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Recipes for our Holidays


Active member
Nov 14, 2020
With Satan, always.
Greetings, everyone.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles with what to cook for the Satanic Holidays to celebrate with feasts and dinners, so I've decided to make a thread where we can explore ideas and post different recipes here for people to use on the Holidays, if they so desire.

I've got a couple recipes from childhood that I can share, and a few other recipes online that are really good. The wording of my childhood recipes are a little bit odd compared to more modern ones since they come from an old country house style cook book.


(Essentially mini pancakes)


  • 25g of butter
    1 tablespoon of golden syrup
    1/2 cup of sugar
    2 eggs
    1/4 cup of milk
    1 & 1/2 cups of flour
    1 teaspoon of baking soda
    1 teaspoon of cream of tartar

1) Melt the butter in the bowl in which you will mix the pikelets. Add a rounded spoon of golden syrup, and warm until this is softened too.
2) Add the sugar and eggs and beat until mixed, with a rotary beater.
3) Add the milk, then shake in the sifted flour, baking soda, and cream of tartar.
4) Beat very briefly with the beater, until there are no floury lumps, but stopping before the mixture is smooth. It is important not to overmix at this stage.
5) Heat a large pan, preferably with a non-stick surface. If it has a thermostat, heat to 180*C or 350*F. If not, heat until a drop of water on the surface breaks into several smaller drops, and these run around the pan. Then spray or butter it lightly. 6) Spoon a household tablespoon of batter into the pan, spreading it into an even circle.
7) Turn the pikelet when bubbles break, and the underside is golden brown. Cook until golden on that side too.
8) Remove the pikelet from the pan, and serve warm on a plate with butter or syrup. Cook the next pikelet, and repeat until all the batter is gone.

American Pancakes:

  • 50g of butter, melted
    2 eggs
    1 cup of milk
    1 & 1/2 cups of self-raising flour
    3 tablespoons of sugar

1) Measure ingredients into a fairly large bowl, in the order listed. Beat with a rotary beater just until no longer lumpy, but do not overbeat, or pancakes will be tough.
2) Heat a smooth metal surface (frypan or griddle) until a drop of water dances around the pan (to 190*C or 350*F), then spray or butter it lightly.
3) Tip about 1/4 cup of batter into the pan, spreading it into an even circle.
4) Turn the pancake when bubbles break, and the underside is golden brown. Cook until golden on that side too.
5) Remove the pancake from the pan, and serve warm on a plate with butter or syrup. Cook the next pancake, and repeat until all the batter is gone.

Pumpkin Cake:

Chocolate Cupcakes:

This recipe is also really good as just a cake too.

Apple Turnovers:

The pastry from this recipe can be used to make biscuits and such as well. The way it tells you to combine the flour and butter is a little weird. You can just use your hands and crumble the butter and flour together with your fingers in a "making money" motion (if that makes any sense). It ends up looking a little like corn meal once it's combined together.


P.S. Shadowcat, please share your dinner recipes! :p
tabby said:
Greetings, everyone.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles with what to cook for the Satanic Holidays to celebrate with feasts and dinners, so I've decided to make a thread where we can explore ideas and post different recipes here for people to use on the Holidays, if they so desire.

I've got a couple recipes from childhood that I can share, and a few other recipes online that are really good. The wording of my childhood recipes are a little bit odd compared to more modern ones since they come from an old country house style cook book.


