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What do you think about today's music?


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2022
I know that back in the days!.. people had something called a talent! That was either a gift? Or something they worked on because they wanted to learn it? And a lot of these talents are usually passed on. Either you're born with it? Or you're not! Some people laugh out loud have an ear for music! And have a knack and picking up the beat the base and the rhythm of it! And some people can easily read music and learn to play an instrument! And gradually learn to play others! Some people have a knack of picking up not only the skills of reading the music but also the mechanics of understanding the music! And can play any musical instrument also known as the musical genius! Who could also choreograph and make his own music by taking the time to write it and think about the tunes and the base and the notes! When it comes down to music people put their heart and soul into it! And told about their life and their spiritual energy with each nervous sound! And with the Rhythm the soul of the song and the person! Was expressed with the bait and the base and the sound! The voice and the lyrics! Giving you a taste of who and what he or she is as an individual! Introducing themselves talking about an experience they went through or something about their childhood! Introducing their life expressing their energy their glow and their sexuality! Music can be very upbeat and very expressive! In many ways! It can be dark it can be depressing it can be loud and it can make you want to get out onto the dance floor and party and have a good time! It can turn you on and sexually arouse you! And make you want to go out dressed in your sexiest! Or? Put you in the mood to do some serious time in the bedroom! It sets the mood! Or it creates the mood depending on your attitude and your personality and all together what you're looking for? Music throughout the years has changed! But also along with it we developed different types of music other than just folk music and Rhythm and blues! Music express is passion and Magic Allure and pleasure! Christians look down up on it sometimes and considerate tools of the devil! Will father Lucifer Satan represents that kind of freedom! In all levels! It opens up the mind it gets you to express your moods your personality you become creative in mind and thought! Music is very healing and it opens up the mind and it requires you to take that next step and development! It can transform you in many ways! On all levels! Whether a person can sing or play the drums the bass the flute or the violin! Plus expressing their dance moves on the stage as well! Letting you know that you can get out and exercise! And tone your body! It is good for anybody at any age! It helps develop children on all levels! It creates the mathematician within considering the fact that when you take the time to write and create music! The time and the effort it takes! You are more than an artist! You are a genius! AZAZEL APOLLO HELEOSE!!
Also played musical instruments! A man! A demon! A very powerful god! Who represents music and genius and Talent on all levels! Express his freedom sexuality romance and pleasure! A God who represents creativity! Possibility! Never ending! Also associated with wealth prosperity! And many other things on many other levels! And beyond! Music represents the freedom of the Soul it represents free will! And it represents youth it represents Magic rebelliousness! And defiance! We have got music that ranges from classical! Hip hop! Country western! In every generic! We have got death metal we have got black metal! And we have got pop music and indie rock! Music has changed a lot throughout the years and that has pretty much what has shaped the minds of people! When it comes to creativity Shifting the mind to relax or to get out there and have fun literally transforming you into a Slimmer person you lose pounds it shapes your body! It is good for your core energy! Coordination muscle control and balance! It is good for your posture! And if people want to push it! It motivates you into getting into other fields! Such as yoga! Cheerleading and dancing! Music is also associated with art and dance Sports and fitness! It makes you creative and it makes you remember! It brings out who you are your soul attitude! Your spiritual Divinity because it weakens the intercoolini and the inner serpent! It awakens your chakras and your inner cheese! Building up your bio-electricity! Music is found everywhere! Just like mathematics! It works with the paranormal! It works with the living and it works and laces in with different worlds! It has that ability and it has that effect! That's why Christians have always bitched and complained about music and rock and roll! And it's not just rock and roll music! If people listen to Chopin Beethoven and bach! These are musical artists that are grandparents and those before us used to listen to even the Catholic Church was interested in it as well they had their choirs and of course they're with singing! Beautiful singers and songwriters wrote concertos even hymns! For the churches! So chanting and sound vibration was going on all over and maybe people was not aware of the fact that just because they're doing it? Does not mean that they're going to go to hell Christians on the other hand were always so leery of everything and anything and yet they go out and try shit? And claim that it is a gift of god! Lacing all kinds of Jesus shit into it! Trying to claim it to be their own when music is universal and it's for everyone! And it fits hand in hand with everything and anything we do! People have openly expressed themselves and talked highly of their favorite bands and the music that these bands have played and how it affected them! Music will always be a favorite! People used to go out and play real musical instruments and took their time to practice and study traveling all over the place with her bands! Music used to be respected bands used to be respected and the artist was well known and renowned for his or her music and her talents and abilities! The music industry used to have respect for these artists and their music! And nowadays you see remakes! And they take somebody else's music and ruin it deliberately! And take the credit on themselves instead of having respect for the artist! They throw the copyrights out there and tell us not to play it on videos just so that they can have the time to go fucking deliberate the artist of somebody's music and change it for themselves! Taking it over and ruining it! So music is not the same! But then here people play the piano at home! They get up and sing on stage on America's Got talent! And among other things! People using it for different measures! Expressing their mathematical skills! Science And scientists have used it along with their programs! Athletes! Using it to work out with and people have used it for their own methods! Still expressing who they are and putting the word and the power out there! With sound and Rhythm and voice! The power of the inner soul and the power of the individual! What I call the sound of heaven! What Satan has blessed us with and it goes beyond!
I know that back in the days!.. people had something called a talent! That was either a gift? Or something they worked on because they wanted to learn it?
What is available today lacks any true essence of harmony.
Harmony is the form of art that a soul uses to express the intricate nature of the universe, appealing to the core flow.

