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The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Most people exist in their lives in completely oblivious manners. They exist as if they will live for a thousand years, or as if the world does not necessitate that you take certain actions for yourself today. Not only the world needs this, but you also.

They act as if 70, 80, or 90 years of age are "a certainty", thinking their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's can be wasted entirely. "That's life", they keep telling the goyim, which pointlessly tries to lead the same life as a 15 year old, all the way to 65 years old of age.

"There is not enough time", people complain, seeking pointlessly their "immortality". They want immortality, to compensate for the lost time - time that they want to borrow so they can lose again. For no reason.

You will sit there and debate for 10 years if you should meditate or go to the gym. Or if you should read a book. How many years have went by already while you did that? How did that turn out?

Years pass you by, you are in your 40's and 50's, and then you think that "now you might do this", but you haven't done this before so you feel it's getting too late. You know it's never too late, but you will make it look like it's late, even if you are 20 years old; you know how to lie to yourself quite well, as have all of us before we advanced under the Gods.

Instead of becoming better liars with ourselves, we just decided to become better at accepting life and getting closer to the Truth. That is the only magical recipe there is around for the most part.

Albeit it's a lie, you again procrastinate. "It is too late, I cannot do this, maybe later", you will say. "The JoS will exist in the future, maybe another time", you tell yourself, not laying a brick to ensure that end in many cases. Like having a greatest opportunity, one does not use it. Then the opportunity departs - nobody kept it on high enough importance.

Like a woman that left on the subway and you did not ask her name, she has left also, never to be found again. You go again to the subway and you know you will not have this opportunity again. "Another day" you tell yourself, to feel better about the lost opportunity of growth. "I have too many problems, I cannot do this now. Maybe tomorrow.". Tomorrow comes and it's treated again like yesterday, replaced with one more "Tomorrow".

Eventually you figure out what major fuckup you have been doing against yourself. Rage starts to build inside. Instead of advancing, you chose to spend the last 6 months chattering, or hating others, or feeling jealousy, inferiority, and dwindling in self destruction. Your higher self observes you and puts in your head that this was wrong, you denied her/him once again.

Even though every day they told you what to do, you did not do it. "Tomorrow" you answered them.

One day comes then when the luxury of tomorrow does not exist. Then eventually you die off without having done anything meaningful for humanity or for yourself. Even the smallest gesture. Nothing discovered out of life. You enter the recycling bin and you reincarnate, purposelessly, without making any use of your time.

Then when all the beings go to the Gods, they ask for one more opportunity, to do better the next time around. But many opportunities that were bright as gold and in front of you, might no longer be there; you have to fight again with the means that remain. The few remains that remain, are because of those who did not do what you did against yourself.

The cyclical process continues with souls getting weaker and weaker, until humanity again is on the stone age again, falling down. For all your failures, you blame the Gods, the stars, those in "Power", bad "presidents", me, or the other guy sitting on the bench across the subway.

Deep down you know it was only you; at least the part you was able to manage, you did not manage it. It's just easier to say it was someone else; their lack of abilities, how they didn't manage things as they were "supposed to". The list is long.

You will sit there waiting for 10 years, until things that could save the world no longer exist, to finally donate 10$. Years will pass you by, and the hordes of the enemy will be at the gates. 9.9 out of these 10 years will be put there to blame me. You will seek for a post I made in 2013 to make up just another excuse, of something, to say that this was the reason you were incapable to follow the teaching and save yourself.

Healthy and sane, blessed 18 year old kids, will turn to 38 years old, thinking "what could they have done for the JoS, for themselves and for humanity", yet instead another person who is 65 years old, is going to take this seriously - life experience shouts louder to them. They will have a soul light as feather, and they will advance. You will be young, but if you keep wasting your time, you will become very old; like these perished people that walk around like empty husks, never having the faintest idea of having a soul.

Then in this you will blame someone else. If I know of one thing, is that no matter what I have done, it's never "enough", and of course, you always get the blame for helping and a lot more glory for pushing humans to their ultimate disaster. I chose to do the first despite of the most extreme inconvenience known to man. "I, he, she, it (the system)" will again "Be to blame". Anything, as long as it prolongs the state of ignorance, will do as an answer.

You will know it is a lie and that deep inside it was you who was wronging yourself, but you will convince yourself real hard to avoid guilt or facing it. So I have to bring you to face that. How are you with advancement and with yourself? Nothing extreme is needed here, nothing back breaking. But do you do the basic lifting? If so, enjoy your existence and be glad that is the case; billions will go straight into the recycle bin and you will not.

For those who do not do it, life passes you by, then again to the recycle bin it goes. More days have been spent looking at random women online, and more hours on Instagram or TikTok, than living a valid life, or breathing some air in your lungs and saying "I appreciate the gift of life". Of all the wasteful epochs, now we live in one where to waste all your existence and human potential, is the easiest it ever was.

You wanted to do X and X in life, and out of the tens of thousands of desires your mind will generate, afflicted by social media or lack of inner guidance, you will not even focus to accomplish 2 of these, because you sent a standard for 10,000 desires instead, while not focusing to empower yourself to focus on even just 2. These 2 goals would already make you great, but are you afraid to be great?

An idiot will come across Spiritual Satanism today, and a wise person. The idiot will create around 500 excuses to not participate. It's too hard, it's scary, the website is black, or they will insert any reasoning under the sun to avoid getting enlightened. The doubt will bug them, and they will know they are probably incorrect deep inside. They will ignore it and go play Playstation 5, and pray for GTA 6 to come live; maybe that will aleviate their pain.

The wise person will, instead of making 500 excuses, give 1 opportunity to the Gods to present themselves in their sorry lives. And this 1 opportunity, they will treat as a treasure, understanding what they found. And they will walk and walk, until they reach closer and closer to the Higher Beings, and also live a fulfilling life. They will also play Playstation 5, but not their whole existence will be around this as avoidance; it will be more just another delicacy into the life of the wise one, who wants to have a soul and did not succumb to fear.

Most people will be category 1. Few others will be category 2. One does not need to be a mastermind to figure it out. One just has to observe humanity just a bit carefully.

Long story short this message is not supposed to be a linguistic masterpiece or try very hard to convince you. It's more like a reminder, to use your time, energy and existence a bit wisely. A bit more like the Gods or aspiring Gods would do. A bit more like your life matters.

"This post will make me feel bad", one will say. "It hurts me". Yet, for the person that does not do this, this post will indeed be balm upon all their wounds and their souls. "How good I am healing, to not be offended by this post", they will think to themselves. "I am thankful for waking up to that fact and finally loving myself", they will think.

All I have tried to teach human beings here if anything, is to ascribe value to your existence and to not end up in this state of the recycle bin. To live a life with less regrets, more development and more "life inside your life". Preachers of death, self mutilation, those who want you to be miserable, are heard by many.

I am heard by few. Few want to live, and even fewer are those who will actually lift themselves today and say to themselves: "No more, I believe I deserve a bit better. Time to advance. No matter what is on my plate, I will have hope, and I will advance upward. There is something up there and is calling me".

Do not wait to answer the call another 10 years. You will only extend your regret.

Thank you HPHC, there are always times in life when it is difficult to even get up, but to keep going without making excuses is what an SS must know best.

Excuses only will multiply suffering and problems. As one grows we understand that we must encounter the issues. Then when we do and we sort them out, we become elated in pleasure and in empowerment, knowing we succeeded.

Excuses will never have this outcome, only more suffering will arrive.

Someone asked me a weird question, if one should punish themselves when they do not do what they "should".

No, you should not punish yourself. You must gently and in a caring manner for yourself take them so they do what they need to do.

One is already punished when they do not do things in the first place. Instead, you want to save yourself not to add more weight on your shoulders.

Doing things to advance is the way to liberation, not to endless punishment.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Most people exist in their lives in completely oblivious manners. They exist as if they will live for a thousand years, or as if the world does not necessitate that you take certain actions for yourself today. Not only the world needs this, but you also.

They act as if 70, 80, or 90 years of age are "a certainty", thinking their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's can be wasted entirely. "That's life", they keep telling the goyim, which pointlessly tries to lead the same life as a 15 year old, all the way to 65 years old of age.

"There is not enough time", people complain, seeking pointlessly their "immortality". They want immortality, to compensate for the lost time - time that they want to borrow so they can lose again. For no reason.