(Essentially mini pancakes)


  • 25g of butter
    1 tablespoon of golden syrup
    1/2 cup of sugar
    2 eggs
    1/4 cup of milk
    1 & 1/2 cups of flour
    1 teaspoon of baking soda
    1 teaspoon of cream of tartar

1) Melt the butter in the bowl in which you will mix the pikelets. Add a rounded spoon of golden syrup, and warm until this is softened too.
2) Add the sugar and eggs and beat until mixed, with a rotary beater.
3) Add the milk, then shake in the sifted flour, baking soda, and cream of tartar.
4) Beat very briefly with the beater, until there are no floury lumps, but stopping before the mixture is smooth. It is important not to overmix at this stage.
5) Heat a large pan, preferably with a non-stick surface. If it has a thermostat, heat to 180*C or 350*F. If not, heat until a drop of water on the surface breaks into several smaller drops, and these run around the pan. Then spray or butter it lightly. 6) Spoon a household tablespoon of batter into the pan, spreading it into an even circle.
7) Turn the pikelet when bubbles break, and the underside is golden brown. Cook until golden on that side too.
8) Remove the pikelet from the pan, and serve warm on a plate with butter or syrup. Cook the next pikelet, and repeat until all the batter is gone.

American Pancakes:

  • 50g of butter, melted
    2 eggs
    1 cup of milk
    1 & 1/2 cups of self-raising flour
    3 tablespoons of sugar

1) Measure ingredients into a fairly large bowl, in the order listed. Beat with a rotary beater just until no longer lumpy, but do not overbeat, or pancakes will be tough.
2) Heat a smooth metal surface (frypan or griddle) until a drop of water dances around the pan (to 190*C or 350*F), then spray or butter it lightly.
3) Tip about 1/4 cup of batter into the pan, spreading it into an even circle.
4) Turn the pancake when bubbles break, and the underside is golden brown. Cook until golden on that side too.
5) Remove the pancake from the pan, and serve warm on a plate with butter or syrup. Cook the next pancake, and repeat until all the batter is gone.

Pumpkin Cake:

Chocolate Cupcakes:

This recipe is also really good as just a cake too.

Apple Turnovers:

The pastry from this recipe can be used to make biscuits and such as well. The way it tells you to combine the flour and butter is a little weird. You can just use your hands and crumble the butter and flour together with your fingers in a "making money" motion (if that makes any sense). It ends up looking a little like corn meal once it's combined together.


P.S. Shadowcat, please share your dinner recipes! :p
Thanks for posting!
It's very useful! :)
I didn't really know what to cook and well I don't even hurry.

Personally i love to make flatbread be it for breakfast or a holiday, Its extremely simple to make, takes about 10-15 minutes and it tastes great! especially warm :p You do not need an oven for this by the way.

I do not have exact measurements but this is roughly the receipt i'm using:

20 grams of unfiltered biological flour (Not sure what the English name is for this)
100 grams of biological flour
3-4 grams of salt (Preferably Himalaya salt)
And a swig of extra virgin olive oil
Lastly some lukewarm water

How to make it:

Mix the flours and salt together, after this you pour in a swig of olive oil together with enough warm water to get the dough going. mix everything together and kneed the dough for 5 to 10 minutes or until you have a dough is somewhat springy and soft, it should not stick or crumble if this is the case either pour in some more water or flour.

Ones you are satisfied with the dough, break it up into little balls that fit snugly in the palm of your hand and roll them out with a dough roller. Now fold the dough 2 times, and roll the dough out until it is paper thin (Or however flat you want it to be).

For the next step you need to get a frying pan and pre-heat it, the pan needs to be hot this is needed to get air trapped inside of the bread. once the pan is hot sprinkle a tiny bit of olive oil on the surface of the pan and put the dough inside. within seconds air bubbles should form, if this is not the case the pan might need to be even hotter. Turn the bread around after 1-2 minutes or until golden brown, the other side needs another minute or so, after this the bread is done.

I hope that my explanation makes sense and that it is going to be useful to someone.

I make this bread often in the morning together with egg and sauerkraut.... to me this tastes incredible, and it is quite a good and healthy start of the day.
SSinHeartandSoul said:

Personally i love to make flatbread be it for breakfast or a holiday, Its extremely simple to make, takes about 10-15 minutes and it tastes great! especially warm :p You do not need an oven for this by the way.

