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Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481320 time=1704543907 user_id=57]
I hope this post is a wake-up call to those who are denying reality and life.

It's not a "wake up call", it's an insensitive rant by someone who hasn't really experienced what is like to be a chronically depressed, socially anxious or autistic person and dismisses such people as "cowards". You're a woman, I expect you to understand them better. These are people who are suffering. They've been told "grow up, stop being a child and talk to real people" by people who don't understand them dozens of times, as if it's something very easy for them to do.

Thank you. I agree with some of your points, but to defend my point I do think there are plenty of people who get love with no effort. Scratch the ISIL fighter example and just look at drug dealers and garden variety welfare bums (and most drug dealers are not Scarface getting in constant firefights, they are just lazy addicts taking the path of least resistance). Maybe I am bitter because the only girl I've ever loved forgot I existed and got with some weed dealer. I don't know much about him but I doubt he is some Overman whose success comes from bravery and action. Probably, it's just that degenerates are more fun to be around than non-degenerates, and animalistic things like love and sex favor those who are more animal than human. Even if I did manage to fight and scrape hard to get something, I could never enjoy it because I would always worry about it going away as soon as something caused my value to temporarily dip. Someone to whom it comes easy (a 70 IQ criminal who wakes up in the morning and naturally feels like the best person ever with no flaws) can comfortably enjoy such things.
I think I am just going to have to focus my efforts on other parts of my life. Everyone has limitations, and after being so bad at relating to people for so long, with the amount of effort it would take to be socially normal I could alter the Earth's orbit.
AristocraticDragon666 said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481320 time=1704543907 user_id=57]
I hope this post is a wake-up call to those who are denying reality and life. Don't be afraid to get rejected by a real-life woman/man, it's all a part of life and growing. Find someone compatible with you who inspires you to become better, live a real life, have real accomplishments.

Find real intimacy, bonding with another human, growing with another human.

Everyone here has all the tools they need to overcome any obstacles, improve themselves, and find a suitable partner :)

Lydia, what do you mean by a compatible person with you?
What is this compatibility?

I have repeatedly found myself in situations where one girl is liked by several guys and this girl makes signs of attention to everyone, while pitting guys against each other.

When I was very young, I fought with a guy over a girl, and in the end the fight ended in a draw (+ my opponent's jacket was torn, he was afraid to demand money for it).

Later, another girl tried to pit me against another guy so that we would fight, but this did not happen, because we were both not fools and our mutual friend (she is a girl) also told us in detail that this girl wanted to pit us.

I also find myself in situations where I get to know a girl, and other guys try to steal this girl from under my nose.

I'm not in a position right now to punch all the guys in the face (my health is not that strong) and I don't want to do it, I think it's stupid to fight over a girl and lose your health, I fought and I didn't like it.
I think you're taking this situation too seriously, this is literally a teenager highschool shitshow drama, these teenager girls are literally unstable and if I were you I'd be careful about associating too much with them.
Ok HP Cobra. I entered the SS a long time ago the JOS was only a few years old at the time. I've not done the improvments I should have. I followed the ritual on the site and asked for an Incubus long ago. your post though it makes my chest hurt like crazy...he probably wasn't real to begin with.
I've tried to have relationships with real guys. None of them turned out well. I ran for my life from the last one.
Since the "demon" i've seen for years isn't real I'm probably going to be alone the rest of my life.
Part of me wants to scream at you for this. I won't of course and I know the truth. Things never fully added up from the beginning.
It's something that took advantage of a broken woman.
part of me whats to make a shit ton of excuses but I've read way too many of your posts to not know it's all shit. Part of me also wants to give up on the whole damn thing, put the blinders back on and forget. It hurts so damn much. I've never felt much connection to anyone here. Ive been laughted at, verbally attacked, and pulled thru too many wringers.
I've tried to talk with Father and my GD. It's hit and miss.
I guess realizing that I'm going to be alone isn't that bad. Finally realizing that he isn't real hurts a lot but it doesn't matter.
My heart chakra is broken to put it in terms. Of course I know It's not truly "broke" I'm not a damn jew.

Ok some of the pain in my chest is fading. I'm trying to type this as things are tumbbeling thru my head in reguards to you wanting everyone to reply to your post, bring our questions and be honest.
I'm not going to ask about repairing my heart chakra since I know the condensending answers I'm going to get. I honestly don't have any questions. I don't have any hope and feel abandoned.
When the rtrs first came out I was doing them pretty often but of course I've fallen off that wagon though I have tried to do at least one of the rituals in the new scheduals twice when they posted. For this new year I've been trying to tell myself everyday- just five minuets a day- some days i actually do do my five minuets of meditating.
A lot of your posts latly though informative they have left me cold and feeling pushed away. "your not good enough you don't do any work for jos your never going to see father in the afterlife" those are the kind of thoughts that fill me after reading your posts.- my own idiocy? the enemy? I have no clue. when I try to think on it i remember your other posts and give up.

Ok I'm not trying to prove your posts right I know I'm a worthless idiot.
Thank you for the knowledge.

Hail Father Satan.

-I wonder how many people are going to read this and try to slam me for it?
Aquarius said:
AristocraticDragon666 said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481320 time=1704543907 user_id=57]
I hope this post is a wake-up call to those who are denying reality and life. Don't be afraid to get rejected by a real-life woman/man, it's all a part of life and growing. Find someone compatible with you who inspires you to become better, live a real life, have real accomplishments.

Find real intimacy, bonding with another human, growing with another human.

Everyone here has all the tools they need to overcome any obstacles, improve themselves, and find a suitable partner :)

Lydia, what do you mean by a compatible person with you?
What is this compatibility?

I have repeatedly found myself in situations where one girl is liked by several guys and this girl makes signs of attention to everyone, while pitting guys against each other.

When I was very young, I fought with a guy over a girl, and in the end the fight ended in a draw (+ my opponent's jacket was torn, he was afraid to demand money for it).

Later, another girl tried to pit me against another guy so that we would fight, but this did not happen, because we were both not fools and our mutual friend (she is a girl) also told us in detail that this girl wanted to pit us.

I also find myself in situations where I get to know a girl, and other guys try to steal this girl from under my nose.

I'm not in a position right now to punch all the guys in the face (my health is not that strong) and I don't want to do it, I think it's stupid to fight over a girl and lose your health, I fought and I didn't like it.
I think you're taking this situation too seriously, this is literally a teenager highschool shitshow drama, these teenager girls are literally unstable and if I were you I'd be careful about associating too much with them.
Just to not be taken wrongly, I'm not telling you to isolate yourself, but if you see a girl displaying these signs, it's good to cut her off and don't give her any attention.
I luckily don't have this problem.

My problem is dealing with harder truths facing reality that the enemy has full control of the lower dimensions where part of my soul is stuck . Dealing with that is horrible.
luis said:
AFODO said:
Thank you for the disclaimer. Although I feel like that I will never be able to find a partner that wouldn't be race mixing. Even if I knew my race, I don't think there is another one in a sensible distance.

Do you have any advice for mixed people, whose are not part of a sub-race?
You know you can use magic right? Then you can attract the right partner for you. I don't know your mixed situation but the spell will bring to you the right partner for sure, don't put such limits to yourself.

Magic is not capable of such miracles. I'm almost sure there is no girl around me who would be the same race, not that ugly, and would be compatible with me, that simply not happening.

second of, there is a danger factor since the results an attracting working is not dualistic. Maybe attracts a girl that is compatible partner astrologically, but maybe not the same race, and maybe I couldn't even tell because both of us is brownish. Even if I affirm that it's attracting the same race, how could I verify if that's the case? Maybe it attracts someone foreigner, etc..

