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No...i am not on a rampage...


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2022
Why would anybody think? That I would be on here to cause problems!
Why would anybody assume? That I would be a threat of any kind on here?
Why would anybody assume? That I would be on a rampage?
Laugh out loud! I have got much better things to do than to start a fight on here and act like an idiot!. 🙂 I am perfectly fine!❤ and I am Happy! And just like everybody else on here we have our days and we have our moments!.. I don't think you're getting the full picture here? And for a lot of people they think I'm on here pissed off and angry for no reason! Will laugh out loud I'm not pissed off and I never was.🙂 OK! So why are some of you out there? Assuming that I'm going to overreact to something? Or react to anything at all? Why? I have my own life to live! I have got better things to do! I am not on here to be an enemy. Or a jerk or a pain in the ass! In fact I never was! Yes last week was a pain in the butt! I admit! But I wasn't blaming anybody for anything! I didn't start it out and out argument with anybody! So why would anybody assume that I was on here causing problems? Laugh out loud for your information my computer was acting up! On top of that trying to figure out this new format! And trying to get things adjusted and trying to figure things out so that I can get on here and study and read and make some progress! Trying to get things all worked out so everything will be fine! And guess what! Everything was fine! So I had nothing to worry about! And everything is perfectly fine!🙂 So yeah!!! Anyway how was your day today?... it seems to me that there's some people on here that have a problem with me? It's not like I said anything to anybody? I post a few threads? I was a perfect well-behaved human being? Complete with please and thank you and everything! And I was kind and I was loving and patient the whole damn time even if my computer was fucking up on me! Yes I had a bad day or two but I got over it! Yes let's not talk about the past anymore about yesterday's problems and who did this and who did that? Let's think about the future and let's move ahead! I'm a positive person and I'm a very upbeat person! I like colors I like rainbows! I like dragons! Yummy food parties and cooking! Singing and dancing! I'm happy and cheerful and colorful! I am a Leo I am a happy person! So obviously I'm not a problem! I'm about as happy as happy can be! And all I want to do is make people happy! And live and learn and be happy! YES!!!❤🙂🧘‍♀️ laugh out loud I am not on here to get hate! I am not on here to teach hate or preach hate! In fact I'm not a hateful person at all! But I will protect myself! And I will say what I have to say! And with no filter! Because one has every right to protect his or herself from the enemies! Who'd like to get out there and cause problems! Laugh out loud I'm not one of them! I've been dealing with enemies all my life and I've been dealing with haters all my life! But I am not going to stoop to their level either! Because I've got my head up high! And I am on here to live and learn like everybody else! And do the very very best I can! I am on here to live and smile and learn things make friends and get along with people! And make myself useful on here as a student!
They were referring to your incessant reactions to every post which could be said to be a form of rampage. There seems to be no mind behind these reactions and you are simply diluting their meaning by doing so.

Another point. In real life when you are conversing with someone and someone says something to you do you go to another room or another place to reply to something? Because this is what you are essentially doing here. When you have something to say to someone then quote their post in the topic the post has been done. Now you are cluttering the forum with these random posts all over and it's really hard to understand what and to whom you want to say.

And for the umpteenth time, please learn how to paragraph your posts!
They were referring to your incessant reactions to every post which could be said to be a form of rampage. There seems to be no mind behind these reactions and you are simply diluting their meaning by doing so.

Another point. In real life when you are conversing with someone and someone says something to you do you go to another room or another place to reply to something? Because this is what you are essentially doing here. When you have something to say to someone then quote their post in the topic the post has been done. Now you are cluttering the forum with these random posts all over and it's really hard to understand what and to whom you want to say.

And for the umpteenth time, please learn how to paragraph your posts!
Daaam I'm sorry about that.
I had no idea what I was doing on there. All I was trying to do is figure out the format and what I was doing right or wrong? I didn't realize I was pissing people off that way I thought it was just having conversations with people and then starting on the next thread and when it comes to posting and sharing? I'd even know if a lot of that was even going in? Sometimes my fingers would just touched something as I would scroll down and the next thing you know I would record again and then there was nothing I could do about it
And I am sorry for what I did and there's nothing I can do to change any of that or get rid of it? Because even when I was scroll down my fingers would even touch on reply or quote and I would go to change it or put it back but by that time there was no way of changing it whatever was posted? And that's why I would get upset
And sometimes I use my phone when I get on those posts and my phone needs to be upgraded I have problems with my phone plus trying to figure out the new format and then of course my computer goes weird on me and then again all I wanted to do was just say something and let people know that I've got a brain and that I can read what's going on and comprehend and understand too and I didn't realize that you could share the same conversation thread with another post so I had no idea what I was doing? That I will look into it! And I promise you I will be a lot more careful next time
And I am sorry for what I did and there's nothing I can do to change any of that or get rid of it? Because even when I was scroll down my fingers would even touch on reply or quote and I would go to change it or put it back but by that time there was no way of changing it whatever was posted? And that's why I would get upset

