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A history of Psychic Warfare research of the CIA


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
Earlier this month, it was reported that the Russian military has been training "psychic" special forces to use in combat to "defeat the enemy with non-contact methods," according to the official magazine of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Armeysky Sbornik (Army Digest).

"Fighters can see right through the enemy soldier: what kind of person they are, what their weak and strong sides are and whether they can be recruited [as a spy]," read the magazine.

"By force of thought, it is possible to shut down computer programmes, burn crystals in generators, listen in on conversations and disrupt radio and telecommunications," the article continues.

These 'goat-staring' specialists in "parapsychological" warfare are said to have honed their skills during combat in Chechnya, using their purported abilities for applications ranging from managing the amount of pain felt by a wounded soldier, to locating caches of enemy weapons

Russia's chief skeptic, Yevgeny Aleksandrov who chairs the Russian Academy of Science's committee for combating "false science" called claims of psychological warfare capabilities "complete rubbish," according to Sky.com

"Such research did indeed exist and was developed in the past but it was made secret. Now it's being brought out into the light again but such research is recognised as a false science," Aleksandrov added.
(Then why are you doing it you stupid shit. )

Long history of parapsychological research

The study of parapsychology began in the mid-1800s with the founding of the London Society for Psychical Research in 1882, research which has continued for over 100 years in some form or another.

The United States as been officially conducting forms of parapsychological research since the 1930s within various government agencies, however in the 1970s a specific emphasis was placed on "remote viewing"
- a technique which purportedly allows one to project their consciousness over vast distances and even time. Physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff of Stanford Research Institute (SRI) received a $20 million government grant for the "Stargate Project" in 1975.(20 million for supposedly "false science". Yeah the whole US military industrial complex is fucking unscientific and stupid and the Marxist scientists who claim this is bullshit are right )

How does one get $20 million to study "the men who stare at goats?" A film of Russians performing telekinesis is a good start. From a declassified CIA document:

In April of 1972, Targ met with CIA personnel from the Office of Scientific Intelligence (PSI) and discussed the subject of paranormal abilities. Targ revealed that he had contacts with people who purported to have seen and documented some Soviet investigations of psychokinesis. Films of Soviets moving inanimate objects by "mental powers" were made available to analysts from OSI. They, in turn, contacted personnel from the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and OTS. An ORD Project Officer then visited Targ who had recently joined the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Targ proposed that some psychokinetic verification investigations could be done at SRI in conjunction with Puthoff.

These proposals were quickly followed by a laboratory demonstration. A man was found by Targ and Puthoff who apparently had psychokenetic abilities. He was taken on a surprise visit to a superconducting shielded magnetometer being used in quark (high energy particle) experiments by Dr. A. Hebbard of Stanford University Physics Department. The quark experiment required that the magnetometer be as well shielded as technology would allow. Nevertheless, when the subject placed his attention on the interior of the magnetometer, the output signal was visibly disturbed, indicating a change in internal magnetic field. Several other correlations of his mental efforts with signal variations were observed. These variations were never seen before or after the visit.


For a cost of $874, one OTS and one ORD representative worked with Targ and Puthoff and the previously mentioned man for a few days in August, 1972. During this demonstration, the subject was asked to describe objects hidden out of sight by the CIA personnel. The subject did well. The descriptions were so startingly accurate that the OTS and ORD representatives suggested that the work be continued and expanded. -CIA Reading Room P.7 (link goes to CIA website)
Eventually, the program run by Targ and Puthoff was formally given code name PROJECT STAR GATE, with the goal of evaluating "potential adversary applications for remote viewing" at Fort Meade, MD.


The Gateway Process

In order to induce remote viewing and other psychic phenomenon, The US Army studied the "Gateway Process" - essentially perfecting meditation techniques developed by the Monroe Institute which allow humans to harness their own electromagnetic energy waves, control them, and effectively traverse time and space.

