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Sexual Hangups and sexuality

Jack said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
Listen, I didn't know or thought peeing or baby spreading was degrading to women. My lover told me once before that I'm quite naive and innocent.

My father was addicted to porn and some of his playgirl articles rubbed off on me. I was a young teen, curious about sex.

I thought only fesces was a Jewish act. I find two girls one cup to be disgusting.

I thought urine wasn't so bad because you can recycle it. They do so at the water treatment plants. Also piss is drinkable when you're trying to survive without water.

Another thing is, I thought piss was like marking someone's territory. Me? I thought it was sexy and an act of love and devotion. I want my incubus to claim me as his own. I love him and I don't mind at all whether or not he's possessive. I love him and want to marry him like I had many many years ago in a previous life.

I'm sorry if I'm wrong or offended anyone here. He does have to pee on me. I was the one who brought it up to him. I know he likes taboo. Sometimes he and i roleplay together for intimacy.
Theres a high possibility that you do not have an incubus lover and your imagining things and most probably being deceived by the enemy. Because if you did have such ,you wouldn't ask these questions, of that which is a private love life between you two. And that should also be sacred. Its disrespectful to talk about Daemons sexuality in the open like their some basic prostitutes who you have only for sex. You can't even comprehend what spiritual sex is all about which is apparent by the way you write about this

Imagine going up to some random stranger and being like, bro my wife doesn't drink my piss although she drinks my cum. She also doesn't respond well to beatings and I want to chain her and beat her in a sadistic way. Any advice ? Its extremely disrespectful to your wife and its like treating her like some object which you can manipulate to your hearts desire.

I have a lot of reprogramming to do.
Dahaarkan said:
Length said:
Hey Eric13 to be of consent of something, which in this case is watersports (peeing on each other), meaning to tell people if they have each other consent it's ok- that's not being against it. You would be inderectly promoting watersports by telling people if they have each others consent that it's fine. So, basically you contradict yourself and play the victim card and tell me to calm down and then make it seem like I'm some type of tyrant whose telling of people of how they should live their lives(sex). Then your little buddies come out and join the wagon and try to make it seem like I have absolutely no sense of auhoritity or knowledge of right and wrong. And that somehow, me telling the truth of these degrading acts, are sexual hangs ups and comical. What I'm stating for health and the promotion of natural common human decency is something that should be laughed at or ignored in your eyes.

Hey father's, if your little girl was letting a another guy pee on her and slap her, calling her a little slut and bitch and gagging her as well as choking her with rope it's perfectly fine if she gave her consent right? There is nothing wrong of your most precious child to be treated like a slave. She's consentful so her worth and image of a human being doesn't matter. We are animals, dogs on a leash- with spikes on them, because it's human nature and a sexual norm or something right.(sarcasm).

Hey mother's, for your little man to be laying in bed with a female or male on top giving a rim job why she tells him off to be her little bitch, it's perfectly fine right? This isn't your handsome little boy anymore, but a grown man who decides how and when he should be shitted on. Let's not imaging farting in that position because it's perfectly normal because porn people do it. Not to imagine being forced or made to eat your own cum, it's a fetish so you can't infringe on people right to debase themselves. Even if it's you mother's and your own kid. When y'all wanna become less then human, it's a fetish so it's ok. Sarcasm.

Hey all those siblings out there. It's ok to date men 20 yrs older than you. It doesn't mean their pedophiles. It's just when they want you to moan like a little white girl or boy in porn and wear underwear made for kids, it's just a natural fetish. Who am I to judge. Sarcasm.

I mean when it comes to common sense and safety. As well as the prevention of psychological and mental physical scars. All of this is ok for you or your child to do if y'all give consent. I'm just being an irrational laughingstock who should be ignored because what the jew squirt down your throat, just like piss and the nasty taste of cum, it should be swallowed.

Extreme sarcasm.

Length hates these fetishes so much that he has dedicated an entire wall of text to creating detailed scenarios of people being shat and pissed on. Well done

Also strangely bringing up children into the mix for some reason when the conversation was about consenting adults.

Length I can see right through you how about go lose about 20kg and get a girlfriend so you don't have to be jealous of people who are sexually active and make this kind of raging shitpost trying to shame people for having sex.

