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Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

Some people are vile to the core and should be held responsible for their actions.
If they don't want to learn the easy way, then I'm sure the Gods and anyone else for that matter, can teach them their lessons the hard way.

But oh well, some people will not even learn no matter how hard you try to teach them. Some of them are as a daft as a brick, but that's an insult to bricks, because even bricks can serve a very good purpose, unlike them.
Each country has laws for this and Japan if I am correct has some heavy laws regarding this topic . It's terrible what that person did I and my husband believe what goes around comes around.

If he doesn't get prosecuted by his local area police etc it will come back to him.
Or anyone who does this I am just as upset as you guys but we need to keep a calm head.

The law and the gods will sort this out
The only ways I can think of the atonement of this is for people to stop doing this, donate the appropriate and stolen amount, and never do this process again. That's a way to atone to the Gods. And to explain to the people they conned where it was from, so they can continue freely on the journey.

The largest core of JoS knowledge will remain eternally free. The core must exist as birthright for human beings.
so, better i stop the process whatever i do and meditation for a atone to the Gods.
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I don't think you can copy right spiritual knowledge you can for sure do it for the website and unwanted use of your brand but the knowledge well you don't have to go to the website to learn this its simply the gods and sometimes it is given as a gift but yeah there are a lot of copy cats out there and random wiccan sites that are the complete opposite lay out even with color schemes and they teach everything backwards retards lol
An example is when I saw a social page of a guy who wanted to create (and he did in the end) a sort of website/blog where he shamelessly copied all the knowledge of JoS with the excuse "some writings by HPS Maxine were taken from the books of Franz Bardon", and then support hippie bullshit like "Satan loves Jews too".
I think that there are some weaklings in this world, that even when reaching out to Father Satan, they can't fathom the idea that jews might really just be bad, when told the notion and arguments.
"Oh, but it can't be! I lived my whole life getting told to not hate them because it's wrong!"

Once I even came across a telegram group that advertised on Instagram (and I infiltrated it and then disgraced it on the old forum until the group in question closed) that told everyone they were from JoS, and then brainwashed people and explained how Satan "does not exist in reality", the Demons would be "Jewish thought forms" and that the noble HPS Maxine was a "madwoman who pretends to talk to Satan".

But I have seen so many of these things, the most serious one of all and there I really wish he would die of the worst things was when I met a guy who said he came from JoS and had a telegram group where he literally solicited MINORS to convince them to send him photos of themselves naked from head to toe with the excuse of being able to "read their aura".
I'm curious, I've heard of an Italian telegram group too, although I don't think I ever joined it because I smelt the bullshit.
Are we talking about "USI"?
If I remember correctly, their leaders were plain jews themselves.

I swear to you, commander and brother, and most noble HP, this sermon you wrote really gives me hope for a better future, I hope these shits get all the evil they deserve. There are far too many of these situations even here in Italy and many are even "famous" in some ways.
This sermon felt like pure Wrath from estemeed High Priest Hooded Cobra. I could almost hear thunders in the background.
No surprise then, that Baalzebul/Zeus/Thor is the God dear HPHC feels closest to, as said by him on X.
I don't think you can copy right spiritual knowledge you can for sure do it for the website and unwanted use of your brand but the knowledge well you don't have to go to the website to learn this its simply the gods and sometimes it is given as a gift but yeah there are a lot of copy cats out there and random wiccan sites that are the complete opposite lay out even with color schemes and they teach everything backwards retards lol

Yeah, that's probably why some people toil for centuries evolving as souls to give some knowledge, so smart Joe from Japan has to come in and resell it to get his anime waifu AI subscription.

The Gods assist in this process obviously. On the other hand, when one gives this knowledge, they must in the very least mention it's source. That's a formality and shows respect. That's the first step.

The JoS does for example re-share free materials from Pink Lotus, or Yogi Bhajan. His name is held in high regard and shared with everyone, same as the PinkLotus site.

These "Gifts" are because other people toiled for them.

Of course overall they (or we in this case) tend to do this for the Gods and humanity, so oftentimes we all ask for nothing. Using it for free would not be a problem for yourself, if it was free.

But to not even give a mention, credit, or anything in particular that leads to the House of the Gods, and also appearing as a false prophet in front of people, or harming them through this by misguiding them, or selling and trying to make your quick hentai subscription, that is something that is actually evil to do.

Misguiding people spiritually does carry a weight for the people who do this, overall. But that is another topic.

so, better i stop the process whatever i do and meditation for a atone to the Gods.

