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We can’t live like this


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2020

WE CAN’T LIVE this way. And I mean that literally. Whites in America — Whites everywhere, really — are being forced into conditions that are not conducive to our continued existence.

Major media outlets — CNN, NBC, CBS, PBS, and all the rest of them — under Jewish leadership, transmit an endless drumbeat of self-hatred, discouragement, and death to our people, and incite the other races to hate us with passion and make war on us whenever they think they can get away with it. Here are just a few of the hate-and-and-guilt-inducing headlines from just one “mainstream” site over the last few weeks — and the headlines are enough; no need to read the articles for confirmation.

Why I Will Never, Ever Work on MLK Day

My Boyfriend’s Parents Were White Supremacists

Why Black Girls Need Black Stories (This one might not seem anti-White on its face, but we all know that stating the truth that White children need White stories, White heroes and heroines, would be decried and attacked as “racist.”)

The Racist History of your Homeowners’ Association

Congress Has Been Ignoring Racist Capitol Police for Years

An Anti-Racist Future: A Vision and Plan for the Transformation of Public Media

White Allies: You Don’t Get to Not Be White Right Now

What I Would Do If I Had White Privilege For A Day

There Are No ‘Mixed-Race’ People; Why it’s troublesome to believe otherwise

Now Is the Time for White People to Pick a Side (Hey, I even agree with this headline — but I’m pretty certain my conclusions are the opposite of what they’re pushing.)

Take Your Huckleberry Finn and Shove It! — English Lit is making Black kids miserable.

White Privilege Up Close and Personal

How “Well-Intended” White People Uphold Racism

The neuroscience of hate: What were the insurrectionists thinking?

How A White Woman’s Anger Makes Her Racism Spill Out

Does Period Fiction Have to Be Racially Accurate?

I Got A Great Job Offer, But It’s In A Racist City

White Women, Stop Using Racism as a Nonprofit Marketing Tool: Let’s talk about our role in upholding racism

Yes, This Was a Coup Attempt  —  Against Blackness

Why Reverse Racism Is A Myth: It doesn’t exist and it’s a lie.

Songs of White Privilege and White Supremacy

Hate groups have rebranded and your old tropes about them allow them to sneak past you undetected.

I Love Your Complexion! — and other micro-assaults on Black women

Message to White Allies from A Black Anti-Racism Expert: You’re Doing It Wrong

The Most Terrifying Three-Word Phrase Might Just Be ‘Whites-Only Church’

How the Racists Are Weaponizing the Classics: The Red Pill community has been using Greek and Roman antiquity to bolster their credibility

White People Make Life Harder For Black People

Dear White People, Please Stop Invading My Space

Can Black Women Have Safe Friendships With White Women?

This Is What it Feels Like to Be Black in White Spaces

Don’t Rush To Forgive White Folks, They Know Exactly What They Do

Six Dog Breeds White People Love More Than They Do Black People, Ranked

Often, headlines like these — and there are worse ones — are the majority in any given day on outlets like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Medium, Yahoo, and many others. Imagine the intensity of the propaganda day after day, hour after hour, year after year, multiplied many times by the same messages of guilt and hate being repeated in school curricula, pronouncements by governments and politicians, and messages subtly and not so subtly embedded in modern fiction and drama. The Jew has positioned himself to do this to our people nearly every hour of every day of our lives — and do it he does. It never stops.

What are the results of this stoking of guilt and hate by the media?

1) By the stoking of guilt, Whites are rendered psychologically incapable of protecting themselves from dangerous interactions with non-Whites, even when protecting themselves is as simple as avoiding contact with said non-Whites, since the media condition our folk to believe that such avoidance is “racist,” and therefore “bad” — and, once in the middle of such a dangerous interaction, such Whites often find themselves incapable of defending themselves for the same reason, making them easy victims;

2) by the stoking of hatred for Whites, non-Whites are rendered even more hostile to Whites than they would normally be. This factor needs to be thoroughly studied and investigated, and the effects of this media-fueled hatred publicly discussed in every single case of violence or crime against Whites by non-Whites. Additionally, those who stoke such hatred against Whites need to be held civilly and criminally responsible for these crimes and acts of violence, and they need to be prevented from causing further harm.

Let’s look at the harm they cause.

