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U.N. chief says coronavirus causing "Generational Catastrophe" in education

Syd Silver

Sep 22, 2017
4th Reich
United Nations — U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Tuesday the coronavirus pandemic has led to the largest disruption of education in history, with schools closed in more than 160 countries in mid-July, affecting over 1 billion students.

In addition, the U.N. chief said at least 40 million children worldwide have missed out on education "in their critical preschool year."

As a result, Guterres warned that the world faces "a generational catastrophe that could waste untold human potential, undermine decades of progress, and exacerbate entrenched inequalities."

Even before the pandemic, Guterres said, the world faced "a learning crisis," with more than 250 million children out of school, and only a quarter of secondary school youngsters in developing countries leaving school "with basic skills."

According to a global projection covering 180 countries by the U.N. education agency UNESCO and partner organizations, some 23.8 million additional children and youths from pre-primary school to university level are at risk of dropping out or not having access to school next year due to the pandemic's economic impact.

"We are at a defining moment for the world's children and young people," Guterres said in a video message and a 26-page policy briefing. "The decisions that governments and partners take now will have lasting impact on hundreds of millions of young people, and on the development prospects of countries for decades to come."


The enemy wants people to be stupid, it's part of their plan, we knew that

What surprises me is that a United Nations high-ranking official is not on the Jewish payroll! and this official exposes part of the enemy's plan
The virus didn’t cause ANYTHING.

The Presidents, Prime ministers, Governors, Mayors, all these elected officials caused this by shutting society down needlessly.

If the Jewish media didn’t make a big fuss about CV-19 nobody would even notice a difference and life would go on normally.
Syd Silver said:
What surprises me is that a United Nations high-ranking official is not on the Jewish payroll! and this official exposes part of the enemy's plan
Leaving aside the rest of the message, I believe it's important to note that Guterres is a jew.
How can it be a "Generational Catastrophe" if they teach non-sense in school?

There are things I'm learning now which I wish would have been taught to me when younger in some cases with certain information maybe even early schooling. I know some might say there is no excuse for ignorance but some times certain things at a young age would produce better weltanschaangs(Worldviews) and certain properties would have been refined.

For example I never done anything with stock market and now in current times it's not the best idea. But some of our JoS members have done stock market things and would have benefited from some concrete information at a younger age especially if the information holds true for years as a given truth of the market. Instead of having to shift through non-sense and paywalls and basically sometimes even paywall behind the facade of higher education through stock market individual education.

(For some people who view the stock market as a shekelsteining and berging place, technically it is; your legs might not be broken by a pitboss like a casino but losing shekels is not a good idea albeit I will state some people need to be reminded even HP.Cobra and HP.Mageson have stated berg as many shekels as possible and help yourself and your family and your society with it. Rise as high as possible follow your dreams.)

Some might say I'm being ignorant on ignorance in being naive but am I wrong here? Is the lack of truer education and appropriate information. I mean I'm a very internalizing person, a friend of mines admires my deep internalization while I admire his deep externalization. But is it wrong to build your own world out of your own ideas and properties. I've learned things don't get me wrong but from whatever data I've acquired I kinda intuitively build myself. As you can probably tell by this post I'm more of an EQ person rather than an IQ person albeit I've been told I'm smart but never felt smart and had people tell me just because you remember information doesn't make you smart it just means your good at remembering things.

So it seems like school has taught me to be a failure in life. And I'm guessing what this Jewnited Jewnion is saying is "Oy vey Goyim be wack if they need education, just work and pray like serfdom times". Much like the meme John Rockefeller created. "I want a nation of workers, not thinkers"

I think this guy is just meme to make his career look better. "Oy vey juden I matter I might be goyish but I goy the goys, hehe keke lulz". It's just memetic warfare on public matters.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
The virus didn’t cause ANYTHING.

The Presidents, Prime ministers, Governors, Mayors, all these elected officials caused this by shutting society down needlessly.

If the Jewish media didn’t make a big fuss about CV-19 nobody would even notice a difference and life would go on normally.
Syd Silver said:
Shael said:
Leaving aside the rest of the message, I believe it's important to note that Guterres is a jew.
Are you saying that a Jew is acting against his tribe ?! it seems "a bit"unusual
(I didn't look for his origins)

Not going against the tribe, but to sow discontent.
I think their grid is falling apart and if that guy is really a jew then ... its a big hole in enemy's grid

"They" are more disconnected lately and make mistakes, expose themselves and so on
Syd Silver said:
Shael said:
Leaving aside the rest of the message, I believe it's important to note that Guterres is a jew.
Are you saying that a Jew is acting against his tribe ?! it seems "a bit"unusual
(I didn't look for his origins)
The attack over education is done deliberately on a global scale to turn school into digital school. Pay attention to the next events, there will be more pandemic waves and the education on all levels will be gradually moving online as part of the jew world order. You can visit visit by `booklet` where I posted about this and other things.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
