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Uncontrollable Rage/Pure Hatred?


New member
Aug 24, 2008
I was in Foster Care since forever, I've been beaten, psychologically tortured, "exorcised", locked in basements and forced to steal to survive all because of these wonderous xian foster homes other horrible things too but lets keep this simple I've even had my own best friend throw me away because of the xian book of shit, the list goes on. My hatred is immense, I cannot express it in words, but before I even began meditating I was already destroying enemies, people who had wronged me are no longer with us because I got super upset (oops) What I'm trying to say is that im a little afraid to meditate because my rage and hatred are so immense that if I accidently get upset at someone they might just kick the bucket. I've tried venting, counseling, yoga, watching feel good movies, nothing works, I'm like a ticking time bomb, should I keep meditating? I'm also a lone wolf, I don't have any affiliations with coventry or groups, it's just me, but I am loyal to the cause. Have done the dedication, and have been doing fathers work ever since, needless to say my side was chosen for me. ANYWAY, do I keep meditating?! I fear for my real family if I meditate because I hate their fucking guts, their enemies and threw me away, but yeah...
YES, keep meditating! And if you can actually curse these shitstains to death that is a GOOD thing!The hardcore xians, mudslimes and jews are already a lost cause!The true believers are the enemy and if they have wronged you then YES curse them to death!
This is war!I know exactly how you feel as the enemy has done things to me that are too demented and destructive to describe all my life!
If you are in fact powerful enough already to do that kind of damage then you're even more advanced then I am.Keep meditating and you will achieve a balance so this rage becomes controllable!
Use it consciously and logically as you would any other weapon and don't let yourself do anything stupid!
The enemy does this shit because they are afraid of you!If you get angry and carried away they win, but if you mock them and laugh at them while cursing them into their graves then you have won!
Try to see it this way: when they challenge you they are afraid of you. When they try to bullshit their way into justifying themselves see them for how pathetic they truly are!

On Sunday, February 21, 2016 12:27 PM, "anubis_matt@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I was in Foster Care since forever, I've been beaten, psychologically tortured, "exorcised", locked in basements and forced to steal to survive all because of these wonderous xian foster homes other horrible things too but lets keep this simple I've even had my own best friend throw me away because of the xian book of shit, the list goes on. My hatred is immense, I cannot express it in words, but before I even began meditating I was already destroying enemies, people who had wronged me are no longer with us because I got super upset (oops) What I'm trying to say is that im a little afraid to meditate because my rage and hatred are so immense that if I accidently get upset at someone they might just kick the bucket. I've tried venting, counseling, yoga, watching feel good movies, nothing works, I'm like a ticking time bomb, should I keep meditating? I'm also a lone wolf, I don't have any affiliations with coventry or groups, it's just me, but I am loyal to the cause. Have done the dedication, and have been doing fathers work ever since, needless to say my side was chosen for me. ANYWAY, do I keep meditating?! I fear for my real family if I meditate because I hate their fucking guts, their enemies and threw me away, but yeah...

Your rage would be useful in reverse Torah rituals. one thing to remember is know who's truely your enemy worth attacking the Jews.
Aim your anger towards them the jews who's only wish is to enslave you and keep you away from spiritual power.

Give this rage energy and offer it to a demon and the Gods. they can use this excess rage energy. I do it myself, b/c i was affected in this way by my hatred of the kike sob's. HS/88
Some people when they are born already have enormous power within them, most likely because they have advanced themselves in a previous lifetime and have reincarnated in this age.
Those people are the people the enemy fears most, the ones with great power from birth, they can truly fight the enemy as a one man army.
The people with the greatest power are often tortured and suffering the most throughout their early lives before they come to Satan. 

You seem like such a person, someone who holds a great amount of power within before starting your power meditation. You are a true warrior and people like you are the ones Satan needs most.
Right now the power might seem uncontrollable especially since you carry so much hatred towards the enemy and the people that have wronged you in your life. If you keep meditating you can learn to control that power and direct it at will. 