You will sit there and debate for 10 years if you should meditate or go to the gym. Or if you should read a book. How many years have went by already while you did that? How did that turn out?

Years pass you by, you are in your 40's and 50's, and then you think that "now you might do this", but you haven't done this before so you feel it's getting too late. You know it's never too late, but you will make it look like it's late, even if you are 20 years old; you know how to lie to yourself quite well, as have all of us before we advanced under the Gods.

Instead of becoming better liars with ourselves, we just decided to become better at accepting life and getting closer to the Truth. That is the only magical recipe there is around for the most part.

Albeit it's a lie, you again procrastinate. "It is too late, I cannot do this, maybe later", you will say. "The JoS will exist in the future, maybe another time", you tell yourself, not laying a brick to ensure that end in many cases. Like having a greatest opportunity, one does not use it. Then the opportunity departs - nobody kept it on high enough importance.

Like a woman that left on the subway and you did not ask her name, she has left also, never to be found again. You go again to the subway and you know you will not have this opportunity again. "Another day" you tell yourself, to feel better about the lost opportunity of growth. "I have too many problems, I cannot do this now. Maybe tomorrow.". Tomorrow comes and it's treated again like yesterday, replaced with one more "Tomorrow".

Eventually you figure out what major fuckup you have been doing against yourself. Rage starts to build inside. Instead of advancing, you chose to spend the last 6 months chattering, or hating others, or feeling jealousy, inferiority, and dwindling in self destruction. Your higher self observes you and puts in your head that this was wrong, you denied her/him once again.

Even though every day they told you what to do, you did not do it. "Tomorrow" you answered them.

One day comes then when the luxury of tomorrow does not exist. Then eventually you die off without having done anything meaningful for humanity or for yourself. Even the smallest gesture. Nothing discovered out of life. You enter the recycling bin and you reincarnate, purposelessly, without making any use of your time.

Then when all the beings go to the Gods, they ask for one more opportunity, to do better the next time around. But many opportunities that were bright as gold and in front of you, might no longer be there; you have to fight again with the means that remain. The few remains that remain, are because of those who did not do what you did against yourself.

The cyclical process continues with souls getting weaker and weaker, until humanity again is on the stone age again, falling down. For all your failures, you blame the Gods, the stars, those in "Power", bad "presidents", me, or the other guy sitting on the bench across the subway.

Deep down you know it was only you; at least the part you was able to manage, you did not manage it. It's just easier to say it was someone else; their lack of abilities, how they didn't manage things as they were "supposed to". The list is long.

You will sit there waiting for 10 years, until things that could save the world no longer exist, to finally donate 10$. Years will pass you by, and the hordes of the enemy will be at the gates. 9.9 out of these 10 years will be put there to blame me. You will seek for a post I made in 2013 to make up just another excuse, of something, to say that this was the reason you were incapable to follow the teaching and save yourself.

Healthy and sane, blessed 18 year old kids, will turn to 38 years old, thinking "what could they have done for the JoS, for themselves and for humanity", yet instead another person who is 65 years old, is going to take this seriously - life experience shouts louder to them. They will have a soul light as feather, and they will advance. You will be young, but if you keep wasting your time, you will become very old; like these perished people that walk around like empty husks, never having the faintest idea of having a soul.

Then in this you will blame someone else. If I know of one thing, is that no matter what I have done, it's never "enough", and of course, you always get the blame for helping and a lot more glory for pushing humans to their ultimate disaster. I chose to do the first despite of the most extreme inconvenience known to man. "I, he, she, it (the system)" will again "Be to blame". Anything, as long as it prolongs the state of ignorance, will do as an answer.

You will know it is a lie and that deep inside it was you who was wronging yourself, but you will convince yourself real hard to avoid guilt or facing it. So I have to bring you to face that. How are you with advancement and with yourself? Nothing extreme is needed here, nothing back breaking. But do you do the basic lifting? If so, enjoy your existence and be glad that is the case; billions will go straight into the recycle bin and you will not.

For those who do not do it, life passes you by, then again to the recycle bin it goes. More days have been spent looking at random women online, and more hours on Instagram or TikTok, than living a valid life, or breathing some air in your lungs and saying "I appreciate the gift of life". Of all the wasteful epochs, now we live in one where to waste all your existence and human potential, is the easiest it ever was.

You wanted to do X and X in life, and out of the tens of thousands of desires your mind will generate, afflicted by social media or lack of inner guidance, you will not even focus to accomplish 2 of these, because you sent a standard for 10,000 desires instead, while not focusing to empower yourself to focus on even just 2. These 2 goals would already make you great, but are you afraid to be great?

An idiot will come across Spiritual Satanism today, and a wise person. The idiot will create around 500 excuses to not participate. It's too hard, it's scary, the website is black, or they will insert any reasoning under the sun to avoid getting enlightened. The doubt will bug them, and they will know they are probably incorrect deep inside. They will ignore it and go play Playstation 5, and pray for GTA 6 to come live; maybe that will aleviate their pain.

The wise person will, instead of making 500 excuses, give 1 opportunity to the Gods to present themselves in their sorry lives. And this 1 opportunity, they will treat as a treasure, understanding what they found. And they will walk and walk, until they reach closer and closer to the Higher Beings, and also live a fulfilling life. They will also play Playstation 5, but not their whole existence will be around this as avoidance; it will be more just another delicacy into the life of the wise one, who wants to have a soul and did not succumb to fear.

Most people will be category 1. Few others will be category 2. One does not need to be a mastermind to figure it out. One just has to observe humanity just a bit carefully.

Long story short this message is not supposed to be a linguistic masterpiece or try very hard to convince you. It's more like a reminder, to use your time, energy and existence a bit wisely. A bit more like the Gods or aspiring Gods would do. A bit more like your life matters.

"This post will make me feel bad", one will say. "It hurts me". Yet, for the person that does not do this, this post will indeed be balm upon all their wounds and their souls. "How good I am healing, to not be offended by this post", they will think to themselves. "I am thankful for waking up to that fact and finally loving myself", they will think.

All I have tried to teach human beings here if anything, is to ascribe value to your existence and to not end up in this state of the recycle bin. To live a life with less regrets, more development and more "life inside your life". Preachers of death, self mutilation, those who want you to be miserable, are heard by many.

I am heard by few. Few want to live, and even fewer are those who will actually lift themselves today and say to themselves: "No more, I believe I deserve a bit better. Time to advance. No matter what is on my plate, I will have hope, and I will advance upward. There is something up there and is calling me".

Do not wait to answer the call another 10 years. You will only extend your regret.

Excuses only will multiply suffering and problems. As one grows we understand that we must encounter the issues. Then when we do and we sort them out, we become elated in pleasure and in empowerment, knowing we succeeded.

Excuses will never have this outcome, only more suffering will arrive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great post, HP. I think this would be excellent in audio form, to play as a reminder when needed.

Regarding the "recycle bin", I find that I have much more interest in wanting to save the few people I care about from this recycle bin, than saving myself. They are uncommon souls and I want them to have a better life.

But when it comes to myself, I am apathetic or indifferent. In some way I don't even think I am worthy. Maybe I feel on some level that I am deserving to return to dust.

I regret that I don't have the power to take care of the good people that passed through my life, and it's my fault, for neglecting myself.

I've seen people who were young, in their 20s and 30s, who had cancer. They were lucky and they were caught and treated in time, just as a matter of chance while investigating other things.

I've also known people who died young from substance abuse, as well as people who out of passivity let their lives slip away and never let themselves have a chance to grow. They dug a hole for themselves and it became harder and harder to climb out the longer they remained there, being a burden on those around them.

HP, do you have any advice for staying sober and realistic, attuned to the notion that we're only here for a limited time and we have to treat our time with the respect and consideration it needs?

Or advice to build a healthy sense of shame & guilt & humility, that helps to keep us in line and tending to the important things?

