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Question #941: Doubts about handling of the donations topic


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have never donated, but I'm going to do it really soon. I've already sent out the money, now I'm just waiting for bureaucracy to work and get my Bitcoins.
I decided to donate because I truly believe in our cause and I can see how the money is needed, it's only right that we can donate to JoS, and it's honorable to do so.
My pet peeve is how we're motivated to do it. Lately, I've seen HPHC speaking in a pretty guilt-tripping way, in my honest opinion.
For people who have already donated this won't be a problem, but for me, who never donated but was literally minutes away from starting the process to donate for the first time, reading stuff like "Thanks for ACTING", referred to people who never donated yet, almost made me change my mind about it.
I felt horrible reading that, because it was very guilt-tripping, and again, I was just about to donate, so technically I had nothing to feel guilty of.
I still decided to donate anyway, for the reasons I've stated before, I just wish HPHC handled the thing differently.
Also, and what I'm about to say might be very upsetting, it's hard to not see a bad pattern with the new Tier Rewards stuff, because that sounds scarily like how Scientology operates.
But again, I know it's only fair that the people who have donated receive some sort of compensation for their help and effort. Twitch streamers and all sort of businesses act like that, and I don't get upset about it, why would I be upset when JoS does the same? I guess it is because I am still far behind on my SS, and I struggle to see the value, and I am scared and insecure about everything, but I want to fix that, really now. I started hitting the gym after a life of lazyness and I want to reach "mens sana corpore sano".
I guess my questions are: isn't the guilt-trip avoidable? Do you think I'm over-reacting? Wouldn't it be better, and work better, if we extensively told people why to donate instead of how useless they are if they never did yet? Maybe someone has trusting issues.
It pains me to question someone like HPHC's words, but I think that as Spiritual Satanists we should always be doubtful and question everything instead of following anything like sheeps. If we'd do that, we'd be no better than the xtians. Also, it is doubting and questioning that got many of us here in the first place.
AskSatanOperator said:

The compassionate and patient strategy had already been employed, and continues to be employed in the form of free knowledge and support. Unfortunately, this has led to an insufficient amount of donations to fund future projects, such as advertisement campaigns, or the ever-growing requirements of the JoS websites.

Most people already grasp the reasons why we need to donate. Combine this with the fact of people taking from JoS and not giving back, and this is why it becomes appropriate to remind everyone that the financial position of JoS is not optional to our success. That is why different strategies have to be employed, even if they appear as distressing.

The source of the stress is not HPHC himself, but the future of JoS if it does not get what it needs. Taking your analogy of a twitch streamer, they would also become stressed if their future was at stake, especially if they had been streaming freely for 10 years.

All relationships work on a mutual basis, not just those of Scientology. You receive based on what you invest. In this case, HPHC is not asking you to bankrupt yourself, nor is he giving out fraudulent rewards, like Scientology. There is a big difference here.

Don't feel bad about asking honest questions, although be mindful that trolls abuse and ruin the act of questioning for everyone.
You need to stop with the 'guilt this' and 'scared that', guilt and fear are not part of Satanism, this is all a result of the complexes you have. HP Cobra cannot phrase things in a way to suit every sensitive person. The $cieno comparison is crazy, do you know what $cienos do to people who don't donate? Look up the jew Danny Masterson for example.

You also have to recognize that HP Cobra has spent endless resources, time and care on people who are often extremely ungrateful, turned out to be lunatics, terminally lazy and traitors (this includes basically a third of the former priesthood), or just ended up going off the deep end due to being the child to some insane forum user's Pied Piper. I have seen so much shit like this over the years, behavior that even put me off when exhibited by self proclaimed 'advanced' members, I can't fathom how he even even dealt with all of it.

What the post was saying is, that era is over. No more sitting around just doing nothing, preaching about how 'the world is evil', playing with oneself while spending 30,000 hours on EVE online and talking about how one saw Sorath in an African jazz choir, one has to start creating the world the Gods wish for on Earth.
Any action that is helpful is absolutely necessary, and everybody needs to do something. Not everybody has to donate, and many people can't donate because they have very little money and are barely surviving.