I agree. For people using a phone, it is much more difficult to scroll and read everything without accidentally touching one of these buttons and posting something we didn't mean to. I have had the same problem.

With the old system, it was perfectly easy to make a reply. But the button was smaller and less in the way, so we would not accidentally touch it. And if we did, the seperate page for writing and previewing replies would come up and it would not automatically post anything. We would have to choose again on that page to post it.

That seperate page for writing and previewing replies was also just as useful the other way, it is outside of the topic so we are not accidentally clicking on all kinds of buttons in the topic.
And using a cell phone to get on here? That is where I got into the most problems. And then I didn't know whether my post went through or not so I would go and do it again and didn't realize that I was making a confusing mess for everyone
I agree. For people using a phone, it is much more difficult to scroll and read everything without accidentally touching one of these buttons and posting something we didn't mean to. I have had the same problem.

With the old system, it was perfectly easy to make a reply. But the button was smaller and less in the way, so we would not accidentally touch it. And if we did, the seperate page for writing and previewing replies would come up and it would not automatically post anything. We would have to choose again on that page to post it.

That seperate page for writing and previewing replies was also just as useful the other way, it is outside of the topic so we are not accidentally clicking on all kinds of buttons in the topic.
You're literally the only one complaining about the new forums in their wholeness. Your behaviour is so boomer like that I'm actually shocked. How old are you that you can't adapt to a new layout? Because all of your posts complaining are either child like or boomer like.
Posting miltiple times at one time to the same thread (duble, triple posting, or more) is fustrating, like what you did here, you could have replied to Henu in one single post but you did in 6 posts, mostly repeating yourself which is also another thing.

Henu the Great Thank you for letting me know about this
Thank you!! Hail Satan ❤

The above is two different post, repeating yourself, completely unnecessary.
You are also making more work for the mods.

Than you make 6 sentences in two lines, like seriously, use commas or nothing. Than what Henu said, make spaces in your post like everybody else, and don't react to every single post.
You also use 10+ emojis in a post.

An advice that somebody gave in the other thread: ground yourself.
Another thing i forget is that you are using "!" all the time which is not correct! I always think that you are shouting! aren't you shout in your mind when reading this! Very frustrating!

Now the more readable version:

Another thing is that you are using "!" all the time is not correct. I always think that you are shouting, aren't you shout in your mind when reading this? Very frustrating.
You're literally the only one complaining about the new forums in their wholeness. Your behaviour is so boomer like that I'm actually shocked. How old are you that you can't adapt to a new layout? Because all of your posts complaining are either child like or boomer like.
It feels pretty strange to me too, maybe because I'm from a phone or maybe I just need to get used to it.
You're literally the only one complaining about the new forums in their wholeness. Your behaviour is so boomer like that I'm actually shocked. How old are you that you can't adapt to a new layout? Because all of your posts complaining are either child like or boomer like.
These are problems while using a phone, which seem to have been experienced by all people who use a phone for this website. If you are using a computer, your experience will be different. Viewing on a 30 inch monitor and scrolling with a mouse and keyboard is obviously a much different experience than viewing on a 2.5 inch wide screen, which is also a touch screen and ends up clicking things while trying to scroll.

Also as somebody who has spent more time here and written more comments than almost anybody, I am the perfect person to review what is an improvement and what has been made worse, because I have spent more time using these features than almost anyone. Somebody who never writes anything does not need to think about how writing comments has changed. And somebody who has never used certain features would never need to know how those features have changed.
You're literally the only one complaining about the new forums in their wholeness. Your behaviour is so boomer like that I'm actually shocked. How old are you that you can't adapt to a new layout? Because all of your posts complaining are either child like or boomer like.

It's not about adapting to anything. My priorities are mostly utilitarian and I am not distracted or amused by shiny objects.

