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Vaccine Passport aka Forced Vaccination

Syd Silver

Sep 22, 2017
4th Reich
A world divided between the vaccinated and unvaccinated promises relief for economies and families, but the ethical and practical risks are high

The next major flash point over coronavirus response has already provoked cries of tyranny and discrimination in Britain, protests in Denmark, digital disinformation in the United States and geopolitical skirmishing within the European Union.

The subject of debate: vaccine passports — government-issued cards or smartphone badges stating that the bearer has been inoculated against the coronavirus.

The idea is to allow families to reunite, economies to restart and hundreds of millions of people who have received a shot to return to a degree of normalcy, all without spreading the virus.

Some versions of the documentation might permit bearers to travel internationally. Others would allow entry to vaccinated-only spaces like gyms, concert venues and restaurants.

While such passports are still hypothetical in most places, Israel became the first to roll out its own last week, capitalizing on its high vaccination rate. Several European countries are considering following. President Biden has asked federal agencies to explore options. And some airlines and tourism-reliant industries and destinations expect to require them

The E.U. will propose a vaccine passport system for Europe.

The European Union will propose issuing a certificate called a Digital Green Pass that would let people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus travel more freely, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, said on Monday.

“The Digital Green Pass should facilitate Europeans’ lives,” Ms. von der Leyen wrote on Twitter. “The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad — for work or tourism.”

The announcement followed an intense debate at a virtual meeting last week that laid bare deep divisions among leaders of the bloc’s 27 member nations.

Tourism-dependent nations like Greece have been pushing for such a plan to help salvage the summer travel season, while others, led by France, have been wary of the potential for discrimination between vaccinated and non-vaccinated Europeans, as well as possible infringement on personal data protection.

“In the future, it will certainly be good to have such a certificate, but that will not mean that only those who have such a passport will be able to travel,” Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany said after the meeting last week.

Vaccination efforts in the European Union have generally gotten off to a sluggish start. Just 5 percent of the bloc’s population has received at least one shot of vaccine so far. But the certificates will go beyond vaccination status to include the holder’s wider medical history concerning the virus, according to Christian Wigand, the commission’s spokesman.

The commission said there should be a way to scale it up globally, in cooperation with the World Health Organization.


About the situation in Europe

I don't know how it is in other countries but in Europe vaccination has been regulated by a very clear set of rules
Of course, the central media aka juden press says nothing about it

Parliamentary Assembly
Assembly debate on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 15212, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting)

7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;
7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated

The full document - https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29004/html

As you can see, EU vaccination regulations contradict a vaccination passport ...

The good news is that in the EU people have started to wake up, only 5% vaccinated so far, and there is a clear majority including medical staff who refuse vaccination.
About the situation in Europe

I don't know how it is in other countries but in Europe vaccination has been regulated by a very clear set of rules
Of course, the central media aka juden press says nothing about it

Parliamentary Assembly
Assembly debate on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 15212, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting)

7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;
7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated

The full document - https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29004/html

As you can see, EU vaccination regulations contradict a vaccination passport ...

The good news is that in the EU people have started to wake up, only 5% vaccinated so far, and there is a clear majority including medical staff who refuse vaccination.

This was supposed to be in the original post but I clicked submit too fast
Cobra if you like to put this comment in the original post, if not, it's ok.
Syd Silver said:
About the situation in Europe

I don't know how it is in other countries but in Europe vaccination has been regulated by a very clear set of rules
Of course, the central media aka juden press says nothing about it

Parliamentary Assembly
Assembly debate on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 15212, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting)

7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;
7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated

The full document - https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29004/html

As you can see, EU vaccination regulations contradict a vaccination passport ...

The good news is that in the EU people have started to wake up, only 5% vaccinated so far, and there is a clear majority including medical staff who refuse vaccination.

This was supposed to be in the original post but I clicked submit too fast
Cobra if you like to put this comment in the original post, if not, it's ok.

I wonder how will this hold in reality, for example in Germany your kids can't go to kindergarten if they didn't receive measles vaccination, albeit it being unconstitutional to force someone to get vaccinated. Technically the kids and their parents aren't forced to get this vaccination, yet it's almost unavoidable, as if I remember correctly there was many other stuff kids can't do or go to without this vaccine.

Although this new set of rules being only from January this year is a little bit reassuring, I wonder how fast can the jews turn them around.
This is a very problematic situation. Because in the end, all Governments are going to act with force or deceitful 3rd party force [can't get work, can't get your kids to school because NPC's will see your child as an infected x-men etc].

This will not resolve "legally", and so long the enemy does things despite the legality, they will just keep doing that. Because they don't give a shit about the law, so long nobody tries to actively evoke the law.