But there are many other actions that could be done. Like working to educate people, sharing information, and answering people's questions. Completing translation projects. Doing the RTRs and rituals for the gods. Or anything that improves this world, solves problems, and makes everyone's life better. Contribute any way that you are able to help our people and help our world.

All of these actions are necessary, and it is necessary for there to be people doing all of these actions. Each of us will do the tasks that we are individually better or more capable at doing. Like I can't do Russian translations because I don't speak Russian, but I try to help a lot by answering people because that is what I'm better at, and doing the rituals.

We all have to act and participate in helping in whatever way we can.
I deeply agree with Ol argedco luciftias's response. If you don't have the money to donate, you can still contribute in different ways.

I am the kind of person who is not very comfortable in answering people's questions (unless I really feel the need to) and I know that there are other things I need to attend to, so I can't spend a lot of time on the forums.
However, when I read people saying how glad they are that this community here exists, and when I realize how much I have also been helped by everyone here, and how our community really helps me in not feeling alone when everyone around me is an NPC, is something that I am grateful for beyond words. I still can't spend too much time in the forums, so I still can't contribute all that much in answering others' questions, but I do my best to contribute in some way, so donating is one way of doing it (as well as doing the rituals).

I find this post invaluable: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=83449

Do not feel guilty for not donating if you are unable to, or for HP HoodedCobra asking for people to do this. Our High Priest is not an xtian pope, and he also understands that not all people are able to do so. Other forms of contribution to JoS are also appreciated and the Gods and Goddesses see these things.

As a final note, if you ever have doubts or suspicions about HP HoodedCobra asking for donations (and I am not saying this just to you, but to everyone else who may read this answer), think of this:
- First of all, remember of all the reasons why this money is needed. All the different websites (both URLs and the storage that they need) are all dependent on money (you need to buy the URLs, as well as the storage space).
- Then, think of all the potential reasons that money is needed (advertising the JoS would be of MASSIVE importance, but in order to do that, and with the kind of (((censoring))) that exists, money is needed to achieve that). Then, there are future projects we are not familiar with and worked at in secret, which also require a monetary support.
- If you ever doubt the credibility of High Priest HoodedCobra, just take a look at all that he has done and all the support he's giving us even without High Priestess Maxine around. He has taken all of this on his shoulders, and is doing his best to evolve this and make it even better. He is giving us initiatives to become better and help our community, and not trying to guilt-trip us so that he can take our money.
- Remember that our dear High Priest is under the protection and guidance of our Gods and Goddesses. One way to blatantly see that is through the Power Rituals that he's been posting for our Gods and Goddesses. The energies of those rituals are just incredible and real. I am indefinitely grateful to him and to our Gods and Goddesses for their guidance, their love and their protection.

I hope everyone's responses here put your mind at ease. I understand that it can make someone feel a bit uncomfortable if they are unable to donate, but there are many ways that someone can contribute. Furthermore, unless someone is in a really dire need of financial help (and thank the Gods and Goddesses we have many rituals and ways to overcome this :) ), even just donating 10 or 20 dollars/euros/whatever your currency a month, combined to the numbers we have here, this is a very important help.
AskSatanOperator said:
... I guess it is because I am still far behind on my SS, and I struggle to see the value, and I am scared and insecure about everything, but I want to fix that, really now. I started hitting the gym after a life of lazyness and I want to reach "mens sana corpore sano".
I guess my questions are: isn't the guilt-trip avoidable? Do you think I'm over-reacting? Wouldn't it be better, and work better, if we extensively told people why to donate instead of how useless they are if they never did yet? Maybe someone has trusting issues.
It pains me to question someone like HPHC's words, but I think that as Spiritual Satanists we should always be doubtful and question everything instead of following anything like sheeps. If we'd do that, we'd be no better than the xtians. Also, it is doubting and questioning that got many of us here in the first place.

First of I want to say thank you for overcoming these fears and the feeling of irrational and reactive "guilt" which are essentially pointless and a product of not having a very firm Satanic mentality yet.

Essentially that is you being a sheep to your own "doubts" and self guilt tripping, however that is kind of explained psychologically over what you explained in regards to your overall mentality.

If certain people cannot handle that we have to grow and improve ourselves, and actually survive in a brutal world, and that cutting wood is part of building the village, and that if we don't then we will die off and perish, and you consider this "guilt tripping" except of reality, there is not much I can do for you.