It is rare to impossible to find a natural song in today's age that is not subjected to mistreatment and corruption by individuals who lack wisdom and appreciation for this art. Not to mention the abundance of inherently negative descriptions, such as "Brooklyn Blood Pop", which was created by a Jewess.

Few people today know how to properly compose a symphony, as evidenced by senseless popular tunes, rhythmic verse, and other genres lacking in wisdom, skill, and love.
I believe we should focus on listening to music that reflects the joys of the Earth and the Universe. Classical compositions played with instruments serve as the best example.

Here is a compilation of classical music that touches the soul: Best of Piano
My favorite classical masterpiece is undoubtedly the "Turkish March" by Mozart.

The flow state is a mental condition in which an individual is temporarily heightened, appreciating everything considered beautiful. Music is best enjoyed in this state, as the harmonies are most pleasant during this time.

During exercise, we are also in a better state, and music enhances the experience, providing motivation to continue, contributing to endurance. Cardio is a prime example of this.
As we advance, our tolerance for disharmonious melodies diminishes, and we begin to develop a dislike for them.
All pop music was designed to mainly sell records, there is dogshit in every era of pop music, but this era is really bad. Really, really bad.

Most songs are just produced by the same jews with 50 of them writing on a single song. It has become so hideous that even the youngest Gen Z/Alpha I know don't really listen to chart music like that.

Relating to what you said about sex, the music of this era is aggressively anti-sexual in message while using the most vile descriptions of sex imaginable. All of it relates to using sex for benefits or some sort of sociopathic one-upping; nothing to do with love whatsoever. 'Slime You Out' sounds like high-level grey sex.... then look who is 'rapping' it.

The shitty J CHRIST song by the worthless scum Lil Nas X was written by Michael Levy and Blake Slatkin. Why? To push this nazarene thing back into the public consciousness... again.

