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On Doubt About Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everyone who comes here, is here because we have seriously doubted the enemy system, hated it, or disliked it. That is absolutely normal. It's filled with lies and inconsistencies as far as a system goes.

We all have a different beginning here. Personally, I was a very doubtful individual when I was beginning. It took months until I built up trust with the Gods, or even believed my own observations.

People sometimes ask me things personally and I don't focus a lot on personal matters unless these are of benefit to other people, but I'll do this more often in case people find this motivational and helpful.

My approach to this was that this may be irrelevant or just a random story to people, but I understand this is of instructional value so I'll try to be more open. The silence was necessary so that people try to form their own opinion. But it may reinforce your own faith to do this so I presume this is a good trade.

In the beginning I was a serious doubter and I did doubt the Gods, my own experiences, and to be frank, anything there is, including every individual. The mass betrayal of xianity had hit me deep as an individual and left my mind in shambles, questioning if there was anything real in this world anymore.

The only individual that won my trust and maintained this was HPS Maxine which I never will regret, but this took years in the beginning. I trusted in everything she said but I also needed my own experience to convince myself about things.

Because I knew what I read in the website was for real, but whether or not I would get there was a question I had to deal with by myself. I simply knew she was saying the Truth, but I had to elaborate on a personal basis.

Despite of a strong feeling that I belonged here and that this was correct, the feeling of doubt lingered for a very long time. I was never mindlessly swayed in anyway. At any interval I took a step back to question every experience.

In order to see for myself, I said I had nothing to lose, and decided to dedicate, meditate and so forth. Having experiences with meditation prior, I knew this was the correct thing to do. This went away by a long and arduous process as I was naturally a doubter by nature. This is the reason I escaped xianity in the first place. Because it was filled with inconsistencies.

In Satanism, reasonably speaking, I found none. The same goes for the generally well poised points of LaVey, which seemed generally sensible points without garbage in them.

To fill in with doubt, studying is essential, but also, one has to meditate. The philosophical aspect in Satanism is definitely appealing, but I was here for the other aspects primarily. Progressively, one has to work to the way where they open up with the Gods a little bit, and then, one has to learn to rectify the things they receive. Doubts will come the issue is that one has to have faith in their decision. Faith does not have to be blind like the enemy.

This is the only "doubt friendly" religion there is. I am very careful what I say and what I see because there is always a doubt here. This also stems from the fact I've been in the scientific field for closely a decade. Questioning becomes second nature, to the point this can develop into an illness if not controlled, where one loses faith in everything. This is why many scientists are nihilists which believe in nothing.

For the first 3 years, I was going back and re-reading the Joy of Satan, related sites, and my own journals so that I would remember what happened during these times. Then experience sets in and you're more confident about everything. Why re-read? Because the mind forgets.

It's important because human memory can be loose and forgetful, especially in the beginning, to keep a safe journal or notes of things. When you look at these, you will be more certain. After a while this may no longer be required.

The enemy is lying when they say Satanists are "sheep" and "easily convinced". Nobody here is. Most Satanists are rather paranoid because they are people who understood prior betrayal by xianity, and this naturally creates a doubter. If we were not we would be definitely elsewhere.

I also noticed that Satan or the Gods did not have any problem with my doubting and instead went slowly in the appropriate ways to establish trust. This was reassuring. They also did not have a problem that this was a disposition. Years later I understand this may even be necessary, but not in a self crippling form, but rather in a curiosity for exploration type of form.

While the enemy people get swayed merely based on emotion, such as "Getting Saved" and "Accepting Jewsus", or the penalty of torment, there is none like this in Satanism. Satanism does not use emotional extortion in this way, or irrational fear.

Satan and the Gods are really, really patient, provided you try to advance, in your own pace. They understand fully how it is to be human. Except of enemy curses, menial life getting in the way, and weaknesses or obstacles we encounter, they understand a lot of things that are not known to us. Astrology also ties into this.

We are living, not robots. So they understand that we cannot simply be used like remote drones. They therefore build and invest slowly in people as much as they invest in them. Not every mind or brain is the same. This is like in a school, some kids advance fast, others win as the last man standing.

Doubt also has another face where one is not doubting, but rather, subverting things and attacking them in order for them to prove themselves. I never had this kind of doubt as I was only with good intentions here and the Gods in general. They don't respond well to disrespectful behavior or at all. That's not doubt that is subversion.

I never demanded signs in a sense that the Gods had to prove themselves to me, because I did not have the illness of self entitlement and I generally understood that these beings are really great. So asking for their time should be done in an appropriate manner. This helped a lot in establishing one's self in an order of rank.

This mentality was created by the enemy who preaches "Every human is worth a gazillion dollars you're a princess by automatically and doing nothing".

Most people are worth gazillions of dollars in Zimbabwe dollars however which is equal to nothing. That's the delusion of this century everyone is worth gazillions in currency that does not even exist. I'll roast more on that one in another topic.

Generally this approach by the enemy is because the enemy hides the fundamental reality that most people are only numbers, because if people figure this out, they will want to stop being numbers and try to organize differently. This has to be overcome for any being that wants to advance as it's only a delusional projection.

Demons should be approached as investors in a dubious project which we call "Building ourselves up". They are very open and giving, but don't squander their money around. Humans are a high risk investment for them or their time.

And if you see them investing in you, try to also do what is required in the pace that is natural to you and return back on this. Then they will invest more and more into this. And you'll get better while you also, theoretically, do things back for them. That's a definition of a good relationship of equal footing.

In general doubts are rectified on the mental level, by studying.

On the level of the practices, by practicing.

And on the level of advanced understanding, by advancing and deprogramming from the enemy.

These are three types of levels of doubt that will gradually be replaced by more certainty as you advance.

You can be perfect in one of the above levels, but if you have not rectified doubts coming from another level, they will come to you. Doubt in this case arises out of lack of knowledge or experience.

Doubt will transform itself in the process into something more useful to you, such as a need to explore. Then depression will be replaced with joy, because after a point you'll know these things are true.

Oftentimes there are also idiots who call people here out on their loyalty, but why should not they be called instead for their lack of it? One may be crippled by doubt and lack of faith, and that is equally disastrous as it's blind counterpart.

I am at for a example, a circumstance, where doubting anymore our common work, would only be retarded and a lie. I am too far to doubt because doubt has been overcome in the same way the invention of the airplane happened, it flew, and one can never go back after seeing it and pondering if it will ever be true or not. There are no such things for someone after a point. But to reach to a said point you have to walk the whole mile until the higher end of the mountain.

Blind faith is, lastly, when one has no clue about something. Blind implies one knows nothing about the subject. There has been no interaction with it, and one does not understand the subject at all.

When there is experience in something, and you have observed it, and grind your doubts against it, but it comes on top, then the certainty that arises is not blind faith, but rather an accumulation of proof due to experience. And that is not to be dismissed. But not everyone is at the same level.

This cannot happen rapidly it can take years or decades, but it happens. And everyone can get there.