Satan himself does not intrude on anybody's personal sex life so why should we care what some fat incel on the internet has to say on the matter.

I know that in your little brain you think you're this important figure that can dictate to others how they must live their lives but to the rest of us you're just a clown doing what clowns do. We've all had a laugh now you can go back to beating your meat to the scat fantasies you put in this post.

Dude, you obviously need to meditate more if you could see through me because you're extremely wrong about my weight. If I lost over 15 pounds I'd be a walking stick. Nor am I some fat lazy blob.

Your absolutely right about me hating fetishes. But the type of fetishes I "hate" are ones that are unsanitary, unsafe, and demeaning to an individual or individuals. That includes peeing and pooping on people. Giving people Golden showers isn't a fetish. It's a toxic excuse made by the enemy so they could have fun peeing on people. But if you guys like pee and poop that much, try not to encourage others in your "fetishes".

Satan not intruding on your sex life... Peeing and pooping on people is not sex. Hurting and degrading each other under the premise of sex is not sex. It's Insanity.

In my brain I do think I'm an important individual. It's called confidence and not being emotionally, mentally, or physically insecure about myself as an individual. I feel I do have a lot of worth as a individual as all that I am is being given as I empower myself and become more.

My IQ is pretty high. Having a 12th grade reading level since 9th, and becoming more intelligent and creative through the years, I think- I know that I'm pretty abled as an adult.

As far as "you all" having a laugh. I'm pretty much laughing myself. It's comical that there is a group of people who think peeing on each other is ok. It's comical that people don't know what a fetish is. It's comical that supposedly(I suppose- guess) that there are mature(not) individuals who don't know what safe sex is( look it up for education). It's comical that people believe that parents don't have a right of way in their kids life, so much so, that they try to twist words. It's comical to trade unneeded insults when the Truth stands out: peeing on people is wrong. It's comical to think that growing teenagers within and exiting the stages of puberty won't be affected by piss poor(poo) mistakes made by "adults" and that those adults who care for those teenagers won't be affected by their erroneous behavior or habits.

I never heard or would imagine people defending pissing, pooping, and hurting each other under the guise of sexual pleasure.
Length said:
Your absolutely right about me hating fetishes. But the type of fetishes I "hate" are ones that are unsanitary, unsafe, and demeaning to an individual or individuals. That includes peeing and pooping on people.
You have to understand basic hygiene as well, young dude. That’s common sense, my high IQ friend. No ones saying lick someone’s ass who hasn’t cleaned themselves or anything or go down on a chick or dude who hasn’t showered. Again, people are going to do what they do and are into what they’re into. It’s common sense to be clean and safe as possible when it comes to sex, no matter what people are doing.

It was also pointed out the grave difference between feces and urine. So no one is advocating the former, if people want to piss on each other, that’s their thing.
Length you are now trying to convince me that you are not overweight and have a high IQ, and are in fact not insecure.

I'll tell you right now if you feel the need to convince me (someone on the internet that you have never met) of shit like your weight, you are the most insecure person on the planet. Why do you care about my opinion on you. You have never met me and my opinion on you should not matter to you. This is the flaw in your mentality normal people don't care what others think, especially on the internet.

You will notice if I call Aquarius fat for example he probably just tells me to fuck off. Not waste time trying to convince me he's not fat. In the same way nobody cares what you have to say when it comes to their personal sex life.

The conversation was about sexual practices between consenting adults and you're trying to spin it towards children and sexual education, which is a completely different topic. I'm all for people expressing their opinions and even bringing factual stuff into the conversation.

But it's when you start turning into a raging rabbi barking orders at people and being self righteous and obnoxious that this becomes a problem. I don't defend any particular fetish and there are many things I find repulsive and would never do in a million years.

But above all I'm all for sexual liberation between consenting adults. If people want to eat their own feces they should be free to do so if that's their thing. The reality of freedom is many people destroy themselves when they have it. This is as it should be.

We have created too many generations of needy, idiotic people that need to have their diapers changed, boo boo's kissed and told that they should not eat their own feces. You are a Satanist, not a nurse at a retard asylum. Stop caring about what consenting adults do in their bedrooms.

