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Receiving Help From The Gods: An Introduction

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oftentimes people are always alarmed about "convincing" other people, in the sense that, we have to make people see this or that.

For a specific segment of the population or some of it's people, this can never happen, no more than one can teach a rock or a boulder. Many people, due to the creation of things as they are, cannot understand further. Some because they cannot, others because they don't want, and others because that's not their time to do so yet.

Specific souls are further away from what others may understand even at the first day at birth.

Regardless, many people also waste their time trying to "convince" or "change" others, but the reality is, one can only show a door and nothing guarantees anything past this.

Evoking logic or plain obvious Truth or common sense, can also fail, merely because of the notions of the human mind. Every condition that arises in the life of someone, can also affect decisions, and therefore one's predispositions to accept or reject some things.

To give a favorite non favorite example, let us focus on the categories of people whom the enemy is trying bag people in, in their respective psychological approach.

For example, if a person is vaccinated, they might deny all evidence that their decision might have been pointless, since many were seeking a hope or even a quick snakeoil fix to a problem. They will not sit to objectively verify if they were saved, but only after this hope might be proved false by reality that hits them on the head. Effectively for example, getting ill.

On the opposing side, people who might have not vaccinated, are seeking excuses commonly like they do in every other interval, such as that this is the end of the world, or that everything is going to "burn" because of this. They will not objectively sit down to verify if this is only fear talking, in contrast to science or what is really going on.

Between all these categories and despite of choices there will be people who will have the ability to think things through, even also while taking a couple steps back from their personal choices. This is where you sit and you evaluate.

Over the years I have also seen that despite of what one says or anything, one can only help people up to an extent. It doesn't matter how much you "want" to help.

Commonly I am asked in regards to "why don't the Gods help with this", or "why don't the Gods help with that".

For some strange reason I never understood, most people also feel on a default that they deserve this help fully, and that everything is justified in receiving any and all help they inquire. I won't comment here on the Christian undertones of this line of thought. It should become apparent to a Satanist past a point.

Let's not go very far here, just observe, have you tried to help other people or give them sound advice, only to see them 98 out of 100 times merely deny this advice and input, and continue on with self destruction or anything of the sort?

If you have, this answers at least half of your question. Only, that is a very basic level of failure in itself, which brings us to the next question.

If you have dragged people into something wanting to help them, how has this reflected into people and how many times did that fully work? This answers the question up to 80%.

A mind as confined as this, how can they really receive "Help"? And if "Help" is received how this other person assumes they need to be "helped", will this cause anything fundamentally change in anyway? No. We are approaching 90%.

Now, if this whole thing in Spiritual Satanism is about becoming a God versus becoming a passive person that perpetually and to no end is a consumer and taker, how would giving any "Help" change anything? Here we are on the 100% of the answer to this question.

And here is the great divide where some people might want to cross paths between Christianity [or jewish hoaxes] and Spiritual Satanism.

In Christianity, you will be given a convenient lie that doesn't exist in factual reality, such as that you will be "saved" and "helped" in perpetuity, underlying here, that you will do NOTHING in order to be saved, except of begging to be saved and thinking that you are "worth it" to be saved.

This lie might even be reinforced by self belief, but you will eternally remain an ignorant slave. This suffering will keep increasing, until it's final and when one is totally turned into a slave.

In Spiritual Satanism you will be given the facts, and how things work. The more one is conditioned in the above false example, the less they will understand, and the more they will suffer. But this suffering is only due to unrealistic expectation, gradually, this lessens over time until one becomes a free soul again, away from the confines of slavery.

In Spiritual Satanism, you don't beg to be saved. You ask for help. After this help is requested, you are expected to swim in the sea. Satanism is not for dead fish and dead horses.

Now, on the situation of "direct help". If people who are mortally here and living here, have poor power to change others due to their own self neglect, then what can be said about incorporeal entities like the Gods?