What you do is what you do. I don't think it's worth the risk to resell something from the JoS for crickets by being a thief, at the value of who knows what.

I'm curious, I've heard of an Italian telegram group too, although I don't think I ever joined it because I smelt the bullshit.
Are we talking about "USI"?
If I remember correctly, their leaders were plain jews themselves.

These jews are misguiding Satan's Souls and volk, and they will need to experience the outcome of this. If a Gentile was creating synagogues and misguiding jews en masse, I don't want to say where the jews would have them end up. But everyone could figure it out.

There are many other ways to produce value with your own mind and capacity. Doing the above is not only stupid, but criminal.
I think that there are some weaklings in this world, that even when reaching out to Father Satan, they can't fathom the idea that jews might really just be bad, when told the notion and arguments.
"Oh, but it can't be! I lived my whole life getting told to not hate them because it's wrong!"

I'm curious, I've heard of an Italian telegram group too, although I don't think I ever joined it because I smelt the bullshit.
Are we talking about "USI"?
If I remember correctly, their leaders were plain jews themselves.

This sermon felt like pure Wrath from estemeed High Priest Hooded Cobra. I could almost hear thunders in the background.
No surprise then, that Baalzebul/Zeus/Thor is the God dear HPHC feels closest to, as said by him on X.
The group I was talking about, brother, I'm not going to name it so as not to give it publicity, but the one you mentioned is also just as corrupt in terms of lies against the Gods of JoS.

However, I don't think it is wise to name these groups because we only give them free publicity, those of us who have had the opportunity to know these people already know what kind of abominations against the Gods they represent.

I also know things about them because an ex-friend of mine was a high-ranking member of such a group and told me what kind of people they really are.

Our truly beloved High Priest has the utmost and perfect reason to be angry against these attackers of sacred things. However, it is ALWAYS better, I repeat, not to mention names.

For the rest, I fully agree with what you wrote, we all hope that justice arrives soon and we will all be available for any new rituals because nothing is more sacred than the things of the Gods.
It's whacky that some people would literally betray an organization, the true religion that should be for mankind, that does everything to uplift individuals for a greater cause of getting mankind out of its idiocy from the spiritual level and succeed.

I have seen people like that do this over material bribes or constant mental torment and this makes me hope it's legal for me to pay each and every one of those scummy mofos a "friendly" visit.
I'm curious, I've heard of an Italian telegram group too, although I don't think I ever joined it because I smelt the bullshit.
Are we talking about "USI"?
If I remember correctly, their leaders were plain jews themselves.
Be careful with that. I remember several years ago Jennifer Crepuscolo was amassing birth chart data on her Facebook group, allegedly to research physiognomics.

She also tends to mix spiritual satanism with that deranged Cult of Silent Hill. I remember on her website she equates Lord Azazel with the Yellow God.

She's very weird, and never produced anything of value for Italian SS.
I think about the point that they too are dedicated to Satan. Are they satanic brothers too? I only hope they have Satan's guidance.

I remember one person who followed a thieving false leader saying, “I don't want to be deceived anymore,” and I realized that they could be deceived again and again if they didn't meditate and keep their soul eyes open.

Knowledge is not only gained, but it becomes worthless if it is not put to practical use. Knowledge bought with money is just that.

I can't say it well, but I wish I could convey what I want to say.
The Army of the JOS is always ready to defend the house of the Gods, let those who have ill intensions receive our curses as a nick receive a sword 🗡️

We should partake in this as a warriors (if it is good to be public)

Lastly I am very proud of you brothers and sisters you who have great potential and clean souls
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

Quiero aclarar que esto no implica ni siquiera críticas severas, desacuerdos, desagrado o incluso odio común. Esto implica acciones criminales cometidas contra los Dioses y la Alegría de Satanás o su gente, sin razón alguna. Eres libre de odiarnos, pero las injurias de la naturaleza descrita en el post significan que eres un enemigo que intenta hacerse pasar por otra cosa.

"Ex-miembros de Jos - actuales calumniadores injustificados (que inventan historias de ciencia ficción contra nosotros)", "Aquellos que siguieron su propio camino [con el 99% de conocimiento robado de JoS]", el criptojudío que "¡Siguió su propio camino! ¡Es hora de robarle al goy y su casa goy y me saldré con la mía, jaja!", y otros esquizofrénicos relacionados con tendencias criminales que quieren robar y desorientar a las personas, su daño neto a JoS ya no será tolerado.

