Mars is now retrograde. As I wrote in the thread about it, most of you likely will not have any bad effects from this.
But in general, keep up cleaning your aura daily. If you ever sense any gray, immediately clean. If you're around other people then you can start visualizing sunlight on/in you, this will be at least some help.
Most people walk around in a daydream or listening to music, or thinking of something unrelated to their surroundings. Thinking about a recent argument, thinking about a tv show, and so on. This ultimately does not help you in any way, regardless of if there are any potential dangers.
I had one bad solar return year, years ago, so I made the decision to not listen to music while out walking, and to focus fully on my surroundings. This is a great mental exercise to do anyway, it will help to increase your focus and concentration, and lengthen the duration of your concentration. Mental endurance needs to be strengthened anyway for most people. Very few people have strong mental endurance.
You can take this Mars Rx as an opportunity to increase awareness of your surroundings, and increase your daily energy, which prevents low-vibrational incidents such as general bad luck from manifesting.
So, when you find yourself out walking or driving, pay more attention, as fully as possible, on your surroundings. Take note of anything strange. Be aware of your surroundings, in general.
You can do small practices through the day to keep your energy up.
5 Tibetan Rites and Sun Salutations are also great to do, and quick. You can find these online. I always just skipped the standing circling one in the Tibetan Rites and just did the other 4. Breathing exercises are quick and easy.
And listen to your intuition (we have a saying called "gut instincts"), or any signs from your Guardian Demon.
Have a happy and safe Yule season, everyone
But in general, keep up cleaning your aura daily. If you ever sense any gray, immediately clean. If you're around other people then you can start visualizing sunlight on/in you, this will be at least some help.
Most people walk around in a daydream or listening to music, or thinking of something unrelated to their surroundings. Thinking about a recent argument, thinking about a tv show, and so on. This ultimately does not help you in any way, regardless of if there are any potential dangers.
I had one bad solar return year, years ago, so I made the decision to not listen to music while out walking, and to focus fully on my surroundings. This is a great mental exercise to do anyway, it will help to increase your focus and concentration, and lengthen the duration of your concentration. Mental endurance needs to be strengthened anyway for most people. Very few people have strong mental endurance.
You can take this Mars Rx as an opportunity to increase awareness of your surroundings, and increase your daily energy, which prevents low-vibrational incidents such as general bad luck from manifesting.
So, when you find yourself out walking or driving, pay more attention, as fully as possible, on your surroundings. Take note of anything strange. Be aware of your surroundings, in general.
You can do small practices through the day to keep your energy up.
5 Tibetan Rites and Sun Salutations are also great to do, and quick. You can find these online. I always just skipped the standing circling one in the Tibetan Rites and just did the other 4. Breathing exercises are quick and easy.
And listen to your intuition (we have a saying called "gut instincts"), or any signs from your Guardian Demon.
Have a happy and safe Yule season, everyone