I used to feel these things quite strongly but not as much anymore, and not because I'm making the most of my life.
I am still young and advancing HPHC, when you post sermons of this type they always make me feel guilt for all the times I skipped on advancing myself or working for the Gods and the JoS.
Particularly this post is definitely a 'wake up call' for me. I literally had thoughts about matters from this sermon minutes before I opened the forums. Based on my previous work for the Gods, I could have done much more this first half of the year.
Thank you for guiding me through hard personal times like these and helping the other JoS members in similar situations, so we can strive to be better!
Thank you HP HoodedCobra

It’s a good reminder for us when we are at times slacking off, we need to push ourselves and get it going, like you said the longer we delay our growth the harder it will get instead of easier, I’ve improved from the time I first came, little by little I’ve added to my meditations and I’m continuing to add, I might not have Mastered the meditations but I do them everyday, especially the AC and AoP, Returning Curses, breathing exercises, Raising Energies, the Rituals I try to do a few times a week FRTR’s it’s not much but I’m still doing them even if I haven’t perfected it, it seems I’m improving little by little as I go long and as I continue I will eventually get there to the Advanced ones

I always enjoy reading your Sermons it’s always beneficial and up lifting
so thank you HP HoodedCobra

Hail Father Satan
There were many times in my life where I spent wasted hours in running away, in escaping the inner voice that calls for action. For a long time, even though I knew it was there, I wanted to run away from it. Cowardice born from weakness, and weakness born from inaction. It was a vicious downward cycle. Many times after my dedication I asked out towards Father Satan for help, for saving. Every time I did the inner voice became louder. It told me to start now. To take another step NOW. To walk again NOW!

Spiritual Satanism has always been about taking accountability back for our own soul. To learn how to take responsibility and face the consequences from a possible lifetime(s) of neglect instead of continuing the bad habit of closing ones eyes from it. And this journey has always been a journey of one step at a time. One small step will later becomes a jog, then a sprint. Eventually you will leap over mountains and oceans. But that only happens after one takes those small steps in the beginning.

It may seem small and pointless at first. A single breathing exercise or void meditation session a day for a month could seem like something meager. "Is it really doing anything?" You might wonder. Then after 3 months you add some visualization practice, maybe some yoga. After a year you finally got a somewhat decent routine. What could have happened instead was constant excuses. "It's just breathing, how would this do anything" or "I can't silence my mind properly like in the instructions". After listening to those negative words another year of nothing would have passed. But instead if you decided to focus on breathing at the beginning which was a small, almost pointless exercise when seen at the time, you would have gained small wins. And those small wins would have built itself over time a foundation. Maybe 10 years from now you are at a level that would make the you from the beginning gasp in shock at what seemed impossible and maybe even fictional.

All because of a single focused goal at the beginning, instead of 10 years of nothing, it became 10 years of gradual advancement. Focus and commitment are skills built over time. The start of any soul is always a blank state. Born with Ignorance, weakness, worthlessness, etc, and yet there is a potential to reach the highest of highs. All it takes is a single step, one right after the other. There are no limits in Spiritual Satanism. The better the mind recognizes the meaning behind those words the easier it will be for you to be guided. Satan is what guides your steps, and you must walk it yourself.

Hail Satan
So very true and important to remember. Not much to add here except maybe ask if you could elaborate on fear that is the primary impediment and how to overcome it most efficiently?

That was the turning point from which onward my life became unmeasurably better. It is something that one has to work on and is related to power but there's also an element to it (it might be the same thing just gifted or lended) such as the inspiration and encouragement that I received from you one night from just a few words.

I am eternally grateful for that and all the other things that you have done and keep doing for all of us.

Simply the hard-hitting and brutal truth, thank you for this excellent post.

I remember an old message saying, "kill the lie in you", and I would add, "kill the loser in you", throw them in the trash and leave them behind, never look back.
We have already been on this path before, we know where it leads. More delays, weakness and it always felt wrong.

This is the best time, the best opportunity in thousands of years to advance, help humanity and the Gods. Do not waste your time.
while reading this sermon, no one should say he is not talking about me, im not already like that. we were all like that in some ways at some times and there may still be points where we are like that.
this sermon hurted me too, yes. but someone had to shake us up and bring us to our senses. HPHC has taken on this task.
at the end of the day, all SS are soldiers. and while the war is going on, we do not have the luxury of resting or procrastinating.
we must focus on our current mission.
thank you a lot to the High Priest who reminded us of this again.
I'll tell you my personal experience: Some time ago, for a few years, I was always too lazy to take care of myself and always put off what I could have done. I was really dead also because besides not meditating, I didn't do anything to live my life (because I was too lazy to do it).

I was aware of the boredom I felt and the lack of sense of existing, and I always put it off by saying that tomorrow I would start doing something good, but the next day I told myself that there was no point in starting today because in any case I am quite young and I have time to take care of myself.

Then, continuing to avoid taking care of myself, it turned out that I was completely defenseless towards life. So some events that brought suffering into my life completely destroyed it and I fell into despair and tears.

From there, I realized that if I actually took care of myself, I could avoid many sad situations that could have been avoided if I had enough self-sufficiency, mental, spiritual and social to take control of my existence. And I curled up, crying.

But then I looked at Satanism and understood well what it preached, its strong and powerful doctrines, and I understood that all I had to do was not stand there and cry because it was "too late", but stop putting it off and dedicate time and energy to improve and overcome my problems.

And I had to do it from that day, not the next day, to postpone it for a day would have been to prolong my tears and cries of suffering by a day. Now I have been seriously committed to it for some time. And I continue to work hard. This tragic experience has helped me understand that you cannot think of abandoning yourself and your own good and hoping that things will always go in the best way anyway.

To feel good you must take care of yourself otherwise your life will be destroyed by adversity.

Thank you for this sermon, noble and wise HP, it is always the best thing in the world for me to remember what I am doing and why I am doing it. Now I'm going to continue meditating, Gods bless you, HP! I hope people can learn a lot from this sermon, I had to go through suffering to learn the truth of the things you wrote, but I hope many understand first.
Most people exist in their lives in completely oblivious manners. They exist as if they will live for a thousand years, or as if the world does not necessitate that you take certain actions for yourself today. Not only the world needs this, but you also.

They act as if 70, 80, or 90 years of age are "a certainty", thinking their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's can be wasted entirely. "That's life", they keep telling the goyim, which pointlessly tries to lead the same life as a 15 year old, all the way to 65 years old of age.

"There is not enough time", people complain, seeking pointlessly their "immortality". They want immortality, to compensate for the lost time - time that they want to borrow so they can lose again. For no reason.

You will sit there and debate for 10 years if you should meditate or go to the gym. Or if you should read a book. How many years have went by already while you did that? How did that turn out?

Years pass you by, you are in your 40's and 50's, and then you think that "now you might do this", but you haven't done this before so you feel it's getting too late. You know it's never too late, but you will make it look like it's late, even if you are 20 years old; you know how to lie to yourself quite well, as have all of us before we advanced under the Gods.

Instead of becoming better liars with ourselves, we just decided to become better at accepting life and getting closer to the Truth. That is the only magical recipe there is around for the most part.

Albeit it's a lie, you again procrastinate. "It is too late, I cannot do this, maybe later", you will say. "The JoS will exist in the future, maybe another time", you tell yourself, not laying a brick to ensure that end in many cases. Like having a greatest opportunity, one does not use it. Then the opportunity departs - nobody kept it on high enough importance.

Like a woman that left on the subway and you did not ask her name, she has left also, never to be found again. You go again to the subway and you know you will not have this opportunity again. "Another day" you tell yourself, to feel better about the lost opportunity of growth. "I have too many problems, I cannot do this now. Maybe tomorrow.". Tomorrow comes and it's treated again like yesterday, replaced with one more "Tomorrow".

Eventually you figure out what major fuckup you have been doing against yourself. Rage starts to build inside. Instead of advancing, you chose to spend the last 6 months chattering, or hating others, or feeling jealousy, inferiority, and dwindling in self destruction. Your higher self observes you and puts in your head that this was wrong, you denied her/him once again.

Even though every day they told you what to do, you did not do it. "Tomorrow" you answered them.

One day comes then when the luxury of tomorrow does not exist. Then eventually you die off without having done anything meaningful for humanity or for yourself. Even the smallest gesture. Nothing discovered out of life. You enter the recycling bin and you reincarnate, purposelessly, without making any use of your time.

Then when all the beings go to the Gods, they ask for one more opportunity, to do better the next time around. But many opportunities that were bright as gold and in front of you, might no longer be there; you have to fight again with the means that remain. The few remains that remain, are because of those who did not do what you did against yourself.