Under the heading “Caring for wild animals can be fatal,” we see the following news story on White Biocentrism:

Stupid, selfless Colorado teen beaten to death in parking lot, Negro ex-boyfriend arrested

Danielle Hopton died of injuries after she was allegedly beaten, according to police. She was described as an animal lover who “genuinely cared about others.”

An 18-year-old animal shelter volunteer in Colorado was allegedly beaten to death in a parking lot by her ex-boyfriend, authorities said.

Danielle Hopton was found unconscious “with life-threatening injuries consistent with an assault” in the parking lot of an apartment complex in Fort Collins on Feb. 6, according to Fort Collins police.

She was taken to a local hospital, where she died of her injuries. Her death was ruled a homicide. Cops didn’t elaborate on what kind of injuries she sustained.

Police later arrested her ex-boyfriend Stephen McNeil, 20, for the slaying. Another suspect, Ian Rayas, 20, was also taken into custody in connection with the killing.


Danielle Hopton, who was beaten to death in Colorado

Wooly-headed McNeil is obviously of predominantly Negro ancestry; all the White mixture of centuries standing his line experienced made no practical difference in the outcome — in fact, perhaps it made it worse.


“Boyfriend” Stephen McNeil

A police investigation revealed Hopton was with the men the night of her death. The group drove to the parking of the apartment complex and parked there to hang out, cops said.

At some point, Hopton and McNeil got out of the car to talk and then the assault occurred. The ex fled, “and a member of the group called 911,” according to police.

McNeil is charged with first-degree murder, and Rayas is charged with attempt to influence a public servant and accessory to a crime.

Hopton was described as an animal lover who “genuinely cared about others.”

“Danielle loved spending her time volunteering at the animal shelter, and helping her dad raise guide dog puppies,” according to a GoFundMe page set up for her family.

“She was such a selfless and caring person.”

The harm they cause: There are no differences between the races. Bringing home Black friends shows what a “good person” you are. It’s “racist” to resist the overtures of a Black boy. White people need to stop being “racist”. We need to give our love to other races; only in that way can we prove how “good” we are.

And another example of the harm they cause:

Triple murder suspect accused of cutting out [White female] victim’s heart, cooking it, and trying to serve it as a meal before killing two family members

Oklahoma authorities said Lawrence Paul Anderson — after being released early from prison in January — killed a woman, cut out her heart, took it across the street to his aunt and uncle’s Chickasha home, cooked it with potatoes “to feed to his family to release the demons,” and then killed his uncle, badly injured his aunt, and killed their 4-year-old granddaughter, the Oklahoman reported.

Anderson, 42, faces three counts of first-degree murder, one count of assault and battery with a deadly weapon, and one count of maiming in the Feb. 9 attacks, the paper said.

He’s accused of killing his uncle, Leon Pye, 67, attacking his aunt, Delsie Pye, and killing their granddaughter, Kaeos Yates, and the Pyes’ neighbor, 41-year-old Andrea Lynn Blankenship, the Oklahoman reported. Anderson was arrested at the Pye residence after police responded to a 911 call, the paper said.

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agents said Anderson confessed and said he killed the neighbor first and then cut out her heart before taking it to the Pye home to cook with potatoes “to feed to his family to release the demons,” an OSBI agent wrote in a request for a search of the home, the paper added.

Agents found a cooking pot containing residue and another cooking pot with food inside, the Oklahoman reported.

“Anderson … cooked the heart at the Pye home and tried to make Delsie and Leon Pye eat the heart before he attacked them,” another OSBI agent wrote in a search request of the neighbor’s home, the paper noted. Investigators said Anderson stabbed them, KFOR-TV reported, adding that Anderson’s aunt who survived was stabbed in the eye.

Blankenship’s cousin told the station she was a single mother of two who lived alone and worked from home.

The cousin added that her family is unaware of any relationship between Blankenship and Anderson, KFOR added.

Anderson was sentenced to prison in 2006 for attacking and pointing a gun at his girlfriend, the station said, adding that he was back behind bars in 2012 for selling crack cocaine near an elementary school. Anderson was sentenced again in 2017 for having a gun and sneaking drugs into jail, KFOR said.


Confessed cannibal Anderson


Victim Andrea Lynn Blankenship

Released early from prison by a Jew-Soros-approved “criminal justice reform” administration. Incensed and angered, driven to such madness against White people, driven to revert to his erectus side, so far that he even killed his own family when they would not partake of the cannibal feast.