Desearás no haber hecho esto nunca. Es evidente que no cambiarás porque no estás desarrollando las capacidades adecuadas para las cosas que crees que mereces o deseas.

El robo, la calumnia o las dos cosas a la vez, por tener problemas mentales, no van a convertirse en la alegría de los problemas de Satanás. En todo el mundo y dondequiera que estés, cualquier riqueza obtenida a expensas del tiempo y los esfuerzos de verdaderos satanistas será destruida de inmediato y sin posibilidad de recuperación.

-Cobra encapuchada del Sumo Sacerdote 666
Be careful with that. I remember several years ago Jennifer Crepuscolo was amassing birth chart data on her Facebook group, allegedly to research physiognomics.

She also tends to mix spiritual satanism with that deranged Cult of Silent Hill. I remember on her website she equates Lord Azazel with the Yellow God.

She's very weird, and never produced anything of value for Italian SS.
Funnily enough, that idiot woman also started on the JoS, there are her posts from around 10-15 years ago on the yahoo groups forum.
I wonder if Italian is similar to Latin. Her name is like crepuscular, which is an animal that only is active in the shadows around sunrise and sunset. In between diurnal and nocturnal.
The mental image of these people stealing and selling the pages on brutal cursing methods, as if it could never happen to them, is humorous to me. However, because of this, I start to wonder if such people do not even believe in magic or the Gods, yet at the same time they must see some value in it, or they would not steal it.

Another point to be aware of here is that these people are not just stealing the "initial sale" of info, but can be stealing the attention of an entire person. In other words, they create fake communities of people who should instead be present here. Therefore, we are losing out on talent and other larger donations/investments. Further, the unwitting customers have to go through resolving the frustration and confusion of being mislead, deprogramming from additional layers of corruption and mistrust gained from being scammed.

So it is not just an isolated theft from a temple, but also the creation of a fake temple, based on this theft, that steals the entire aspect of a spiritual community within the life of these customers.
I fully agree with you or similar statements here from HPHC or HPS Lydia, but please don't call spiritual seeking people customers. I know it was related to the japan ebay buying, but in my opinion we or anyone else that seeks spirituality is not a mere customer. This termonoly invites clames from trolls like, JOS just wants to sell something, it's a cult, etc...
Parece que há algumas pessoas nas proximidades do Joy of Satan que fazem atos deploráveis. Isso convida à retaliação, que já deveria ter acontecido há muito tempo.

Eu avisei muitos e avisei novamente. Para parar de criar grupos falsos, pare de carregar novatos e fingir que você é professor quando você não pode ensinar, não fique fora do JoS, não roube seus materiais, não promova falsas profecias e pânico, não desvie as pessoas dos Deuses ou da Alegria de Satanás para seus "ganhos" pessoais, imitadores e outros lixos pervertidos relacionados.

Traições, traidores, calúnias, todas essas coisas que inimigos puros fariam, você fez por causa de sua crueldade e maldade. Alguém no JoS justificou esse mal? Claramente não. As pessoas estavam aqui apenas para ajudar você, auxiliá-lo e amá-lo. Sua retribuição a elas foi agir como um lixo menor do que um imã muçulmano para nós. Embora nenhuma ação tenha sido feita pelo JoS para justificar esse tratamento, ele foi feito e recebido, sem motivo.

Pensei que depois de muitos anos, o bom senso teria chegado à sua mente. Não chegou.

Você não ouviu. Alguns ouviram e estão perdoados. Sabemos sobre você, quantos vocês são e tudo mais. Nossos membros estão em todos os lugares e eles nos informarão sobre esses tópicos.

Por que não tomar o caminho do bem quando você pode tomar o caminho do mal? SENTIU-SE justificado, certo?

Para citar um exemplo, um idiota japonês roubou traduções japonesas do JoS e as está vendendo no equivalente ao e-bay japonês. Outro "mestre" espiritual criado a partir do trabalho do JoS. É hora, portanto, de você ser derrubado e espiritualmente eliminado. Nem mesmo encontrou a fonte do JoS dentro.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Eles vão pagar pelos atos de injustiça
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I really don't understand how to do such a thing. Getting to the truth is a great honor and a great opportunity to be the best version of you in the absolute sense.

Once you see the truth, how can you deny it? Once you feel the Gods close to you how can you turn your back on them and betray them like that? They who for us make themselves available to protect us, teach us, educate us and comfort us. They make us strong and make all true knowledge available to us.