The cyclical process continues with souls getting weaker and weaker, until humanity again is on the stone age again, falling down. For all your failures, you blame the Gods, the stars, those in "Power", bad "presidents", me, or the other guy sitting on the bench across the subway.

Deep down you know it was only you; at least the part you was able to manage, you did not manage it. It's just easier to say it was someone else; their lack of abilities, how they didn't manage things as they were "supposed to". The list is long.

You will sit there waiting for 10 years, until things that could save the world no longer exist, to finally donate 10$. Years will pass you by, and the hordes of the enemy will be at the gates. 9.9 out of these 10 years will be put there to blame me. You will seek for a post I made in 2013 to make up just another excuse, of something, to say that this was the reason you were incapable to follow the teaching and save yourself.

Healthy and sane, blessed 18 year old kids, will turn to 38 years old, thinking "what could they have done for the JoS, for themselves and for humanity", yet instead another person who is 65 years old, is going to take this seriously - life experience shouts louder to them. They will have a soul light as feather, and they will advance. You will be young, but if you keep wasting your time, you will become very old; like these perished people that walk around like empty husks, never having the faintest idea of having a soul.

Then in this you will blame someone else. If I know of one thing, is that no matter what I have done, it's never "enough", and of course, you always get the blame for helping and a lot more glory for pushing humans to their ultimate disaster. I chose to do the first despite of the most extreme inconvenience known to man. "I, he, she, it (the system)" will again "Be to blame". Anything, as long as it prolongs the state of ignorance, will do as an answer.

You will know it is a lie and that deep inside it was you who was wronging yourself, but you will convince yourself real hard to avoid guilt or facing it. So I have to bring you to face that. How are you with advancement and with yourself? Nothing extreme is needed here, nothing back breaking. But do you do the basic lifting? If so, enjoy your existence and be glad that is the case; billions will go straight into the recycle bin and you will not.

For those who do not do it, life passes you by, then again to the recycle bin it goes. More days have been spent looking at random women online, and more hours on Instagram or TikTok, than living a valid life, or breathing some air in your lungs and saying "I appreciate the gift of life". Of all the wasteful epochs, now we live in one where to waste all your existence and human potential, is the easiest it ever was.

You wanted to do X and X in life, and out of the tens of thousands of desires your mind will generate, afflicted by social media or lack of inner guidance, you will not even focus to accomplish 2 of these, because you sent a standard for 10,000 desires instead, while not focusing to empower yourself to focus on even just 2. These 2 goals would already make you great, but are you afraid to be great?

An idiot will come across Spiritual Satanism today, and a wise person. The idiot will create around 500 excuses to not participate. It's too hard, it's scary, the website is black, or they will insert any reasoning under the sun to avoid getting enlightened. The doubt will bug them, and they will know they are probably incorrect deep inside. They will ignore it and go play Playstation 5, and pray for GTA 6 to come live; maybe that will aleviate their pain.

The wise person will, instead of making 500 excuses, give 1 opportunity to the Gods to present themselves in their sorry lives. And this 1 opportunity, they will treat as a treasure, understanding what they found. And they will walk and walk, until they reach closer and closer to the Higher Beings, and also live a fulfilling life. They will also play Playstation 5, but not their whole existence will be around this as avoidance; it will be more just another delicacy into the life of the wise one, who wants to have a soul and did not succumb to fear.

Most people will be category 1. Few others will be category 2. One does not need to be a mastermind to figure it out. One just has to observe humanity just a bit carefully.

Long story short this message is not supposed to be a linguistic masterpiece or try very hard to convince you. It's more like a reminder, to use your time, energy and existence a bit wisely. A bit more like the Gods or aspiring Gods would do. A bit more like your life matters.

"This post will make me feel bad", one will say. "It hurts me". Yet, for the person that does not do this, this post will indeed be balm upon all their wounds and their souls. "How good I am healing, to not be offended by this post", they will think to themselves. "I am thankful for waking up to that fact and finally loving myself", they will think.

All I have tried to teach human beings here if anything, is to ascribe value to your existence and to not end up in this state of the recycle bin. To live a life with less regrets, more development and more "life inside your life". Preachers of death, self mutilation, those who want you to be miserable, are heard by many.

I am heard by few. Few want to live, and even fewer are those who will actually lift themselves today and say to themselves: "No more, I believe I deserve a bit better. Time to advance. No matter what is on my plate, I will have hope, and I will advance upward. There is something up there and is calling me".

Do not wait to answer the call another 10 years. You will only extend your regret.

Excuses only will multiply suffering and problems. As one grows we understand that we must encounter the issues. Then when we do and we sort them out, we become elated in pleasure and in empowerment, knowing we succeeded.

Excuses will never have this outcome, only more suffering will arrive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yes when people are getting more into SS we have to push trough more motivation for everybody!

Perfect! dear HPHC666.

Very good thread and it resonates with one of my recent posts: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...tation-for-newer-brothers-and-sisters.289508/
A very true post as always HP Cobra.

on a slightly different topic if i may. I've been having this question in my mind since i did the ritual to our Goddess Ma'at.
She had said to "follow her laws" and then you had made a post about ignorance and I realized that i had no clue about what laws she was talking about. There were many different kinds of laws in the time of egypt though i fear that these types of laws aren't what she was refering to. I studied a little about egypt over the years but I don't recall any laws attributed to Ma'at herself.
So i claim full ignorance on this subject.

Once again thank you on your apt post,

Hail Father Satan
I've been thinking about Lady Astarte's Ethics a lot, of recent. In particular, the part regarding creation.

I think every day, that we should create, create, and create, and build and elevate ourselves as much as possible. I've been beginning to understand this, I think, even with studying things that aren't directly related to Spiritual Satanism. I want to study astrology as much as I want to study languages, technology, engineering, etc.

Too many people in the world don't create, of course. They just sit and watch the TV, scroll through social media, and then go to bed. Rinse and repeat. No studying, no learning, no advancement or elevation.

I myself, try to at least put as much time and effort as possible into everything (maybe around 1.5 hours a day, combined of meditation and Rituals, studying etc.) However, still I feel like I could be doing more. There are more things in Satanism I want to practice and study. I've had severe problems with procrastination in the past, and lots of wasted opportunities in my life going back to my childhood, which needs to end. I need to make the most of my time.

Thank you HPHC. Your Sermon is a great reminder of this. I want to make the most of my life as possible, advance, and make the Gods proud. The only way is up!
just like how the earth healed itself in a miraculous way and in a very (little time) during the quarantine days
so can we!
when you just take your first steps on the path to progress, before you know you find yourself reaping the fruits of your efforts
"and as far as i know nothing can bring more joy than this feeling" but JUST START!
It's like reading about myself, except the "blaming others" part. I do too little but I take full responsibility for it.
As the saying goes, there's no time like the present!
While I have been meditating every day for over 2 years in a row now, there are some parts of this sermon that hit close to home for me, that I can learn from.
Thank you for this sermon, HP! I hope this encourages everyone to re-evaluate their life and snap out of NPC lifestyles.

Just being a dedicated SS is not enough not to be an andrapoda. You need to show up for yourself and others every day. That's what will allow progress and to live life as a full human. Embrace the discomfort.
There are times when no matter how much you care about someone, they won't let you help them or try to do anything to get out of the hole they have dug for themselves.
In my case I have a very close relative who fucked up his relationship with his ex-wife and all he does is smoke weed and play video games, basically he has turned into a lazy zombie with no initiative whatsoever.
One can reach out to help someone but if they are not willing to stand up is better to avoid them putting you in their hole and go on your way.
Really important post. There are many young adults who provide great services for the JoS, and there are also people of older generations who put consistent effort into empowering their soul, even if they don't have the maximum physical and potential anymore. Both of these cases are of people who invest some time of their day working on their soul, and for the Joy of Satan as a community and as a beacon of the Truth.
A gentle mention that an existence with father presents the possibility of a "recycle bin".
Some energies don't have the luxury.
Some energies are used and abused.
The enemy shouldn't be taken lightly.
There's a reason Father's children are protected in between reincarnations.
There are those that will harvest energies for their own means.
And you don't get "recycled".
A bit more like your life matters.