The harm they cause: White people are the enemy. Whiteness must be abolished. White people are “racist.” All and I repeat all White people are racist. White people have oppressed you for hundreds of years. The only reason you don’t have what you want is because racist White people stole it from you.

Did Lawrence Paul Anderson watch CNN? Did Lawrence Paul Anderson watch videos on “Critical Race Theory” or “abolishing Whiteness”? Did Lawrence Paul Anderson attend an anti-White church? Was anti-White literature, or “anti-racist” literature produced by Jewish-owned publishers found in his home? Did his friends and neighbors hear him speak negatively about White people? Was material produced by the ADL or SPLC or NAACP found in his home or in his browsing history? Was he “linked” in any way to any anti-White organizations? What led him to ending the life of this innocent White woman in this sick, gruesome way? We call for an investigation into the background of this crime. We call for such a background investigation into all crimes against White people. And we call for measures that will put an end to all non-White crimes against our people, forever.

In order for us to be successful in this, we need more members, we need more full-time employees working every day for our cause — and, to do that, we need your regular and generous support.

* * *
Yesterday I turned on the computer for the checking the e-mails routine.
I'm on the mailing list of a number of political campaigns and get to pore over the latest dismantling of my home land.
The "core race" indoctrination of children from birth to 5.

No exaggeration for emphasis.

Taking those who've just been extruded from the uterus they were formed in, still damp and subjecting them to "you are white. You must feel guilt and shame. You must subjugate yourself!" before it even knows how to shit or suckle.

Slight exaggeration for emphasis. If I'd seen these materials 20 years ago, I'd laugh at an artist's sardonic parody yet this time it's sickeningly real and really sickening.

Every goddamn day. Destruction of others for the gain of those who will not contribute. The literal retardation of societies to placate and appease.

It wasn't enough to legitimise homosexual marriage. All the years of "we would never touch a child!" evaporated overnight into "don't call us paedophiles - we're minor attracted persons and we're on the right track, baby, we were born this way!"
Another case in point of "he who controls the vernacular controls the outcome."

It was never about respect, opportunity or equality. It was about revenge for fictional wrongs, revisionist history and a process of annihilation of the most successful, capable, pioneering races of humanity.

Dr. Michael Stone is a psychiatric research scientist who created a "scale of evil" some years back and has a documentary on each person he's used as a metric point along this scale. From a helpless and abused person who had to fight back at one end of this spectrum to the most perverse acts of vile represented by an example from life at this end of the scale and each point in between. All of this is highly subjective. Yet, to destroy for the sake of one's own personal greed and gain is what Stone characterises as "most evil."

(my own diatribe on the semantics of "evil," the corruption of our language by the intrusion of religious hyperbole I leave to another time though this treads close on that territory)

They can not create and so they destroy.
It is the hard truth thank you for your time with this article :oops: . We have to see this articles on a basis so we see the hard reality and don't fall into the cloud.
One thing I have noticed is that all race traitors have an aura of degradation.
They also have something on their face that gives you the impression of degrading simplicity, let me explain: they have it written on their face that they have no problem having sex with a black man, it's completely ok for them.
They are disgusting, these "people", people is in quotes, because to be a person you don't only have to physically resemble a person.
FuckYu_666 said:
One thing I have noticed is that all race traitors have an aura of degradation.
They also have something on their face that gives you the impression of degrading simplicity, let me explain: they have it written on their face that they have no problem having sex with a black man, it's completely ok for them.
They are disgusting, these "people", people is in quotes, because to be a person you don't only have to physically resemble a person.
It is all fucked up.
This post made me so sad and damn pissed off. Its as if all the anger and disappointment of these poor victims screamed and I could hear them...
And this folks, is the entire attempt at disarming all the White nations. Okay, i understand - this all happened in pro-gun America.

What seriously aggravates me is when a domestic case involves "white on white", or ESPECIALLY "white on black" - if these cases had the races reversed, the NAACP, Al-Sharpton, and all these communist Soviet-era creations would making it ultra-viral, the libtards get all up in arms and claim that the whites are a violent race. Heck, there would be bajillion GoFundMes and monetary reoperations and publicity for the victims' families!

Australia and the U.K. were once gun-owning, and Canada is well on its way with Chairman Trudeau cracking down on civilian firearms in 2020 and with his recent law freezing all handgun sales. The BLM movement has also infested Canada, getting Canadians to whine and complain about incidents that didn't happen in their country.

