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Non-white gods and how to deal with them


New member
Aug 14, 2021
So while I was at work one day just minding my own business, a random warning came into my head; What if I were contacted by a non-white god?

I know they're more civilized than their earthly counterparts, but the thought of a non-white god (negro or neolithic) actually trying to contact me is still icky, and the fact that they're allowed to have authoritative positions within the empire of orion implies some form of corruption.

Empires are only good in name only but in actual function, they're only good when done properly, like undesirables being made the fringe of an empire while the master race is at the center of it. (Good ol' times huh?)

Maybe if I hadn't seen the worst (and the best) of ooga-boogas and grain-eaters, I would probably feel alot less icky about the thought of a non-white god trying to contact me.

I'm fine with proper Asian people but I guess I'm more inclined towards my race.

Atleast those gods I mentioned aren't jews, but still.

Should I just proceed like with an actual Human?

If it were to happen, what should I do?
If what you mean by gods here is Satan and demons, don't worry, my friend. I'm sure they will make fewer mistakes than you. Don't worry about stupid things
I am not trying to come off as harsh, but comparing a Black God to the average nigger is pretty insulting to the God, I'd say 😂.

Jokes aside, I think the Gods are aware of the racial differences. There is a reason why there are Gods for different races, and I don't think a Black God/Goddess would attempt to talk to a White person. I don't think you have to worry about it.

If you do happen to be in this scenario, in a hypothetical scenario, treat them in the same way as you would a White God/Goddess, as best as you can. A God/Goddess will most likely be able to tell if you feel uncomfortable with the encounter, and will probably make it as easy as they can for you in this regard. Or, a White God/Goddess might contact you on behalf of the Black God/Goddess, I don't know how "God-mail" works.

As for the empire, Gods hold authoritative positions precisely because they're Gods. But the structure is such that races don't get mingled, as I said previously. I don't have extensive knowledge on politics to hold a good conversation on this topic, so I'll have to admit my ignorance here and leave it at that 😅

It's good that you're inclined towards your own race, it's completely natural. Also, jews don't have Gods of any sort. They're devoid of souls and feed off of suffering and negativity. They are associated to Greys and Reptilians whose sole goal is to farm humans for energy.
You can't comprehend their greatness because you are on a level of a kike.

What you wrote here is insanely blasphemous towards Satan and reflects your dogshit being.
There is nothing wrong with a Black God contacting a White man, same as a Black contacts Satan or any White God.

And just a note, they would have never contacted you.
So while I was at work one day just minding my own business, a random warning came into my head; What if I were contacted by a non-white god?

I know they're more civilized than their earthly counterparts, but the thought of a non-white god (negro or neolithic) actually trying to contact me is still icky, and the fact that they're allowed to have authoritative positions within the empire of orion implies some form of corruption.

Empires are only good in name only but in actual function, they're only good when done properly, like undesirables being made the fringe of an empire while the master race is at the center of it. (Good ol' times huh?)

Maybe if I hadn't seen the worst (and the best) of ooga-boogas and grain-eaters, I would probably feel alot less icky about the thought of a non-white god trying to contact me.

I'm fine with proper Asian people but I guess I'm more inclined towards my race.

Atleast those gods I mentioned aren't jews, but still.

Should I just proceed like with an actual Human?

If it were to happen, what should I do?
Afodo was too harsh to call you a kike, but your idea of what spiritual advancement/Godhood means is off. For anyone to transcend to Godhood, they first have to remove whatever behaviors you perceive as icky or degenerative. Therefore, any God should be given the highest level of respect.

You had actually described part of the problem correctly where you theorize that your mental perception of the Gods of their race is being twisted by what you had experienced from the lowest members of their race. This is like seeing a rotten apple and assuming that the freshest apple must also have some rot in it somewhere.
Afodo was too harsh to call you a kike

To be 100% fair, AFODO didn't call him a kike. He said that he's on the same low level as a kike. Not that I agree with it, but it's an entirely different thing.

I know they're more civilized than their earthly counterparts, but the thought of a non-white god (negro or neolithic) actually trying to contact me is still icky, and the fact that they're allowed to have authoritative positions within the empire of orion implies some form of corruption.

First of all, the non-White Gods aren't negroid. Gods aren't human actually, they are a species of their own. They mostly look like the other Gods but are dark-skinned. Some of them are a mixture of species, like Clistheret and Rofocal who are half-greys and have bulbous heads like greys.

All of them are perfected beings though. They are far from the level of humans and their skin color plays no role in their behavior.

As others said, you've got the wrong idea about race and advancement. Forget about the Gods for a second and let's talk about human races. Once a human being, even if (s)he's Black or Indian or whatever, completes the Magnum Opus, (s)he becomes perfect and no longer behaves like an average degenerate individual. That's what you don't understand. Magnum Opus is physical and spiritual perfection. You don't have any flaws after you reach the Magnum Opus, no matter what race you belong to. Those who are degenerate are far from completing the Magnum Opus and they'll never complete it unless they change their focus. The Magnum Opus is only completed by the best people of all races.