Doubt like all other human emotions is not unnatural in Satanism or hostile unless it has a destructive intent. Satanism opens their gates to the doubters to become believers through self discovery.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This sounds alot like me when i was in the process of leaving xnity up untill the point where i found JOS. at the time every thing clicked for me and i was in general very open to learning more but was also doubtful. before i dedicated i made a point to do my own independant research and cross reference also with my own personal life experiences. up till now it would be crazy to say i did not still doubt at times, not JOS and the teachings and the facts as a whole however but my own experiences up till now specifically. i always approach with the mindset of "if accurate" "if percieved correctly" ect. I feel to have had meaningful experiences and gone through things yet try to be very careful not to put words in the Gods mouths. i can have a fear of being too demanding and will make a point of not asking for help at all in fear of being a nuisance but there has been a time especially during one of great identity crisis that i had reached out alot sometimes asking something repeatedly then was worried i could have been a bother or demanding. Recently due to percieved signs form some of the Gods, the last most recent summonings i have done was to ask what could be done FOR them thinking they might want something from me, instead of me going to them for something. whenever i was unure of what it was that they might want i will just try to send energy. if there is anything i do not doubt, it is that this is the correct path no matter what, and the things i have felt to have percieved, positive experiences and all, even attacks (because working for Satan pushes the enemies buttons, a very good sign) becuase ive been shown that there really is someone who answers us and cares it isn't who most humans think it is.
Thank you Hp Cobra.

Out of everything in this world Joy of Satan awnsers everything i ever wanted to know.

I find little truths on my own,then Joy of Satan expands thouse truths to way more than i could of ever imagined,its asif my soul knows its the truth and it seeks it until it finds it and sofar only Joy of Satan awnsers the deep things i strive to know. Thats one of the ways i know the Gods exist for real and helped Maxine create the Joy of Satan because there is nowhere else to find this information exept within ones self and here.
Aaahhh the feeling of having nothing to lose and go all out was me when coming to Spiritual Satanism. Christianity didn't do nothing I mean nothing to help me advance in any means and it's just a waste of time for mr and it's hard to see people in this crap for them to not see through on Truth and it disappoints me to the core. But I have to do what I have to do to become better and evolve, now i know about the jews it just makes me fight more and more until these kikes are destroyed from the core and removed from this planet like you would remove a roach or termite from infesting or destroying things around here. And the doubt part was not in my vocabulary, but I had the same experience like you did HP Hoodedcobra. But when it came to doubt I didn't have that in favor, I dedicated right away and started on a real spiritual journey with the meditations and it has tremendously changed my life for the better and I thank Satan for showing me the way along with HPS Maxine for helping us see the way. I always felt like when I came to the JoS, it just felt right to me and like a home.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I never demanded signs in a sense that the Gods had to prove themselves to me, because I did not have the illness of self entitlement and I generally understood that these beings are really great. So asking for their time should be done in an appropriate manner. This helped a lot in establishing one's self in an order of rank.

Overall this is all good of you to cover. Being careful and wary of bullshit is indeed, as you said, how many of us came to this path, due to being tired of the inconsistencies or flat out direct lies heaved at us by the great enemy.

But the selected excerpt in particular stands out to me, perhaps due to what I've ran into, and inspires several thoughts.

Due to... poor judgement in the past, I had gotten played by a manipulative waste of oxygen, who fed into my delusions, rather than helping me grow. After wising up to his lies and bullshit, I found my faith lost. Wandered away much in part because I blamed myself and also, as many scientists, it left me with excess doubt, not believing in anything. I wanted to turn my back on Lucifer and the gods completely, go my own way, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So began a few years of being an aimless drifting soul. Unable to commit to much of anything, terrified if I did, it would just be ripped away as some manner of sick joke.

Fast forward to the more recent year or two, including today, I still have many doubts, and worries. The ideas in my head are things that haunt me. Terrified of deluding myself, bringing myself only more shame, I reach out to and request of the gods for some sort of confirmation, not for them "proving themselves," but the sense of that I need something that I can actually believe, something that I can hold onto.

There aren't many things I can trust, and yet I still find myself back here, on this path. Back in the arms of the gods who I thought for sure, would have tired of me. "Your greatest critic is yourself," I believe is the line. The shifts in my life, while a significant portion are to thank of my own talents, I find it impossible to credit only to myself or simple convenience. Even the one who brought me back on the path, and am romantic with, I cannot help but thank Raum, who nudged us together.

Wishing for a sign of some sort, was probably my best choice. However, as you warned, not from a position of arrogance, or entitlement. But hoping for help, that someone could believe in me. As a friend of mine noted, when glancing at my natal chart, I was with an abundance of Water. Nowadays I've gotten much better, and grounded myself. While my advancements still need work, that sense of purpose has built. Not a purpose built on delusion and arrogance, but something I've begun to be truly proud of.

I just hope I stay with my feet on the ground, and my head out of my ass.
Io in particolare non ho avuto molti dubbi ,ricordo che quando scoprii li site la gioia di Satana ,lo lessi con voracita e poco dopo mi dedicai ,fu una sensazione bellissima come se avessi ritrovato casa.la mia vita miglioro molto Satana mi aiuto moltissimomi salvo leteralmente la vita ,in pochi mesi ero una persona molto diversa ,,cambiata ho risolto problemi di dependenza grazie a Satana ed aplicando quello che studiavo nel site. Grazie di cuore Maxine ,Cobra ed a tutto il clero per il vostro instancabile lavoro.Hail SATAN
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People sometimes ask me things personally and I don't focus a lot on personal matters unless these are of benefit to other people, but I'll do this more often in case people find this motivational and helpful.

My approach to this was that this may be irrelevant or just a random story to people, but I understand this is of instructional value so I'll try to be more open. The silence was necessary so that people try to form their own opinion. But it may reinforce your own faith to do this so I presume this is a good trade.

I find everything you say motivational and helpful,but not really the silience.
Do you mean you are going to awnser things personally from now on when it will be of help to others or did you mean it only on this post of yours?
Sorry Hp im confused

Thank you anyway for everything you do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
And if you see them investing in you, try to also do what is required in the pace that is natural to you and return back on this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

How a person finds its natural pace of required work? Sometimes I doubt that I’m not doing enough, so I try to do more but then I see the burnout. But if I don’t burnout I assume I didn’t do well for some reason...
I guess this goes to the level of practices?

Thank you for your sermons!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Demons should be approached as investors in a dubious project which we call "Building ourselves up". They are very open and giving, but don't squander their money around. Humans are a high risk investment for them or their time.

And if you see them investing in you, try to also do what is required in the pace that is natural to you and return back on this. Then they will invest more and more into this. And you'll get better while you also, theoretically, do things back for them. That's a definition of a good relationship of equal footing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel like this is opening up really bad wounds to sad past memories. Looking back at my immaturity before, I really became sadder and sadder which did me no good.

I should have used the past to make a better me, I wish I could change.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This is definitely motivating Cobra. I love your other writings as well, but with this I have a person to follow.

Sometimes, in my case, it's easier to understand when I read or hear a story about another person that has done the same. When it's theory or a system, I get the logic, but I don't feel it.

When going about it on my own, using the theory to help my thinking or the system to act, I understand by doing, but the doubts has an easier time creeping in. I'm much more confident and motivated when I know another person has done the same. Until I get my own experiences.

Although, that rarely makes me go into "sheep mode", as I'm very adamant about individual thought and forming my own opinions; at times, to a fault. Having someone to follow helps to counter-act and balance that out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you Cobra!
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Demons should be approached as investors in a dubious project which we call "Building ourselves up". They are very open and giving, but don't squander their money around. Humans are a high risk investment for them or their time.

And if you see them investing in you, try to also do what is required in the pace that is natural to you and return back on this. Then they will invest more and more into this. And you'll get better while you also, theoretically, do things back for them. That's a definition of a good relationship of equal footing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel like this is opening up really bad wounds to sad past memories. Looking back at my immaturity before, I really became sadder and sadder which did me no good.