What I care about is what is objectively better and what is functional. If something is made much more difficult to use, that is the opposite of an improvement.

If something is changed to make it difficult to scroll without clicking things because new buttons are added everywhere that seem to cover most of the screen, this is a condition that already exist regardless of me noticing it. And if this change means that by accidentally clicking these buttons ends up posting things that you never meant to post, the whole forums will be more of a mess by showing all of these mistaken posts. And this is already proven true, as I have seen this happening from several different people including myself. It is not my fault for noticing all of these problems, the problems have already existed before I noticed them. And I say something about it because I do care and I do want everything to work correctly and be easy to use. Maybe you don't really give a shit, but I do have high standards and I believe there should not be problems everywhere that require to be adapted around.
These are problems while using a phone, which seem to have been experienced by all people who use a phone for this website. If you are using a computer, your experience will be different. Viewing on a 30 inch monitor and scrolling with a mouse and keyboard is obviously a much different experience than viewing on a 2.5 inch wide screen, which is also a touch screen and ends up clicking things while trying to scroll.

Also as somebody who has spent more time here and written more comments than almost anybody, I am the perfect person to review what is an improvement and what has been made worse, because I have spent more time using these features than almost anyone. Somebody who never writes anything does not need to think about how writing comments has changed. And somebody who has never used certain features would never need to know how those features have changed.
Mate, tell more about using a phone. I literally use an iphone 13 mini, which is the smallest possible phone one could get, I have literally no problems, sometimes there were bugs, but I rarely see them anymore. I only log on to the JoS with a pc to do translations, and most of my 9600 posts are made with a phone.

You are contrarian to this new forum because you have some kind of hangup regarding new things. Bugs get resolved, problems are talked about and then fixed, as you know. And you say you have witnessed others having problems with the forums, how many exactly? Because most people here have only good things to say about these new forums, it's around the 1% of people here who complain, I don't even believe that numer is larger than the fingers on my one hand.

Stop being such a complainer. I literally can't believe someone who has been an SS for such a long time can be so whiny. It's actually pathetic to witness.
And I am sorry for what I did and there's nothing I can do to change any of that or get rid of it? Because even when I was scroll down my fingers would even touch on reply or quote and I would go to change it or put it back but by that time there was no way of changing it whatever was posted? And that's why I would get upset

If you accidentally click 'reply' or 'quote' and want to remove the quoted message, click the 'Undo' button on the toolbar, which looks like a arrow moving counterclockwise. This will easily undo and delete the quoted message.
Posting miltiple times at one time to the same thread (duble, triple posting, or more) is fustrating, like what you did here, you could have replied to Henu in one single post but you did in 6 posts, mostly repeating yourself which is also another thing.

The above is two different post, repeating yourself, completely unnecessary.
You are also making more work for the mods.

Than you make 6 sentences in two lines, like seriously, use commas or nothing. Than what Henu said, make spaces in your post like everybody else, and don't react to every single post.
You also use 10+ emojis in a post.

An advice that somebody gave in the other thread: ground yourself.
Yeah yeah! I'm getting real sick and tired of this gibberish
Mate, tell more about using a phone. I literally use an iphone 13 mini, which is the smallest possible phone one could get, I have literally no problems, sometimes there were bugs, but I rarely see them anymore. I only log on to the JoS with a pc to do translations, and most of my 9600 posts are made with a phone.

You are contrarian to this new forum because you have some kind of hangup regarding new things. Bugs get resolved, problems are talked about and then fixed, as you know. And you say you have witnessed others having problems with the forums, how many exactly? Because most people here have only good things to say about these new forums, it's around the 1% of people here who complain, I don't even believe that numer is larger than the fingers on my one hand.

Stop being such a complainer. I literally can't believe someone who has been an SS for such a long time can be so whiny. It's actually pathetic to witness.
I completely agree. I haven't had any such issues. If you accidentally press any button on mobile, there are visual indicators, and they are easily undone. Olly is on a strange crusade against the new forum.
I am so sick and tired of this teeny bop behavior on here! Why don't these dumb girls! Get a fucking life! And if they have one why don't they go find something better to do!? I remember every one of their fucking names! And the things they said on that stupid Ethan thread!! Everything they said about me is exactly what they are! And I curse every one of them tenfold! In the name of Satan hail Satan oath!
I mention problems because I hope that they might eventually be fixed. Nothing will ever be fixed by ignoring and pretending that there are no problems. And there are many people who have been experiencing problems, not just me. If you personally have not had a problem, then you are lucky, but that does not mean that everything is good for everyone else.
I agree. For people using a phone, it is much more difficult to scroll and read everything without accidentally touching one of these buttons and posting something we didn't mean to. I have had the same problem.