Art was successfully destroyed pretty early, but all of the perversion of music to sound and feel like shit is another blasphemy against Venus which is subconsciously intended to lead to some pisslamic slave state. Music is meant to elevate people into higher realms of being on a day to day basis.
Most mainstream music and movies anymore now are trash. There is literally a song dedicated to some wierd sht apparently called "wall twerking" where the rapper chants "gas pedal". A girl I was dating at the end of last year hung with me and turned on some music at her place and she asked me if I heard of it and said no. Next thing I know the crazy girl is literally twerking with her feet up upside down on the wall. Like seriously wtf.
Even country music used to have a sense of freedom. ? Talking about being Cowboys and riding through the plains, talking about the sunset and the environment and how harsh it was and the hard times that Cowboys went through taking the responsibility of taking care of cows and horses and how they would round them up and heard them over to different places to graze and to feed and then talking about the rain the Thunder and the lightning! And the tribal Drums of the Native americans. And then going into talking about Indian people and what they're like? As well as talking about life in the city going into a bar and drinking beer gambling and such. Talking about their experiences and who they are it used to have a very folk meaning to it also representing their family and their family name who they are and such and it didn't matter if you were born and raised in the country part of America or if you were a cowboy? Proud of wearing your cowboy hat and going to rodeos? It used to be kind of fun sitting down with my dad listening to Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton and hearing my dad talk about his high school days and his buddies working on the farm and where that you lived on a farm or not? You could be living in the middle of the city as a city slicker and still be a fan of haggard and Joe and Mel Tillis and all of these classic western singers. And when it comes to country western music? People had their selection and there was different genres because you also had your country rock and you had your rockabilly! Kind of a teeny bop hillbilly type music that made you want to get out and dance? And made you want to get out and have a party and have a couple of beers or go honky tonking. Not that everybody was into that? Nowadays Honky Tonk? Drinking and carousing picking up hookers and going to bars and getting into fights has now taken a lesson in getting pulled over by a cop? A lot of people have better sense in doing that but cowboy music also brought that out too so did Heavy metal! Country western music and heavy metal music sort of have a few things in common? Drinking and carousing is one of them talking about prostitutes and sex is another one? Other than just Ma and Pa eating corn on the cob in the kitchen? Or hanging out on the ranch having a good conversation about cows? And talking about money and business breeding horses or something? Heavy metal on the other hand was about hard time City life? Dealing with reality! Getting into trouble for police and being a rebel! Or being some kind of a big shot! Talking about parties and riots having a good time getting into a fight in the middle of the street over a girl! Being rebellious restless and young! Hot young sexy girls at a bar! Or an older woman a wife perhaps that the guy loves? And feels bad because he cheated on her? And is trying to get back with her and she's putting up a friend and she's angry? And trying to figure out a creative way to win her over? We're country western music and heavy metal and love ballads connect? When you see and notice the similarity? It used to be fun listening to country western music and heavy metal music back in the days and there was a comfort to it? And nowadays country western music is all about being a hick and being a gross and disgusting! And almost has a hip hop jump to it which makes it trashy country western music nowadays is no more different than listening to shitty metal? Redneck music that is laced in with Christianity just the same as your hip hop and your pop music so they've even trashed country western music and it's not the same like it used to be! And it's sad because a lot of us who grew up during the '70s and '80s knew what real country western music was and that there was a spiritual connection with it and it made you want to go out and go for a drive in your chevy? Go up into the mountains and have a barbecue? Enjoy a picnic in your backyard with friends and family and thinking of all the good times we used to have and the comfort and the pleasure of that! We're nowadays you don't even know if you want to listen to country or not because they have changed that and they have ruined that too
And I don't care much for this robotic music! It gives me a headache and noticing that Arabic sound to everybody's voice? That Islamic shit that they try to listen to music these days not that there's anything wrong with sounding arabic? Laugh out loud Gracie Slick used to have that Arabic sound of her voice back in her days when she was performing with Jefferson Airplane and Performing for woodstock! But nowadays people are trying to sound islamic! And along with it the pop music and the lyrics that electric robotic Arabic sound? It does not sound right to me it sounds almost haunting and not in a good way some of it is pretty catching laugh out loud but then again it's sort of makes me feel like I'm living in the middle of the Middle East somewhere? Waiting to get dragged off into the street and beaten to death it almost has that sound to it where it is not comforting I don't have anything against people living in those countries? I just don't care much for the Islamic nonsense that they're trying to put in with the music! I know a lot of it is very catching and it is kind of addicting? And that's the creepy part about it but that also tells me that the Islamic also has control of the music just as much as the Jews and that is what is fucked up and weird about this pop music and that whiny sound that people have to their singing voices and that sound of somebody sucking on a helium balloon like you're listening to a little baby sing when it is a full-fledged adult woman or an older girl and it makes you wonder if they're sucking helium and at the same time trying to sing! Just a few complaints about today's music! That really makes me question!
Karnonnos and HellGate really put it well, pop music is a carefully studied formula that is designed to send subliminal messages, and the kikes in charge take advantage of this to push whatever message it suits them best using fake idols and artists with manufactured personalities. I don't listen to it, though I have a classmate I hang around with who does. If you want an example, I have had the misfortune of listening to a thing called "Chulo" by Bad Gyal. It's in Spanish (a broken version of it, kind of what modern rap did to English), and it's horrendous in both "composition" and "lyrics". I use quotes because calling that a composition or a lyric is an insult to actual music. Don't listen to it if you value yourself.

As for music I like, I can enjoy many genres, it doesn't have to be overly complex. I have listened to classical music, but I sometimes feel like I don't understand it, and I refrain from telling people I have listened to it because then they just think I'm elitist. Metal, metalcore, artcore and some forms of EDM I can definitely enjoy. Whatever makes me dance is approved so long as it is not pop or mainstream trap or even worse, reggaeton. Maybe I'm too much of a zoomer, but I have found video game scores to have most of what I look for in music most of the time. The soundtracks for games like Nier:Automata, Ace Combat (Zero, 5 and 7) Dark Souls (the first, but the others are great as well) or Undertale (and its successor Deltarune) are all great for me, so I'd suggest checking them out. It's actually kind of embarrassing to admit I unironically listen to video game music, people around me see a video game and they instantly assume I'm immature. Here are some notable pieces:



If you bothered to click on any of them, I hope it pleased your ears.
All pop music was designed to mainly sell records, there is dogshit in every era of pop music, but this era is really bad. Really, really bad.

Most songs are just produced by the same jews with 50 of them writing on a single song. It has become so hideous that even the youngest Gen Z/Alpha I know don't really listen to chart music like that.

Relating to what you said about sex, the music of this era is aggressively anti-sexual in message while using the most vile descriptions of sex imaginable. All of it relates to using sex for benefits or some sort of sociopathic one-upping; nothing to do with love whatsoever. 'Slime You Out' sounds like high-level grey sex.... then look who is 'rapping' it.

The shitty J CHRIST song by the worthless scum Lil Nas X was written by Michael Levy and Blake Slatkin. Why? To push this nazarene thing back into the public consciousness... again.

Art was successfully destroyed pretty early, but all of the perversion of music to sound and feel like shit is another blasphemy against Venus which is subconsciously intended to lead to some pisslamic slave state. Music is meant to elevate people into higher realms of being on a day to day basis.
I've always been repulsed by pop, especially modern pop. Although I've liked a few older pop songs, almost all of it is incompatible with me. It's vapid, vain and soulless. It's formulaic and mass produced for consumption by the masses. It's completely vacuous and deprived of principles, and in so doing, goes against my values.