It is not your business, and it is part of their sexual freedom to do as they please and explore their fantasies as consenting adults.
Dahaarkan said:
Length you are now trying to convince me that you are not overweight and have a high IQ, and are in fact not insecure.
I feel like you will have a blast reading this.
Length said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
Eric13 said:
ANYTHING is fine as long as it’s consensual and as long as a person is of age.

Also anything that can cause serious illness or danger to a persons health might need reconsidering just for safety reasons. People into strange things like feces. That has all kinds of horrid bacteria and other things it’s wise to avoid such fetishes.

Being able to properly communicate to your partner when things go to far or is uncomfortable is key as well.

Well, my baby and I don't like feces. It's disgusting and too Jewish for our taste. We agreed about liking watersports...but that's as far as we go when it comes from something such as bodily created.

Watersports in sex is slang for pissing on one another. If that is what you mean by watersports, dude... your fucking gross. There is no way in hell peeing on someone is sexual is any way, shape, or form. Its extremely unsanitary and beyond disgusting on every level.

Peeing on someone is gross? NAH. I’d pee on a dude. Sometimes it happens by accident if it’s too rough. You gotta chill, this is a free community brother.
This thread is really full of a lot of toxic opinions. And that’s all they are, opinions. Sexuality is so individual, like a fingerprint. Porn can be toxic and there should be lines when things are harmful and especially non consensual but promoting sexual shame of any regard and saying something is not okay is directly against what we’re going for. Butt out of other people’s business, if you don’t like what someone else does just fuck off out of it. Each other’s sexuality really isn’t anyone’s business and it’s incredible how much people are quick to jump on the spiritual opinion boat once it involves sex.
Pee pee
Poo poo
Finally Free
Actual People
Sundara said:
This thread is really full of a lot of toxic opinions. And that’s all they are, opinions. Sexuality is so individual, like a fingerprint. Porn can be toxic and there should be lines when things are harmful and especially non consensual but promoting sexual shame of any regard and saying something is not okay is directly against what we’re going for. Butt out of other people’s business, if you don’t like what someone else does just fuck off out of it. Each other’s sexuality really isn’t anyone’s business and it’s incredible how much people are quick to jump on the spiritual opinion boat once it involves sex.
It is somebody's business because these jews use porn as a vehicle to transfer their deranged ideas into gentiles minds. The national Socialists who came into power burnt the deranged sexuality books having written by jews along with their political bullshit. People do not have freedom. They are being stripped of their freedoms which include thinking for themselves by the Jewish hypnosis media Machine which teaches them what to think.

So it's not personal because it didn't come from inside their brains. It was artificially inserted there by Jewish individuals who have the worst interests in mind for gentiles.

The jews placate men by
1)Financial Conditions they have created
2)Hegelian Dialectic Politics
3)Porn Addiction
4)Drug Addiction
5)Addiction to the validation from women

If 3 of these things were removed, the men would instantly start thinking for themselves and become aware of the Jewish problem. This is an enemy program and has nothing to do with personal expression.

It's not hard to see. It's the jews and they must be stopped so what they sell must be stopped too. If your brother was on opioids you wouldn't be like, oh yeah hes addicted to opioids but its personal so I'll butt out of his business. Its not personal. He has been stripped of his life by drugs given to him by jews. The drugs and the jews need to be removed.
Jack said:
Sundara said:
This thread is really full of a lot of toxic opinions. And that’s all they are, opinions. Sexuality is so individual, like a fingerprint. Porn can be toxic and there should be lines when things are harmful and especially non consensual but promoting sexual shame of any regard and saying something is not okay is directly against what we’re going for. Butt out of other people’s business, if you don’t like what someone else does just fuck off out of it. Each other’s sexuality really isn’t anyone’s business and it’s incredible how much people are quick to jump on the spiritual opinion boat once it involves sex.
It is somebody's business because these jews use porn as a vehicle to transfer their deranged ideas into gentiles minds. The national Socialists who came into power burnt the deranged sexuality books having written by jews along with their political bullshit. People do not have freedom. They are being stripped of their freedoms which include thinking for themselves by the Jewish hypnosis media Machine which teaches them what to think.