The procedure is performed by synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain.
(No goyim don't believe this stuff. The whole military industrial complex of a superpower was stupid. This shit doesn't have any validity. Now give me some shekels so I can show you real science about how there is no soul and we're all equal. Never forget the Nazis did this kind of research. Its literally a new holocaust. Remember 6,00,00000.)

Fundamentally, the Gateway Experience is a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge which the universe offers.
(Joining of the IGA and the pingala. Something we've been always talking about)

the Gateway process is designed to rather rapidly induce a state of profound calm within the nervous system and to significantly lower blood pressure to cause the circulatory system, skeleton and all other physical organ systems to begin vibrating coherently at approximately 7–7.5 cycles per second. The resulting resonance sets up a regular, repetitive sound wave which propagates in consonance with the electrostatic field of the earth.
(Awfully similar to trance)

To enter these intervening dimensions, human consciousness must focus with such intense coherence that the frequency of the energy pattern which comprises that consciousness (i.e. the brainwave output) can accelerate to the point where the resulting frequency pattern, if displayed on an oscilloscope, would look virtually like a solid line. Achievement of this state of altered consciousness sets the stage for perception of non-time-space dimensions because of the operation of a principle in physics known as Planck’s Distance.
(The importance of concentration and void meditation)

Moreover, once the individual is able to project his consciousness beyond time-space, that consciousness would logically tend to entrain its frequency output with the new energy environment to which it is exposed, therein greatly enhancing the extent to which the individual’s altered consciousness may be further modified to achieve a much heightened point of focus and a much refined oscillating pattern.
(Sounds like astral projection)

Declassified document below

In short, the US Government has been intimately involved in psychic research, and has devoted untold resources towards developing it as a tool for various uses.

Former President Jimmy Carter admitted that the CIA had once consulted a psychic without his knowledge to help locate a missing government plane in Zaire. .

According to Carter, U.S. spy satellites could find no trace of the aircraft, so the CIA consulted a psychic from California. Carter said the woman "went into a trance and gave some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras on that point and the plane was there." -CNN (archived)

Meanwhile, one can read examples of remote viewing sessions at the following links:
In this report, the remote viewer appears to explore a building some have interpreted to be the Kremlin (via archive.org)

And in a bizarre demonstration from 1984, a remote viewer is directed to specific coordinates on Mars, where they describe a dying race of Martians who were trying to escape the planet more than 1 million years B.C. (via archive.org)
(Something Mageson has written about before)

The race of Martians - who wore "cut to fit" silken clothing, were apparently hiding in some sort of underground bunker while the planet's environment was slowly killing them. They were able to escape in a "shiny metal" craft "to find another place to live" - where the remote viewer saw "a really crazy place with volcanos and gas pockets and strange plants."

Whether or not you think this is all tin foil, the US Government took it very seriously, and thought it might even led to breakthroughs in human potential.


A declassified 1991 summary of Star Gate reveals that the "primary mission of the STAR GATE project is to pursue a broad range of parapsychological activities to include external research and foreign assessments," and was described as "a new dynamic approach for pursuing this largely unexplored area of human consciousness/subconsciousness interaction."

Research has been conducted at various locations across the United States, including Duke University, SRI International, Princeton University, SAIC and elsewhere since 1930.


It's a real, yet unreliable phenomenon

The declassified materials make clear that "remote viewing is a real phenomenon,"
with potential applications in counternarcotics, counterterrorism and counterintelligence - with limited potential for predictive intelligence.
(No goyim don't listen to this vicious Nazi. Listen to rabbi shekelstein. Only Darwinism is the true science.)

According to a declassified 1981 threat assessment, "Laboratory demonstrations have shown that gifted individuals using remote viewing can describe small details in a room or describe a SIGINT site and particular types of antennae."


Telekinesis too

The 1981 memo describes telekinesis as well - noting that "Laboratory demonstrations have shown that gifted individuals using telekinetic abilities can alter the state of objects or change electrical or magnetic fields."
Declassified memorandum via CIA.GOV. One can find on their own by googling the alphanumeric sequence starting with "NSA" at the top right.

In 1973, meanwhile, the CIA studied the cryptologic aspects of ESP (link goes to CIA website).

