updated...
  154. SeguaceDiSatana

    Write Down Your Problems

    Great HP, I take this opportunity to explain my problem. No magical working that affects other people ever works. The spells I do on myself have a lot of effectiveness, but when I have to do something to someone that is not healing, but is, for example, a love spell or to improve my...
  155. SeguaceDiSatana

    Pianist - A Jewish Movie

    I saw this movie with school years ago. The plot is "fantastic and exciting"! The plot: a Jew cries, and then continues to cry. 60 different AWARDS, including OSCAR awards for best movie, actor and screenplay! Jokes aside, this movie was the most boring event of my life. When my teacher asked...
  156. SeguaceDiSatana

    Yantra for meditation in Sanskrit

    Are those Vedic Chakra Yantras good for meditating while performing Sanskrit vibrations? (those with the flower structure). I ask this question for the 8 step path. Thanks so much in advance for all the replies!
  157. SeguaceDiSatana

    Problems in anyway? Call Me At :(+1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT

    Great HP, if I can give you my personal opinion (opinion not requested), I think you have a lot of value as a living being not only because of what you do (great works), but you also have a lot of value because you do what you do DESPITE the attacks that you receive from all over the world and...
  158. SeguaceDiSatana

    ✡︎Rothschild✡︎ Has Died

    Great HP, I wonder why many people openly stand against Satan despite knowing the evil they are doing and knowing that one day they will have to meet him. Now, maybe I can also understand that the Jews have this madness culturally and naturally, but why in history have we also seen conscious...
  159. SeguaceDiSatana

    Power Ritual of Set - question on an energy issue

    Over the past few days I performed the Demon Set power ritual again. As I did so I felt a powerful energy of joy directly within my soul. But it's not over yet, I continue to feel it in a very powerful way and it lasts all day when I perform the ritual. It's a really beautiful and very strong...
  160. SeguaceDiSatana

    Mantra of Mercury

    Hello everyone! I'll be short with my question so I don't waste your time! :) Can you please tell me about the double A of the Mercury mantra, specifically how do you pronounce it? In the audio there seemed to be a gap between the two A's. But I didn't understand well. Thank you so much!
  161. SeguaceDiSatana

    Mi dite se è tutto giusto?

    Scusate, per favore, potreste controllare una cosa a cui tengo? Ho parlato sul forum inglese del fatto che la ragazza che mi piaceva si fosse fidanzata con uno di razza diversa. Io, qualche tempo dopo, ho umilmente pregato Padre Satana di fare giustizia e farli dividere, promettendogli che gli...
  162. SeguaceDiSatana

    Ask The Gods: "But I Cannot"

    I have experiences of what you say. Some time ago a friend of mine was doing Ouija and was talking about me. Then she came to tell me that she had asked why I never received any sign from the Gods. The Deity with whom she was doing the Ouija board replied that the Gods were sending me signs, but...
  163. SeguaceDiSatana

    How important are personal planetary transits in spells?

    For example, if I have a Saturn-Venus conjunction (or Venus-Saturn) and I want to cast a love spell, can I do it anyway or would it be better to avoid it? Thank you all so much! :)
  164. SeguaceDiSatana

    What Will The Gods Think?

    HP, you're the best, that's all I have to say; You are a wonderful person, thank you so much for this beautiful sermon. So, in your opinion, if we have serious obstacles that apparently seem unsolvable, and at that moment we feel abandoned to ourselves, in reality there is the possibility that...
  165. SeguaceDiSatana

    Thoughts in the head

    Okay, I know this may seem like a troll question, but I have a doubt that I absolutely need to clarify please, please help me... In all (ALL) situations in which I have to make immediate and important decisions, for years now, I have had a voice in my head, like a thought, that tells me what is...
  166. SeguaceDiSatana


    Can I ask you something please? What do you think about the mantra "KAMAGNI" (the fire of love) that was suggested in this forum by a High Priestess? THANK YOU!
  167. SeguaceDiSatana

    Specchio nero-Allenamento personale

    Credimi ci hai preso completamente sia sui miei gusti di capelli che su tutto il resto. Sono rimasto veramente impressionato dalla tua precisione...!! Complimenti sinceri, fratello! Sei stato incredibile!
  168. SeguaceDiSatana