All I have tried to teach human beings here if anything, is to ascribe value to your existence and to not end up in this state of the recycle bin.

Someone asked me a weird question, if one should punish themselves when they do not do what they "should".

Key points, really. It is touching how some people even think to waste their lives into nothingness, this should never happen.
I know this is an inside pulse, sometimes it is hard to overcome or even get up as someone said.
It is touching people having this kind of deep problems, still have the will to read and write on here, to look for a small encouragement to go on.

There it is, encouragements, enlightenment and a push forward!
Thanks for this Sermon,
Speaking from experience, there are going to be multiple stages where someone might have a hard time overcoming the initial hurdles of spiritual betterment. The initial stage will be those first months when you're not necessarily going to be feeling immediate effects from your workings. This is why the 40 day plan exists. It's the same as going to the gym, albeit in a spiritual sense. Even if you did a thousand lifts in one day, you're not going to wake up the next day built like a bodybuilder. The soul works similarly. Workings take time to resonate. A lot of people will feel the urge to gloat if one day they did hundreds of reps of X or Y. Then the excuse becomes, I don't need to do any more mantras this week, I did a hundreds last week. The person who may have done less in one day, but far more routinely and consistently is going to be the one who will experience growth.

The second hurdle will be people who have experienced this growth, but have reached a certain obstacle. Everyone will experience this at some stage. During your initial years of spirituality, it's completely normal to have these obstacles and feelings of backlash manifest. Again, the gym analogy holds. With the way the world is now, with people having gone decades or even lifetimes without spiritual practice, the act of cleaning away this dross, I regret to say, is not going to be an easy one. A lot of people who were sick for years with bad diets and no exercise, when they start changing habits, sometimes their bodies will even go into shock. It's this period where a lot of people return to their old ways. In extreme cases of, for example, alcoholism, some have even ended up in hospital going "cold turkey". This is a reminder to pace oneself.

Yes, a soul that has had no spiritual energy breathed into it for such a long time will have things to grapple with. And sometimes, they will be things that may make you feel like you want to stop. There's a reason it's common linguistics here to refer to ourselves as "warriors" or "soldiers". Not only because we fight the enemy, but because the path of growing spiritually, to a good degree, requires the warrior's mindset.

HPHC is right in saying this is a hard message to swallow. I'll even reiterate it. As hard as it is to say, no, this path isn't "easy". The more you grow spiritually, the more you will begin to feel like you are remaking yourself into something better. To quote something that's been quoted here a thousand times before, man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the sculptor and the clay. I myself have absolutely no shame in admitting that I've had periods of considerable weakness. But if you choose to continue, even through your weakest moments, then that simply means you were never truly weak in the first place. Remember always, there is no bravery without fear.
Thank you for posting this. I am guilty of what I spend time on. I'm on a little vacation at the moment from work and I should take more time doing meditations rather endless scrolling.
"Another day" you tell yourself, to feel better about the lost opportunity of growth. "I have too many problems, I cannot do this now. Maybe tomorrow.". Tomorrow comes and it's treated again like yesterday, replaced with one more "Tomorrow".
I was always too lazy to take care of myself and always put off what I could have done. I was really dead also because besides not meditating, I didn't do anything to live my life (because I was too lazy to do it). (quote from SeguaceDiSatana)
HPHC....your timing is impeccable as always. I want to tell you how you and SequaceDiSatana, both of you, motivated and inspired me today. Yesterday was the 4th of July holiday. I decided not to do anything yesterday but be a couch potato. I didn't even shower or brush my hair and I wore "old grubby shorts and a plain tee-shirt". Today, I decided I'd spend another lazy day "just because".

But I picked up my laptop half-heartedly and checked out Ancient-Forums. I found this sermon and boy did it hit home. I didn't even finish reading all the responses. I got up, took a shower, put on a cute, feminine shorts set, put on some light make-up, and curled my hair. I've never appreciated my outer looks. But today...........I looked in the mirror and I swear my soul has begun manifesting its self on my outer self. For the first time in my life, I thought......I am beautiful! And since I felt beautiful, I went and meditated and talked to the Gods and I thanked them for letting me see the beauty in myself.

I then came in my bedroom to my laptop to share this incredible feeling with the two people who really motivated me today. And now I'm going to go do some RTR's because I am feeling powerful..........So thank you, brothers and sisters, I was about to spiral out of control.

Hail Satan!!!!
Hail Astarte!!!
Hail all the Gods!!!!!
Gracias por el recordatorio, señor HPHC. Me hizo recordar algo que me sucedió. Si me permiten, pensé que no estaría de más compartir esto aquí...

Un día mientras meditaba sobre una vida pasada acabé despertando en un lugar que no era mi casa ni era yo en mi cuerpo. Se sentía como estar volviendo a vivir esa vida, un constante déjà vu. La sensación de estar en el cuerpo de esta persona era muy espiritualmente pesada, pero fuera de eso, hubo un momento donde él despertó sintiendo que estaban asfixiándolo. Aún sabiendo que mi cuerpo real estaba en perfectas condiciones, el recuerdo me absorbió tanto que me entregué a la desesperación que esa persona estaba sintiendo. Intenté por todos los medios salvarlo, pero naturalmente, el recuerdo no me hacía caso.

Yo... Solía pensar que cuando todos mueren, sus últimos pensamientos son sobre los seres queridos, pero esto me hizo verlo desde otro ángulo posible. Mientras moría en el recuerdo, lo único que pasaba por la mente de mi «antecesor de alma» era que deseaba respirar, sin importar el costo. Respirar, respirar, respirar. No habían pensamientos sobre familia, amigos, mascotas, pareja, nada, solo desear respirar. El arrepentimiento no orbitaba acerca de las cosas que podría haber hecho mejor como también creí que pasaba, de hecho él pensó instintivamente que quería una segunda oportunidad de vivir solo con el objetivo de volver a sentir el placer de respirar. Sus recuerdos comenzaron a desprenderse y todas sus emociones se activaron de forma simultánea como una reacción a ellos, fue una sensación abrumadora que jamás había experimentado en toda mi vida. Entonces, llegaron los últimos recuerdos, los primeros de toda la vida, o eso supongo. Eran muy... Bonitos. Dibujos coloridos infantiles sobre una superficie en blanco, sonidos de risas y cantos que no entendíamos pero que se sentía como estar en casa después de mucho tiempo fuera. Eran cosas felices, pero fuera de contentarlo, la secuencia se sentía tortuosa y lenta. Él consideró que de algún modo, la inocencia del recuerdo mientras su vida se le escapaba era como una broma cruel, como presumirle comida a alguien hambriento y no dejarlo comer, lo que sólo empeoró su tristeza. Ya no solo lamentaba no poder respirar, ahora también se arrepentía porque esa sería la primera y última vez que podría conocer esos recuerdos tan llenos de felicidad. Él deseó durante sus últimos segundos, una y otra vez, tener una segunda oportunidad, no para hacer las cosas bien, sino para volver a encontrar esa felicidad que no supo que era capaz de tener. Con el último pensamiento, descubrió que se arrepentía profundamente de haberle dado más importancia a su miseria que a la dicha de estar vivo.

En cuanto perdió la consciencia, salí abruptamente del estado de meditación, todavía sintiendo su extraño estado emocional. Revisé mi alrededor para asegurarme de estar realmente de vuelta, y sentí alivio de volver a mi realidad. Inhalé y exhalé profundamente muchas veces solo para disfrutar la hermosa sensación de estar respirando, nunca había anhelado la humedad del aire en mis pulmones como en ese momento. La capacidad de sentir la temperatura ambiental, sentir mi pulso, oír toda la vida funcionando dentro de mi y a mi alrededor fue y es el mejor regalo que pude haber recibido jamás. Las personas, los animales, los automóviles, el aire, incluso el cielo y hasta el polvo sin limpiar, todas cosas que siempre pasan desapercibidas de pronto me di cuenta que formaban exactamente lo que esa persona pidió: volver a sentirse vivo. Ese solo acontecimiento me llenó de razón para hacer muchas cosas que antes las enviaba a la caja de “lo haré en otro momento”.