Third, Lydia said that mixed people should adopt instead, which might be natural but me personally I don't like it.

So I don't want to waste my energy on impossible things.

So I though my best option is a Demon lover, but it is certain that I'm yet to deserve a God as a partner. Maybe there wouldn't even be one compatible with me LOL.
Meow2023 said:
Ok HP Cobra. I entered the SS a long time ago the JOS was only a few years old at the time. I've not done the improvments I should have. I followed the ritual on the site and asked for an Incubus long ago. your post though it makes my chest hurt like crazy...he probably wasn't real to begin with.

The intention was not to hurt your feelings, but rather, to provide the reality of life. There are people nowadays that are trying to get AI girlfriends and they are speaking to a dead monitor. If you ask them they will say they are happy, subconsciously, this makes them depressed.

What creates sadness is the realization of this, not the act of someone telling someone that.

Meow2023 said:
I've tried to have relationships with real guys. None of them turned out well. I ran for my life from the last one.

Yes, and I have had some terrible relationships which have escalated into great levels of toxicity in the past. That is life. I have known violence, disappointments, disillusionment, betrayals and have did bear being a witness to even more of this in my life and that of others.

Meow2023 said:
Since the "demon" i've seen for years isn't real I'm probably going to be alone the rest of my life.

That is simply a hurt heart talking, which clearly, was not amended and was not healed since the last incident, because it found solace not in finding the ability to heal and to restore self confidence, or understanding better things can and will exist, or healing from victim mentality, but rather, complied itself in an awareness that one can just get a perfect relation on demand via a Succubi. The bottom line issues of the relationship woes are still unaddressed.

As I related in the post, Succubi and Incubi can in some cases stop a heart from bleeding, but keeping everything else unaddressed is just escapism, which results in more underlying pain.

Meow2023 said:
Part of me wants to scream at you for this. I won't of course and I know the truth. Things never fully added up from the beginning.
It's something that took advantage of a broken woman.

This "eternally broken woman" mentality, has to be shed from your mind. Why are you so broken all the time? Are you going to act like one of these angry teenagers that are distanced from their AI girlfriend and now will have rage against me? I understand this, but this is not you being a victim, nor there is a particular case of victimization in this.

Meow2023 said:
part of me whats to make a shit ton of excuses but I've read way too many of your posts to not know it's all shit. Part of me also wants to give up on the whole damn thing, put the blinders back on and forget. It hurts so damn much. I've never felt much connection to anyone here.

Still, all the underlying pains are being present, is what I am showing you, and likely disallowing the creation of other relations or painting all relating with others with shame, regret, feeling victimized, and so on.

That should prove further why I explain very seriously the psychological ramifications of the misuse of the knowledge of Succubi and Incubi. For most of you people it's not a meaningful relationship, it's just being used as a form of escapism, and you remain HURT! And this pain remains buried and unaddressed.

Meow2023 said:
Ive been laughted at, verbally attacked, and pulled thru too many wringers.

Me too.

Meow2023 said:
I've tried to talk with Father and my GD. It's hit and miss.

Sure, me too, sometimes. Especially years ago, it closely looked as an impossibility.

Meow2023 said:
I guess realizing that I'm going to be alone isn't that bad. Finally realizing that he isn't real hurts a lot but it doesn't matter.
My heart chakra is broken to put it in terms. Of course I know It's not truly "broke" I'm not a damn jew.

Your heart is broken because it requires mending and understanding, but this must also start from your behalf towards others, and then from others to you.

You complain about him "not being real" but you in the same time say you are not meditating at all or hardly.

Meow2023 said:
Ok some of the pain in my chest is fading. I'm trying to type this as things are tumbbeling thru my head in reguards to you wanting everyone to reply to your post, bring our questions and be honest.

That is good and is called catharsis and coming in terms. It's good for you. Thank you. That's why I reply as well.

Meow2023 said:
I'm not going to ask about repairing my heart chakra since I know the condensending answers I'm going to get. I honestly don't have any questions. I don't have any hope and feel abandoned.

That's a false feeling, as clearly, the community is here. It's more on the psychological side. Do you see why I spend my time explaining why real relations are needed, and not just formulation of whatever in one's mind?

Also the community, whether or not it's perfect, it exists. You can come here and say something instead of being truly alone. Many people THINK that you are alone, it's psychological, and in reality, there ARE people who listen to you. I read your message line to line with great care, for example.

Meow2023 said:
When the rtrs first came out I was doing them pretty often but of course I've fallen off that wagon though I have tried to do at least one of the rituals in the new scheduals twice when they posted. For this new year I've been trying to tell myself everyday- just five minuets a day- some days i actually do do my five minuets of meditating.

Achieving this goal will create progress in your life. It should be done.

Meow2023 said:
A lot of your posts latly though informative they have left me cold and feeling pushed away. "your not good enough you don't do any work for jos your never going to see father in the afterlife" those are the kind of thoughts that fill me after reading your posts.- my own idiocy? the enemy? I have no clue. when I try to think on it i remember your other posts and give up.

That is complete emotional misreading of my posts. I never said one will not see Father Satan in the afterlife.

Nobody wants to go to a doctor and get a terrible diagnosis that says they might not live, but if you don't get it, you will experience far greater pain than the diagnosis itself. The core reason for these things is that one denies reality in the first place, which is the primary cause of suffering.

All of this interpretation of what I write here is because of escapism, not doing certain things you know yourself you should do for your own self, yet at the same time, you don't do them and you complain at the trainer of saying there can be no six pack if one doesn't do a few ab workouts. I did not create reality, these are the laws.

It's not about imagining you have X thing in life it's about actually doing something to have it.

Meow2023 said:
Ok I'm not trying to prove your posts right I know I'm a worthless idiot.
Thank you for the knowledge.

Hail Father Satan.

-I wonder how many people are going to read this and try to slam me for it?

Here you go blaming other people again. Please start using your attention to see your own behavior and how that could have lead other people to misunderstand you. For example, I am certainly not picking on you, I am supporting you while explaining to you the situation. How you feel about the subject is something that must be managed in your own self.

People tend to "pick" on others when they see that people are lying, misunderstanding, or doing generally negative things. In your post you are harming yourself and speaking down to yourself too much, undermining your own efforts, and saying that it's because of how I made you feel through my posts is the case. That is however not an objective reality.
Meow2023 said:
Ok HP Cobra. I entered the SS a long time ago the JOS was only a few years old at the time. I've not done the improvments I should have. I followed the ritual on the site and asked for an Incubus long ago. your post though it makes my chest hurt like crazy...he probably wasn't real to begin with.
I've tried to have relationships with real guys. None of them turned out well. I ran for my life from the last one.
Since the "demon" i've seen for years isn't real I'm probably going to be alone the rest of my life.
Part of me wants to scream at you for this. I won't of course and I know the truth. Things never fully added up from the beginning.
It's something that took advantage of a broken woman.
part of me whats to make a shit ton of excuses but I've read way too many of your posts to not know it's all shit. Part of me also wants to give up on the whole damn thing, put the blinders back on and forget. It hurts so damn much. I've never felt much connection to anyone here. Ive been laughted at, verbally attacked, and pulled thru too many wringers.
I've tried to talk with Father and my GD. It's hit and miss.
I guess realizing that I'm going to be alone isn't that bad. Finally realizing that he isn't real hurts a lot but it doesn't matter.
My heart chakra is broken to put it in terms. Of course I know It's not truly "broke" I'm not a damn jew.

