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Is homosexuality a mental disorder?


New member
Feb 1, 2020
I've been thinking lately what's the truth regarding homosexual,bisexual and transsexual people. There is a whole anti white, anti family, migration agenda pushed by the jews on the gentile society in order to enslave them. They pathologized the white family, heterosexuals and racial purity while at the same time they remain strictly pure jewish and put family above all. This is by no means an offense to any person that is homosexual, bisexual or transgender. I'm just curious to know what's the truth behind this.

For instance, I don't think we are meant to mutilate our bodies. Whether this is a circumcision, a vasectomy or a sex surgery. There were always gay people that acted normal in white societies, sometimes they had kids with women to propagate their genes and sometimes they did not.

However what we see today is totally insane. Gay people are identified with dildos,plastic dicks, deviant behavior, pedophilia normalization, acting like total whack jobs in an effort to push a deeply sick jewish agenda.

So if someone can make it clear what's exactly going on, I'd appreciate it.
What you described is LGBT Marxism which is a mental disorder. I’m also trying to understand the third sex, it doesn’t make sense to me WHY someone would be gay wether by birth or choice.
What do you think is going on? You answered the question yourself!
Stromae said:
There were always gay people that acted normal in white societies,
Stromae said:
However what we see today is totally insane. Gay people are identified with dildos,plastic dicks, deviant behavior, pedophilia normalization, acting like total whack jobs in an effort to push a deeply sick jewish agenda.
To clarify, third gender has always been natural, but it has now been to pushed the degeneracy by the jews. The same with worker rights, being pushed to degeneracy as socialism and communism. The same as nearly every talking point in this rotten Jewish world.
Well the jews have taken over the lgbt movement. That’s why you’re seeing the association of disturbing things with the gay community.

In the past the gays had an exalted role in society, and you can note homosexuality is even present in the wild. With over 400 species of animals having verified cases. It’s natural and normal.

The queer movement now is just typical jewish corruption. Same thing they’ve done with women with the feminist movement. And also, non whites. Like you see the destruction of the black communities and their people, especially in America.

The jews have a goal. To destroy gentile peoples, our culture and to strip us of our power. This lgbt movement is just another example of this. But the third sex is natural and not just accepted here but embraced.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What you described is LGBT Marxism which is a mental disorder. I’m also trying to understand the third sex, it doesn’t make sense to me WHY someone would be gay wether by birth or choice.
Being gay is an advantage for the tribe, because the individual gays won't have to worry about child rearing and can work harder. And WHY would someone be gay... hm.... Because they are useful to the tribe? Being gay or bi is a natural instinct, I don't think there is a reason WHY.
The LGBT community has been degraded by jews just as any other community has been degraded by jews. White, black, yellow, LGBT, heterosexual, all these have been corrupted by the jews in some way, shape, or form, some more than others, some worse in other countries. You have straight white men wanting their wives to fuck black men just as you have homosexuals participating in the bug chasing fetish, jewish degeneracy exists in all these groups. LGBT is natural, and is not inherently degenerate like many stormfags and christian conservatives will have you think.

Modern day acceptance of LGBT people in the west is increasing, which I'm glad for. But here comes the jew, and the jew doing what the jew does best, is degrade and ruin something good. Acceptance of homosexuality is good, but now jews are pushing for the acceptance of child molesters, aka MAPs, "Minor Attracted Person". This is a blatant example of jews pushing too far into degeneracy. People writing these things off as "it's just another sexuality", "it's just their preference", "only god can judge", it makes me sick. With that last statement you see how easily judeo-christian programming seeps into everything it's allowed to, whether the people spouting that shit are aware of it or not.

LGBT has always existed, and will always exist, it is the nature of some souls. Instructions on homosexual engagements were written about in Kama Sutra, many myths of ancient paganism had homosexual characters in them, some of the Gods themselves are gay and bisexual, homosexuality is exhibited all throughout the animal kingdom, it is by no means inherently degenerate, and is not a mental disorder.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What you described is LGBT Marxism which is a mental disorder. I’m also trying to understand the third sex, it doesn’t make sense to me WHY someone would be gay wether by birth or choice.

I don’t think anyone chose it to be honest unless they are bisexual. If you have someone that chose that for whatever reason (probably to spite the xtians in some way) and is attracted to the opposite sex they are still bisexual. There are probably a lot of people in the family values evangelical thing that are this way and have those urges I am guessing so that is where all that stuff about it being a choice came from.

With that said the Marxist nonsense the Jews added into this has nothing to do with original gay people or the roles they had in ancient times. It’s just nonsense added in later which of course will have to be stopped in some way ASAP or we will lose all our rights and eventually be looked down upon even more than before which was the goal to begin with cause the Jews hate gays and other third gender people.

Anyways hope this makes sense. I don’t even think the thing is possible about geocoding the white race by turning as many people gay as possible. Cause if someone isn’t attracted to this and it is an aspect of the soul there is nothing someone can do to force it. But probably what they can do is brainwash kids into this and make them think that is what they are.

I personally don’t think this transgender thing is valid so far as surgeries and all that. However I see no problem with dressing like or acting like what the other gender is if that is more what your energy or expression is. The problem is when people mutalate their bodies and take all kinds of hormones and drugs this is where it’s harmful and Jew. Uranus in Taurus only made this movement worse btw. They probably planned to push it and bring it out around this time for that reason.

Anyways hope all this helps. You understand better.
Human sexuality is a large spectrum its not this or that or even this place in the middle. Its probably Carl Jung was right most people are not totality hetero or homo. Its probably Christian society that has created these strict labels and imprisoned people within them.

The GLBT movement is run by human hating, reptilian Jews who use anything to attack and ruin the Goyim. The banks, government, medical, academic, entertainment, news and whatever they get control of they Jew and then use it to destroy the Goyim with. Like their reptilian "gods" order in the Bible. This is a race that literally has their most holy prayers for one action that of taking a dump. And shit huffing rabbi's reading turds to tell the future as their most holy leaders. Shit worship is the major theme in Judaism.

The poo people are what they worship, literally shit.
From the spectrum of human sexuality ranging from:

Female: Straight-to-lesbian
[-Both can be bisexual albeit not all would like to be bisexual
Male: Straight-to-gay

Basically human spectrum of sexual spectrum ranges from: Straight-Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-(Bi-curious). Some might wonder why I don't speak about trans because trans isn't a sexual spectrum but rather a type of alteration i.e. the person feels so inclined to be the other gender they become such and are classified as the switch i.e. male-to-female or female-to-male or male-to-female but keeps the male virile member or female-to-male but keeps the female sexual organs.