    Crystal Balls: Scrying, Spiritual Communication

    One question, Lady Lydia, but can you just have visions with this crystal ball or also hear things? And if so, what is the procedure for using astral hearing?
  169. SeguaceDiSatana

    Crystal Balls: Scrying, Spiritual Communication

    I really don't know how to thank you for this very useful post. Truly, I could never express how much this will help me!
  170. SeguaceDiSatana

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

    I sincerely thank you, Wonderful HPS Lydia, for your kind response. I will really put a lot of effort into this program of RTRs and reverse this typical Jewish crap!
  171. SeguaceDiSatana

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

    Great HP, I'm just afraid that these Jews might use all the deadly energy of the Gaza war for their own purposes as they do with their constant blood sacrifices. What do you think about it? A lot of people die and that means a lot of ritualistic energy for them.
  172. SeguaceDiSatana

    Specchio nero-Allenamento personale

    Ti pongo io due domande, fratello! 8-) Qual è il colore di capelli che mi piace di più in una ragazza? Biondo, rosso, castano o moro? E quello che mi piace di meno? Dovrebbe facilitarti questa domanda perché forse ti basterà vedere il colore che ti esce... In ogni caso mi potresti dire come...
  173. SeguaceDiSatana

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    Thank you HP for this ritual too. Every time you bring something new it's like a dream come true. I am extremely happy, blessings to Amon Ra! The way the enemy is defeated and the glory of those on Satan's side advances can only fill my heart with joy. And to you, blessed High Priest, I truly...
  174. SeguaceDiSatana

    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

    I would also really like to see a ritual for Amon Ra come out. However HP Cobra has 100% of my complete trust and any ritual he will give us I will be very happy!
  175. SeguaceDiSatana

    Carro di Ra - "R" arrotata o meno?

    Ho un po' di paura di suggestionarmi. Diciamo che ho provato senza vibrare "Ra" come nel primo passo del Magnum Opus e riesco sia a percepire che visualizzare l'energia nei chakra, però ho paura che se non so la vibrazione corretta mi suggestiono...
  176. SeguaceDiSatana

    Carro di Ra - "R" arrotata o meno?

    Salve, scusatemi... ... vi volevo chiedere una cosa per favore... Stavo leggendo questo topic: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=24830#p110580 Il punto tre non mi è chiaro... dice che bisogna vibrare in ogni chakra dove fai passare la sfera: "RA", e di non arrotare la R. Ma poi...
  177. SeguaceDiSatana

    About my relationship with Father Satan...

    Lately my understanding of the things around me has been increasing a lot and I am becoming more and more aware of what surrounds me (due to meditation?). I have always had faith in Father Satan, but "faith" does not necessarily mean "trust". When you have faith in something, you have faith in...
  178. SeguaceDiSatana

    Is this good or blasphemous?

    I was thinking that I really love the Yule season. For me Yule is sacredness made festive. And since Santa Claus is a children's name for Father Satan, I would like to do a standard ritual to Father Satan (thinking of him for that evening as Santa Claus) in which the prayer I burn would be...
  179. SeguaceDiSatana


    Hello everyone, I don't usually bring personal problems to the forum because I don't like putting negativity in the forum. However, I have a small personal problem. I fell in love with a girl. The reason for this is that she makes me very happy by being a cheerful and nice girl. Obviously the...
  180. SeguaceDiSatana

    Data tema natale Gopi Krishna

    La data ed il luogo dovrebbero essere sicuramente giuste. L'unico dubbio che si potrebbe avere è la validità dell'orario, anche se il sito di Astro-seek dice che è quello l'orario però non l'ho trovata da nessun altra parte l'ora di nascita. Avranno sicuramente le loro fonti comunque.
  181. SeguaceDiSatana

    Gopi krishna e Kundalini

    Secondo me sarebbe un eccezionale approfondimento ed aiuterebbe effettivamente la comprensione. Attendo con ansia allora!! :D Buona fortuna!
  182. SeguaceDiSatana

    Gopi krishna e Kundalini

    Come ti ho scritto sulla sezione inglese del forum allo stesso topic, ti ringrazio infinitamente, Fratello, per queste informazioni che cercavo da tempo. Spero che Satana te ne renda merito, apprezzo davvero i tuoi servizi per migliorare la nostra comunità!
  183. SeguaceDiSatana