The instances in the EU law remain theoretic. Theoretically, they will not create "discrimination", but that is only a claim. They are already manufacturing discrimination by their labeling of people who do not partake on this. In some countries these are portrayed as criminals to society, or similar things. This will create damages for these people anyway, and their jobs profile etc.

They will probably go into far more coercive and brutal measures as time goes. In fact, this is what they need to do. They should do that, so that they are destroyed once and for all.

The enemy just wants to make Europe into China. So there shouldn't be any surprise if they overrule these legal chapters behind everyone's back, or act regardless, since it's not like they will be held at serious penalty. Individual cases of trespassers to these laws, may find vindication at court, but the masses they try to herd regardless into doing everything that will crap on their freedoms.

These sissy tricks they are pulling on people with deceptive practices, such as pretending they were "Against the vaccination certification" some months ago around January, and then going full "Yeah goyim it's necessary of course it is GOGOGOGO" is just their kiked sissy way of enforcing the first steps into this poisonous agenda.

All they desire is for EU to become China. With a lot of foreigners. While many Europeans are locked like cattle in their houses, the influx of infinite 30 year old kids from the 3rd world is intensifying in Europe. These will of course roam and go around freely, while Europeans will be enforced into unconstitutional restraints until their freedoms all run out.

By the time people are "out", they will be living in Nigeria, only it will be Berlin. But goyim pls u been a good cuck for all of this so pls don't b racist ok?

Abdul somehow magically will still get European jobs, without even being vaccinated. Or if they are, they will be superior to Europeans because goyim they aren't infected by Covid-19,20,21,22,23,24,25 etc. So they have to work and you must die in your house, sorry.
Yip it will go down like some sort of movie as they always show ther plans thru Hollywood I watched Greenland the other a 2020 movie how ironic in the disaster movie Greenland ther are planet killer asteroids and the name wormwood from book of revelations in the movie and only certain people were picked out to make it to underground bases for post apocalypse makes me wonder seeing that the Bible is a tool of manifestation is the asteroid some allegory or does the cosmic enemy reptilians possess the technology to uhm how do I say this ‘drive the direction’ of a disastrous size astroid to collide with earth could b alil far fetched I just wonder tho
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is a very problematic situation. Because in the end, all Governments are going to act with force or deceitful 3rd party force [can't get work, can't get your kids to school because NPC's will see your child as an infected x-men etc].

This will not resolve "legally", and so long the enemy does things despite the legality, they will just keep doing that. Because they don't give a shit about the law, so long nobody tries to actively evoke the law.

The instances in the EU law remain theoretic. Theoretically, they will not create "discrimination", but that is only a claim. They are already manufacturing discrimination by their labeling of people who do not partake on this. In some countries these are portrayed as criminals to society, or similar things. This will create damages for these people anyway, and their jobs profile etc.

They will probably go into far more coercive and brutal measures as time goes. In fact, this is what they need to do. They should do that, so that they are destroyed once and for all.

The enemy just wants to make Europe into China. So there shouldn't be any surprise if they overrule these legal chapters behind everyone's back, or act regardless, since it's not like they will be held at serious penalty. Individual cases of trespassers to these laws, may find vindication at court, but the masses they try to herd regardless into doing everything that will crap on their freedoms.

These sissy tricks they are pulling on people with deceptive practices, such as pretending they were "Against the vaccination certification" some months ago around January, and then going full "Yeah goyim it's necessary of course it is GOGOGOGO" is just their kiked sissy way of enforcing the first steps into this poisonous agenda.

All they desire is for EU to become China. With a lot of foreigners. While many Europeans are locked like cattle in their houses, the influx of infinite 30 year old kids from the 3rd world is intensifying in Europe. These will of course roam and go around freely, while Europeans will be enforced into unconstitutional restraints until their freedoms all run out.

By the time people are "out", they will be living in Nigeria, only it will be Berlin. But goyim pls u been a good cuck for all of this so pls don't b racist ok?

Abdul somehow magically will still get European jobs, without even being vaccinated. Or if they are, they will be superior to Europeans because goyim they aren't infected by Covid-19,20,21,22,23,24,25 etc. So they have to work and you must die in your house, sorry.
Another thing what’s up with Elon musks hard on to live on mars are they planning a plan B of some sort of shit doesn’t work out for them after all ther god destroys worlds hope my recent posts don’t sound too much the end is nigh evangelist
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is a very problematic situation. Because in the end, all Governments are going to act with force or deceitful 3rd party force [can't get work, can't get your kids to school because NPC's will see your child as an infected x-men etc].