I do not have exact measurements but this is roughly the receipt i'm using:

20 grams of unfiltered biological flour (Not sure what the English name is for this)
100 grams of biological flour
3-4 grams of salt (Preferably Himalaya salt)
And a swig of extra virgin olive oil
Lastly some lukewarm water

How to make it:

Mix the flours and salt together, after this you pour in a swig of olive oil together with enough warm water to get the dough going. mix everything together and kneed the dough for 5 to 10 minutes or until you have a dough is somewhat springy and soft, it should not stick or crumble if this is the case either pour in some more water or flour.

Ones you are satisfied with the dough, break it up into little balls that fit snugly in the palm of your hand and roll them out with a dough roller. Now fold the dough 2 times, and roll the dough out until it is paper thin (Or however flat you want it to be).

For the next step you need to get a frying pan and pre-heat it, the pan needs to be hot this is needed to get air trapped inside of the bread. once the pan is hot sprinkle a tiny bit of olive oil on the surface of the pan and put the dough inside. within seconds air bubbles should form, if this is not the case the pan might need to be even hotter. Turn the bread around after 1-2 minutes or until golden brown, the other side needs another minute or so, after this the bread is done.

I hope that my explanation makes sense and that it is going to be useful to someone.

I make this bread often in the morning together with egg and sauerkraut.... to me this tastes incredible, and it is quite a good and healthy start of the day.

Very nice! I love flatbread. Thank you for sharing :D

I tried to google what you are referring to with the biological flour (I've never heard of that before), and found something by the name of Farina Biologica. Correct me if my findings are wrong, it's a type of soft organic flour?
Siatris Ioholo said:
Thanks for posting!
It's very useful! :)
I didn't really know what to cook and well I don't even hurry.

No problem, and thank you!

That's alright. Like I said, this thread is just here if people want to use any of the recipes posted.
tabby said:
Very nice! I love flatbread. Thank you for sharing :D

I tried to google what you are referring to with the biological flour (I've never heard of that before), and found something by the name of Farina Biologica. Correct me if my findings are wrong, it's a type of soft organic flour?


Like i said i do not know the English name for it, it basically is unrefined flour, so as natural as possible, Organic flour is probably the right description for it. I was talking about 2 types of flour one that is unfiltered and still has all of the gluten inside of it, and another one that is filtered / sieved removing the gluten. The filtered one has a nicer texture and tastes a little better, so this makes for a better bread overall.

Since there are a million different kinds of flour it is kinda hard to pinpoint the the flour that i use, the best description that i can give is that it has to be as natural as possible, gluten can cause problems in one so its best to mainly use flour that is sieved.
i found a site that had some


i had no idea on what or how to celibate it when i first started whichcraft, this was before i became a ss, so i looked around an found this site

they have some good recipes
SSinHeartandSoul said:
tabby said:
Very nice! I love flatbread. Thank you for sharing :D

I tried to google what you are referring to with the biological flour (I've never heard of that before), and found something by the name of Farina Biologica. Correct me if my findings are wrong, it's a type of soft organic flour?


Like i said i do not know the English name for it, it basically is unrefined flour, so as natural as possible, Organic flour is probably the right description for it. I was talking about 2 types of flour one that is unfiltered and still has all of the gluten inside of it, and another one that is filtered / sieved removing the gluten. The filtered one has a nicer texture and tastes a little better, so this makes for a better bread overall.

Since there are a million different kinds of flour it is kinda hard to pinpoint the the flour that i use, the best description that i can give is that it has to be as natural as possible, gluten can cause problems in one so its best to mainly use flour that is sieved.

I see. That kinda reminds me of old movies and such, where they depict country folk making the flour at old flour mills, and they simply bag it up after grinding it down, and that's it. From the seed and soil, to the final processing, it's all natural.

There's a few organic markets locally, so it might be possible to find something like that in such places. I'm really curious now how such a bread would taste with that kind of flour compared to what I'm used to. :lol:
Satnam666 said:
i found a site that had some


i had no idea on what or how to celibate it when i first started whichcraft, this was before i became a ss, so i looked around an found this site

they have some good recipes

Oh neat, I recognize that web page! I think I stumbled on that website last year at Beltane looking for cooking ideas, lol.