How can one sell knowledge, truth? They certainly try to ride the wave of curiosity by putting the knowledge enclosed in the library for sale, but true knowledge is not for sale. Unfortunately for them, they are so far from what Satanism really is that I really feel they are empty and lost, as well as traitors.

Satanism is discipline, sacrifice, work, perseverance, it is brotherhood. It is the most beautiful thing that humanity has a chance to know and make its own.

The site is public, not secret. Anyone asking questions can find answers there! What is the point of selling the information? To create groups of pseudo "Satanists" who go to mislead souls who might actually find Father Satan.

I really don't understand how they do it. I, who owe everything to Gods and Father Satan, don't know how anyone can betray them.
I wonder if Italian is similar to Latin. Her name is like crepuscular, which is an animal that only is active in the shadows around sunrise and sunset. In between diurnal and nocturnal.
Italian is derived from Latin in a direct way, so yes. Too bad you are one of those people who, once you had the material, betrayed it by forming your own group. Speaking ill of Jos, and proclaiming her Satanism made up of acceptance of Jews and respect for them. Respecting everyone indiscriminately because everyone is free to think as they wish. Respect for Muslims, Christians, Jews...unfortunately he has completely turned his back on the truth, Father Satan and the great Andras (who he says is his guardian) and all Gods. To me this is unacceptable.
Be careful with that. I remember several years ago Jennifer Crepuscolo was amassing birth chart data on her Facebook group, allegedly to research physiognomics.

She also tends to mix spiritual satanism with that deranged Cult of Silent Hill. I remember on her website she equates Lord Azazel with the Yellow God.

She's very weird, and never produced anything of value for Italian SS.
Of course it's all bullshit, I actually know close to zero about that group, it's just that once upon a time I had an acquaintance that kind of belonged to it, and I remember that person having very seriously retarded opinions on many subjects. Don't need to worry about me, thank you Stormblood.
I know nothing of the Silent Hill thing you mentioned.

The group I was talking about, brother, I'm not going to name it so as not to give it publicity, but the one you mentioned is also just as corrupt in terms of lies against the Gods of JoS.

However, I don't think it is wise to name these groups because we only give them free publicity, those of us who have had the opportunity to know these people already know what kind of abominations against the Gods they represent.

I also know things about them because an ex-friend of mine was a high-ranking member of such a group and told me what kind of people they really are.

Our truly beloved High Priest has the utmost and perfect reason to be angry against these attackers of sacred things. However, it is ALWAYS better, I repeat, not to mention names.

For the rest, I fully agree with what you wrote, we all hope that justice arrives soon and we will all be available for any new rituals because nothing is more sacred than the things of the Gods.
I know we tend to avoid to spew names because we don't want to make anyone more famous than they already are, but I also think that "know your enemy" could be beneficial.
It's for sure tricky. I doubt that even a newbie, if we tell names while exposing their crap, would go on to join them after what we had to say about them.
Although I can't be sure, I'm not that expert on people behavior.
I fully agree with you or similar statements here from HPHC or HPS Lydia, but please don't call spiritual seeking people customers. I know it was related to the japan ebay buying, but in my opinion we or anyone else that seeks spirituality is not a mere customer. This termonoly invites clames from trolls like, JOS just wants to sell something, it's a cult, etc...

The moment somebody buys anything it can be referred to as a "customer" regardless of his spiritual quality. These people that fall for the scam , are literally buying it , making them "customers".
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great Good Post (y)

Criminals and thieves should always be fought, and traitors should not be spared.

All these bad people will answer for their deeds before the Gods.
Yeah, that's probably why some people toil for centuries evolving as souls to give some knowledge, so smart Joe from Japan has to come in and resell it to get his anime waifu AI subscription.

The Gods assist in this process obviously. On the other hand, when one gives this knowledge, they must in the very least mention it's source. That's a formality and shows respect. That's the first step.

The JoS does for example re-share free materials from Pink Lotus, or Yogi Bhajan. His name is held in high regard and shared with everyone, same as the PinkLotus site.

These "Gifts" are because other people toiled for them.

Of course overall they (or we in this case) tend to do this for the Gods and humanity, so oftentimes we all ask for nothing. Using it for free would not be a problem for yourself, if it was free.

But to not even give a mention, credit, or anything in particular that leads to the House of the Gods, and also appearing as a false prophet in front of people, or harming them through this by misguiding them, or selling and trying to make your quick hentai subscription, that is something that is actually evil to do.

