One Wire Phenomenon said:
I hate that guy from Info wars!!
I had a friend who always let me watch him talking about the natzis and we use to have big fights about it.
IF your referring to Alex Jones, then yeah he pumps out the Naht-zee memes(anti-Axis powers memes). Yeah Jones can be a shill sometimes.
But funny enough he's kinda gone off the rails of control by the enemy these last few years and has mentioned some things that while against them(JNWO), the JNWO can't really do much because then people will go. "Why did they ban or attack Alex Jones and what is going on, Oh shit A.J. is being harassed by the elites and establishment". In other words he states some truths with disinformation and might keep the Naht-zee memes going but the enemy can't really "take him out".
It's been mentioned a few times they've tried taking him out over the years but Jones seems to have an audience that caters to said things and while wrong on many things or always pussyfooting around the jewish question. Non-the less he is kinda like a wrecking ball out of control no one knows who he does more damage to himself to save himself or the enemy.
So it's kinda like he self-damages himself at some point and caters to morons or he does damage to the elites/establishment/jews and does it subtle enough it doesn't bother them in fact might even be useful to have 3rd party agendas talking about them. OR he does damage to them so subtly that the diamonds among the rough, pick up the information and people like us, use it as proof of our agenda and our establishment of facts.
I agree Jones is memey with certain topics but he certainly has an audience around the World and they are at least expressing alternative non-MSM/judenpresse information. He might not be correct on everything and sometimes downright like "Dude when the fuck are you gonna blame the jews, already? Jones stop fucking around get straight to the point".
Unfortunately for someone who identifies as xtian and is shilly to certain groups. He does have his limits and probably either shekel-wise refuses to blame the jews. Or in as much understands it's the jews and their corrosive powers but remains waiting for the day he can blame them without fear of losing his business and reputation. Even though his reputation has already by and by, difficult to pinpoint on whether he likes being a shill and shills. Or he WANTS to blame the jews but has to put on a face like what occurred back late-winter, early-spring 2020 when HP.Cobra mentioned Icke(David Icke) blamed the jews without naming them.
You might hate Alex Jones but Jones has a network filled with people who probably might go the JoS/NS/SS route if they just study and read would realize we are correct. Either way even if his audience ignores us or calls us jewish cause apparently somehow a religion that existed before judiasim, is judiaism. Funny enough we wuz all hebs and jewish and sheit. Then eventually they'll come around. Hitler memes, Godwin's law, all these things the jews do eventually even the most diehard xtian that listen to jones has a breaking point. And maybe Alex Jones is a gateway or breaking point to certain so-called "taboo" things and you never know we've had A.J. fans come here to JoS and they listened, read, studied, and went "Damn you guys do have something interesting here".
So don't dismiss jones as some random fuckhead creating tensions with conspiracy theories or more precisely conspiracy facts. Rather think of him as a nexus by which the will of the SNWO can manifest in people. And by and by, people of the World can understand the underlying corrosion. I agree it sucks he does certain things that shills for jews but he might not realize he is painting the dots and people are connecting it to the enemy. Or at least with CoVid-19 people are realizing shit is hitting the fan and things need to be done.