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Question #2718: Question about race, partner site ..etc


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
So I basically found the jos from a link referral and is the first server about satanism I came to fully read about along with blacks for satan (which I am not sure of that's reliable or not). Let me start by complementing the site for a valuable meditation system. Basically my questions are about race, I am not white btw nor an aryan of any race and I kinda feel offended a little when satan is personified as white and physical, it kinda gives me the feeling that the stereotypes could be true about what is being said about jos, but I rather think for myself and ask jos directly about this.

Part of my concern is the worship of anything and also a white race satan God head

Further more I am asking because I've run into a cult in the americas (a black cult) that fucked my head up sort of with their racial rethorics especially about dehumanizing the white race. They actually gave really great material also but unfortunately their view was disgusting to know about.
I am not sure how this system is centered but if I can get a way to communicate with dedicated members I would like to know more and even be good friends

I may not have to agree with everything that is presented but I must say I rather not jump to conclusions

I have other questions as well but the site is sort of complicated to use, I am a reddit discord I user and don't know much about organization forums

If you'd be willing to reach out just contact me on [email protected]
Also I don't know where to go to find answers for this question neither.
Yes the website Blacks for Satan is a Joy of Satan's official, we even have a sub-forum with the same name here:

If the forum seems confusing you can start with our main websites listed here:

Anyway you can create an account in the forums then use the search function for the matters you are confused about.

Also why would it matter to you that Satan is a White Man if you said you're not part of those anti-White cults? He is the God of Blacks and Whites alike, along with other Gentile races. Read:
Satan, the God of an African people: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=53223
Hey thanks for taking time to answer my questions.
Hail satan!! To my surprise i got my answers, it was only my ego centered around myself that had caused me so much of my problems.
I'm glad I understand what is going on now and
my question doesn't matter anymore and I apologize if I have caused offense with my question.

I probably wouldn't have seen it clearly from my former point of view when I asked if I wasn't using the meditations along with other things.

Thank you guys for all that you do
You're all life savers
The gods are not "personified" as people, they are people. They are living and existing physical people who many of them have lived on Earth in the past, but now they live in other locations. The only difference between us and them is they are perfected and we are not. We have been harmed and degraded for thousands of years. The large majority of the gods are white, all of the original gods are white. But there are also many black and asian gods who were humans here on Earth and became gods. All humans are able to become gods.

Whatever irrational idea that causes you to hate white people is your own problem, and it is your own job to get rid of this. This is not based on anything true or rational. I am assuming you will say because of slavery, but slavery was black people enslaving other black people and then selling them to jews, where they were bought and sold by more jews. This was not done by white people. But jews pretend to be white because many of them have skin that looks white, and most black people don't notice the difference. Then the guilty jews tell black people to hate the innocent white people. And if you blame white people for slavery, what do you say to the hundreds of millions of black people who are enslaved right now today in Africa by black owners?
Well I think you are jumping to conclusions a bit, i DON'T hate white people. It doesn't matter to me if the gods are white pink or purple I am interested in soul advancement and meditations.
I know there's a huge politics and distortion systematic placed, btw there's still slavery soo maybe it matter for others i don't know. It's all bullshit to me and just ugly stories of reality

I don't know where you found your ideas from that I hate whites

I love white people i don't know where you got your idea from! and as a collective race I view whites in a really positive way, or should I view the Chinese or the blacks or Africans in a positive was as a collective?? It's like mentioned there are strengths and weaknesses

But I like whites more dear because of democracy and not being a economic fuel or a disposable battery. That's what democracy offers freedom for everyone!! Satan can be as white as ever, I will thank satan. Freedom is freedom

Why on earth would you think I hate whites??