If the Gods, who are non-corporeally present here, wanted to influence these people, most of which live without a so called "soul", how much can they affect them? For how long? What is the energy investment into this? Will it hold on it's own after this investment? If anything, is it worth all this attention? Should it be done for all or to a few? Can anything with such extensively false conditioned mind be helped in anyway in the end of the day?

The answers to the above one can ponder in.

All of the things people know or think they understood about "Christianity" are false. We are talking, about everything in it. All the mind requires a full rewiring process which is equal to the path from going from ignorance to Truth, and from weakness going into power.

You must forget what you have learned all your life in order to properly advance into Spiritual Satanism.

To receive real and fundamental help from the Gods, the biggest part has already been received in the JoS. After this, further application furthers how much help one can receive. Direct help is also capable of being received, but often times it involves personal action.

Yes, you can't sit all day and expect things will get better in life. Effort has to be made to make this happen, change one's course, and conquer a lot of things. If one is not alright with this, consequences will keep stacking and they will be paid at some point, probably with a bill too high. Metaphorically speaking, if you are ok with your "payments", you will start accumulating wisdom, experiences and understanding, and you will have plenty.

The first and primary frontier that the Gods offer help from, is wisdom and understanding. The second is taking sound advice and learning, and the third is from "luck" or "causality", yet the third is actually the weakest of all types of help.

To make this more plain, I have been told by Demons repeatedly that they are summoned, then people do literally nothing at all, and while the Demons keep "Pushing" to provide their solutions, people just sit there doing absolutely nothing, expecting that anything would change.

Eventually, Demons give up until a later time where a person has better understanding or living experience. Another major issue I have been told is present is that "the mind is closed", which also relates to the psychic faculties, but also to literally being closed to receiving their input.

In effect, many of you aren't asking them for help, but to literally pick your weight up and carry it to a "destination", and just throw your dead weight there, thinking this solved anything. Demons however are rarely interested in doing this, as this defeats most of the purpose of growing you into a self reliant entity. They can still provide this kind of help, but that is not a proper type of help.

In regards to outsiders, Demons have also frequently related to me about asking, that they have "no clue" what is going on and that they "can never be taken seriously". This post however may illustrate and give clues, as many, even Pagans and others might be confused considerably on the subject.

Satan and the Gods also advise serious meditation. Why? Because if you are negatively preconditioned, nothing can save you but only you can save yourself.

Likewise, if you are properly preconditioned and positively attuned, then fewer and fewer things can cause to you unsolvable problems.

The Gods have given the largest part of their help in providing humanity through people that got close to them, with knowledge on how one can get closer and advance in this whole thing, to struggle against life and improve at it through the philosophical path.

Only if this part was applied, most people would stop asking for "help". One would ask for learning instead, but would result in indeed seeing themselves on equal circumstances to rise on top of most of the problems we encounter. One would in this case not require help, but guidance or support. From learning then, one would go to teaching.

And then, for the problems that we cannot conquer, the Gods can help us by guidance, counsel, support, or in cases of "unsolvable matters", to help us make these solvable. In the end of the day, we remain the solution and the problem, and it's up to us to decide which way to go.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
you sound a lot like a demon hp cobra. i've been enlightened by some post. but this was pleasure to read.

i want real info only. and u give this

im helped tremendously.

i grow everyday. my life grows. thank u
This rings very true. I have long abandoned the concept that I could convince people of unconventional things, yet that is always my first reaction. But even if I do formulate non-aggressive arguments as to provoke a re-evaluation in my interlocutor's beliefs, online experience has showed me that they either ignore it, or refuse to acknowledge anything. The only good part -- and one which should suffice -- is knowing that I've offered a seed of information, the minimum of effort.

What's clear to me is that the Joy of Satan has grown over the years from efforts more akin to comment bombing than comment debates. So it's definitely a good idea to stop wasting energy in this regard.
Inflorescentia said:
What's clear to me is that the Joy of Satan has grown over the years from efforts more akin to comment bombing than comment debates. So it's definitely a good idea to stop wasting energy in this regard.