Misguiding people spiritually does carry a weight for the people who do this, overall. But that is another topic.

What you do is what you do. I don't think it's worth the risk to resell something from the JoS for crickets by being a thief, at the value of who knows what.

These jews are misguiding Satan's Souls and volk, and they will need to experience the outcome of this. If a Gentile was creating synagogues and misguiding jews en masse, I don't want to say where the jews would have them end up. But everyone could figure it out.

There are many other ways to produce value with your own mind and capacity. Doing the above is not only stupid, but criminal.
These people steal from them self if they don't mention JOS or donate the generated money, in the end the biggest treasure in the world is spiritual knowledge which will be generated by caring/funding.
It is interesting that some people see a constructive outcome in this action. To oppose the will and power of the Gods, or to assume any chance of its success, is based on intense ignorance.

Sieg Heil!
Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.
I think at this point the enemy priority is to control and manipulate the JoS. Especially now that attacks have decreased. This is actually a great milestone because the JoS has now reached newer heights of credibility and relevance in the religious movement.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jews were involved in some way, or were pulling peoples strings. Almost all of the problems are at the fault of the enemy, but I guess we expect some people to know better.

We cannot forget the nature of the Jews and the things many have done to appeal to their god. Do we not forget how Rabbis were caught with mutilated baby parts, and other things too gruesome to mention.

One cannot understand how someone can tolerate their presence either, especially those who claim to have experienced the enemy first hand and what they really feel, and to associate with beings carrying their DNA and what their intentions are.

Unless one is a fucking LARP

I'm sure the gods know best too
So let's get dem monke
These types of People are desperate, stealing creation as they have nothing to offer themselves. Much like a jew, I experienced this first hand as I needed real world experience with them. The jew stole my ideas verbatim and his other clan of Jews told the public it was their idea. I realised how pathetic they really are…

They’re unable to create anything of their own, only steal. They lack the creativity, they can only take and abort whatever shit comes out to then try and sell the lower spiritual caste of society like pig feed.

I feel your and the organisations pain HP Cobra, It’s terrible how gentiles continue to defy the teaching and betray their own People for short term profit only to end up fucked later down the road, begging the gods again or turning to the Jewish house for “salvation” in the form of death of the soul.
I wonder if Italian is similar to Latin. Her name is like crepuscular, which is an animal that only is active in the shadows around sunrise and sunset. In between diurnal and nocturnal.
Yeah, 'crepuscolo' in Italian literally means 'twilight/dusk'. I think it's the romance language closest to Latin and Greek. Most words are direct alterations.
Yeah, 'crepuscolo' in Italian literally means 'twilight/dusk'. I think it's the romance language closest to Latin and Greek. Most words are direct alterations.
One of my family members used to work in an Italian restaurant. The owners spoke Italian, and the chefs only spoke Spanish. And they understood each other very well.
I think at this point the enemy priority is to control and manipulate the JoS. Especially now that attacks have decreased. This is actually a great milestone because the JoS has now reached newer heights of credibility and relevance in the religious movement.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jews were involved in some way, or were pulling peoples strings. Almost all of the problems are at the fault of the enemy, but I guess we expect some people to know better.

We cannot forget the nature of the Jews and the things many have done to appeal to their god. Do we not forget how Rabbis were caught with mutilated baby parts, and other things too gruesome to mention.

One cannot understand how someone can tolerate their presence either, especially those who claim to have experienced the enemy first hand and what they really feel, and to associate with beings carrying their DNA and what their intentions are.

Unless one is a fucking LARP

I'm sure the gods know best too
So let's get dem monke
View attachment 3347

This gif made me laugh. :D
One of my family members used to work in an Italian restaurant. The owners spoke Italian, and the chefs only spoke Spanish. And they understood each other very well.
I heard some people say Portuguese is even more similar to Italian. Having studied some Spanish in school, I disagree but, once you can read Spanish, you can understand most of Portuguese anyway.
I heard some people say Portuguese is even more similar to Italian. Having studied some Spanish in school, I disagree but, once you can read Spanish, you can understand most of Portuguese anyway.
I have been studying Portuguese in my free time and when I compare it with Spanish in regards how similar it feels to Italian I think Portuguese may be a bit closer to Italian for some reason.
To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay.
This is unrelated kinda but I see advertisements for spells from Etsy all the time while scrolling on pinterest and IT PISSES me the fuck off.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