It's the anthem of the andrapoda, written and recorded by the same stale jewish minds.

I used to like pop punk. Or even synthpop. Alot of genres I thought I didn't like, I ended up liking in the end, and left me with a new appreciation for music. But straight pop is one that just never vibed with me.

The music that appeals to me the most, is basically music that the musicians wanted to play, that they themselves wanted to hear, that was an authentic form of self expression. Authenticity is the most important thing to me.

That's why I found myself gravitating toward underground, independent and niche artists over time. I still love country and listen to the local radio, though.
I know that back in the days!.. people had something called a talent! That was either a gift? Or something they worked on because they wanted to learn it? And a lot of these talents are usually passed on. Either you're born with it? Or you're not! Some people laugh out loud have an ear for music! And have a knack and picking up the beat the base and the rhythm of it! And some people can easily read music and learn to play an instrument! And gradually learn to play others! Some people have a knack of picking up not only the skills of reading the music but also the mechanics of understanding the music! And can play any musical instrument also known as the musical genius! Who could also choreograph and make his own music by taking the time to write it and think about the tunes and the base and the notes! When it comes down to music people put their heart and soul into it! And told about their life and their spiritual energy with each nervous sound! And with the Rhythm the soul of the song and the person! Was expressed with the bait and the base and the sound! The voice and the lyrics! Giving you a taste of who and what he or she is as an individual! Introducing themselves talking about an experience they went through or something about their childhood! Introducing their life expressing their energy their glow and their sexuality! Music can be very upbeat and very expressive! In many ways! It can be dark it can be depressing it can be loud and it can make you want to get out onto the dance floor and party and have a good time! It can turn you on and sexually arouse you! And make you want to go out dressed in your sexiest! Or? Put you in the mood to do some serious time in the bedroom! It sets the mood! Or it creates the mood depending on your attitude and your personality and all together what you're looking for? Music throughout the years has changed! But also along with it we developed different types of music other than just folk music and Rhythm and blues! Music express is passion and Magic Allure and pleasure! Christians look down up on it sometimes and considerate tools of the devil! Will father Lucifer Satan represents that kind of freedom! In all levels! It opens up the mind it gets you to express your moods your personality you become creative in mind and thought! Music is very healing and it opens up the mind and it requires you to take that next step and development! It can transform you in many ways! On all levels! Whether a person can sing or play the drums the bass the flute or the violin! Plus expressing their dance moves on the stage as well! Letting you know that you can get out and exercise! And tone your body! It is good for anybody at any age! It helps develop children on all levels! It creates the mathematician within considering the fact that when you take the time to write and create music! The time and the effort it takes! You are more than an artist! You are a genius! AZAZEL APOLLO HELEOSE!!
Also played musical instruments! A man! A demon! A very powerful god! Who represents music and genius and Talent on all levels! Express his freedom sexuality romance and pleasure! A God who represents creativity! Possibility! Never ending! Also associated with wealth prosperity! And many other things on many other levels! And beyond! Music represents the freedom of the Soul it represents free will! And it represents youth it represents Magic rebelliousness! And defiance! We have got music that ranges from classical! Hip hop! Country western! In every generic! We have got death metal we have got black metal! And we have got pop music and indie rock! Music has changed a lot throughout the years and that has pretty much what has shaped the minds of people! When it comes to creativity Shifting the mind to relax or to get out there and have fun literally transforming you into a Slimmer person you lose pounds it shapes your body! It is good for your core energy! Coordination muscle control and balance! It is good for your posture! And if people want to push it! It motivates you into getting into other fields! Such as yoga! Cheerleading and dancing! Music is also associated with art and dance Sports and fitness! It makes you creative and it makes you remember! It brings out who you are your soul attitude! Your spiritual Divinity because it weakens the intercoolini and the inner serpent! It awakens your chakras and your inner cheese! Building up your bio-electricity! Music is found everywhere! Just like mathematics! It works with the paranormal! It works with the living and it works and laces in with different worlds! It has that ability and it has that effect! That's why Christians have always bitched and complained about music and rock and roll! And it's not just rock and roll music! If people listen to Chopin Beethoven and bach! These are musical artists that are grandparents and those before us used to listen to even the Catholic Church was interested in it as well they had their choirs and of course they're with singing! Beautiful singers and songwriters wrote concertos even hymns! For the churches! So chanting and sound vibration was going on all over and maybe people was not aware of the fact that just because they're doing it? Does not mean that they're going to go to hell Christians on the other hand were always so leery of everything and anything and yet they go out and try shit? And claim that it is a gift of god! Lacing all kinds of Jesus shit into it! Trying to claim it to be their own when music is universal and it's for everyone! And it fits hand in hand with everything and anything we do! People have openly expressed themselves and talked highly of their favorite bands and the music that these bands have played and how it affected them! Music will always be a favorite! People used to go out and play real musical instruments and took their time to practice and study traveling all over the place with her bands! Music used to be respected bands used to be respected and the artist was well known and renowned for his or her music and her talents and abilities! The music industry used to have respect for these artists and their music! And nowadays you see remakes! And they take somebody else's music and ruin it deliberately! And take the credit on themselves instead of having respect for the artist! They throw the copyrights out there and tell us not to play it on videos just so that they can have the time to go fucking deliberate the artist of somebody's music and change it for themselves! Taking it over and ruining it! So music is not the same! But then here people play the piano at home! They get up and sing on stage on America's Got talent! And among other things! People using it for different measures! Expressing their mathematical skills! Science And scientists have used it along with their programs! Athletes! Using it to work out with and people have used it for their own methods! Still expressing who they are and putting the word and the power out there! With sound and Rhythm and voice! The power of the inner soul and the power of the individual! What I call the sound of heaven! What Satan has blessed us with and it goes beyond!
May I ask u something,why don't u leave space when u type in between two paragraphs??It is very hard to read this way ...
I I've got a bad habit I have developed. I noticed that when I look at my posts?
It's been a long time since I've been in school now that you mentioned this
And you guys do a fabulous! Job with your posts, And EVERYTHING! YOU share
And I with me I just get it out there. And it just drum it all out.... I have so much to say that I would rather just get it all out. And I know it looks ugly and uniform.
Back in my school days I did a much better job. With my handwriting and everything was in uniform and look nice. That's why it pays to keep up with your handwriting skills. I haven't been back in school for many years.
And seriously slipped behind with my grammar and my handwriting
Reading is one thing and it does help you with your memory and keep you sharp and all of that. But ever since people started texting on the phone
And made a habit out of short hand. And the so-called cell phone text messaging and stuff like that I made a habit and this is what I mean! I have got a lot of bad habits I need to change
While music has become much easier to make and has become easier to learn an instrument than several hundred years ago the soul of the average musician has degraded at the same time so even if we we have Gen Z kids playing the piano professionally the songs they come up with are completely void of life.