That's because this is not a subject people can debate much into, they have to study and see if they want to advance in this path. Due to the form of this, it cannot be imposed and it can only be followed by assessments and free will, but also inner longing.
"Lets say you want to do something for the Gods today. You can do a lot. Here is a little bit of what you
can do.
Use the Rune Algiz. Inhale white gold energy and mold it into a ball. Impregnate the ball with the
Akashic principle. Then after this, vibrate the Rune Algiz into this ball. 15 or 30 or 45 or 60 times.
Depending on how much time you have.
Programm this ball of protective energy to be under the direct influence of you and Father Satan. Then
you can programm the ball into something like: "This ball of protective energy from the rune Algiz helps
and protects the Satanist in the direst need according to Satan's Will and choice, NOW."
This is just an idea. You just helped somebody"

You write this years ago, ill do it everytime you do a post as a way to thank you and the gods

Thank you sir Hooded cobra
I have noticed I learn a lot from trying to teach but some stuff that I thought I knew a lot about I actually know very little about which is quite imbarresing that's why I don't try and help a lot here.

If I look back before I found the JoS I can see clearly that they helped me out a lot and guided me here and from that point on they left me. Not in a bad way. The rest is up to me...

What scared me the most was to see that I was not as close to them as I thought not so long ago.And I see now if you move away from Satan you become a easy target for the enemy ETs.
It was as if I got the answer to everything I've have up to this week, it was causing a headache, thank you HP
This is very clear and understood. The way you even made us answer most of the questions ourselves, makes me think about how high your IQ could be.
I got a question which maybe now the new question after this sermon. This is "how can I open my psychic faculties" cos I don't think the power meditations is going to do that. My reason for saying this is because after doing the PTAH meditations given by you, I noticed a big leap on a psychic level, I could tell things randomly without an initial knowledge of it. The funny thing is that I have been doing the pineal gland meditation for more than 180days on a stretch until I felt I had to stop cos I wasn't getting what I wanted. Then 4months later you posted PTAH meditation.

For me, I understood when I was new that we don't pray like xians do, we work it out, yet I always feel like and observe that when the same things are said in deeper light, it's new, fresh and better and for the fact that I'm not on the same level I was 5years ago when I sarted.
I think also this stems from an immature stage in life, as these kinds of expectations stem from a comfortable child-leveling ideal. Someone who is mature has responsibility, and creates, or destroys, knows at least how this life flows and how at least on an emotional level things are done. The mystical doesn't mean a bypass of the reality, but the control of it, and the control of it is after the experience of this reality.
Thank you for this sermon. I feel like I'm growing up every day, cleaning and void also help. Besides, we have many healing working here, there is so mamy ways to help yourself. I learned a lot from here and I want to learn even more. This is not a spiritual matter, but there have been many people in my life, who have asked me for help. Only one person listened to my advice and wanted to change for the better, others always ended up in this vicious circle, where I repeated the same advice, comforting them, no improvement on their part. They preferred to sit back and continue to complain rather than make a difference in their lives. As a person, I am really sensitive. I would like to help others as much as I can, but sometimes it's just get tiresome... Now I am only helping those people, who really listen and are ​actually helping themself. Made me think how much would everything change, if people would be open to the truth about father Satan and our Gods, and to see how much the kikes lying...but probably those, who are open to the truth will find a way here anyway.
I am grateful to the Gods for helping our people so much. It's beyond my words. Personally, I don't like to disturb them, they have a lot of their own work.
I love them so much, but it also made me realize that I should show them even more gratitude!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail all Gods!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I have noticed I learn a lot from trying to teach but some stuff that I thought I knew a lot about I actually know very little about which is quite imbarresing that's why I don't try and help a lot here.

If I look back before I found the JoS I can see clearly that they helped me out a lot and guided me here and from that point on they left me. Not in a bad way. The rest is up to me...

What scared me the most was to see that I was not as close to them as I thought not so long ago.And I see now if you move away from Satan you become a easy target for the enemy ETs.