So yes keep meditating, and ask satan for guidance if you don't know where to start or if you have trouble controlling this power. The demons are always willing to help dedicated satanists and Satan will surely help you and teach you to control and direct this hatred.
I understand that dispite what your family has done to you you don't want to destroy them, in the end they are stil family.. If you are truly certain that you don't want to harm them dispite having all this hatred then don't worry when you meditate, direct this hatred towards the jews and learn to control it by meditating and you don't need to worry about harming them. I also hate my family for various reasons (simmilar to your own, but less severe) but after deciding I don't want to harm them my hatred hasn't affected them anymore. As they are in a way also victems because of the jews and it wasn't entirely their fault for they didn't know better.. I still hate their guts and will never like them and the moment I don't need them anymore I will just sever my connection with them and be done with them. 

If your hatred to your family isconflicting and causing you harm because you can't vent it since you don't want to unleash it on them try to sever the connection you have with them and ground the hatred. If you try to borrow it or forget about it it will end up harming you. I have never believed in counseling and this kind of crap, all phychology is a jewish invention and never really helps. 

The thing that works best for me when dealing with hatred that I can't vent or direct elsewere is to push it out through my feet into the ground, like how lightning disperses in the earth when it strikes a copper grounding rod. Or to detach it from me entirely by visualizing the hatred in my mind as a mass of energy and then visualizing this mass separating from my body and soul and then sending it off to some place where it can rot away, like isracrap or jeruzashit. For this last one to be effective affirm to yourself withn intent after sending it off:

The hatred I feel towards my family is completely and permanently detached from my being and no longer lingers within my soul. The hatred I feel towards my family is now directed towards the jewish filth and completely destroys them. The hatred I feel towards my family is now permanently directed towards the jewish filth and no longer affects me or my family negatively in any way.

This can be done with any kind of hatred that you might have, if for example it is hatred towards an ex girlfriend that you don't want to hurt dispite having so much hatred against, just switch family with ex girlfriend, or whatever you want to put there. 
For me this is a very effective way to redirect lingering hatred towards any person that I don't want anymore and can't seem to vent otherwise.
Good luck with meditating and I hope the advices by me and the others can help you.

Wow that's freaking intense I mean coming from a person like me that has lost absolutely everything and trying to find my way. .. I've had a lot of fucked off shit in my life too... I think we could learn a lot from each other...It has always been Satan..
I  understand entirely how you feel, at least about the hatred part, but why not consider the posibility that you Family actually needs saving, and the enemy intentionally did this to you to keep you from helping them, because you have obviously returned to Satan, and Satan might charge you with saving them, are you truly going to say no to that?

It has been my charge, and I have accepted it dutifully, and have said nothing despite what the enemy has made my Family do against me, you would be shocked what the enemy has made my Family do.

When being in True Spiritual Work, in that it is Satanic in origin the enemy often makes a lot of setups to try and destroy the Family first and foremost. Some people do have the hopeless case, but you need to truly feel this out through Void meditation, and listening to your Soul.

Do you truly believe your Family is evil, is that the answer that comes into your Soul after listening to it?
Or is this angst in the only form you think it will effetively come out and rid you of the pain, instead of outright hatred. Is your Family truly responsible for this, or is this the enemy? Find the answer is my suggestion to you, right along with this meditation to perform when the time is right.
Do NOT perform this meditation immediately until instructed by Satan is my advise to you. Always ask Him where to start in your Spiritual Journey, and don't try to do it on your own, I guarantee you, you will get nowhere trying that.

Merkaba Meditation  
Also, I recommend you start with this program, followed with this program, sometimes Satan will charge people here who are also Satanists with relaying information to other members/Satanists whom are in need of the information, and this is exactly what has happened. I devote my time and Service to Satan directly every day.
As for what to do personally, listen to your Soul, and never doubt that you KNOW the right answer. Again, I would like it if no one acuses me of being a Clergy Memeber, or a plagiarist of one. I am one who has devoted my personal Service to Him as I always have.

Please do be patient with the Mer Ka Bah meditation as this directly affects your genetics through advanced biokenesis, and also affects your Soul in general, and is NOT something to be taken lightly.

I do this meditation daily which is helping my Hmyaphroditism to come out quite nicely despite the hundreds to thousands of curses being released constantly which are inlain on my Soul, which they cheated to make happen because I was basically defenseless while they attacked me like the rotten cowards they are until I returned to Satan.

If you couldn't already tell I am a Woman, and I take my Womanhood quite seriously, especially with what the enemy has done to me. Proper diet and proper excersize also go a long with completing the Magnum Opus.

