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Death, Dying; For Those Who Are Dying

Everyone here knows that xianity and other enemy religions corrupted spirituality. Xianity is said to be a “death cult” because it only focuses on repressing your life, repressing your joy and passion and enthusiasm, living in a half-dead state, and await your death where you will either float on a cloud with a zombie jew for all eternity, or burn in eternal fire. Islam is even worse and represses even more of life. Even new-age movements aren’t really alive. Spiritual Satanism is the only path that is about living life to your fullest potential in the truest sense, because true spirituality enriches life and makes life more meaningful.

The Ancient cultures of the past understood life and death. “Death” was never seen as permanent, it is only a transition from one life to the afterlife and then to a new life. The cycles continue as in nature, until the individual achieves Godhead, which is only through the instruction of Satan and our other Gods who are aligned with Satan.

Death was never seen as morbid. I’ve seen complaints here over the years whenever someone mentioned death, about how “morbid” is it to speak of it. This is from xianity, as that entire religion is corrupt. Xianity is morbid.

The fact is, everyone will die, until they evolve past the need for reincarnation. Here in the Joy of Satan we know humans can advance and become Gods, but this is a process that takes lifetimes. Some members have already done work and advancement in your past lives, so I have every hope that as many of us as possible can reach Godhead in this current life.

But to be realistic, most people will need at least one more lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just how the soul is, it takes time to develop and evolve and advance. Think about it, did every single soul Satan created, make it to Godhead in their first life? Obviously not, as everyone is all here again, not as Gods.

To make it clear: there is nothing wrong with death. Yes, it is very sad when our loved ones die. I myself lost one of the most important people to me, and last year I lost another loved one. I also had an SS friend (online from the yahoo groups) who died, about 12 years ago. It's very sad, but it is a part of nature. This is how life is: it is followed by death, until we each evolve past death. Life is followed by death... but death is then followed by life again.

One of the roles of the Ancient High Priests was to assist those who are near the end of their life, help with their soul and their conscience, to prepare for the transition to the afterlife, and to prepare for a better start to their next incarnation. Xianity corrupted this and made “death bed confessions”, which is based on real spirituality albeit corrupted.

When you are dying, you don’t want to have a lot of unresolved duties, unfinished business, or regrets. This can make it difficult to enter the afterlife, which is why we have many ghosts on our planet. Everyone who is dedicated to Satan won’t have to worry about becoming stuck here as a ghost, our Gods will be right there with you when you die, to bring you to Duat. So don’t worry about that.

But regrets and unfinished business will carry over to your next life. This is one of the ways karma is built. You need to clear your conscience before you die, make peace with yourself, make peace with those in your life. Not just ignoring problems and pretending your conscience is clear, but doing whatever is necessary to make peace.

Any feuds with old friends or relatives, any resentment, arrange to meet up with them and work through it, or write them an email and get everything off your chest. They will be more willing to work with you to resolve an issue if they know you are dying, this is a fact that everyone knows or has heard about, because we all have it in our ancestral consciousness: making peace upon death. Do what you can to move forward to the afterlife with a clear conscience in preparation for a better start to your next life.

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Now, about funerals. High Priest Hooded Cobra has mentioned already that he will be updating the Satanic Rites section for funerals. But that aside, many of you are understandably worried about what your non-SS family might do for you when/if you die. Many of you have religious families who will almost certainly hold a religious funeral for you. Don’t be concerned, it will have no effect on your soul. Don’t worry about it. These “religious ceremonies” have no power on anyone who is dedicated to Satan. You can request a non-religious ceremony if you are able to, these are becoming more and more popular, especially in the Western countries. You can also plan and pay for your own ceremony ahead of time and leave your arranged requests with a solicitor or the funeral home, but you need to have realistic expectations about this. They’re not going to do a Satanic funeral for you, but they will leave out everything religious and show you examples they have already prepared for other clients.

For those who have a loved one who dies, you can of course ask the Gods to take care of them. But you will likely have little say over the type of funeral they have, unless you are the head of your family. So you might be wondering about their funeral, if you can go or not. Yes, you can go. Even if it’s in a church. This is not blasphemous to the Gods. Our Gods are much stronger than the joke of a religion that xianity/islam/etc are, and our Gods understand that humans are by nature social, just like our Gods are.

You are free to make a personal stand and boycott a church funeral, but be forewarned: you will probably alienate your other loved ones. Do this if you feel it is best for you, but if you want, you can attend the church, mentally blaspheme xianity, and meditate on the Gods instead.

