Depends on the reasons and what has occurred and why based on individual case. In the past centuries where people had no clue they didn't make any exception because any soul didn't know anything.
The Gods don't look positively upon betrayal. It also depends how far one will go with this. They'll judge the individual case with their all understanding capability and they will see what they will do.
They will help people who lose their way, but past a point in knowing it's betrayal. One decides their own fate too.
In this case it's likely some kind of enemy subversion thing as few people will knowingly choose the enemy. The Gods would know this and likely have empathy. In some cases even strong souls can be taken down especially if there is a lack of knowledge to begin with.
In the cases where some subversive thing doesn't exist and the person freely chooses the enemy I do not think the Gods will save them.
Also I think the Gods pay attention to the individual and what their nature is they know what is real betrayal and what is not more so than any of us do.
Betrayal is quite the subject. Imagine actually doing that to Satan. Especially after forming a relationship with him. You'd have to be fucking stupid to do that.
Depends on the reasons and what has occurred and why based on individual case. In the past centuries where people had no clue they didn't make any exception because any soul didn't know anything.
The Gods don't look positively upon betrayal. It also depends how far one will go with this. They'll judge the individual case with their all understanding capability and they will see what they will do.
They will help people who lose their way, but past a point in knowing it's betrayal. One decides their own fate too.
That makes sense, especially for those teenagers who are hiding their alliances with Father Satan, which I believe is a different issue at hand. As for the betrayal, I feel it is definitely what HP said, really depends on a case by case basis and how far they go with it. Some are confused and mixed with guilt and others are really lost in a strange sense of inner conflict. I understand it to be a case of interest with the Gods and how they see it.