Thank you for linking it :)
tabby said:
I see. That kinda reminds me of old movies and such, where they depict country folk making the flour at old flour mills, and they simply bag it up after grinding it down, and that's it. From the seed and soil, to the final processing, it's all natural.

There's a few organic markets locally, so it might be possible to find something like that in such places. I'm really curious now how such a bread would taste with that kind of flour compared to what I'm used to. :lol:

It is a world of difference, i don't want to use any other flour than the flour that i am currently using, it's that much better in my opinion.

If you go to a place that sells organic flour ask them for flour that is as natural as possible. That or if you ever visit the Netherlands you can find old windmills that are still producing and selling flour like they used to in the old day, that's where i get mine from.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
tabby said:
I see. That kinda reminds me of old movies and such, where they depict country folk making the flour at old flour mills, and they simply bag it up after grinding it down, and that's it. From the seed and soil, to the final processing, it's all natural.

There's a few organic markets locally, so it might be possible to find something like that in such places. I'm really curious now how such a bread would taste with that kind of flour compared to what I'm used to. :lol:

It is a world of difference, i don't want to use any other flour than the flour that i am currently using, it's that much better in my opinion.

If you go to a place that sells organic flour ask them for flour that is as natural as possible. That or if you ever visit the Netherlands you can find old windmills that are still producing and selling flour like they used to in the old day, that's where i get mine from.

Wow, that's so cool! I'm feeling really happy right now, and excited. Just the thought of making home bread with flour like that is warming my soul.
Nuuuuu :lol: here i am off sugar and junk and carbs for awhile and trying to work on my bubble butt and here you come with the delicious fatasseryyyy :p

Well ok i can share one also. This one is pretty nice for yule and was actually my moms and a childhood favorite. (around yuletime ill share some cookie recipies :D)

Homemade taffy: 1 cup of sugar, 1/8 tsp of salt, 1/2 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of light corn syrup.

Get you one of those glass cups with ice water. keep stirring the candy into a mix. check droplets of it in the ice water every now and then until it forms a hard ball upon impact into the water.

after that pour it into a buttered pan. add any food coloring or flavor that you want. peppermint spearmint and lemon and cinnamon are my favs. but many others can be used.

butter your hands and start pulling and mixing it until it becomes a pearly color and cut it into pieces. You can also dip them in powdered sugar or make them into lollipops. Enjoy.

The longer you cook the candy the harder it becomes upon cooling. you either can cook hard candy or chewy taffy. Your preference :).
Shadowcat said:
Nuuuuu :lol: here i am off sugar and junk and carbs for awhile and trying to work on my bubble butt and here you come with the delicious fatasseryyyy :p

Well ok i can share one also. This one is pretty nice for yule and was actually my moms and a childhood favorite. (around yuletime ill share some cookie recipies :D)

Homemade taffy: 1 cup of sugar, 1/8 tsp of salt, 1/2 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of light corn syrup.

Get you one of those glass cups with ice water. keep stirring the candy into a mix. check droplets of it in the ice water every now and then until it forms a hard ball upon impact into the water.

after that pour it into a buttered pan. add any food coloring or flavor that you want. peppermint spearmint and lemon and cinnamon are my favs. but many others can be used.

butter your hands and start pulling and mixing it until it becomes a pearly color and cut it into pieces. You can also dip them in powdered sugar or make them into lollipops. Enjoy.

The longer you cook the candy the harder it becomes upon cooling. you either can cook hard candy or chewy taffy. Your preference :).

Hahah, savory recipes are welcome as well, of course ;) . I'm just more of a baker so I have baking recipes, and I experiment with dinners so I don't currently have any savory recipes to share, since I just go with intuition for flavors and combinations. lol. :lol: .