If someone tells you "go to the gym or you will be sick" and you consider this guilt tripping, then you are actually on a lesser level of understanding.

Do you understand that the fact you will be fat and have issues with your health and someone telling you that is not part of guilt tripping but based on the observation of reality?

What you feel is a reaction to your own insecurity around the fact, more than the fact that you have been told.

If anyone has problems please leave the process to the real men and women who want to do this but please don't cast pointless doubts on me for doing what is necessary for us to evolve.

At the evolving aspect of things, we need everything and every form of power, or we won't advance and evolve. I won't allow the temple of the Gods to fall because of the "guilt" and other uncontrollable emotions of anyone.

Yes you are over-reacting because of poor understanding. I am here doing the walk everyday, and doing endless work.

The only type of guilt I have personally is for not always doing more for the Gods and our people, that is all. I would never feel guilt tripped over the fact that I had to do the absolute minimal of any form of contribution to keep the place I love the most alive.
Karnonnos said:
You also have to recognize that HP Cobra has spent endless resources, time and care on people who are often extremely ungrateful, turned out to be lunatics, terminally lazy and traitors (this includes basically a third of the former priesthood), or just ended up going off the deep end due to being the child to some insane forum user's Pied Piper. I have seen so much shit like this over the years, behavior that even put me off when exhibited by self proclaimed 'advanced' members, I can't fathom how he even even dealt with all of it.

I withstood this all and way more because of love for the Gods and the community and just staying focused on what we can objectively become.

I have actually seen the worst but I can only contrast it now that we have the better.

Basically all elder members will understand why I do what I do, especially those from circa 2000 or 2004 who can comprehend where we were, and where we are now, and where we will be in the future.

Finally yes, I have spent more resources than anyone else, spiritual or material, to attain these ends for the benefits of the Gods and the people that want to follow them.

For all that I can say you understand me really well, and thank you for this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
... I guess it is because I am still far behind on my SS, and I struggle to see the value, and I am scared and insecure about everything, but I want to fix that, really now. I started hitting the gym after a life of lazyness and I want to reach "mens sana corpore sano".
I guess my questions are: isn't the guilt-trip avoidable? Do you think I'm over-reacting? Wouldn't it be better, and work better, if we extensively told people why to donate instead of how useless they are if they never did yet? Maybe someone has trusting issues.
It pains me to question someone like HPHC's words, but I think that as Spiritual Satanists we should always be doubtful and question everything instead of following anything like sheeps. If we'd do that, we'd be no better than the xtians. Also, it is doubting and questioning that got many of us here in the first place.

First of I want to say thank you for overcoming these fears and the feeling of irrational and reactive "guilt" which are essentially pointless and a product of not having a very firm Satanic mentality yet.

Essentially that is you being a sheep to your own "doubts" and self guilt tripping, however that is kind of explained psychologically over what you explained in regards to your overall mentality.

If certain people cannot handle that we have to grow and improve ourselves, and actually survive in a brutal world, and that cutting wood is part of building the village, and that if we don't then we will die off and perish, and you consider this "guilt tripping" except of reality, there is not much I can do for you.

If someone tells you "go to the gym or you will be sick" and you consider this guilt tripping, then you are actually on a lesser level of understanding.

Do you understand that the fact you will be fat and have issues with your health and someone telling you that is not part of guilt tripping but based on the observation of reality?

What you feel is a reaction to your own insecurity around the fact, more than the fact that you have been told.

If anyone has problems please leave the process to the real men and women who want to do this but please don't cast pointless doubts on me for doing what is necessary for us to evolve.

At the evolving aspect of things, we need everything and every form of power, or we won't advance and evolve. I won't allow the temple of the Gods to fall because of the "guilt" and other uncontrollable emotions of anyone.

Yes you are over-reacting because of poor understanding. I am here doing the walk everyday, and doing endless work.