But the disarming doesn't even begin with taking away physical guns or means of self-defense, it starts with phycological warfare, hate your race, hate your nation - and villify owning guns/knives for self-defense (though combative and defensive knife use isn't without its controversies within the gun enthusiast community) - or heck, even VILLIFY the idea of DEFENDING YOURSELF AT ALL - be it through guns, knives or awareness campaigns. Heck. you can still own guns in Australia and Canada, but you'll be labeled a terrorist if you dare mention the word "self-defence" or "guns" in the same sentence, unless the phrase "....is not for" is inserted in there.

Black conservatives, who for the most part, don't even support race-mixing with Whites, are often seen as "traitors". Ugh...

The Kike will feel the wrath of Odin-Wotan-Satan and the Orion!
This is almost unbelievable the level of victimization they are putting in people's heads.

I saw one video that was very telling... this black guy asks a woman to kneel and show solidarity for her white privilege.
Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AtygtKI5o7lO/ (*note - it isn't playing on my end but the same video with commentary can be found).

I think a part of this programming is television because I've noticed most main characters are white males. You never see a black person with a white sidekick.

So many deceptions it's crazy. Anti-miscegnation laws were supported by all different races at a time.

One thing I don't get though is the physical segregation. We're told that buses reserved separate seating for black people, that black people couldn't dine at certain places and that schools were divided by fences.

As a white male National Socialist I'm very confused by this. Does anyone have thoughts or information regarding it?

The only other thing I'm confused about is the history of black people as slaves. I've heard that they actually were treated very well and were given opportunities to marry, go to school and lead normal lives. It would also make sense that there were no black politicians since this would be allowing people of a foreign country (with ties to said country) to affect change in your own country's system and politics.

All these things that are "racist" are actually just the opposite - they are about maintaining and celebrating our different races and cultures. Our so-called "racist" grandpas may have been onto something. I'm sure people used to make fun of each other's looks all the time and it was normal tongue-in-cheek humour. Even TV ads used gross-over-exaggerations for all kinds of races. People are just too small-minded and easily offended these days.
Why should I care if she was beaten to death by her Ex Negroid? Good, he saved her from a possible Day of the Rope. I How do you like National Vanguard now? I am not fond of the changes since Dr. Pierce died.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:

WE CAN’T LIVE this way. And I mean that literally. Whites in America — Whites everywhere, really — are being forced into conditions that are not conducive to our continued existence.

Major media outlets — CNN, NBC, CBS, PBS, and all the rest of them — under Jewish leadership, transmit an endless drumbeat of self-hatred, discouragement, and death to our people, and incite the other races to hate us with passion and make war on us whenever they think they can get away with it. Here are just a few of the hate-and-and-guilt-inducing headlines from just one “mainstream” site over the last few weeks — and the headlines are enough; no need to read the articles for confirmation.

Why I Will Never, Ever Work on MLK Day

My Boyfriend’s Parents Were White Supremacists

Why Black Girls Need Black Stories (This one might not seem anti-White on its face, but we all know that stating the truth that White children need White stories, White heroes and heroines, would be decried and attacked as “racist.”)

The Racist History of your Homeowners’ Association

Congress Has Been Ignoring Racist Capitol Police for Years

An Anti-Racist Future: A Vision and Plan for the Transformation of Public Media

White Allies: You Don’t Get to Not Be White Right Now

What I Would Do If I Had White Privilege For A Day

There Are No ‘Mixed-Race’ People; Why it’s troublesome to believe otherwise

Now Is the Time for White People to Pick a Side (Hey, I even agree with this headline — but I’m pretty certain my conclusions are the opposite of what they’re pushing.)

Take Your Huckleberry Finn and Shove It! — English Lit is making Black kids miserable.

White Privilege Up Close and Personal

How “Well-Intended” White People Uphold Racism

The neuroscience of hate: What were the insurrectionists thinking?

How A White Woman’s Anger Makes Her Racism Spill Out

Does Period Fiction Have to Be Racially Accurate?

I Got A Great Job Offer, But It’s In A Racist City

White Women, Stop Using Racism as a Nonprofit Marketing Tool: Let’s talk about our role in upholding racism

Yes, This Was a Coup Attempt  —  Against Blackness

Why Reverse Racism Is A Myth: It doesn’t exist and it’s a lie.

