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Shattering the Myth of Ancient Greek "Pederasty"

Jake Carlson

New member
Sep 20, 2017
Note: We will have to clean up all of the hazardous practices that the Jews have introduced to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual White Aryans before they destroy us all.


"The more settled world of Classical Greece developed above all else the pedagogical mode, providing 'a uniquely detailed demonstration of how the intrinsic ambisexuality of the human species manifested in a complex, cultured society,' providing 'another example of how the natural inclination of...young adult males to hierarchical homosexuality is [harnessed] in a way that promoted the well-being of society.

Now, let's get one thing out of the way; 'pedagogic' suggests 'pederasty,' so let's emphasize here that 'the youths Greek men considered most attractive from a sexual standpoint were those who were the equivalent of college-aged youths in today's society.'

Despite the alluring similarity of pedagogy/pedophilia, and centuries of propagandizing, the Greeks were really ephebephilic, interested in youths that would meet the age of consent in most jurisdictions.'

And note that last phrase about 'the well-being of society'; in terms of One Drop Rule, the Greeks might have been all a bunch of homos to the modern Christian or 'conservative', but there's nothing here of the phony 'gay' notion of 'whatever turns you on' or rather, 'whatever annoys your parents;' here, as Alisdair Clarke insisted, we see homosexuality not merely as biologically natural but as an essential part of creating and maintaining Aryan culture." Reference: A Review of James Neill's Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations in Human Societies by James O'Meara [Amazon kindle edition]

During Classical Greece and the early, pre-Christianized Roman Empire, the level of institutionalized homosexuality and bisexuality during pre-Christian times remains controversial to this day. Some people who are less affected by Christian values can accept the homosexuality and bisexuality of Ancient Pagan Greece and Rome, while others try to soft-soap it and/or even try to deny it altogether with that "holier-than-thou," the Roman Empire couldn't have allowed practicing homosexual perverts!

Nonetheless, the homosexuality and bisexuality of Ancient Pagan Greece and Rome has been ridiculously exaggerated and distorted by the politically correct Jewish press that not only tries to claim that the pre-Christian Greeks and Romans were exclusively homosexual and didn't know how ensure the survival of the White Aryan Race, but also the Christians who like to claim that the older male + younger male relationships were of a "pedophile" or "pederast" nature. These inhuman laws stem from the Jews, as no matter how much Paganism was stolen from for the Jewish people to invent Christianity from, Christianity grows from JEWISH roots, not Aryan Pagan roots, despite the White Aryan stolen goods.

The enemy accuses Ancient Greece and the pre-Christianized Roman Empire of "man/boy love" and "man/boy sexual relationships," which is a grotesque LIE to slander Satan's Chosen People -- the White Gentiles.

The older male + younger male sexual relationships were of an older man with just that -- a younger man, who is no longer a boy, but a full-grown man who has passed the age of consent.

Another thing I need to mention here is that Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire have been even further slandered and trashed by the Jewish propaganda machines to depict them as treating women and children as mere objects, slaves, and a man's property, barely above the existence of an animal. However, this is not true. Women and children had rights and a voice, and they were respected by men, not as second-class citizens, but as important members of White Aryan society; hence a wide variety of both male AND female Gods and Goddesses among our White Aryan people, and BOTH male Warrior Gods AND female Warrior Goddesses.

All of this changed when Christianity arrived on the scene. While the Catholic Church practiced a Judaized version of "homosexuality" and had an exclusively male "god" who claims to be "independent of women," homosexuality is outlawed for normal, ordinary gay and bisexual Gentiles who are outside of the confines of the Catholic Church.

Of course, Christianity forbids the occult, just like it forbids homosexuality, but the Catholic Church is an OCCULT organization that practices a perverted version of "homosexuality." Does the Vatican's fanatical occultism make them Satanists just because Satan is the God of the occult? The same question can be asked of the Catholic Church's "homosexual" practices. Does their perverted "homosexuality" really make them a legitimate equivalent of the plight of normal, everyday homosexuals and bisexuals who are outside of the confines of the Catholic Church? OF COURSE NOT!

Of course, the "conservative," Bible-believing and Bible-thumping Christian will tell you that Christianity "didn't" destroy Greece and the Roman Empire, but, rather, it was homosexuality and bisexuality that destroyed them. However, that is just as big of a Jewish lie as Greco-Roman pederasty, itself. It was the Jewish people, and then, the Christian agents of the Jews who destroyed Ancient Pagan Greece and Rome, not homosexuality or bisexuality.

Interestingly enough, the hypocritical Vatican institutionalizes their own homosexuality, but it isn't homosexuality in the sense of adult males with adult males, with the exception of gang-bangs, but, rather, TALMUDIC adult males with male children. Heterosexual priests also viciously rape and torture both adult female nuns, and female children, and then blame it on "The Devil." The Christian Gentiles are just as much of an insult and blasphemy against Satan and His White Aryan People as the Jewish people, themselves.