Meta analysis

In a 1995 executive summary of the government's remote viewing experiments to that date, a "blue-ribbon" panel was assembled which included two noted experts in parapsychology; Dr. Jessica Utts of the University of California at Davis, and Dr. Raymond Hyman of the University of Oregon - who was more skeptical of the phenomenon. After reviewing "all laboratory experiments and meta-analytic reviews conducted as part of the research program" they concluded:

Utts concluded that "anomalous cognition is to some extent possible in the general population," it also appears that "certain individuals possess more talent than others, and that it is easier to find those individuals than to train people."

Hyman pushed back, arguing that Utts' conclusion was premature and that the findings needed to be independently replicated, and suggested that the psychic abilities could be "nothing other than reasonable guessing and subjective validation."

In short, the 1995 report does not confirm or deny whether remote viewing is an actual phenomenon, despite a Defense Intelligence Agency summary which clearly states that it is. The program was officially terminated in 1995 after it did not produce reliable intelligence, and was featured in the book (and movie) The Men Who Stare At Goats.

And so while the phenomenon is real according to the US Government, it is also fairly unreliable. In 1988, the Defense Department called in researcher Ed Dames and two psychics to use remote viewing for the location of Marine Lieutenant Colonel William Higgins - who was kidnapped by Hezbollah.

While the psychics were able to pinpoint the village Higgins was held in, they were wrong that he was alive, along with that he was being held "on water." Subsequent reports revealed that Higgins was already dead - while Hezbollah later released a video of his corpse with a noose around his neck, according to New Republic. That said, his body was kept on ice for months - possibly the "water" seen by the psychics.
(Atleast they could pinpoint the location.)


According to the same project summary that the above screenshots came from, remote viewing was also used with some success during Operation Desert Shield/Storm, and explored for applications within Joint Tactical Force support.

If one wants to hear directly from the horse's (goat's?) mouth - Russell Targ did an interesting TED Talk about his experiences.


I highly advice everyone to save the declassified documents and other information presented here. It can be extremely useful when convincing people that the occult and the powers of the mind are real.The people listen and accept authority of the government often. This is invaluable convincing material.
Moorehouse, was a military office who worked in the Star Gate, he wrote on a book on the subject. He was a remote viewer for the military. The Soviet Jewnion, used psychic individuals but kept them on a strict leash. They had individuals who were so advanced they could levitate themselves, others and objects.
This is an impressive article and it has been elevated to an announcement.

Thanks a lot for this article.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is an impressive article and it has been elevated to an announcement.

Thanks a lot for this article.
Thank you for taking this into consideration. I think this is invaluable convincing material for the hyper skeptics.
The most interesting part about all this. It's that this just the very tip, the very snow on top of the iceberg. Can you imagine the shit The empire of Orion and even the enemy Ayylmaos know about when it comes to even very basic, primitive concepts of Spiritual Combat Capabilities. I mean remember it's like the aspect of Marduk's Bon Po religion. Warrior magic understanding of positive and negative nature magic. I mean these guys genuinely scream the aspect of mere mortals toying around with Godly capacities. I mean these military personnel are so short-sighted and whatnot they may not even realize how beings of higher power are paying attention to them. When they ever pop up on others radars.

HP Mageson666 said:
Moorehouse, was a military office who worked in the Star Gate, he wrote on a book on the subject. He was a remote viewer for the military. The Soviet Jewnion, used psychic individuals but kept them on a strict leash. They had individuals who were so advanced they could levitate themselves, others and objects.

Interesting question H.P. Mageson I'm sure no one has ever asked this before. But HOW do THESE people become so advanced? Are these exaggerations or are these actual effects. I mean isn't it fair that levitation requires so many decades that even spiritually deep in China or India all hidden in remote areas reasonably only levitate just a few inches off the ground at best. I mean these guys never seem to go into such advanced levels of development such as raising their kundalini which would offer tremendous short-cuts into activating siddhis.