Also LGBT misses out on hermaphrodites So it would be LGBTH. Hermaphrodites are more leaning to one gender than transsexual i.e. a Hermaphrodite might look male but have both organs just as there could be a person with both organs and look female. This creates a bit of a curve-ball as the person COULD either be straight-lesbian-gay-or bisexual or even bi-curious and on top of that either a male or female. Albeit unlike transsexuals that could keep their member as popular in pornography with M-t-F transitions a hermaphrodite maintains both which is another curve-ball as the person can potentially switch between organs assuming both organs are sexual stimulating and work.

Assuming 100% of the human population how many are gay/lesbian and according to xtians impeding and sinning and making God cry.

Well if we think about even among the ancients whom were approving of such human sexuality. Anywhere between as low as 3% to as high as 7% average percent of 5%.

So even still, even in the ancients the homosexual population was so low it wasn't a threat to the marriage class and hetero-class of reproducing humans. Bisexuality could be considered much bigger being nearing 30%. Also assuming homosexuality is a fluidity of human sexual aspect there could be incidents whereby a homosexual man MAY impregnate a female on a certain whim so we need to provide an additional 1% or so of incidents on bi-curiosity.

The heterosexual range could be as low as 63%-to as high as-67%. This means a solid 30% of people could be bisexual but there is a curious curve-ball the number is inflated because of bi-curiosity. So assuming 30% are bisexual that number could drop almost 10% and be around 20% as people discover whether they may be bisexual, straight, or homosexual on top of that as mentioned before 1% is added to the bi-curious pool as a factor in a homosexual man perhaps interacting with a female and impregnating her. I guess potentially people might add an extra percent to homosexuals who become curious or desiring of a female or the modern day gay-for-pay, well pay-for-straight to a homosexual.

I'd wager to state in modern days the association with things like asexuality and other anti-sexual practices throws another curve-ball due to people not desiring anything.

TL;DR: Assuming 100% population(Modern/Ancients)(Men/Women/Trans/Hermaphrodite) Nearly 70% straight, nearly 30%* bisexual, nearly 3% as possible inaccuracies or states of passion changing the person's mind or "accidents" occurring whereby impregnation occurs from homosexual interacting with a women, nearly 7% purely homosexual(lesbian/gay) = ~100%**/***

*: Assuming homosexuality reaches about 30% percent, a percentage(~+/-10%) of that is bi-curious with people breaking up into one of three parts: straight, homosexual(gay/lesbian), trans(both the individual likes trans or is a trans), or remaining bisexual.

**: Modern day sexual negatives 1%-3% asexual/anti-sexual brainwashed.

***: Assuming another percentage realm of 1-3% "accidents" or "incidents" of sexual fluidity occurring in homosexual or lesbian being impregnated due either to a quirky passionate fling or due to deep desire to interact with the opposite sex despite their love of same sex. Let's not forgot that biologically, genetically, metagenically, and animal wise humans no matter how homosexual may at one point or another switch around.

So basically ~60%+/- straight, ~18%+/- bi-sexual, ~8%+/- bi-curious, ~5%+/- homosexual, ~3%+/- oddities/other. So all in all using the numbers about 94% but with 6% left add to the pluses and minuses.

So assuming homosexuals are the bane of God's existence it comes to show you Shehameforash(Yahweh) really hates homos for being a super-minority basically so small it scratches your head wondering why they even bother chasing them. If they are the bane of existence then assuming jewmanity is superior than humanity; yahweh would go after straights and tell them to be homosexuals much like how the marxists push the agenda to create situations and tensions for 5th column operations.
Stromae said:

As a homosexual myself I can assure you 100% it is perfectly natural and actually has a legit purpose as indicated by Satan in our society, or at least it's supposed to in a true satanic world but it's been corrupted and blasphemed to trash by the enemy and the LGBT gay rights community which was founded by jews. The jews are like a virus that mutates according to what works best for it. Gays and such were put to death in the dark ages and such and were considered 'of the devil' by the church.

They saw this eventually wasn't working anymore as people began fighting for their rights, so they took a different route and instead of removing all rights they overloaded them to the most insane bullshit toxic garbage where gays can be whatever they want even a disgusting filthy pink frilly my little pony unicorn with cone glitter boobs. I want people to know that us legit third sex people who aren't corrupted by this shit absolutely fucking despise it. It disgusts us and is of the most offensive blaspheme to who we actually are.

The reason for our sexuality and such is actually in the soul, so someone who is homosexual in this life was homosexual in all their other past lives, it's a metaphysic in our soul just like our race and gender so it's part of our spiritual existence.

Our purpose more or less as third sex people is to fill, often rather important, society roles so that heterosexuals who would have families and need to stay at home to properly raise and look after their children have the freedom to do so without needing to worry about economical balance, stressing finances to have a good home for their kids and taking up stressful/risky or harsh jobs, duties that would take up more time than they should be using to bond with and raise their children into healthy adults.

Homosexuals and third sex people are typical to take up warrior/soldier positions or vital roles in society such as chiefs, sailors, construction workers, military, etc. In ancient Greece entire military orders were comprised of strictly homosexual men such as the Sacred Band of Thebes. This is an advantageous means in a healthy society.

I have never once desired to have kids in my entire life, and this isn't because 'Oh I just don't like them' or 'Oh it's just too much responsibility'. No, the entire idea of it feels completely wrong and unnatural to me, this is because it's not our purpose or our role to have kids, it's not our position, that goes to heterosexuals of whom are the ones who do want children and family. If a homosexual desires to have kids or a family, somethings unbalanced. If a homosexual really wants to have kids or a family, get a dog or cat, get some pets and raise them with your partner, etc.

Likely this has to do with the female aspect being too strong in the soul or planetary influences inducing maternal natures like Venus. We shouldn't have kids, especially if we're partnering with a same-sex partner. Children need to grow up with both a mother and father, not a mother and mother or father and father. When a homosexual with these family desires opens up to their soul, advances and cleans out dross and essentially comes into who they are, these desires will go away as is natural and you'll be entirely at peace with just a dog or something.

It's just nature.
There are gay animals in nature as well, dolphins, horses, ect. I had a lesbian horse once. She was the shit. There’s no lack of purpose behind being gay, just know that there is one and we support gays bi’s and lesbians even if it doesn’t make sense to you. None of us are truly 100% straight, too. I think Maxine said that in a sermon once. I thought I was 100% straight but after years of deprogramming sexual shame and guilt pushed towards me, I’ve found that I’ve been attracted to a few girls. Not many. But it’s cool to get to know myself. It’s not a huge deal. I noticed there’s a lot of people from the south on here and I know it’s a bigger deal down there than up north.