I should have used the past to make a better me, I wish I could change.

You can change and improve and it's up to you. Dwelling obsessively on the past is not going to assist in this process if you get stuck in this rut.
Interesting read for me, this shows the beauty in individuality as I experienced much "Self-Doubt" but not much doubt in validity !

We all have our own version of the Satanic path.

Hail Satan
GoldenxChild1 said:
Interesting read for me, this shows the beauty in individuality as I experienced much "Self-Doubt" but not much doubt in validity !

We all have our own version of the Satanic path.

Hail Satan

Not sure if my post was not clarified enough. Mercury retro can be a real problem even for basic tasks like this and how meaning is put through and received.

Self doubt is questioning one's self in relation to the task. I think everyone will experience both this and general doubt, even by coincidence.

Internally every Satanic Soul knows this is THE path. There is no questioning this. However dynamics of not practicing or lack of study or other issues can contribute in doubtful delays. Personally I worked fast to crush it all because by applying serious devotion to the path.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Demons should be approached as investors in a dubious project which we call "Building ourselves up". They are very open and giving, but don't squander their money around. Humans are a high risk investment for them or their time.

And if you see them investing in you, try to also do what is required in the pace that is natural to you and return back on this. Then they will invest more and more into this. And you'll get better while you also, theoretically, do things back for them. That's a definition of a good relationship of equal footing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel like this is opening up really bad wounds to sad past memories. Looking back at my immaturity before, I really became sadder and sadder which did me no good.

I should have used the past to make a better me, I wish I could change.

You can change and improve and it's up to you. Dwelling obsessively on the past is not going to assist in this process if you get stuck in this rut.

Thank you HP. This really means a lot to me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Interesting read for me, this shows the beauty in individuality as I experienced much "Self-Doubt" but not much doubt in validity !

We all have our own version of the Satanic path.

Hail Satan

I had zero doubt about validity or existence of anything. But since I was coming out of xianity, then I had to make a redefinition of things to re-understand them.

Most of it happened through studying and meditation. But the majority of it through strong self overcoming. HPS Maxine has said before "we learn on the job". This is naked Truth right there. This path is understood by walking it.

Not sure if my post was not clarified enough. Mercury retro can be a real problem even for basic tasks like this and how meaning is put through and received.

No that is my fault, my apologies, my mercury retro is nasty, I make consistent grammatical errors and often read too fast so I misinterpret.
Shadowcat said:
... if there is anything i do not doubt, it is that this is the correct path no matter what, and the things i have felt to have percieved, positive experiences and all, even attacks (because working for Satan pushes the enemies buttons, a very good sign) becuase ive been shown that there really is someone who answers us and cares it isn't who most humans think it is.

Spiritual Satanism can be so real that many people out there would be shocked on how real it is. This can come as a shocker to some people. It puts the lies of the enemy to a total shame.

The contrast between the existing and the non existing becomes very apparent from becoming a xian to joining the Ancient Gods and becoming a Satanist.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
... if there is anything i do not doubt, it is that this is the correct path no matter what, and the things i have felt to have percieved, positive experiences and all, even attacks (because working for Satan pushes the enemies buttons, a very good sign) becuase ive been shown that there really is someone who answers us and cares it isn't who most humans think it is.

Spiritual Satanism can be so real that many people out there would be shocked on how real it is. This can come as a shocker to some people. It puts the lies of the enemy to a total shame.

The contrast between the existing and the non existing becomes very apparent from becoming a xian to joining the Ancient Gods and becoming a Satanist.

It does at that. I will never forget when joined the military at 17 years old. i wantedto make a career out if it since i was an adolecent at the time. as i started learning that the only real war was basically since 1776 i had doubts all the way. and ended up leaving. Since dedication i now am in an army i know i can be 100% fanatic for for a just cause that actually gives a shit about freedom and humanity. My only regret, as i have stated before, was that it could not happen sooner. but i suppose i was confronted with the choice when i was meant to.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They don't respond well to disrespectful behavior or at all.

I never demanded signs in a sense that the Gods had to prove themselves to me, because I did not have the illness of self entitlement and I generally understood that these beings are really great. So asking for their time should be done in an appropriate manner.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

OOPS. That reminded me of when I just started. I remember reading other's testimonies on how they "felt the gods" when they first dedicated and some others had awesome stories where they almost immediately met with a god. I got really jealous and felt like shit, because I thought they didn't want to see me and I really wanted to see them and I got pissed off, because I thought they had that "fuck him" mentality and doesn't help that I wasn't a very mentally stable person at that time and I am no doubt still not a people person. I've only tried to contact my gd once within 3 years and I messed it up and embarrassed my self, but now I'm giving 15 minute meditation sessions for each of the gods on their days where I build an astral temple themed for them, place myself in it and focus on their sigil for the whole time in honor of them; it's great void practice and I'd like to do it for the demons on the "other" section too, but I don't know how they would feel about that.
Big Dipper said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They don't respond well to disrespectful behavior or at all.

I never demanded signs in a sense that the Gods had to prove themselves to me, because I did not have the illness of self entitlement and I generally understood that these beings are really great. So asking for their time should be done in an appropriate manner.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

OOPS. That reminded me of when I just started. I remember reading other's testimonies on how they "felt the gods" when they first dedicated and some others had awesome stories where they almost immediately met with a god. I got really jealous and felt like shit, because I thought they didn't want to see me and I really wanted to see them and I got pissed off, because I thought they had that "fuck him" mentality and doesn't help that I wasn't a very mentally stable person at that time and I am no doubt still not a people person. I've only tried to contact my gd once within 3 years and I messed it up and embarrassed my self, but now I'm giving 15 minute meditation sessions for each of the gods on their days where I build an astral temple themed for them, place myself in it and focus on their sigil for the whole time in honor of them; it's great void practice and I'd like to do it for the demons on the "other" section too, but I don't know how they would feel about that.

You can get in contact with them by feeling them, focusing on their sigil, reading about them, and letting your mind connect with them in this way.
Big Dipper said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They don't respond well to disrespectful behavior or at all.

I never demanded signs in a sense that the Gods had to prove themselves to me, because I did not have the illness of self entitlement and I generally understood that these beings are really great. So asking for their time should be done in an appropriate manner.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

OOPS. That reminded me of when I just started. I remember reading other's testimonies on how they "felt the gods" when they first dedicated and some others had awesome stories where they almost immediately met with a god. I got really jealous and felt like shit, because I thought they didn't want to see me and I really wanted to see them and I got pissed off, because I thought they had that "fuck him" mentality and doesn't help that I wasn't a very mentally stable person at that time and I am no doubt still not a people person. I've only tried to contact my gd once within 3 years and I messed it up and embarrassed my self, but now I'm giving 15 minute meditation sessions for each of the gods on their days where I build an astral temple themed for them, place myself in it and focus on their sigil for the whole time in honor of them; it's great void practice and I'd like to do it for the demons on the "other" section too, but I don't know how they would feel about that.

Also keep in mind people come to the Gods on different levels, not everyone is the same. Some souls are stronger and more sensitive than others and this can also depend on the aspects in ones chart in how psychically open they are to begin with. As a result you may get responses or approaches in a variety of different ways, ways that are tailored to make sense to you and communicate to you specifically untill you are completely open astrally. you might continuously see a certain number. a certain song or movie scene may pop in your head with appropriate lyrics or scenarios as if to answer or talk to you that is appropriate to the moment without inspiration. you may be presented with something in dreams. Many SS have also been with Satan and the Gods in past lives, and as a result may find and feel the Gods much quicker so to speak, than someone who is just beginning to open their soul after lifetimes of brainwashing by the enemy or being somewhere in the middle.
Big Dipper said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They don't respond well to disrespectful behavior or at all.