One of my favorite flavors of taffy is watermelon. Is there a substitute for corn syrup? That stuff gives me the itches.
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
Nuuuuu :lol: here i am off sugar and junk and carbs for awhile and trying to work on my bubble butt and here you come with the delicious fatasseryyyy :p

Well ok i can share one also. This one is pretty nice for yule and was actually my moms and a childhood favorite. (around yuletime ill share some cookie recipies :D)

Homemade taffy: 1 cup of sugar, 1/8 tsp of salt, 1/2 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of light corn syrup.

Get you one of those glass cups with ice water. keep stirring the candy into a mix. check droplets of it in the ice water every now and then until it forms a hard ball upon impact into the water.

after that pour it into a buttered pan. add any food coloring or flavor that you want. peppermint spearmint and lemon and cinnamon are my favs. but many others can be used.

butter your hands and start pulling and mixing it until it becomes a pearly color and cut it into pieces. You can also dip them in powdered sugar or make them into lollipops. Enjoy.

The longer you cook the candy the harder it becomes upon cooling. you either can cook hard candy or chewy taffy. Your preference :).

Hahah, savory recipes are welcome as well, of course ;) . I'm just more of a baker so I have baking recipes, and I experiment with dinners so I don't currently have any savory recipes to share, since I just go with intuition for flavors and combinations. lol. :lol: .

One of my favorite flavors of taffy is watermelon. Is there a substitute for corn syrup? That stuff gives me the itches.

Itches huh? hmm. I'm not sure how well all of these substitute for what the corn syrup is supposed to do in my taffy recipe but here is a list i found. https://robustkitchen.com/8-best-corn-syrup-substitutes-invert-and-non-invert-options/

Thank for this, I love cooking and baking. I am on a restrictive diet right now, and I don't eat sugar or starchy carbohydrates, but I will save these for the Satanic holidays, it wont hurt :)

One thing I love doing in Yule is the ginger biscuits, I think it is called gingerbread or something , but I am sure everyone knows the recipe for that one. Its just not a thing in my country so I was amazed when I first tried them.
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
Nuuuuu :lol: here i am off sugar and junk and carbs for awhile and trying to work on my bubble butt and here you come with the delicious fatasseryyyy :p

Well ok i can share one also. This one is pretty nice for yule and was actually my moms and a childhood favorite. (around yuletime ill share some cookie recipies :D)

Homemade taffy: 1 cup of sugar, 1/8 tsp of salt, 1/2 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of light corn syrup.

Get you one of those glass cups with ice water. keep stirring the candy into a mix. check droplets of it in the ice water every now and then until it forms a hard ball upon impact into the water.

after that pour it into a buttered pan. add any food coloring or flavor that you want. peppermint spearmint and lemon and cinnamon are my favs. but many others can be used.

butter your hands and start pulling and mixing it until it becomes a pearly color and cut it into pieces. You can also dip them in powdered sugar or make them into lollipops. Enjoy.

The longer you cook the candy the harder it becomes upon cooling. you either can cook hard candy or chewy taffy. Your preference :).

Hahah, savory recipes are welcome as well, of course ;) . I'm just more of a baker so I have baking recipes, and I experiment with dinners so I don't currently have any savory recipes to share, since I just go with intuition for flavors and combinations. lol. :lol: .

One of my favorite flavors of taffy is watermelon. Is there a substitute for corn syrup? That stuff gives me the itches.

Itches huh? hmm. I'm not sure how well all of these substitute for what the corn syrup is supposed to do in my taffy recipe but here is a list i found. https://robustkitchen.com/8-best-corn-syrup-substitutes-invert-and-non-invert-options/

Doesn't hurt to try it out. Thank you, sister :)
BlackOnyx8 said:

Thank for this, I love cooking and baking. I am on a restrictive diet right now, and I don't eat sugar or starchy carbohydrates, but I will save these for the Satanic holidays, it wont hurt :)

One thing I love doing in Yule is the ginger biscuits, I think it is called gingerbread or something , but I am sure everyone knows the recipe for that one. Its just not a thing in my country so I was amazed when I first tried them.

Maybe I should go looking for some savory recipes to post here, haha.