Both directions have their ups and down. The PNW is so heavily leftist and communist, the south is conservative and religious. Both are quite fucked as a whole but there’s benefits to each area. I enjoy the attitudes towards sex, gays, and satanists up here, a lot of people that are spiritual up here are open to hearing about Satan. I don’t enjoy the “I don’t see color” and “address everyone by first asking their preferred pronoun” bullshit. I like that you’re allowed to see color in the south and white pride is more accepted. At least we can still talk openly about the Asian infestation up here, and how fucked Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Jay Inslee are.
Ketchup said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What you described is LGBT Marxism which is a mental disorder. I’m also trying to understand the third sex, it doesn’t make sense to me WHY someone would be gay wether by birth or choice.
Being gay is an advantage for the tribe, because the individual gays won't have to worry about child rearing and can work harder. And WHY would someone be gay... hm.... Because they are useful to the tribe? Being gay or bi is a natural instinct, I don't think there is a reason WHY.

I believe what they meant is why it exists when at first glance it doesn't pose an advantage, it does in some cases as you had explained above however. As in, why it wasn't "bred out" via genetics due to seemingly being a useless trait + the fact that if you end up with a member of the same sex chances are you wont reproduce which means that trait wouldnt get passed down.

Even if it didnt have a genetic advantage it'd stick around regardless. I mean heck, even pigeons can be gay.

If that was what their question was then you did a good job explaining it regardless. It does pose a genetic advantage ironically, despite it resulting in some cases not having children which in most scenarios would be correlated with a bad trait.

As for the whole choosing thing though... How would one choose to be third sex? Lmao.

Guess I'm gonna be straight for the next week and a half. No attraction to the same sex whatsoever. :laughing:





Homosexual behavior in animals is sexual behavior among non-human species that is interpreted as homosexual or bisexual. This may include same-sex sexual activity, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same-sex animal pairs. Various forms of this are found in every major geographic region and every major animal group. The sexual behavior of non-human animals takes many different forms, even within the same species, though homosexual behavior is best known from social species.

Scientists perceive homosexual behavior in animals to different degrees. The motivations for and implications of these behaviors have yet to be fully understood. According to Bruce Bagemihl, the animal kingdom engages in homosexual behavior "with much greater sexual diversity – including homosexual, bisexual and nonreproductive sex – than the scientific community and society at large have previously been willing to accept." Bagemihl adds, however, that this is "necessarily an account of human interpretations of these phenomena". Simon LeVay stated that "[a]lthough homosexual behavior is very common in the animal world, it seems to be very uncommon that individual animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity." One species in which exclusive homosexual orientation occurs, however, is that of domesticated sheep (Ovis aries). "About 10% of rams (males), refuse to mate with ewes (females) but do readily mate with other rams."

According to Bagemihl (1999), same-sex behavior (comprising courtship, sexual, pair-bonding, and parental activities) has been documented in over 450 species of animals worldwide.

Applying the term homosexual to animals

The term homosexual was coined by Karl-Maria Kertbeny in 1868 to describe same-sex sexual attraction and sexual behavior in humans.  Its use in animal studies has been controversial for two main reasons: animal sexuality and motivating factors have been and remain poorly understood, and the term has strong cultural implications in western society that are irrelevant for species other than humans. Thus homosexual behavior has been given a number of terms over the years. According to Bruce Bagemihl, when describing animals, the term homosexual is preferred over gay, lesbian, and other terms currently in use, as these are seen as even more bound to human homosexuality.

Bailey et al. says: "Homosexual: in animals, this has been used to refer to same-sex behavior that is not sexual in character (e.g. ‘homosexual tandem running’ in termites), same-sex courtship or copulatory behavior occurring over a short period of time (e.g. ‘homosexual mounting’ in cockroaches and rams) or long-term pair bonds between same-sex partners that might involve any combination of courting, copulating, parenting and affectional behaviors (e.g. ‘homosexual pair bonds’ in gulls). In humans, the term is used to describe individual sexual behaviors as well as long-term relationships, but in some usages connotes a gay or lesbian social identity. Scientific writing would benefit from reserving this anthropomorphic term for humans and not using it to describe behavior in other animals, because of its deeply rooted context in human society".

Animal preference and motivation is always inferred from behavior. In wild animals, researchers will as a rule not be able to map the entire life of an individual, and must infer from frequency of single observations of behavior. The correct usage of the term homosexual is that an animal exhibits homosexual behavior or even same-sex sexual behavior; however, this article conforms to the usage by modern research, applying the term homosexuality to all sexual behavior (copulation, genital stimulation, mating games and sexual display behavior) between animals of the same sex. In most instances, it is presumed that the homosexual behavior is but part of the animal's overall sexual behavioral repertoire, making the animal "bisexual" rather than "homosexual" as the terms are commonly understood in humans, but cases of homosexual preference and exclusive homosexual pairs are known.


The observation of homosexual behavior in animals can be seen as both an argument for and against the acceptance of homosexuality in humans, and has been used especially against the claim that it is a peccatum contra naturam ("sin against nature"). For instance, homosexuality in animals was cited by the American Psychiatric Association and other groups in their amici curiae brief to the United States Supreme Court in Lawrence v. Texas, which ultimately struck down the sodomy laws of 14 states.

A majority of the research available concerning homosexual behavior in animals lacks specification between animals that exclusively exhibit same-sex tendencies and those that participate in heterosexual and homosexual mating activities interchangeably. This lack of distinction has led to differing opinions and conflicting interpretations of collected data amongst scientists and researchers. For instance, Bruce Bagemihl, author of the book Biological Exuberence: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity, emphasizes that there are no anatomical or endocrinological differences between exclusively homosexual and exclusively heterosexual animal pairs. However, if the definition of "homosexual behavior" is made to include animals that participate in both same-sex and opposite-sex mating activities, hormonal differences have been documented among key sex hormones, such as testosterone and estradiol, when compared to those who participate solely in heterosexual mating.

Many of the animals used in laboratory-based studies of homosexuality do not appear to spontaneously exhibit these tendencies often in the wild. Such behavior is often elicited and exaggerated by the researcher during experimentation through the destruction of a portion of brain tissue, or by exposing the animal to high levels of steroid hormones prenatally. Information gathered from these studies is limited when applied to spontaneously occurring same-sex behavior in animals outside of the laboratory.

Homosexual behaviour in animals has been discussed since classical antiquity. The earliest written mention of animal homosexuality appears to date back to 2,300 years ago, when Aristotle (384–322 BC) described copulation between pigeons, partridges and quails of the same sex.  The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo, written in the 4th century AD by the Egyptian writer Horapollo, mentions "hermaphroditism" in hyenas and homosexuality in partridges.  The first review of animal homosexuality was written by the zoologist Ferdinand Karsch-Haack in 1900.