The only type of guilt I have personally is for not always doing more for the Gods and our people, that is all. I would never feel guilt tripped over the fact that I had to do the absolute minimal of any form of contribution to keep the place I love the most alive.
Mmm... the thing is this donation urgency stuff came very recently while most of the JoS existence barely talked about donations.
Of course I am not insulting you and I know that probably you hit some roadblocks and it was neccessary to change your policy the thing is this change came too sudently and it was kinda expected to have these type of reactions, even I was something like ''what the hell'' because from all the years I been on the forum I barely seen you talked about donations.
I wonder if you started announcing the donation policy much earlier while putting in application in the same period as now the reaction would had been more accepting and different?
Even so, I am glad that JoS is moving forward.
While your reaction is to be understood given the fact that maybe it came too suddenly you must understand that JoS like every site it needs money to run.
Also don't forget that we are the very anti thesis of the current jewish world order, from mentality, doctrine and spirituality, everything that we represent is in conflict with the world that exist right now and being like the only group from the world that knows the full and naked truth about them it's only normal for them wanting to nuke us and for HP swinging his fingers across the keyboard like a madman in order to keep this forum alive and to spread it, and of course... these also require money.

Also do remember how much spiritual knowledge exist here for free where many people pay entire treasure for only 1% of what you find here, those who donate will receive more HP sermons and help but those thing that you receive can be very well achieved by one self with the entire forum here for you to evolve.

And even if you dont have money to donate then HP will surely understand and won't discriminate you if you're in such a dire need, you can always help the JoS in many more different ways, donating is not the only one.

Hope it helped you.
Weassel said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
... I guess it is because I am still far behind on my SS, and I struggle to see the value, and I am scared and insecure about everything, but I want to fix that, really now. I started hitting the gym after a life of lazyness and I want to reach "mens sana corpore sano".
I guess my questions are: isn't the guilt-trip avoidable? Do you think I'm over-reacting? Wouldn't it be better, and work better, if we extensively told people why to donate instead of how useless they are if they never did yet? Maybe someone has trusting issues.
It pains me to question someone like HPHC's words, but I think that as Spiritual Satanists we should always be doubtful and question everything instead of following anything like sheeps. If we'd do that, we'd be no better than the xtians. Also, it is doubting and questioning that got many of us here in the first place.

First of I want to say thank you for overcoming these fears and the feeling of irrational and reactive "guilt" which are essentially pointless and a product of not having a very firm Satanic mentality yet.

Essentially that is you being a sheep to your own "doubts" and self guilt tripping, however that is kind of explained psychologically over what you explained in regards to your overall mentality.

If certain people cannot handle that we have to grow and improve ourselves, and actually survive in a brutal world, and that cutting wood is part of building the village, and that if we don't then we will die off and perish, and you consider this "guilt tripping" except of reality, there is not much I can do for you.

If someone tells you "go to the gym or you will be sick" and you consider this guilt tripping, then you are actually on a lesser level of understanding.

Do you understand that the fact you will be fat and have issues with your health and someone telling you that is not part of guilt tripping but based on the observation of reality?

What you feel is a reaction to your own insecurity around the fact, more than the fact that you have been told.

If anyone has problems please leave the process to the real men and women who want to do this but please don't cast pointless doubts on me for doing what is necessary for us to evolve.

At the evolving aspect of things, we need everything and every form of power, or we won't advance and evolve. I won't allow the temple of the Gods to fall because of the "guilt" and other uncontrollable emotions of anyone.

Yes you are over-reacting because of poor understanding. I am here doing the walk everyday, and doing endless work.

The only type of guilt I have personally is for not always doing more for the Gods and our people, that is all. I would never feel guilt tripped over the fact that I had to do the absolute minimal of any form of contribution to keep the place I love the most alive.
Mmm... the thing is this donation urgency stuff came very recently while most of the JoS existence barely talked about donations.
Of course I am not insulting you and I know that probably you hit some roadblocks and it was neccessary to change your policy the thing is this change came too sudently and it was kinda expected to have these type of reactions, even I was something like ''what the hell'' because from all the years I been on the forum I barely seen you talked about donations.
I wonder if you started announcing the donation policy much earlier while putting in application in the same period as now the reaction would had been more accepting and different?
Even so, I am glad that JoS is moving forward.
That's funny I remember when the urgency was final RTR spamming the rtrs. Also it was probably easier back then for members to donate because PayPal was used. Now with the Bitcoin alot of us are figuring out for first time how to do it, so it is a shift from what we were used to.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