I've heard cookies like that be called ginger snaps. Very yummy.
tabby said:
Maybe I should go looking for some savory recipes to post here, haha.

I've heard cookies like that be called ginger snaps. Very yummy.

Please do! I like trying new things.

I didn't know about ginger snaps, it is not exactly what I do, which have other spices besides ginger.

But that definitely looks great too! And I even found a low-carb recipe that seems to be interesting.
BlackOnyx8 said:
tabby said:
Maybe I should go looking for some savory recipes to post here, haha.

I've heard cookies like that be called ginger snaps. Very yummy.

Please do! I like trying new things.

I didn't know about ginger snaps, it is not exactly what I do, which have other spices besides ginger.

But that definitely looks great too! And I even found a low-carb recipe that seems to be interesting.

Ok, found some savory recipes :D

Olive Bread:


Chicken pie:

Mini Quiche:

Roast Pork & apple sauce:

I know this one isn't a savory recipe but... yum!
Strawberry and Peach Galette:
Flowers of Adonis said:
I want to make this for Mabon:

Turkey Meatloaf

Yum!! Who doesn’t love a good meatloaf? Thank you for sharing, Flowers Of Adonis!
I think this would be perfect for Mabon! I will substitute the sugar though, as I don't like sweet food (unless it's desert).

Apple Butternut Squash Casserole
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387436 time=1662791600 user_id=57]
I think this would be perfect for Mabon! I will substitute the sugar though, as I don't like sweet food (unless it's desert).

Apple Butternut Squash Casserole

:eek: YES, that looks so good! Fall seasonal food makes me so happy lol.
Thank you for sharing this, Sister Lydia!
tabby said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387436 time=1662791600 user_id=57]
I think this would be perfect for Mabon! I will substitute the sugar though, as I don't like sweet food (unless it's desert).

Apple Butternut Squash Casserole

:eek: YES, that looks so good! Fall seasonal food makes me so happy lol.
Thank you for sharing this, Sister Lydia!

When I stumbled across this online, I had to rush here to find your thread to post it, lol. I will make it for Mabon, as I don't have a traditional dish to make, so perhaps this will be it for this holiday :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387440 time=1662792558 user_id=57]
tabby said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387436 time=1662791600 user_id=57]
I think this would be perfect for Mabon! I will substitute the sugar though, as I don't like sweet food (unless it's desert).

Apple Butternut Squash Casserole

:eek: YES, that looks so good! Fall seasonal food makes me so happy lol.
Thank you for sharing this, Sister Lydia!

When I stumbled across this online, I had to rush here to find your thread to post it, lol. I will make it for Mabon, as I don't have a traditional dish to make, so perhaps this will be it for this holiday :)

Haha, that makes me happy. That is the whole point of this thread after all lol. It's nice to have traditional food to make during the special times of the year. To me, it just makes it even more fun and warming. (This thread is in my signature for easy finding if you ever need to in future again : P ).

There's a harvest bread recipe I've been keen to try to make for months now, and been waiting for Mabon to do it.

Given the ingredients, probably on the sweeter side... I'll have to see if I can find some savory fall recipes. It's funny, I'm not much of a sweet tooth myself but I love making sweet things :lol:
tabby said:
Haha, that makes me happy. That is the whole point of this thread after all lol. It's nice to have traditional food to make during the special times of the year. To me, it just makes it even more fun and warming. (This thread is in my signature for easy finding if you ever need to in future again : P ).

There's a harvest bread recipe I've been keen to try to make for months now, and been waiting for Mabon to do it.

Given the ingredients, probably on the sweeter side... I'll have to see if I can find some savory fall recipes. It's funny, I'm not much of a sweet tooth myself but I love making sweet things :lol:

I did fine it through your signature lol, from your reply about the tarot cards in Jrvan's signature. I'm about to watch them now.