Until recent times, the presence of same-sex sexual behavior was not "officially" observed on a large scale, possibly due to observer bias caused by social attitudes to same-sex sexual behavior, innocent confusion, lack of interest, distaste, scientists fearing loss of their grants or even from a fear of "being ridiculed by their colleagues". Georgetown University biologist Janet Mann states "Scientists who study the topic are often accused of trying to forward an agenda, and their work can come under greater scrutiny than that of their colleagues who study other topics." They also noted "Not every sexual act has a reproductive function ... that's true of humans and non-humans." It appears to be widespread amongst social birds and mammals, particularly the sea mammals and the primates. The true extent of homosexuality in animals is not known. While studies have demonstrated homosexual behavior in a number of species, Petter Bøckman, the scientific advisor of the exhibition Against Nature? in 2007, speculated that the true extent of the phenomenon may be much larger than was then recognized:

No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.

An example of overlooking homosexual behavior is noted by Bagemihl describing mating giraffes where nine out of ten pairings occur between males:

Every male that sniffed a female was reported as sex, while anal intercourse with orgasm between males was only "revolving around" dominance, competition or greetings.

Some researchers believe this behavior to have its origin in male social organization and social dominance, similar to the dominance traits shown in prison sexuality. Others, particularly Bagemihl, Joan Roughgarden, Thierry Lodé and Paul Vasey suggest the social function of sex (both homosexual and heterosexual) is not necessarily connected to dominance, but serves to strengthen alliances and social ties within a flock. Others have argued that social organization theory is inadequate because it cannot account for some homosexual behaviors, for example, penguin species where male individuals mate for life and refuse to pair with females when given the chance. While reports on many such mating scenarios are still only anecdotal, a growing body of scientific work confirms that permanent homosexuality occurs not only in species with permanent pair bonds, but also in non-monogamous species like sheep.

One report on sheep cited below states:

Approximately 8% of rams exhibit sexual preferences [that is, even when given a choice] for male partners (male-oriented rams) in contrast to most rams, which prefer female partners (female-oriented rams). We identified a cell group within the medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus of age-matched adult sheep that was significantly larger in adult rams than in ewes...

In fact, apparent homosexual individuals are known from all of the traditional domestic species, from sheep, cattle and horses to cats, dogs and budgerigars.

Physiological basis

A definite physiological explanation or reason for homosexual activity in animal species has not been agreed upon by researchers in the field. Numerous scholars are of the opinion that varying levels (either higher or lower) of the sex hormones in the animal,  in addition to the size of the animal's gonads, play a direct role in the sexual behavior and preference exhibited by that animal. Others firmly argue no evidence to support these claims exists when comparing animals of a specific species exhibiting homosexual behavior exclusively and those that do not. Ultimately, empirical support from comprehensive endocrinological studies exist for both interpretations.  Researchers found no evidence of differences in the measurements of the gonads, or the levels of the sex hormones of exclusively homosexual western gulls and ring-billed gulls.

Additional studies pertaining to hormone involvement in homosexual behavior indicate that when administering treatments of testosterone and estradiol to female heterosexual animals, the elevated hormone levels increase the likelihood of homosexual behavior. Additionally, boosting the levels of sex hormones during an animal's pregnancy appears to increase the likelihood of it birthing a homosexual offspring.

Genetic basis

Researchers found that disabling the fucose mutarotase (FucM) gene in laboratory mice – which influences the levels of estrogen to which the brain is exposed – caused the female mice to behave as if they were male as they grew up. "The mutant female mouse underwent a slightly altered developmental programme in the brain to resemble the male brain in terms of sexual preference" said Professor Chankyu Park of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejon, South Korea, who led the research. His findings were published in the BMC Genetics journal on July 7, 2010.  Another study found that by manipulating a gene in fruit flies (Drosophila), homosexual behavior appeared to have been induced. However, in addition to homosexual behavior, several abnormal behaviors were also exhibited apparently due to this mutation.

Neurobiological basis

In March 2011, research showed that serotonin is involved in the mechanism of sexual orientation of mice. A study conducted on fruit flies found that inhibiting the dopamine neurotransmitter inhibited lab-induced homosexual behavior.
Further scientific research is needed but science, even if it is corrupted and held back by the enemy, has provided sufficient evidence to confirm that gays, lesbians and bisexuals are natural things. I think it is about not limiting oneself and the diversity that nature possesses. We know very well the intentions and agenda of the enemy. So it is very clear why the enemy wants to stop and limit diversity, temporarily allowing sex between heterosexuals just to continue the existence of humanity. And after having achieved limited and controlled scientific progress, also remove sex between heterosexuals and reproduce humanity by cloning and remove diversity and freedom. I responded in another recent topic on this subject and asked for evidence. You cannot talk about cells and organs without knowledge of biology. I have done my own research about it and came to the conclusion that sex diversity is a normal and natural thing.
No, non-heterosexuality, for that matter, is not a mental disorder. The jew is a mental disorder and has mental-disordering Earth and Her Inhabitants since day one when it arrived. Consider V.I.K.I. from I, Robot, and the nanites which Del injects into it, which spread out all over the system. That is the jew mental-disordering everything it gets its hands on.
being gay is related to the state of the human mind that is degradable is related to feeling comfortable this can be caused throughout life by childhood traumas, a helper (mother) or violent parent. loving disappointments it is a piscological state.
Finsternis said:
being gay is related to the state of the human mind that is degradable is related to feeling comfortable this can be caused throughout life by childhood traumas, a helper (mother) or violent parent. loving disappointments it is a piscological state.

Can you repeat that? Guess a lot of pigeons, lions wolves etc have childhood traumas and thats what is causing them to be gay. And dolphins... and penguins... and seagulls... and giraffes... and swans... Or the literal entire pod of male dolphins who had more then a few same sex relations lOl.

I bet you could look up practically any mammal and find out that gays exist among them. Or fuck, nearly any land animal that requires a partner to reproduce.

While I heavily dislike wikipedia, it has a compiled list. If you'd like to double check based on sources then go ahead. This is simply to get the damn point across so it's not a "few off cases"
Arin said:
Finsternis said:
being gay is related to the state of the human mind that is degradable is related to feeling comfortable this can be caused throughout life by childhood traumas, a helper (mother) or violent parent. loving disappointments it is a piscological state.

Can you repeat that? Guess a lot of pigeons, lions wolves etc have childhood traumas and thats what is causing them to be gay. And dolphins... and penguins... and seagulls... and giraffes... and swans... Or the literal entire pod of male dolphins who had more then a few same sex relations lOl.

I bet you could look up practically any mammal and find out that gays exist among them. Or fuck, nearly any land animal that requires a partner to reproduce.

