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On Satanic Revenge Ethics - About Anger

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There will be a full update on the Joy of Satan for this, because this is absolutely necessary. But because this is meticulously worked on, I am taking my time, and I am doing my best to explain what is going on with the Ethics.

Anyone who knows anything about this, knows that this is a complex matter. In fact, things like Justice and other notions are the most important, but quite difficult to understand, and often times, to implement. So this won't be a post of an elaborate discourse here, but more like an introductory post.

The whole discourse on Ethical behaviour is not to bind people pointlessly, it's because the Ancients were aware of the laws of the universe and how the laws take a turn. These don't always take a turn within one lifetime, and have to do with imprints upon a soul through it's whole journey.

In the same way our Ancestors have tried again and again to reiterate the Divine Rules of the Eternal Dharma to help people understand [and these later were corrupted] I have to bring them forth again in order for everyone to go better through the journey named life. There's nobody more fit to quote here, than Aristotle.

In regards to this, this quote must be remembered by every Spiritual Satanist, especially when we deal with our own people and also the external world: "Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way that is not within everyone's power and that is not easy." - Aristotle, 384 BC - 322 BC

Key words to take away to understand the rest of the post are these: Anger, the emotion in itself, is often-times a reactionary emotion that is, the less advanced one is, to less and less reasoning. Hate, resentment, all of these, have a place in life.

When these are out of place and out of mind, they are only blind assassins going around destroying left and right.

Anger is not the same to be kindled for all people.

Some people also have extreme and unhinged rage issues, while others have become pacified to an extent where they cannot display any.

These imbalances need to be brought into balance, so rage, this powerful and unbridled force represented by Ares [perfect timing that we do the Ritual now to converse about this] is controlled and modulated.

Having our minds seated on the understanding of anger or hate, which is an underlying motivator for vengeance, we must move a bit forward to make an introduction on the Ethics of Revenge for Spiritual Satanists.

This will give you a rough outlook about this subject, and give you insight to your own behaviour. We are not told to limit our behaviour here, but to become wiser in how we operate.

About the Ethics of Taking Revenge:

Depending on what one's level is in life, one will have different types of ethics that surround their decision making process. This process changes from individual to individual, and one's position internal or external can change the external factors and internal factors that deal with these decisions.

That's why often-times one case of ethical action cannot work to fulfill another.

An example is broadly here, that your enemy during a large scale war, is not to be treated as a domestic argument with one's girlfriend. Certain other things according to one's mental and emotional disposition can however be extremely much while to others these can be irrelevant.

So the middle point remains this: To enact judgement and to try to comprehend what is going on. If one does this, one isn't behaving like an andrapod without judgement.

Spiritual Satanism preaches the striving towards Justice, which is commonly conflated on people on many levels with other things.

In this specific page, we should explain about the ethics of revenge and spiritual retaliation.

Level 1: One recently exited Christianity or Islam, where they were getting unjustifiably treated in a very bad sense by almost everyone, all day, left and right, and were utter victims of everyone without any ability for retaliation or recourse.

At this level, most people become reactionary, because they want revenge, have unresolved issues, or merely to vent, or to discover that things can happen. At this level too, one must start understanding this concept and learn how to use the sword so to say, without hesitation.

Here, we have the statement of Satan, to NOT be afraid to destroy.

The level to understand here is someone who just learned to defend themselves. Use of this capability might be necessary in more than one ways.

At this level you must understand: That you SHOULD be able, willingly, and CAPABLE of taking revenge, and that you must be READY to defend yourself. You also might have to train by using that sword, so to say, and swords cut and produce blood.

Level 2: When one has understood the above can happen, but one is still able to do things to a medium extent Spiritually, but they can ask for help and Justice from the Gods, and it will be delivered when one does spells or magick, yet the extent is not yet on the "Disastrous" level.

The level to understand here is someone with moderate power but still not devastating extent.

At this level, many things from level 1 have been fixed. Revenge might have been taken in the past, or one might have healed.

One feels less negative and vulnerable towards attacks, and learning from level 1 and understanding the ethics of justice and how one can defend themselves, has set one largely free from offence one received before by being totally unable to defend themselves or understand the meaning of this.

Therefore, here judgement can start beginning to take place more clearly in the parameters of things and doing them.

At this level you must understand: That the power you are building up, has an effect, that increases itself, but now, one must further understand the reasoning behind such power. Why it exists, how to acts, and how it can increase, and what OUTCOMES this starts to produce, and WHY if it should be used.

Level 3: When one is really advanced and really powerful, and one's fury or spell-work can cause very serious damage. At this level, you would judge me as a pacifist if you looked at me from layer 1.

From phase 2, you will understand if you are on this end where you have seen suffering and that it not always lead to the anticipated Justice that it promises, but rather can create endless problems or an array of problems.

I would be a "pacifist" in your eyes for not swinging the sword left and right, or I would not make sense to you from layer 3. In fact, you might actually be confused on if I have a sense of justice whatsoever, if you don't understand how that is.

To explain, on this level, rage has to be controlled and kept at a minimum.

I no longer curse people almost whatsoever. The sole exemption here is Spiritual Warfare against the enemy, for obvious reasons.

Minimal offences or what be managed with conversation, I don't get into cursing. I might even forgive enemies and those who threaten me because I don't want to further give them a more pitiful existence than the one they already have, and if limits are understood and obeyed, there will be no recourse. Damage that doesn't reach me, I don't act against.

Here is also another case that if one acts against other beings who are stronger, they pay a greater price themselves for doing so than these people they direct their attacks against.

But here is a level where recourse is extremely heavy too if retaliation ever occurs, if there is actually a terrible behaviour on the other side of the isle. It is the worst level of all the previous ones reaction wise, even if on the surface it looks as much restraint, or even peacefulness or even some mistake it for pacifism.

In reality, that is a result of being influenced way less in the case of Spiritual Satanists, and not the case of pacifism and enemy fake disabler morals. The opposite is the reality here.

Pacifism is what manifests on level 1 after full emasculation of the mind and spirit, and although these two things on the surface might look "similar", they only "look similar" when one has no clue at what they are saying or looking at. They are completely dissimilar.

That's because a lapse of anger when you are further down, or engaging in cursing, can, unless done very carefully, do very big damage to people. Hate here is even worse, meaning, persistent hatred. I don't want someone to suffer for 40 years or lose their life over nothing, or especially a mistake.

The level to understand here is someone who is in the military, or someone who has power to actually take life away. One lapse of judgement here is all it takes.

As the Gods also start trusting your judgement, you don't want to disappoint them by acting like a child any more. If the Gods see me acting in disappointing manners and not in piousness, then I will be put to act in the proper way.

The Gods also won't excuse me if I don't fight a justified war on this level, like against the enemy, and I will be ruled out as a coward who did not serve justice, which is unacceptable on this level.

At this level you must understand: On that level you will have both the power, and the knowledge of what it can do to a great extent. On this level you must start getting interested in WHAT this does and what REASONING is going on, because without such, devastating amounts of power will only destroy you and others and completely flatten you if you have no idea about this, especially in the long-term. Here, your record as a person matters a lot.

In regards to the exceptions of larger events, this will be analysed on a completely different subject.

Lastly, one more comment: Feel comfortable about where you are, because the Gods and one's level of power are here to ensure harmony. As we raise our power with the Gods, the Gods will also give you teaching and example through both life experience, reading and understanding [such as from this post] to help you navigate your existence in a better way.

As you go, you understand that their loving hand above you is actually always correct, but that we humans have still many things to understand and yet more to see.
I look very much forward to this new update. I have had anger problems ever since I was a child, and can hold grudges to no end if I feel deeply offended. I can actually be quite vindictive if I have a mind to be. Coming into being an SS taught me that taking revenge has to be in proportion to the offense, to refer to your quote to Aristotle, which I hate to admit is very difficult for me at times still. After reflecting on this, I realize it is also because of unresolved issues related to anger and rage, mistreatment from others, etc. My astrology sets me up for a hair-trigger temper and impatience also with minor annoyances which is also at times very difficult to curb and for others hard to live with, something I have been trying to reprogram and sometimes feel ashamed of.

Solar chakra issues are a big theme in unregulated anger and rage problems. It is a symptom of a damaged ego that needs a lot of healing to have neat ethics and proper objectivity about how to take revenge, if at all appropriate. Something I actually hope to much better grasp after healing my own hang-ups with interpersonal relationships. Especially around a "certain time" every few weeks especially if the environment around me pushes for this, i can be overtly aggressive and abrasive towards who or what I perceive as trying to cheat or mistreat me, and the reaction is often out of proportion. Due to this time actually being one of cleansing whenever it is here, this is actually due to a lot of the dross from the aforementioned being released, showing a lot of unresolved suppressed anger. This is a prime environment emotionally for not seeing clearly on how to regulate anger and proportionate reactions to an offense.

I want to learn to channel this properly and sublimate this to achieve all proper outcomes for me and for others.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This is a very interesting topic, and I am glad you included Aristotle's quote, which perfectly explains the dilemma.