So it's not personal because it didn't come from inside their brains. It was artificially inserted there by Jewish individuals who have the worst interests in mind for gentiles.

The jews placate men by
1)Financial Conditions they have created
2)Hegelian Dialectic Politics
3)Porn Addiction
4)Drug Addiction
5)Addiction to the validation from women

If 3 of these things were removed, the men would instantly start thinking for themselves and become aware of the Jewish problem. This is an enemy program and has nothing to do with personal expression.

It's not hard to see. It's the jews and they must be stopped so what they sell must be stopped too. If your brother was on opioids you wouldn't be like, oh yeah hes addicted to opioids but its personal so I'll butt out of his business. Its not personal. He has been stripped of his life by drugs given to him by jews. The drugs and the jews need to be removed.

Porn does suck, among a lot of other topics talked about in this thread, I don’t disagree, but it’s also important to be sure we’re not shaming any of our own. We don’t know what they’re all about and this is a place that people go to and respect for growth and development. If someone is choosing to watch porn here and there that’s fine too, it’s really individual. Not all porn is bad either, some of it can be really nice. Being a female, and having been with a guy where porn ruined him sexually and made me not like him sexually because he couldn’t be comfortable with a real girl, I definitely fucking get this. Sexually shaming any gentiles though should not be happening, so if it is, I’m not one to determine it but it’s something to just be aware of.
There's only a signle answer to every kind of kinky sex :

cure yourself, get a therapist
Shael said:
Dahaarkan said:
Length you are now trying to convince me that you are not overweight and have a high IQ, and are in fact not insecure.
I feel like you will have a blast reading this.

I mean it looks retarded to me but I guess my IQ is just too low to understand his advanced methods of communication.

This is a man who unironically uses the terms "pee pee" and "poo poo" after all. Truly one of the greatest minds of our time.
Length said:
Pee pee
Poo poo
Finally Free
Actual People
Chillout bro, no one in their right mind poops on someone during sex or eats poop, that is gross for almost 99% of the population, that 1% who do this have a soul which is heavily degraded, degraded to a point that it's almost torn apart and about to vanish into nothing. These people are easy to control and use, which is why Jews use these almost "dead people" to corrupt not so dead people and people in general. Pornstars are heavily degraded(easy to corrupt and use) and most of them are Jewish.

I know jews have influenced a lot on the people through porn and their brothels in the past, but all of it will slowly start getting fixed once we finish the jews.

Though I would like to add my opinion on that peeing stuff, why peeing is okay for some is that it does not look gross at all and it's easy to clean it off from the body, plus people like that hot/warm feeling of it on their skin, just the way hot/warm semen feels like to some women on their tummy. We all are different, It's called Individuality which makes us different from any other species.

So relax and it's okay if people don't agree with you :)
Dudes, there are multiple post of mine that never got through in my reasoning and explanation. I think i said enough though. So you guys can invest in thinking watersports, poop, and non-sex "sex" is ok and be killed off with the rest of (((society))) while i find something to do with my life.
Sundara said:
Jack said:
Sundara said:
This thread is really full of a lot of toxic opinions. And that’s all they are, opinions. Sexuality is so individual, like a fingerprint. Porn can be toxic and there should be lines when things are harmful and especially non consensual but promoting sexual shame of any regard and saying something is not okay is directly against what we’re going for. Butt out of other people’s business, if you don’t like what someone else does just fuck off out of it. Each other’s sexuality really isn’t anyone’s business and it’s incredible how much people are quick to jump on the spiritual opinion boat once it involves sex.
It is somebody's business because these jews use porn as a vehicle to transfer their deranged ideas into gentiles minds. The national Socialists who came into power burnt the deranged sexuality books having written by jews along with their political bullshit. People do not have freedom. They are being stripped of their freedoms which include thinking for themselves by the Jewish hypnosis media Machine which teaches them what to think.

So it's not personal because it didn't come from inside their brains. It was artificially inserted there by Jewish individuals who have the worst interests in mind for gentiles.