With the old system, it was perfectly easy to make a reply. But the button was smaller and less in the way, so we would not accidentally touch it. And if we did, the seperate page for writing and previewing replies would come up and it would not automatically post anything. We would have to choose again on that page to post it.

That seperate page for writing and previewing replies was also just as useful the other way, it is outside of the topic so we are not accidentally clicking on all kinds of buttons in the topic.
I write from a computer, I do not use my phone to write, because it is difficult to write and edit text from a phone, for example, to correct grammatical errors and punctuation marks, whereas it is very easy to do this on the keyboard, i.e. you can write and add text, it is more difficult to do this on the phone.
I am so sick and tired of this teeny bop behavior on here! Why don't these dumb girls! Get a fucking life! And if they have one why don't they go find something better to do!? I remember every one of their fucking names! And the things they said on that stupid Ethan thread!! Everything they said about me is exactly what they are! And I curse every one of them tenfold! In the name of Satan hail Satan oath!
Ok..right now you are sounding legit stupid and insane. Or maybe you're just trolling? This behavior from you is just ridiculous. If you're not trolling, then take a good breath and chill out.
I mention problems because I hope that they might eventually be fixed. Nothing will ever be fixed by ignoring and pretending that there are no problems. And there are many people who have been experiencing problems, not just me. If you personally have not had a problem, then you are lucky, but that does not mean that everything is good for everyone else.
Ol, don't excuse yourself by saying you were just mentioning problems. You literally threw a tantrum on how much you don't like this forum, how much you preferred the other one, and how you have trouble adjusting to this one. Mentioning the problems was a very small part of your tantrum.

And who ever ignored that there are no problems? A post is literally dedicated to bugs and problems users are encountering and the admins are on it every day fixing it.
Ol, don't excuse yourself by saying you were just mentioning problems. You literally threw a tantrum on how much you don't like this forum, how much you preferred the other one, and how you have trouble adjusting to this one. Mentioning the problems was a very small part of your tantrum.

And who ever ignored that there are no problems? A post is literally dedicated to bugs and problems users are encountering and the admins are on it every day fixing it.
Aquarius take a step back and observe this whole situation. Don’t you thinks it’s odd that you and @Ol argedco luciftias are literally squabbling about something that is to some degree irrelevant to be posted. If he has an issue then it can be made poignant to the moderators. Simply put this post started by the OP who from my current purview is trolling with nonstop post and continuous adolescent behavior in their post is causing a train wreck and making things a bit more extreme than what the seem.
I am so sick and tired of this teeny bop behavior on here! Why don't these dumb girls! Get a fucking life! And if they have one why don't they go find something better to do!? I remember every one of their fucking names! And the things they said on that stupid Ethan thread!! Everything they said about me is exactly what they are! And I curse every one of them tenfold! In the name of Satan hail Satan oath!
I’m beginning to see a pattern that I find quite adolescent and troll-like. Please discontinue such behavior as it’s rather unsettling and causing disruption. If you are a troll and doing this intentionally, it will be dealt with.
I feel bad for mods that have to read through wall of text every 10 minutes (if they even read it anymore).

I usually hate posting unnecessary comments like "thank you" and such cause I feel bad that someone has to use their time to approve that comment 😬
But seeing this literally makes me boil inside.

Sis, people have been telling you for few days already to stop flooding the forums with your posts. The hate may have come due to it.