Void meditation will help you to get your emotions under control, and show you a better path, and more answers as the emotions cloud the judgement, and make you do the most foolish things. What I see is this, a person crying out for help, and I truly understand what you are going through, but not with the Family issues, but rather with the REAL CAUSE, the enemy.

These low down rotten dirty thugs have put me through the most ludicrous treatment which most of you would never believe, but this is how it is, and you either get off your butt and do something about it, or whine and die.

Ask Satan to help with the issues and you will find your life improving in ways you never imagined. Also, I recommend you start talking to Him every day to try and form a personal relationship.with Him. It's very simple, just start a random, but meaningful conversation with Him, and He will literally respond with something.

Wait, the Merkahbah is that advanced? It's something you should wait until Satan instructs you to do?That explains why even a year ago when I merely attempted it I felt BLAZING energy even though I totally fucked it up.
Everything was glowing white hot for a whole hour and this was when I barely had any control of energy at all.
No wonder daily Merkahbah meditations are part of the magnum opus or so I read in ....was it kai purr's writings or Vovim Baghie's book..? I cant remember but one of them wrote this and it made sense.

On Saturday, February 27, 2016 7:19 AM, "naturespath4@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I  understand entirely how you feel, at least about the hatred part, but why not consider the posibility that you Family actually needs saving, and the enemy intentionally did this to you to keep you from helping them, because you have obviously returned to Satan, and Satan might charge you with saving them, are you truly going to say no to that?

It has been my charge, and I have accepted it dutifully, and have said nothing despite what the enemy has made my Family do against me, you would be shocked what the enemy has made my Family do.

When being in True Spiritual Work, in that it is Satanic in origin the enemy often makes a lot of setups to try and destroy the Family first and foremost. Some people do have the hopeless case, but you need to truly feel this out through Void meditation, and listening to your Soul.

Do you truly believe your Family is evil, is that the answer that comes into your Soul after listening to it?
Or is this angst in the only form you think it will effetively come out and rid you of the pain, instead of outright hatred. Is your Family truly responsible for this, or is this the enemy? Find the answer is my suggestion to you, right along with this meditation to perform when the time is right.
Do NOT perform this meditation immediately until instructed by Satan is my advise to you. Always ask Him where to start in your Spiritual Journey, and don't try to do it on your own, I guarantee you, you will get nowhere trying that.

Merkaba Meditation  
Also, I recommend you start with this program, followed with this program, sometimes Satan will charge people here who are also Satanists with relaying information to other members/Satanists whom are in need of the information, and this is exactly what has happened. I devote my time and Service to Satan directly every day.
As for what to do personally, listen to your Soul, and never doubt that you KNOW the right answer. Again, I would like it if no one acuses me of being a Clergy Memeber, or a plagiarist of one. I am one who has devoted my personal Service to Him as I always have.

Please do be patient with the Mer Ka Bah meditation as this directly affects your genetics through advanced biokenesis, and also affects your Soul in general, and is NOT something to be taken lightly.

I do this meditation daily which is helping my Hmyaphroditism to come out quite nicely despite the hundreds to thousands of curses being released constantly which are inlain on my Soul, which they cheated to make happen because I was basically defenseless while they attacked me like the rotten cowards they are until I returned to Satan.

If you couldn't already tell I am a Woman, and I take my Womanhood quite seriously, especially with what the enemy has done to me. Proper diet and proper excersize also go a long with completing the Magnum Opus.

Void meditation will help you to get your emotions under control, and show you a better path, and more answers as the emotions cloud the judgement, and make you do the most foolish things. What I see is this, a person crying out for help, and I truly understand what you are going through, but not with the Family issues, but rather with the REAL CAUSE, the enemy.

These low down rotten dirty thugs have put me through the most ludicrous treatment which most of you would never believe, but this is how it is, and you either get off your butt and do something about it, or whine and die.

Ask Satan to help with the issues and you will find your life improving in ways you never imagined. Also, I recommend you start talking to Him every day to try and form a personal relationship.with Him. It's very simple, just start a random, but meaningful conversation with Him, and He will literally respond with something.


Not sure either, but I do believe it was Vovim Baghie.
Well yes, the Merkahbah is very powerful. I completely ignored that meditation for a very long time since my emotions were on a rampage so to speak, had no control. And didn't really understand how to do the Merkahbah.

Point is, after a while I felt a connection to it or like a very deep desire to do it, and basically told and guided to do it.

But from my observations, people tend to try it out with or without guidance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