While I heavily dislike wikipedia, it has a compiled list. If you'd like to double check based on sources then go ahead. This is simply to get the damn point across so it's not a "few off cases"
Exactly. Anyone should also watch My Gay Dog and Other Animals, although I didn't see all of it. The bullshit against non-heterosexuality is jewish (the "religion"), christian and muslim AKA abrahamic (the collective) AKA jewish (the race).
Finsternis said:
being gay is related to the state of the human mind that is degradable is related to feeling comfortable this can be caused throughout life by childhood traumas, a helper (mother) or violent parent. loving disappointments it is a piscological state.
Being non-heterosexual is as Natural as being heterosexual.
That claim was from the Freudian school. Freud was a coked out kike, who was writing books about how he wanted to have sex with his mother under the camouflage of psychology. From a lot of statements Freud was engaged in incest with his sister. Nothing Freud wrote is to be taken seriously.

Finsternis said:
being gay is related to the state of the human mind that is degradable is related to feeling comfortable this can be caused throughout life by childhood traumas, a helper (mother) or violent parent. loving disappointments it is a piscological state.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Stromae said:

As a homosexual myself I can assure you 100% it is perfectly natural and actually has a legit purpose as indicated by Satan in our society, or at least it's supposed to in a true satanic world but it's been corrupted and blasphemed to trash by the enemy and the LGBT gay rights community which was founded by jews. The jews are like a virus that mutates according to what works best for it. Gays and such were put to death in the dark ages and such and were considered 'of the devil' by the church.

They saw this eventually wasn't working anymore as people began fighting for their rights, so they took a different route and instead of removing all rights they overloaded them to the most insane bullshit toxic garbage where gays can be whatever they want even a disgusting filthy pink frilly my little pony unicorn with cone glitter boobs. I want people to know that us legit third sex people who aren't corrupted by this shit absolutely fucking despise it. It disgusts us and is of the most offensive blaspheme to who we actually are.

The reason for our sexuality and such is actually in the soul, so someone who is homosexual in this life was homosexual in all their other past lives, it's a metaphysic in our soul just like our race and gender so it's part of our spiritual existence.

Our purpose more or less as third sex people is to fill, often rather important, society roles so that heterosexuals who would have families and need to stay at home to properly raise and look after their children have the freedom to do so without needing to worry about economical balance, stressing finances to have a good home for their kids and taking up stressful/risky or harsh jobs, duties that would take up more time than they should be using to bond with and raise their children into healthy adults.

Homosexuals and third sex people are typical to take up warrior/soldier positions or vital roles in society such as chiefs, sailors, construction workers, military, etc. In ancient Greece entire military orders were comprised of strictly homosexual men such as the Sacred Band of Thebes. This is an advantageous means in a healthy society.

I have never once desired to have kids in my entire life, and this isn't because 'Oh I just don't like them' or 'Oh it's just too much responsibility'. No, the entire idea of it feels completely wrong and unnatural to me, this is because it's not our purpose or our role to have kids, it's not our position, that goes to heterosexuals of whom are the ones who do want children and family. If a homosexual desires to have kids or a family, somethings unbalanced. If a homosexual really wants to have kids or a family, get a dog or cat, get some pets and raise them with your partner, etc.

Likely this has to do with the female aspect being too strong in the soul or planetary influences inducing maternal natures like Venus. We shouldn't have kids, especially if we're partnering with a same-sex partner. Children need to grow up with both a mother and father, not a mother and mother or father and father. When a homosexual with these family desires opens up to their soul, advances and cleans out dross and essentially comes into who they are, these desires will go away as is natural and you'll be entirely at peace with just a dog or something.

It's just nature.

I use to hate it in myself. Tried everything to purge it. Forced myself to be straight.

I accepted it more and more. Till today I forget there are even over feminine gays. The more my racial memory opens up, the more I can only see it as a warrior class.

Especially after how many muscled up Army and Marines I have known.

Or the female ones that act straight.

I also use to be really into femine guys, and more and more I like Muscled guys.

I use to think something was wronge with me. Then when it came to fighting, i thought to myself, well Aries, or I'm psycho, or I'm SS. But then I would think yes but am I not gay? All these men that lower their eyes and cower, are they not suppose to be the great straight males.

Every male I have met, has turned gay after meeting me. Very peculiar actually. It is as if something in me awoken it in them.

It's something to do with the Soul. Where do I belong? I'm Aryan, that's a soul group. I am with Satan, that's another. Birds of a feather.

Theres something more then just sexuality playing out. My desire is to Unite with Strong Aryan Men. To Destroy and protect. It is an instinctual urge. Life time after lifetime being played out. Like a cycle that repeats itself.

To Die for our Gods and my People. Is engrained into me at a fanatical Obsessive level. That I must overcome and instead focus on immortality.
If you feel like you can't survive on your own, you spread your cheeks for a male who can. Also known as a prison bitch.
HP Mageson666 said:
That claim was from the Freudian school. Freud was a coked out kike, who was writing books about how he wanted to have sex with his mother under the camouflage of psychology. From a lot of statements Freud was engaged in incest with his sister. Nothing Freud wrote is to be taken seriously.

Finsternis said:
being gay is related to the state of the human mind that is degradable is related to feeling comfortable this can be caused throughout life by childhood traumas, a helper (mother) or violent parent. loving disappointments it is a piscological state.

This is a good thread.

I have not plummeted to the depths of this topic since I am not homosexual but its good to learn more about this.

Last week I had a discussion with a friend who said that homosexuality is not natural and is caused by an imbalance with the childhood, brain and or hormones.

He then cited studies that apparently show that gay men admitted to having mental abuse when growing up and that when given a hormones "reverted" back to being heterosexual. Til this day I'm still waiting for him to show me that study/ documentary.

He isn't christian and he isn't spritual but he knows the truth about the Jews so he refused to believe that his attitude towards homosexuality was caused by xianity, etc. He knows the truth about the Jews but still doesnt believe they used and still use magick and spirituality to take over everything.

I explained to him that homosexuality was natural and a common thing in the ancient world and accepted and practiced among the gods in ancient lore but of course he dismissed that part because like many people, he lacks understanding and belief in spirituality and metaphysics.

I aksed him if he thought there was something wrong with me because I have affectionate and sometimes sexual feelings for women EVEN though these things started after years of spiritual development and constant yoga, etc.

He of course, said yes. He said that those feelings are because of the lack of affection I received from my mother.
That I do not believe because I am not confused by my sexuality and my desire for women occasionally comes from my pyscho-spiritual and sexual appreciation of the female form and the feminine energy. I don't need attention or anything from women. I sont doubt that some of these things could play a factor but I do not believe that things like this is the cause of homosexuality.

He doesn't really believe in the mind soul connection and the benefits of meditation (even though scientific studies and social studies show how they benefit people)

It is a hassle and not easy speaking with close minder people. The strange thing is this person understands that there is a soul, believes that there could be ET's and is superstitious, etc but these other concepts seem to escape his understanding.

I do see him in a more negative light now because of his close minded dismissal of spirituality and his strong dislike of gay men--especially more because of the liberal progressive policies that are pushed on everyone into accepting homosexuality and exposing kids to that behaviour early.