Lol I mean trying to teach and then corrected by members here is the way I learn but it's embarrassing
NakedPluto said:
I think also this stems from an immature stage in life, as these kinds of expectations stem from a comfortable child-leveling ideal. Someone who is mature has responsibility, and creates, or destroys, knows at least how this life flows and how at least on an emotional level things are done. The mystical doesn't mean a bypass of the reality, but the control of it, and the control of it is after the experience of this reality.

Trust me, some don't know and some who did could have forgotten maybe because they still live among xians and try to pretend due to their own reasons. Yet they know this was the basics.
When they say some minds are closed off, do they mean chakras or simply being open to the input?
Thank you so much HP Cobra.
I have realized a lot after reading this sermon.
I have an issue where sometimes i find it hard to act on issues with the knowledge i have gained.
Something I'm working on. I have gained much knowledge since i became a Satanist. I need to use the knowledge more often in my daily life.
balo666 said:
"Lets say you want to do something for the Gods today. You can do a lot. Here is a little bit of what you
can do.
Use the Rune Algiz. Inhale white gold energy and mold it into a ball. Impregnate the ball with the
Akashic principle. Then after this, vibrate the Rune Algiz into this ball. 15 or 30 or 45 or 60 times.
Depending on how much time you have.
Programm this ball of protective energy to be under the direct influence of you and Father Satan. Then
you can programm the ball into something like: "This ball of protective energy from the rune Algiz helps
and protects the Satanist in the direst need according to Satan's Will and choice, NOW."
This is just an idea. You just helped somebody"

You write this years ago, ill do it everytime you do a post as a way to thank you and the gods

Thank you sir Hooded cobra
Good job! This is team effort after all. We must pull together.

siatris666 said:
you sound a lot like a demon hp cobra. i've been enlightened by some post. but this was pleasure to read.
This is because oftentimes he is inspired by Them.
You know, I’ve been wondering about this myself recently.

I’ve seen the Gods help in ways but then I hear of other Mages receiving assistance on a whole nother level.

I understand the why behind this.

But I wonder, can a Satanist really just summon a demon and ask for assistance and receive or do they first have to build some type of relationship with the Demon/do things for them first and then maybe they’ll receive the help?

How does that part work? Do the Gods help any random legit SS or does a relationship have to be built first like I was saying
I can only think of a very old saying about this sermon, which is also very popular among Hungarians:
"He that soweth reapeth as he soweth."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I felt like Satan used you as a channel in order to give me that message because my psychic power are closed, and me doing poor performance.
balo666 said:
"Lets say you want to do something for the Gods today. You can do a lot. Here is a little bit of what you
can do.
Use the Rune Algiz. Inhale white gold energy and mold it into a ball. Impregnate the ball with the
Akashic principle. Then after this, vibrate the Rune Algiz into this ball. 15 or 30 or 45 or 60 times.
Depending on how much time you have.
Programm this ball of protective energy to be under the direct influence of you and Father Satan. Then
you can programm the ball into something like: "This ball of protective energy from the rune Algiz helps
and protects the Satanist in the direst need according to Satan's Will and choice, NOW."
This is just an idea. You just helped somebody"

You write this years ago, ill do it everytime you do a post as a way to thank you and the gods

Thank you sir Hooded cobra

Thank you for sharing this. I will do it frequently for my brothers and sisters here.

And what a great sermon High Priest. Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have struggled some time with getting things done inn my daytime.
I would set alarms, make at least a sort of schedule but still Id have the hardest time even doing anything.
Alarms I just turned off and I kept doing whatever I was doing.

I still don't fully understand how or why.. It seemed to be so easy as a teen to just be able to change what I was doing quickly..