Beyond just the scope of punishment in a legal sense, this concept seems to relate on a broader level to any application of energy, although other scenarios may not yield such disastrous consequences due to mistakes.

Through my own development, my perception has shifted multiple times, as a result of work done on multiple different areas of my soul. This applies to everyone, however, so we must be aware of this.


Your decision to take what appears as a "muted" response seems to be correct, and I draw parallels to how the legal system operates. Obviously, the courts operate in a much slower manner which does not allow for combative Aries energy to immediately counter-punch the alleged offender. However, nobody can say that the court system is unjust (excusing Jewish corruption).

Aries energy is more useful for a self-defense or combat situation, not necessarily as a "justification force". People may assume that Libra cannot stick up for itself, but true harmony demands both parties give and take from the other. Someone may mistake the time involved in this ethical process to mean no justice will ever take place.

Looking at the position of a judge in our society, we also see the amount of work it takes to render a correct verdict. This is a professional endeavor and not one to be taken lightly.


Currently we do live in a bit of a lawless world, and so I don't blame people for attempting to solve their own problems. However, as HPHC mentioned, there can be significant backlash to mistakes here. Let us also not forget that we have many other priorities as well that demand immediate attention.

We should mainly concern ourselves with our personal defense and safety, as anything beyond that takes an exponentially larger time to deliberate and act correctly. Yet, justice will happen eventually, so there should not be a reason for concern.
The key here for me is equivalent energy as justice for an offense. Typically one should really think before they curse and understand to what degree justice is needed to be taken.

This typically should be done after one is calm and collected and not when someone is blind with rage.

Viewing the situation correctly with an understanding of ethics will highlight to what degree black magick should be used.

One needs to have the capacity to truly understand justice and what's right or wrong in severe enough circumstances, and even more in minor cases as well.

Emotion can blind the mind in hard, bad situations.

As if one does not possess the proper mindset. Misuse of power can be an unjustified result.

I haven't cursed anymore unless it's a serious issue, for a few years now.

If it's a severe enough offense. I may even wait upwards to a year or more to seek vengeance, and work to obliterate my enemy who is deserving of this.

There's been times I've been severely brutally wronged and to where closing in on a decade I decide when to usher in proper justice.

I wouldn't recommend others do that though. As it requires alot of patience, alot of comprehension of the situation and it can be difficult to make the correct call.
This is greatly needed an appreciated. Even without growing up in a very xian home, I struggle with knowing what to do with anger, since I rarely even feel it. But when it comes it's this cold fire that I just don't know what to do with most of the time.

No one ever really taught me how to deal with it, and I realize now it's really just because I never was angry as a kid. No one thought they had to, I just kept let it go most of the time since I never thought it was anything serious to be angry at. Getting older and finally encountering real life scenarios to be angry with has been a foreign and new experience I've had to rapidly adapt to.

This sermon was very informative and concerning for me personally. I hope I keep making the right choices.
Never more I will curse my family again I understand now why I have suffered so much, there was times I was totally out of control like if its me against the world, take my pistol and start to hate everyone of so much anger I felt, but I have been on The other extreme also where I get bullied and disrespected and I do nothing, very important this topic aristotles quote is very wise, got to user anger more intelligently or I get burned, Literally.
Something I learned from Cimeries was that one must also judge the outcome appropriately. If say one wanted to revenge they would need to judge how the outcome may affect not just the victim that the revenge is thrust upon but also the recurring individuals that can possibly be affected in a negative manner.

If there is not a high volatile outcome that may cause a larger scale problem then one should the necessary action they are looking to ensue upon their opponent.

He said to always be aware of not just the object of your anger if others are to be affected.

Judgement is not cut and dry and is highly complex, but there will always be factors that will need to be understood from the higher aspect of the universe.
Ramier108666 said:
Something I learned from Cimeries was that one must also judge the outcome appropriately. If say one wanted to revenge they would need to judge how the outcome may affect not just the victim that the revenge is thrust upon but also the recurring individuals that can possibly be affected in a negative manner.

If there is not a high volatile outcome that may cause a larger scale problem then one should the necessary action they are looking to ensue upon their opponent.

He said to always be aware of not just the object of your anger if others are to be affected.

Judgement is not cut and dry and is highly complex, but there will always be factors that will need to be understood from the higher aspect of the universe.

I feel something to this extent has been relayed to me in the past as well. I wanted to get back at a coworker I didn't like that had a big mouth and was a complete prick. I brainstormed doing something to really mess up his car. Then I remembered he had kids that he barely could feed at times and I realized if he had no car due to me fucking it up, the implications would have included children going hungry because of me. I stopped right there and forgot the whole thing.
Anger and hate are 2 strong and different emotions.

Anger is learned to be controlled as an impulsive emotion.
The ability to maintain someone self-control.

It must be vented, otherwise this anger, for example, often turns against the person himself and manifests as depression or self-destructive tension.

But when you can bring / recall / re-raise the anger in the right place, at the right time, to the right person, it redirects and re-releases the energy.

The satisfaction that pure precious hate gives using the right tools.
Shadowcat said:
I look very much forward to this new update. I have had anger problems ever since I was a child, and can hold grudges to no end if I feel deeply offended. I can actually be quite vindictive if I have a mind to be. Coming into being an SS taught me that taking revenge has to be in proportion to the offense, to refer to your quote to Aristotle, which I hate to admit is very difficult for me at times still. After reflecting on this, I realize it is also because of unresolved issues related to anger and rage, mistreatment from others, etc. My astrology sets me up for a hair-trigger temper and impatience also with minor annoyances which is also at times very difficult to curb and for others hard to live with, something I have been trying to reprogram and sometimes feel ashamed of.

Solar chakra issues are a big theme in unregulated anger and rage problems. It is a symptom of a damaged ego that needs a lot of healing to have neat ethics and proper objectivity about how to take revenge, if at all appropriate. Something I actually hope to much better grasp after healing my own hang-ups with interpersonal relationships. Especially around a "certain time" every few weeks especially if the environment around me pushes for this, i can be overtly aggressive and abrasive towards who or what I perceive as trying to cheat or mistreat me, and the reaction is often out of proportion. Due to this time actually being one of cleansing whenever it is here, this is actually due to a lot of the dross from the aforementioned being released, showing a lot of unresolved suppressed anger. This is a prime environment emotionally for not seeing clearly on how to regulate anger and proportionate reactions to an offense.

I want to learn to channel this properly and sublimate this to achieve all proper outcomes for me and for others.

I definitely relate. However, me personally, it takes a lot to piss me off. But the moment someone does push me to that edge (which is really hard and takes them going out of their way to do so), I'm going for that person's head. Especially because having a lot of Scorpio placements and emphasis on Pluto, that person is an eternal enemy to me and is dead to me. To me that person doesn't exist. I feel absolutely no love (or even hatred, or even care for the person's humanity or existence). I can be cruel, sadistic, and petty without warning. But yeah, that usually never happens.
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
I look very much forward to this new update. I have had anger problems ever since I was a child, and can hold grudges to no end if I feel deeply offended. I can actually be quite vindictive if I have a mind to be. Coming into being an SS taught me that taking revenge has to be in proportion to the offense, to refer to your quote to Aristotle, which I hate to admit is very difficult for me at times still. After reflecting on this, I realize it is also because of unresolved issues related to anger and rage, mistreatment from others, etc. My astrology sets me up for a hair-trigger temper and impatience also with minor annoyances which is also at times very difficult to curb and for others hard to live with, something I have been trying to reprogram and sometimes feel ashamed of.

Solar chakra issues are a big theme in unregulated anger and rage problems. It is a symptom of a damaged ego that needs a lot of healing to have neat ethics and proper objectivity about how to take revenge, if at all appropriate. Something I actually hope to much better grasp after healing my own hang-ups with interpersonal relationships. Especially around a "certain time" every few weeks especially if the environment around me pushes for this, i can be overtly aggressive and abrasive towards who or what I perceive as trying to cheat or mistreat me, and the reaction is often out of proportion. Due to this time actually being one of cleansing whenever it is here, this is actually due to a lot of the dross from the aforementioned being released, showing a lot of unresolved suppressed anger. This is a prime environment emotionally for not seeing clearly on how to regulate anger and proportionate reactions to an offense.

I want to learn to channel this properly and sublimate this to achieve all proper outcomes for me and for others.

I definitely relate. However, me personally, it takes a lot to piss me off. But the moment someone does push me to that edge (which is really hard and takes them going out of their way to do so), I'm going for that person's head. Especially because having a lot of Scorpio placements and emphasis on Pluto, that person is an eternal enemy to me and is dead to me. To me that person doesn't exist. I feel absolutely no love (or even hatred, or even care for the person's humanity or existence). I can be cruel, sadistic, and petty without warning. But yeah, that usually never happens.

I think MANY people can relate. Also, it's a step towards the highest virtue of Azazel's self awareness to know one's limits. I myself have a limit too, and I know where it is, for example.