Songs of White Privilege and White Supremacy

Hate groups have rebranded and your old tropes about them allow them to sneak past you undetected.

I Love Your Complexion! — and other micro-assaults on Black women

Message to White Allies from A Black Anti-Racism Expert: You’re Doing It Wrong

The Most Terrifying Three-Word Phrase Might Just Be ‘Whites-Only Church’

How the Racists Are Weaponizing the Classics: The Red Pill community has been using Greek and Roman antiquity to bolster their credibility

White People Make Life Harder For Black People

Dear White People, Please Stop Invading My Space

Can Black Women Have Safe Friendships With White Women?

This Is What it Feels Like to Be Black in White Spaces

Don’t Rush To Forgive White Folks, They Know Exactly What They Do

Six Dog Breeds White People Love More Than They Do Black People, Ranked

Often, headlines like these — and there are worse ones — are the majority in any given day on outlets like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Medium, Yahoo, and many others. Imagine the intensity of the propaganda day after day, hour after hour, year after year, multiplied many times by the same messages of guilt and hate being repeated in school curricula, pronouncements by governments and politicians, and messages subtly and not so subtly embedded in modern fiction and drama. The Jew has positioned himself to do this to our people nearly every hour of every day of our lives — and do it he does. It never stops.

What are the results of this stoking of guilt and hate by the media?

1) By the stoking of guilt, Whites are rendered psychologically incapable of protecting themselves from dangerous interactions with non-Whites, even when protecting themselves is as simple as avoiding contact with said non-Whites, since the media condition our folk to believe that such avoidance is “racist,” and therefore “bad” — and, once in the middle of such a dangerous interaction, such Whites often find themselves incapable of defending themselves for the same reason, making them easy victims;

2) by the stoking of hatred for Whites, non-Whites are rendered even more hostile to Whites than they would normally be. This factor needs to be thoroughly studied and investigated, and the effects of this media-fueled hatred publicly discussed in every single case of violence or crime against Whites by non-Whites. Additionally, those who stoke such hatred against Whites need to be held civilly and criminally responsible for these crimes and acts of violence, and they need to be prevented from causing further harm.

Let’s look at the harm they cause.

Under the heading “Caring for wild animals can be fatal,” we see the following news story on White Biocentrism:

Stupid, selfless Colorado teen beaten to death in parking lot, Negro ex-boyfriend arrested

Danielle Hopton died of injuries after she was allegedly beaten, according to police. She was described as an animal lover who “genuinely cared about others.”

An 18-year-old animal shelter volunteer in Colorado was allegedly beaten to death in a parking lot by her ex-boyfriend, authorities said.

Danielle Hopton was found unconscious “with life-threatening injuries consistent with an assault” in the parking lot of an apartment complex in Fort Collins on Feb. 6, according to Fort Collins police.

She was taken to a local hospital, where she died of her injuries. Her death was ruled a homicide. Cops didn’t elaborate on what kind of injuries she sustained.

Police later arrested her ex-boyfriend Stephen McNeil, 20, for the slaying. Another suspect, Ian Rayas, 20, was also taken into custody in connection with the killing.


Danielle Hopton, who was beaten to death in Colorado

Wooly-headed McNeil is obviously of predominantly Negro ancestry; all the White mixture of centuries standing his line experienced made no practical difference in the outcome — in fact, perhaps it made it worse.


“Boyfriend” Stephen McNeil

A police investigation revealed Hopton was with the men the night of her death. The group drove to the parking of the apartment complex and parked there to hang out, cops said.

At some point, Hopton and McNeil got out of the car to talk and then the assault occurred. The ex fled, “and a member of the group called 911,” according to police.

McNeil is charged with first-degree murder, and Rayas is charged with attempt to influence a public servant and accessory to a crime.

Hopton was described as an animal lover who “genuinely cared about others.”

“Danielle loved spending her time volunteering at the animal shelter, and helping her dad raise guide dog puppies,” according to a GoFundMe page set up for her family.

“She was such a selfless and caring person.”

The harm they cause: There are no differences between the races. Bringing home Black friends shows what a “good person” you are. It’s “racist” to resist the overtures of a Black boy. White people need to stop being “racist”. We need to give our love to other races; only in that way can we prove how “good” we are.