If you could perhaps give a couple pointers, thatd actually be helpful. I know it is an issue with me to begin with..
Manofsatan said:
This is very clear and understood. The way you even made us answer most of the questions ourselves, makes me think about how high your IQ could be.
I got a question which maybe now the new question after this sermon. This is "how can I open my psychic faculties" cos I don't think the power meditations is going to do that. My reason for saying this is because after doing the PTAH meditations given by you, I noticed a big leap on a psychic level, I could tell things randomly without an initial knowledge of it. The funny thing is that I have been doing the pineal gland meditation for more than 180days on a stretch until I felt I had to stop cos I wasn't getting what I wanted. Then 4months later you posted PTAH meditation.

For me, I understood when I was new that we don't pray like xians do, we work it out, yet I always feel like and observe that when the same things are said in deeper light, it's new, fresh and better and for the fact that I'm not on the same level I was 5years ago when I sarted.

Hey I'm so sorry for the bother, can you please link the PTAH meditation you're speaking of?
The enemy is only part of this equation. The other part of the equation and problem is humans in general force slavery on themselves as well I know mosly unknowing but if it were not for that most people would immediately wake up and tend to go towards the truth. The enemy literally has us forcing damnnation on ourselves and the world. You can call people Dumb but in some cases this is not true at all. Not everyone who is a slave or an npc is Dumb. There is a lot of power behind these curses and energies. In many cases the only thing you can do is give it time. Situations can change as in whoever is causing them a lot of this problem can be gone from their life on its own or the enemy curses can become weaker.

Then when it's over and they fully wake up remind them they are not a bad person for not listening because they couldn't listen. Remind them the goal is to move forward and always try to be better be a better person empower yourself and the world around you.

Yes it certainly is true there are some truly bad people who never should have existed to begin with who are gentiles. However this is a lot less than anyone would think looking at the world right now. Most people do not deserve to die (although some do and they will in the end) They deserve a chance to become great that is what Satan desires I believe.
Darksage666 said:
You know, I’ve been wondering about this myself recently.

I’ve seen the Gods help in ways but then I hear of other Mages receiving assistance on a whole nother level.

I understand the why behind this.

But I wonder, can a Satanist really just summon a demon and ask for assistance and receive or do they first have to build some type of relationship with the Demon/do things for them first and then maybe they’ll receive the help?

How does that part work? Do the Gods help any random legit SS or does a relationship have to be built first like I was saying

These are general applications of personal will. When one is sufficiently advanced, many things that look miraculous to many, will be frequent for some people. A lot of this revolves around personal power and will.

Also, many people write exaggerations, and I have read many over the years, in particular because the "LHP" is just a big claims.

Regardless, having seen "Insane" and unbelievable things from the Demons, I will explain how these can occur and under what circumstances. Yet, as I have explained, that is not the ultimate gift from a Demon. The ultimate gift is the understanding to do these on one's own without reliance on external entities.

Unknowing events such as doing a ritual or working from a transit where one is not aware [these can happen once is a lifetime for example] can facilitate extraordinary results.

I will answer in-depth on this subject and why this happens.
I sometimes get overwhelmed with rather solvable and petty problems which at the time seem larger than they are. I ask the Gods for help in these matters out of a lack of self esteem. Later on I realize I was just working myself up.

Nevertheless, they ALWAYS guide me.

So fortunate.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To make this more plain, I have been told by Demons repeatedly that they are summoned, then people do literally nothing at all, and while the Demons keep "Pushing" to provide their solutions, people just sit there doing absolutely nothing, expecting that anything would change.

Eventually, Demons give up until a later time where a person has better understanding or living experience. Another major issue I have been told is present is that "the mind is closed", which also relates to the psychic faculties, but also to literally being closed to receiving their input.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP Cobra, I don't know why, but I have never tried to summon any Demon. I am always like, "what am I even gonna do by summoning a Demon? They are probably busy, better to not disturb them". I don' think I have any real cause to summon a God. I mean the tool to help myself are already provided in the JoS and are very effective for me.

Even though I have never summoned, I just know that I've been helped/supported/guided numerous times by Satan, my Guardian Daemon and maybe other Daemons as well.