I never demanded signs in a sense that the Gods had to prove themselves to me, because I did not have the illness of self entitlement and I generally understood that these beings are really great. So asking for their time should be done in an appropriate manner.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

OOPS. That reminded me of when I just started. I remember reading other's testimonies on how they "felt the gods" when they first dedicated and some others had awesome stories where they almost immediately met with a god. I got really jealous and felt like shit, because I thought they didn't want to see me and I really wanted to see them and I got pissed off, because I thought they had that "fuck him" mentality and doesn't help that I wasn't a very mentally stable person at that time and I am no doubt still not a people person. I've only tried to contact my gd once within 3 years and I messed it up and embarrassed my self, but now I'm giving 15 minute meditation sessions for each of the gods on their days where I build an astral temple themed for them, place myself in it and focus on their sigil for the whole time in honor of them; it's great void practice and I'd like to do it for the demons on the "other" section too, but I don't know how they would feel about that.

99% of these situations is also the issue is not that the Gods do not want to meet [all teachers would want to meet their children in class]. Demons generally will do a lot for people to notice. But people don't notice because

a. they may lack spiritual openness. Major issue. We have this on a large scale and it can happen to anyone, even open people can have times where they are experiencing considerable spiritual difficulty.
b. because many people do discard off a lot of signs thrown at them as irrelevant.
c. one does not try to rectify issue a.

What you do is an excellent practice to hone your visualization skills, and will eventually be the gateway for more experiences. The majority of them may not be in feeling, or visual, but can come in thoughts or other signs.

HP Hooded Cobra, Brotherhood,

I always wanted to tell my story here on this forum and honestly I was very reluctant. So some time ago I asked Our Father Satan for guidance on this and my GD days later told me that I would have my chance soon, and do not be afraid because that is what I should do when the occasion comes, as it would be for someone like me. ..The way HP Hooded said in his text.
Well come on then I'll try to summarize because there were so many events that it would be too long ....
I was born in *** 197* in the middle of the Brazilian military dictatorship. When my mother started prenatal care, something terrible was diagnosed for both of us: I had to be aborted, because according to the doctors I would not have the minimum condition to live because I would not be healthy at all. This is due to the fact that at the same time my mother contracted leprosy. But she refused to have an abortion, and said that if she both had to die, that was fine, or one of us too.
_ When I reached the age to start crawling, I just didn't move, I just lay on the inert floor. Exams done, it was diagnosed that the nerve in my spine, which descends from the brain, was born dead so I would be quadriplegic for the rest of my life.
My mother tried everything and solved nothing. Then they indicated a Mrs. who was doing spiritual work with a candomble exu, and she took me there and on the right day he did a spiritual operation on me, and said to my mother:
My mother tried everything and solved nothing. Then they indicated a Mrs. who was doing spiritual work with a candomble exu, and she took me there and on the right day he did a spiritual operation on me, and said to my mother:
_ "Within seven days this girl will start to walk, but this I achieved because she has a very strong protector who helped, sent by their greatest Father, this protector has been with her for many ages, and more I say, within seven years at the most, if you don’t treat her nerves, she will die.
-At the age of seven I had a semi-eplectic seizure, and I died, having stayed for about 15 minutes I think, and that's where I found ... Paimon. Of course, at the time I didn't know who or what he was. He brought me back. I saw the white light and everything and how it pulls you like a super strong vacuum, you can't resist and I saw what's really on the other side. But don't think that I saw hell with fire and sulfur, because if it really exists, I didn't see any of it myself.

My father was from the Brazilian army, major, and started hunting the military against the dictatorship. My father was pro Nazi, and it complicated our lives. He had to run away whenever he was warned that he would be arrested by the AI-5, he was gone for days, our house was invaded by the AI-5's political polices, it was horrible they broke everything, put guns on our heads, threw our food away, they hit us was a terror. My father was expelled from the army, for his Nazi ideals, and many years later he died of poisoning and until today we never found out who it was or why, we were only "advised" not to look any further, what better it was to live ...

Just for reference: even before I found JOS, I already knew that Jews were liars and that Hitler was not as bad as they told me, my father said that he did the right thing, saved Germany, and tried to do the same for others people, but prevented it. He also said that we would run away from Jews, because these people suck, he said, they lie, steal, slander and are the source of misfortunes in this world. We are not German understand, we are sons of Arabs by father and Italians by mother.
After that near death, I started to have seizures from time to time and fell into a coma. In those comas, I saw him. He was always there with me, sometimes he looked like a young man, but with a very serious look and the appearance of a desert Arab, light brown, in the style of this image that I use as a profile photo, and he said that I should not be afraid because I never , but never, whatever it was, he would never abandon me. Truth. He would hug me and take me to places so beautiful and different that I didn't want to go back, but he always managed and I came back ... crying.

So I saw a war, people exploding, lights in the sky, earth shaking and finally complete chaos, and I saw several individuals saving people and guiding others so that they could escape it all, and in these coma views, I saw what my "hero" really was. "anonymous, because I didn't know his name, and I don't know why I decided to call him Salim. It was on one of those occasions that I saw our Father Satan, but I did not speak to Him, it was not an absolute chaos, but when I came back from the coma I remembered nothing, after a long time that these images came back little by little.

That's how I learned that the Jewová was never my creator, that he was that very white and blond, strong, calm, safe, determined God who managed to save us in part with others. And so I started a forty-year search for this God. It had to exist, I felt it. After the comas, I started to have ease in telepathy, I know when a person is going to die, and I am warned by a spiritual person who called himself "messenger" and when he warned, it was seven days for the person to die. I know that to finish, Salim (Paimon in this case), after a long time appeared to me in a vision that I had, when I was about 10 years old, and I only saw his face, and he said: "You can go where want, do what you want, but understand child, that one day you will come back, of your own free will, for us, for home, for me ... And I will be here waiting.

There would be much more to tell, but not of, it gets too long. Years later I found Pai Satan on another website, where they call him EA- Enki, and when I read his story there, I felt sure that I had met that God ... everything I read matched my visions, and everything Salim (Paimon), he told me about the Truth, behind the truth as he said. I cried so much, with relief, with joy, a feeling of coming home, that I didn't even think twice: I made the dedication with Father Satan on December 23, 2016. I only discovered that Salim was actually Paimon, in 2.018 when I did a ritual with Pai Satan / Enki, to heal my love life and Pai Satan showed me what "Salim" was among other things and definitely healed me.
How did I get to JOS?
It's funny to remember, because on this site they spoke so badly about JOS, just because of Hitler, who got curious and searched on google and found it. I asked my guide Enkista, as they call the guardian demon, about JOS. Then he said: If you really want to learn and progress, this is the place, trust me. Do what they teach there and you will not regret it. I am not sure but I believe that Paimon is my GD. It was he who brought me back to Father Satan. It was from him that I have my best memories of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. When my daughter died, he raised me. I remember that when I turned 15 there was no one with me, because my father was sick and I spent my birthday at home alone. Then he came over and told me to go to sleep, because I had to celebrate my birthday. I thought it was funny but I did. In the dream he gave me the most beautiful party I ever had.
I know that perhaps many will not believe this story, if it were not mine, perhaps I would not believe it either.
But whether you believe it or not it is real. Ask your GDs or Father Satan.
The greatest and most beautiful gift that Life gave me: to find my Father Satan ... and the gods that I always knew existed,


sorry for the text so big, and i end here, there is much more to tell but if the HPs allow, i will tell you how much and how Father Satan healed me, raised me and made me people, something that I didn't even feel like a human being anymore, and Paimon, I can't thank him enough for everything he did for me. For what I don't like when they defame Father Satan and Paimon, I literally become an ounce. I fight and defend them tooth and nail if I need to.
Overjoyed by the opportunity to tell this biography.
Hail Father Satan !!!
What I do is Void when doing the spell as best as I can and then after the spell I don't think about it. I have manifested things and I have advanced enough to have a bit of powers (a power that I don't know how to fully use yet but surprised me when I tried to use it).