The more humanity advances, the more humanity as a whole will see that we are complex, evolved, beautiful and widely spiritual beings. Makes no sense to argue or debate with the spiritual lesser thans.

The spiritual authorities will manifes on the earth and these people will eventuall see and love in this truth whther they like it or not. Truth will prevail and dominate.
Master said:
There might as well be cases when animals are just playing with each other and they don't neccesarily manifest a homosexual behaviour, this seems to be the case in those pictures, but indeed it's obvious that homosexuality is something natural and among animals as well. The idea that it's a mental disorder was invented by dump christians who could not accept that `God created homosexual people`, so many xian call homosexuals handicapped, mentally crazy etc. because they think it's something developed after birth and not genetically inherited (in the soul).
HPS Shannon said:
I aksed him if he thought there was something wrong with me because I have affectionate and sometimes sexual feelings for women EVEN though these things started after years of spiritual development and constant yoga, etc.
It’s very interesting. In a way I really believe the theory Mageson presented, which is most people aren’t completely gay or straight. But it’s a spectrum. And this kind of shows that. After years of meditation you had sexual feelings for the same sex. Maybe blocks being cleared.

For myself, I always thought it would make life easier and I’ve spent so much time meditating and clearing blocks. However, I can’t find sexual attraction to men at all and certainly not romantic feelings. And I’m deep down happy about that. I love myself as I am. Heterosexual. Which I think we’re designed to exist that way. To love ourselves. It’s only jew programming that makes us hate ourselves. But mediation fixes that. So it makes me wonder. Perhaps more are straight or gay then what Carl Jung theorized. Who knows?
This varied spectrum is why it's just called the third sex and not LGBTQLMAOQWERTYROFLCOPTOR+++++.

Eric13 said:
HPS Shannon said:
I aksed him if he thought there was something wrong with me because I have affectionate and sometimes sexual feelings for women EVEN though these things started after years of spiritual development and constant yoga, etc.
It’s very interesting. In a way I really believe the theory Mageson presented, which is most people aren’t completely gay or straight. But it’s a spectrum. And this kind of shows that. After years of meditation you had sexual feelings for the same sex. Maybe blocks being cleared.

For myself, I always thought it would make life easier and I’ve spent so much time meditating and clearing blocks. However, I can’t find sexual attraction to men at all and certainly not romantic feelings. And I’m deep down happy about that. I love myself as I am. Heterosexual. Which I think we’re designed to exist that way. To love ourselves. It’s only jew programming that makes us hate ourselves. But mediation fixes that. So it makes me wonder. Perhaps more are straight or gay then what Carl Jung theorized. Who knows?
The Alchemist7 said:
Master said:
There might as well be cases when animals are just playing with each other and they don't neccesarily manifest a homosexual behaviour, this seems to be the case in those pictures, but indeed it's obvious that homosexuality is something natural and among animals as well. The idea that it's a mental disorder was invented by dump christians who could not accept that `God created homosexual people`, so many xian call homosexuals handicapped, mentally crazy etc. because they think it's something developed after birth and not genetically inherited (in the soul).
Animals are simpler than humans but they represent and contain many meanings and many things of nature. The dolphin is a very intelligent animal and also represents the freedom of pleasure and fun, the dolphin does not only have sex for procreation but also has sex for fun. Heterosexuality is attraction of the different and homosexuality is attraction of the similar. Therefore, homosexuality is not only freedom to relate and diversify but also has an important meaning of nature.
HP Mageson666 said:
Human sexuality is a large spectrum its not this or that or even this place in the middle. Its probably Carl Jung was right most people are not totality hetero or homo. Its probably Christian society that has created these strict labels and imprisoned people within them.

The GLBT movement is run by human hating, reptilian Jews who use anything to attack and ruin the Goyim. The banks, government, medical, academic, entertainment, news and whatever they get control of they Jew and then use it to destroy the Goyim with. Like their reptilian "gods" order in the Bible. This is a race that literally has their most holy prayers for one action that of taking a dump. And shit huffing rabbi's reading turds to tell the future as their most holy leaders. Shit worship is the major theme in Judaism.

The poo people are what they worship, literally shit.
is human sexuality really a spectrum for most people I thought some people were just entirely straight or gay :?:
I'm gay ( I like boys but at the moment I don't like sex at all) and you did not offend me in any way.
Honestly I don't feel like an abominium, as there are many gay Gods.
Even in nature many animals are gay.
Please, only listen to Satan's opinion or ours, your spiritual family.
Never let xians moralists enter your mind.
I've been reading some suppressed research that shows that homosexuality and heterosexuality are not set in stone type unchangeable identities but that sexual attraction towards genders are fluid with many homosexuals becoming heterosexuals and many heterosexuals (especially heterosexual women) with no prior signs whatsoever of Homosexuality engaging in Lesbianism. This shows that we know very little about Human Sexuality and that the discourse dominated by Evolutionary Biologists have led us astray from developing cognizance about the nuances on this topic.
Jack said:
This shows that we know very little about Human Sexuality and that the discourse dominated by Evolutionary Biologists have led us astray from developing cognizance about the nuances on this topic.

It's not that they are wrong per say.

Whether it be because of suppression of research(i.e. studying forbidden sciences) or more likely because they fail to account for the human soul and the spiritual sciences.

So they aren't wrong just they aren't seeing the big picture nor the details. Funny enough despite like George Lincoln Rockwell states[paraphrasing] "Man is still an animal just has more capacity than other animals and must abide by Nature's law".

Well if you think about it by the Gods giving us advanced genetics and advanced souls. They imparted a higher principle to our sexuality. So maybe as animal types homonid/homo erectus certain natural principles were attained i.e. hetero or homo depending on the situation. It is my belief that what the Gods did to us and made us evolve throughout time for the past half-million years. We changed our entire spectrum of sexuality to a higher principle.

So basically Animal(primitive), Mental(intermediate), and Spirituality(advanced) tie all three things together and you get advancement of concepts. So while biologically speaking homosexuality offers no evolutionary advantage to the propagation of the species i.e. reproduction. As we are advanced to be a sentient species our definition of Natural Law changes. No longer is man worried about not advancing the species nor reproducing due to various factors so in comes civilization to change things.

I can't go further and would like to go further but due to civilization hijacking by the enemy. These principles of Nature's Law and Pagan societies is easily ruined by judeo-bolshevism marxist crapping on humanity.

Unfortunately it's 2020 and people still worry which hole we stick it in, so much for the greatness of humanity. Half-million years ruined in a flash of enemy disturbance. And continuous 'totaler krieg' of the past 6,000 years. Heck even the enemy writes this stuff down in their bibles and qurans to further destroy and subvert human sexuality.
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
This shows that we know very little about Human Sexuality and that the discourse dominated by Evolutionary Biologists have led us astray from developing cognizance about the nuances on this topic.