Fortunately, with the silver lining above we have had some hits in different areas like the videos above mentioned by ChrimsonMonarch
I personally consider Metal music closer to Satanism with themes and lyrics that fit our own spiritual path, unfortunately in today's times a big part of it has been sold out to Jewish companies. Pop and Rap music is adapted to today's perverted times appealing to the retarded. I personally listen to Dark Wave like Blutengel and classical music.
I personally consider Metal music closer to Satanism with themes and lyrics that fit our own spiritual path, unfortunately in today's times a big part of it has been sold out to Jewish companies. Pop and Rap music is adapted to today's perverted times appealing to the retarded. I personally listen to Dark Wave like Blutengel and classical music.
I mostly like rock and metal music.This is truly Satanic music, this was also HPS Maxine written about in old sermons.
I mostly like rock and metal music.This is truly Satanic music, this was also HPS Maxine written about in old sermons.
Since I was a kid I listened to Metal music and despite the Christian propaganda I always felt an incredible attraction when I heard the name of Satan in various lyrics especially in Black Metal bands. Check out Rotting Christ, they are very good

Since I was a kid I listened to Metal music and despite the Christian propaganda I always felt an incredible attraction when I heard the name of Satan in various lyrics especially in Black Metal bands. Check out Rotting Christ, they are very good

I didn't listen to the usual rock bands, where there was no hint of Satanism or Paganism.

I always tried to find a hidden meaning in music, when I listened to some metal bands (with satanic content), it sometimes seemed to me that these people were singing for the Gods.
Since I was a kid I listened to Metal music and despite the Christian propaganda I always felt an incredible attraction when I heard the name of Satan in various lyrics especially in Black Metal bands. Check out Rotting Christ, they are very good

Love it bro! I've also been a big metal guy since my early years.

Elementary school was hard rock and punk rock. Middle school was nu-metal followed by death metal and black metal. High school I became more into the black metal and folk metal side and I discovered industrial music, something I feel suits the themes and ideas of Satanism extremely well. Artists like Grendel, Die Krupps, Noisuf-X, H.EXE... (etc ad infinitum).. often they focus on themes of anarchy, conspiracies, anti-religion, war and so on. It's like the punk of electronic music.

The thing with black metal people here I feel should accept is that sure, there may be themes that represent the xianist's view of Satanism, but this isn't to me negative unless you perceive it that way because it is art after all and thought manifests reality. Things like "I'm evil" shouldn't be taken literally but instead subjectively because... hello, duality? To murder and die in an allegorical sense also means to 'rebirth someone' or 'rebirth yourself'. It's not common to see a full-on black metal fan here I don't think, yet I'm very happy I'm not alone in my thinking that the music holds value to our cause. Not to mention these musicians are FUCKING TALENTED! I don't care if people out there think it's noise or just anguished sounds. I can't blame them I suppose... it takes a certain person, mindset and life experience I guess.