Yet for whatever reasons some months ago I got this deep doubt/anziety, I know where this was coming from and I'm fixing it but it took me by surprise because I thought in the years I have been here (4/5 years) I would never had doubt because of the experiences I had but it happened (I suspect some blockages in my solar chakra and the enemy may have used this weakness too) either way It helped me a lot to re-read the Jos and sermons and to see how much magic helped me in my life, It helped me so much, I swear my life before was full of negative Karma manifesting...

But now its so much better! Some problems that I have are not 'mine' but because of the Karma of others that live with me. Unfortunately when you live with someone and they are not SS they may bring their negative karma in your life, while I'm protected and nothing bad happens to me, things like getting mad at someone because they did something stupid can happen. I'm fixing this too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone who comes here, is here because we have seriously doubted the enemy system, hated it, or disliked it. That is absolutely normal. It's filled with lies and inconsistencies as far as a system goes.

We all have a different beginning here. Personally, I was a very doubtful individual when I was beginning. It took months until I built up trust with the Gods, or even believed my own observations.

People sometimes ask me things personally and I don't focus a lot on personal matters unless these are of benefit to other people, but I'll do this more often in case people find this motivational and helpful.

My approach to this was that this may be irrelevant or just a random story to people, but I understand this is of instructional value so I'll try to be more open. The silence was necessary so that people try to form their own opinion. But it may reinforce your own faith to do this so I presume this is a good trade.

In the beginning I was a serious doubter and I did doubt the Gods, my own experiences, and to be frank, anything there is, including every individual. The mass betrayal of xianity had hit me deep as an individual and left my mind in shambles, questioning if there was anything real in this world anymore.

The only individual that won my trust and maintained this was HPS Maxine which I never will regret, but this took years in the beginning. I trusted in everything she said but I also needed my own experience to convince myself about things.

Because I knew what I read in the website was for real, but whether or not I would get there was a question I had to deal with by myself. I simply knew she was saying the Truth, but I had to elaborate on a personal basis.

Despite of a strong feeling that I belonged here and that this was correct, the feeling of doubt lingered for a very long time. I was never mindlessly swayed in anyway. At any interval I took a step back to question every experience.

In order to see for myself, I said I had nothing to lose, and decided to dedicate, meditate and so forth. Having experiences with meditation prior, I knew this was the correct thing to do. This went away by a long and arduous process as I was naturally a doubter by nature. This is the reason I escaped xianity in the first place. Because it was filled with inconsistencies.

In Satanism, reasonably speaking, I found none. The same goes for the generally well poised points of LaVey, which seemed generally sensible points without garbage in them.

To fill in with doubt, studying is essential, but also, one has to meditate. The philosophical aspect in Satanism is definitely appealing, but I was here for the other aspects primarily. Progressively, one has to work to the way where they open up with the Gods a little bit, and then, one has to learn to rectify the things they receive. Doubts will come the issue is that one has to have faith in their decision. Faith does not have to be blind like the enemy.

This is the only "doubt friendly" religion there is. I am very careful what I say and what I see because there is always a doubt here. This also stems from the fact I've been in the scientific field for closely a decade. Questioning becomes second nature, to the point this can develop into an illness if not controlled, where one loses faith in everything. This is why many scientists are nihilists which believe in nothing.

For the first 3 years, I was going back and re-reading the Joy of Satan, related sites, and my own journals so that I would remember what happened during these times. Then experience sets in and you're more confident about everything. Why re-read? Because the mind forgets.

It's important because human memory can be loose and forgetful, especially in the beginning, to keep a safe journal or notes of things. When you look at these, you will be more certain. After a while this may no longer be required.

The enemy is lying when they say Satanists are "sheep" and "easily convinced". Nobody here is. Most Satanists are rather paranoid because they are people who understood prior betrayal by xianity, and this naturally creates a doubter. If we were not we would be definitely elsewhere.

I also noticed that Satan or the Gods did not have any problem with my doubting and instead went slowly in the appropriate ways to establish trust. This was reassuring. They also did not have a problem that this was a disposition. Years later I understand this may even be necessary, but not in a self crippling form, but rather in a curiosity for exploration type of form.

While the enemy people get swayed merely based on emotion, such as "Getting Saved" and "Accepting Jewsus", or the penalty of torment, there is none like this in Satanism. Satanism does not use emotional extortion in this way, or irrational fear.

Satan and the Gods are really, really patient, provided you try to advance, in your own pace. They understand fully how it is to be human. Except of enemy curses, menial life getting in the way, and weaknesses or obstacles we encounter, they understand a lot of things that are not known to us. Astrology also ties into this.

We are living, not robots. So they understand that we cannot simply be used like remote drones. They therefore build and invest slowly in people as much as they invest in them. Not every mind or brain is the same. This is like in a school, some kids advance fast, others win as the last man standing.

Doubt also has another face where one is not doubting, but rather, subverting things and attacking them in order for them to prove themselves. I never had this kind of doubt as I was only with good intentions here and the Gods in general. They don't respond well to disrespectful behavior or at all. That's not doubt that is subversion.

I never demanded signs in a sense that the Gods had to prove themselves to me, because I did not have the illness of self entitlement and I generally understood that these beings are really great. So asking for their time should be done in an appropriate manner. This helped a lot in establishing one's self in an order of rank.

This mentality was created by the enemy who preaches "Every human is worth a gazillion dollars you're a princess by automatically and doing nothing".

Most people are worth gazillions of dollars in Zimbabwe dollars however which is equal to nothing. That's the delusion of this century everyone is worth gazillions in currency that does not even exist. I'll roast more on that one in another topic.

Generally this approach by the enemy is because the enemy hides the fundamental reality that most people are only numbers, because if people figure this out, they will want to stop being numbers and try to organize differently. This has to be overcome for any being that wants to advance as it's only a delusional projection.

Demons should be approached as investors in a dubious project which we call "Building ourselves up". They are very open and giving, but don't squander their money around. Humans are a high risk investment for them or their time.

And if you see them investing in you, try to also do what is required in the pace that is natural to you and return back on this. Then they will invest more and more into this. And you'll get better while you also, theoretically, do things back for them. That's a definition of a good relationship of equal footing.

In general doubts are rectified on the mental level, by studying.

On the level of the practices, by practicing.

And on the level of advanced understanding, by advancing and deprogramming from the enemy.

These are three types of levels of doubt that will gradually be replaced by more certainty as you advance.

You can be perfect in one of the above levels, but if you have not rectified doubts coming from another level, they will come to you. Doubt in this case arises out of lack of knowledge or experience.

Doubt will transform itself in the process into something more useful to you, such as a need to explore. Then depression will be replaced with joy, because after a point you'll know these things are true.