This will not resolve "legally", and so long the enemy does things despite the legality, they will just keep doing that. Because they don't give a shit about the law, so long nobody tries to actively evoke the law.

The instances in the EU law remain theoretic. Theoretically, they will not create "discrimination", but that is only a claim. They are already manufacturing discrimination by their labeling of people who do not partake on this. In some countries these are portrayed as criminals to society, or similar things. This will create damages for these people anyway, and their jobs profile etc.

They will probably go into far more coercive and brutal measures as time goes. In fact, this is what they need to do. They should do that, so that they are destroyed once and for all.

The enemy just wants to make Europe into China. So there shouldn't be any surprise if they overrule these legal chapters behind everyone's back, or act regardless, since it's not like they will be held at serious penalty. Individual cases of trespassers to these laws, may find vindication at court, but the masses they try to herd regardless into doing everything that will crap on their freedoms.

These sissy tricks they are pulling on people with deceptive practices, such as pretending they were "Against the vaccination certification" some months ago around January, and then going full "Yeah goyim it's necessary of course it is GOGOGOGO" is just their kiked sissy way of enforcing the first steps into this poisonous agenda.

All they desire is for EU to become China. With a lot of foreigners. While many Europeans are locked like cattle in their houses, the influx of infinite 30 year old kids from the 3rd world is intensifying in Europe. These will of course roam and go around freely, while Europeans will be enforced into unconstitutional restraints until their freedoms all run out.

By the time people are "out", they will be living in Nigeria, only it will be Berlin. But goyim pls u been a good cuck for all of this so pls don't b racist ok?

Abdul somehow magically will still get European jobs, without even being vaccinated. Or if they are, they will be superior to Europeans because goyim they aren't infected by Covid-19,20,21,22,23,24,25 etc. So they have to work and you must die in your house, sorry.
Another thing what’s up with Elon musks hard on to live on mars are they planning a plan B of some sort of shit doesn’t work out for them after all ther god destroys worlds hope my recent posts don’t sound too much the end is nigh evangelist
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is a very problematic situation. Because in the end, all Governments are going to act with force or deceitful 3rd party force [can't get work, can't get your kids to school because NPC's will see your child as an infected x-men etc].

This will not resolve "legally", and so long the enemy does things despite the legality, they will just keep doing that. Because they don't give a shit about the law, so long nobody tries to actively evoke the law.

The instances in the EU law remain theoretic. Theoretically, they will not create "discrimination", but that is only a claim. They are already manufacturing discrimination by their labeling of people who do not partake on this. In some countries these are portrayed as criminals to society, or similar things. This will create damages for these people anyway, and their jobs profile etc.

They will probably go into far more coercive and brutal measures as time goes. In fact, this is what they need to do. They should do that, so that they are destroyed once and for all.

The enemy just wants to make Europe into China. So there shouldn't be any surprise if they overrule these legal chapters behind everyone's back, or act regardless, since it's not like they will be held at serious penalty. Individual cases of trespassers to these laws, may find vindication at court, but the masses they try to herd regardless into doing everything that will crap on their freedoms.

These sissy tricks they are pulling on people with deceptive practices, such as pretending they were "Against the vaccination certification" some months ago around January, and then going full "Yeah goyim it's necessary of course it is GOGOGOGO" is just their kiked sissy way of enforcing the first steps into this poisonous agenda.

All they desire is for EU to become China. With a lot of foreigners. While many Europeans are locked like cattle in their houses, the influx of infinite 30 year old kids from the 3rd world is intensifying in Europe. These will of course roam and go around freely, while Europeans will be enforced into unconstitutional restraints until their freedoms all run out.

By the time people are "out", they will be living in Nigeria, only it will be Berlin. But goyim pls u been a good cuck for all of this so pls don't b racist ok?

Abdul somehow magically will still get European jobs, without even being vaccinated. Or if they are, they will be superior to Europeans because goyim they aren't infected by Covid-19,20,21,22,23,24,25 etc. So they have to work and you must die in your house, sorry.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is a very problematic situation. Because in the end, all Governments are going to act with force or deceitful 3rd party force [can't get work, can't get your kids to school because NPC's will see your child as an infected x-men etc].

This will not resolve "legally", and so long the enemy does things despite the legality, they will just keep doing that. Because they don't give a shit about the law, so long nobody tries to actively evoke the law.

The instances in the EU law remain theoretic. Theoretically, they will not create "discrimination", but that is only a claim. They are already manufacturing discrimination by their labeling of people who do not partake on this. In some countries these are portrayed as criminals to society, or similar things. This will create damages for these people anyway, and their jobs profile etc.

They will probably go into far more coercive and brutal measures as time goes. In fact, this is what they need to do. They should do that, so that they are destroyed once and for all.