Here's a few of my favourites: Urgehal, Archgoat, Beherit, Darkthrone, Watain, Carpathian Forest, Satyricon, etc.

As I matured a bit in high school (funny enough) I gained a love for old music (just about anything from the 80's to 60's). It's obvious to anyone with a sense or soul that music almost completely died sometime in the 90's.

I feel so happy reading all these comments! Not one person said 'I love Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, or whatever). These songs are so overly-produced, overly-funded and (of course) the subliminals are abhorrently blatant to those who can see them. There is nothing organic or original in the mainstream today; or at least almost not at all from what I can tell.

I saw one video from Katy Perry (Extraterrestrial) once that looked nothing short of something manifested fully by the Kike ET overloards. It's really something else and I'd recommend some cleaning and RTRs if you watch it. Fuck Katy Perry. 😈
Love it bro! I've also been a big metal guy since my early years.

Elementary school was hard rock and punk rock. Middle school was nu-metal followed by death metal and black metal. High school I became more into the black metal and folk metal side and I discovered industrial music, something I feel suits the themes and ideas of Satanism extremely well. Artists like Grendel, Die Krupps, Noisuf-X, H.EXE... (etc ad infinitum).. often they focus on themes of anarchy, conspiracies, anti-religion, war and so on. It's like the punk of electronic music.

The thing with black metal people here I feel should accept is that sure, there may be themes that represent the xianist's view of Satanism, but this isn't to me negative unless you perceive it that way because it is art after all and thought manifests reality. Things like "I'm evil" shouldn't be taken literally but instead subjectively because... hello, duality? To murder and die in an allegorical sense also means to 'rebirth someone' or 'rebirth yourself'. It's not common to see a full-on black metal fan here I don't think, yet I'm very happy I'm not alone in my thinking that the music holds value to our cause. Not to mention these musicians are FUCKING TALENTED! I don't care if people out there think it's noise or just anguished sounds. I can't blame them I suppose... it takes a certain person, mindset and life experience I guess.

Here's a few of my favourites: Urgehal, Archgoat, Beherit, Darkthrone, Watain, Carpathian Forest, Satyricon, etc.

As I matured a bit in high school (funny enough) I gained a love for old music (just about anything from the 80's to 60's). It's obvious to anyone with a sense or soul that music almost completely died sometime in the 90's.

I feel so happy reading all these comments! Not one person said 'I love Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, or whatever). These songs are so overly-produced, overly-funded and (of course) the subliminals are abhorrently blatant to those who can see them. There is nothing organic or original in the mainstream today; or at least almost not at all from what I can tell.

I saw one video from Katy Perry (Extraterrestrial) once that looked nothing short of something manifested fully by the Kike ET overloards. It's really something else and I'd recommend some cleaning and RTRs if you watch it. Fuck Katy Perry. 😈
Good evening brother I'm glad that you see it that way too, for sure there are bands that talk about hostile Christian things like Behemoth etc. but still Metal is closer to our ideas and our way of life. Even so with these lyrics it helped me to keep the memory as to Satan alive. Also the further you go spiritually the less you are affected by any negative subliminal messages in music, advertisements etc. I don't agree with the view of some here on this forum that condemn metal music outright, it reminds me a bit of the Christian fanatics, sure it's good to point out the lyrics of songs like this Behemoth but that's different from condemning all metal music. Here is one of my favorite bands is a Greek pagan Black metal band that praises Apollo

Good evening brother I'm glad that you see it that way too, for sure there are bands that talk about hostile Christian things like Behemoth etc. but still Metal is closer to our ideas and our way of life. Even so with these lyrics it helped me to keep the memory as to Satan alive. Also the further you go spiritually the less you are affected by any negative subliminal messages in music, advertisements etc. I don't agree with the view of some here on this forum that condemn metal music outright, it reminds me a bit of the Christian fanatics, sure it's good to point out the lyrics of songs like this Behemoth but that's different from condemning all metal music. Here is one of my favorite bands is a Greek pagan Black metal band that praises Apollo

That was beautiful! Thanks for the awesome suggestion. I've been a little stuck on the 2nd wave of black metal and I haven't explored too much outside of that. The closest to this I might listen to is Urfaust, which is more based in ideas of Faust, occultism, rituals and intoxication... it's weird combo that's not Satanist themed, yet the sounds and ideas I get from it are always positive.

Man I'd love to visit Europe... especially Germany and Norway. (I'm actually half German and 1/4 Austrian and British). Those places appear so beautiful and rich in culture and history... not like communist Canada which is a somewhat recent colony of the British Empire, although it doesn't appear that way on the surface to basically all NPCs. The monarchy/crown (as an institution) owns nearly all the crown land in Canada, which makes up 89% of the land. As well, our entire country is under British Common Law save from Quebec which is under French-Heritage Law. I can't help but think that we're basically an extension of the Monarchy. :-/
Aside from the overly commercial available music, promoted endlessly and so on (due to taste), the music in our age and day is extremely profound, magnificent, deep and nuanced. There are limitless artists with instrumentation on a level that wasn't possible before, with more complexity in certain things.