The understanding of actions like the one's described here, are more like a goal to look into and work into as your self evolves, or something to try to hold in consideration as one goes, instead of being an unhinged animal attacking at all directions, or trying to become a fake saint, which doesn't exist in Spiritual Satanism.

There are also people who have extremely powerful and unhinged anger, while others might be on the lack of it, type of spectrum. Here, balance is needed. That is NOT an easy task. There can be too many things, circumstances and other things that will try you to your limits. And sometimes, it's very justified to blow up.

All of that is about understanding the deeper levels of this all and understanding one's self better, on how their journey escalates as an evolving being towards the Godhead.

Trying to be like Aristotle and faking it, will likely drive also one insane, because the repressed things and problems accumulated out of a wiser manner of action, will eventually blow up. But to not understand things like what Aristotle says is also the recipe for law of the jungle and ultimate disasters for one's self and others.

If these tasks were easy, we would be in the Golden Age now, but we clearly are not. The world is as is.

Essentially, the message here is this: GAIN AWARENESS, KNOW THYSELF.
Thank you for this. I've learned this lesson recently as well. I let someone get to me and under my skin as to where I overreacted when I should have not. I at least have learned a lesson from it. I feel if we look at every mishap and mess up as a lesson rather than feeling victimized from it or defeated from it we can overcome the problem and learn to do better the next time.

Some lessons are pleasant. Others make you. Some break you, and your pride. But it's up to you if you let yourself remain broken, wallowing in misery and hatred, or you rise up from the ashes and spread your wings once again, with a new outlook on life. And become a stronger person from it. one who will face yourself without shame and be strong enough to not only forgive yourself for your mistake but understand how to overcome it next time.

If you let anger kick your butt and dig yourself a hole to fester in, there's no control or dignity in that. You'll lose yourself. We can't operate in that kind of mindset. This is where true vileness and hatred exists. The very hole our enemy lives in. It ruins a man. The Gods would not be as advanced as they truly are if they lived that way. We shouldn't kick ourselves for being in this hole when we've worked so hard to crawl out of it, I'm sure every one of us has slipped inside of it from time to time. But we know better now. And there's no more running away or excuses to let ourselves fall in again. Not with inspiring and helpful posts like this one to shed light on the subject.

I will now keep in my mind how the Gods would view me when I'm dealing with confrontation. I want them to see that I've grown and can handle things without giving into getting worked up. I want to be my best. I want to be a good example of how to react, not someone's bad example of what not to do. I can't let myself down or anyone else down by giving into needless anger or negativity. That's not our way. That's not Father Satan's way. I'm so glad we will have good ethics like this viewable to all on Jos. It's definitely necessary. It will especially help steer our youth in the right direction. That and us learning well from it so we can be a good example for them too. Thank you again for the post HP HoodedCobra!

Hail Satan!
Yes I can relate, I have many dreams and also how i fell that tell me I have a lot of accumulated anger that I repressed because I didn't know how to express it in a healthy way, or I swallow it which is not healthy or i explode like a atomic bomb, but maybe my regent being uranus explain that a little.
I need to learn martial arts and yoga will help a lot I believe, but need to build discipline what I lack a lot of.
I have always been able to use my magic to wreck people who mess with me but I'm quite patient most of the time I have a 3 strikes and your out policy 1st time is an accident 2nd time is a coincidence 3rd time is hostile or enemy movement further disruption to my schedule is not tolerated I have no time for bully idiot or shit predator mentality.

I have put people in hospital with a thought I have also put them in the ground.
I did go too far in my anger towards the enemy, told myself id become exactly what they fear most.
Not such a bad thing for passing on destruction to my enemy. But invoking such terrible fury...

How I would daydream about getting back home and doing some RTRs :DDDDDDD
It made me so ugly, I felt so far from the average person, my friends and family started to take notice.
They became scared of me, because I was in the trenches throwing grenades.
Whilst among all the simple folk.

I have dismantled my "villainous" persona, insomuch that I dont scare the people around me.
The enemy will be gone soon anyways, and I wont need such terror.
I know I have much more to learn about warfare, but im taking the higher path.
Of Wisdom and Tactics, instead of blind fury.