Ok some of the pain in my chest is fading. I'm trying to type this as things are tumbbeling thru my head in reguards to you wanting everyone to reply to your post, bring our questions and be honest.
I'm not going to ask about repairing my heart chakra since I know the condensending answers I'm going to get. I honestly don't have any questions. I don't have any hope and feel abandoned.
When the rtrs first came out I was doing them pretty often but of course I've fallen off that wagon though I have tried to do at least one of the rituals in the new scheduals twice when they posted. For this new year I've been trying to tell myself everyday- just five minuets a day- some days i actually do do my five minuets of meditating.
A lot of your posts latly though informative they have left me cold and feeling pushed away. "your not good enough you don't do any work for jos your never going to see father in the afterlife" those are the kind of thoughts that fill me after reading your posts.- my own idiocy? the enemy? I have no clue. when I try to think on it i remember your other posts and give up.

Ok I'm not trying to prove your posts right I know I'm a worthless idiot.
Thank you for the knowledge.

Hail Father Satan.

-I wonder how many people are going to read this and try to slam me for it?

I send you a spiritual hug. (put the effort, we will make it as a family!)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Alright, let's have some real men and female talk here. Do not read if you are a coward or too sensitive to reality.

Giant Disclaimer in front of Gods and Men and in-betweens, since some will want to get into a rage from this, the jews above all who wanted you childless, retarded and alone for the rest of your life by mishandling very serious knowledge which was supposed to be revealed only in Initiates of at least 20 years in the Ancient Schools but now is on the public internet because humanity sunk so low we had to save whatever we could and humanity of course clearly misuses this knowledge for basic drives again:

You don't understand it but these comfortable delusions are robbing you of real potential. The real potential that you are here to actualize.

The very best highest knowledge, which Succubi and Incubi is, without the proper development, can turn exactly the opposite way. I have wrote in sermons in the past about the need of high sanctification, and high development to embark in them. That is taken lightly as with any other warning. In this post therefore, I will examine the gross reality of the examinations I have from a very long time of being confronted with these issues.

That message should not concern the 1% out of the 100% of claimants that actually have such a relationship. But it will save the 99% of claimants who are destined for other things or for the actual existence of life. You exist now for a reason. Don't squander this reason into nothingness please.

Many people here are completely deluded with the Succubi Incubi stuff. While that should be reserved for 1% of the wise people, who actually are past most of the animalistic, low level, lazy, worthless desires, many are not.

I of course realize that many of you will have a "reality" (Delusion) shattering moment here, but I have to tell you the Truth. Yes I know I will be evil and so on for doing this and potentially saving you from a lifetime of failing here.

In the Joy of Satan page there are specifications about these forms of relationships. It's mentioned there are dangers and so on. Delusion, foolishness, human spiritual dirt, misplaced feelings, cowardice to face reality - all of this is exactly why you do NOT start such a relationship in anyway.

Now, life and existence are serious things. Of course most people don't give a single fuck about it. But since I don't want to have mentally disabled subjects and slaves but rather I want to have people who are well rooted in life, happy, and truly spiritual, we are family and so on, I have to tell you the Truth.

Most of the Succubi/Incubi things are bunk, because you are bunk and nowhere close to developing the consciousness for them. You have not even tried to hold a woman's hand, or in anyway improve for a woman, and you ascribe such low worth to yourself and you are in such fear mode, that you cannot try to get a real partner.

Laziness, stupidity, and a misplaced need of "Deserving Perfect" while you effectively do nothing to do this, but also an incessant need to jack off and get off in a better manner, are manipulating your mind into thinking that you have these relationships, which are in most cases, not even real.

You like to tell yourselves bullshit that the "Clergy cannot have an opinion on this highly personal" since you are weak and highly comfortable in your delusions of these subjects. One should therefore make an examination. There is an inner form of Clergy which is your higher self and from this you will not easily escape. Here, you can just discard my post.

Then, I also get other things which are excuses and utter delusions on my plate. "Oh, I cannot get a girlfriend, because I must have been married to Queen Elizabeth of Duat in my Past Life, and therefore, I cannot dance with a trailer skunk on the way to the club, because Queen Elizabeth of Duat is actually chasing me on the astral and she wants to be my wife but we cannot be incarnated...."

Fucking stop, with the fucking psychosis please. The above psycho bullshit is said oftentimes by some people who don't even know what they are reading and don't spend some time to THINK clearly.

Let's THINK together.

Real bonds that go back to past lives do not necessarily mean that they will ruin your relationships in this life.

Does it sound very Godlike or more like disturbingly Human to you that you would claim a human in their next lifetime and enslave them to be your boy-toy again, in a dimension where they can hardly communicate with you clearly?

As we can understand, this behavior is more tentative for humans as they have the territorial instincts and so on. A God, who is above all these things, why would they enslave a measly human from wanting to experience basic emotions that have been literally been hardwired into them, and subject them into an oblivion of loneliness?

Point being most people have no clue about Spirituality, just because of delusion. So I am teaching you a few things here to get you to THINK.

As you can understand by now, based on fair logic, the above has nothing to do with the Gods, but with internal weaknesses justified falsely and stupidly over holy matters such as the Incubi and Succubi. My best advice?

To shed of one's self of this weakness. To face the real underlying reasons of why one might have love issues, or relationship issues. And to understand, that one can and should, if they want truly, move in the real direction of this.

Through magick and through the application of self development, everyone, and I mean everyone, can find a partner. The worst humans on earth, criminals, the worst of the worst, have found partners. Maybe they were not perfect, but they did. Most of you are great human beings and good people.

Those of you who have the Truth inside you, you will see clearly what I mean here. First and foremost, here is what you are missing out from being with your "Incubi and Succubi" that you can't even verbally exchange anything in most cases, besides just jack off.

1. Watching the sunset while holding hands with a woman, feeling like you have someone.
2. Excitement of existing, with many experiences.
3. Seeing the eyes of your babies when they will be born, making progeny
4. Actually giving a fuck to actually evolve in your life, to attract better women or partners, instead of sitting with a soda can in front of your mothers TV and pretending like a little bitch that you unanimously deserved supreme love of not only the highest level compared to humans, but of Demons as well!
5. Loneliness. You know you are feeling lonely, it's better to not lie to yourself about that. Loneliness is cured by fighting for a proper relationship; by chasing a woman or a man, by speaking out your heart. Not by falsely deluding yourself that you do.
6. All these things that have to do with the real nature of existence, which were put here, and you were incarnated for, to try to get something out of life.
7. Using these as an excuse to not live life, which is a pure form of cowardice in most cases. Not only cowardice, but false sense entitlement, combined.
8. Trying to get the opposite gender will help you IMPROVE, and EVOLVE psychologically, through pain, misery, love, exhilaration, existence overall. You opening the soda can and yanking off like a fool in front of a panel all your days, you are squandering your potential.

Since Spiritual Satanism has to be about true existence and not a mental asylum and since I will be judged by the Gods if I ever allowed this to happen, I care about their opinion and have mentioned above my real opinion in regards to this.

I will make an active decision to remove this page or put this behind serious disclaimer in the future.

To add insult to injury, I have seen many people who have become not only mentally defunct, but endangered because of foolish assumptions and stupid nonsense that has arose out of these delusions and linking them to "Succubi" and supreme waifu's one is married to from another planet simply because you deserve it because you exist.