Recently there have been a few members who posted, mentioning that they are dying. We also have members who are elderly. We will also have more members finding the JoS in the future who might be near the end of their life and experiencing a spiritual awakening before they die. I want to make something very clear to you: High Priest Hooded Cobra and myself are ALWAYS here for you. Even if you just need some emotional support, email us. Don’t hesitate, don’t feel like we won’t want to be disturbed by you, don’t feel like we don’t care. This is one of our roles as clergy. And, we care very much about each of you.

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This really spoke to me I used to as you know a nurse assistant for 8 years I seen meany take their last breaths.

To those who are dying or have loved ones pass on death is not the end of their lives . What ends is the pain the suffering you have faced in this life and I my self died for at least a minute a few years ago.

I saw a guardian demon she said it wasn't my time and I came back and I was at peace I felt nothing like I never been sick.

You will be alright and you won't be alone...
Hello, High Sister Lydia. I have a problem. I recently lost a friend due to an accident. I have his birth chart and I would like to study the cause of his death in detail. I also have some more questions for you. I would also like to get emotional support from you. Could you please send me a private message, because I cannot send you a message.
Hello :)

You can email me [email protected]

The cause of death is not always seen in natal charts, or in solar returns. I have studied this a lot over the years, for my loved one who died, and for other people who lost loved ones. However, one's death can often be seen in the transits or solar return of their mother, child, or spouse, from my observations, not necessarily in the chart of the one who died.

We all die when fate determines, and our time of death is set before we incarnate. It can be adjusted and prevented as we advance though.
Hello :)

You can email me [email protected]

The cause of death is not always seen in natal charts, or in solar returns. I have studied this a lot over the years, for my loved one who died, and for other people who lost loved ones. However, one's death can often be seen in the transits or solar return of their mother, child, or spouse, from my observations, not necessarily in the chart of the one who died.

We all die when fate determines, and our time of death is set before we incarnate. It can be adjusted and prevented as we advance though.
Thank you, High Priestess Lydia. I wrote to your protonmail.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to HPS Lydia for this excellent sermon. I couldn't help but smile at the sentence: "... but if you want, you can go to church, mentally blaspheme about Xianity and meditate on the gods instead". In fact, that's how I've always felt. Confrontation only leads to an unnecessary loss of energy. People who are firmly stuck in Xianism are not so easy to convince and I have no intention of proselytizing anyone. And what HPS Lydia wrote is also true: "These "religious ceremonies" have no power over someone who is dedicated to Satan". Apart from that, these idiots pray to a fictitious character. That's why their rites and ceremonies are completely devoid of power and juice. The true cults of the pagan religions were destroyed or completely distorted by them anyway. Even the word "religion" has been perverted. It is always claimed that the word is derived from the Latin term "religare", which means: to reconnect. Of course, the "Christians" mean: to connect back to their fictitious God. There is just one small catch. Every Latin speaker knows that the noun of "religare" never results in "religio". We have Cicero to thank for pointing us in the right direction. His son asked him how religio was to be understood. He took him to the temple and said to him: "I will show you what religio is. Because religio comes from relegere, which means to read back". Now you have to understand that reading (german: "lesen") is to be understood in the same way as picking up the grapes in the grape harvest (german: "Weinlese"), i.e. lifting them up, or as throwing the sticks of the beech (german: "Stäbe der Buche"; from which the word "letter", i.e. german: "Buchstabe", originated) to the ground and then picking them up, i.e. lifting up the resulting sign and interpreting it. So Cicero takes his son to the temple and says to him: "Take every step as I do. Vibrate every word as I vibrate it. Do the hand signs the way I do them. Just copy everything I do and then read it back to me, i.e. let it affect you so that your spirit understands how to read it. The son does as his father has told him and after a while, as they perform a ritual together in the temple, the son says to his father: "Father, now I see the gods. Now I can experience them". Cicero is delighted and replies: "You see, that's religio". It is the practice of a cult, not a mere belief in a fictitious legend. In the practice of a cult, a ritual or a ceremony, if it is performed correctly, we are close to the gods. Such a cult has strength and power.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Lucifius Focalor!

Hail Wotan!
Sometimes I think about how alone I am and how far away people are from me or I from them in this reincarnation. Who will mourn for me if I die? I realized this after reading your article HPS lydia. So how alone I am in life. However, I'm not even old.