And another example of the harm they cause:

Triple murder suspect accused of cutting out [White female] victim’s heart, cooking it, and trying to serve it as a meal before killing two family members

Oklahoma authorities said Lawrence Paul Anderson — after being released early from prison in January — killed a woman, cut out her heart, took it across the street to his aunt and uncle’s Chickasha home, cooked it with potatoes “to feed to his family to release the demons,” and then killed his uncle, badly injured his aunt, and killed their 4-year-old granddaughter, the Oklahoman reported.

Anderson, 42, faces three counts of first-degree murder, one count of assault and battery with a deadly weapon, and one count of maiming in the Feb. 9 attacks, the paper said.

He’s accused of killing his uncle, Leon Pye, 67, attacking his aunt, Delsie Pye, and killing their granddaughter, Kaeos Yates, and the Pyes’ neighbor, 41-year-old Andrea Lynn Blankenship, the Oklahoman reported. Anderson was arrested at the Pye residence after police responded to a 911 call, the paper said.

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agents said Anderson confessed and said he killed the neighbor first and then cut out her heart before taking it to the Pye home to cook with potatoes “to feed to his family to release the demons,” an OSBI agent wrote in a request for a search of the home, the paper added.

Agents found a cooking pot containing residue and another cooking pot with food inside, the Oklahoman reported.

“Anderson … cooked the heart at the Pye home and tried to make Delsie and Leon Pye eat the heart before he attacked them,” another OSBI agent wrote in a search request of the neighbor’s home, the paper noted. Investigators said Anderson stabbed them, KFOR-TV reported, adding that Anderson’s aunt who survived was stabbed in the eye.

Blankenship’s cousin told the station she was a single mother of two who lived alone and worked from home.

The cousin added that her family is unaware of any relationship between Blankenship and Anderson, KFOR added.

Anderson was sentenced to prison in 2006 for attacking and pointing a gun at his girlfriend, the station said, adding that he was back behind bars in 2012 for selling crack cocaine near an elementary school. Anderson was sentenced again in 2017 for having a gun and sneaking drugs into jail, KFOR said.


Confessed cannibal Anderson


Victim Andrea Lynn Blankenship

Released early from prison by a Jew-Soros-approved “criminal justice reform” administration. Incensed and angered, driven to such madness against White people, driven to revert to his erectus side, so far that he even killed his own family when they would not partake of the cannibal feast.

The harm they cause: White people are the enemy. Whiteness must be abolished. White people are “racist.” All and I repeat all White people are racist. White people have oppressed you for hundreds of years. The only reason you don’t have what you want is because racist White people stole it from you.

Did Lawrence Paul Anderson watch CNN? Did Lawrence Paul Anderson watch videos on “Critical Race Theory” or “abolishing Whiteness”? Did Lawrence Paul Anderson attend an anti-White church? Was anti-White literature, or “anti-racist” literature produced by Jewish-owned publishers found in his home? Did his friends and neighbors hear him speak negatively about White people? Was material produced by the ADL or SPLC or NAACP found in his home or in his browsing history? Was he “linked” in any way to any anti-White organizations? What led him to ending the life of this innocent White woman in this sick, gruesome way? We call for an investigation into the background of this crime. We call for such a background investigation into all crimes against White people. And we call for measures that will put an end to all non-White crimes against our people, forever.

In order for us to be successful in this, we need more members, we need more full-time employees working every day for our cause — and, to do that, we need your regular and generous support.

* * *
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

WE CAN’T LIVE this way. And I mean that literally. Whites in America — Whites everywhere, really — are being forced into conditions that are not conducive to our continued existence.

* * *

Forcing us to live amongst these animals is cruel and unnatural. It's not healthy for us or for them. I'm not sure what the solution is, but I do know it involves complete and total racial segregation.

I also know that Lucifer wants to see all races develop to their fullest potential as they were designed to, and that can't happen when we're all crammed together like this.
Psidewinder said:
I am the night color me black

>2 posts, 1st one off topic about sonic.exe in the "ask questions" thread, and the second is this, again off topic
>name brings up a made up character in a thread about a costume contest from a DC universe forum

How about you stop trolling/LARPing and posting off topic? You must be the 14 year old troll who constantly makes new accounts and posts off topic BS about video games/anime related to enemy misconceptions/lies about Satanism and believes himself to be edgy when he really sounds immature and retarded.
should fight not to racism even though the pressure of racism is very large, not fighting or joining in to support racism because of the pressure too.
from ancient times until now racism continues to occur. it would be better to still believe in the lord of satan or lucifer and ask for guidance.
how can Sonic.exe be my identity? how come i remember being here from my youth? i dont even post regularly on this site
rokokziga said:
should fight not to racism even though the pressure of racism is very large, not fighting or joining in to support racism because of the pressure too.
from ancient times until now racism continues to occur. it would be better to still believe in the lord of satan or lucifer and ask for guidance.