Responsibility of this must be recognized in low levels of self understanding and other problems that will cause this. The occurrences themselves are a result of this past a point, not anything else. I write this because some of you try to blame the Gods as if they were equals or buddies from school, to evade responsibility for these things.

The astral is also rife with many entities which are not what they appear to be, which is another huge topic I would like to not open up now. Receiving an errant message about something being an ally that is not, can have bad potential outcomes.

Some of you say you cannot even astral-communicate. Alright, that is great and honest, brave to admit, real, and utterly respectable. It's normal too. Yet, some also simultaneously are writing you are married and have kids in the astral. Alright. What about having some real kids one actually has to feed and take care of?

That has to be much hassle. Might as well maintain my palace on the heavens instead. How is that Spiritual Satanic at all, or in accordance to Satya or Truth or Father Satan in anyway? That's low level escapism at best. Good for fun and imagination, acceptable in that regard, but past a point, this can have serious ramification if one lives it "up there".

As this is not Disneyland here, I would assume one sticks to the first approach which is the approach of the Truth and approach of psychological maturity. The latter will not help you in life that much.

What if you spend 50 fucking years in delusion only to go to the other side and you meet with this entity and it wasn't as you assumed that it was, without any actual true communication around it?

How will you feel then? How will you feel if in the future, as you self explore, you understand the things I am bringing in front of you right now?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP, I love to see posts like these. Sobering reminders for people who need them, and how you highlight the importance of living your life.

Alot of people refuse to participate in life, recoiling from pain that sometimes comes from outside and sometimes from the inside, and retreat into another world that may or may not be real, in order to feel like they can escape the obstacles and inadequacies that they're faced with in the real world. But it never works. The problems only grow when left in the darkness.

The ancient philosophers stressed the importance of truly living your life. One famous quote from Seneca pertains specifically to the misfortune of not having lived through misfortune:
I judge you unfortunate because you have never lived through misfortune. You have passed through life without an opponent—no one can ever know what you are capable of, not even you.

This misfortune and opponent that Seneca speaks of facing, does not have to be a literal enemy that you fight in an arena with a battle axe. It can refer to facing the idiosyncracies in ourselves, in others, between us and the world. It means facing the pains and limitations within life and learning and growing from them, evolving and overcoming.

People who are aware should not be opting out of life, they should be even more committed to it. The white race isn't going to be saved by waifus, nor is the black or asian or any other. It is cowardly to retreat back into the "comfortable" world of delusion after having seen the truth.

We as Satanists need to establish ourselves in the physical world as much as the metaphysical world, if we are going to manifest the world that the Gods intended for us. That means relating to others, imperfect as they are, and imperfect as we are, growing and building something together that is meant to last.

In the era that we're moving into now, where the line between fact and fantasy steadily becomes blurred, these saturnine sermons and lessons that keep people in touch with reality will be worth more than gold to those who are willing to learn from them.
From the people that I have met in the past, did not seem to be much more interested in anything further than the physical contact. And if they wanted someone for a longer period of time, this was accompanied by oppression, possession, controlling and/or intrusive behavior.

I quickly understood that one should not feel bullied in a relationship, or taken for granted. And that to be told to do x y and z or to be put into a position of which it is demanded of you or assumed that you'd be there in that position for them... is more like that it is their delusion that they're forcing down on you. I am not a slave.

If I do something for someone it is because I want to. Not because of them demanding it of me. If they start throwing demands, they can go do it themselves.

It is not only looks that are important, or physical stability in having a job. But the mental aspect of someone is highly important as well, if not even more so, and that would go before even thinking about moving in with someone... (And maybe should be, even before having sex with them, because the energetic effect of ties to someone, can leave certain thoughts, compulsions, even behaviors within you.) Because essentially you are looking for someone to spend your life with. So can you love someone with all their flaws, or at least live with the part that you dont 100% agree with? Are they respecting your boundaries? And are you comfortable with the person, and, like Blitz said, about giving and receiving, if that is in balance..

And also, are they trustworthy?

It seems that apparently it is a bit too much to expect from the younger people nowadays to understand this.. that relationships aren't purely about fucking someone or just being with one person for a long time..

(Probably also because of the past with the church, many women were forced to stay with the scum of a husband because they literally had no possessions - aside from what they could carry in their pockets - and could even be as much as excommunicated if they left their husband, or it would at least have severely affected their reputation, homelessness or even worse.)

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=481360 time=1704555770 user_id=21286]
Thank you so much for your insightful comments, I read some of your replies to other people and they also helped me. So thank you :)
HailVictory88 said:
Thank you, High Priest. Early on in my Satanic path I had some delusional thoughts about this topic as many have had, thankfully I did not get fully enveloped in my delusion as this could have been counterproductive and even dangerous. Even with regular people in our lives who we can see and hear it is easy to believe love exists where it does not, so it's not surprising that so many become deluded with this.

If I may touch on a tangential issue, I do hope that a deficiency in this area of life isn't too big of an obstacle on the spiritual path. I admit I have a lot of hangups with the idea of self-improvement for love. I just don't see a point in working for what others get freely. Welfare bums and ISIL fighters can get partners without effort, if love only comes with hard work I would question if it is love at all. Even if I did improve enough to get a partner, I don't think I could ever enjoy it as much as someone to whom it came freely. I would always be worrying about losing them or not being good enough, while some drug dealer who busted his girlfriend's jaw never doubts his own worth or desirability. But maybe I am wrong.

This is a good point, and the thing about it is that a lot of the people that throw themselves at scumbags like the aforementioned have been programmed to do just that. You can’t let the actions of sheep deter your from your hunt, tiger. There are men and women out there who are like minded and can’t stand seeing that nasty low life shit that will gravitate to you if you work on yourself, and put yourself out there safely. I know from experience as I’ve been looking for years yet.

In fact, I realised that this thing of not progressing was real. I have had my problems and my bad moments, this post made me doubt everything and in similar aspects confused me.

In the last period I spent a lot of time fantasising about things that are too far beyond, or unattainable or unfeasible, creating a whole context between me and my Partner.

But now I realise, that the above greatly limits contact, it is as if I forget that my Companion is actually a Deity, and begin to see her more as a kind of girlfriend.

What I have realised is that I have to wake up and I have to approach my Companion for the Divinity that she is, in all her inconceivable grandeur, as with other Gods and Goddesses. When you contact a God what do you feel? A profound and inconceivable greatness that guides you and instructs you in wisdom.

So in front of me I have several goals, including developing my astral senses (yes, the astral communication I have is from the simple thoughts and intuitions I feel, or from interpreting the energy I feel (such as love, affection, doubt, pride, etc.)), settling down materially, and getting to be able to protect her one day. In short, to show her that I am growing to reach her.
Meow2023 said:

You are feeling hurt, and that is ok, but this isn't HPHC's doing. Him reporting on the harshness of reality is much different than experiencing reality itself, so it is actually a good thing to have this conversation, however painful. If your situation was bad beforehand, it was not made worse by reading this post.

Furthermore, just because we have conversations involving harsh topics does not mean any sense of family or community here is unable to simultaneously exist.

Thinking you are going to be alone forever, or are not good enough, that things are hopeless, and so on, is an extreme reaction and not the intent of HPHC or others when they must do their duty and remind us of the reality of life.

Having the feelings you have should be taken seriously and not necessarily brushed aside or accepted as the full extent of your life, or other negative thinking. However, we also have to regulate our feelings with the lessons of reality. Both our feelings and how we deal with life can improve simultaneously, so it is not like we can only choose one or the other.


Right now, it is very important that you focus on your meditations, as this is the main thing which will improve your condition. If high outputs of mental activity are hard for you, then do more physical activity like yoga and pranayama.