Pardon my speculation but it's not that I don't believe. I do but frankly it seems like how much can technology of humans and how much of these so-called spiritually advanced people is real. I mean they don't even mention the physical, mental, nor spiritual exercises done to advance these people. All they state is basic trance, altered state, and certain inferring of how say remote viewing is possibly done.

I mean how does a human being with no assistance of a being of higher power. Have the capacity to peer into remote viewing and time travel back into mars a million years ago and see some ayylmaos escape. I mean it reminds me of the (((Zadoks with prophetic eyes))). Nostrdumbass (((sees))) into the (((future))) and yet it, begs the question if a so-called (((chosen with judiac meditations at secret yeshivas))) isn't anything special. Then how do these military personnel deem themselves the so-called masters and forefront of parapsychological research and development.

I mean it just begs the question whom or more precisely which alien race is assisting these humans and what's gonna happen when these goyim perform alien meditations and fuck with their soul. Much as have been said by jews messing with Sanskrit and their Sephirothian souls not acclimating towards Sanskirt but towards Hebrew.

So can you Mageson or someone tell me why these guys state such advanced stuff when humans are basically working off Year Zero communism rather than Year Zero Nazism/Satanism.
Thank you Jack for collecting all these scattered documents and articles and putting it together so well for us. Invaluable information.
I wonder of just how much 'freedom' these individuals have if any at all. They're likely kept under extremely close watch and probably can't do a damn thing without permissions. Nonetheless if this became a big thing and officials were to find the individuals here that can preform similar abilities they'd be forcing us to be doing things on their behalf and keeping us on chains. This is one of the reasons why it's very important to not be sharing/showing your capabilities to outsiders.

This is a great post though and it's very much appreciated.
Thanks a lot Jack for this.
Great read, thank you so much.

Also, MKULTRA, it is another CIA project with similar focus, using spiritual abilities to control people’s minds.
Amazing post! Thanks Bro!
And totally agree! It's very convincing stuff for sure. Those reality deniers seriously should wake the fuck up...
Sweet. I mention remote viewing in a post to someone, then this information appears. As for the hyper-sceptical individuals - there still would be some, though. Besides, it's of the debull (but we ignore that jewsus used magic to walk on water and heal the blind, etc.!).
Ghost in the Machine said:
I wonder of just how much 'freedom' these individuals have if any at all. They're likely kept under extremely close watch and probably can't do a damn thing without permissions. Nonetheless if this became a big thing and officials were to find the individuals here that can preform similar abilities they'd be forcing us to be doing things on their behalf and keeping us on chains. This is one of the reasons why it's very important to not be sharing/showing your capabilities to outsiders.

This is a great post though and it's very much appreciated.

There's a very underrated movie that came out sometime last year that highlighted advanced psychic abilities. The name of this movie is "The Darkest Minds". I want to highlight the group of individuals called "The Reds" these psychically advanced individuals were all under government control and used as weapons when needed. None of "The Reds" had a free will and they were very violent. The only time you saw them in the movie was when they were brainlessly taking orders from their government superiors.

Also there's a group that's labeled as "The Oranges". These are the most advanced individuals and the government wants to kill all of "The Oranges". The other groups (Golds, Blues, and Greens) were kept in government quarantined slave camps and had very little, if not any, freedom at all.

I don't want to spoil this movie totally for anyone that wants to see it. I recommend it to everyone for it has multiple messages that we can decipher. Check it out ;)
Savitar said:
Thank you Jack for collecting all these scattered documents and articles and putting it together so well for us. Invaluable information.
Welcome but ive just shared the article that originally was posted on zerohedge. I didn't write the article itself .I can't take credit for this .
Gear88 said:
The most interesting part about all this. It's that this just the very tip, the very snow on top of the iceberg. Can you imagine the shit The empire of Orion and even the enemy Ayylmaos know about when it comes to even very basic, primitive concepts of Spiritual Combat Capabilities. I mean remember it's like the aspect of Marduk's Bon Po religion. Warrior magic understanding of positive and negative nature magic. I mean these guys genuinely scream the aspect of mere mortals toying around with Godly capacities. I mean these military personnel are so short-sighted and whatnot they may not even realize how beings of higher power are paying attention to them. When they ever pop up on others radars.