That break looks amazing! Definitely perfect for Autumn :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387444 time=1662793956 user_id=57]
tabby said:
Haha, that makes me happy. That is the whole point of this thread after all lol. It's nice to have traditional food to make during the special times of the year. To me, it just makes it even more fun and warming. (This thread is in my signature for easy finding if you ever need to in future again : P ).

There's a harvest bread recipe I've been keen to try to make for months now, and been waiting for Mabon to do it.

Given the ingredients, probably on the sweeter side... I'll have to see if I can find some savory fall recipes. It's funny, I'm not much of a sweet tooth myself but I love making sweet things :lol:

I did fine it through your signature lol, from your reply about the tarot cards in Jrvan's signature. I'm about to watch them now.

That break looks amazing! Definitely perfect for Autumn :)

Nice. Speaking of that tarot, from what I could tell there wasn't any hebrew stuff in the card designs, which is always good.

IKR! Just thinking about making it has me mouth watering. Your recipe too. So many things I want to make, I hope we can get the ingredients for everything haha.
tabby said:
Nice. Speaking of that tarot, from what I could tell there wasn't any hebrew stuff in the card designs, which is always good.

IKR! Just thinking about making it has me mouth watering. Your recipe too. So many things I want to make, I hope we can get the ingredients for everything haha.

I meant bread in my previous reply, not break, as you understood anyway.

I looked through the deck. The rest of the artwork isn't to my taste, I was hoping it was uniform artwork in the style of the 6 of Swords.

As for ingredients, I think there might have to be trips to a few different grocery stores or markets, but it should be doable :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387511 time=1662827334 user_id=57]
tabby said:
Nice. Speaking of that tarot, from what I could tell there wasn't any hebrew stuff in the card designs, which is always good.

IKR! Just thinking about making it has me mouth watering. Your recipe too. So many things I want to make, I hope we can get the ingredients for everything haha.

I meant bread in my previous reply, not break, as you understood anyway.

I looked through the deck. The rest of the artwork isn't to my taste, I was hoping it was uniform artwork in the style of the 6 of Swords.

As for ingredients, I think there might have to be trips to a few different grocery stores or markets, but it should be doable :)

I'd love to make this bread, but I don't have an oven. Im not sure if I can even 'bake' this in a pan..
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387511 time=1662827334 user_id=57]
tabby said:
Nice. Speaking of that tarot, from what I could tell there wasn't any hebrew stuff in the card designs, which is always good.

IKR! Just thinking about making it has me mouth watering. Your recipe too. So many things I want to make, I hope we can get the ingredients for everything haha.

I meant bread in my previous reply, not break, as you understood anyway.

I looked through the deck. The rest of the artwork isn't to my taste, I was hoping it was uniform artwork in the style of the 6 of Swords.

As for ingredients, I think there might have to be trips to a few different grocery stores or markets, but it should be doable :)

I'd love to make this bread, but I don't have an oven. Im not sure if I can even 'bake' this in a pan..

I wonder if it's possible then to steam cook it. I hear you can do that sometimes with different cakes and breads, though I imagine it'd come out a bit different than if it were baked. Probably need to experiment.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387511 time=1662827334 user_id=57]
tabby said:
Nice. Speaking of that tarot, from what I could tell there wasn't any hebrew stuff in the card designs, which is always good.

IKR! Just thinking about making it has me mouth watering. Your recipe too. So many things I want to make, I hope we can get the ingredients for everything haha.

I meant bread in my previous reply, not break, as you understood anyway.

I looked through the deck. The rest of the artwork isn't to my taste, I was hoping it was uniform artwork in the style of the 6 of Swords.

As for ingredients, I think there might have to be trips to a few different grocery stores or markets, but it should be doable :)

Yeah, I get you, that's ok. It surprised me the first time I looked at the full deck of that tarot and it was all different, the 6 of Swords definitely stands out as the most different imo. Makes me wonder what a full deck in that style of that card would look like, or if there's one out there like it.
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387511 time=1662827334 user_id=57]

I meant bread in my previous reply, not break, as you understood anyway.