Oftentimes there are also idiots who call people here out on their loyalty, but why should not they be called instead for their lack of it? One may be crippled by doubt and lack of faith, and that is equally disastrous as it's blind counterpart.

I am at for a example, a circumstance, where doubting anymore our common work, would only be retarded and a lie. I am too far to doubt because doubt has been overcome in the same way the invention of the airplane happened, it flew, and one can never go back after seeing it and pondering if it will ever be true or not. There are no such things for someone after a point. But to reach to a said point you have to walk the whole mile until the higher end of the mountain.

Blind faith is, lastly, when one has no clue about something. Blind implies one knows nothing about the subject. There has been no interaction with it, and one does not understand the subject at all.

When there is experience in something, and you have observed it, and grind your doubts against it, but it comes on top, then the certainty that arises is not blind faith, but rather an accumulation of proof due to experience. And that is not to be dismissed. But not everyone is at the same level.

This cannot happen rapidly it can take years or decades, but it happens. And everyone can get there.

Doubt like all other human emotions is not unnatural in Satanism or hostile unless it has a destructive intent. Satanism opens their gates to the doubters to become believers through self discovery.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I remember about a post on nihilism and remember how mentally disturbed I was some years back ( astrological factors did seem to make a significant impact here). Honestly lots of writing on the website for me were too high to understand or not relevant to my daily life and therefore ignored. But this nihilism aspect for me was dealt with simple questions of the nature-
1. Did the spells I ever do work?
2. What if this site is wrong but just like the spells the RTRs for a major part help humanity not degrade further into a mess ( and being structure into things).
Honestly I never feel advanced even now as most of the things happening ( while performing right brained activites) are a product of higher vril. Now I often ended up on videos by Yogis being able to move ( very little) objects with the powers of their mind.
Now I never actually believed this "enemy behind everything aspect" rather a question of intelligence. But invoking nihilism and considering " Gods as Gods and not friends or anything of a friendly nature" I kept fighting the enemy for " loads and loads of fuckups if I am to mention these". Then a few months later I would feel getting mentally stronger/wiser and how the HPs had mentioned about gentiles having a lower IQ because of kundalini being cursed was getting clearer. Now again I say this with loads of fuck ups on my part as I never really belived i the existance of an enemy and I would scream out " Satan thanks for this( vril) and how life just got incridebly better and everyday is a celebration when you can maybe learn things quicker or are quick witted."
Spending time on the forums did make it extremely awesome for me as I was conversing/thinking in a language that happens to be a secondary/ third language where I live. Now again I mention this as not being the most advanced person but some people here who actually asked really good questions were silenced or made fun of by many who are no longer a part of this organisation.
Also to anyone new reading this the JoS has information that may seem extremely away from the normal life of society but as you meditate many things will get clearer. The intelligence factor of humans i guess was measured with the eV between neurons and this does increase as we meditate. And this contributes a lot in your day to day lives as problems become more and more simpler to deal with.
I entered spiritual Satanism when I was 18, before that I was a Christian and it took me a few years to permanently disable enemy programs that I still insisted on continuing in my mind, I was always spiritually open and since childhood I never felt anything positive about them, I was afraid of everything that belonged to the enemy precisely because I saw that the energy behind it was not something that comforted or pleased my soul in any way that made me unhappy for all the time I was a Christian, but after my dedication to Satan the positive effects were immediate in the sense that my soul found itself and for the first time in my life I feel that I was making the right spiritual choice, since then I have been observing and acquiring empirical evidence that it is in Spiritual Satanism that can to be found true spirituality, magic, knowledge and the true history of humanity, to be explicit that the enemy is desperate, like the kikes are spiritually disarmed through our rituals, I believe that enemy entities are attacking us directly now, something tells me that they are playing the last cards paranoidly and without any smart strategy, obviously they don't even have 1 \ 10 of knowledge of the gods of hell about war tactics and I believe that their plan, both physically and spiritually, is basically a joke that will only anticipate their defeat, it is something that we are already seeing happen, the kikes are shooting in every possible direction against the pagans, I also noticed that their most common attacks is to try to create an internal turmoil among Satanists, they are behind most of our internal doubts just to destabilize and distract us so that we waste time with meaningless delusions and do not direct energy to destroy them once and for all, another pathetic strategy they are trying to use is to create the illusion in the minds of Satanists legitimate that they have some Jewish descent and are therefore Jews, which does not happen in most cases and any true Satanist can test this in a basic way by analyzing their appearance, their conduct, their mind, their chakras, an interesting way of knowing which side you are on is searching for symbols on both sides and feeling which one you feel a deep connection with and which one you dislike and feel bad about, I follow the "supposed" story of persecution of enemies, the their true story, and everything that has reference to them and I hate everything that involves them, they are energy-sucking parasites if you get close to a kike you will notice how their energy is different from ours, another thing that proves that you are a true spiritual satanist is that you feel better after your daily satanist meditation sessions if you were one of them you would end up feeling bad and would have given up meditating a long time ago, there is also the question of your emotional side and your empathy with others and with animals if you have that you are certainly not one of them, and the biggest proof that you are not one of them is if you managed to evoke the gods of hell, you got positive feedback and evolved with the knowledge of our gods, some of us have certainly suffered direct attacks of these disgusting and inferior things in the astral as in nightmares if this happened you are a verified Satanist, I even questioned the gods on this subject recently and I asked them to show me if I was a true spiritual Satanist or was one of them, (before I had a dream about a demon telling me that I was not a Jew), then all these thoughts came to my head and maybe this is a little help for other satanists who had the same question so that they can break a kike curse launched against them
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

"Having faith" is again highly grossed out because of the enemy influence on the minds of people. Faith is just " trusting the process" tbh. When one is highly over weight and is supposed to run. A day or two of sprints wont really make a difference. Why does one choose to continue this after attemplted fails after two days or fluctuating weights? Simply put it is a product of effort put in daily ; something has has shown results for many and trusting the process. Now coming to the religious aspects most people in western regions are already promised a heaven and questioning this faith is highly critized as one becomes highly paranoid as there were purpose of actions is questions; in a way the existance of their thought processes in general. The not having any other alternatives outside this judeo mess pays into it and any experiences with vril makes them paranoid and run away; enemy influences contribute to this mostly. The renaissance masters can be consulted ( in thoughts ofcourse) in questions regarding this. What if the sciences were never introduced; life would be a mess to say the least; who put in the effort not caring for their lives just to quench the thirst for knowledge while we enjoy the fruits of their labour? Who did they take down with their efforts and bring in development in the present world. Now what we have is a flooding of alternatives in the thought process not saying this is bad but can cause people not to develop a spiritual body afterall.

I can testify about the enemy messing with me even as a kid. I had a very vivid imagination and would often create scenarios etc in my mind with images only to be played by the enemy in dreams. Sometimes extremely negative dreams or just a plain waste of time. Coming to the websites I learnt how to protect myself too which for most part shows the legitimacy of this path. We can call it faith and disregard everything mentioned but if the attacks lessen or there is a general peace when you just breath in an AOP.

The question of all this being copied as projected by the enemy also can be thought of as true as an assumption and play out various scenarios in the mind. And see what the enemy basically stands for, and is this knowledge only of them or taken from the east where these things were already practiced without tying into the enemy energies and people had a general sense of people and higher understanding. Now we always had trolls who would blow things way out of proptions and make us a troll group at the end of the day without questioning or understanding things in the deeper context and just taking things at face value.