Anyway, this is still a very good article. Thank you High Priestess Lydia.
You not are alone 😊
Fantastico, post illuminante, grazie Alta Sacerdotessa !!!!!
It's not a problem but for speaking Italian is the Italian forum😅
Мне очень нравится читать ваши посты, я хочу вам кое-что рассказать
Нормальная человеческая жизнь - это то, о чем мы можем спросить себя, что нормально? Что такое человек? Что такое жизнь?
Это очень странный мир, зависящий от общества, которым мы являемся, и культуры, нормальный относительный, и быть человеком в некоторых странах не отличается от животного, и животные заслуживают всякого уважения, как мы, люди, нам не нужно относиться к животным плохо, так что "мы" пали более человечными? Еврейское дерьмо
В любом случае, важно получать удовольствие, не может быть только работа.
Greetings, it's nice to hear that you like my posts :)

You are absolutely right about what you wrote.

Currently, I am doing serious work on cleansing the chakras, I clean absolutely all the chakras, I do it every day 🧹

Since all the dirt and negative energy comes out of me, I have bursts of strong negative emotions, I usually do not write pessimistic (negative) posts like this and will not write them, but I think that very soon I will completely cleanse all the chakras.
Try the Green card lottery, starts in October and you have a chance to win and live in the USA.
Low chance to win, but we are SS, and have more "luck" if we apply ourselves.
I wanted to live in the USA as a teenager, now in terms of money and career I have everything I need in my country, so I do not plan to participate in the Green Card Lottery in the near future, although everything is possible.

If my soul has a choice after this life in which country to be born, then my soul will look for the safest and richest country like the USA, or Australia, New Zealand, where the situation with human rights and everything else (with the standard of living) is much better than in Europe.

In the USA, in the state of Texas, a big plus is that you can carry weapons with you, the culture of carrying weapons is to my taste, besides expressing a political position in the form of posts on the Internet and social networks (without trying to overthrow the government), no one will put you in prison.

In my country they put you in jail prison, if you write something bad about the president of the country, or like a post in which he is criticized. In my country, people who support the president but who criticize him or his team are even imprisoned. Obviously, there is no such thing in the USA.

New Zealand and Australia are too far from the rest of the world to be involved in some kind of fucked-up war, for example, unleashed by the Jews, although China is actually not so far away from Australia, but the United States of America will manage to contain China for now.

In the USA, in Australia, in New Zealand, with a culture of respect for human rights, there should be less violence in kindergartens and schools by educators, which takes place in my country and from which I myself suffered + in these countries, you can focus on life (including personal life and the birth of children) without being distracted by anything shit, that is, not to be mobilized as in Ukraine and Russia, or being a student, constantly running around the courts and military enlistment offices and proving that you have a reprieve from the army when they will try to drag you to the front with all their might (including by illegal means). I can describe a lot of shit that I see every day and that I just try not to see, but I won't do it, because people living in the USA, Australia and New Zealand can't even imagine how white people can live bad against their will in Europe!
Greetings, it's nice to hear that you like my posts :)

You are absolutely right about what you wrote.

Currently, I am doing serious work on cleansing the chakras, I clean absolutely all the chakras, I do it every day 🧹

Since all the dirt and negative energy comes out of me, I have bursts of strong negative emotions, I usually do not write pessimistic (negative) posts like this and will not write them, but I think that very soon I will completely cleanse all the chakras.
For me is not so negative, is kind of "normal" to me that u want better, why to want worst?
I wanted to live in the USA as a teenager, now in terms of money and career I have everything I need in my country, so I do not plan to participate in the Green Card Lottery in the near future, although everything is possible.

If my soul has a choice after this life in which country to be born, then my soul will look for the safest and richest country like the USA, or Australia, New Zealand, where the situation with human rights and everything else (with the standard of living) is much better than in Europe.

In the USA, in the state of Texas, a big plus is that you can carry weapons with you, the culture of carrying weapons is to my taste, besides expressing a political position in the form of posts on the Internet and social networks (without trying to overthrow the government), no one will put you in prison.

In my country they put you in jail prison, if you write something bad about the president of the country, or like a post in which he is criticized. In my country, people who support the president but who criticize him or his team are even imprisoned. Obviously, there is no such thing in the USA.

New Zealand and Australia are too far from the rest of the world to be involved in some kind of fucked-up war, for example, unleashed by the Jews, although China is actually not so far away from Australia, but the United States of America will manage to contain China for now.