When there is a clear agenda being implemented to destroy my race, I will fight it. As David Eden Lane noted, under such conditions racism becomes a point of pride and honor.
Xenophon said:
rokokziga said:
should fight not to racism even though the pressure of racism is very large, not fighting or joining in to support racism because of the pressure too.
from ancient times until now racism continues to occur. it would be better to still believe in the lord of satan or lucifer and ask for guidance.

When there is a clear agenda being implemented to destroy my race, I will fight it. As David Eden Lane noted, under such conditions racism becomes a point of pride and honor.
How can you claim to be a racist when you have a chinese wife? Unless you're asian yourself. If you're not asian then you're a race mixer.
Fair question. I married before my views changed. It'd be rather craven to divorce. Besides that, there are functional races and dysfunctional. The latter include Jews and blacks. Heck, even Evola pointed out how controlled exogamy can have a useful effect.

That aside, what anymore (anyever) is "racially pure"? Look at Central Europe. One finds an intermixture of German, Slav, and Magyar (Hungarians.) Hell, the Hungarians were originally Mongolesque in origin an appearance. Go there now. Most of the folks look like the cousins of the Good Soldier Schweick: pale, often blond, mesomorphs.

So I keep falling back on David Eden Lane: if you think white, act white, and fight white, you are white.
Xenophon said:
That aside, what anymore (anyever) is "racially pure"? Look at Central Europe. One finds an intermixture of German, Slav, and Magyar (Hungarians.) Hell, the Hungarians were originally Mongolesque in origin an appearance. Go there now. Most of the folks look like the cousins of the Good Soldier Schweick: pale, often blond, mesomorphs.

So I keep falling back on David Eden Lane: if you think white, act white, and fight white, you are white.

That is one of the biggest historical frauds, the ancestors of the Hungarians are the Scythians who were a white people of Slavic origin.
Historical ancestors of the Hungarians such as Attila or Arpad were actually white and not of mongol origin as they would have us believe.
Xenophon said:
That aside, what anymore (anyever) is "racially pure"?
I believe you keep saying that to yourself to mitigate in your mind how bad you fucked up.

Xenophon said:
So I keep falling back on David Eden Lane: if you think white, act white, and fight white, you are white.
You might be white, but you're still a race traitor.

All in all it's obvious you unconsciously understand what terrible mistake you made, but you are still not ready to accept that there are steps to fix it because that's the hard part of accepting the situation you're in.
Xenophon said:
Fair question. I married before my views changed. It'd be rather craven to divorce. Besides that, there are functional races and dysfunctional. The latter include Jews and blacks. Heck, even Evola pointed out how controlled exogamy can have a useful effect.

That aside, what anymore (anyever) is "racially pure"? Look at Central Europe. One finds an intermixture of German, Slav, and Magyar (Hungarians.) Hell, the Hungarians were originally Mongolesque in origin an appearance. Go there now. Most of the folks look like the cousins of the Good Soldier Schweick: pale, often blond, mesomorphs.

So I keep falling back on David Eden Lane: if you think white, act white, and fight white, you are white.
It's still race-mixing despite your stance. I would not use the term race traitor as you have used in your position.
Xenophon said:
Fair question. I married before my views changed. It'd be rather craven to divorce. Besides that, there are functional races and dysfunctional. The latter include Jews and blacks. Heck, even Evola pointed out how controlled exogamy can have a useful effect.

That aside, what anymore (anyever) is "racially pure"? Look at Central Europe. One finds an intermixture of German, Slav, and Magyar (Hungarians.) Hell, the Hungarians were originally Mongolesque in origin an appearance. Go there now. Most of the folks look like the cousins of the Good Soldier Schweick: pale, often blond, mesomorphs.

So I keep falling back on David Eden Lane: if you think white, act white, and fight white, you are white.

Regardless of what you have done before. What matters is what you do now moving forward.