It's because of freedom and democracy, The constitution and all of that and i really don't have those views you mentioned, you think I am an ordinary black guy?? I have a different nationality than black and I Don't care about history class or who did what, the truth often is apparent in meditation

Any thing closely similar to any religion makes me nervous and all 3 of the most famous ones are filled with pedophiles ideology to rape children. I'm only asking questions here, I don't hate whites

I am here for the meditations and advancing my soul and the community helps me so I will help the community with cash, it's truly an honest deal and a real sign of honesty, the opposite of evil beliefs that rape children and adults too

I do Not hate white people
I am not your enemy
I don't hate anyone except Muslims and other pedophile religions
I apologize if there's some arrogance in my prior reply, I know I should conduct myself better or not tqke offense. Thanks for clearing it up I am glad to have found a place with like minds and I hope to learn alot here and the meditations work well for me

Thank you
It's ok i noticed there's a race thing going on on the black forum so it's common I guess here that race anger sometimes flares up. I just hate the word "worship" and it's just that, I am a happy spiritual athiest if that makes sense and had wondered and hoped that people here aren't on worship time because the meditations are just fantastic really

That was my concern, I guess I should have worded it better. Nevertheless the question is baseless like I have said because it became apparent to me during meditation that soul development is on personal level (without people) imo. And it's the reason i mentioned it doesn't matter, if we agree of disagree about what's on the surface as long as the meditations are there we can all reach the same point
Blueflame88 said:
It's ok i noticed there's a race thing going on on the black forum so it's common I guess here that race anger sometimes flares up. I just hate the word "worship" and it's just that, I am a happy spiritual athiest if that makes sense and had wondered and hoped that people here aren't on worship time because the meditations are just fantastic really

That was my concern, I guess I should have worded it better. Nevertheless the question is baseless like I have said because it became apparent to me during meditation that soul development is on personal level (without people) imo. And it's the reason i mentioned it doesn't matter, if we agree of disagree about what's on the surface as long as the meditations are there we can all reach the same point

Worship, especially with its Christian connotations, is not a great word for describing a relationship with the Gods. Their foremost position is a teacher, as they teach us how to advance. This is a fully mutual relationship and not one where you are enslaved to give praise or energy without any return.

However, sometimes people think the Gods do not help them just because they don't support ridiculous requests. usually, there is a misunderstanding between the grander and long-term plans of the Gods and what we have in mind.

So you shouldn't fear any sort of negative situation that could be associated with worship, although do make attempts to be loyal, hardworking, and receptive towards your best supporters, which are the Gods, as well as various humans here.


As for your other question on race, yes Satan is white and is a person, however there is nothing wrong with this. People forget that Satan explicitly created blacks. Why would he do this if he did not love them or had major plans for them? He specifically created the characteristics of the black race, which are more skilled in areas of earth and fire.

Unfortunately, the black race has fallen on hard times, compared to whites, but this is not anything that cannot be fixed.
And, this would not be helped by any questioning of Satan as your father, who of all people would be sensitive towards the plight and situation of black people.


Yes meditation is important, but we exist as a spiritual community. We bless each other, protect each other, learn together, and so on. Community development and relationships are very important, especially as we each develop and specialize in our own ways.
I respect your views, but you know I can not accept anything I don't have direct contact with
Soo it's okey 🙂 hey can I ask you if you can get out of you body while awake and be here and there etc.

I want to know feom people here how much they have advanced, I firmly know it's the results that matter. I can not understand a race of God's if I tried and dismiss it as hearsay by default
I can say Experience is the greatest teacher and from a teacher I expect to make experience for a person asking

Like magic
Blueflame88 said:
I respect your views, but you know I can not accept anything I don't have direct contact with
Soo it's okey 🙂 hey can I ask you if you can get out of you body while awake and be here and there etc.

I want to know feom people here how much they have advanced, I firmly know it's the results that matter. I can not understand a race of God's if I tried and dismiss it as hearsay by default
I can say Experience is the greatest teacher and from a teacher I expect to make experience for a person asking

Like magic
Each and every one of us is capable of having a direct line to the Gods.

In the most basic form this can be done through their sigils, but not having developed psychic senses means that there is not a good reception on this end. What usually happens as a result are answers through emotions, thoughts, events, and such until the practitioner becomes more evolved in that area.

And to answer your question, yes it is possible to astral travel. But like with any skill it requires practice.
Your answer is true i at times had noticed that faculty you spoke of, although the transmission wasn't quite clear Thanks again for the answers

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