In the USA, in Australia, in New Zealand, with a culture of respect for human rights, there should be less violence in kindergartens and schools by educators, which takes place in my country and from which I myself suffered + in these countries, you can focus on life (including personal life and the birth of children) without being distracted by anything shit, that is, not to be mobilized as in Ukraine and Russia, or being a student, constantly running around the courts and military enlistment offices and proving that you have a reprieve from the army when they will try to drag you to the front with all their might (including by illegal means). I can describe a lot of shit that I see every day and that I just try not to see, but I won't do it, because people living in the USA, Australia and New Zealand can't even imagine how white people can live bad against their will in Europe!
Just for your information there are many differences in countries of Europe. Perhaps you could learn more about Europe because there is southern, northern and western Europe among eastern EU where you are situated.

The problems you listed can happen anywhere in the world and are mostly the result of personal karma (not to say that parental, racial and national karma do not influence the outcome).

It is also noteworthy that European food is on average cleaner than US food (thanks to regulation) which is more important factor than personal weaponry (though I would enjoy more freedoms related to them as well). And yes, you can have a firearm license for a handgun fairly easily in certain European countries.
Just for your information there are many differences in countries of Europe. Perhaps you could learn more about Europe because there is southern, northern and western Europe among eastern EU where you are situated.

The problems you listed can happen anywhere in the world and are mostly the result of personal karma (not to say that parental, racial and national karma do not influence the outcome).

It is also noteworthy that European food is on average cleaner than US food (thanks to regulation) which is more important factor than personal weaponry (though I would enjoy more freedoms related to them as well). And yes, you can have a firearm license for a handgun fairly easily in certain European countries.
Funnily enough, I used to want to emigrate either to North America or South America. In fact, I traveled to many countries and lived in Spain for a while. When I started dreaming in Spanish, I became "scared and anxious" because I felt like a stranger to myself. I immediately wanted to go back to my home country, even though I found it rather cold socially. So I am glad that I no longer attached any great importance to the idea of emigrating to distant countries. Today I am convinced that every person is reborn in the country that corresponds to their soul's plan. I may not agree with everything that my motherland offers me, but this is where I feel my roots and am connected to my ancestors. I can confirm what you wrote about food, at least for my home country of Germany. There is a very high standard here, also in terms of drinking water quality. I really missed this high standard in many countries, especially in Southeast Asia.
Through this travel experience, I was also able to understand the saying of the Danish philosopher Sören Kierkegaard: "The foreign language has the heaviest shackles, which are the easiest to break. The mother tongue, on the other hand, has the lightest shackles, which are the hardest to break.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Lucifius Focalor!
What do you think about the movie "Leave the World Behind" that tells the story of what will happen?
For me is not so negative, is kind of "normal" to me that u want better, why to want worst?
I don't know where you saw it, maybe I formulated it incorrectly, or I made a mistake in spelling.

I don't want the worst, I want the best! :):cool:
Everyone here knows that xianity and other enemy religions corrupted spirituality. Xianity is said to be a “death cult” because it only focuses on repressing your life, repressing your joy and passion and enthusiasm, living in a half-dead state, and await your death where you will either float on a cloud with a zombie jew for all eternity, or burn in eternal fire. Islam is even worse and represses even more of life. Even new-age movements aren’t really alive. Spiritual Satanism is the only path that is about living life to your fullest potential in the truest sense, because true spirituality enriches life and makes life more meaningful.

The Ancient cultures of the past understood life and death. “Death” was never seen as permanent, it is only a transition from one life to the afterlife and then to a new life. The cycles continue as in nature, until the individual achieves Godhead, which is only through the instruction of Satan and our other Gods who are aligned with Satan.

Death was never seen as morbid. I’ve seen complaints here over the years whenever someone mentioned death, about how “morbid” is it to speak of it. This is from xianity, as that entire religion is corrupt. Xianity is morbid.

The fact is, everyone will die, until they evolve past the need for reincarnation. Here in the Joy of Satan we know humans can advance and become Gods, but this is a process that takes lifetimes. Some members have already done work and advancement in your past lives, so I have every hope that as many of us as possible can reach Godhead in this current life.

But to be realistic, most people will need at least one more lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just how the soul is, it takes time to develop and evolve and advance. Think about it, did every single soul Satan created, make it to Godhead in their first life? Obviously not, as everyone is all here again, not as Gods.