I looked through the deck. The rest of the artwork isn't to my taste, I was hoping it was uniform artwork in the style of the 6 of Swords.

As for ingredients, I think there might have to be trips to a few different grocery stores or markets, but it should be doable :)

I'd love to make this bread, but I don't have an oven. Im not sure if I can even 'bake' this in a pan..

I wonder if it's possible then to steam cook it. I hear you can do that sometimes with different cakes and breads, though I imagine it'd come out a bit different than if it were baked. Probably need to experiment.

Ohh yeh I could try that I have just decided that I wanted to buy those bamboo asian style steamers.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I'd love to make this bread, but I don't have an oven. Im not sure if I can even 'bake' this in a pan..

I wonder if it's possible then to steam cook it. I hear you can do that sometimes with different cakes and breads, though I imagine it'd come out a bit different than if it were baked. Probably need to experiment.

Ohh yeh I could try that I have just decided that I wanted to buy those bamboo asian style steamers.

Those are nice, I've been hoping to get one of them myself for steaming veggies and dumplings, etc.
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:
I wonder if it's possible then to steam cook it. I hear you can do that sometimes with different cakes and breads, though I imagine it'd come out a bit different than if it were baked. Probably need to experiment.

Ohh yeh I could try that I have just decided that I wanted to buy those bamboo asian style steamers.

Those are nice, I've been hoping to get one of them myself for steaming veggies and dumplings, etc.

When I was doing research on where to buy those I came across a post saying that buying them from an asian store or supermarket would be cheaper than buying it online.

If you have an asian store over there I'd suggest you take a look to see what they cost over there.

In the post it said that a small one shouldn't be more than 5 and a big one shouldnt be more than 10 euros. But of course inflation and the like.
I hope it gives you a little guideline at least.
The ones I saw online with similar diameter easily reached up to 20 euros for 2 baskets and a lid.

The post that I read was meant for over here in the NL so I am not sure how it translates to the value of them over there. But its worth taking a look.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ohh yeh I could try that I have just decided that I wanted to buy those bamboo asian style steamers.

Those are nice, I've been hoping to get one of them myself for steaming veggies and dumplings, etc.

When I was doing research on where to buy those I came across a post saying that buying them from an asian store or supermarket would be cheaper than buying it online.

If you have an asian store over there I'd suggest you take a look to see what they cost over there.

In the post it said that a small one shouldn't be more than 5 and a big one shouldnt be more than 10 euros. But of course inflation and the like.
I hope it gives you a little guideline at least.
The ones I saw online with similar diameter easily reached up to 20 euros for 2 baskets and a lid.

The post that I read was meant for over here in the NL so I am not sure how it translates to the value of them over there. But its worth taking a look.

Cheers, Lunar. Much appreciated :) I'll do some research on my end as well when I can about this and see how things add up over here.
I have nearly all the ingredients to make the Apple Butternut Squash Casserole, just need to find pecans. And btw I read wrong, there is no sugar, only honey so that's fine :)

Here is another recipe, Spiced Apple Blackberry Hand Pies. These look beautiful!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=389476 time=1663759342 user_id=57]
I have nearly all the ingredients to make the Apple Butternut Squash Casserole, just need to find pecans. And btw I read wrong, there is no sugar, only honey so that's fine :)

Here is another recipe, Spiced Apple Blackberry Hand Pies. These look beautiful!

Yeh that bread has so much sugar decided to leave it out. I dont want to have my teeth fall out. so much sugar just hurts to eat.

Also on the topic of what we are supposed to eat.. Some people have been pointing out a couplee of things to me.

One said 3 eggs a day and lots of veggies.
Another mentioned about the milk/meat thing. I just saw a summary of a farmers past in the NL.
They used to have small plots then they told farmers have one big plot which increased monoculture and then there was the diary and meat that was too much and they just promoted it to everyone to eat it.
Now the diet in the middle ages most likely wasnt great either. Even though some people say they ate better back then.

Anyway this topic isnt for sorting out the past.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