But is it bad that I have never tried summoning a Daemon? Cuz I read something like this or something similar on the forums long ago, "If you don't try to contact the Gods, you might be a jew", Is this true? To me it seems misinformation posted by an infiltrator. But could it be true, because a jew would obviously never summon a Daemon?
This sometimes makes me want to summon, but then I just feel this is not a game and I don't see or feel the necessity to summon a Daemon just to say hi or feel good about it, that would simply be a waste of time for me and the respected Daemon.
Am I okay? or is there something wrong with because I did not summon a Daemon?
I'm a little confused or anxious regarding this.
I always asked myself why they helped me, I was a guy who only drank and partied every weekend, if I got to this path it was because of the great General Satanachia and King Asmodeus, there was a Spanish speaking page that stole all the demonology section of Joy Of Satan, that's how I did my first invocation however I made that mistake of only asking for help and many times I gave nothing in return, even so they always helped me since they were in every failed love relationship, in every depression, this is hard to describe but it was something like that: "I felt my body electrified and paralyzed while a light surrounded my body, then I felt a deep comfort in my heart, I only heard electricity among other sounds, but inside me I knew it was what I had to do to face my problems, the incredible thing was that they came on occasions that I had not invoked them."

Today I am on a great path, and my life is every time aligning towards my goals, all thanks to them guiding me to you and your meditations section :,), it costs me a lot to express emotions like love but in truth I am grateful to father satan and them, the least I can do as thanks is to be in the spiritual wars, and spam daily to more spanish speakers.....

Thank you ministries of joy of satan :,) for everything.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I sometimes get overwhelmed with rather solvable and petty problems which at the time seem larger than they are. I ask the Gods for help in these matters out of a lack of self esteem. Later on I realize I was just working myself up.

Nevertheless, they ALWAYS guide me.

So fortunate.


Im on that same boat. And deep down, it's a matter of feeling confident in yourself because they would want you to be a god like them, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let themselves be caught up in petty and small things, so it inspires one to have optimism, self esteem and the ability to conquer in life and be a champion of it.
Immense as always HPHC

This is one to be saved and also to be read by a a novice and perhaps someone a bit lost on their path.

Thanks bro.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm meditating and praying to get out of this situation I'm in right now these are the only things I can do I don't know what else I can do and not more than 3 years I read this sermon and I wondered what more I could do I couldn't find anything I guess I'm in this category of people too I will do my best to thank you for this sermon high priest you made me realize some things
(Sorry if there are any spelling or translation mistakes.)
Excellent sermon, and much needed by a lot of people here.

I'm so glad I was raised by agnostic parents and didn't have the xian "save me" mindset. When I first found the JoS, I didn't bother joining the groups to ask questions, I just read and learned it all on my own. Of course I have learned even more from being here (groups then forums), but I always had the mindset to learn things and think them over. Come to think of it, my parents taught me that too, they would encourage me to figure things out myself and if I still didn't get it after a period of time, then they would help me.

Just yesterday I tuned in and asked to be guided to whatever I needed to know, whatever the Gods thought I should learn to further my growth and advancement. I was on my computer, and "randomly" looked into a sub-file of pdf books, and found one. And it is definitely something I need to learn :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The only thing i would ask to get from our Gods is advanced weaponry to destroy the Jewish Empire, once and for all!
siatris666 said:
you sound a lot like a demon hp cobra. i've been enlightened by some post. but this was pleasure to read.

i want real info only. and u give this

im helped tremendously.

i grow everyday. my life grows. thank u

Aynı İslamiyet gibi 😔
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for this post. Actually, I may have misunderstood, I may not, but anyway... What I'm trying to say is that I feel like a small part of this post is for me. I don't know how I inferred that, but that's what I felt.

Maybe I'll stop writing posts then, I would have posted a few more a while ago but I didn't. I think I'll delete my current posts that are up then. I'll help my peers as much as I can, but then I won't write what I think will be voluminous posts from now on.

It was actually an informative post, and I don't think any part of it was against me, but I still have a feeling about it.