To make it clear: there is nothing wrong with death. Yes, it is very sad when our loved ones die. I myself lost one of the most important people to me, and last year I lost another loved one. I also had an SS friend (online from the yahoo groups) who died, about 12 years ago. It's very sad, but it is a part of nature. This is how life is: it is followed by death, until we each evolve past death. Life is followed by death... but death is then followed by life again.

One of the roles of the Ancient High Priests was to assist those who are near the end of their life, help with their soul and their conscience, to prepare for the transition to the afterlife, and to prepare for a better start to their next incarnation. Xianity corrupted this and made “death bed confessions”, which is based on real spirituality albeit corrupted.

When you are dying, you don’t want to have a lot of unresolved duties, unfinished business, or regrets. This can make it difficult to enter the afterlife, which is why we have many ghosts on our planet. Everyone who is dedicated to Satan won’t have to worry about becoming stuck here as a ghost, our Gods will be right there with you when you die, to bring you to Duat. So don’t worry about that.

But regrets and unfinished business will carry over to your next life. This is one of the ways karma is built. You need to clear your conscience before you die, make peace with yourself, make peace with those in your life. Not just ignoring problems and pretending your conscience is clear, but doing whatever is necessary to make peace.

Any feuds with old friends or relatives, any resentment, arrange to meet up with them and work through it, or write them an email and get everything off your chest. They will be more willing to work with you to resolve an issue if they know you are dying, this is a fact that everyone knows or has heard about, because we all have it in our ancestral consciousness: making peace upon death. Do what you can to move forward to the afterlife with a clear conscience in preparation for a better start to your next life.

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Now, about funerals. High Priest Hooded Cobra has mentioned already that he will be updating the Satanic Rites section for funerals. But that aside, many of you are understandably worried about what your non-SS family might do for you when/if you die. Many of you have religious families who will almost certainly hold a religious funeral for you. Don’t be concerned, it will have no effect on your soul. Don’t worry about it. These “religious ceremonies” have no power on anyone who is dedicated to Satan. You can request a non-religious ceremony if you are able to, these are becoming more and more popular, especially in the Western countries. You can also plan and pay for your own ceremony ahead of time and leave your arranged requests with a solicitor or the funeral home, but you need to have realistic expectations about this. They’re not going to do a Satanic funeral for you, but they will leave out everything religious and show you examples they have already prepared for other clients.

For those who have a loved one who dies, you can of course ask the Gods to take care of them. But you will likely have little say over the type of funeral they have, unless you are the head of your family. So you might be wondering about their funeral, if you can go or not. Yes, you can go. Even if it’s in a church. This is not blasphemous to the Gods. Our Gods are much stronger than the joke of a religion that xianity/islam/etc are, and our Gods understand that humans are by nature social, just like our Gods are.

You are free to make a personal stand and boycott a church funeral, but be forewarned: you will probably alienate your other loved ones. Do this if you feel it is best for you, but if you want, you can attend the church, mentally blaspheme xianity, and meditate on the Gods instead.

Recently there have been a few members who posted, mentioning that they are dying. We also have members who are elderly. We will also have more members finding the JoS in the future who might be near the end of their life and experiencing a spiritual awakening before they die. I want to make something very clear to you: High Priest Hooded Cobra and myself are ALWAYS here for you. Even if you just need some emotional support, email us. Don’t hesitate, don’t feel like we won’t want to be disturbed by you, don’t feel like we don’t care. This is one of our roles as clergy. And, we care very much about each of you.

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Thank you HPS Lydia. This is a beautiful post, that I somehow missed but found just now.

I have always been obsessed by a phobia of death.
One practical example: when renovating some documents, the city asks for your consent on organ harvesting for organ donations were something happen to you.
You can say Yes, No, or you can refuse to answer. I refused to answer not because I wouldn't want to give my organs to potentially save another life in a time where I don't need them anymore, but because to only think of the prospect of being dead made me extremely anxious and get constant panic attacks and a steady feeling of existential dread.
I've been avoiding the subject all my life because of this psychological reaction. I've had dread about death since when I was 11 years old, when I go to sleep at night, mostly.

I've been told paranoia and obsessions are present in my natal chart, to literally zero surprise.

I feel like this sermon of yours helped me a bit to cope with it. It's also true that as of lately I've been much better spiritually, I'm practicing way more than before, and as I've written the other day in another thread, I hit a huge milestone with being able to see my aura. I needed it incredibly, because I need this faith. Because I can't accept the atheistic worldview.
I wouldn't be able to live if I was an atheist.

I want to thank the Gods for existing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