Me di cuenta de lo obvio, que el hecho de reencarnar solo le asegura una nueva oportunidad a nuestra alma, no a nuestra identidad. Una vez que reencarnamos, nosotros tal y como nos conocemos dejamos de existir para ahora pertenecerle a alguien más. La única oportunidad que tenemos de controlar nuestra propia vida es esta, y nunca habrá un mejor momento para hacer las cosas que el ahora, mientras aún podemos respirar.
Most people exist in their lives in completely oblivious manners. They exist as if they will live for a thousand years, or as if the world does not necessitate that you take certain actions for yourself today. Not only the world needs this, but you also.

They act as if 70, 80, or 90 years of age are "a certainty", thinking their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's can be wasted entirely. "That's life", they keep telling the goyim, which pointlessly tries to lead the same life as a 15 year old, all the way to 65 years old of age.

"There is not enough time", people complain, seeking pointlessly their "immortality". They want immortality, to compensate for the lost time - time that they want to borrow so they can lose again. For no reason.

You will sit there and debate for 10 years if you should meditate or go to the gym. Or if you should read a book. How many years have went by already while you did that? How did that turn out?

Years pass you by, you are in your 40's and 50's, and then you think that "now you might do this", but you haven't done this before so you feel it's getting too late. You know it's never too late, but you will make it look like it's late, even if you are 20 years old; you know how to lie to yourself quite well, as have all of us before we advanced under the Gods.

Instead of becoming better liars with ourselves, we just decided to become better at accepting life and getting closer to the Truth. That is the only magical recipe there is around for the most part.

Albeit it's a lie, you again procrastinate. "It is too late, I cannot do this, maybe later", you will say. "The JoS will exist in the future, maybe another time", you tell yourself, not laying a brick to ensure that end in many cases. Like having a greatest opportunity, one does not use it. Then the opportunity departs - nobody kept it on high enough importance.

Like a woman that left on the subway and you did not ask her name, she has left also, never to be found again. You go again to the subway and you know you will not have this opportunity again. "Another day" you tell yourself, to feel better about the lost opportunity of growth. "I have too many problems, I cannot do this now. Maybe tomorrow.". Tomorrow comes and it's treated again like yesterday, replaced with one more "Tomorrow".

Eventually you figure out what major fuckup you have been doing against yourself. Rage starts to build inside. Instead of advancing, you chose to spend the last 6 months chattering, or hating others, or feeling jealousy, inferiority, and dwindling in self destruction. Your higher self observes you and puts in your head that this was wrong, you denied her/him once again.

Even though every day they told you what to do, you did not do it. "Tomorrow" you answered them.

One day comes then when the luxury of tomorrow does not exist. Then eventually you die off without having done anything meaningful for humanity or for yourself. Even the smallest gesture. Nothing discovered out of life. You enter the recycling bin and you reincarnate, purposelessly, without making any use of your time.

Then when all the beings go to the Gods, they ask for one more opportunity, to do better the next time around. But many opportunities that were bright as gold and in front of you, might no longer be there; you have to fight again with the means that remain. The few remains that remain, are because of those who did not do what you did against yourself.

The cyclical process continues with souls getting weaker and weaker, until humanity again is on the stone age again, falling down. For all your failures, you blame the Gods, the stars, those in "Power", bad "presidents", me, or the other guy sitting on the bench across the subway.

Deep down you know it was only you; at least the part you was able to manage, you did not manage it. It's just easier to say it was someone else; their lack of abilities, how they didn't manage things as they were "supposed to". The list is long.

You will sit there waiting for 10 years, until things that could save the world no longer exist, to finally donate 10$. Years will pass you by, and the hordes of the enemy will be at the gates. 9.9 out of these 10 years will be put there to blame me. You will seek for a post I made in 2013 to make up just another excuse, of something, to say that this was the reason you were incapable to follow the teaching and save yourself.

Healthy and sane, blessed 18 year old kids, will turn to 38 years old, thinking "what could they have done for the JoS, for themselves and for humanity", yet instead another person who is 65 years old, is going to take this seriously - life experience shouts louder to them. They will have a soul light as feather, and they will advance. You will be young, but if you keep wasting your time, you will become very old; like these perished people that walk around like empty husks, never having the faintest idea of having a soul.

Then in this you will blame someone else. If I know of one thing, is that no matter what I have done, it's never "enough", and of course, you always get the blame for helping and a lot more glory for pushing humans to their ultimate disaster. I chose to do the first despite of the most extreme inconvenience known to man. "I, he, she, it (the system)" will again "Be to blame". Anything, as long as it prolongs the state of ignorance, will do as an answer.

You will know it is a lie and that deep inside it was you who was wronging yourself, but you will convince yourself real hard to avoid guilt or facing it. So I have to bring you to face that. How are you with advancement and with yourself? Nothing extreme is needed here, nothing back breaking. But do you do the basic lifting? If so, enjoy your existence and be glad that is the case; billions will go straight into the recycle bin and you will not.

For those who do not do it, life passes you by, then again to the recycle bin it goes. More days have been spent looking at random women online, and more hours on Instagram or TikTok, than living a valid life, or breathing some air in your lungs and saying "I appreciate the gift of life". Of all the wasteful epochs, now we live in one where to waste all your existence and human potential, is the easiest it ever was.

You wanted to do X and X in life, and out of the tens of thousands of desires your mind will generate, afflicted by social media or lack of inner guidance, you will not even focus to accomplish 2 of these, because you sent a standard for 10,000 desires instead, while not focusing to empower yourself to focus on even just 2. These 2 goals would already make you great, but are you afraid to be great?

An idiot will come across Spiritual Satanism today, and a wise person. The idiot will create around 500 excuses to not participate. It's too hard, it's scary, the website is black, or they will insert any reasoning under the sun to avoid getting enlightened. The doubt will bug them, and they will know they are probably incorrect deep inside. They will ignore it and go play Playstation 5, and pray for GTA 6 to come live; maybe that will aleviate their pain.

The wise person will, instead of making 500 excuses, give 1 opportunity to the Gods to present themselves in their sorry lives. And this 1 opportunity, they will treat as a treasure, understanding what they found. And they will walk and walk, until they reach closer and closer to the Higher Beings, and also live a fulfilling life. They will also play Playstation 5, but not their whole existence will be around this as avoidance; it will be more just another delicacy into the life of the wise one, who wants to have a soul and did not succumb to fear.

Most people will be category 1. Few others will be category 2. One does not need to be a mastermind to figure it out. One just has to observe humanity just a bit carefully.

Long story short this message is not supposed to be a linguistic masterpiece or try very hard to convince you. It's more like a reminder, to use your time, energy and existence a bit wisely. A bit more like the Gods or aspiring Gods would do. A bit more like your life matters.

"This post will make me feel bad", one will say. "It hurts me". Yet, for the person that does not do this, this post will indeed be balm upon all their wounds and their souls. "How good I am healing, to not be offended by this post", they will think to themselves. "I am thankful for waking up to that fact and finally loving myself", they will think.

All I have tried to teach human beings here if anything, is to ascribe value to your existence and to not end up in this state of the recycle bin. To live a life with less regrets, more development and more "life inside your life". Preachers of death, self mutilation, those who want you to be miserable, are heard by many.

I am heard by few. Few want to live, and even fewer are those who will actually lift themselves today and say to themselves: "No more, I believe I deserve a bit better. Time to advance. No matter what is on my plate, I will have hope, and I will advance upward. There is something up there and is calling me".

Do not wait to answer the call another 10 years. You will only extend your regret.

Excuses only will multiply suffering and problems. As one grows we understand that we must encounter the issues. Then when we do and we sort them out, we become elated in pleasure and in empowerment, knowing we succeeded.

Excuses will never have this outcome, only more suffering will arrive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a powerful message for one that has hit 70, and when the realization comes of decades of wasted time, more time than some of the young members have lived. Lived three lifetimes of a 20 year old and just getting started. So I suggest to new members really go after it, as it does not get any easier than right now. Procrastinate 3 of your lifetimes and then think what that could have been if it was not wasted. sniffle.
Most people exist in their lives in completely oblivious manners. They exist as if they will live for a thousand years, or as if the world does not necessitate that you take certain actions for yourself today. Not only the world needs this, but you also.

They act as if 70, 80, or 90 years of age are "a certainty", thinking their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's can be wasted entirely. "That's life", they keep telling the goyim, which pointlessly tries to lead the same life as a 15 year old, all the way to 65 years old of age.