Like the question about JoS being a cult with an afterlife copied from the enemy religions. The critics of this site mention this often. Now what exactly stops one from having ones own place after one dies out? The can be understood from the Demons section where the definition of daemons is mentioned. What would stop these " lesser Gods ,lol" from creating a place where one could go after they die? Like said before everything gets blown way out of proptions to justify our limited understanding or to justify our lack of not wanting to work or just the enemy jumping in and playing with the minds.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Most of the naysayers of JoS also mention about ORION and how we are the real enemy and are ysing reverse psychology. While anyone with an internet connection and two working brain cells and make the truth out.
ORION has been called by various names by people theoughout and if I am not mistaken the constellation was called Natarajan ( dancing shiva). So this point gets cancelled out rather easily.
Many yogis have mentioned about the dark ages where knowledge would be absent implying if I remember correctly " the application of vril or uses of it" will be lost away. Which the JoS has for the past many years thought how people can use it properly to their own benefit. Rather than just vibrating mantras or doing yoga for hours and not programming this energy as opposed to making this energy work for your benefit.
Or how not all vril is same like different mantras for different purposes. All of this would be meaningless if effort to understand this would not have been made by the HPs. Also most of the Yogic schools for the most part treat this risen energy as kundalini. Very few who actually raise it know what this means or what is to be done next. Or what a risen kundalini actually means.
Sorry for mentioning all these I have been seeing lots of exposing JoS videos last year with the attacks ( not that I stopped the RTRs). But the doubts they create or atleast try to create for the new ones or the uninitiated ones can be easily answered with reading the encylopedia or just even a quick google search for the most part can show how many of these claims are baseless.
Iceofire666 said:
Io in particolare non ho avuto molti dubbi ,ricordo che quando scoprii li site la gioia di Satana ,lo lessi con voracita e poco dopo mi dedicai ,fu una sensazione bellissima come se avessi ritrovato casa.la mia vita miglioro molto Satana mi aiuto moltissimomi salvo leteralmente la vita ,in pochi mesi ero una persona molto diversa ,,cambiata ho risolto problemi di dependenza grazie a Satana ed aplicando quello che studiavo nel site. Grazie di cuore Maxine ,Cobra ed a tutto il clero per il vostro instancabile lavoro.Hail SATAN

Is this English?

Jings its hard enough for me to understand Scottish.

Hope it is a nice post :lol:
" Blind faith is, lastly, when one has no clue about something. Blind implies one knows nothing about the subject. There has been no interaction with it, and one does not understand the subject at all. "

The explanations in this Sermon and the other one are phenomenal HP. This sermon especially has cleared some things up for me.

Thank you for taking your time and writing this! Cheers!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
About The Demons of Satan,
Is Bune/Bim accurate?
If I choose to keep giving Bune energy, do I expect in return.
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Most of the naysayers of JoS also mention about ORION and how we are the real enemy and are ysing reverse psychology. While anyone with an internet connection and two working brain cells and make the truth out.
ORION has been called by various names by people theoughout and if I am not mistaken the constellation was called Natarajan ( dancing shiva). So this point gets cancelled out rather easily.
Many yogis have mentioned about the dark ages where knowledge would be absent implying if I remember correctly " the application of vril or uses of it" will be lost away. Which the JoS has for the past many years thought how people can use it properly to their own benefit. Rather than just vibrating mantras or doing yoga for hours and not programming this energy as opposed to making this energy work for your benefit.
Or how not all vril is same like different mantras for different purposes. All of this would be meaningless if effort to understand this would not have been made by the HPs. Also most of the Yogic schools for the most part treat this risen energy as kundalini. Very few who actually raise it know what this means or what is to be done next. Or what a risen kundalini actually means.
Sorry for mentioning all these I have been seeing lots of exposing JoS videos last year with the attacks ( not that I stopped the RTRs). But the doubts they create or atleast try to create for the new ones or the uninitiated ones can be easily answered with reading the encylopedia or just even a quick google search for the most part can show how many of these claims are baseless.

To be with us a certain degree of studying and intelligence is required for someone to have. And certain inner qualities.

People who do not have these will simply leave and there is nothing that should worry nobody.

We have been under onslaught but this is nothing new.
luis said:
What I do is Void when doing the spell as best as I can and then after the spell I don't think about it. I have manifested things and I have advanced enough to have a bit of powers (a power that I don't know how to fully use yet but surprised me when I tried to use it).

Yet for whatever reasons some months ago I got this deep doubt/anziety, I know where this was coming from and I'm fixing it but it took me by surprise because I thought in the years I have been here (4/5 years) I would never had doubt because of the experiences I had but it happened (I suspect some blockages in my solar chakra and the enemy may have used this weakness too) either way It helped me a lot to re-read the Jos and sermons and to see how much magic helped me in my life, It helped me so much, I swear my life before was full of negative Karma manifesting...

But now its so much better! Some problems that I have are not 'mine' but because of the Karma of others that live with me. Unfortunately when you live with someone and they are not SS they may bring their negative karma in your life, while I'm protected and nothing bad happens to me, things like getting mad at someone because they did something stupid can happen. I'm fixing this too.

Be aware of this also: the enemy is cursing heavily. I make these posts to help people be lifted out of these miserable curses of the enemy, which seek to blind us all.

We know what is going on. Stay strong my Brother.
AryaPaimon said:

HP Hooded Cobra, Brotherhood,
Overjoyed by the opportunity to tell this biography.
Hail Father Satan !!!

Wonderful story. Having come across Paimon when I was new, I know he is a wonderful Demon.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
What I do is Void when doing the spell as best as I can and then after the spell I don't think about it. I have manifested things and I have advanced enough to have a bit of powers (a power that I don't know how to fully use yet but surprised me when I tried to use it).

Yet for whatever reasons some months ago I got this deep doubt/anziety, I know where this was coming from and I'm fixing it but it took me by surprise because I thought in the years I have been here (4/5 years) I would never had doubt because of the experiences I had but it happened (I suspect some blockages in my solar chakra and the enemy may have used this weakness too) either way It helped me a lot to re-read the Jos and sermons and to see how much magic helped me in my life, It helped me so much, I swear my life before was full of negative Karma manifesting...

But now its so much better! Some problems that I have are not 'mine' but because of the Karma of others that live with me. Unfortunately when you live with someone and they are not SS they may bring their negative karma in your life, while I'm protected and nothing bad happens to me, things like getting mad at someone because they did something stupid can happen. I'm fixing this too.

Be aware of this also: the enemy is cursing heavily. I make these posts to help people be lifted out of these miserable curses of the enemy, which seek to blind us all.

We know what is going on. Stay strong my Brother.
This was definitely a mix between one of my blocks and the enemy curses. It did not feel like mine even because I had so much experiences that I should not have any doubt.
It really has helped a lot reading more about you. It started ago actually but stuff like this means others will read your post and give the confidence they need. I know it did for me in key areas

Thank you for this :)
Great post.

Anyone who has the minimun responsibility doubts, so it is natural and good. But when the doubt completely freezes the person, then it is bad and can cause stagnation.

This "freeze" can be caused by the exagerated fear of doing a mistake. Taking a decision sometimes is not a easy task as you may have to deal with guilt or shame if you are wrong. If you ever skated, you know the feeling, when you were a begginner, of being at the high top of the ramp, looking downwards, preparing yourself and finding courage to drop with chances of having a painful falling.

