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Question #3955: Request Lydia to change her name

I don't think High Priestess Lydia used her real name, and even if she did, it wouldn't be a problem as there are many people with that name. And I'm sure the Gods will protect her if anything happens.
I think her name Is Beautiful!" And it is very fitting!
HPS Lydia is a very remarkable! Woman who knows" who she is.
And she is very Educated about along of thing's most of us, don't understand. And helps us" in many ways.
Thanks for your concern to the OP, but even if this were my real name, it's way too late by now.

For the record, the name "Lydia" came to me as a child. A relative bought me a comic book, and a character had the name Lydia. I had a full-blown spiritual experience, I was in a trance for hours, just amazed at what a unique (I had never heard of the name before) and beautiful name it was. I wrote it everywhere, kept saying it in my mind. I vowed to legally change my name to it as soon as I was legally old enough to do so (I didn't do that).

I forgot about the name until I found the JoS. As I was thinking of a username to join the yahoo groups, I remembered this name, and typed it in. Perhaps the trance was the Gods telling me to remember the name to use it when the time came....
I don't think High Priestess Lydia used her real name, and even if she did, it wouldn't be a problem as there are many people with that name. And I'm sure the Gods will protect her if anything happens.
I think Lydia may have a real name, because there are so many such names around the world, so if that's the case, it won't be a problem for Lydia.
Thanks for your concern to the OP, but even if this were my real name, it's way too late by now.

For the record, the name "Lydia" came to me as a child. A relative bought me a comic book, and a character had the name Lydia. I had a full-blown spiritual experience, I was in a trance for hours, just amazed at what a unique (I had never heard of the name before) and beautiful name it was. I wrote it everywhere, kept saying it in my mind. I vowed to legally change my name to it as soon as I was legally old enough to do so (I didn't do that).

I forgot about the name until I found the JoS. As I was thinking of a username to join the yahoo groups, I remembered this name, and typed it in. Perhaps the trance was the Gods telling me to remember the name to use it when the time came....
I read this answer before I posted mine.

Lydia, I think that in any case, actually (not legally) this is your second name, which is immortalized in the History and in the Universe among the Gods ;)
Listen, everyone. This is a fucking serious and extreme matter. Stop with the fucking "HAHA" reaction as in this is not fucking reptilian zuckerberg platform.

@AskSatanOperator. YOU and you're name who shares "Satan" in it. You're quite a guy, have you've sort your muslim friends problem before writing this message? I meant the one with the gift. Shut up up and stop asking stupid question as you seem to be quite suspect , I do not know who you are and how much you're loyal to the cause but you start to bring so much attention from both sides and I will advise you , friendly from another ss to another to stop beein a fool. Do you think Lyidia is that stupid to really literally expose her real name online? Guess what my ip addres is Go.Fuk.UrSELF.aI.mUSK.3.2.1..v0,ShutIP,F.G bro for real now, focus, is enough worse at it is.
Listen, everyone. This is a fucking serious and extreme matter. Stop with the fucking "HAHA" reaction as in this is not fucking reptilian zuckerberg platform.

@AskSatanOperator. YOU and you're name who shares "Satan" in it. You're quite a guy, have you've sort your muslim friends problem before writing this message? I meant the one with the gift. Shut up up and stop asking stupid question as you seem to be quite suspect , I do not know who you are and how much you're loyal to the cause but you start to bring so much attention from both sides and I will advise you , friendly from another ss to another to stop beein a fool. Do you think Lyidia is that stupid to really literally expose her real name online? Guess what my ip addres is Go.Fuk.UrSELF.aI.mUSK.3.2.1..v0,ShutIP,F.G bro for real now, focus, is enough worse at it is.

This is a anonymous SERVICE from the JoS. It's not one person asking these questions.
I complete misunderstood. So the member "AskSatanOperator" it's not an real human it's a program that post the anonymous questions of others who use the website [asksatan] .
I get it now, my bad but still tho, everyone should be careful with their privacy and I mean it.
I complete misunderstood. So the member "AskSatanOperator" it's not an real human it's a program that post the anonymous questions of others who use the website [asksatan] .
I get it now, my bad but still tho, everyone should be careful with their privacy and I mean it.
That user account is being operated by as you say, 'real humans', who manually process questions from one platform to another while also shifting a lot of useless and outright harmful posts. Of course, there is no artificial intelligence operating these user accounts or anything. I'm afraid that's outside of our current scope.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