Thank you, Mr. High Priest!
Another great post! I just want to know how everyone is doing. How is your day going?
Kevin Hernandez said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I sometimes get overwhelmed with rather solvable and petty problems which at the time seem larger than they are. I ask the Gods for help in these matters out of a lack of self esteem. Later on I realize I was just working myself up.

Nevertheless, they ALWAYS guide me.

So fortunate.


Im on that same boat. And deep down, it's a matter of feeling confident in yourself because they would want you to be a god like them, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let themselves be caught up in petty and small things, so it inspires one to have optimism, self esteem and the ability to conquer in life and be a champion of it.

Exactly, which is why working on the Soul is so important. Whenever I finish a great meditation I feel unconquerable, it's only when I enter mundane life that I can get stressed. This is an issue with my lower chakras and given that, I have been seriously focusing on my Sacral this past month and a bit.
BrightSpace666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for this post. Actually, I may have misunderstood, I may not, but anyway... What I'm trying to say is that I feel like a small part of this post is for me. I don't know how I inferred that, but that's what I felt.

Maybe I'll stop writing posts then, I would have posted a few more a while ago but I didn't. I think I'll delete my current posts that are up then. I'll help my peers as much as I can, but then I won't write what I think will be voluminous posts from now on.

It was actually an informative post, and I don't think any part of it was against me, but I still have a feeling about it.

Thank you, Mr. High Priest!

I have not read a specific post. Regardless, that is not about stopping anyone from posting and/or anything. You can post whatever you want in regards to your experiences, or what you need to express. What was "wrong" about your post?

This is only necessary clarity so that certain confusing subjects are not confusing things. If these subjects aren't clarified, confusion ensues and then mistakes, and then other issues.

Edit: Yes, after reading some of your posts, I think you are worrying over nothing. Keep at it, wanting to help and helping is how one advances.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I sometimes get overwhelmed with rather solvable and petty problems which at the time seem larger than they are. I ask the Gods for help in these matters out of a lack of self esteem. Later on I realize I was just working myself up.

Nevertheless, they ALWAYS guide me.

So fortunate.


Im on that same boat. And deep down, it's a matter of feeling confident in yourself because they would want you to be a god like them, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let themselves be caught up in petty and small things, so it inspires one to have optimism, self esteem and the ability to conquer in life and be a champion of it.

Exactly, which is why working on the Soul is so important. Whenever I finish a great meditation I feel unconquerable, it's only when I enter mundane life that I can get stressed. This is an issue with my lower chakras and given that, I have been seriously focusing on my Sacral this past month and a bit.

Even then, mundane life in a way, can show you how much progress you can and/or have made sometimes. And with time and progression, you won't feel as stressed anymore. Its just a matter of wisdom and optimism.
Baroness Blossom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm meditating and praying to get out of this situation I'm in right now these are the only things I can do I don't know what else I can do and not more than 3 years I read this sermon and I wondered what more I could do I couldn't find anything I guess I'm in this category of people too I will do my best to thank you for this sermon high priest you made me realize some things
(Sorry if there are any spelling or translation mistakes.)

Some situations might require new knowledge to get out of, so you might need to study. It all depends on what issue you are facing.
Kevin Hernandez said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
Im on that same boat. And deep down, it's a matter of feeling confident in yourself because they would want you to be a god like them, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let themselves be caught up in petty and small things, so it inspires one to have optimism, self esteem and the ability to conquer in life and be a champion of it.

Exactly, which is why working on the Soul is so important. Whenever I finish a great meditation I feel unconquerable, it's only when I enter mundane life that I can get stressed. This is an issue with my lower chakras and given that, I have been seriously focusing on my Sacral this past month and a bit.

Even then, mundane life in a way, can show you how much progress you can and/or have made sometimes. And with time and progression, you won't feel as stressed anymore. Its just a matter of wisdom and optimism.

Very wise input here. That is also where everyone is aiming at here. That's what happens after a point.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