We can feel pain when something is not going well in our body, but we dont revolt against it. Rather, we seek to identify the cause of this pain and find a solution to it so we can be better, stable and know what to avoid so the problem does not repeat. Guilt and shame are not pleasant feelings like the pain, but they point to something that should be changed, fixed or compensated. It is just this. Dont beat yourself.

We should trust ourselves and do what we believe to be right considering what we know. The most important is the disposition to learn from the mistake and improve.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone who comes here, is here because we have seriously doubted the enemy system, hated it, or disliked it. That is absolutely normal. It's filled with lies and inconsistencies as far as a system goes.

We all have a different beginning here. Personally, I was a very doubtful individual when I was beginning. It took months until I built up trust with the Gods, or even believed my own observations.

People sometimes ask me things personally and I don't focus a lot on personal matters unless these are of benefit to other people, but I'll do this more often in case people find this motivational and helpful.

My approach to this was that this may be irrelevant or just a random story to people, but I understand this is of instructional value so I'll try to be more open. The silence was necessary so that people try to form their own opinion. But it may reinforce your own faith to do this so I presume this is a good trade.

In the beginning I was a serious doubter and I did doubt the Gods, my own experiences, and to be frank, anything there is, including every individual. The mass betrayal of xianity had hit me deep as an individual and left my mind in shambles, questioning if there was anything real in this world anymore.

The only individual that won my trust and maintained this was HPS Maxine which I never will regret, but this took years in the beginning. I trusted in everything she said but I also needed my own experience to convince myself about things.

Because I knew what I read in the website was for real, but whether or not I would get there was a question I had to deal with by myself. I simply knew she was saying the Truth, but I had to elaborate on a personal basis.

Despite of a strong feeling that I belonged here and that this was correct, the feeling of doubt lingered for a very long time. I was never mindlessly swayed in anyway. At any interval I took a step back to question every experience.

In order to see for myself, I said I had nothing to lose, and decided to dedicate, meditate and so forth. Having experiences with meditation prior, I knew this was the correct thing to do. This went away by a long and arduous process as I was naturally a doubter by nature. This is the reason I escaped xianity in the first place. Because it was filled with inconsistencies.

In Satanism, reasonably speaking, I found none. The same goes for the generally well poised points of LaVey, which seemed generally sensible points without garbage in them.

To fill in with doubt, studying is essential, but also, one has to meditate. The philosophical aspect in Satanism is definitely appealing, but I was here for the other aspects primarily. Progressively, one has to work to the way where they open up with the Gods a little bit, and then, one has to learn to rectify the things they receive. Doubts will come the issue is that one has to have faith in their decision. Faith does not have to be blind like the enemy.

This is the only "doubt friendly" religion there is. I am very careful what I say and what I see because there is always a doubt here. This also stems from the fact I've been in the scientific field for closely a decade. Questioning becomes second nature, to the point this can develop into an illness if not controlled, where one loses faith in everything. This is why many scientists are nihilists which believe in nothing.

For the first 3 years, I was going back and re-reading the Joy of Satan, related sites, and my own journals so that I would remember what happened during these times. Then experience sets in and you're more confident about everything. Why re-read? Because the mind forgets.

It's important because human memory can be loose and forgetful, especially in the beginning, to keep a safe journal or notes of things. When you look at these, you will be more certain. After a while this may no longer be required.

The enemy is lying when they say Satanists are "sheep" and "easily convinced". Nobody here is. Most Satanists are rather paranoid because they are people who understood prior betrayal by xianity, and this naturally creates a doubter. If we were not we would be definitely elsewhere.

I also noticed that Satan or the Gods did not have any problem with my doubting and instead went slowly in the appropriate ways to establish trust. This was reassuring. They also did not have a problem that this was a disposition. Years later I understand this may even be necessary, but not in a self crippling form, but rather in a curiosity for exploration type of form.

While the enemy people get swayed merely based on emotion, such as "Getting Saved" and "Accepting Jewsus", or the penalty of torment, there is none like this in Satanism. Satanism does not use emotional extortion in this way, or irrational fear.

Satan and the Gods are really, really patient, provided you try to advance, in your own pace. They understand fully how it is to be human. Except of enemy curses, menial life getting in the way, and weaknesses or obstacles we encounter, they understand a lot of things that are not known to us. Astrology also ties into this.

We are living, not robots. So they understand that we cannot simply be used like remote drones. They therefore build and invest slowly in people as much as they invest in them. Not every mind or brain is the same. This is like in a school, some kids advance fast, others win as the last man standing.

Doubt also has another face where one is not doubting, but rather, subverting things and attacking them in order for them to prove themselves. I never had this kind of doubt as I was only with good intentions here and the Gods in general. They don't respond well to disrespectful behavior or at all. That's not doubt that is subversion.

I never demanded signs in a sense that the Gods had to prove themselves to me, because I did not have the illness of self entitlement and I generally understood that these beings are really great. So asking for their time should be done in an appropriate manner. This helped a lot in establishing one's self in an order of rank.

This mentality was created by the enemy who preaches "Every human is worth a gazillion dollars you're a princess by automatically and doing nothing".

Most people are worth gazillions of dollars in Zimbabwe dollars however which is equal to nothing. That's the delusion of this century everyone is worth gazillions in currency that does not even exist. I'll roast more on that one in another topic.

Generally this approach by the enemy is because the enemy hides the fundamental reality that most people are only numbers, because if people figure this out, they will want to stop being numbers and try to organize differently. This has to be overcome for any being that wants to advance as it's only a delusional projection.

Demons should be approached as investors in a dubious project which we call "Building ourselves up". They are very open and giving, but don't squander their money around. Humans are a high risk investment for them or their time.

And if you see them investing in you, try to also do what is required in the pace that is natural to you and return back on this. Then they will invest more and more into this. And you'll get better while you also, theoretically, do things back for them. That's a definition of a good relationship of equal footing.

In general doubts are rectified on the mental level, by studying.

On the level of the practices, by practicing.

And on the level of advanced understanding, by advancing and deprogramming from the enemy.

These are three types of levels of doubt that will gradually be replaced by more certainty as you advance.

You can be perfect in one of the above levels, but if you have not rectified doubts coming from another level, they will come to you. Doubt in this case arises out of lack of knowledge or experience.

Doubt will transform itself in the process into something more useful to you, such as a need to explore. Then depression will be replaced with joy, because after a point you'll know these things are true.

Oftentimes there are also idiots who call people here out on their loyalty, but why should not they be called instead for their lack of it? One may be crippled by doubt and lack of faith, and that is equally disastrous as it's blind counterpart.

I am at for a example, a circumstance, where doubting anymore our common work, would only be retarded and a lie. I am too far to doubt because doubt has been overcome in the same way the invention of the airplane happened, it flew, and one can never go back after seeing it and pondering if it will ever be true or not. There are no such things for someone after a point. But to reach to a said point you have to walk the whole mile until the higher end of the mountain.

Blind faith is, lastly, when one has no clue about something. Blind implies one knows nothing about the subject. There has been no interaction with it, and one does not understand the subject at all.

When there is experience in something, and you have observed it, and grind your doubts against it, but it comes on top, then the certainty that arises is not blind faith, but rather an accumulation of proof due to experience. And that is not to be dismissed. But not everyone is at the same level.

This cannot happen rapidly it can take years or decades, but it happens. And everyone can get there.

Doubt like all other human emotions is not unnatural in Satanism or hostile unless it has a destructive intent. Satanism opens their gates to the doubters to become believers through self discovery.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you, Sir.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