The enemy just wants to make Europe into China. So there shouldn't be any surprise if they overrule these legal chapters behind everyone's back, or act regardless, since it's not like they will be held at serious penalty. Individual cases of trespassers to these laws, may find vindication at court, but the masses they try to herd regardless into doing everything that will crap on their freedoms.

These sissy tricks they are pulling on people with deceptive practices, such as pretending they were "Against the vaccination certification" some months ago around January, and then going full "Yeah goyim it's necessary of course it is GOGOGOGO" is just their kiked sissy way of enforcing the first steps into this poisonous agenda.

All they desire is for EU to become China. With a lot of foreigners. While many Europeans are locked like cattle in their houses, the influx of infinite 30 year old kids from the 3rd world is intensifying in Europe. These will of course roam and go around freely, while Europeans will be enforced into unconstitutional restraints until their freedoms all run out.

By the time people are "out", they will be living in Nigeria, only it will be Berlin. But goyim pls u been a good cuck for all of this so pls don't b racist ok?

Abdul somehow magically will still get European jobs, without even being vaccinated. Or if they are, they will be superior to Europeans because goyim they aren't infected by Covid-19,20,21,22,23,24,25 etc. So they have to work and you must die in your house, sorry.

Indeed. What's I'm hoping for is at least these rules will give the ordinary man an excuse to fight back when confronted with forced vaccination, but I'm not really hopeful at all.

Also I remember reading several years ago how 50% of Berlin residents are of migrant backgrounds, makes you wonder what's the real percentage now, 70%? Higher? Paris, London and Gothenburg have it even worse!

Yet still the white man remains asleep...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is a very problematic situation. Because in the end, all Governments are going to act with force or deceitful 3rd party force [can't get work, can't get your kids to school because NPC's will see your child as an infected x-men etc].

This will not resolve "legally", and so long the enemy does things despite the legality, they will just keep doing that. Because they don't give a shit about the law, so long nobody tries to actively evoke the law.

The instances in the EU law remain theoretic. Theoretically, they will not create "discrimination", but that is only a claim. They are already manufacturing discrimination by their labeling of people who do not partake on this. In some countries these are portrayed as criminals to society, or similar things. This will create damages for these people anyway, and their jobs profile etc.

They will probably go into far more coercive and brutal measures as time goes. In fact, this is what they need to do. They should do that, so that they are destroyed once and for all.

The enemy just wants to make Europe into China. So there shouldn't be any surprise if they overrule these legal chapters behind everyone's back, or act regardless, since it's not like they will be held at serious penalty. Individual cases of trespassers to these laws, may find vindication at court, but the masses they try to herd regardless into doing everything that will crap on their freedoms.

These sissy tricks they are pulling on people with deceptive practices, such as pretending they were "Against the vaccination certification" some months ago around January, and then going full "Yeah goyim it's necessary of course it is GOGOGOGO" is just their kiked sissy way of enforcing the first steps into this poisonous agenda.

All they desire is for EU to become China. With a lot of foreigners. While many Europeans are locked like cattle in their houses, the influx of infinite 30 year old kids from the 3rd world is intensifying in Europe. These will of course roam and go around freely, while Europeans will be enforced into unconstitutional restraints until their freedoms all run out.

By the time people are "out", they will be living in Nigeria, only it will be Berlin. But goyim pls u been a good cuck for all of this so pls don't b racist ok?

Abdul somehow magically will still get European jobs, without even being vaccinated. Or if they are, they will be superior to Europeans because goyim they aren't infected by Covid-19,20,21,22,23,24,25 etc. So they have to work and you must die in your house, sorry.

This is a fact, even during Lockdown, Abdul managed to enter Europe, and now when all Europeans for traveling need a Covid test beside the identity card, Abdul with all his relatives and all his neighbors travel through Europe without any problem and ... without any identity cards or covid tests.
(Thanks for fixing my post)
Coraxo said:
I wonder how will this hold in reality, for example in Germany your kids can't go to kindergarten if they didn't receive measles vaccination, albeit it being unconstitutional to force someone to get vaccinated. Technically the kids and their parents aren't forced to get this vaccination, yet it's almost unavoidable, as if I remember correctly there was many other stuff kids can't do or go to without this vaccine.

Although this new set of rules being only from January this year is a little bit reassuring, I wonder how fast can the jews turn them around.

The jews will not be able to turn anything around if the people will wake up, and in Germany public pressure is quite high (compared to other countries) the government is forced to take steps back.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Wednesday evening a plan to relax COVID-19 restrictions, including conditions to reopen businesses.

Merkel made the announcement following a meeting with the 16 state premiers on Wednesday that lasted more than nine hours.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