It's not that they are wrong per say.

Whether it be because of suppression of research(i.e. studying forbidden sciences) or more likely because they fail to account for the human soul and the spiritual sciences.

So they aren't wrong just they aren't seeing the big picture nor the details. Funny enough despite like George Lincoln Rockwell states[paraphrasing] "Man is still an animal just has more capacity than other animals and must abide by Nature's law".

Well if you think about it by the Gods giving us advanced genetics and advanced souls. They imparted a higher principle to our sexuality. So maybe as animal types homonid/homo erectus certain natural principles were attained i.e. hetero or homo depending on the situation. It is my belief that what the Gods did to us and made us evolve throughout time for the past half-million years. We changed our entire spectrum of sexuality to a higher principle.

So basically Animal(primitive), Mental(intermediate), and Spirituality(advanced) tie all three things together and you get advancement of concepts. So while biologically speaking homosexuality offers no evolutionary advantage to the propagation of the species i.e. reproduction. As we are advanced to be a sentient species our definition of Natural Law changes. No longer is man worried about not advancing the species nor reproducing due to various factors so in comes civilization to change things.

I can't go further and would like to go further but due to civilization hijacking by the enemy. These principles of Nature's Law and Pagan societies is easily ruined by judeo-bolshevism marxist crapping on humanity.

Unfortunately it's 2020 and people still worry which hole we stick it in, so much for the greatness of humanity. Half-million years ruined in a flash of enemy disturbance. And continuous 'totaler krieg' of the past 6,000 years. Heck even the enemy writes this stuff down in their bibles and qurans to further destroy and subvert human sexuality.
They are wrong because they have assumptions about this which are wrong as starters, namely the evolutionary biology theory about Survival and Reproduction. But the problem here is not that they are conducting wrong research, I believe the problem here is that they are deliberately misleading people. For example, if the fact that little less than half of the exclusively Homosexual population change into Exclusively Heterosexual without outside interference while the same amount of Heterosexuals becoming exclusively homosexual were to be made public everyday knowledge, the divide between the Heterosexuals and Homosexuals would be gone and these labels would cease to exist.

For example, in Greece a large population of married men were having sex with younger men while having wives at the house. This shows that exclusive Homosexuality or Exclusive Heterosexuality is not a major, but a minor phenomenon when we compare percentages. The problem is that most people never act out the fleeting feelings they experience in their lives,especially men. I am currently thinking that recreational homosexuality may be a subset of natural male behavior. You weren't prosecuted for being exclusively Homosexual, but that condition was seen as odd societally speaking. When you grew up you would have to leave your older male lover and go marry a woman and create children with her, which is the duty of a man towards his race.

The jews that had earlier demonized homosexuality as an unnatural disorder are the same jews who decrimi
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
This shows that we know very little about Human Sexuality and that the discourse dominated by Evolutionary Biologists have led us astray from developing cognizance about the nuances on this topic.

It's not that they are wrong per say.

Whether it be because of suppression of research(i.e. studying forbidden sciences) or more likely because they fail to account for the human soul and the spiritual sciences.

So they aren't wrong just they aren't seeing the big picture nor the details. Funny enough despite like George Lincoln Rockwell states[paraphrasing] "Man is still an animal just has more capacity than other animals and must abide by Nature's law".

Well if you think about it by the Gods giving us advanced genetics and advanced souls. They imparted a higher principle to our sexuality. So maybe as animal types homonid/homo erectus certain natural principles were attained i.e. hetero or homo depending on the situation. It is my belief that what the Gods did to us and made us evolve throughout time for the past half-million years. We changed our entire spectrum of sexuality to a higher principle.

So basically Animal(primitive), Mental(intermediate), and Spirituality(advanced) tie all three things together and you get advancement of concepts. So while biologically speaking homosexuality offers no evolutionary advantage to the propagation of the species i.e. reproduction. As we are advanced to be a sentient species our definition of Natural Law changes. No longer is man worried about not advancing the species nor reproducing due to various factors so in comes civilization to change things.

I can't go further and would like to go further but due to civilization hijacking by the enemy. These principles of Nature's Law and Pagan societies is easily ruined by judeo-bolshevism marxist crapping on humanity.

Unfortunately it's 2020 and people still worry which hole we stick it in, so much for the greatness of humanity. Half-million years ruined in a flash of enemy disturbance. And continuous 'totaler krieg' of the past 6,000 years. Heck even the enemy writes this stuff down in their bibles and qurans to further destroy and subvert human sexuality.
They are wrong because they have assumptions about this which are wrong as starters, namely the evolutionary biology theory about Survival and Reproduction. But the problem here is not that they are conducting wrong research, I believe the problem here is that they are deliberately misleading people. For example, if the fact that little less than half of the exclusively Homosexual population change into Exclusively Heterosexual without outside interference while the same amount of Heterosexuals becoming exclusively homosexual were to be made public everyday knowledge, the divide between the Heterosexuals and Homosexuals would be gone and these labels would cease to exist.

For example, in Greece a large population of married men were having sex with younger men while having wives at the house. This shows that exclusive Homosexuality or Exclusive Heterosexuality is not a major, but a minor phenomenon when we compare percentages. The problem is that most people never act out the fleeting feelings they experience in their lives,especially men. I am currently thinking that recreational homosexuality may be a subset of natural male behavior. You weren't prosecuted for being exclusively Homosexual, but that condition was seen as odd societally speaking. When you grew up you would have to leave your older male lover and go marry a woman and create children with her, which is the duty of a man towards his race.

The jews that had earlier demonized homosexuality as an unnatural disorder are the same jews who decriminalized homosexuality as a disorder and are now leading all of the sex research. There are the ones who have been compartmentalizing sexuality into boxes while the opposite is true I.e Humans are Sexually Fluid. They couldn't suppress all the evidence so they conceded that Women are mostly Bisexual and to a lesser degree Homosexuals, but never Heterosexual. But when they would show that males also share this condition, the entire Scam of Darwinism and Survival of the Fittest would collapse in and on itself, so they created a magic trick saying "Oh .Actually males are mostly Heterosexual, then some are Homosexuals and very small amounts of Males are Bisexuals. ". Then they tried Explaining the reasons for Fsmale sexuality with reference to Male Intraspecific competition, that as men are constantly at each others throats men desire women who have sex with other women as that prevents cuckoldry and at the same time keeps the woman satisfied so that she wouldn't cheat. Male homosexuality has also been explained as some sort of submission ritual to the group leader in exchange for favors. These explanations aid their world that have created which has liberalism, Marxism and Feminism laced with Hedonistic materialism which simulates a type of Hunter Gatherer society where men are constantly at each others throats while Women are being Hypergamous for the Dominant males with the most Social Value.This society was created by artificial engineering through the media and culture and is a reflection of a Jewish fantasy.