HP Mageson666 said:
Moorehouse, was a military office who worked in the Star Gate, he wrote on a book on the subject. He was a remote viewer for the military. The Soviet Jewnion, used psychic individuals but kept them on a strict leash. They had individuals who were so advanced they could levitate themselves, others and objects.

Interesting question H.P. Mageson I'm sure no one has ever asked this before. But HOW do THESE people become so advanced? Are these exaggerations or are these actual effects. I mean isn't it fair that levitation requires so many decades that even spiritually deep in China or India all hidden in remote areas reasonably only levitate just a few inches off the ground at best. I mean these guys never seem to go into such advanced levels of development such as raising their kundalini which would offer tremendous short-cuts into activating siddhis.

Pardon my speculation but it's not that I don't believe. I do but frankly it seems like how much can technology of humans and how much of these so-called spiritually advanced people is real. I mean they don't even mention the physical, mental, nor spiritual exercises done to advance these people. All they state is basic trance, altered state, and certain inferring of how say remote viewing is possibly done.

I mean how does a human being with no assistance of a being of higher power. Have the capacity to peer into remote viewing and time travel back into mars a million years ago and see some ayylmaos escape. I mean it reminds me of the (((Zadoks with prophetic eyes))). Nostrdumbass (((sees))) into the (((future))) and yet it, begs the question if a so-called (((chosen with judiac meditations at secret yeshivas))) isn't anything special. Then how do these military personnel deem themselves the so-called masters and forefront of parapsychological research and development.

I mean it just begs the question whom or more precisely which alien race is assisting these humans and what's gonna happen when these goyim perform alien meditations and fuck with their soul. Much as have been said by jews messing with Sanskrit and their Sephirothian souls not acclimating towards Sanskirt but towards Hebrew.

So can you Mageson or someone tell me why these guys state such advanced stuff when humans are basically working off Year Zero communism rather than Year Zero Nazism/Satanism.
Read well, It say that the CIA try to find people that have already these ability so it probabily means that they devolped them in a past life. To have powers you *don't* need the kundalini. Your chakra that has that ability needs to be opened. Maybe these people's had opened some of their chakras and then died for whatever reasons.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Thank you for this info Jack. It's quite alarming.

Pardon me brother but we can use esp and magick. How exactly is this alarming in the least. Cmon. Lol. Like the goverments of the world never exploited the use of drugs and used psychics.
Reminds me of when HP Dietrich spoke of those with powers to remain anonymous ...

Thanks Jack for the great post...very informative.
The ted talk was pretty interesting. The guy made an app for remote viewing/strengthening intuition and it’s called esp trainer, it’s on the app store but not sure about android
Damn, this one really good, may i beg of you to use it on ''sites'' to spread it? Like i would like to give you credit but i dont think it will end good for me because as i know JoS dont have a good reputation, or people will begin to loose interest.
Thanks for posting this, but in order to save some of these links, which will likely be removed at some (and one already has), a paid membership is required to access/download, such as Time, and Scribd. If someone already has access to these, could they please share so we can keep copies of them?

(This one has already been removed: https://www.scribd.com/document/407057388/Analysis-and-Assessment-of-Gateway-Process)
NightKiss666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I wonder of just how much 'freedom' these individuals have if any at all. They're likely kept under extremely close watch and probably can't do a damn thing without permissions. Nonetheless if this became a big thing and officials were to find the individuals here that can preform similar abilities they'd be forcing us to be doing things on their behalf and keeping us on chains. This is one of the reasons why it's very important to not be sharing/showing your capabilities to outsiders.

This is a great post though and it's very much appreciated.

There's a very underrated movie that came out sometime last year that highlighted advanced psychic abilities. The name of this movie is "The Darkest Minds". I want to highlight the group of individuals called "The Reds" these psychically advanced individuals were all under government control and used as weapons when needed. None of "The Reds" had a free will and they were very violent. The only time you saw them in the movie was when they were brainlessly taking orders from their government superiors.