Remember that your GD and Satan are always with you, so you should not feel that you are abandoned. In this sense, you have people who care about you, plus you have solutions available to you.

Regarding your work output, this is not something which can never improve, and the Mars mantra is great for this, given that Mars has entered Capricorn. Similarly, you can use Nauthiz, possibly mixed with other fire runes, in order to boost your productivity.

Please do not panic or fall into despair, because this won't make anything better. You are not as distant from success as you may feel, but you still have to walk to that point. It should not feel totally hopeless or unachievable, however.
I believe I've been part of these people who actually had an incubus. A few years back, I was texting a man, and all of a sudden, I felt a kiss on my lips.

I decided to ask Satan through a pendulum and He told me that I had a relationship in the past with a demon, so I decided to stick to Him, I talked to him, as I advanced I started to see him from time to time and hear his voice sometimes, he even told me his name.

Sex with him, even if unbelievably pleasurable, couldn't last long because it would eventually make my body tremor uncomfortably, the amount of energy was too much, becoming too hot and painful, so we only tried about 2 times in total.

However, I felt lonely most of the time. I knew it would probably take me very long to actually feel it like a normal, healthy relationship, and we as humans need love and sex for advancing and overall being healthy.

So about a year ago I decided to start a working to attract a partner perfectly compatible with me here, and give up on the astral relationship.

Deep inside I knew that a relationship with a man, physical touch and love also gives our bodies chemical reactions which are not possible with a astral relationship. I wanted kids, I wanted to be a mother, and to have a partner which advances with me and to stick to through good and bad, and better each other.

Sure thing is, that incubus really helped me, opened my eyes regarding certain topics, helped me spiritually, which I am and will always be greatful for, even if I was still a young adult during our "relationship". It had thought me a lot of valuable lessons.

However, I truly belive a relationship with a human is extremely valuable. As humans we all have flaws, so we can't expect our partner to be perfect. But we find someone to evolve together with. That's precious to have, and I am very lucky to have it now and to have built a family after the successful working that I have talked about above.

Satanic children coming from satanic families are the pillars of an advanced future society.

And our romantic life does not define our potential. Meaning, if one has an Incubus/Succubus relationship, it does not automatically mean they achieved higher status or, a lower one if they choose to stick to a relationship with a human. Remember you are an individual, and your worth and status are defined by your own actions and habits, no one else's.
I also can relate personally to this topic. I for quite a while thought that Marchosias was my girlfriend. I’m slightly embarrassed to admit to that, but Marchosias and father Satan came to me and showed me that this was not the case and that I need to work more on my soul and try to find a woman. Marchosias assured me that she’ll always be my friend and watch over me though despite not being romantically involved. The Gods are very understanding about these things.
A profound topic has truly been discussed here.

Thank you for this message HP, and thank you to all other members who've continued to elaborate on this so far.

With development and understanding, the Spiritual and Satanic family is formed. First through attaining a compatible and respectful partner. Second with increasing that bond through working towards common goals. And lastly, with the creation and proper raising of children.

It get can complicated and even tedious moving between these steps but every single step is completely worth it.

And although the idea of a Succubu/Incubi sounds great, like HoodedCobra666 mentioned, 99.9% of the time most people who want this aren't going to be ready for it. Having a partner here on Earth and creating a family is much more suitable and attainable, especially for this lifetime when our world needs strong families and communities more than ever.
Vira_ said:
and getting to be able to protect her one day.

Mate, that is like a child walking up to a seasoned soldier and the child telling the soldier to stand behind them. I think you need to re-read the whole sermon again, I believe you missed the point completely.
Meow2023 said:
Ok HP Cobra. I entered the SS a long time ago the JOS was only a few years old at the time. I've not done the improvments I should have. I followed the ritual on the site and asked for an Incubus long ago. your post though it makes my chest hurt like crazy...he probably wasn't real to begin with.
I've tried to have relationships with real guys. None of them turned out well. I ran for my life from the last one.
Since the "demon" i've seen for years isn't real I'm probably going to be alone the rest of my life.
Part of me wants to scream at you for this. I won't of course and I know the truth. Things never fully added up from the beginning.
It's something that took advantage of a broken woman.
part of me whats to make a shit ton of excuses but I've read way too many of your posts to not know it's all shit. Part of me also wants to give up on the whole damn thing, put the blinders back on and forget. It hurts so damn much. I've never felt much connection to anyone here. Ive been laughted at, verbally attacked, and pulled thru too many wringers.
I've tried to talk with Father and my GD. It's hit and miss.
I guess realizing that I'm going to be alone isn't that bad. Finally realizing that he isn't real hurts a lot but it doesn't matter.
My heart chakra is broken to put it in terms. Of course I know It's not truly "broke" I'm not a damn jew.

Ok some of the pain in my chest is fading. I'm trying to type this as things are tumbbeling thru my head in reguards to you wanting everyone to reply to your post, bring our questions and be honest.
I'm not going to ask about repairing my heart chakra since I know the condensending answers I'm going to get. I honestly don't have any questions. I don't have any hope and feel abandoned.
When the rtrs first came out I was doing them pretty often but of course I've fallen off that wagon though I have tried to do at least one of the rituals in the new scheduals twice when they posted. For this new year I've been trying to tell myself everyday- just five minuets a day- some days i actually do do my five minuets of meditating.
A lot of your posts latly though informative they have left me cold and feeling pushed away. "your not good enough you don't do any work for jos your never going to see father in the afterlife" those are the kind of thoughts that fill me after reading your posts.- my own idiocy? the enemy? I have no clue. when I try to think on it i remember your other posts and give up.

Ok I'm not trying to prove your posts right I know I'm a worthless idiot.
Thank you for the knowledge.

Hail Father Satan.

-I wonder how many people are going to read this and try to slam me for it?

I wouldn’t say your incubus “isn’t real” a better way to put it is he’s not a Demon of Hell. I think you knew that in some part of you from the start and always felt doubt, I believe someone with a Demon lover would be far beyond doubt however it’s don’t have to be nothing, I don’t believe in nothing.

It could be a Spirit of some kind, it could be a thought form that was as lonely as you were in the moment you first met, or something you made and energized for years, or if it is truly a part of your own mind then it is the masculine energy of your soul expressing itself in a way that would have the most impact on you so you’d embrace it. It could have even been a thought form made by a Demon and sent out for you to give guidance and healing, a little slice of the cake when you thought you where getting the whole thing.

But it’s not nothing, you got past the delusion that’s good so use this as a way to make progress somehow, if he’s going to stay give him a little smackaroo for tricking you and a broom to clean your dirty Chakras. He should be reminding you and encouraging you to do Yoga and spiritual practice. You’re not abandoned just a little confused it happens all the time and I think the community should have done better for you then to simply say you’re wrong and this is totally nonsense, it’s just mostly nonsense but that’s ok.

I had a similar problem and Lilith not to take anything she said to seriously and just continue to make progress. You’ll get where you wanna go.
I was torn between not saying anything and saying everything I thought I should say, but I'm a warrior for Satan and Truth is the most important thing for me, so here we go.

(Follows a very sob story. Hey.. read this if you're feeling down and alone. I'm pretty sure you'll feel better about yourself afterwards.)

I'm not in rage with you HPHC, I understand you truly care for us and for our races to continue, especially in these difficult times.