Reality is based on a shared set of values and pur values were created by Jews who want us to act out their fantasies and humanity has been doing that with the anti natal anti human behaviours they're exhibiting since these jews were allowed to run amok.
I actually saw this street preacher video by an asshole street preacher named david lynn and in his most recent video he was arguing with a pantheist who told him how homosexuality occurs in nature then the street preacher asked him if PEDOPHILIA was okay because he said you can't use nature arguments and said the animals were choosing to be gay and that they were evil and said that homosexuality and licking body parts like anuses and genitals should in his fucked up street preacher mind be punished by death because "god" made them and that we should live in a theocracy and that his commenters some of them compared homosexuality to cannibalism and rape because animals also do it but that he thinks consensual homosexual contact is somehow wrong because his audience literally compared it to pedophila murder etc. and said that those animals ae guilty because they choose it. HOW DO YOU ARGUE WITH THESE TYRANNICAL ASSHOLES WHEN YOU GIVE THEM AN EXAMPLE OF NATURE AND THEN THEY COMPARE IT TO RAPE WTF?!?! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
have any rational way to argue with these assholes when their own "god" promotes rape and cannibliam and pedophilia but say it doesn't and compare that to homosexuality
Crystallized Mushroom said:
I actually saw this street preacher video by an asshole street preacher named david lynn and in his most recent video he was arguing with a pantheist who told him how homosexuality occurs in nature then the street preacher asked him if PEDOPHILIA was okay because he said you can't use nature arguments and said the animals were choosing to be gay and that they were evil and said that homosexuality and licking body parts like anuses and genitals should in his fucked up street preacher mind be punished by death because "god" made them and that we should live in a theocracy and that his commenters some of them compared homosexuality to cannibalism and rape because animals also do it but that he thinks consensual homosexual contact is somehow wrong because his audience literally compared it to pedophila murder etc. and said that those animals ae guilty because they choose it. HOW DO YOU ARGUE WITH THESE TYRANNICAL ASSHOLES WHEN YOU GIVE THEM AN EXAMPLE OF NATURE AND THEN THEY COMPARE IT TO RAPE WTF?!?! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
have any rational way to argue with these assholes when their own "god" promotes rape and cannibliam and pedophilia but say it doesn't and compare that to homosexuality
Simple. Point out the fact that their arguments have no logic and no relation whatsoever to the topic at hand.

There is no relationship between cannibalism, pedophilia and homosexuality whatsoever. As for Morality(What makes it right or wrong), tell them "Morality is based on a shared set of societal values that people living in the society agree upon. "

1)The start the argument historically pointing out that Hard Masculine males and countries like Sparta ,Greece,Persia and every other Gentile (Pagan) nation never considered questioning Homosexuality because they considered it as normal as Heterosexuality. The idea that Homosexuality was abnormal did not exist at that time.

2)Say that Anti - Homosexuality is an Ideology distinctly originating from Jews in the middle east. No civilized nations before Judaism ever ,even conceptualized that this could be wrong.

3)Say that Jesus was a practicing Rabbi who was preaching Judaism and practicing it. Say that Judaism and thus Christianity through that extension is a religion alien to Europe and Whites and originated by Jews and Semites. If asked for proof, point them towards this website

4)Since everything in Christianity is stolen from pre existing religions, it is not the word of God and Is FAKE.

5)Since Christianity is FAKE, Christian Morality is also by extension Void and FAKE.

6)Tell them If you're a Christian you're
1)Stupid in the very real sense.
2)Unaware of History.
3)Ignorant and have lack of logic.
Jack said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
I actually saw this street preacher video by an asshole street preacher named david lynn and in his most recent video he was arguing with a pantheist who told him how homosexuality occurs in nature then the street preacher asked him if PEDOPHILIA was okay because he said you can't use nature arguments and said the animals were choosing to be gay and that they were evil and said that homosexuality and licking body parts like anuses and genitals should in his fucked up street preacher mind be punished by death because "god" made them and that we should live in a theocracy and that his commenters some of them compared homosexuality to cannibalism and rape because animals also do it but that he thinks consensual homosexual contact is somehow wrong because his audience literally compared it to pedophila murder etc. and said that those animals ae guilty because they choose it. HOW DO YOU ARGUE WITH THESE TYRANNICAL ASSHOLES WHEN YOU GIVE THEM AN EXAMPLE OF NATURE AND THEN THEY COMPARE IT TO RAPE WTF?!?! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
have any rational way to argue with these assholes when their own "god" promotes rape and cannibliam and pedophilia but say it doesn't and compare that to homosexuality
Simple. Point out the fact that their arguments have no logic and no relation whatsoever to the topic at hand.

There is no relationship between cannibalism, pedophilia and homosexuality whatsoever. As for Morality(What makes it right or wrong), tell them "Morality is based on a shared set of societal values that people living in the society agree upon. "

1)The start the argument historically pointing out that Hard Masculine males and countries like Sparta ,Greece,Persia and every other Gentile (Pagan) nation never considered questioning Homosexuality because they considered it as normal as Heterosexuality. The idea that Homosexuality was abnormal did not exist at that time.

2)Say that Anti - Homosexuality is an Ideology distinctly originating from Jews in the middle east. No civilized nations before Judaism ever ,even conceptualized that this could be wrong.

3)Say that Jesus was a practicing Rabbi who was preaching Judaism and practicing it. Say that Judaism and thus Christianity through that extension is a religion alien to Europe and Whites and originated by Jews and Semites. If asked for proof, point them towards this website

4)Since everything in Christianity is stolen from pre existing religions, it is not the word of God and Is FAKE.

5)Since Christianity is FAKE, Christian Morality is also by extension Void and FAKE.

6)Tell them If you're a Christian you're
1)Stupid in the very real sense.
2)Unaware of History.
3)Ignorant and have lack of logic.
good idea though if I say that morality is based on a shared set of societal values that everyone agrees upon they're going to bring up murder and pedophilia immediately and say that "gods" laws are somehow right and absolute and then they're probably bring up homosexuality and how we should somehow be distant from nature cause some animals practice murder and cannibalism also unrelated but I did try to tell my dad that race mixing isn't part of nature and told me that I have a "right" to race mix with a black person but told me in the past that its "wrong" to be gay and today he suggested why don't I get married even though I have no interest getting married especially all the negative things associated with especially in the united states which I live in that and the fact that nobody actually loves me at all and plus he wouldn't accept it if I told him I want to be in a POLYGAMOUS relationship with a woman and a man and he probably would think that you have to wait till marriage for sex although thats not what he said he said marriage was cause you love and care for someone which no one loves me at all and plus he probably wouldn't agree if I told him I want friends with benefits to have sex with like something bisexual at least to try. also he wouldn't liikely agree if I told him I support prostitution.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