The jews placate men by
1)Financial Conditions they have created
2)Hegelian Dialectic Politics
3)Porn Addiction
4)Drug Addiction
5)Addiction to the validation from women

If 3 of these things were removed, the men would instantly start thinking for themselves and become aware of the Jewish problem. This is an enemy program and has nothing to do with personal expression.

It's not hard to see. It's the jews and they must be stopped so what they sell must be stopped too. If your brother was on opioids you wouldn't be like, oh yeah hes addicted to opioids but its personal so I'll butt out of his business. Its not personal. He has been stripped of his life by drugs given to him by jews. The drugs and the jews need to be removed.

Porn does suck, among a lot of other topics talked about in this thread, I don’t disagree, but it’s also important to be sure we’re not shaming any of our own. We don’t know what they’re all about and this is a place that people go to and respect for growth and development. If someone is choosing to watch porn here and there that’s fine too, it’s really individual. Not all porn is bad either, some of it can be really nice. Being a female, and having been with a guy where porn ruined him sexually and made me not like him sexually because he couldn’t be comfortable with a real girl, I definitely fucking get this. Sexually shaming any gentiles though should not be happening, so if it is, I’m not one to determine it but it’s something to just be aware of.
I'm not talking about all porn. I'm talking specifically about the extreme types discussed in this thread. What these jews do Is take these gentile things and push it to the extreme where they put these deranged behaviors inside someone's head. Not talking about normal porn or even bdsm porn.
Jack said:
Sundara said:
Jack said:
It is somebody's business because these jews use porn as a vehicle to transfer their deranged ideas into gentiles minds. The national Socialists who came into power burnt the deranged sexuality books having written by jews along with their political bullshit. People do not have freedom. They are being stripped of their freedoms which include thinking for themselves by the Jewish hypnosis media Machine which teaches them what to think.

So it's not personal because it didn't come from inside their brains. It was artificially inserted there by Jewish individuals who have the worst interests in mind for gentiles.

The jews placate men by
1)Financial Conditions they have created
2)Hegelian Dialectic Politics
3)Porn Addiction
4)Drug Addiction
5)Addiction to the validation from women

If 3 of these things were removed, the men would instantly start thinking for themselves and become aware of the Jewish problem. This is an enemy program and has nothing to do with personal expression.

It's not hard to see. It's the jews and they must be stopped so what they sell must be stopped too. If your brother was on opioids you wouldn't be like, oh yeah hes addicted to opioids but its personal so I'll butt out of his business. Its not personal. He has been stripped of his life by drugs given to him by jews. The drugs and the jews need to be removed.

Porn does suck, among a lot of other topics talked about in this thread, I don’t disagree, but it’s also important to be sure we’re not shaming any of our own. We don’t know what they’re all about and this is a place that people go to and respect for growth and development. If someone is choosing to watch porn here and there that’s fine too, it’s really individual. Not all porn is bad either, some of it can be really nice. Being a female, and having been with a guy where porn ruined him sexually and made me not like him sexually because he couldn’t be comfortable with a real girl, I definitely fucking get this. Sexually shaming any gentiles though should not be happening, so if it is, I’m not one to determine it but it’s something to just be aware of.
I'm not talking about all porn. I'm talking specifically about the extreme types discussed in this thread. What these jews do Is take these gentile things and push it to the extreme where they put these deranged behaviors inside someone's head. Not talking about normal porn or even bdsm porn.

Well it’s good to throw it out there and clarify for anyone that may misinterpret the information :) sexuality can be a sensitive subject for some people’s psyches.
Jack said:
Sundara said:
Jack said:
It is somebody's business because these jews use porn as a vehicle to transfer their deranged ideas into gentiles minds. The national Socialists who came into power burnt the deranged sexuality books having written by jews along with their political bullshit. People do not have freedom. They are being stripped of their freedoms which include thinking for themselves by the Jewish hypnosis media Machine which teaches them what to think.

So it's not personal because it didn't come from inside their brains. It was artificially inserted there by Jewish individuals who have the worst interests in mind for gentiles.

The jews placate men by
1)Financial Conditions they have created
2)Hegelian Dialectic Politics
3)Porn Addiction
4)Drug Addiction
5)Addiction to the validation from women

If 3 of these things were removed, the men would instantly start thinking for themselves and become aware of the Jewish problem. This is an enemy program and has nothing to do with personal expression.