I still go to my Forge daily, but as a leader in my community, I have to be Noble.
I DEFINITELY needed to read this sermon. It is pretty normal for people in this day and age to show anger. Especially! after all the crap.. we have been through since THE covid 19.. it seemed like a lot of people started jumping out all over calling people names! Pointing their fingers at one another.. and you seen it all over social media.. and you see it on the news! Between people they get into an argument over nothing! It seems to me that anger is the new normal! And along with it people scapegoating looking for somebody else to take their blame on along with it! Instead of taking a responsibility for the own actions! Laugh out loud it's like all they want to do is absorb themselves in it! And build it up and build it up and don't even have the sense enough to stop and pay attention and look at what they have done already as it is it's like when they get you down and in tears they get a Big Thrill out of it and then they add to it and continue on! Going beyond the limit! And this goes with name calling! Harassing people blowing up people's phones! Leaving nasty voice messages! Especially where people are out in the open with their phones and it's not intended just to be in the ears of the person so and so is angry with! Everybody ends up hearing it! Especially if dude is sitting in the middle of a restaurant! Listening to his wife screaming at him through a voice message on his cell phone! And if it isn't embarrassing enough as it is watching people walk around with their stupid cell phones yakety yakety Yaki 99 miles an hour and how aggravating that is! And I think that everybody has got their share PTSD because of this kind of shit! And I have ptsd! And I admit that and I own up to it and yes I do have anger issues! And I know I have my days! And I admit that I've even acted up on here a couple of times out of a stupid misunderstanding! And especially when somebody is taking the time to read my content and then I go and open up the notifications and discover that it hasn't been accepted! I get angry because I wanted to voice something and even if it was a duplicate message? I was still taken back by it wondering if I didn't take the time to put punctuation in my paragraphs signifying my emotions! Getting to the point! And it just randomly going in circles or going off subject! And then I end up taking it out on myself because then I feel like I'm not good enough having to correct myself! And hold myself down and knowing that I made a mistake somewhere? Which is something that everybody does with everything! And naturally people do make mistakes and that goes along with all things and everything! Whether we are learning something having a struggle trying to figure something out? Or having to accept the fact that you made a fool of yourself in public by getting off something stupid or acting like an asshole! And having to be put back in your place and being forced to recognize where you've gone off and what you've done wrong! And to accept the cussing of the angry person and allowing yourself to look at the whole situation which a lot of people don't dare because they're afraid of the punishment or are they afraid to see themselves Through The Eyes of others? That is why a lot of people are afraid to admit that they've done something wrong and why people are afraid to speak up and talk about it! And tell the truth! And that people could prevent a problem just by learning to look at the mistake they made and that is why! People need to pay attention to themselves and what is going on around them and that is okay to make a mistake you're learning and you should be able to accept the fact that you're human and that we're all capable of making poor decisions! And you become unteachable when you get feisty and refuse to listen to your teacher and look at the mistake you've made and learn how to embrace it and accept it because it is a part of you and it shows that you're struggling and learning how to grow up and use your head! It's not so much the thing that you're learning whatever project it is being in a classroom and learning how to do reading and writing and arithmetic! It's not so much the element that you're learning it's when you know that you've made a mistake and your teacher recognizes it and tries to point it out to you and the person gets all angry and prideful and refuses to listen and takes it out of content! That is where the person should stop and think! And take a look at what he or she has done or maybe they're aware of what they have done and don't want to admit it! And use it as an excuse to get into a fight! Instead of opening up their mind and taking a look at it in a different perspective! And acting like an adult on a higher level instead of making things worse! By behaving like a child screaming and crying and then withdrawing into yourself and becoming unteachable! And when those take a good look at that behavior pattern when your parents pointed out to you after getting your butt spanked? Or being sent to your room for a few minutes to get your head together! They have the right to explain why they did what they did expressing their anger to the child that refuses to look at the situation and grow up! And take responsibility that the person should be allowed to talk about it and explain at that point! And learn to let go of it when they get the full picture of it and to allow the child to be able to speak his or her side of the story and what happened? And why he or she did it? And what for? People used to be able to think and reason! Which made the person a little more teachable and a little more receptive to learn and easier to work with! But laugh out loud you don't see people doing things like that anymore! It seems like they act up and they overreact and then they build it up! And blow it all out of proportion! And you see it all over social media and how it hits and waves all over and the fact that people can pick it up and all of a sudden they get into it with somebody on facebook? And then it's over with you're affected with that negative energy all because somebody got angry! Over what somebody did or said? Or over what you did or said when you were trying to explain something and get your point out just to help a person or to show concern because you can relate to it because you've been there before yourself! And how easy it is for people to lose their cool! And walk away instead of looking at the picture or getting all bent out of shape and causing a big scene! Losing friends and losing respect all over the place! I guess sometimes people have to learn the hard way? And when they give themselves a chance to sit down and look at it and let it go through their mind with their anger and their embarrassment ashamed of themselves? Because they know what they have done especially years later when they know where they have gone off and what for? Losing friends and losing respect is not cool and yet! Everybody has their moment we're all human! There's a time to forgive and forget and there's a time to just Lash out! And voice your anger! Through actions or through words! Or just simply walk away and give this person some space and allow them to feel that pain and that embarrassment that that is the punishment right there! And that people need to respect that! Instead of giving themselves the credit and the duty to punish that person when it's not even that other person's business to begin with did the individual person should look into his or her own actions and accept the punishment! That is there right in front of them without even a word being said sometimes? Or just recalling the reactions of people and what was said to this person with some people! It may take a couple of days to notice it and take action we're with other people that are so prideful that don't even care it's going to take them a while maybe a few years for them to look at the whole situation and let go and to become a mature adult! And own up to it and take responsibility if they want to live down there embarrassment and the shame that they put on themselves letting people know that they can figure things out that they're an adult that they can take responsibility if they can be an adult if they want to! And the Gratitude you get from that when you allow yourself to become that adult by learning how to look at it in a higher perspective! And we'll lie yourself to move on and to progress to that of a higher level of self-control which lead you to the higher level of yourself and your consciousness! Something that you learn in martial arts as well when they teach you how to handle your anger and to work with your enemy and deal with his or her negativity when you're out in the public fighting to protect yourself and putting this enemy back in his or her place if this person's doing you harm! And when they took Roe versus Wade out it's not only exposing women and their rights! It's also exposing men and their rights as well! But did they even consider the children of the world? And what they are dealing with everyday with that even recognizing or understanding the whole situation? That children have their own anger issues as well because of this! The racism the sexism and the criticism that goes on in schools and in public places churches sexualizing everything about women and what women go through! And how aggravating it is when I look at the eyes of women and how angry they are and I feel the hurt! The tears rolling down their faces and I know that at some point women are going to get sick and tired of being treated like a slave and that of a second class Citizen and start lashing out even if it's going to be her death! Depending on what country she's living in! Especially if she is Muslim! Christians on the other hand? They would much sooner take it out on you and try to blame you for whatever happened and whatever took place! So instead of helping you they add to the problem more and more by giving you a bigger Guilt Trip and I can see this rage building up in people all over! Anger is so easy to pick up it's not even funny! And it's even gotten to the point that it's addicting! And people don't even look at it like it's a big issue they look at it like it's something funny! And make l i g h t comments and jokes on this person! Even torture and abuse has become a normal thing to this world it seems like we're people have had it so damn much that they're used to it and they find themselves taking it out on their friends and their own children! And even when it comes back and smacks them in the face! The person acts like a bigger asshole! Instead of learning from this! Then this is the kind of people that should be locked up behind bars and on mitigation! Or left to figure it out on his or her own out on limb somewhere where nobody wants to deal with him or her and the idiocy of this person! Just letting the person go like a loose cannon! Where somebody out there is going to get hurt and become victimized! Most likely children or some little helpless animal! Or some old person in a daycare center!.. and I have to admit that I've got my issues! And I have my problems like everybody else! And there are times I say something that I don't mean to say or do! And I would much rather sit down and talk about it at! Or go sit down somewhere quietly! Where I can think about it and figure out what to do? Trying to maintain my anger! Without doing something drastic! Knowing that it was silly and allowing myself to laugh when it's necessary especially when it's so stupid you can't help but laugh or shake your head! Sometimes it's better to feel silly than it is to feel embarrassed! And guilty of something and then taking the responsibility to make things right! People are forgotten how to relax! And that's something people need to learn to do! People need to learn to turn off the internet and sit down in a quiet room! And go into a meditation or go take a nap! Just go find something happy and pleasant to do! Allowing your mind to get off the problem instead of letting it get bigger and bigger! Living with the family I know that people have tried to come up with all kinds of methods to learn how to relax! And to learn how to go into a very healing meditation? Especially after taking a yoga class or two! Or spending time with the spouse and making love! Sexuality also has a way of getting the person to relax and calm down! Getting to know that person in that way? Makes it easier for that person to come down off his or her high horse! And talk about their daily problems with one another and get it off their chest without being called names and put down and made to feel ashamed of his or herself! But to feel wanted and beautiful and appreciated. And to make it to where the person feels more and more like he or she is loved allowing the comfort and the time for her to open up and to talk about how she feels about him etc etc and then we can do this and that we can do that? Especially after they've been into a nasty fight! But people don't even think about this anymore! And it hurts me to see all this abuse and anger going on all over the place! And I just want to find some peace and happiness in my life! And like everybody else on here.. having the joy in the pleasure of meditation! And taking your mind at different levels with the studying and the reading! Spinning a little time with Father Satan! At the end of the day! Knowing that you have done your task! Your daily job! Especially as a mom or a single parent! Or even it just an older woman who is busy working two jobs! And comes home to a husband that watches football all the time just to be able to spend some time with each other! Something that I deal with all the time! And learn to appreciate! And learned to tolerate! And being able to let go and have the comfort of treating myself to a cup of coffee! Allowing a moment to myself! Just to sit down and talk about it? And approaching him at the right time! Because he might have something to say to me! And maybe what he has to say is more important? Or maybe I've had a situation at work that was so bad! That is going to take me a moment to figure out what to say and how to get it out there! Without transferring my anger to him after a hard day at work! And sometimes I just like to get on here and read! And get my mind focused on something first! Before I sit down at the table and talk about it with my husband and family! And then it makes the rest of the evening run smoother! And it doesn't matter how serious this situation is! Just to be able to relax enough and get it out there! And allowing yourself a moment when you get that angry! You're aware of it and you embrace it because it's a part of you! But it's going to keep going and going like an angry child until something is done? People have that right to voice their opinions and Lash out! It is also good therapy! If you have to cry you have to cry! And if you have to beat up a pillow by all means? It's better than lashing out at somebody! Especially if it's somebody in your family! Everybody gets into it somewhere! And it's all over the place and I admit it!.and it's sad we people have to put up with shit.. and I hear you!
HP HoodedCobra666. Thank you for sharing this sermon!! 🔥 Hail Satan!!!❤️

How can one release anger, the feeling of injustice when it is not appropriate, nor desirable to do a revenge spell? (Either because the consequences on others and oneself could be damaging, or because the person is spiritually powerful, etc).
I'm talking more about things that are everyday abuses.

And since it's not good to keep these violent emotions inside, how do you deal with it safely, while not having a "victim mentality, that mental poison", to use the expression of a SS?

This is a very important subject that has concerned me for several years, thank you in advance
sshivafr said:

How can one release anger, the feeling of injustice when it is not appropriate, nor desirable to do a revenge spell? (Either because the consequences on others and oneself could be damaging, or because the person is spiritually powerful, etc).
I'm talking more about things that are everyday abuses.

And since it's not good to keep these violent emotions inside, how do you deal with it safely, while not having a "victim mentality, that mental poison", to use the expression of a SS?

This is a very important subject that has concerned me for several years, thank you in advance

I suggest using Isa with Tyr to bind someone to stop them from abusing/ harassing you.
RockSeed13 said:
sshivafr said:

How can one release anger, the feeling of injustice when it is not appropriate, nor desirable to do a revenge spell? (Either because the consequences on others and oneself could be damaging, or because the person is spiritually powerful, etc).
I'm talking more about things that are everyday abuses.

And since it's not good to keep these violent emotions inside, how do you deal with it safely, while not having a "victim mentality, that mental poison", to use the expression of a SS?

This is a very important subject that has concerned me for several years, thank you in advance

I suggest using Isa with Tyr to bind someone to stop them from abusing/ harassing you.

I don't know if I'm allowed to do that. I will explain more but I won't go too far because it sounds crazy, yet that is what it is objectively.

I have asked Father Satan several times to guide me to remedy this and the last time was Saturday night during a formal ritual for Imbolc. Then these subjects appear.

Whoever is doing this is, I think, a soul of Father Satan. Not dedicated, that I'm sure of. But it is someone who is like a "diamond in the rough", very powerful, astral open and in every way possible. Writings in my possession even show that he wrote at the request of Father Satan. In short. You will not believe me but it is not the heart of the subject.

Still, in spite of being very competent in the handling of energy and of all that touches the astral (astral senses, astral projection, astral hearing, communication with the dead, etc ), he has an odious, cruel character. He is a destroyer. We strive to be Creators, but we may have to admit that Father Satan may have plans for the purely destructive.

However, since I have a lot of strong feelings about being diminished and insulted like this every day, I want to find a way to vent this, in addition to yoga and whatever else I do on the side (rituals, lots of spiritual work).

Don't judge me, I have a great resistance, in spite of my sensitivity, I have been exposed to the abuse of others since I was a child and I have always helped and protected those close to me from the abuse they suffered (no need to elaborate, it's quite crazy and I don't want to be complained or anything). I have saved several people from death by exposing myself, physically. Just, it's up to me now to find a way to protect myself and rise above everything I don't want anymore. To change the course of things.

Just my question is: how to empty the violent feelings in all possible ways without resorting to spells on the "aggressor"?
sshivafr said:
RockSeed13 said:
sshivafr said:
How can one release anger, the feeling of injustice when it is not appropriate, nor desirable to do a revenge spell? (Either because the consequences on others and oneself could be damaging, or because the person is spiritually powerful, etc).
I'm talking more about things that are everyday abuses.