"There is not enough time", people complain, seeking pointlessly their "immortality". They want immortality, to compensate for the lost time - time that they want to borrow so they can lose again. For no reason.

You will sit there and debate for 10 years if you should meditate or go to the gym. Or if you should read a book. How many years have went by already while you did that? How did that turn out?

Years pass you by, you are in your 40's and 50's, and then you think that "now you might do this", but you haven't done this before so you feel it's getting too late. You know it's never too late, but you will make it look like it's late, even if you are 20 years old; you know how to lie to yourself quite well, as have all of us before we advanced under the Gods.

Instead of becoming better liars with ourselves, we just decided to become better at accepting life and getting closer to the Truth. That is the only magical recipe there is around for the most part.

Albeit it's a lie, you again procrastinate. "It is too late, I cannot do this, maybe later", you will say. "The JoS will exist in the future, maybe another time", you tell yourself, not laying a brick to ensure that end in many cases. Like having a greatest opportunity, one does not use it. Then the opportunity departs - nobody kept it on high enough importance.

Like a woman that left on the subway and you did not ask her name, she has left also, never to be found again. You go again to the subway and you know you will not have this opportunity again. "Another day" you tell yourself, to feel better about the lost opportunity of growth. "I have too many problems, I cannot do this now. Maybe tomorrow.". Tomorrow comes and it's treated again like yesterday, replaced with one more "Tomorrow".

Eventually you figure out what major fuckup you have been doing against yourself. Rage starts to build inside. Instead of advancing, you chose to spend the last 6 months chattering, or hating others, or feeling jealousy, inferiority, and dwindling in self destruction. Your higher self observes you and puts in your head that this was wrong, you denied her/him once again.

Even though every day they told you what to do, you did not do it. "Tomorrow" you answered them.

One day comes then when the luxury of tomorrow does not exist. Then eventually you die off without having done anything meaningful for humanity or for yourself. Even the smallest gesture. Nothing discovered out of life. You enter the recycling bin and you reincarnate, purposelessly, without making any use of your time.

Then when all the beings go to the Gods, they ask for one more opportunity, to do better the next time around. But many opportunities that were bright as gold and in front of you, might no longer be there; you have to fight again with the means that remain. The few remains that remain, are because of those who did not do what you did against yourself.

The cyclical process continues with souls getting weaker and weaker, until humanity again is on the stone age again, falling down. For all your failures, you blame the Gods, the stars, those in "Power", bad "presidents", me, or the other guy sitting on the bench across the subway.

Deep down you know it was only you; at least the part you was able to manage, you did not manage it. It's just easier to say it was someone else; their lack of abilities, how they didn't manage things as they were "supposed to". The list is long.

You will sit there waiting for 10 years, until things that could save the world no longer exist, to finally donate 10$. Years will pass you by, and the hordes of the enemy will be at the gates. 9.9 out of these 10 years will be put there to blame me. You will seek for a post I made in 2013 to make up just another excuse, of something, to say that this was the reason you were incapable to follow the teaching and save yourself.

Healthy and sane, blessed 18 year old kids, will turn to 38 years old, thinking "what could they have done for the JoS, for themselves and for humanity", yet instead another person who is 65 years old, is going to take this seriously - life experience shouts louder to them. They will have a soul light as feather, and they will advance. You will be young, but if you keep wasting your time, you will become very old; like these perished people that walk around like empty husks, never having the faintest idea of having a soul.

Then in this you will blame someone else. If I know of one thing, is that no matter what I have done, it's never "enough", and of course, you always get the blame for helping and a lot more glory for pushing humans to their ultimate disaster. I chose to do the first despite of the most extreme inconvenience known to man. "I, he, she, it (the system)" will again "Be to blame". Anything, as long as it prolongs the state of ignorance, will do as an answer.

You will know it is a lie and that deep inside it was you who was wronging yourself, but you will convince yourself real hard to avoid guilt or facing it. So I have to bring you to face that. How are you with advancement and with yourself? Nothing extreme is needed here, nothing back breaking. But do you do the basic lifting? If so, enjoy your existence and be glad that is the case; billions will go straight into the recycle bin and you will not.

For those who do not do it, life passes you by, then again to the recycle bin it goes. More days have been spent looking at random women online, and more hours on Instagram or TikTok, than living a valid life, or breathing some air in your lungs and saying "I appreciate the gift of life". Of all the wasteful epochs, now we live in one where to waste all your existence and human potential, is the easiest it ever was.

You wanted to do X and X in life, and out of the tens of thousands of desires your mind will generate, afflicted by social media or lack of inner guidance, you will not even focus to accomplish 2 of these, because you sent a standard for 10,000 desires instead, while not focusing to empower yourself to focus on even just 2. These 2 goals would already make you great, but are you afraid to be great?

An idiot will come across Spiritual Satanism today, and a wise person. The idiot will create around 500 excuses to not participate. It's too hard, it's scary, the website is black, or they will insert any reasoning under the sun to avoid getting enlightened. The doubt will bug them, and they will know they are probably incorrect deep inside. They will ignore it and go play Playstation 5, and pray for GTA 6 to come live; maybe that will aleviate their pain.

The wise person will, instead of making 500 excuses, give 1 opportunity to the Gods to present themselves in their sorry lives. And this 1 opportunity, they will treat as a treasure, understanding what they found. And they will walk and walk, until they reach closer and closer to the Higher Beings, and also live a fulfilling life. They will also play Playstation 5, but not their whole existence will be around this as avoidance; it will be more just another delicacy into the life of the wise one, who wants to have a soul and did not succumb to fear.

Most people will be category 1. Few others will be category 2. One does not need to be a mastermind to figure it out. One just has to observe humanity just a bit carefully.

Long story short this message is not supposed to be a linguistic masterpiece or try very hard to convince you. It's more like a reminder, to use your time, energy and existence a bit wisely. A bit more like the Gods or aspiring Gods would do. A bit more like your life matters.

"This post will make me feel bad", one will say. "It hurts me". Yet, for the person that does not do this, this post will indeed be balm upon all their wounds and their souls. "How good I am healing, to not be offended by this post", they will think to themselves. "I am thankful for waking up to that fact and finally loving myself", they will think.

All I have tried to teach human beings here if anything, is to ascribe value to your existence and to not end up in this state of the recycle bin. To live a life with less regrets, more development and more "life inside your life". Preachers of death, self mutilation, those who want you to be miserable, are heard by many.

I am heard by few. Few want to live, and even fewer are those who will actually lift themselves today and say to themselves: "No more, I believe I deserve a bit better. Time to advance. No matter what is on my plate, I will have hope, and I will advance upward. There is something up there and is calling me".

Do not wait to answer the call another 10 years. You will only extend your regret.

Excuses only will multiply suffering and problems. As one grows we understand that we must encounter the issues. Then when we do and we sort them out, we become elated in pleasure and in empowerment, knowing we succeeded.

Excuses will never have this outcome, only more suffering will arrive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Every single word of this post spoke to a part of me that's been silently screaming and telling me to get better and improve because I deserve the fruits of such labour. Some of the things you said felt like they were directed specifically at me and I'm mindblown. I have no words High Priest.

But thank you. This reminder was a needed push in the right direction. No more of this recycle bin lifestyle. Its end is long overdue. Spiritual Satanism is a life loving religion. If I truly consider myself a Spiritual Satanist, then it should make sense for me to live my own life in a way that reflects my love for life. I hope everyone who needed this message just like me took it to heart.

I've been doing a lot of reflecting the past year. And understanding more about myself. Revisiting past topics. Although this reply is kind of off topic, I do feel a need to share it here.

When I first started here I came out of relationship that left me broken. That left deep scars, some of which I am starting to understand are still there and am still healing from.
Then about 6 months after I joined, I had spoken with someone which left me feeling out of control with rage. I fully snapped and with that I tried to distract myself from the constantly ongoing anger. Watched a lot of movies and played a lot of games.
Not really things that are beneficial to your progress.

I also read on the website things along the lines of 'things you previously experienced shouldn't be taken as if they are real' in regards to the spiritual, but it was also in regard to the abrahamic religions. To me, the context wasn't there (I didn't now why it was said, this was related in a sermon like 2 years ago, max). I knew that nothing of those abrahamic religions should be believed. That they aren't right.