Also there's a group that's labeled as "The Oranges". These are the most advanced individuals and the government wants to kill all of "The Oranges". The other groups (Golds, Blues, and Greens) were kept in government quarantined slave camps and had very little, if not any, freedom at all.

I don't want to spoil this movie totally for anyone that wants to see it. I recommend it to everyone for it has multiple messages that we can decipher. Check it out ;)
I believe the lead female is half kike if I'm not mistaken. Will check it out regardless.
Weassel said:
Damn, this one really good, may i beg of you to use it on ''sites'' to spread it? Like i would like to give you credit but i dont think it will end good for me because as i know JoS dont have a good reputation, or people will begin to loose interest.
There is no need to give me credit as I replied to another member above ,the article appeared originally on zerohedge and I simply mirrored it. Copy the source link (at the bottom of the post) if you want to share without linking us here. Although I'm not anything bad would come if they visited our site, just new potential recruits.
Weassel said:
Damn, this one really good, may i beg of you to use it on ''sites'' to spread it? Like i would like to give you credit but i dont think it will end good for me because as i know JoS dont have a good reputation, or people will begin to loose interest.
There is no need to give me credit as I replied to another member above ,the article appeared originally on zerohedge and I simply mirrored it. Copy the source link (at the bottom of the post) if you want to share without linking us here. Although I'm sure nothing bad would come if they visited our site, just new potential recruits.
Hearsync said:
Thanks for posting this, but in order to save some of these links, which will likely be removed at some (and one already has), a paid membership is required to access/download, such as Time, and Scribd. If someone already has access to these, could they please share so we can keep copies of them?

(This one has already been removed: https://www.scribd.com/document/407057388/Analysis-and-Assessment-of-Gateway-Process)
Use Docdownloader.com for these purposes.
Btw guys a link that was removed titled "Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process" can be downloaded from here, thnx
The individuals where real they where documented by American researchers when they visited the Soviet Union they recorded this in the book on the subject: The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries. These people all proved to the researches their abilities and where tested many times in lab conditions. They were no joke. However the one lady, Ivanova who was very advanced was on the run from the KGB and always being harassed and her life was destroyed by the government for not following orders. Luckily for her she survived the USSR, being that advanced kept her one step beyond the KGB.
Thank you for this article.

Can you upload the documents you used and linked to for download? Some of the documents on SCRIBD are gone.
Ninja 666 said:
Thank you for this article.

Can you upload the documents you used and linked to for download? Some of the documents on SCRIBD are gone.
There's only one link that was removed and that's this one,
Thank you. I didn't check out all the links.

Do you still have a place to download the other PDF's on SCRIBD? I don't want to put my credit card information there.

Jack said:
Ninja 666 said:
Thank you for this article.

Can you upload the documents you used and linked to for download? Some of the documents on SCRIBD are gone.
There's only one link that was removed and that's this one,
Ninja 666 said:
Thank you. I didn't check out all the links.

Do you still have a place to download the other PDF's on SCRIBD? I don't want to put my credit card information there.

Jack said:
Ninja 666 said:
Thank you for this article.

Can you upload the documents you used and linked to for download? Some of the documents on SCRIBD are gone.
There's only one link that was removed and that's this one,
Use docdownloader.com for downloading from SCRIBD
Thank you, I had no idea this type of site existed.

Jack said:
Ninja 666 said:
Thank you. I didn't check out all the links.

Do you still have a place to download the other PDF's on SCRIBD? I don't want to put my credit card information there.

Jack said:
There's only one link that was removed and that's this one,
Use docdownloader.com for downloading from SCRIBD
I knew it anyways did they learn to develop tk just by meditation. Or they teach them about the hand chakras/psi ball and stuff ? And chakras
Found this yesterday by chance. Russel Targ on Stargate.
He also made a documentary called Third Eye Spies which is on YT.
Jack said:
One thing they don’t have is Satan. We have a huge advantage with our Gods. All the more reason to keep fighting and develop our abilities.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