And since it's not good to keep these violent emotions inside, how do you deal with it safely, while not having a "victim mentality, that mental poison", to use the expression of a SS?

This is a very important subject that has concerned me for several years, thank you in advance

I suggest using Isa with Tyr to bind someone to stop them from abusing/ harassing you.

I don't know if I'm allowed to do that. I will explain more but I won't go too far because it sounds crazy, yet that is what it is objectively.

I have asked Father Satan several times to guide me to remedy this and the last time was Saturday night during a formal ritual for Imbolc. Then these subjects appear.

Whoever is doing this is, I think, a soul of Father Satan. Not dedicated, that I'm sure of. But it is someone who is like a "diamond in the rough", very powerful, astral open and in every way possible. Writings in my possession even show that he wrote at the request of Father Satan. In short. You will not believe me but it is not the heart of the subject.

Still, in spite of being very competent in the handling of energy and of all that touches the astral (astral senses, astral projection, astral hearing, communication with the dead, etc ), he has an odious, cruel character. He is a destroyer. We strive to be Creators, but we may have to admit that Father Satan may have plans for the purely destructive.

However, since I have a lot of strong feelings about being diminished and insulted like this every day, I want to find a way to vent this, in addition to yoga and whatever else I do on the side (rituals, lots of spiritual work).

Don't judge me, I have a great resistance, in spite of my sensitivity, I have been exposed to the abuse of others since I was a child and I have always helped and protected those close to me from the abuse they suffered (no need to elaborate, it's quite crazy and I don't want to be complained or anything). I have saved several people from death by exposing myself, physically. Just, it's up to me now to find a way to protect myself and rise above everything I don't want anymore. To change the course of things.

Just my question is: how to empty the violent feelings in all possible ways without resorting to spells on the "aggressor"?

I understand this is a complex situation in regards to punishments and related, from what you write in your post.

1. Focus the anger on the enemy.
2. If you can't do this, then you might want to take revenge to a reasonable extent.
3. If the situation is something you cannot decide, bring the matter to the Gods and they will do what is necessary. Punishments will arrive if necessary.

There are times where people deserve to be punished, so keep this in your mind too. The full on destructive mindset generally leads people to these situations where they will eventually get run over by something.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Focus the anger on the enemy.
I will try and do this then. I was about to do a death spell, and you guys got me so paranoid that I probably won't curse someone that will try to kill me and my family lol.

This matter seems extremely complex, until I really understand what is right to do, also with the help of the Gods, i probably won't do nothing and keep this anger towards these people inside of me, trying to keep my mind void of thoughts, and keep advancing.

Hope I won't go insane. I think few can understand how strong these emotions are, if all humans felt like this I would be scared to go outside. I need self-control.

WiseDragon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Focus the anger on the enemy.
I will try and do this then. I was about to do a death spell, and you guys got me so paranoid that I probably won't curse someone that will try to kill me and my family lol.

Everyone only told you to mind the situation and also responded to one another over nonsense claims which were unrelated to your specific case.

The other comments confused the conversation which had a backing to them that dealt with other issues unrelated to your original post. They escalated to become their own post.

Your case I don't think is debatable or needs much doubt if this literal plan to do you that much damage exists.

You ought launch a very big attack to them over this, and retaliate.
As a quote found in Civilization 6 (4X games).

Aristotle - "Animals have no laws or morality, ethics, nor rules and regulations but the law of Eternal Nature. Man has laws, ethics, morality, and rules and regulations even Eternal Nature. When man ceases to posses or act on these laws including Natures' Law. Man can act like a beast worst than an Animal".

I do have my own question on cursing, black magick, death magick etc.etc.

How in the hell do people know what works and doesn't work?

For example I do recall once doing on an annoying person in my High School who my friend disliked. I did an energy ripping; I ripped his energy with my Manipura/Svadisthana chakra; I drained him completely I surrounded the ball of pastel colors i.e. his ripped energy with a grimy black aura filled it with grey energy and turned it grey then surrounded him with black aura and pushed the ball back into him and filled his system and aura with grey energy. No programming, nor any visualization just a 30-second-1 minute activity.

He came back the following day saying his dad was feeling bad and he felt sad. And my friend not that he doesn't believe but was surprised especially after I told him.

Except for that incident. How in the hell do people do spur of the moment curses, bindings, and hatred and it works? Also how do people handle the mental expenditure of energy if using the mind requires great expenditure and your just going around cursing, binding, hating etc.etc. and it tires you out. Even meditating my mind is fatigued by visualizing and processing the meditation. Even if the meditation does nothing to me or does something but my feeble mind and lack of trance, void, and or single-pointed causes me to brute force the meditation. How do people handle constructs of meditation to meditate for example I do MerKaBa how do people handle seeing the octohedron, the energy balls, the energy field without draining their mind of energy to handle or not get tired or after the meditation return back to thinking, processing, and not being mentally used up having to have this heavy thoughts on your mind of the meditation?

I don't understand how did it work and how do I know I did it and how do I know I'm the one who made it happen?

We talk about revenge or justice or ethical harm. But it seems like I'm just playing with my mind. Is it that this requires an active open spiritual senses to see the realms of the astral?

For example many years ago someone said, I visualized a Runic Hagl symbol on them vibrating and spraying them with grey energy and it worked to keep the offender far away?

In other words what I'm asking is. IF my mind is superabundant of energy and thinks and processes in a high-level but my soul and body aren't at high levels. What is the point of bothering to do these spiritual stuff when I can physically just strike the person with a weapon or my fist?

Besides the obvious the police will be called and I'd get arrested and shit hit the fans with law enforcement.

But honestly for example I've done the whole white-aura block out people visualize people going away. And nothing happens.

I'm not trying to state that spirituality is playing pretend like a little girl playing dolly and teas and biscuits by herself or some little kid playing pretend.

But it seems like no matter what with me non of the actions I do except that incident in High School did anything. For example I come form a long line of thinking, processing, and contemplating WW2, warfare, guns, and whatnot. So I have a very hateful, killers mentality and spent many years of my life contemplating that. But it's just thoughts nothing comes out or anything.

I'm still the same person I was since I was a toddler except I've added to my databanks. Is spiritual reprisal fake? Is it just pretend and somehow by some miracle it affects the person?

Are we beholden to the Gods and thus the Gods transmit their spirituality through us to exact revenge, hatred, cursing, binding, etc.etc. It seems Humanity is so ass backwards in spirituality that people seem like they are just playing pretend. Or stupid people get a hold of spiritual knowledge and use it in stupid ways for their low-level intelligence NPC like mentality.

I've asked this to a friend of mines and his reply to my question of "Does NS and SS or any form of the occult attract a lot of losers?"

And his reply is, It seems like many are downtrodden people who are triple-A(Against All Authority) and are looking for an alternative and National Socialism and or SS or any occult for that matter translates to understandings of a better system. Basically yeah some of these people are losers but only after trying to climb up and being roflstomped by some sort of reality and society that is built on corpses and you must berg and stein killing and money just like you gotta kill and buy/spend for berging and steining.

So I don't understand I thought the entire point of revenge or rituals is to spend days or weeks maybe 40 days striking someone down for some offense. How then do the Gods do it. Do they just place a grey or grimy black or grimy color rune hagl on your soul and mini-hagls on your aura and just think it through?

I guess my advanced mentality and my ability to handle advanced concepts is crushing my pre-basic, basic, intermediate, and even my own advanced ability. I'm trying to think like the Gods or think at the 300IQ level while possessing such low power that my IQ really is inflated without any substance behind it.

Also if I think it does it happen? I know thoughts don't stay in our heads and pop out i.e. thoughtform technologies. But the sheer fact is it's like my saying, "If I think it, I did it, so why do I have to do it?"

For example I had a debate with a family member of mines and I say why do you want to go to a farm, just go on bing and look up tomato farms. And she replies I'd like to drive there, visit it, and touch the tomato and buy a few or pay for a few and help the farmer.

Sorry family member but I just view it through the computer and and that is it. I hate driving, I hate wasting time going, I hate paying for things, I'd rather just visit it online and be done with it. Why do you insist on making your life harder if you can just view it online or go to the market and buy tomatoes at a later date when your shopping.

Can someone care to explain this?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
WiseDragon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Focus the anger on the enemy.
I will try and do this then. I was about to do a death spell, and you guys got me so paranoid that I probably won't curse someone that will try to kill me and my family lol.

Everyone only told you to mind the situation and also responded to one another over nonsense claims which were unrelated to your specific case.

The other comments confused the conversation which had a backing to them that dealt with other issues unrelated to your original post. They escalated to become their own post.

Your case I don't think is debatable or needs much doubt if this literal plan to do you that much damage exists.

You ought launch a very big attack to them over this, and retaliate.
Sorry if I wasn't really clear HP. I didn't mean that they have plans to do that, i was just saying that i wanted to do a death spell for something minor (verbal abuse), and all these posts made me so insecure about revenge that even in more extreme cases i would be doubtful about using black magic.