It's not hard to see. It's the jews and they must be stopped so what they sell must be stopped too. If your brother was on opioids you wouldn't be like, oh yeah hes addicted to opioids but its personal so I'll butt out of his business. Its not personal. He has been stripped of his life by drugs given to him by jews. The drugs and the jews need to be removed.

Porn does suck, among a lot of other topics talked about in this thread, I don’t disagree, but it’s also important to be sure we’re not shaming any of our own. We don’t know what they’re all about and this is a place that people go to and respect for growth and development. If someone is choosing to watch porn here and there that’s fine too, it’s really individual. Not all porn is bad either, some of it can be really nice. Being a female, and having been with a guy where porn ruined him sexually and made me not like him sexually because he couldn’t be comfortable with a real girl, I definitely fucking get this. Sexually shaming any gentiles though should not be happening, so if it is, I’m not one to determine it but it’s something to just be aware of.
I'm not talking about all porn. I'm talking specifically about the extreme types discussed in this thread. What these jews do Is take these gentile things and push it to the extreme where they put these deranged behaviors inside someone's head. Not talking about normal porn or even bdsm porn.

Well it’s good to throw it out there and clarify for anyone that may misinterpret the information :) sexuality can be a sensitive subject for some people’s psyches.
Length said:
Dudes, there are multiple post of mine that never got through in my reasoning and explanation. I think i said enough though. So you guys can invest in thinking watersports, poop, and non-sex "sex" is ok and be killed off with the rest of (((society))) while i find something to do with my life.

Yes length everyone who disagrees with you or lives in a way you personally consider "inappropriate" will be "killed off".

I personally think it's strange you hate shit fetishes considering how much shit comes out of your mouth. I'm guessing your posts had more of your scat fantasies like the other post you made and that's why they don't go up?

You come here of all places preaching against sexual liberation and pushing your personal bias over Satanic principles of freedom and liberation. People have the freedom to explore their sexuality regardless of how unhealthy they may be. If it's between consenting adults and does not harm a third party it's their business.

And since your retarded message is being rejected you have the exact same reaction jews do which is throw out vague death threats and promises of damnation to come when the goyim dare to reject your "authority" on how they should live their personal lives.

Keep creating doubts, confusion and fears among Satanists to satisfy your personal bias. You seem to think it's signing a piece of paper that gives you some sort of immunity to the consequences of your actions.

Satan is the absolute authority in Satanism, and He allows us to follow the dictates of our own nature. So why should anybody listen to some goblin creature on the internet dictating to them what is "acceptable" when it comes to their personal business.

Remember this, Satanists. Your GOD does not intrude on your personal life. You are free.
Dahaarkan said:
Length said:
Dudes, there are multiple post of mine that never got through in my reasoning and explanation. I think i said enough though. So you guys can invest in thinking watersports, poop, and non-sex "sex" is ok and be killed off with the rest of (((society))) while i find something to do with my life.

Yes length everyone who disagrees with you or lives in a way you personally consider "inappropriate" will be "killed off".

I personally think it's strange you hate shit fetishes considering how much shit comes out of your mouth. I'm guessing your posts had more of your scat fantasies like the other post you made and that's why they don't go up?

You come here of all places preaching against sexual liberation and pushing your personal bias over Satanic principles of freedom and liberation. People have the freedom to explore their sexuality regardless of how unhealthy they may be. If it's between consenting adults and does not harm a third party it's their business.

And since your retarded message is being rejected you have the exact same reaction jews do which is throw out vague death threats and promises of damnation to come when the goyim dare to reject your "authority" on how they should live their personal lives.

Keep creating doubts, confusion and fears among Satanists to satisfy your personal bias. You seem to think it's signing a piece of paper that gives you some sort of immunity to the consequences of your actions.

Satan is the absolute authority in Satanism, and He allows us to follow the dictates of our own nature. So why should anybody listen to some goblin creature on the internet dictating to them what is "acceptable" when it comes to their personal business.

Remember this, Satanists. Your GOD does not intrude on your personal life. You are free.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