And the fact that in my first few years here, there were people on high status parading around, people that you should be able to trust with what is said, turning out to not be great after all..

It seems I took too much at face value. And those things were denying who I am and what I am capable of. One of the things I thought was that I was doing 'trance' wrong. I wasn't.

Also didn't come from the safest place when I first came across the website. That definitely did not help either. A lot of things also happened in my life and I didn't really have a chance to sit and take a breather, looking back. There was a lot of ongoing and simmerring stress.

I think I was better off as a teenager, just being curious, rather than after all those things happened.

Going forward, I want and need to do things differently. And to stick closer to my own values.

Also thanks for the sermon.
Most people exist in their lives in completely oblivious manners. They exist as if they will live for a thousand years, or as if the world does not necessitate that you take certain actions for yourself today. Not only the world needs this, but you also.

They act as if 70, 80, or 90 years of age are "a certainty", thinking their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's can be wasted entirely. "That's life", they keep telling the goyim, which pointlessly tries to lead the same life as a 15 year old, all the way to 65 years old of age.

"There is not enough time", people complain, seeking pointlessly their "immortality". They want immortality, to compensate for the lost time - time that they want to borrow so they can lose again. For no reason.

You will sit there and debate for 10 years if you should meditate or go to the gym. Or if you should read a book. How many years have went by already while you did that? How did that turn out?

Years pass you by, you are in your 40's and 50's, and then you think that "now you might do this", but you haven't done this before so you feel it's getting too late. You know it's never too late, but you will make it look like it's late, even if you are 20 years old; you know how to lie to yourself quite well, as have all of us before we advanced under the Gods.

Instead of becoming better liars with ourselves, we just decided to become better at accepting life and getting closer to the Truth. That is the only magical recipe there is around for the most part.

Albeit it's a lie, you again procrastinate. "It is too late, I cannot do this, maybe later", you will say. "The JoS will exist in the future, maybe another time", you tell yourself, not laying a brick to ensure that end in many cases. Like having a greatest opportunity, one does not use it. Then the opportunity departs - nobody kept it on high enough importance.

Like a woman that left on the subway and you did not ask her name, she has left also, never to be found again. You go again to the subway and you know you will not have this opportunity again. "Another day" you tell yourself, to feel better about the lost opportunity of growth. "I have too many problems, I cannot do this now. Maybe tomorrow.". Tomorrow comes and it's treated again like yesterday, replaced with one more "Tomorrow".

Eventually you figure out what major fuckup you have been doing against yourself. Rage starts to build inside. Instead of advancing, you chose to spend the last 6 months chattering, or hating others, or feeling jealousy, inferiority, and dwindling in self destruction. Your higher self observes you and puts in your head that this was wrong, you denied her/him once again.

Even though every day they told you what to do, you did not do it. "Tomorrow" you answered them.

One day comes then when the luxury of tomorrow does not exist. Then eventually you die off without having done anything meaningful for humanity or for yourself. Even the smallest gesture. Nothing discovered out of life. You enter the recycling bin and you reincarnate, purposelessly, without making any use of your time.

Then when all the beings go to the Gods, they ask for one more opportunity, to do better the next time around. But many opportunities that were bright as gold and in front of you, might no longer be there; you have to fight again with the means that remain. The few remains that remain, are because of those who did not do what you did against yourself.

The cyclical process continues with souls getting weaker and weaker, until humanity again is on the stone age again, falling down. For all your failures, you blame the Gods, the stars, those in "Power", bad "presidents", me, or the other guy sitting on the bench across the subway.

Deep down you know it was only you; at least the part you was able to manage, you did not manage it. It's just easier to say it was someone else; their lack of abilities, how they didn't manage things as they were "supposed to". The list is long.

You will sit there waiting for 10 years, until things that could save the world no longer exist, to finally donate 10$. Years will pass you by, and the hordes of the enemy will be at the gates. 9.9 out of these 10 years will be put there to blame me. You will seek for a post I made in 2013 to make up just another excuse, of something, to say that this was the reason you were incapable to follow the teaching and save yourself.

Healthy and sane, blessed 18 year old kids, will turn to 38 years old, thinking "what could they have done for the JoS, for themselves and for humanity", yet instead another person who is 65 years old, is going to take this seriously - life experience shouts louder to them. They will have a soul light as feather, and they will advance. You will be young, but if you keep wasting your time, you will become very old; like these perished people that walk around like empty husks, never having the faintest idea of having a soul.

Then in this you will blame someone else. If I know of one thing, is that no matter what I have done, it's never "enough", and of course, you always get the blame for helping and a lot more glory for pushing humans to their ultimate disaster. I chose to do the first despite of the most extreme inconvenience known to man. "I, he, she, it (the system)" will again "Be to blame". Anything, as long as it prolongs the state of ignorance, will do as an answer.

You will know it is a lie and that deep inside it was you who was wronging yourself, but you will convince yourself real hard to avoid guilt or facing it. So I have to bring you to face that. How are you with advancement and with yourself? Nothing extreme is needed here, nothing back breaking. But do you do the basic lifting? If so, enjoy your existence and be glad that is the case; billions will go straight into the recycle bin and you will not.

For those who do not do it, life passes you by, then again to the recycle bin it goes. More days have been spent looking at random women online, and more hours on Instagram or TikTok, than living a valid life, or breathing some air in your lungs and saying "I appreciate the gift of life". Of all the wasteful epochs, now we live in one where to waste all your existence and human potential, is the easiest it ever was.

You wanted to do X and X in life, and out of the tens of thousands of desires your mind will generate, afflicted by social media or lack of inner guidance, you will not even focus to accomplish 2 of these, because you sent a standard for 10,000 desires instead, while not focusing to empower yourself to focus on even just 2. These 2 goals would already make you great, but are you afraid to be great?

An idiot will come across Spiritual Satanism today, and a wise person. The idiot will create around 500 excuses to not participate. It's too hard, it's scary, the website is black, or they will insert any reasoning under the sun to avoid getting enlightened. The doubt will bug them, and they will know they are probably incorrect deep inside. They will ignore it and go play Playstation 5, and pray for GTA 6 to come live; maybe that will aleviate their pain.

The wise person will, instead of making 500 excuses, give 1 opportunity to the Gods to present themselves in their sorry lives. And this 1 opportunity, they will treat as a treasure, understanding what they found. And they will walk and walk, until they reach closer and closer to the Higher Beings, and also live a fulfilling life. They will also play Playstation 5, but not their whole existence will be around this as avoidance; it will be more just another delicacy into the life of the wise one, who wants to have a soul and did not succumb to fear.

Most people will be category 1. Few others will be category 2. One does not need to be a mastermind to figure it out. One just has to observe humanity just a bit carefully.

Long story short this message is not supposed to be a linguistic masterpiece or try very hard to convince you. It's more like a reminder, to use your time, energy and existence a bit wisely. A bit more like the Gods or aspiring Gods would do. A bit more like your life matters.

"This post will make me feel bad", one will say. "It hurts me". Yet, for the person that does not do this, this post will indeed be balm upon all their wounds and their souls. "How good I am healing, to not be offended by this post", they will think to themselves. "I am thankful for waking up to that fact and finally loving myself", they will think.

All I have tried to teach human beings here if anything, is to ascribe value to your existence and to not end up in this state of the recycle bin. To live a life with less regrets, more development and more "life inside your life". Preachers of death, self mutilation, those who want you to be miserable, are heard by many.

I am heard by few. Few want to live, and even fewer are those who will actually lift themselves today and say to themselves: "No more, I believe I deserve a bit better. Time to advance. No matter what is on my plate, I will have hope, and I will advance upward. There is something up there and is calling me".

Do not wait to answer the call another 10 years. You will only extend your regret.

Excuses only will multiply suffering and problems. As one grows we understand that we must encounter the issues. Then when we do and we sort them out, we become elated in pleasure and in empowerment, knowing we succeeded.

Excuses will never have this outcome, only more suffering will arrive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
beautifully written, High Priest Cobra, thank you for this message, I think it will find a lot of people, and it will be exactly what they need to hear.
Thank you for another great sermon. We can return to your words many times, and each time they bring a lot of important information to our lives. Glory to you for your work and dedication.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