I am not such a spirituality advanced person yet to offer my advice or help but few people here have offered their help, talk to them in private and try and resolve this.
Blitzkreig JG and HPS Lydia I think are one of them that offered their help in one of other vent topics of yours.
Venting is good but this has been going for a while now and it should stop.
And now you're calling me a fucking troll?.... so I guess I can't get on here and read right?.. okay I get it! You think I'm a fucking monster! So how was it the people are supposed to read on here? So all of those threads are not supposed to be read by people? It's wrong just to be able to click into one and read and take a look at the content? How about give me the rules? And the whole list of the rules? That everybody is supposed to follow on here! Kind of like with Facebook or Google or like when you're on a group page? There are a set of rules! That the people's are supposed to follow?... do we not have a set of rules for this website? For people to read and study and pay attention to? That when people join in and sign up? That there is a certain amount of rules! Certain rules that we are supposed to listen to read and pay attention to and follow? And if there is! Maybe I forgot to read them!? Maybe... it would help if I had the rules to read! And when I was reading the content I don't remember seeing any of these rules? And if there was maybe I bypass them! But if I am such a problem child? And I am such a monster? And if I'm going to be treated like a Jew on here? And such a mystery freak? Don't you think it would be best to give me a list of the rules and the do's and the don'ts on here!? So I will know exactly what to do and behave myself like everybody else is supposed to on here? So I won't be such a pain in the ass!
And perhaps maybe? Just like everybody else I will walk in a single file line and sit down and fold my arms and sit reverently and ask questions if needed!? And I would use the words please and thank you! Dress and behave and act like a lady on here! And behave like a proper student on every thread! That I am cordially invited on to! And since I'm not allowed just to go help myself to a threat and open it up that I'm supposed to wait until when? To get on a thread? And to know all the dues and the don'ts! And how to behave and how to talk and walk on here! Without being a monster or a fucking threat! That way I can behave like a good girl and be a lady! And use proper language and bow and curtsy! And say please and thank you! And let everybody know that I'm a human being and that I am a spiritual Satanist and that I am a lady!
And now I am going to log off! And stay off for the whole rest of the day! And go spend the rest of the day in my room sitting in the corner! And think about the horrible things and the rotten things I did! And then I'm going to get down on my knees by my bed and say my prayers! And confess all of my ungodly sins! Laugh out loud! Seriously? And why should I be given a guilt trip? When I didn't even know? Did I can't just go help myself to a thread like somebody reaching into a box of donuts to get a donut so I can have something to read and enjoy like somebody is enjoying a Tutti Frutti donut and a cup of coffee! And enjoy!? There has got to be a set of rules on here that I am supposed to read like everybody else when they sign up on here! And maybe it was something that I didn't read or pay attention to! So that I won't get my little hand slapped when I reach into the box of donuts! So that I can politely wait until I am served or called upon in order to have one! Do you know what I mean? If I'm not allowed to read any of the threads on here! Then other words I will sit politely and wait till I see my name on a thread? And then say thank you after I have been cordially invited on! Isn't that more proper?! Laugh out loud I've been in rehab! I'm pretty much know what rules are and what discipline is! Plus I was brought up in a Mormon family! I pretty much know what rules are! Especially if I've been yelled at every day is a little kid pushed around by others! And having to live in a house with five other kids! And having to wait my turn to go sit at the dinner table and wait until I am served and say my prayers before I even allowed to eat! And I should pretty much know the rules about my house! So obviously I know about rules and how people should act and dress and behave! So seriously! Assuming that I'm a fucking monster! And assuming that I'm a fucking jew! And compare me up with one! And calling me a troll! If that is the way you're going to look at me? And if you're going to see me as a threat and a problem!? Well then why don't you give me the whole shit and shabang of the fucking rules? And let me read them! And then maybe you will see me as a different person on here! Instead of such a fucking brat!
Now..🙂 i am GO8NG to politely remove myself from here! And log off for the day! And go focus on how to behave myself! Maybe I will go talk to my mommy and daddy! And arrange for a good spanking! And maybe I will have my mom and dad get on here and explain my inappropriate behavior! And maybe you can talk to my parents! Yeah they're both in their 70s! You're going to love this! And here I am a 52-year-old woman! Laugh out loud! And then maybe you can tell them how bad I was and what they need to do to punish me! Would that make you guys feel better? And until then I'm not going to even bother to get on at the rest of the day! Thank you! For calling me a fucking troll! Another words you're also assuming that I'm a fucking jew! I think that's about enough! Now I think you people are going to far! And I'm getting sick of this drama! I am not some little girl that you just pulled out of an orphanage here! I come from a pretty straight lace family! And I know what discipline is! And I also know what it's like to be punished! Severely beaten and punished! And I've been on a pretty rough road as it is! Dealing with drug addiction and recovery! And being a recovering drug addict! I pretty much should know what discipline is! But I am not going to be treated like a stable Pony on here! Or a slave! Or behave like some naughty little girl! And feel like I'm being yelled at by my daddy every time I get on here! And have a little reminder of how I misbehave all day long like I'm talking to my mommy at the dinner table! But if you wish to talk to my parents? I will have them both get on here so that you can have a personal heart to heart talk with them about my naughty behavior! And for the rest of the day you're not going to see me back on here! In fact I'm going to make it for like the rest of the week! You're not going to see me on here! And I am going to discipline myself and I'm going to behave myself! When I get back on here! After spending a few days off! So that I can think about things and get my ACT together! Put on my big girl panties! And throw my little dolly away! And show you that I'm an adult! And that I don't fuck around! That I want to sit properly in this classroom raise my hand and say teacher! And ask a few questions and behave as of though I am in a boarding school! Or like I am sitting in church! Wait till I am called upon to answer a question or wait for whatever or whoever wants to share something with me or talk to me! And speak when I am spoken to! And say please and thank you!💜🫡🙂 have a nice day! Hail Satan 🙏🔥
And now you're calling me a fucking troll?.... so I guess I can't get on here and read right?.. okay I get it! You think I'm a fucking monster! So how was it the people are supposed to read on here? So all of those threads are not supposed to be read by people? It's wrong just to be able to click into one and read and take a look at the content? How about give me the rules?