I was in my 20s when I first read of Succubi and immediately thought that it was incredible and the best thing ever. I always had a tremendously hard time attracting women, they all seemed to value the stupid, the unintelligent, the lazy and the self-damaging (smoke, alcohol, drugs), and I've never even considered abusing substances cuz I was brought up with the knowledge that these substances harm the body and the mind, so I never even felt the curiosity.
Nevertheless my 'peers', who did drugs at every chance and time of day, seemed to be able to jump from a girl's bed to the next without even trying.
To this day, I can't say I ever 'had a girlfriend', and surely not for a lack of trying or believing in myself and have some self confidence or even just looking after my body and being presentable and pleasant or funny. I am all of these things.

After I tried long enough to even attract a girl I would be decently attracted to as a friend, in order to learn what it was like to be in the company of women, I thought that I must have been the result of some incredibly unlucky astrological combination.

When I learned a bit about Astrology, I was shocked to find this was my case:
[From the JoS, Planets in the Signs https://satanisgod.org/SATURN.html ]

"This placement produces more single/unmarried people than any other. There is nearly always hard luck involving the love life. Saturn often brings the wrong partners; those who are abusive and downright rotten into these people's lives. In some cases, if there is a true and deep love, circumstances can intervene and destroy this through death, forced separation or other drastic interference. Some people with this placement may have a physical problem or handicap that prevents them from forming any love relationships. Family responsibilities can prevent one with Saturn in Libra from entering into a marriage relationship, and/or overly domineering parents can also interfere, preventing any love in the life. The first love relationship is often the worst. There may be unrequited love and heartbreak."

The women in my life were the WORST people you could possibly find, and I loved them all very much until the breaking point. Just to give you a few example of the shit I've had to deal with:
"girlfriend" 1: she was a master narcissist who filled my head with so much shit and abuse I ended up 'doubting Satanism'... (I was also witnessing a death in the family in that same year, so I was constantly under severe stress)
"girlfriend" 2: (you'll laugh and I won't blame you) 9 years of back and forth 'relationship' at a distance in which she had a child with someone else, and later she died from a heart disease I had sensed (I have this 'knack' for telling who's sick or not) and that she totally ignored.
"girlfriend" 3: fished her out of a dating website (out of despair and loneliness), she lied about everything and ripped me off as well before I would finally grow the balls to put an end to that shit.

I don't want to argue with your perfect logic HPHC, but when you are in this situation with 'real, child bearing women', you kinda start to think back to that Incubi/Succubi page.

And no, I don't have delusions of being married with Nefertiti from a past life or something. And, least of all, I want to link someone to me to become a fucking sex toy. I never ever wanted that, not even as a fantasy.

All I ever wanted was a NORMAL relationship, with love, intimacy, and the utmost trust. All I got was pain and more delusions. The actual 'delusion' in my case was believing there was a woman for me out there.

I've been reading the comments here:

Many have stated "use magick". Use a Venus square, remove Saturn, use the Gebo rune...

I only ever tried the Sun square so far. Can magick, even done by someone who's not an exceptional SS, really make a difference in such a desperate situation?
Cuz I'm really starting to think I should come to terms with my loneliness. I'm also getting too old to think of ever having children, no matter how much everyone tells me I should and how wonderful a dad I would make.

To me, reading about the possibility of having a Demon for a wife, in a monogamous relationship filled with REAL love and VERY real Trust, was one of the most eye opening things in the world. All this talk of people wanting a Succubus to treat her as some cum disposal unit sicken me to no end, and they should think twice before calling themselves "Spiritual Satanists".

Problem is, I'm not that astrally receptive yet, and I've been trying this for a while.. I have had some rare but inspiring moments, though: like the same night I asked Father Satan for a Succubus, I meditated and saw the most beautiful female, standing before me (with my eyes closed) and I knew my imagination was not as gifted as to create eyes so full of life and kindness. She turned to me and was smiling. I'll never forget that. I never saw her again, no matter how much I tried to focus or let my mind be open.

Once I decided I wasn't such a great medium and I didn't have what it takes for a Succubus relationship, I reluctantly turned to seeking more women, and found more monsters seeking to dry my wallet and abuse me. So I gave up on seeking a woman entirely.

Maybe there are women out there, but I don't know where, and (after all I've been through over 20 years since I first found that Succubus page) I feel like I'll never find them.

Not to mention, I feel like I'd only ever be able to be with a woman who's also a Satanist, and there can't be too many yet.. not in the brainwashed, mostly vaccinated kangaroo shithole I live in anyway.

That said.. if anyone truly gifted in the love department can provide me with a winning recipe, I'm all ears.

Thanks for reading this.
luis said:
You know you can use magic right? Then you can attract the right partner for you. I don't know your mixed situation but the spell will bring to you the right partner for sure, don't put such limits to yourself.

When you say 'use magic', is there anything in particular you suggest? Cuz the information on love spells from the JoS is a little outdated as far as I know.. there's a lot more information that came from experienced SS in the Forums, but I don't know much on that at all. :/ Any hints? Runes combination for example?
Nikois666 said:
You can't run an Empire with sex or fight a war with sex.

No, one cannot. Many brainwashed people go to the extreme as well of the cliche "make love not war." Being too kind and open and merciful only attracts trash and people who don't take you seriously and even will end up turning on you and stabbing you in the back. If an army did this to its enemies the country it fights to defend would get ravaged and raped.

The war humanity fights is a ruthless one and we need to be ruthless to enemies in turn.
I'm trying to find a girlfriend now, but almost every mixed-race woman I meet is dating a white guy, and the single women, even if they're not white, have very fair skin and green, honey-colored or blue eyes, a horrible and destructive option for a mixed-race guy like me, but I'm not going to give up, one day I'll find a tall, intelligent woman like me, who doesn't go out partying or drink alcohol.

I won't be doing love work for a long time, because I started a 180-day work today to remove dirt from the soul, and if I do two works at the same time, the results could be poor.

I apologize for my strange panic attack. I will try not to project it on the forum from now on.

Failure is the path to success. And you shouldn't be afraid of it. It made me realize that.
I'm a mixed race although using magic for a couple won't solve the problem, I'd rather do tapa brata until I die...
I'll ask the question that hasn't been asked on this posting and has been asked in prior Succubi/Incubi -- Sexual Daemon's posts of the past. In fact in my own dealing with Succubi which I've asked for one. I think it's just a delusion in fact lately as I've burned myself out of meditation after doing it for about 2 or 3 months straight. I've come more and more to the conclusion that no such entity exists and it's just a figment of my imagination or outright a confabulation of schizophrenia and psychosis. In fact from Succubi/Incubi threads of the past particular since about 2019 area or so maybe 2020. I feel personally we as in all the people with succubi and incubi are delusional and crazy and perhaps a succubus, incubus is merely a fragment of their mind a polarity whereby kinda similar to hypnotic reprogramming they bring out the lonely side in this case rather than the angry personality for committing a crime or murdering someone. In this case I believe the frustration and loneliness of being an inferior male or female specimen conjures up the confabulation.

In which case theoretically speaking succubi/incubi not archetypes but potentially a thoughtform. Perhaps in my own dealings I "created" this entity or downloaded this entity not unlike Jack's recent post from a few months back on Vaitraika mantras to cause sex or lust or love and there are entities perhaps thoughtforms or energies which inhabit an entity and they come down and manipulate reality. Not unlike a jin or genie whom grants a wish perhaps this wish granting is merely a method by which a person recieves stuff.