    Gopi Krishna and Kundalini

    Big thanks to you, Brother! I was looking for this information for a long time. May Satan give you credit for your great effort! GLORY TO SATAN AND THE GODS!
  184. SeguaceDiSatana

    JoS Donors Free Article: A Story About HPS Maxine

    There are no words to describe the greatness of HPS Maxine. There aren't any at all. We at JoS are the luckiest people possible to have had her among us. I wish her only the best. You too, HP Cobra, you are a great High Priest and we all care about you and we all are very fond of you. My...
  185. SeguaceDiSatana

    Does it happen to you too? Is it normal?

    Some time ago I contacted the wonderful God Forneus to ask him if he could guide me in my study. I waited for a sign and after a while, as I was sitting on my desk, I found a playing card on it, it was the card of the seven of wands (the card associated with Forneus). The fact is that I...
  186. SeguaceDiSatana

    How to use Demon Rituals for personal goals?

    I apologize, HP, I have a question to ask. To understand what is the right personal purpose for which to perform a ritual for the Gods, can we understand it from the description of the Demon's characteristics found on the JoS website? For example, in a time when I am performing a love ritual...
  187. SeguaceDiSatana


    Can I say that I love these rituals for the Gods?
  188. SeguaceDiSatana

    Ciao a tutti, aiutatemi

    Ciao, ho letto la tua storia e ti dico che mi dispiace davvero per quello che hai passato. Tu sei insicura sul Satanismo, però osserva quali sono stati gli effetti del Cristianesimo su di te, pensi davvero che sia roba positiva? Quelle psicosi che hai raccontato purtroppo sono la triste...
  189. SeguaceDiSatana

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Salve! Non vorrei davvero disturbare, ma mi chiedevo il significato si un sogno. :) Praticamente ho sognato che prendevo un autobus per andare in un piazzale della mia città che frequento spesso nella vita reale e che in passato frequentavo con una mia ex amica che mi piaceva ed il suo gruppo...
  190. SeguaceDiSatana

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Salve, è uscito il nuovo Sermone, proverò quindi a tradurlo: Global Forest "Fires" That Are Ongoing https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=88932
  191. SeguaceDiSatana

    [Trad] Il Silenzio è d'oro - Riguardo gli esterni

    Traduzione del Sermone: "Silence si Golden - About Outsiders" scritto da HP Hoodedcobra666 il 21 Agosto 2023: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=88880 ________ Molte volte in questa vita, o per stupidità o perché uno semplicemente non capisce nulla, ti sentirai tentato di dire a...
  192. SeguaceDiSatana

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Salve! Avrei provato a tradurre: "Silence is Golden: About Outsiders" https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=88880
  193. SeguaceDiSatana


    Io personalmente mi sono rivolto a Satana perché ho visto che la mia vita ed io stavamo andando al disastro con la mia vita che era un disastro ed io che ero completamente impotente nel tentare di salvarla. Per giunta, il Cristianesimo perdeva senso davanti allo studio della scienza, della...
  194. SeguaceDiSatana


    Io non mi rivolgo mai a Satana in cerca di qualcuno che risolva tutti i miei problemi mentre io mi sdraio comodo sul divano. Piuttosto lavoro costantemente per risolvermeli da solo attraverso il duro impegno ed i lavori sull'anima. Satana non può vivere la vita al posto nostro. Siamo noi che...
  195. SeguaceDiSatana

    I fuked up

    Let sad events in our lives break down morally is very common for many people. However, a stronger mentality suggests that it doesn't matter how many obstacles we have to overcome, but what is really important is how much we don't get impressed by the evil in our lives and that we try to solve...
  196. SeguaceDiSatana

    Sun Square

    You can find the answer you are looking for here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=66793
  197. SeguaceDiSatana

    What to do about Jew bitch rat stalker retards?

    White energy can be used to repel and keep unwanted people away when placed in someone's aura.
  198. SeguaceDiSatana

    i never really cleaned my soul and chakras

    If you really want to progress the way you want, you shouldn't rush things. The desire to improve our lives is very right and it is the correct mentality, but the rush to do it is the worst way to approach solving a problem. You can't think that years of problems are solved in a few days, it...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