You have race mixed. Regardless of what you consider craven or hard, such as divorcing your wife, this is a reality you should work towards facing eventually if you want to remedy the problem of you and her harming eachother racially.

Another thing I should mention. Is the ethic groups you mentioned are rather solidified at this point. Yes you will find admixture in various groups and at certain areas. This doesn't mean this is in anyone's best interest either.
Wotanwarrior said:
Xenophon said:
That aside, what anymore (anyever) is "racially pure"? Look at Central Europe. One finds an intermixture of German, Slav, and Magyar (Hungarians.) Hell, the Hungarians were originally Mongolesque in origin an appearance. Go there now. Most of the folks look like the cousins of the Good Soldier Schweick: pale, often blond, mesomorphs.

So I keep falling back on David Eden Lane: if you think white, act white, and fight white, you are white.

That is one of the biggest historical frauds, the ancestors of the Hungarians are the Scythians who were a white people of Slavic origin.
Historical ancestors of the Hungarians such as Attila or Arpad were actually white and not of mongol origin as they would have us believe.

Thank you, I am Hungarian and have no Mongolian features. In fact, my parents don't have Mongolian features, and neither do my grandparents. I have not seen my other ancestors.

But I was delighted with High Priestess Lydia's latest article on Poseidon. Because it said that the Gods gave the horses to mankind.
The Hungarians, like the Huns and the Scythians, became famous long ago as a people on horseback.
Finally some positive relationship with Gods, not just shame.
I used to work in a store that had many black customers. The older generation was generally very kind and polite. But there were many middle aged and younger black woman that would turn anything you said or even a look into "racism." They looked at me with disgust even though I did nothing to them. Then the black men would try to flirt with me and make me uncomfortable. Of course there were exceptions and I'm not saying this was always the case. But even just being in public one can see how much worse things have become even just in the last decade. We've been made to feel like even just our existence offends them. Yet they claim that they can't be racist. We need to stop tolerating this abuse and hypocrisy. Not to mention generational guilt is something straight out of a communist dictatorship such as North Korea.
Hail Satan
Valeska said:
I used to work in a store that had many black customers. The older generation was generally very kind and polite. But there were many middle aged and younger black woman that would turn anything you said or even a look into "racism." They looked at me with disgust even though I did nothing to them.
Hail Satan
While it must have been difficult for you, you have to keep in mind that it is the jews who incite blacks to hate whites and vice versa. The slave trade of the 17th-19th Centuries and the treatment of blacks before the 60's were both jewish ideas. Now, they're trying to turn the tables and use blacks as their "goyim" to destroy whites. It worked to an extent, but is now being reversed and Europe is waking up en masse.

It must be much worse in the USA, where jewish control is 10 times tighter than in Europe. But through our presence in the Forums, internet activism, and RTR's, we are fighting on a daily basis to revert the curses thrown upon us.

Hail Satan!
Hellenic SS said:
Valeska said:
I used to work in a store that had many black customers. The older generation was generally very kind and polite. But there were many middle aged and younger black woman that would turn anything you said or even a look into "racism." They looked at me with disgust even though I did nothing to them.
Hail Satan
While it must have been difficult for you, you have to keep in mind that it is the jews who incite blacks to hate whites and vice versa. The slave trade of the 17th-19th Centuries and the treatment of blacks before the 60's were both jewish ideas. Now, they're trying to turn the tables and use blacks as their "goyim" to destroy whites. It worked to an extent, but is now being reversed and Europe is waking up en masse.

It must be much worse in the USA, where jewish control is 10 times tighter than in Europe. But through our presence in the Forums, internet activism, and RTR's, we are fighting on a daily basis to revert the curses thrown upon us.

Hail Satan!

Thank you for your insight. I understand it is the jews that have control over media, government, etc and that these people simply are brainwashed. Not to mention that I know many white women that choose to date and have children with black men. And a lot of white people buy into the idea of social justice garbage that is really only dividing people further. Also, this definitely does not compare to the crimes mentioned in the original post. These are just things I have observed from working with the public (not currently but 2 or 3 years ago) and just being in public. I do live in the US and it is bad at times. A lot of people are polite but some things I have seen really shock me. I was raised to be accepting of other races and cultures. But the garbage they are pushing in schools does seem to be propaganda to perpetuate white guilt and hate between races. It is sickening to see people being used as pawns against each other and I really hope people do start waking up.
Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day!
Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