The fact is also that i'm an all or nothing kind of person. If i do something i really go ALL IN, if it has to be something small i just don't do it at all. I will be waiting for more clarifications on this matter HP, and understanding more what the Gods are saying.

In the past I think i already had signs from them about me being too out of control with my emotions and destructive tendencies. I think i have to really calm down with this extreme anger that i tend to have inside of me. In my goals and in life in general it gives me so much push, but i have to control it and not be a complete psycho as well. Like i said regret can be SO PAINFUL, so it's better to learn and grow before doing something stupid.
WiseDragon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
WiseDragon said:
I will try and do this then. I was about to do a death spell, and you guys got me so paranoid that I probably won't curse someone that will try to kill me and my family lol.

Everyone only told you to mind the situation and also responded to one another over nonsense claims which were unrelated to your specific case.

The other comments confused the conversation which had a backing to them that dealt with other issues unrelated to your original post. They escalated to become their own post.

Your case I don't think is debatable or needs much doubt if this literal plan to do you that much damage exists.

You ought launch a very big attack to them over this, and retaliate.
Sorry if I wasn't really clear HP. I didn't mean that they have plans to do that, i was just saying that i wanted to do a death spell for something minor (verbal abuse), and all these posts made me so insecure about revenge that even in more extreme cases i would be doubtful about using black magic.

The fact is also that i'm an all or nothing kind of person. If i do something i really go ALL IN, if it has to be something small i just don't do it at all. I will be waiting for more clarifications on this matter HP, and understanding more what the Gods are saying.

In the past I think i already had signs from them about me being too out of control with my emotions and destructive tendencies. I think i have to really calm down with this extreme anger that i tend to have inside of me. In my goals and in life in general it gives me so much push, but i have to control it and not be a complete psycho as well. Like i said regret can be SO PAINFUL, so it's better to learn and grow before doing something stupid.

I don't think death is warranted for verbal abuse unless this is on such an elaborate scale that it causes extreme damage, which you have to judge if it does.

In the end of the day everyone is the judge in their own life, so it's important for me to give an overview of the back-end of these things, and then, you make your own choices.

Spiritual Satanism is built on the freedom to make your own choices.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the end of the day everyone is the judge in their own life, so it's important for me to give an overview of the back-end of these things, and then, you make your own choices.

Spiritual Satanism is built on the freedom to make your own choices.
The matter of fact is that I really would love for these people to suffer as much as possible. This freedom of being able to make it happen without a "clear punishment" really drives me a little bit crazy.

What are the consequences of the wrong choice HP? Me being regretful? I won't be, maybe I have to work on developing empathy, but I wouldn't feel a thing knowing me right now.

The Gods will leave me? Punish me? Be disgusted with me? What are the consequences of a wrong choice? This is what worries me more than anything. I hope you will talk about this in your Great Sermons HP.

But like Blizkrieg said, maybe i should just curse them and make them live and suffer, instead of a quick and pointless death.
WiseDragon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the end of the day everyone is the judge in their own life, so it's important for me to give an overview of the back-end of these things, and then, you make your own choices.

Spiritual Satanism is built on the freedom to make your own choices.
The matter of fact is that I really would love for these people to suffer as much as possible. This freedom of being able to make it happen without a "clear punishment" really drives me a little bit crazy.

What are the consequences of the wrong choice HP? Me being regretful? I won't be, maybe I have to work on developing empathy, but I wouldn't feel a thing knowing me right now.

The Gods will leave me? Punish me? Be disgusted with me? What are the consequences of a wrong choice? This is what worries me more than anything. I hope you will talk about this in your Great Sermons HP.

But like Blizkrieg said, maybe i should just curse them and make them live and suffer, instead of a quick and pointless death.

Clearly this has caused damage and to what extent it something you need to think over.

If someone attacks someone's family then they are calling for a punishment, especially if one hasn't done anything to welcome this to themselves, what type this will be is up to you.

The Gods don't "punish" people over this, nor they leave someone, nor they will likely be disgusted, unless one goes full lunatic mode for literally no reason on someone to the extent of launching a nuke over a city based on only a slap, metaphorically speaking.

The Gods don't enforce these things to us, and we are free to use what they have given us. Bear that in mind. People have to learn to use these tools. By doing, comes learning, and by learning, eventually wisdom will arrive.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I am grateful to JoS for changing my outlook. I am in process of freeing myself from a manipulative and abusive individual. I do not want to sound like a victim here because I understood this abuse was being maliciously carried out and leaned into it. I allowed this to happen. How I allowed this to happen & the length of time I allowed it to continue is a story I will save for another day. The truth is I knew better and just succumbed to a bad program. The excuses I made revolved around these emotional and familial attachments and hope that this individual was redeemable and loving deep down somewhere. I suffered great many losses due to this connection but the biggest one was how I sacrificed myself for this person's fragility. I chose to make myself smaller. Because my soul is strong I have always been able to recover losses and I misinterpreted this to mean that I needed to somehow protect this person from their own lack of discipline and discernment. I know this individual has also been ruined by programming and self-hate, but this abuse was carried out maliciously and mockingly and there must be justice. Many times this individual could have made different choices and of their own free will made choices that hurt me and our family without remorse or any lesson learned. Countless times we were sacrificed on the alter of stupidity or short term personal gain.

Shortcomings aside, programming aside, everyone must be held accountable. They made conscious choices and yes many were done maliciously just because they knew they would get away with it and be forgiven by feigning helplessness and ignorance. Super narcissist and master manipulator. As I must be accountable to myself for the abuse, I allowed to be perpetrated against me. I thank JoS because I struggled for years for the strength to extricate myself and within a couple of weeks of exposure to JoS I had no doubt that I could not prosper, raise my kundalini or even look at myself in the mirror with respect until I freed myself...and I did. Once the seed was planted, freeing myself was at the forefront of my mind every second. Honestly, it was easy. Just like flipping a switch. I didn't feel bad, and I know there was no other way, so I am at peace. Still, I said I am in process because I realize this situation is like freeing yourself of an addiction and there is still much inner work to be done.

Nostalgia and turning the other cheek are fkd up programs. The demons talked to me sent me messages thru all sorts of mediums and began to bombard me with the idea that I needed to cut that connection IMMEDIATELY. One even spoke to me as I read about him here on JoS because of course my mind has been consumed with this problem and he cut through the noise and spoke to me and asked me tough questions - very tough questions that made me look at my actions and the situation honestly and the self-imposed idiocy I had literally DECIDED to inflict on myself by not removing access to myself from this person. It was making me weak and stupid. This was presented to me with such clarity that the shame began to easily override nostalgia leaving me with no choice. In my rage that has begun to bubble up thru this awakening I have envisioned much evil upon this hated one...thru personal discipline I have realized best thing is to meditate thoroughly on what actions need to be taken to serve justice because I am now unencumbered and that can be dangerous. However, I am of the mindset that at no point ever again in life will I offer any mercy or comfort to my enemies. I will not turn the other cheek and the laws of polarity indicate that I should delight without guilt in destruction to my enemies as I would delight in creation.

Revenge is natural and I will not suppress my natural desires or forfeit my right to have it. They would and have attempted to destroy me without hesitation while I remained kindhearted. My soul is strong and not easily destroyed so I have been able to come through this trial battered but better. I will continue to be a loving person, as it is my nature, but I will destroy without prejudice or hesitation if there is ever again such an attack upon my soul. Again, I thank JoS for maintaining this knowledge base. Please continue to maintain this site it is a gift.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I understand this is a complex situation in regards to punishments and related, from what you write in your post.

1. Focus the anger on the enemy.
2. If you can't do this, then you might want to take revenge to a reasonable extent.
3. If the situation is something you cannot decide, bring the matter to the Gods and they will do what is necessary. Punishments will arrive if necessary.

There are times where people deserve to be punished, so keep this in your mind too. The full on destructive mindset generally leads people to these situations where they will eventually get run over by something.

I am working hard to stop this difficult situation. On the material level, by passing marketable diplomas for example. On the inner and spiritual level: meditations, soul liberations, cancellation of bad aspects to natal planets, etc.

But it takes time for this to materialize, to materialize the result of my work and the help of the Gods. I am not alone: I cannot drag my children into a worse situation. I cannot decently let my own emotions prevail.

This teaches me patience, I who am impulsive.
I taste the bitterness of "to the responsible, the responsibility". Finally, I am progressing even in a degraded condition, it strengthens me again and again.
Finally, I would NOT want to go against Satan.

If it were another context, another person, I would have already taken action.

Although even with the little offenders in social life, I now always weigh the benefit-risk before I do something: is investing time and energy for this crap really wise?
I want to progress, be faithful to the Gods and be worthy in their eyes. I don't want to disappoint them.

Thank you for the answer HP, as well as the SS brother who answered me, Rockseed
Gear88 said:

You have multiple questions so I’ll try to convey this in a way that may appease your intellect and at the same time give you a broader perspective.