You can attach your meaning and life with few artists and this will enrich your life endlessly, your relationships, your day and sleep.

You have to live life and let a song resonate by your lenses, repeat a few and let inspiration and creation take place in you. Whether this is done in 1500, 1800 or 2024, the music will enrich the same and the creation is the same: creating even more.

What music you listen to is linked to your ability of your consciousness and being as well. What you get from your favourite song, is not the song itself, but your consciousness having a platform to cosmically dance, expand and be stimulated. This platform is here for everyone to find. Whether is a song, a drawing, a poem, or ones life work, this manifests as life is to be enjoyed.
Norway I would also like to visit one day something that draws me there, as for Germany since I live there it has very nice places amazing nature, mountains, forests, castles with cultural and historical elements. My next trip will be to Wewelsburg castle and last summer I visited Walhalla in Bavaria


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May I throw in something else as black metal and add something for the soul resonance corner? Especially Black magick SS was a musical gift for me despite the quality of the recording and I guess it will be for you too hopefully

And never forget the classics like Wagner, Bach, Beethoven etc. on 432 are also worth a listen especially if you are younger, maybe it resonates
Aside from the overly commercial available music, promoted endlessly and so on (due to taste), the music in our age and day is extremely profound, magnificent, deep and nuanced. There are limitless artists with instrumentation on a level that wasn't possible before, with more complexity in certain things.

You can attach your meaning and life with few artists and this will enrich your life endlessly, your relationships, your day and sleep.

You have to live life and let a song resonate by your lenses, repeat a few and let inspiration and creation take place in you. Whether this is done in 1500, 1800 or 2024, the music will enrich the same and the creation is the same: creating even more.

What music you listen to is linked to your ability of your consciousness and being as well. What you get from your favourite song, is not the song itself, but your consciousness having a platform to cosmically dance, expand and be stimulated. This platform is here for everyone to find. Whether is a song, a drawing, a poem, or ones life work, this manifests as life is to be enjoyed.
I love that music is such a revered and loved thing here. I remember living with x-tards and they had this idea that music was this sort-of spiritual medium in which 'the devil' (the divine) can take over your subconscious mind, making you possessed.

Those poor fanatics out there. I think there is something spiritual about music (the way it connects us to our subconscious mind), and something very musical about Lucifer. These things are both positive in my mind.
This is fuc
I personally consider Metal music closer to Satanism with themes and lyrics that fit our own spiritual path, unfortunately in today's times a big part of it has been sold out to Jewish companies. Pop and Rap music is adapted to today's perverted times appealing to the retarded. I personally listen to Dark Wave like Blutengel and classical music.
This is fucking beautiful!! 🔥❤️‍🔥🤘🤘🤘
I love this🙂
May I throw in something else as black metal and add something for the soul resonance corner? Especially Black magick SS was a musical gift for me despite the quality of the recording and I guess it will be for you too hopefully

And never forget the classics like Wagner, Bach, Beethoven etc. on 432 are also worth a listen especially if you are younger, maybe it resonates
I wanted to post this here. I know some will think 'nothing new', 'pop is meant to be lowest denominator', 'celebrity gossip' and so on, but this is besides the point.

If it isn't 50 jews in a boardroom concocting a formulaic song, these 'artists' they pump out are STEALING WRITING AND PRODUCTION CREDITS from people, especially talented Gentiles. The songwriters put their feelings into a song and these plastic products as the face of the song steal the publishing rights when they didn't write anything. Then the jew media plants fake stories about how they were there and doing this and that in the studio.

This is the thing that has been going on since the 1970s with the puppets, many of whom are barely literate in interviews, yet we're supposed to believe they're songwriters.

This prolific songwriter talks about how many Oscar-winning, Grammy-winning songwriters are on the breadline and BROKE.

People in a lot of places really think that only kpop or tween-pop or whatever is a manufactured creation and this is false. They are just upfront about it. There are many genres (especially hip hop, r&b and reggaeton) where 95+ percent of the artists are fabricated to varying extents. Kids with musical talent here need to understand this specifically. Do not get screwed by the music industry. Be smart.