I also agree with AFODO that your beliefs about races are very jewish. There's no "master race" in Satanism. We support the separation and mutual respect of all races. Each race should live on their own continent, not interfering with others. We don't want one race to control all others, because not only defeats the point of Satanism, it brings the same race mixing BS that brought Egypt down and will bring North America down soon.
Some Gods are the same species as us while others are not. Many Humans have reached Godhood, not to mention that we have been made in the image of our creators. The major difference is physical perfection versus imperfection. That does not mean we would not be the same species.
The others have said it pretty well already, but I just want to reiterate that there is no "master race" that should control all the others. That's, quite literally, what kikes think.
They think theirs is the master race that has to dominate all others.
We Whites do not, and must not, think like that. For it is not what the Gods and Nature Herself have taught us.

We don't support racial supremacy, we support racial separation.
Racial separation is needed for the good of all races involved, not just to benefit one of them.
Ours is not a mere support because we just think it's right, our ideals are founded in common sense, since we have the knowledge to know what happens when racial separation is not in place (races disappearing, less soul-body affinity in mixed people, etc). Racial mixing is detrimental to everyone involved, except the puppeteers.
So while I was at work one day just minding my own business, a random warning came into my head; What if I were contacted by a non-white god?

I know they're more civilized than their earthly counterparts, but the thought of a non-white god (negro or neolithic) actually trying to contact me is still icky, and the fact that they're allowed to have authoritative positions within the empire of orion implies some form of corruption.

Empires are only good in name only but in actual function, they're only good when done properly, like undesirables being made the fringe of an empire while the master race is at the center of it. (Good ol' times huh?)

Maybe if I hadn't seen the worst (and the best) of ooga-boogas and grain-eaters, I would probably feel alot less icky about the thought of a non-white god trying to contact me.

I'm fine with proper Asian people but I guess I'm more inclined towards my race.

Atleast those gods I mentioned aren't jews, but still.

Should I just proceed like with an actual Human?

If it were to happen, what should I do?
You see, this depends.
You should look into "the importance of third sex people in pagan and satanic worship". Now, how in the hell does this relate?

Well, simple. A person who identifies as a proud banner of aryan culture like you are, you would need to have very special qualities to be able to succesfully work with, say, a black God.
Satan plans there to be some of these. Some who can see the best of it all, and bring it back to their group.

But if you're feeling icky about the mere concept of meeting one, you should be fine, they're probably not on your path.
So while I was at work one day just minding my own business, a random warning came into my head; What if I were contacted by a non-white god?

I know they're more civilized than their earthly counterparts, but the thought of a non-white god (negro or neolithic) actually trying to contact me is still icky, and the fact that they're allowed to have authoritative positions within the empire of orion implies some form of corruption.

Empires are only good in name only but in actual function, they're only good when done properly, like undesirables being made the fringe of an empire while the master race is at the center of it. (Good ol' times huh?)

Maybe if I hadn't seen the worst (and the best) of ooga-boogas and grain-eaters, I would probably feel alot less icky about the thought of a non-white god trying to contact me.

I'm fine with proper Asian people but I guess I'm more inclined towards my race.

Atleast those gods I mentioned aren't jews, but still.

Should I just proceed like with an actual Human?

If it were to happen, what should I do?
I find this idea of a white God and a black God very mundane, the Gods are not of our species and our races shouldn't apply to them

Racial supremacy is something retarded, the only ones who preach it are the Jews (I'm not saying you are), as long as this stupidity of a superior race exists, there will be no peace between the gentile races, it's exactly what the Jews want

Do some work to deprogram yourself from the Jewish programs, black humans just like everyone else here, are capable of advancing spiritually and becoming a God.
I find this idea of a white God and a black God very mundane, the Gods are not of our species and our races shouldn't apply to them

Racial supremacy is something retarded, the only ones who preach it are the Jews (I'm not saying you are), as long as this stupidity of a superior race exists, there will be no peace between the gentile races, it's exactly what the Jews want

Do some work to deprogram yourself from the Jewish programs, black humans just like everyone else here, are capable of advancing spiritually and becoming a God.
You are correct that it should not matter as all gentile races can achieve godhead, however race is a factor in the amount of spiritual power one starts with in life.

Whites were created with the blood of the Gods, and are directly related to them in this way. This is why some Gods such as Lord Beelzebul took a White human lover, as they are compatible racially with one another. This does give Whites more spiritual power on a default level when their soul is created, however these are just generalizations and Blacks, Asians, and Whites can all advance equally and reach godhood regardless.
You are correct that it should not matter as all gentile races can achieve godhead, however race is a factor in the amount of spiritual power one starts with in life.

Whites were created with the blood of the Gods, and are directly related to them in this way. This is why some Gods such as Lord Beelzebul took a White human lover, as they are compatible racially with one another. This does give Whites more spiritual power on a default level when their soul is created, however these are just generalizations and Blacks, Asians, and Whites can all advance equally and reach godhood regardless.
This is all correct. I must also add, some people have a stronger sense of race bias within them. Some bias is advisable, such as not interbreeding, but you can have this to a point where it's more extreme, such as turning your nose at working with non-White Gods.

I believe this is a naturally occurring variance between people, and while some may have to work and deconstruct in order to have a better perspective, you must also acknowledge that some people won't enjoy or feel compatible with working with Gods outside their race.
I, personally, am white italian, and yet within my work I have best connected with Lord Asmodeus, who is definitely not a God of similar race to me.
But I know for a fact some white SS friends of mine would absolutely never be able to work on a consistent basis with him.

This is good. It diversifies people's spiritual perspective within society. A healthy number of people will be pushed towards Gods which are close to their ancestry, while some members of that society can grow spiritually closer to beings that aren't as "local" in order to bring a constant flow of new ideas.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