Dragonheart, people think you are trolling because of errors in your communications, such as thinking someone was talking to you, when they were instead referring to Ol Argedo Lucifitas, or making more messages outside of the normal conduct of writing. Most people only write about 1 or 2 messages per topic, or per person, whereas sometimes you write way more, with the messages often repeating the same ideas. There are not strict forum rules about this, but these are more like informal rules of writing which should be followed.

More troubling, you are not controlling your emotions and this is leading you to say that you will curse other Satanists, which is not allowed. You had also written insults towards others which were more damaging than what they had said to you. This is only aggravating the situation and making you look even worse. Please take this seriously and calm yourself, as you had already been given many replies by myself and HPS Lydia, and the thread by Ethan was deleted, too.

To summarize, do not spam messages, and try to avoid misquoting or misreplying to others. Furthermore, do not insult others and threaten to curse them, which is serious as this destroys the community relationships. Moving forward, it would be smarter to focus your time on solutions, like a working with the Mercury mantra to improve your communications, rather than fighting with others about what happened.
If you accidentally click 'reply' or 'quote' and want to remove the quoted message, click the 'Undo' button on the toolbar, which looks like a arrow moving counterclockwise. This will easily undo and delete the quoted message.
Thank you
Dragonheart, people think you are trolling because of errors in your communications, such as thinking someone was talking to you, when they were instead referring to Ol Argedo Lucifitas, or making more messages outside of the normal conduct of writing. Most people only write about 1 or 2 messages per topic, or per person, whereas sometimes you write way more, with the messages often repeating the same ideas. There are not strict forum rules about this, but these are more like informal rules of writing which should be followed.

More troubling, you are not controlling your emotions and this is leading you to say that you will curse other Satanists, which is not allowed. You had also written insults towards others which were more damaging than what they had said to you. This is only aggravating the situation and making you look even worse. Please take this seriously and calm yourself, as you had already been given many replies by myself and HPS Lydia, and the thread by Ethan was deleted, too.

To summarize, do not spam messages, and try to avoid misquoting or misreplying to others. Furthermore, do not insult others and threaten to curse them, which is serious as this destroys the community relationships. Moving forward, it would be smarter to focus your time on solutions, like a working with the Mercury mantra to improve your communications, rather than fighting with others about what happened.
Okay that makes sense. My Apology 🙏

You are reversing the cause and effect. It is true that I am very unhappy about this update, but my disappointment is the effect. The cause is all of the many problems. If everything worked just as well as the old version and there were no problems, I would be perfectly happy with it. But instead it feels like there is nothing but problems and degradation in nearly anywhere I look. I'm still noticing more new problems every couple days. Some problems have been fixed. Some have been partially fixed. Many are still not fixed, and the list is growing. And you wonder why I am not happy about this? Because I give a shit, and I want a functioning system like we used to have.

I am bitching about problems, because I am hoping to bring attention to them and I'm hoping that they will be fixed. And you are bitching about me. So both of us are bitching, but who is more of a waste of time?
So both of us are bitching, but who is more of a waste of time?
My "bitching" is about letting you know how there is a way to complain that doesn't make you look like a tantrum thrower. It even got to the point that HP Hooded Cobra had to answer to your tantrums. If you don't see this then it's just a matter of your ego. This is my last post on this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
