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selling my soul

Oh my, I hate your Name, tobias means „Yaweh is good“

Read the Joy of Satan if you really want to establish a relationship to Satan.
You can't. Satan doesn't buy Souls. That is jewish shit. Your Soul is your own to keep and improve, empower and advance, including in healing where necessary. Satan is not a wish-granting genie, either; you do things to gain things yourself. Go through this site properly -


to learn more. Then to continue your learning, go through these properly, as well -

https://groups-archive.com [down currently; visit this link to download it, if it is safe for you to do so - https://mega.nz/#F!vzQ0QATD!G91quBFThyEjXpOmw4BwRw]
This groups-archive site is an archive of threads and posts from

Joy of Satan 666

On the Yahoo! Groups, there are also these -

Advanced Meditation

Hell's Army 666

JoS Newsletter

Satanic Gay Community

Teens 4 Satan

There are threads and posts by members on there which do not appear on here, but if you prefer these forums, then you don't have to use the Yahoo! Groups.

Of course, also visit the rest of this forum -

There is a lot to go through, so go at your own speed.

What do you want in life? You don't have to tell me, but you can achieve that, whatever it is, if you work hard enough - but be realistic. It has to be possible, and it has to be possible Physically. Have realistic goals, and work towards them realistically.

You must also learn about your own Astrology - but be extremely careful when giving this, and the details you need to learn this, out to people; anyone with the correct knowledge and your Astrology chart (Natal chart) can ruin you and destroy your life, or end your life. Never reveal your personal details, either. For your Natal chart, you need your date, time and location of birth; remember - don't reveal these out to people carelessly! You can see HPHoodedCobra666 and/or Lydia here to purchase Astrology readings from them, or you can learn it yourself free and not have to a single penny; however, since find it complex and complicated.

Learning is free, knowledge is unlimited, and improvement, empowerment and advancement is eternal. It might not always be easy, though. Sometimes you might not feel anything, or you might think that nothing is happening, but it is accumulative. Repetition and consistency are key, so go at your own speed.
Father Satan is not soul merchant. You are misguided and deluded. If you mean to dedication, dedicating your soul is not selling it.

I highly suggest you to read the Joy Of Satan webpage first. Read it thoroughly and very carefully.
tobias666 said:
Hi i wanted to know how to sell my soul to Satan
Dude, selling your soul is an abrahamic ideology, you are not selling your soul to anyone, your soul is yours. We dedicate to father Satan. Father Satan is giving knowledge and freedom, and the Gods/Demons are not wishing wells. Here is the link for the dedication

And start reading the entire site
I'll buy it for $10. Take it or leave it.
You don’t sell your soul, with that you are just referring to xianity, we are not xians nor reverse xians.
Read and study joyofsatan.com and exposingchristianity.com
You don't "sell" your soul to Satan.

You can preform a dedication ritual which affirms your goals to become like the Gods here: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html

However, you will not instantly gain riches or fame, or any other outlandish desire. Spiritual Satanism is about being able to gain these things and so much more ourselves, over time and through hard work. Please read the main JoS website (http://joyofsatan.org), this information is all available there.
Come hither mortal I have an offer. Lol just invest in your own self and do works for satan. That's the key read jos site and all PDFs in Satan's library. Change the sn . we dedicate to satan and he doesn't require your soul.
Do you even have a soul? Can you feel it? Can you use it for anything? What would your soul even be worth, after thousand years of not doing anything at all to take care of yourself or strengthen yourself. Neglecting it and letting it weaken and rot away down to nothing. Your soul is no stronger or more valuable than the soul of any inanimate object, as it is weakened and worthless down to that level. What value would this even have? Satan wouldn't want to waste his time with any of that.

What Satan does, is he teaches you how to care for your soul. How to excercise it, how to clean it, how to use it, how to make it stronger and healthier. Satan doesn't buy souls, what he does is he gives you a soul where you basically didn't even have one before, because your soul was at such a weakened and worthless level. Satan gives to you a strong healthy useful soul for free, the only cost is the effort of putting in the work to take care of yourself and exercise yourself to a higher level.
Because of Goddess Maxine we finally found the real Father Satan aka the God we spiritual satanist know

But listen to this there are two Satans
The real Father Satan/God aka the one we serve
While the other one is fake Satan aka Yahweh we have seen greys become three beings as one being aka the kike evil Yahweh,the slave Jesus and the deceptive Holy Spirit which means Yahweh created 4 of himself easily the 4th Yahweh is fake Satan
Similar to after image
In the enemy Yahweh’s bible it explains the Satan in the Bible is the fake Satan aka a thought form/angel
The Bible explains Yahweh is fake Satan
Yahweh made it this way to confuse and deceive people
Anton levey is a fake satanist
Alestor Crowley is a fake satanist
Always remember any liar that says they are a satanist while they are teaching to do evil things means that they are fake satanist aka worshiper of the fake version of Satan aka Yahweh
The Jew Anton levey and the fake church of Satan is really worship of the fake Satan aka Yahweh proof? Is just look at the acts
In all of Old Testament Yahweh has done the most evil things including human blood sacrifice,making fathers eat their sons in Ezekiel 5 10 and hundreds of more
Remember only Yahweh does blood sacrifice and evil things
Notice how Anton did and said blood sacrifice is good?
And notice how Antons actions and teachings are things only Yahweh does
This is a way to catch Jew infiltrators
The Illuminati serve Yahweh

Now this is where people make mistakes when people run away from Yahweh they try to find Satan but what happens is the person doesn’t reject Yahweh which makes a opening for fake Satan/Yahweh to come in and deceive you to torture you more this is how Yahweh still traps the person
People that have made this mistake are idiots in Yahweh’s Illuminati

The only way to find the real Satan is rejecting Yahweh and all of Yahweh’s other forms
Then you dedicate your soul to Father Satan

The only way to find real demons is to reject Yahweh’s angels and thoughtforms

Goddess Maxine is the first real satanist
Goddess Maxine is the first to find the real Satan and demons once again
I ❤️ Goddess Maxine for eternity

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