I just want to also point out that IQ tests indicate the threshold for originality is around 100IQ. Yet many of these artists, proportionately, do fall below that line. Understand this concept and the fakery will become obvious to you. It's a numbers game.
I know that back in the days!.. people had something called a talent! That was either a gift? Or something they worked on because they wanted to learn it? And a lot of these talents are usually passed on. Either you're born with it? Or you're not! Some people laugh out loud have an ear for music! And have a knack and picking up the beat the base and the rhythm of it! And some people can easily read music and learn to play an instrument! And gradually learn to play others! Some people have a knack of picking up not only the skills of reading the music but also the mechanics of understanding the music! And can play any musical instrument also known as the musical genius! Who could also choreograph and make his own music by taking the time to write it and think about the tunes and the base and the notes! When it comes down to music people put their heart and soul into it! And told about their life and their spiritual energy with each nervous sound! And with the Rhythm the soul of the song and the person! Was expressed with the bait and the base and the sound! The voice and the lyrics! Giving you a taste of who and what he or she is as an individual! Introducing themselves talking about an experience they went through or something about their childhood! Introducing their life expressing their energy their glow and their sexuality! Music can be very upbeat and very expressive! In many ways! It can be dark it can be depressing it can be loud and it can make you want to get out onto the dance floor and party and have a good time! It can turn you on and sexually arouse you! And make you want to go out dressed in your sexiest! Or? Put you in the mood to do some serious time in the bedroom! It sets the mood! Or it creates the mood depending on your attitude and your personality and all together what you're looking for? Music throughout the years has changed! But also along with it we developed different types of music other than just folk music and Rhythm and blues! Music express is passion and Magic Allure and pleasure! Christians look down up on it sometimes and considerate tools of the devil! Will father Lucifer Satan represents that kind of freedom! In all levels! It opens up the mind it gets you to express your moods your personality you become creative in mind and thought! Music is very healing and it opens up the mind and it requires you to take that next step and development! It can transform you in many ways! On all levels! Whether a person can sing or play the drums the bass the flute or the violin! Plus expressing their dance moves on the stage as well! Letting you know that you can get out and exercise! And tone your body! It is good for anybody at any age! It helps develop children on all levels! It creates the mathematician within considering the fact that when you take the time to write and create music! The time and the effort it takes! You are more than an artist! You are a genius! AZAZEL APOLLO HELEOSE!!
Also played musical instruments! A man! A demon! A very powerful god! Who represents music and genius and Talent on all levels! Express his freedom sexuality romance and pleasure! A God who represents creativity! Possibility! Never ending! Also associated with wealth prosperity! And many other things on many other levels! And beyond! Music represents the freedom of the Soul it represents free will! And it represents youth it represents Magic rebelliousness! And defiance! We have got music that ranges from classical! Hip hop! Country western! In every generic! We have got death metal we have got black metal! And we have got pop music and indie rock! Music has changed a lot throughout the years and that has pretty much what has shaped the minds of people! When it comes to creativity Shifting the mind to relax or to get out there and have fun literally transforming you into a Slimmer person you lose pounds it shapes your body! It is good for your core energy! Coordination muscle control and balance! It is good for your posture! And if people want to push it! It motivates you into getting into other fields! Such as yoga! Cheerleading and dancing! Music is also associated with art and dance Sports and fitness! It makes you creative and it makes you remember! It brings out who you are your soul attitude! Your spiritual Divinity because it weakens the intercoolini and the inner serpent! It awakens your chakras and your inner cheese! Building up your bio-electricity! Music is found everywhere! Just like mathematics! It works with the paranormal! It works with the living and it works and laces in with different worlds! It has that ability and it has that effect! That's why Christians have always bitched and complained about music and rock and roll! And it's not just rock and roll music! If people listen to Chopin Beethoven and bach! These are musical artists that are grandparents and those before us used to listen to even the Catholic Church was interested in it as well they had their choirs and of course they're with singing! Beautiful singers and songwriters wrote concertos even hymns! For the churches! So chanting and sound vibration was going on all over and maybe people was not aware of the fact that just because they're doing it? Does not mean that they're going to go to hell Christians on the other hand were always so leery of everything and anything and yet they go out and try shit? And claim that it is a gift of god! Lacing all kinds of Jesus shit into it! Trying to claim it to be their own when music is universal and it's for everyone! And it fits hand in hand with everything and anything we do! People have openly expressed themselves and talked highly of their favorite bands and the music that these bands have played and how it affected them! Music will always be a favorite! People used to go out and play real musical instruments and took their time to practice and study traveling all over the place with her bands! Music used to be respected bands used to be respected and the artist was well known and renowned for his or her music and her talents and abilities! The music industry used to have respect for these artists and their music! And nowadays you see remakes! And they take somebody else's music and ruin it deliberately! And take the credit on themselves instead of having respect for the artist! They throw the copyrights out there and tell us not to play it on videos just so that they can have the time to go fucking deliberate the artist of somebody's music and change it for themselves! Taking it over and ruining it! So music is not the same! But then here people play the piano at home! They get up and sing on stage on America's Got talent! And among other things! People using it for different measures! Expressing their mathematical skills! Science And scientists have used it along with their programs! Athletes! Using it to work out with and people have used it for their own methods! Still expressing who they are and putting the word and the power out there! With sound and Rhythm and voice! The power of the inner soul and the power of the individual! What I call the sound of heaven! What Satan has blessed us with and it goes beyond!
I think it is shit and tasteless

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