You speak of doing recent on someone when you were young. If I would say this hast to be innate ability but at the same time as you have grown you have guarded yourself to a degree that closes you off to the vast majority of spiritually due to your own upbringing and what have you.

When it comes to judgement or recent you have to understand with a universal aspect and approach. The idea of revenge must have a solution of what is beneficial in the right manner.

One should not simply act unethical in the manner of just do whatever you feel. You must judge accordingly to the outcome you enlist when you go through with it.

In regards to thought you’re are misinterpreting the concept that though is the action. Incorrect. Though preludes action but is not the same thing.

When you think that is the beginning. But if you do nothing it is nothing. So if you think that because you thought is enough you gain no aspect of knowledge. You must act to experience and gain that knowledge. Your thought are powerful only insomuch that you also apply it in the material degree. You must have balance.

You cannot act or think like a god because your are not one. That would be a delusion. As such if you desire the same critical thinking then maybe you should start off with the idea that you have your flaws and work on them. Thought preludes action< action preludes result< result is knowledge that can be applied in a much larger outcome that will be of benefit.
At the end of the day, it's all about control over yourself and your emotions, and acting with maturity and responsibility. Like it was said in another post from our HP, we now live in an age where we have no excuses. Being ignorant of the consequences of your actions is a mistake that will fall upon our own shoulders, and will cause unnecessary harm to yourself and others around you. We must carry our names as SS with pride, and not do anything that would disappoint the gods.

This is an extremely important post for us to understand, and I thank HPHC for sharing this with us.
Ramier108666 said:
Gear88 said:

You have multiple questions so I’ll try to convey this in a way that may appease your intellect and at the same time give you a broader perspective.

You speak of doing recent on someone when you were young. If I would say this hast to be innate ability but at the same time as you have grown you have guarded yourself to a degree that closes you off to the vast majority of spiritually due to your own upbringing and what have you.

When it comes to judgement or recent you have to understand with a universal aspect and approach. The idea of revenge must have a solution of what is beneficial in the right manner.

One should not simply act unethical in the manner of just do whatever you feel. You must judge accordingly to the outcome you enlist when you go through with it.

In regards to thought you’re are misinterpreting the concept that though is the action. Incorrect. Though preludes action but is not the same thing.

When you think that is the beginning. But if you do nothing it is nothing. So if you think that because you thought is enough you gain no aspect of knowledge. You must act to experience and gain that knowledge. Your thought are powerful only insomuch that you also apply it in the material degree. You must have balance.

You cannot act or think like a god because your are not one. That would be a delusion. As such if you desire the same critical thinking then maybe you should start off with the idea that you have your flaws and work on them. Thought preludes action< action preludes result< result is knowledge that can be applied in a much larger outcome that will be of benefit.

Flaws yeah that's the thing I posses so many and so strongly and I view it all the time. I have absolutely no idea where to start.

For example when I learned about self-hypnosis/hypnosis and changing yourself back when I was a little kid and growing up later with the internet.

I said let me learn this stuff and change myself. Spend countless periods of time changing myself. Hypnotize myself and change everything.

I want everything to change. Since I was a little kid I knew life sucked and is a worthless piece of shit. So if I got so many flaws and issues might as well spend time changing everything. For example if hypnosis makes you do stuff cause you changed the underlying problem might as well change it and do whatever.

To be honest I've since learned that is pointless. I can't trance nor void nor single-pointed nor hypnotize myself so what is the point of learning this stuff if it does nothing. The fact of the matter is changing is impossible. Just amass the data and evolve and continue.

Sheer fact is I prefer like my saying goes, "If I can think it I can do it, so I think it and I did it, so why do I have to do it?"

I don't care for physical experience or manual experience or any experience whatsoever. Life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit living SS;DD(Same shit; different day) like my friend recently SS;DM(Same shit; different method).

Everything I've done is simply to be left alone, let me do whatever I want and live my life however the fuck I feel like.

Like Wayman Stewart's astro site before he closed it off. Freedom in spite of Security.

I care not for any experience. I simply care to learn about, read it, processes it, think, and add it to my databanks.

I care not for any expression or learning or whatever. It's much like meditation. I don't care to do it I do it but I don't care for it. I just care to learn about it and add it to my databanks.

It works, it works; I do it; it doesn't work I still do it. But honestly I just prefer learning stuff for the sake of learning.

I don't care to do things. I'm not a slave to life. I don't like doing anything my favorite activity is simply think, process, and contemplate. Just walk around my house or bedroom or in the backyard and just think and process and talk to myself and just exist for the sake of existing.

I don't like life, I don't like living life, I probably hate life. Probably all the years of thinking about sex and killing people and warfare and WW2 since I was a toddler thinking about sex and thinking about WW2 since 1997 and then later JoS in 2003.

I'm simply a thinker. I think therefore I am. I simply think, process, contemplate, and talk to myself.

Life is dreadfully boring. I care not for physical reality. I simply care to be left alone and left to my own devices.

No one cares what I care about so why should I care about reality. For example Gottfried Feder talks a lot of financial information in his manuscripts and books. Talking about beyond Libertarian i.e. a Taxless society. I speak to this stuff to my xtian family about Nazism, Occult, Satanism and besides the fact they hate it and I get in shouting matches and verbally attack these people. Even threaten their lives to kill them for example like my new saying I've been saying when threatening to kill them.

"If you don't like my 1A: FoS/FOE; I'll 2A your asses down with the penultimate or ultimate scientific weapons a knife and I shank your asses or pull out a gun and drop you both with a weapon of science".

Sheer fact is it's getting sick and tired of speaking to andrapods and NPCs and other fools. When I try and speak my NS/SS technology all I get is, "How is that going to help me get money?" or "Why do you tell me Nazis stuff if they killed 6 gorillians". Or "How can there be a rabbi reading nazi stuff and why would yad vashem release mein kampf stop lying with Nazi propaganda.

Like my stupid father said years ago, "From somewhere your getting that stuff". But now he goes stop with Nazi propaganda why do you propagandize everything. Stop telling me Nazi Satanic stuff.

I'm sick of it I want to speak to people to aggrandize my databanks and think further and process further.

For example Stormblood is a good example of this. He goes in a financial thread a bit ago sometime 2020-2021. He states if the Government can make money and collect taxes the money supply through a controlled expansion can be expanded and provide more finances for people enriching the population without upsetting the inflation rate.

Funny Gottfried Feder goes when I read collected writings. He goes if the Government can make a lot of money and funny enough all the money without any gains from direct or indirect taxes. All the money the Government can pay companies to lower the price of objects so the object comes to the market faster and with less price while maintaining high quality standard.

In other words microLED display is a good example it's probably even monitors people want these microLED displays will come out with obvious 4-digit prices 1500-2000 or more. Imagine the Government paying companies with it's tremendous financial gains. So the price is sold for like 700 dollars or something.

So Feder had the answer that Stormblood thought up in his worldview on NS or controlled capitalism i.e. Laise Fairreless capitalism i.e. regulated captialism. But in a Socialist manner of the German Socialist system or National Socialism the Government can ensure that prices remain low and society is improved at every turn through financially compensating technologies that are required.

I'd like to speak to like-minded people and advance my knowledge. Sheer fact is being NS/SS has made me completely unhappy and miserable. I prefer my old way of not speaking, keeping my mouth shut, and being in my own World thinking about sex and killing and warfare and WW2 and just plundering the internet for new databanks and new data acquisitions so I can advance myself.

Sorta like any AI or machine would do expand it's knowledge and advance.

If since I was a little kid in the occult, hypnosis 1980s-1990s psycho-revolution. Everything is a problem. I thought I can change and do whatever I want cause I do whatever the fuck I feel like. But the more I realize I can't change and that is impossible the more I realize life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit.

Funny speaking to my family they treat me and I treat them right back in utter shit. I'm surprised they don't listen and think my Nazi and Satanic principles are bad. Hello I'm trying to destroy the World's religions and political judeo-bolshevik institutes because they are bad.

Funny capitalism it helps people. Nope no it does not. Just recently my grandmother died and funny enough my family has to pay the Social Security $468.43 because of November and December payments cause my grandmother died a few hours before the end of the month following to January and now this stupid communist Government we have wants to berg nearly 500 dollars cause someone died.

I don't see anything good with capitalism or anything like that. It's either NS and SS or NS and SS there is nothing more.

Like Command and Conquer new construction options, new technology options. Peace through power; GDI Goyim Defense Initiative.

Anyways I Ramier#s I understand I respect your response but your talking to someone who doesn't give a shit about anything. I just care to think, process, contemplate and keep myself from blowing my brains out of boredom. Life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit. If I can't even sit down and meditate or perform trance or hypnosis or as far as my father returned to my life and got involved with all this spiritual stuff and all this occult stuff since he returned in my life when I was 3.

Then why the fuck do I give a shit about anything. Nothing works we are the same piece of shits from day one from the time we are born we are worthless pieces of shits. The fact they cut your umbilical cord before you breath is stupid. Everything about this worthless piece of shit Earth is stupid. How come they don't leave the umbilical cord a solid 45 minutes to an hour and then when the baby is breathing normally cut it.