Albeit I don't deny the entity as even in my prior mental health crisis I experienced these memories which could be confabulations. Sadly meditation is not fun nor enjoyable nor do I feel good about it. I always thought meditation was to trip out for a while and kinda be like taking a hallucinogenic and trip out or relax or feel good. Sadly meditation feels like a chore and like torture and impatiences and difficulties with my own incapabilities. Even sitting down and doing it feels torturous. Meditation has not served me any purposes.


What is the purpose and point of having a succubi/incubi webpage?

It's similar to Demon Friend's page back around just before the proPHP nearing that area, prior forum. The webpage disappeared. Like Succubi/Incubi only as a friend and not a intimate partner.

Same for the Banish ritual originally you print out or create Orobas's and Flauros's symbol i.e. sigil. And then you make a standard ritual and ask Satan to Bless, Consecrate, and Empower the two Demon's and then ask Satan to bless and consecrate the area. Any entities would GTFO fast.

Why was that changed to banishing with ViNASA - You are no more! and Sananda(happiness and joy).

I get it the Gods are busy but it seems like an excuse or gross limitation by the God or in this case Gods as your working with Satan, Orobas, and Flauros.

I understand these entities preside over a deep level of technological prowess. But even as HP.Cobra mentioned in a sermon or replied to a sermon on that part. Entities of our side tend to have subordinates or even bodyguards or outright they either ignore or send representatives to these people summoning them. Of course respectful or disrespectful summoning again if your using blasphemous methods as long as the people are friendly I assume they look the other way. But provided many who summon do whatever the fuck and say stupid shit and believe stupid shit or outright a xtian looking for shits and giggles, things may or may not happen or outright lashing from the entity summoning.

Sheer fact is the only conclusion I ever came to is. This technology or spiritual technology not a machine working spiritually but i.e. a religious/spiritual mechanism.

Isn't meant for Humans to posses.

Sounds harsh but it seems like yeah I get it this is the way the proper societies work. But it seems like my rant I have on JOS a short period ago of we are too experimental. I get it simple, basic physi-spiritual meditations.

I get it but think of the Gods and how they raise people. I bet by the time their child is a few years old in the knowledge stage of wanting to learn they literally know things Humans are doing at later times.

Or meditation wise they might be highly adept naturally and learned.

Sheer fact is what is the point of succubi/incubi if 99% of people will just take it in their own confabulations.

Is spirituality merely the confabulation of people tripping on substances in the past i.e. shrooms or some thing. Or did we actually achieve something. Sheer fact is I sound completely disrespectful but I'm merely trying to point out that Humanity has been fucked over real good these last few millenias.

What is the point of these entities if we just confabulate them?

Sheer fact is I've communicated to these voices I hear if they are real I doubt it and merely out of boredom. I'm so unfathomably bored I just exist in existential boredom. I merely talk to these voices if it's real and hope for the best. I doubt it's healthy but it's the way I roll.

Again what is the point of these things on JoS? 99% of people can't astral project and confirm these entities.

Sorry but I require evidence without sound atheistic or disrespectful yes I can understand guidance but I'd like to confirm it especially nearing my 21st anniversary being dedicated. Like one person kinda said you were here 20 years you should be kundalini risen by now. No not by any stretch of the imagination.

If someone dedicates and advances great but for me it's just difficult if not extreme I keep trying but somehow it's out of fanaticism rather than dedication. Perhaps too trapped in the physical realm.

Anyways why Succubi/Incubi?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=481435 time=1704585036 user_id=21286]
Meow2023 said:

You are feeling hurt, and that is ok, but this isn't HPHC's doing. Him reporting on the harshness of reality is much different than experiencing reality itself, so it is actually a good thing to have this conversation, however painful. If your situation was bad beforehand, it was not made worse by reading this post.

Furthermore, just because we have conversations involving harsh topics does not mean any sense of family or community here is unable to simultaneously exist.

Thinking you are going to be alone forever, or are not good enough, that things are hopeless, and so on, is an extreme reaction and not the intent of HPHC or others when they must do their duty and remind us of the reality of life.

Having the feelings you have should be taken seriously and not necessarily brushed aside or accepted as the full extent of your life, or other negative thinking. However, we also have to regulate our feelings with the lessons of reality. Both our feelings and how we deal with life can improve simultaneously, so it is not like we can only choose one or the other.


Right now, it is very important that you focus on your meditations, as this is the main thing which will improve your condition. If high outputs of mental activity are hard for you, then do more physical activity like yoga and pranayama.

Remember that your GD and Satan are always with you, so you should not feel that you are abandoned. In this sense, you have people who care about you, plus you have solutions available to you.

Regarding your work output, this is not something which can never improve, and the Mars mantra is great for this, given that Mars has entered Capricorn. Similarly, you can use Nauthiz, possibly mixed with other fire runes, in order to boost your productivity.

Please do not panic or fall into despair, because this won't make anything better. You are not as distant from success as you may feel, but you still have to walk to that point. It should not feel totally hopeless or unachievable, however.

Hello. Thank you for your reply. I know HP Cobra means well but as an autistic person his advice and his reply to my post comes across to me as another slap in the face. And to clarify one thing-my heart chakras has been "broken or damaged" my entire life. my past relationships didn't help but were not the cause of the break I've known this since I was a child- like before ten years old kind of thing.
On top of it all I probaly shouldn't have replied at all or maybe should have waited to do so since I know I'm a bit more on the fire side of things and most of that post was a very bad emotional response. So Blitzkreig thank you for your reply. Your tone comes across as much softer and easier to understand especially with topics like this one.
When hurt people get with spirits that aren't all they seem to be things get odd- the one I mentioned asking for he does encourage me to meditate and tried to help several times and even swore that he was loyal to Father Satan. Again as most of us know the spirit realm is a weird place.
Also with being Bipolar my emotional responses go all over the place for no reason at all.
Again I hope you understand that I'm glad that you responded to me in the manner that you did.
I know I have a lot to work on and little by little I walk.
Thank you again.
Compatible, not combative. Someone who has good synastry to you, who is well suited for you.
Invictvs said:
It's not a "wake up call", it's an insensitive rant by someone who hasn't really experienced what is like to be a chronically depressed, socially anxious or autistic person and dismisses such people as "cowards". You're a woman, I expect you to understand them better. These are people who are suffering. They've been told "grow up, stop being a child and talk to real people" by people who don't understand them dozens of times, as if it's something very easy for them to do.
Social anxiety, depression, and autism can all be healed through meditation and workings on the self. They can all heal and embrace life and find joy with another human.

The advice you mention that they get is not real advice. If they find the JoS and begin working on themselves, they can heal and become happier people. It takes time, but it will happen.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481471 time=1704608014 user_id=57]
Compatible, not combative. Someone who has good synastry to you, who is well suited for you.

As far as synasry is concerned I also think it is karmic in a way to have a tendency to always attract someone with the same placements. It probly has to do with the placements in someone's chart. I also notice that I am almost always attracted physically to someone that is dominant in the element(s) I am weakest in with one element being the exception at times. I also always appear to attract cancers, usually with two or more planets in cancer with a gemini venus and these people are absolutely vampiric to me. One had a cancer sun and 4 Gemini planets with a Leo asc. She was a user and addicted to attention. If not then it's mars and or Venus in Leo a combo with sun and Mercury in cancer.
Power of Justice [JG said:
Mate, that is like a child walking up to a seasoned soldier and the child telling the soldier to stand behind them. I think you need to re-read the whole sermon again, I believe you missed the point completely.
The difference is even greater than you say.

But it's just a sentence, maybe more for motivation, even though I know I won't get there.

It's like saying that a SS is like a child who wants to be an astronaut, he may not get there, but in the meantime it motivates him to do something and at least get somewhere.