In closing, despite Jewish lies, slander, exaggerations, and blatant, endless re-writing of history, although open homosexuality and bisexuality were an everyday normal, natural, accepted part of White Aryan society, alongside everyday heterosexuality before Christianity came and destroyed this Pagan paradise [while the Catholic Church was and is secretly practicing a perverted version of homosexuality, themselves], the Ancient Greeks and Romans were not exclusively homosexual, despite their gracious acceptance of it.

The Greeks and Romans discouraged 100% homosexuality among bisexual citizens, as they recognized the importance and necessity of women, marriage, and the continuation and future of the White Aryan bloodline of Satan's descendants. They allowed 100% exclusive homosexuals to have an important, honorable voice and prominent role in healing, the arts, theater and philosophy, but heterosexuals and bisexuals were required to marry and have children, as well, in order to ensure the survival of Satan's human bloodline.

Despite the Jewish corruption of homosexuality [and heterosexuality] over the centuries, with the pinnacle of Jewish political correctness that we see of so-called "homosexuality" today, which doesn't even resemble the homosexuality of the past that was practiced by the most White Aryan of Pagan cultures prior to the Jewish enforcement of Christianity, homosexuality and bisexuality will be welcomed in Satan's Fourth Reich of Satanic National Socialism [Nazism], within reason.

Heterosexuality will be emphasized and encouraged in order to restore the White Aryan Race that has been bastardized through Christianity's teachings that all Gentiles are equal to one another, as well as the Christian teachings that it is "okay" for White Gentiles to have relations and children with non-White Gentiles.

The Jews, for the most part, see to it that they keep to their own and rarely mix with non-Jews, but they make sure that any White who isn't willing to mate with a non-White Gentile is slandered and defamed as a "bigot" and an "intolerant racist," when the Jews, themselves, are the ultimate racists, ESPECIALLY when they are claiming to be "fighting against racism." If the Jews are really anti-racist, then WHY are they actively working to destroy Satan's Chosen People -- the White Aryan Race -- through institutionalized abomination of Racial Bastardy?!

White men and women, instead of being against White homosexuals and bisexuals, you need to stop condemning homosexuality in White Aryan society, and work to STOP and put a PERMANENT END to race-mixing and other ways to exterminate the White Aryan Race.

The "conservative" Christian fundamentalists claim that only 1-2% of the world's population is exclusively homosexual, while the "liberal," non-religious, reformed Jewish proponents of Kinsey's fraudulent system estimate that 10% of the world's population is exclusively homosexual. So, which is it?

The truth is that neither the "conservative" Christians, nor the "liberal" Jews have it right. The actual percentage of exclusively homosexually-oriented humans make up roughly 3-5% of the human population. For crying out loud, despite the Levitical death penalty among the Jewish people for homosexuality, there are homosexual Jews, even in Israel. Even though the Jews haven't done for their own people in Israel as what they have done to America with homosexual marriage, in Israel, there are tons and endless LGBT, etc., rights movements aimed at the reassignment of gender and gay adoption of children.

3-5% of exclusive homosexuals in the human population cannot harm the survival of the White Aryan people, but the Jews work to confuse people about their sexuality by pushing different sexual orientations on the one side, and then, saying that it is wrong to be whatever you are -- gay, straight, or bisexual -- on the other end, in order to create endless hangups and sexual neuroses, which inevitably lead to the dividing and conquering of Satan's White Aryan People, which has even greater of an effect upon and against Satan, Himself, then most White Gentiles can even realize at this point, due to the Jewish-instigated infestations of Christianity in an otherwise White Pagan society.

Christian "Nazis" will tell you that the Jews push homosexuality and gay marriage to divide and conquer the White Aryan Race. However, this is just as big of a lie as the Jewish holoco$t, itself. The Jews invented the Christian anti-gay movements to divide and conquer the White Aryan PAGAN family unit, in order to make White Christian parents [who otherwise would be Pagan] alienate their gay or lesbian sons or daughters. It is NOT homosexuality or bisexuality that divides the White Race, but, rather, biases against homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality that does so. End of story.

To emphasize my earlier point, the Ancient Greeks and the Roman Empire did, indeed institutionalize homosexuality and bisexuality, just like they instituted heterosexuality, BUT, PEDOPHILIA/PEDERASTY WAS NOT TOLERATED, AND WAS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH, DESPITE JEWISH AND LATER, CHRISTIAN [with Jewish help] RE-WRITTEN "HISTORY."

Once the Jewish people -- ALL Jewish people -- and Christianity among White Gentiles are officially dealt with, then White Gentiles can carry on with their Satanic Destiny that extends beyond the stars.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