Anyways I only care for information just to think, process, and contemplate. I wake up and the first thoughts in my head besides my usual operating system technology start up sequence. Is man 16 more hours to go to bed to end this shitty piece of shit day and several decades more before this shitty life ends and I reincarnate into another shit life cause this planet is shit and this World is shit and life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit.

So Ramier# I only care for knowledge and data. I can think it it's already done. Most people are like that we are less than 1% of anything. Most people don't want to do things. Most people don't give a shit all they care about is living their pathetic piece of shit life worthless andrapod life to make money.

Funny we care about family. But these capitalist-communist spiritual jew dupes called Gentiles only care about money from a mammonistic poison perspective. If they did care about family they'd be National Socialists.

I don't know and probably don't care to know. All I care about is more data. I guess I'm Herman Rosenblatting myself it was real because it was in my mind.

No I know what is real and I know what is in my mind. But I only care about data.

I have wonderful spectacular NS/SS thoughts wonderful anti-Kosher technology. I can kill in my head, I can have sex in my head, I can do whatever the fuck I feel like in my head and think myriads of parallel streams of thoughts. I can do whatever the fuck I feel like in my head.

So then why can't I do it in real life. Life sucks. My mind and body and soul are not processing the same thing. Look at how much of a piece of shit worthless motherfucker I am. I'm completely miserable, unhappy and just living in my head and no matter what I can't make reality work.

Reality sucks. I'm surprised I don't do like my old times when I would wake up 11am-12pm-1pm and then spend 12-15 hours+ playing games and reading the internet and doing computer stuff cause life sucks.

Funny I recall my MMORPG days back in 2009 of February playing Guild Wars for like 18 hours straight. Or Wolf:Enemy Territory for like 22 hours straight. Had flashes of the game every time I blinked.

Now a days I just spend my time walking, thinking, process, contemplating, and talking to myself.

The occult has not served any purpose. National Socialism has not served any purpose.

They are just mental constructs to process and think of a better life. It's basically hopeless denialism of life and basically just exist for the sake of existing cause two andrapods decided to fuck and produce a child.

I guess like my old saying goes, When the Gods come they'll help the World and finally I'll be happy because I'll prove my thesis.

Unless I go up to Satan or some Nordic Citizen and tell them my World view. And they go Sorry that's not what we are we don't do that we are not SS nor NS nor anything Human we are Nordics and we do our own Nordic thing and this planet belongs to us it's part of our territory thus you'll learn about the truth some day when we get the digital infrastructure up and change your civilization.

I guess that is a mind fuck a brain fuck be thinking about sex and whatnot since I was like 2-3 years old. Then NS since 1997 then SS since 2003 and then be told by your own civilization partner the aliens that own this planet and told, "No non of that is what we are; we are our own."

Well whatever.

I'm gonna end it here as I'm rambling. But I only care about knowledge and thinking and processing. I care not to do it nor want to do it. I hate doing things even this post is going to stir up a lot of anger in a lot of people. Like my friend said, Our own NS/SS brethren hate our World view. Well this is my Weltanschaang it's what I experience and what reality is. A worthless piece of shit that serves no purpose.

If the Gods wish to change me or teach me meditation or whatever. Or just outright state it's too late your in your 40s-50s and we came and it's too late.

Well what can I say like my old saying I have that I've been saying since I was 11 years old. "Oh well better luck next life".

I guess in the next Pluto in Scorpio when reality materializes my astro chart maybe improved I'll come down and maybe life is improved or not. Who knows. Maybe it's the same wretched dreck that Humanity invented cause we need to enslave others and like Marilyn Manson's version of Sweet Dreams. Some people want to use you, some want to get used by you.
Shadowcat said:
Ramier108666 said:
Something I learned from Cimeries was that one must also judge the outcome appropriately. If say one wanted to revenge they would need to judge how the outcome may affect not just the victim that the revenge is thrust upon but also the recurring individuals that can possibly be affected in a negative manner.

I can relate to the difficulty of not wanting to act upon impulse. But after associating more with Cimeries especially, I’ve learned that there are better ways to do something. I can act in accordance to the circumstance and judge if it will of benefit or not overall.

If there is not a high volatile outcome that may cause a larger scale problem then one should the necessary action they are looking to ensue upon their opponent.

He said to always be aware of not just the object of your anger if others are to be affected.

Judgement is not cut and dry and is highly complex, but there will always be factors that will need to be understood from the higher aspect of the universe.

I feel something to this extent has been relayed to me in the past as well. I wanted to get back at a coworker I didn't like that had a big mouth and was a complete prick. I brainstormed doing something to really mess up his car. Then I remembered he had kids that he barely could feed at times and I realized if he had no car due to me fucking it up, the implications would have included children going hungry because of me. I stopped right there and forgot the whole thing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
My comment  may sound a little strange but I might need advice.
I don’t know what « level » I’m exactly but I feel like a will never use my anger against any gentle anymore, no matter what they might to to me. I’m more and more calm every days. The issue is, if I really tap into my anger, I feel like I might get destroyed (by the intensity of it) in the process. Do you have an idea how to use is safely (for the RTR).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Life is not always to be taken personally. Crazy as this might sound, one must not take "personally" everything nagging, negative, and stupid they experience daily. One has to learn to let go a bit,

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Minimal offences or what be managed with conversation, I don't get into cursing. I might even forgive enemies and those who threaten me because I don't want to further give them a more pitiful existence than the one they already have, and if limits are understood and obeyed, there will be no recourse. Damage that doesn't reach me, I don't act against.

That is essentially true. You ought as a Satanist to get used to some level of "abuse" by the andrapoda/NPC's. I used to only think about this negatively in terms of christard weakness (christards are aggressive hypocrites and never really "give the other cheek"), and that as a proud SS I should assertive and aggressive with the outside world, but there ways one can stand their ground without necessarily "fighting back" or furthering attrition. For one, HPHC who is nonstop disrespected by whatever users even Satanists, and he could simply be banning people left and right, he is not really a "victim" though and doesn't need a "display of strength" on miserable NPCs who got to show off their weak ego as that really would not benefit or prove anything.

That is, if you aren't dealing with full own degenerates of course, many gentiles aren't and in some cases this could be even dangerous.

Now on a note for newcomers and lurkers, we have been brain-bombarded by Jewish Hollywood with endless revenge porn and gore porn in one hand - because Jews are extremely hateful and biased against everyone else for no reason - while on the other hand endless biblical acceptance of injustice for people who seek to right the wrongs (both examples of garbage in the movie "Law Abiding Citizen", for instance). So, many people who have been abused by life and brainwashed will look for Satanism with a biased (understandably so) perception that you are liberated to be a loose cannon with Magick and whatnot, but we as Gentiles must work to be higher. Also this Viking stuff has become pretty popular and so Vinland Saga has been popularized out there, I'm refferencing chapter 96 of the Vinland Saga manga where you have two Norsemen, one who maned up and became a brutal but righteous King and one who quit battling at all, but could flatten his enemies with bare fists if he wanted to, but with wisdom and reasoning to avoid useless bloodshed they agree to a truce. That is what Gentiles should seek most of the times and avoid reaping useless consequences that would benefit only kikes who don't get involved themselves in any fights of their own.

Resisting might earn you some level of respect even - speaking from experience. My own family mauled me with endless christian retardation and I could go full on ape mode on them but I didn't, as this is what "EXPECTED" from the "crazy Satanic lunatics" (that or the faggot retardation of the "Satanic Temple"). Today they respect me a lot more and as strange as it may sound, they even get offended on my behalf if someone makes fun of the fact I am a Satanist. We are strong inner warriors and not porcelain dolls who need extreme defensive measures or we're going to break.
Trying to be like Aristotle and faking it, will likely drive also one insane, because the repressed things and problems accumulated out of a wiser manner of action, will eventually blow up. But to not understand things like what Aristotle says is also the recipe for law of the jungle and ultimate disasters for one's self and others.

This was important to me. Ive been reflecting about my lifestyle and personal decisions recently.

I am a young man on my 20's. I am obssessed with power and knowledge but at the same time I have material and spiritual desires that is not much aligned with these. I want to experiment. I mean, going after them would make me happy not powerful. At least on my current understanding. Will I have problems repressing them? Is it the case of repressing and going insane? I do feel with a lower steem when I dont feed my desires and they keep popping.

For example, I feel like doing specific personal projects, researching specific subjects, hanging out ,buying specific stuff that would make me happy. Enjoying myself in general you know? But I cant do everything at the same time. Then I think " Cool, but I will have to make my spiritual routine shorter to engage on these things". I do have time for myself, however ive been feeling that I dont have enough. Feels like I am desiring more and I am less indiferent to somethings than before.

I was certain about living like an ermit for years. But now ive been feeling insecure about that. Maybe I "changed"(or I am more self aware) and didnt accepted yet
I never take revenge.Revenge is a fool s weapon,and is full of regret,even the word is ugly.

Instead,I take *JUSTICE* :D which is full of fulfillment :D :D :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