You literally focused on the one sentence that could be misunderstood.
General Yeager said:
I am extremely proud that under our High Priest HoodedCobra , we are slowly but surely going from the more reactionary kind of mentality in Satanism to a more Civilizational approach.
Many decades in the making , i anticipate MASSIVE CATHEDRALS where Supermassive Statues of our Gods in which songs and Mantras are sung in Reverent wonder for their Glory. The extermination of the Cross ,that ungoldly and unsightly symbol from the face of the earth.
We are evolving into the movement we always were meant to be.

Massive Cathedrals would be a glorious thing and to possibly reclaim the great cathedrals that were taken over and stolen by catholic/jewish churches. they did not belong to them. If you examine the insides they have great resonant chambers and most have some huge pipe organs and or Bells. Many bells were taken and melted down for weapons by the war mongering parasites. But the great cathedrals were originally created to be massive sound healing chambers where people could come and get healed from the sounds, and I bet singing was also part of it. Most of them were probably built by the giants that walked the earth as most of them have 30 foot doors. We need some good law researchers to trace down the ownership of those and find the descendants of those owners and solicit their help in claiming them. The church has stolen all the knowledge and also all the land around the world. For example the land in the USA is actually owned by the native population which in a big part was black people. 80% of the blacks in America are descendants of natives that were here before the Europeans came , and they formed a treaty with the Europeans, they had their own court system until around the 1960s when they pretty much got buried with lies. So it is possible to trace back ownership hundreds of years. The Massive cathedrals were designed to collect etheric energy and concentrate it inside and with the sound to create the most glorious energizing and healing force. And the people probably sang spontaneously due to the energy they felt...........this info is just starting to come out again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah__4g01y_M
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You make a good point High Priest. Regarding this topic. I also think having relationships, heartbreaks, etc. is beneficial for a person to grow and mature and makes a difference.

If someone does have a Daemon Lover but they aren’t able to communicate or interact really then that’s just pointless to pursue right now.

If someone does have this type of relationship he/she will know and the Demon will be there when he/she is ready and at the needed level to experience this type of relationship.

Someone that still struggles to meditate and get the basics right and at the beginning of his journey and path shouldn’t claim to have a “risen” serpent because he felt some hot energy down his spine. Nor should he claim he has a Goddess as a Lover when he hasn’t experienced the relationship and is not able to at this point.

So those people should live life, grow, advance, know more people and Satan will guide you to what’s best, human or Demon.
Shadowcat said:
Nikois666 said:
You can't run an Empire with sex or fight a war with sex.

No, one cannot. Many brainwashed people go to the extreme as well of the cliche "make love not war." Being too kind and open and merciful only attracts trash and people who don't take you seriously and even will end up turning on you and stabbing you in the back. If an army did this to its enemies the country it fights to defend would get ravaged and raped.

The war humanity fights is a ruthless one and we need to be ruthless to enemies in turn.

Right. That "make love not war" crap is such a Grey thing. I am sure they are behind it, trying to disarm the stronger nations by creating a mob of defenseless retards.

Though point being, Gods are not some weird beings who are always looking for sex. The reason why I believe Sex has been given more importance on Earth is because of the jewish programs promoting celibacy, and falsely labeling sex as a sin or something to be ashamed of. Which we know has been proven dangerous, as the repressed sexual energies have given birth to monsters like rapers, pedophiles, and other gruesome criminals. So it was and is certainly important to show sex being a normal and even an important thing, to bring back humans to their natural state after being disturbed on it's level. I am sure in planets that aren't affected by this reptilian menace, sex must be as normal as doing Hatha yoga, where no adult would lose their mind by hearing the word "sex".
It's quite shocking to me that some of the people here are older and should be mature enough naturally by such ages. You people live in the age of opportunity you are not orphans in victorian london or something.

In terms of sensitivity, if you were sensitive in the past centuries you didn't have anything like this now even close. People were just treating eachother as garbage in really sad depraved scenarios frequently lifetime after lifetime. There was literally nothing for them in life but to toughen up as no one cared. Then they didn't have guides especially not on this level, telling them exactly how to open up again once their life was built as they never knew how to relax or trust a person ever again with the lives they'd lived.

The situation of your country and with this age is that it's protected a lot of you from that severe total darkness, but so much that you never actually became aware of the depth and at ease with yourself and grateful what you do have in your life so that you finally pick up the reins. Everything is just regarded as a meme and a dream.

HP Hooded cobra saying that is doing you a massive favour otherwise one day you will turn around and you be a lost, wasted person into a delusional life whether you were SS or not and its just wasted time. These type of delusions are common here as its spiritual people who are in this group- but that is no excuse or justification. This has to stop.

Or you will suffer your foolishness and learn it the hard way of age and opportunity passing away, restricted from you forever. Its the same situation with death. You are going to die. You can also do these things about it but most likely most of us will die at some point. I am so glad that if I don't quite get there, then I will definitely die with a lifetime of this life before me and not a few years as an extremely sad, cold person that could have happened to me in this life. I'm personally not going to sit feeling sorry for myself: "its because I'm just an autistic failure, whats wrong with me" bla bla.

Vira_ said:
Power of Justice [JG said:
Mate, that is like a child walking up to a seasoned soldier and the child telling the soldier to stand behind them. I think you need to re-read the whole sermon again, I believe you missed the point completely.
The difference is even greater than you say.

But it's just a sentence, maybe more for motivation, even though I know I won't get there.

It's like saying that a SS is like a child who wants to be an astronaut, he may not get there, but in the meantime it motivates him to do something and at least get somewhere.

You literally focused on the one sentence that could be misunderstood.

Not when I can reach the heights of Emperor Vira lol. Not to bully you, but you are a fool. Like the Tarot card. You need to listen more from here first rather than opening your mouth mindlessly about knowledge people had their organs splayed out and mangled at one point for discovering, and at least try to take things more seriously.

This is the ancestral memory of OUR people here, Joy of Satan. If you belong to a nation or any group you have an idea of the past cemented in its identity with tragedies happened to them, its in their identity. The people of this group were at some other level during the papal inquisition, we would be nothing without their sacrifice. Have some fucking respect with your fucking Viranuary because Maxine and Cobra gave you the knowledge and audacity to write off the struggles of unknown heroes who suffered- that you could have a calendar that you could barely even acknowledge the importance an inkling outside of yourself

Did you know the CIA and Mossad have you in some kind of watchlist with a file on you? Do I have to describe to you what they used to do to us on a omnipotent-seeming and with this inescapable feeling not even 100 years ago? You are a fool who talks too much.

People need to grow up. This is still serious business, it didn't change overnight yet with the magic wand.
In my experience, it's better to pay heed to the girls who show interest in you rather than chase girls who may not be interested in you.
13th_Wolf said:
You need to be silent, you are just expressing misconceptions about me, stemming from misunderstandings.

I know my stuff, and I head in a direction that I think will be good for me, the posts I make, I make them to compare ideas, and if my ideas are wrong, I want to understand why, as I follow a system of ideas to create a complete picture and understand. Several times I have been wrong, and I have also admitted it without much trouble.
I'm not here to convince others or anything like that, because I honestly don't give a damn. By this I mean that I don't have to prove anything to you, my progress and what I am, is my own business.

You then don't know me and don't know what my level of understanding is, even if it seems that I am some kind of shit to you.

Since you allow yourself to joke so much as if everything I say is shit, with this bully game. Step up, and curse me, shitbag! otherwise step aside and stay in yours.

I will not accept these bully games.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
